The horm! Vow urny of O= bur llew inany ho has eu rio! TL; uî fiLý;ýy times we lin\e had wheqi being It took years of experimenting to find the blend which z'.i-awii by bill o-, the coun a beavy and, r.',-ýzh meal will roaCs! In how inary seules cf mor- à pynMng bas lie been an essentlul be unattended discomfort 5C part! And often in thires of sad or sckuess il betre going ness Ile lias coinc to our holp. ýh5 to bed, yon YCH lake birds! Yes, they, toc, are worthy produced F b y .]B îa in s . ......................................... ... -,f hile. They are our wood- laiýi! al-a donnap our sorigeors au 1 - rr ý-esses,, that make the day, IIINTS F OR TIIE AMATEUR. ,ltý1i as the night, ý,OcaI witb magie. c 12 tic 1 Foe fowls - of tha barnyard and the In measuring for a skirt pattern mitle of 'ho fîeIds-thùyý !ooý are give si-PIY the waist moasure writes wcjýtliy of ýheir hile. Th correspondent. There soumis a It is from the In et Imail, Mucha and. Plantatio nultiplicity of tyles to choose froin Lle opi ý,àiu Of JýýZi l' oin Sold Everywhere, Sa boxe, 25 cenb.' 8 beïks and is the richest àiîd alost delightftil coâte Y 1 ý-a !Týrý ý'ýoLnbI ý,-_ el a- lu the making f a dress skèt, and soinetiiiies of great veine the amateur must consider the mat- Avege table Prepi erialý to bc used and the figure tu that moncy can lbuy. ..................... bideous silake this after- %Vhich it is -to bc fitted. I say -fitt- fing the bteLIidÉ -ip 1 saint imt smmmr tu a fur- ed,- for 1 consider the perfect fitting 3ears tl NF-VER SOLD 1N BULEî orfly In onle-pound and, 4 UNG A a sIcirt quite as necessary and 1t, sýcenicd tu bo, Ill colors and iins a,.id a1ways et 40 cents a pound. ý"lt it in tý.e nilddle of tl'e rea ly quite as Much a vvork of art you lýiII it'?ý' f as the perfoct fitting of the waist. A âgna 1 ÎS turi IL ICS sIender figure may wear aIniost any promotes Vigestwnî,C_ý kHied il: Mbat are snakes e Of the Prevailing styles, sheath, cil- r- OR SALE BY ALL LEADING GROCERS bý:t Io kill.- 'op My frienj- ffffffffff+4++4+++-++++4 cillar, tucked, or p C,5 answered. "Ail sp.allýes are not Io lait- with yoke OpitidMorpliine nor U hili. 'flic Poisonous snakes are to COOD CHýIrEj,:Z, enoct, with ruffles, shilling, and su 01 on. Put a full, large. figure will kill, but not tibose Mat are not pot, Blve you had a kinduess shown ? -car tu best advantage the skêt -- - - - - - - - - - - - s 011OUS. The snykes we have arqund Pass it on. with rime or more gorts, bore, for tho inost Pa", are a great Twas not giveti for you, alone-- whh s4afis 1 running down the semis, or some blessing tu the farrrors. They hill j r P 7 1 ý 1.; Ira. Pass it on. -ne ation. similar ornai 'nti the bugs and iiisects whieli, dcýstroy . Let it travel down tl-ie years, The cireular skht 1 cannot advise 1 ps. Snakes are-not aimrays Let it mipe another's toiirs, for ariy savea film, close material, î J.11111-LIL, kj ilit Ccmrý-,îiiy, but oliten th2 hiend, or Till in heaven the deed appeam, es mything lue Imm, gineain or man. Yesý my brother, we should on, sý nilar 8ýO0ds, will invariably droop noi, only ILave the ox iiiiinuzzled up- with wearing, !fi those parts whîch on the thrashing fleur, because , the PiGG Î. ri-in lilas. The sheathskirt is the 15(icîlllE;e Ili Et Sence They Can Love as labO).ýr is alwnos w0rthy of Iiis b,*r,,, One morning in the latter part' of- Sinifflest for the bý,zýgiiiner. This may but iiie ý-ýh,,q) ýtiul oxen and cattle March'Unele John found 12 running lie Hned or not, aiA là onher cage Aperfect Remedy for Çon5(if_ý- We Oursolve--,f Can Love, pnd bon-r and HAI and 00; % ord 1111010 pys in é,ý pen, 'Plil; mother VII Reed ta bc L""I on the bottern. tion, Sour Stýomach.,DiarrWea, S EVO aump PW gag IW, Au old wowin who If lined, a narrow fmbg (4 inches WormsConvutsionsFeyeristi-- perhaps) (Untered ac t of die la r- ý-7 a!lýî didn't will bc suffIcient just- tu nesse-ndLossoFSLEFp corft,19 to, ýýc je car .!Aher the colts lied, beon, ,ýiIt tu il ment of c 1.1. _ (iý) ývith go Lm,, and lake a mat nndh pÈ the bottoin af Thousand Nine 1-lundred and P-)(ir, rur_ ill tas fiolds or about oi, ANIM LS. as the little pigs (madd noi le put the seani.s. (Always press the seains T'ac Sinilite, Signature of bY 'l -onto, ait tbe ycars, however, bedg pý -41 -ý'prt fil,- '-hu Open, having first bound or over- 7' ent of Agriculture, Ottaw 1 a st n.) Then boni the outside ljýy thed ovvriers, they werc read,3ý fol or 1 lie Society of Ainerica but kept wigglii, bout, sonie of ci thon the 'l'ho lirsýt day on NÀ ilicil! bi -it obd hme to bed ]Me the oh? sumainib children, _EW let 7 1P A , despateh froin Los Angeles, 1 soiretillies tiiiiik Mat the, Sorti were in do of net growing P c'or the facing about an inch, wits put upon Soin a birds of the air, Iàs =11 as Se b As Lis well-bred 1 l,, and apply the braid. Lay this flat Cal.. sa-ys :-Iýov. Frank De, Witt the brille (-'a iýý, supposed to do. over the hein, aIIowiIýg it ta show 'Val' stral) mus fastened on the fore hoof of the earth, may havu an ardor of Uncle John cýý r, led two ached front the following tu inage pre, into the Lext : Deuteronomy xxv; 4, tLach Sera that they. must minci. affection evon groater thail that of kitellen for w days, thinking a very, little below the skirt; hand îiý iThat mus ail. After Me nirst twO sliralt lot muzee the ci: when bc nan if flint loving power of the sorne of the might die when stitch it close te bottom of skirt treadeth out the corn.- or thme days the horse Marned that heart à ever edlowed to develop. 1 there would be i for tho.1'ý_1. Sure without tak!nW through tu outÉde, Moses was the idst great states, if lie plungod De strap would bc ap- belève that a dioý7 cun Ime as a man enough the necc mOrlitig one of and hom. it ni-) at the bottom. EXACTCOPYOFWR', mau Sait I know of who reSgnized plied tu raisc his forefoot and 1,cep can love. 1. belève a horse can love those in the pen vas dead and More Il "-t the waist the skirts may bc hini on Drue logs. Having leagned ,vàs rooni for oný, mort. Inished. with a narrow linding of --------------- De rights of dwib animals. It is a las a man eau love, and a bill. als.- significant fact Mat Me lesson lie coased to plungo, and material, or inay bc just faced in Mis eýýrly 1 We shocild be very c--iýdul test we Piggy, or 149je as lie was called, the code of laws ho should have given 1 lie use of th(-- strap mus discoritin, traniffle upeil the hecarýs of the dumb, on the inside with strong braid. Do the one left in i 4, ý hu, op drank from. legal rights to animais as ýveII asiued. Then Dose colts were qilietlY place on the back of brutes, as sortie, of ils too often train- 1 lwtëe and Phyl, z:ý,,nd grew, in real lot Argot tu La, men and monien. IL was LI 'bitcheË'L by the sides of the i pi fashion. In a week he began Mis binding or facing, the eyes tu i horses and déven out Io idom The and i-iglitco" cou -se, and 1 tu notice things ltid vvould put lits correspond with the hooks you will c,7iýivers iiever jerk-ed them, but fi- 12L Ag love as a man loves? Absurd,- Il"e plia.ced on the waist, three in e, a on tant Où uni glad to rerrem-ber Mat we, top, 1 1 says suire one. Is it absurd? Have fore feet on tliý- thp of the box and bave not o0y laws tu prevent, Me M. talked kindly to therr. and use his litile hoùî,ý, as a. child would humber, thicoaxed theM. And though those Son nevel- Ileard of a dog dying from. usuago of animais, but also in its bands. By Soin a bit, ce. Humane society an organization toilloroes sec-irýed to bave withiii thom grief because his master died? my lie on Q NEW STUFFS AND STYLES. sec Mat Mose a re enforced 1 mt 1 ail the pentup ambition of Job'sý wîtr father once had a noble greyhound. box and call for hîs milk. Un, The Lead9 BpecàHds 25 Idrg ü, obeh. 'lien lie went fqr froni borne As ho Mariv of the silk shirt waist cos- Niue ont of every ter. men b VI' by every Charger, grew stroriger and larger ho would to show you this morning Me battle îln dog became so lonely vÈt4out Ames, , especlaup the pongecs, snow hands of Meir lý:ind Mat -avebeen guilty of transgression 112chryouth. Nature iiever excuses no matter Low yorng, thoagý Christian should Le in 1, uch miýh yet in the not stay in his box, su a, lien wa lace yoke or stocks with sniali V_ lie may be. The parilshment and suffering, correspon s with. t 1 lie Mat society and Mat its principles 1ný,,sjers tboýT bmanio gentle, lovable 1 ny fatiler Mat lie reluwil tu eat, Ind made near the kitchen, that lie s ý ý ý ýscave front lits ruizioLis resuits ir prop if t d should bc applied. to ail classes and il and docile. literp'lly died from, grieviiig for bis illight bc fed oftoii. shaped extensions doivit the, blouse. The DRAINS, erscient le maltmenttacou master. Alosurc! Did - yoli' lever 1 Lace and eriibroidered sleeve flouinces, eitlier by nightly fesses, or secretly through 1 à, Il ages. 'Phere is no reaqon why POVÎER OP In a week or Pn ho began bis old 'C', ý led-the NERVES m List be built Op and invigorateci, theblooý sec a (log grievilig arrolig the chîcf trick of clinibing ý;p to look over his i chemisettes, euffs, and other Id- ýle SEXUA14 ORGANS must be vîteized and devoloped, the t1ie admonition should bc linilteil to junets are uscd in quantities on the Durished. Our New Method Treatment provides ail thege mat týie larmer. The boy should bc An chi, gi-un-.T)y, dý-sp_-ptic philos-'; nt . fuým I? Again mil inl r elaborate ponget, shirt-waist a a fonce, and ïow and thon bal- influence the brain becomes activei the blood purified fîo tvcght to bc good tu his pet dogs ýopher once said, "The more 1 sec ofý1agaiu 'ý-1e tu f-irivý' a Ince bimself i1ýaý riglit and out of 0 e -tches and ulcers disappear; the nerven beceme strong asstee liat ]«3ilittl'3 ""çY terri0r, Ont Of the "coin his pen lie ,ji,ýe. Strarige to costumes, all, of course, bleing musli-, -less, bashfultiess and despondency disappear; the eyes becomE ,-iiiir-rels; the drayman emild bc', men the botter 1 IMp dogs.- T' foi and chai eu«gy recrus w the bodf and the more, physica not my idea.. But the inorc 1 sec, of duath. Eut ho wolild not go, Un ab]o and durable. to lighten De load H lis i lie ,ý,ouLd Lsso_ tems am ovjmad; all drains cease-no more vital waste from ton weak tu draw it; the of dogs and horses and catIle the dm the caect ho pn bMw aftoF ddi wÏM !ho r pigs, although Mnth the drooping shoulder eÉbec The varions organs becoule naturel and matily. We invite ail tý M "Mw at its height-or should one say and commit us couG&ntW!y and ime of chame. Coma G=ý,, c h ould bc mqUmd to b4w more 1 Mink they are like men. hour, liourNOI ho wMt frOHI tàey capered abus t 1 nt its lowest ?-cornes the indication and cure: Varicoc«c, Biono Euneum, Siiý-ý2 yýoiI vume a horse hitched roolii to rouai after the undevtaý_4_er two or Mme rode un ey. aetouEm, uriesur 1, et Aiivcring in the chill 3LI Discharlireu, l (1 In Ilflriiage. Supposing every ithat broader, higher shoulder cf- b1asts wi7iter; the sportsinýiii lind carried the, prodous bur&n nway, Wlien the kitel ý,n door was open ho 1 fects are tu pu% thorn out, with ehou, 1 prohibited. shostring As -n' ý ý ade ii, miss, op there mus to sloop aniong the For would scamper liq wN ADow Me Inn i resting tinie. fwOI1ý1 a kule nnS7 tu eut into s jjiffl week- Beauty was huntâg. little girl whc OU Crq throcigh the [Dis change WiH wme clowir nougi Pi Tf ""'Me A cWil, wM fer n QUESTION EnAIM ar Aurd garinents and , shuplm styl on The FW always hun uining room, ïr-.ýUo-tlie parlor, .ýs boi,, ý,riid the lowingg of the cat- i,ýILIuiiiulILIIY misixling le 'Vvoubd YOIL hurting for the doad, Ila-ve Ycý'u rhasing ý!,,c contre table, Present shirred, puffed, and over- rýýt always bc read-_ý lrý jump, to shy trim-ed costumes present but ont Wu and the neatAg of the slwep and neý ýr bail a Deauty in your haine? gruntirig ci & vwry irs AU of Un as ail the neighing, of the horses, whinnying and to rear? Supposing you w0IýLr) 'NoT FCM MAN ALONE. a dog or kP An. Tý,is was exc,ýýed- advanCage-4hat defects of our out- la 101, CCP lu r c for Med oats,, is to-da,-ýýr the friend' in a sLaU mith your hoad tied to a But, histly, nýe should lie kind and ingly fuiny nov, aud tilin, fýut ci fit may bu corcealed easily. It is in halter and the hostler wanted you Piggy Mat sin'PIY inade costumes or garrrients and pTotector of the dutrib brutes as to Over , ,, ,,, j of i gentle and îoving toward the drumb course had to bu Y opud, for the work of a firsýt-elass taHor well as of our fellow mien. the stall, and instead of placing iis brutes becIiise God loves Mora, and grew fast. Whuiý iie was six wecks' or rnodiste shows. CRUELTY DEGRADES. hm"' gendly Upon yeu and saying what God loves m7e should not de- old lie had tu In and. We, bave often wondered if lie turred out just The Louisine silks are aniong the A man's nature is degradc-1 by il- quietly, move Over,', hù gjVes spise. 1 used to thAk Mat God cre- Most popular, fOr they are soli, wear Ile this worid for man. 1 used to as a Cominon P'g after al- well, and bang More, graccolly Man y,, a savage kick in the 'stoniach'or ated dulging in cruelty to animais. Mink Mat all . other worlds were [oses lits manlinesq and acquires the a cun upon the side of the bond th flic taffetas. In check and solid % de your car ring and your bru7p morely emptn burrned out wmMs DANDY AND TIIE AXU'. ýefîects they are particularly good for ,nature of brutes. Ille undergoes in 'rt his lifetime the inetaniorphosis that CjjZZýý7 with pain. Wli, L ,On like the irloon. I used to think Mat Dandy, was a little dog who lived i traveling and hackabout gowns, om- K do ? Woubl you bite and kick ýim the other worlds were not worth the ring te Sud durability, while they the biggest eaters-but they get the orientais belleve lie suffers after with his mistress in a New York' are net death. In the fair east thore, is a, if you got the chance ? i doubt Ný7he- docOrntingý ai-id upholstering bccaloe flights iý - of i ar, Ise quite as effective in the apartnient flat up two ýhernostgoûdoutofwhattheyeat. Too it Mer nature would bc ýs long man mus not More. Bat nom, 1 bc- ý Imore claborate golvils. popular belief hold by multitudes; j stairs. They indulged, in the luxury j s is a belief in the transmigration of as inturp undm such lève ail wolIds are creaied as our 1 of an open wood Ide in cool weatlier, 1 ý ý1 inuch food often does as ranch harm as too W souls., This menus, in populai in, 1 provocaUow But if overy tbw Sat own world wag createil bcýcause God mi] Dandy mus the errand boy who FOR SUMMER TRAVEL. IâHe. The fàrmer wha ke"s bis cattle in i hostier you got a carvss loves the be'autiful and bas declared terpretation, that after a man dès l 1 brought wood from. the cellar- when One of the most fashionable fab- prime condition all winter-itviio fattens Ment his soui passes lino the body. of 'or a. péce of apple every limp bc Mat everything bc ertated in the ilecessary. (log or at cat or a horse Or a lion il ap Hes the cum3corab and a kind, was g6od. Yep God "bath ics for summer wear in. suits for One day Al«. Scott his mistress, 1 y qukkj--and réa spends Me méNum for feassuring word overy fi shrich- 1 made everything, beautiful in. his dicovered et had no wood, so she, traveling or hackabout Ise are the, -uses JuparoP Roywl W ile Sjdee. If keeps th and so lives on through the coming 1 anchaim, brilliantines, or Siciliennes, agesý If lie is a menu man Son lie ing origine, entre past 1 think Mat ItU i e " In his eye.s the trout iphng- said : -Dandy, go dovTri cellar and c hostler or driver nould bc loved and ilg out of ille brook and sportin becoines a rnean beast Ij1ýo a. jaci-all _g bring nie a stick of wood.- -je Ill variations of the salle materiaý. i digestive organs in sound, healthy condition-mak-es cattl or a hyma, if a good mari then hls 1 t-isted and obeý-ed just as my in the eddy ip good; Sci-, 'ure wc brought oýý, stirk ait a titre, of course mohair is not iiew, but 1 ", 1 - i neither ý à c.-joy ý,.,ýat they eat-helps thern ta get ail the nourishment a,, tul'es ulion itself ', le Arm. of a A Hd %u, throuch My kindnew, isbould not catch it for wantOn and trasà4d up and down stmrs 1 ils voile, and mohair hole-, in CI, 1 1 'tle saine place in the style costurnf-ý,, lýe;ist7 but thO12iýh lo Pon sud trust mil obc- kt h rot uequ !C hank. until w mbodbos vvs rpqunisiles) ofliay and grain-prevents stomach and bowc 'od tun,ý the ,liront uf tiii iiipý,litiii- sumady named as chies voHo in Soi Anioriua výf_- (ir) noi , G 1 Àw0y 'mat vipys un goy V a ý:. i trouble-and sends them ta inarkct so r,!t!iri 1iý;erw 1 WM 0 011, 1ý- ýffialiarata--visitmg ý _.-j "' j- in Ilio of y 01 r ou loifi tïi(ý -1u apmar à t1ý Lis Z-ai cotumes. u ý 1_ ý1- afid Fowici that they net i, handscnne prûot. ý,,1id 'l-, Cacl's thed a d,,;1-1ljl'ýn'r :Md ho leading insilion for inohair bMen a man a bme< "wm yOu a" et huccE ul 0 dOls i M' ww As in! lOVoýs will!o'ýt my Wood. Let us send, Our Illustratýd Bookleton 111 lwe you ta rý treit ý i costumes is the. T,'.!,),n cou,- and kirlu, 1. ý 'x du1alý brute ýýo is net PUSSWS ýc-!!! ýý,)1 lhi tA i 1 ueipful and instructive. It's Free. hyl t ce, V, Dandy," said àîiýý. Srott, whicli may bc quite elaborate, haviiig his soul at death pIss into i Meni with. thr saine gonGeness venu Y in 'cow ; 1 Sm '"nos "Mo the Yoll hoar me ý- 1 seld 'c"pg M) brail or strappings, and May hawvotu 111 the body, of a jackal, but ho t,,-Ies"whkh von ewdd treat ýý)ur feIIOuý -ýLrvv 1)alk ý;ic wood.'ý long skirt. But the costumes Myers' Ro-, al Spic, on the character of, those cruel, bc- man. Curses and blows and -yells ha-_ý been celipht in '7ie blizzard, nor I)oivisttirs went the IitL;î, log a i (I growls never made a nervous 1= loi - ývith Norfolk jackets are short stial, four legged scavengers of the -Il to loave for Our ImMuroil hsn& a second tirrie, and selon Mrs. Scott Ide ,desert, and lie becomes on, th horse trustfial or un obstinate horse, to be wOen in traveling ýor in Me Niagara Fée Ont. N oui' d cul) of water u, sill hearda. noise as of somothing 1being LA very time 01 Khabiess will win subniis- pon the wiiidow . and in hiýý iiature. c tie old . iin tinies of a dro,ýight. pulled or dragged across the cellar country, and these are as plain - -s'On in an animal, where terror .1,11CI severe as may lie. Mexicaii skimied a lamb alive, think 1 'G.d 'loves the lambis. lie unde floor. Going herself tu ilivestigate, was made licar can never produce it. Of course Dose inateriais make the ing Mat thereby the mont of et found the little dog III the faut, the swecter, lie destroyed' Mat moral JUSTICE FOR TIIE BRUTE. 1M'ýý shecp's gertleness the synibol ý best possible dust and traveling la divine gentleness, ClIrist was led lof the cellar stairs with the axe, the! enabIed hini tu Did - of whieli in his rnOuýh'l coats, and for Sera the striped as SOLE) IN BOWMANVLLLE BY T. H. sensiti1ýýoricss which you evex stop to think, how ýas a shcep damb before Ili,; shcarý-,i-,ý halidle 1 w"Il - f1l'. _1ý;_ lesson in a. more impmeKm- rwy 1 'ie ý- j 1 ý !ý) alwn, 1, , , r - -à 1 -ni Ici Chung-Kiang on Wednes 'l'h le se. 'me !ýý 1 Wed te b nsitive tl whi Dr. Çb11ý- t»t nOWý' ý--; -c-1 ti-, in min to ilqw;n n f uHd up and magt - mmb burned the new poliée thiiii when 1 passed two Ointment is a perfeci î)j ýjpjs ci jK, ,d th, uï,s,ý 7oute, C, robust bealte and W re,ý» achio il 1 do." iiioFt within a istoue's tIàvý3%,: ý)1 on-e ci-ire for isg pus 1 persons were killed or 1 Siï ?11 -Why, ou one box etired twil - mes wbor's extrenie l)f ilif, 1,irt stock f-,trniý, i1ý oI iý1, t - Il'iutt Magnif î wembers cf m,, lïlniii know rle. jcelýt ý?11ii1 ý, c"I ; !ý 1, 111 jj. tInq lampes jA3jpý1 wcil, ! Pal honzes woro fm_ :le co- ORMAT SALE 0-P LAND ico ,-di but the blood foi Êé-rý,v ,re ,-e ïý- un yu=" Ulm Mmic- t, th wýcv M;-ý 1 rogo ceswes Md Immuns A - lui 1 H& 02ARLING bm=m of sur un A- c- !, ý i ' ý1 "', ý ,, ý,!ý t1iat Ainericans P-ýid nue ou Md c=smd aum on moue ou ary son -11,rnhai l", U;/s lu "r 51,(D0Oý000 ior Far-,ný 1,auds. For 1nfàutý-; au il-ir hiKli r- D:. Chmrýý; A depuch fwczi timing mye 7t YP The Kind Yon llave 1; l,- ý ? W- Vi à, ;à rn"nu tu! 1hp Iowa! moyrn- lads ha phde A ahnimet «M'y As-W vWmà a bon The lndrts und lemon U C un Yom m ind ît' Ký!Uljý,iî.- I., il n- %J nwut han capmad il 25IMMI al D A. W. C h L--ý - W ae r* 1, ý 1 ý,ý l,ý -! ý, : i.ý- l!ý,ý , i l ý el !ý,- - -yý' r Iii- ;1ý i - 1 'îa!ýleý 'f(ý cbu,.Is P- z,;,ý - i of te Plibitli "-oi- : .11 ý - 11ý c 7. u C ýV G, G T Fr- fel Ce T,1-1 L V 1 C- e-ý!j:ý 1'ýý to Le v= 'o, ý!i î lëldH!sïXi und the vaW ie nUuedej