1 -' to avoui dueitress atter eatîng. 1I-------- - ý-an-e-a-iecingsti--ngt t TIto frst step is to regulatu te la a ,e'orea la force, 10offset lic Jpaeesuccosses aIsen. lie bowes. jRusss sîngi ceutrotit at Lino- For titis purpose Vmg ssoir] l e h lotover- aihiigar] having tic nti'aa-gii pcuI - a" lA YU'im ofpeeninen, il w-oduldhocompara- oïl 'lu, -DIli 1 ivoy ucsy for tie Ruatians du cross Equa. Lati lmes cnimetcstaute- j insw-i]mkea ttod Illi alu mene f igston cueres Dys- MIver. Iu addition Ote ier 50,0 pepsia an Lepriary causes leud-ropmse]bw-n iunc- ing to ~ci1g ';'d TaLurgLCuthilfUo5na BAISIItGPIMI ES Wcr 1eo!ti cxIlti t te mdone TMets what you ced; oe Tice r c ito- eb.liltnitO htuusiafcyans. 'uor Uj uipsi~, oni';ebvet "LoiuIl ior ebc~leipin, uts ancd r la e r boi . fewls. Yanu gi T bs cr] mii m n-s o o ig a t cO a î ythiy o w-u usfo frnirotlcl. snics hisd nis.o Im tetets ý1d c l aS i dio ccli-en., l w 1 n", m hitji mi, I-amy.'lieHutli hnr maneml mci rdi-n t roc hicc-us , os sd h1 'ue imul la eradcaMohst!aWti c i iwC arnis eah ad iiottecr nprc- tr '.. axriuna n. alrs-hra sgt oup nr eao uj1 I olrr cailpairv, ar-d yi-cii Oa bet toc spondti hîai at lionne reatiicg geeru jMagazines aitif ann booka oii ap ers. 'Mako thue homne rcdioct n se il ne a hie,, net ahoni ou wuud îeep tic bo S o tir ;fC!ri ii j )o on' in nnrc a b-! NOI-US FROIWM DAY TQ AY TI C MILBHUR11N'S E A RT EPEPlLLS9 are n les (, io Ilere i oîtltea fie(-, cureNreareoDSe esnaPalpitat:ino lie Real, Falt cr izny $pem, W'eîînca iitlsnen nr ltrules peuîubo vcý aA lit îî1mais o r ed7nýý I~~~~~~b- w-rxcyai uadw,-as tdoIcl -,ea~ fotrp attno Iuli earnýi aînd tweuictsuý' îuizzyI w-cur] mueh he-maamyr'rk anu] down. so Cc-tiho lie rtiu nencc i at least to the Poshil il wr,'hich î ~enters the Yalu opposite IiluangPien. (lf OFF OIt ARTIUR.There is nmore drawvu1g-power Prf,. fodli'son EZ,é,Official .Inaùy.It t in one pouad of Eby=Blri; the Do,n iolb Goiernpmenbt.report8 tha The number of engineers and artI- Si nli /t Soap contaÎins "no locding mi- On oth o~ cmmnsymptoms of Kidney trouble iicers who xiii procoed from Sebas- 4 cent** ture,'-ttmenreeyam ipr oa. is swoWln feet.it is frequently on~e of natures very first topol to Port Arthur lias beca in- ljvrrèsta wus srqielcroased ta 1,500, depleting th120** * ** % Plack Sea shipyards. The Franco- ~n us~ Ç~ldnys BlganCm., at Nikliep SPRINc, PACEII\G Tbey îbaish at once and for ail time- every trace t 56 rmca. The draft from the Baltic Wt h pA oigo aË yards for Port Arthur numbers 2.-1c 000 men. It is minderstood that în Cylnts hn10nyote ea i fgCosinO tofol xeinerques- Fro al rugits Oca.pe bx,6 boxsfr$5,odietro addition to repAiring the rsis od atonOdspiigo wntr a- The Bo , r pr ox -s -,a. , irect ,n.thy w îî hid trpe o-oatdesro - a unil n if m ns. To the presiding gnhis of Th u MÉC, xinie , i les atlbuPort rur. sde > pure, healiblul ivigoraffng !aral lbOuse, with Weil arranged col- at PortlArthnr.attr a the probiem is com- à TEA. It as stood tde test éf P"aatieySimple,;lenty of math EXlAEII'.yanrand m recognized l hals and nCspapers from which tuc The resignation of Admirai Alex- sedr eafrrcv n or OlveShaPess bundles-old boXes.ii XP N E O,î i [ indrd ea fr Tch nd uer barrels andl trarîks, and the thiug je if Viceroy of the Far 1F'ast, is re- gaddaj atsy ah.Ptr- aie 5 dune."kfrteOtg az nd ardhd asndamentalapsia -pt, Pepers 'I uîg despatch. It is believed that FOR Sw=E ]Y AMILY a Ai ch to work is to discard cvery- ~ AT L A Y'LI'S ILOT U it ilbc ccepteci forthwitb: 11E2GROCEIt tt h ___________________undeStood to ho the apin mntoThis b nelt a pica for wastefulne tho oto ,,kont fRuj aVT Hundreds of Ruîqssians lJrowned . by JJp- sbcesoft etheAdiri OXiOf; ahe- *,*, , e,, sh aves articles of wearing appar- mnan i Ce;tree levei tea< teir fîîrnishthe rmoatvlubeoffr ri. According, togsspnoY- . whih she knows full inill nvidiiner ea uresAdmirai Ale-xieff's pas- nover be utilized again. *th sr setting of Boat2,iinla be edrd mosbe Before sorting out the w-iter litewater; 0one loepng teaspoofl- t iZon'tfergt ic r aa ___th_______o___________ ?con-clothing, lay i apientiful suppîy flo, ai poIvdor s e i ihgus and with goox by th succssiv a ont- I ~of tar Legs, ean nexîspapors, tsu tho flour. Mix sof t, eut baif an dressing 0Ofdue, rice aue fi A rumor that cannot ho substanti- of whidhi i~ reiied upon to capture al veyed by th uý,ie apin-* papers for wrapping delicate fabriesinach tbick and bake. A pincli of W llt onc last fal. atd one fo Sol f non bioc. Thusna f ati hu mns fAdmirai. Maka-oroff, Gon. !,,....:..~ oesfrgrinswoes~ ~sait shouid lbe added.Dntneettori th gap gageaient on the land near the mouth capturcd have beeni driven to Muk- Konropatkin and dia kyl m"il~ xst ho preservofi, sweet lavender to Fruit Cake.-Orio pound brown su- vines and fruit trocespcal h of'theYVAlu Hiver on Wednesday, says dol). Neither money nor receipts are 11e w-as not con5uit ed regai ding anym's adsme9r al oudfou ite;trc-yun )os hy London despatch. To u o !'given for the animais. h eptch!of these appointalients. it, 15 :added DBEI UGFT.pate îrngfn esaiugr onepouaidofsourfted;butr;o- yoang ne. leytas bcos ou oThdsacantimoth preparotion. R must becorh ordo otndbte; os odt otanduîi h thocapur o!PoTh rtuis gidstattefriacorsodnsthat Mileu Admirai lex inotified People w110 think thoy ae pooriy, borneoia mmd that thero ilenteiglit oggs; 0onepoound ochd of raisins jway they shouid go. crntuincSol inTanwh hx oePdnpodgeAthutheCeCzar that hoihadhoisto!,d bis fg carn nSol jý-snreportswtohaeagieetanfi cu'raxentsded;nr>u oedo-hai f pox a-d dndhoncitronepaatPon.ant put offllulltlgettIlningtryoiur galut idenI that Japanese arc enbarking frm jnot to divlge fthe, news of thereus flag on the battle5hipSevestoPoi in %n f rise neakateyohr e egg and etho -oth prpartiii.euin n &p(et. -rojfu ,pýsadfuý ,e orea for anunkondsnto. of egg- t or of Russiall-ossos, successi tulAmiai1MaLaron- gis cn fp brekfs, roast Led -or Sonieackïi-iuot nreatn u aln rp;oethepfiaes nC d ruit ro ni ti o ihe St. Petereýburg correspondent o! which miiay awa'ken publiC nnunineS . palhen apiîïîodAdia dmtofsmkind o peo rapckgbu oe li Mil c-loves and One autoreortcd. 'and n mi ri hce n o!o-haîf tuh bcoroof grapo orr arructn"nd doteriine w protaiiwre Aitheeed d pwored&teeithatthe Japanoe have ports tht the Japanese outposts aeIasinf1eel,!tiic ac Eaýst, ig oof the sPp,ýjor and calioýd nalch.-ad net osn1ý!1a i moth or evolrin in îrcc Hkeoi Ol loaf one thon send lto somorn iU ses bornardo Ne--Chwang and lande e all *ýr the Rwussian etrnhmns.jinedmra leifIs sugsîouficdanrrod te at olththe og eii heatil iîrnplkis,' n-bîfhurornrsrnianfr ýhPnt e leurs. Wlo Mw-ii obai to ~joui Lac c bodie Jpese -carefvo e i imr Dbsof eapit anla oty fasiion, are prac'ical- 1n0 emount Of socaliod PrIenti'o Cofice Cxko- C Piotofbedyonoucnge tesre the: force which le suppclsed to have ililes distant. While tho Rïihia.ns 'ed. Admirai Aloxiefi's reti, otyoWTiiuYTe atFvnre arc, ;en uecno bo- U t~~ri~ereet 1ïzi noar the mouth o!fthc Valu i eofinmg acrosethe river fro- xOiiimuremo from power the last o! othor desirablo ,And oconoir ayt aotegrnnetoog-loebl!cpbte n i usr. Te gvrmn a Rix'4- thro day ago.lie eory i Core, the crowed thir botS tothosexxho -ore osponibie or Ru- of ie pcîoidssupplel batde iesi Y Clpac{t a anirr], hatononfi yiks o tw-oeggsadttithtiestifly elii t yo thisyoortheibisery Ooubted. such an, oxtent Ctamnany o! the bots sian's policy before tihexxar. It is foods. Seo n bofrotpeîn.icael, ten w-bites.Cew- worus mix- maIl m aydboheateon finoro deptht h odnTmssunk-'or capsized, aad hundrode Ofnt expected that ancîlier viceroy A very littie, study wouîd pottrtn -ii h newer i uclto tho dougi very eeeadtoaot n ith e despatei to th Londo limes QiOh lannplsis ut bc nasier] iiti moreo , ulyiîith a lha]! tee spoonful hbe from New-Chwang says that tic Rus- thoir occupants w-ro dl'ouied. Iw-ii hec appointe-I duriag the ixar. ithem tîat in the glun ef grains vme tieu ordinary dore, as flhe cil froi oaci of cinnameri, cloxes 011( nut- DOn't loave a Plefgrnw-o haveaetisfactori - ti ska i parcufolratracieg atoaspoonfOf' an oto Split next summo -o ti -Sian- are donudiag tie territory West theaxske a suhetituto fortracive g tsoaedt- of thec Valu River. Tlîcy Soed out DESIROYS FLOAIING MIN1E1S. tic albumine o! beefseak, and that ta motîs. For thline 'asit.ioanoonfurls of sweet miik ]3ake warm and the wodldr an parties o!fl!ity Cossacks dai, ecdi TuE JAPANESE PLAN. Cnact mne aebon funiin irute xve have a x-ory satlsfactory thoeliauscalfo slould insist upoa lA tW-O looIavos, aller letthng it tougi. Split At nowwhnti n soorco îusî nedtbjuý_rest inti uJhLrioauly lighl. te acotooeaincse A eopth to the London rExpress jfloatlng seaw-ard, forty miles trom Sureo! the proteids and fats. A îavin.g the noolleri isdtoog Iî ix woCP5 nthrimecootheos a pi ti fromNaspaki ywn f inii ape Shanig-Tung. Tire o! thoraj judirt ous coîîîbîntion ofcfrerais, note ly asmoths look wifth fao oripîoum i Cýlots- ýi I,7 u chopp-Id flUE amNagaaki by ay f Japaosad riswih civegetablos as thie oile used la strong oa, ca d nuts (oliadsanad peanuts rix- Itic shed ori ient plsotie uu w dais that an enont M w-r discovered and destroyed by lan fuis, it se- Li~L~I1 iÂIIU teînnacoafded o ti corespod- te .Tl)a1050 oot.are oxeryw-hcravailabe, f urnishos a ain saîl, fiat huadios ad mark îog- Or]) with Oie cp nînsio]ptata or Don't forgot tichet-iebte ot siat Toioncdittiecrsonn-at hieCapee îaîglrigle edîa]ocef tycnptn deay.by boiled rire end a beaten egg; soason odd jobs you can d -t o idetit soul nt ho reveaied, al, the Chinese coaet 1iearing ost Soutih Te popular boîi tiat auts arc Meas suite aad xomea's costemes ih toponst, tapo tob.Iyohvealtiabiy LyEnpoIUL AI OI>NEIY important statement, o! w-ici he at a]aoi wny-five miles 100 ioarty is a isallprc'ioosion of shouir]bho adi dusted amin end arkad~tapo uhro ata ieto o a aemn ROYA MAL STAMES folowing s tc gîi:-distant from VWei-L1-lii-the B" ri- tic lacts. It caoe-fo irîtic prac- If la vory bad conîdition, send tiemior tomiatocatsuf; shape lato cut- carpenter bille; if1 eyucna Fren I apn dosnotintar]topusi tic i t.isi naval rondezvoîîs on the, China ticeofo!eatiag CthorA tor ue ioarty jto the taieors or scoucer's befoce losd cedago cl aibenbo nd cruniba kleast bang the door itj f t tî,,ntreal wr to the bitter end. Sue ducs not station. imeai and eseciail,ý nitor a lijiral in- prig IU-bhvet i ou end agle ro .lotpcsjhigs utyotcfokngas w-a - ~dolgonce lan coe rloaof i. T Io Le! ore tic gacomiets are doooed la niy be stock la ticemsraied !ropair the bock eteplxtcfne 1011enia... ........Satrd&y, may 7th. q .m1w-si to nuie Russia, but s YM'AfHII PLE.ru errt",cfehstorbcibd tc il-ataxa, addretinits ac ditotto thelaO icboerndpuetc ts gor wrkl tavz-,i ... . tlth9 a. ru.î solser] to the removai o!fbe-tu aýb o nîctrbrild t . Cohicny o'î rond rîst itOo ur art aaandpuheg Prt'îar Lr7a m o e accmpli unt,-xith ite irsual proportion of mts.Cle talgmn. t-or r A ticiittmesae Parîrîr.......Fday crbex& tbemenacecf1Russia's pow-er ia tie A despatch ta the London Stan-ftan hn oot r lvo r eottgrownai, wh iich for Sce one tOs "o e ici, as teeare no an. ... ...ri Jne 3 riC a. in Farc East, and is confident tint sic i dard from Tokio says tint anîoll aong iiwwl cuavlhesc Bavarlan ujjo asufitte ssemwt th: , m c Icîîacepli? xîi. Se ilde- tiîoletters o! synmpatny that ntene osuxetTh ysomwîir asen oud sew-luhoern avot a e le 500rngesChot ocdico lrof 4 to 6 teti...........: th: cla m a i acon t.ue. Sic arccSTRWB 24ttr e a n. strcy ns moniy Russian warsiips as i pouriag into Japan !rom i allparte ýfateand protoid. Noe iorbdbeuethesOYmard i ohansticfi'et. anges. 1Cup fnecpdo! coiery, RdcdRtsoPasg.possible, arri capture the remanader. lof tiexold, is one sont to th, ,mii aeo o unihma ag- ue amns uha PaeA m ihadmi ih Tesrwer fltso asg.She xii i nntake Port Arthur and ivrsiystudents A T oko by Polisi idier. F aton aI aprope r tirne ari . 1.-irge crteraand o ots shuria lace ynnito dc si adxwih Tcsrwbnr ed oclia ],i miri,h.ia anid Bavauan (Sinmer Vîndivostocll, and make lber position studorîts et Lcmnberrg. !nveîtly iop- ticrouhiiy msiael. tioy B"s'1he ~put w-ay initac Legs. s md disi and garrl si with etuffed ail important îîais okopi cones$o75 la d1.inCocea sa im.-pregnabieCtIt RmsuseA Iig tint ticJapaose cw-iiLe bcvie- le o- n anb rmc-rbyM altir'Y sto- 1cor n atlîroc sues, 30150 imOes, eaivsson tep. dclro! weeds.1!tewod ar i c'î o liia-Liverpool and] Lendondcrr ,,arnot poeiby gain a footicîr] tien-. tocioos, andur] îir ig for sylpati- marhi'. But tu taicf ocen ilas- ;"0,60, and iloau. he garmonts, ___.v ery tbick a iîgit cpmg it a t'rtl'n 57t Oiir temest4 LironIiiaili tus is acccrnplisied, sic etirc oasideation flic tieiolisisifftOi sams li rsi v- uair atcppe nr ui oe will be necesear.Iticar tzn xta iers ithe RussianarawoaelokdA oi, u sesc A untergofOi ot ane, y, ;.lo o my 'Cr CîsSlra cc)nimiri.,on. every wifiioffer terme ! ofnece, hinig at- G leuo r okr14 o, iî ueýsdb r<5I 1 i eulîin en a~rI o 00 min ul imeth tiiig fou" l- -ï2'i ïnd 'Ii. Liverpool], rie rt. îainced the objecte for whirh she w-ct !occed ta figit agaiusi iheir wibislas pecans, Fainsi xxalts, filonssb'owd le iung close toethar iii t'ho Plc-harir. A field or 1e]i ic ie anti ammonide jeLtedonp ti'îîî fiuîoiycoil' d-ttchueafod.ALt fllaî.Gls w oda.Tlrug ,e~to war, bot uaiil tuis is acconiplisi- CAa ASL tlWISIP nid anoi ia -ibouaso ak ne I duuu ie o aie -taranw Ocde wili, ee ftclen t0 InEWYobÇ O LS 0W c, iex ii e lta10norPr-pesSteiLy sst INr] îy iedugix eu aUt Ponols ocke] tovsoui-ic terioi, xamner] -IHecraper] out, nîeed mri rlosm isle a nyL ceWeun W hpanc !he caibResastitaJaaeo rierL olbed, fn~yirssi amuidmi]tiiorougily; ieaLt"n a-id îetircned t10 xxcodýý Iag. Cî'ia............ 0eda. 4y1h cpsai ofh«pt«MAn ncndtina a- I e nslit eao o nrcfmeolail atmolIbcr niescc tcrujisefr 1tic io soidietiae .S...d........... 25thwas sunk ofitport Arthur-, Apri i 15,1 ihsm mp ia-cP otma li sme urm.t sart.A arotres a ieu e55 Thrî Gable,~i ANIOU 10ENLSI. andtiatticJapiom aroro musli, coo>kor] ionîiriy, ou rbnd pur]- Lace slreuld ho ceanil d aidr rt bt.Agrdnt e, TuRs Ma MGS NOW O TO HNNIS.cruisers I isehiaanddEneoga îveîo diiig, ad îierougilv haiedr. Irîi nway in tissueo ppr. Sillis, eatnto 9,ta naSinnilber.cî tla o i -ktqAINd Eve'y nOrNAND.lrw-Thetiousands a fc s o! fromdamagedr] rspcctiveby beiow- and 'lotions of nîcat Onu honnmade by tihe adribLons enou]Le bcm olied, andtoaho doacon a Ilag claio Vorpiy t liedJaaneso W'aOfl-luitiOOdCdabove the waloi linc. useofo a mixture of note andr] ocnî, Passeeneieeis andappliqus should li ns aw-lu have 10 bo calerin Adth M A JAt4ES, imon o exery fa ppldeicatondition n î baecbl nv n ooi edustemi, bits o! tirear] rcmiiov-ed, Doî't lbai ,broke npl aeae 0mon w-holins to do uic i v M A JAViilen o ee0 ag AdEROL cndtio ed hey e doene adctýa 5Ondr]thetr-îning collcd neatly 'lancep-air uiiiryoniare ready t10usecrepent o! net havll aode]i b offrn le ppictions con fomt he 1TOSHODIIN S. sainie.aiiey011, ar] ae cistarch, box-es or w-:alppr] la tissueIpalier. ilîcr. You ivilli i- Lasthon and by not kecplng tCmnes ipe fot.lue orplicaions 10 g rm onsd10 tiean aerih nlaait- lic canne procedure sirouir] ho jtinne ilib eari money. Do it noxv. hest summor. Il-x rdshdesa'dbys10 Sait placed under iaking tins 111 cogon., od ahsa tioeag to en ldie in ti anrmby sl le li veoxiiprxon. srconet eaestn Itclco !le le dopted tor iniiinery. An oid Luok or ail thne tuols at ordd spelis Vo as s an stbem n QI Pe rg la nnor. in e aro! iti heap- heom vecorcing oen t ie otr.1at edBen l. i nre ti- ape fnany ho throw'a away. but ils nd raioy ]ays, tigitea hurce, sec maie a perfect frilio o la - peglnatermang ron 4t eyadvnegr. Tviii removflehe siainofseile nnuis.o Teo rc xecy vveelcoxerirîg na ho truseir, liat Sprinigs are strong, andr]hlin- bernies. No kind o otiieaso fcomatschina.fomnults 70teainand iaerd wsover] for ta atinicsaelle ape.s oplenienutitre lay geodnexandockingor andersaae- -heientow-ngoon plklantsdewanhonc w-eton lint ofteifohiowiag tic Samurai cus- miiirinceointa.e celicloos, anr] are rdchinmiprotcirle and Iu'atiors ehouir] ho put la boxresj if nccessary gibotinîa coat o!f-paia, frost or dew-,oraerowt STE A SIIIP. ~ niOfi~gn tîir npîicnione -iîî Before boiling ou îey esosen onteptcntie di SE M IP.tineir gn tbioo appiantoenh are saucepan with i 111e iot w-ner; il 01.- y o I eaqsonieri-octio mi- aund sprinklcd iiti lavonder. IleavY paint. jstades. 'If it hasho olce - i w lod n ev laewill prex-cal lie mlk sticking 10 gestive, o t ts orctvp iik llýwaiets eiîouid he stufffer] xilh )o't leavo your tbols unsilterer]-soi'.'around anid lwenplns VORTLAND TO LIVERlPOOL. w-ioliy writen in bloor]. Voiunleers lie boîîom o! lie pan. cipllawhici noIe kinidlyInai nue forinS tissule papor andr]paoked singby -in tlus seaeon. l'ut thini inas Soonu Sonne kunr]o! muleshu h p ..îrIi aet e enaccepter],utth ofonigsein.pllfb digitfa bxe.ns you havo usedr]n. Il ivili plier] t0 keep lie bensea.ha Cailo.fb, ..c CiîO.....May 2,,haveii, t hTa bu tietins bihwasî w-cii 0emiîciaestnon. siJb!atc n so! iThebos. motn okadb ae nuht a h ie 'i ti ab a jew! lgtus. -3iLei . - v sofficiais are mach pioncer] aItihede- iiti a itte hot uater; il nl pre- jin noub etctn u]so-y h ot motn -rra rySN oui 0îa iehrr a l~ 0h impuesrw sa D uur, îr Mî er 11uueror... Jine 4 ire o! li- eplre ta aSsist in the vent tie mik sticking ate a-g te ticwl î bei- hr ds a te It netani hePc-duC h bs eso.Mear s ida uch fp war. The applications xvilb ile tm o! the pan. trewig paroxina o!f'-&art bora " ng o! fort. ho aominnçw-ho ivai- ing abioder a-hich lia donc sec- to bcho d aay otlie ]o rs Srirccianiîrtolfor &H ebsssiefi tan fthticvoltinteoesar-o neoder] toce Ta eo tins big ivowsiw-olniAilmondse, -ac sî emd as auiîns ien fors, yct cannot afford coir] vice eixteen years andi saxo for sone or straw con ho use] ;,,Ssi&5a nce- e 55.who are now- applyiag for active sec- iih strong hot soda, and noter; A air] 10 dste, but euocî] fot Le storage, so daradcle 0' mw-ru places somisa's as gdas To ivepoo ~3.~-ToLonon 40 O ire xiii begiveui lie first opportun- aiea dry, polish w-tti a clou anti a x-r-rfreeby eoloii. eteierclaur]eainsem theai -~ cvar ustcb !wek culir] ,wuind aorîditig ta ,t"inr rard berti mly. 'fie autioritie ioeebeiiei'e blin-tlittho pou.dorer] ihitiar. Nextin l odoî caie-aiutt ik stcn cn, lirnmti a' S-~~ inirpltb Lcauseiba or "I don't know-wiîrsc ia ror fa'-tlier iîsrieulars aPPIy toauaY aguat l 50ý0,000 volimtors xii easily hoej Parsice înay ho kept fresli ar] a 'ory note, Ibiberte miBeml nt iotiigpac frii-ti, O ledeor aguo l asowo lie curu,e, orW btnaiej oor] ccior forn several dnps if Put j t ails ! of eniaiT, boa or stole I îllîout n crvnîacovering anrd ivos i iakn ii rpofrd1 THE DOMMUW N UNE, --imto a ýcoveror] culleo ~inj-ar i a tc0oolIsoîdhx sea t oalw wsieuried tb the sher]ticheWy lcbssopr l.7 St, Sac ramne,1t S týe e t, "AM0n tr Eal PISEVRWIEE1-plc;i wl i met nAachdi'lneu ho A CAt FVUR ITý eAL l .nuoreircalniùnî. reun-10("a r]îry lmie h ainewasct, limeriogn nootcfr i licopfora*liions o! lhe Ruscin i l eiiniatr gr icsni e ope1ae i'igible ne1e snml usinsalscaot oou ienLndn l iofnîelm M. AMJAM ShAentia aregreatiy iami.orer]by Cope îooking MnuteecnmrîsjIumeriier, nar]in four aceks a sinMe maddonc no more w-en. Why?7 - - y-o0W'm n l.le nnes unîbor o! spics, Major- contoattention arpeftci-'--ndoica ahylepî ! d Aoiessaes, negledi ! Ilrce hired GecalRadscxticmma]igji eoiewis ie .roo ni tiey varnnet do thora propolcy xci- jy siarcsig goacationsai-rmatiredolr cae] r-bnenaoe -p p '_leNahSbqiaRil rgadeý, p-odoce vmdorr]gcndr]food ceoketibcoui boab ou h, ruricpmoilcApi Ds-a i rnent. rnivlysfocs il pay teabr xened saston Japanese have tbien ad-OI iioni ivouir] licpoicoois. iItcf e the rîii jl di ogai-itr'jand s anrecdnprnicbcsfe Doui iîakli bbr xpndofi vaaeo! tic couveriiont location o! tin lrng Lecomes a'oun il siomuir]dgiearp-vlgsati ofî ! froinu nuti innoade, icause tJic heaiitifyimrg thne icn~e grouiids la i~g--Cw-agicuci s ulio! pIO. i oce ierena o].otiiors. -Protby.i tii'-cfourthis of tie acide empli yod in clyeog are pOI o L. il nili ami,)double ils cosl "la tic guise o! merchanîs, hog- Wien miii bouls over on tie stoxov cr"s niee 1iitc r0 nus o xuîhiuecl'iIte cmoeaey vaine o! tîxe place aur] tliik î~- ratul i' unii irn-o] L n ithlcae, i at ny nsot.t - xuiw i ae rd h niWmrvt j-- >ù -e , grrag-pkerc and lackeys," soya on in the oven, eprinlule a.ick laue muolibcr cous oranlyi me spaîs. ithat nsrov .n'Qutic Ceacrai, '1tînse spies coi!! cxery- on o! sait on tic bunniu~g miii; lot and wata ashianie it is for peupleo . , . s wstaicrA auriappournînco. Farc Up theoruihit me-îUne w-icre. ley have grýOw- Pigiais, it reliain o !ew minutesliter-rbusi ho gîtto ho anti igit l'e, ivoli aer 05 ccig iolaheanti brnicr pîut il mut e1 siglît, ci-, houin in tîy x .o..r..r. li jmit n'1fllatiw-ci] l iaise j ar-Meut. I, , tarcaur] traitae tic yard] as Seoarit thie w-th- ~ asbiedrSes -'.. _ - - ýp d usfl i h w rd a ivardlut al eb a es. 30