The u~ian Loss aýsioo Kle adcd tallions sýinef mares of lace vale than $50 acis. The dnfyonplteglas otbeel led in siseefs or passfot xeeda ses on square fect cdme. s l ,red tI 10 per centf. ;adl valo)rein. On fiscý sanso niateriat ifa siseete or panse exceedin- seven sqjýuare feot-and acf exed o2.5 quare, feet cis tise duty seul be 25 per cent. ad valorsm. Thsc dilty on sik fabines asported by usanulacturmeme rf i nens neceaî üà- for tisGe eclusisely ii fIels' own a f- tories is reductd f0 10 per- cent. ad ' ,1jJTSINC;PFETEB sc'l sttpriorty over tise foc.No saioreisî. C-aKuocs5lintic-rUi 0tise uits lt ,n iocttrl Con-! Siciassersfrou aîsy cosuntry enfiticd EnmOf-o,9uai'- tl.5lOe-t(f fl rsieori - Tishessm-to fiselBritishs preference le piaced in Ros-ia daclasestnrcpyig ai tte ~ aoiseftise1consek dis- Thc free list ile -furf lieýr exteuded tfo mats ci ane7. is Rasiss e e ne-epenteti by tise Rus- I'osoie tse fl ing: -Printing - . is i to a cnvaictionu tînt presses nef mande tal Canada, seiale tiise seul~seaise f .s ~5iV~3 b _lr1dtedc V nifs a cilvareacl)a, plain 'laic hiiotografshi'- pa- grrct arrn-t;, towsards Frit. aoin vios11s lose- ace ss' - - fc.An i ccttes3tifs ing tf0 teîl erc, li;dro-fiuo-sIlicic ucci, glass for --z woe twooffer "ro'în-csfteice 2f flics ,_nitisýr,ýoaftook tise manufacture of photograpiicdry deoandcîn hodreds sldiemlchleîorpa' tLn Yn n eturant, plates, frinent cultutres foi- butteri wosde.w-bis is fr0 5uienf O hby oiicers. Tisenking, lmaclitcry nof imade is Can- "Jnsîscefîcfs rece nratiii h5a- ss ein, diecasseti ant i aso ada for thismafacture of linon, usa,- ,issalrd srIti i 11ont exttaaren r e dsatenfteJapioqec-chinery tiot made fa Canada for tise sot - macclrpe hescKsrnntung Peninsalla, manufacture oh certain lrass goods, mor tiai fes ile fonsI irae sîns o, r wpse htu o rli rilling machines-y nef maude la ti lss-T a"n iii tise s aur-y o ooh Icbae a---' heii r-mfo Can sda, but not f0tîsiclude tnot,*ve "A upasee foecoh irecoIr' wuri,Is giseby tise Raciin ofilcers, 1Power, artif5ei,al fieus., quassia juice, ocohiisfnt,,an1a;at0qrn ho u o ,;e1,i tey admire thse couragse crade pafrolcuisfuel and gas rile. casabî a ysaadn cris 7 rifs ie li se. Tise free adission of înscbiiiory îril ;,gWan-C;-ý, i-ilIapbciann s nef nmade in Ca-sadc, use-J ~,ad fonil-'ng ni; Cioa Jro f'e JAPAN n-IS> 400,000 TPSOOPS. -eltsiveiy in alusial golel -sinlug le Fm-T ias--Tuuydistrî- t. driitsing ýe,-tendeO tîntil 1sf Julir, L905,. fa tse osias-t i t 5. A de te i- Tic Loi-ai Anzeigeî, oh Berlin, priats 1 s! imatod esventre for ibis c'irmert airi o riuanalsan-J of inïantry an iJnterssosv sitis Cci. Mecisel, hrus-1viear, $71,00,000; erdinasrv iieni Isatrr dfrsssf'lisditenid tise eriy rrfr-of o militai- atce f aeinlri o fko îeb pv Air'ac . is'.Tprtss nsto,o-d Japon, In iisicseh osaidlise cstinnated I,. Il '-ds, 5500000); capital expendi- tlsirneace, .ssn 1sfoss ont0itie i mie stron-ýtIi ni 300,000 fia Stso00 u r sra an- ami oîsuicdtscioffce cpttre -non îsmo 1,000resorves. île bli\s- carrent aisd caitalcxetdiu$c 7,- assdcriraisimc irlbc. 5V h- )ancd fisc, ss-re sf111 150,000 ircope lanC150000,lanhîsice .Ohf$,50,<tll nle ca' itiS. Ca tn lnO. tacfoctîftisai fis ctheflican'.iag fund. "fat ese olCessari-r n tie ~io -n;ea'e i1 Oclrsandi ta' o ePort LinYas t- se-'Oi-rinJîn rtnaa 1 -rOOIl nis. ioPUBLICTmo "YS. 7. ro een ' i e b-Jl-lirii of the Jaf aise'--' ldiece n-as , Mr. LenisoxiovcO for a commuttee an--e 1 corr.. tot ets Utstrs tb- tr -Jt.I - .l Ies n cc --l-sdc, f12e appoissted by tisc )rme Minister flelfrsg. isics tarcl astil7 p ta - ari rin, isearîsy orge-si 'ailonto cen lOti'rfisc Acf rrcspccting ts masCa-tais1.i lisio andse1 msso ldi- '7,as îeuiand fisc o.liners. VJo , eci mol nr-li irteysansd tise er llO ni 5o oO -enoiidd .' roscx 1Olfelt er mimablca a'dlt o cf T)ipblic accoants. -~leaders. Ile ii- stîuntedi six Japanese OTTAIVA E;LECTR1C COMPANY. IS LURKI AJIVA'\I\O? officers fis 1903. Tsefi- inoîvbedge as- Mfrr.Biset presenicd a petifion îrvenc iint- toiiiis ien, and lis papils uilîsciate- froms tise C fohOftawavaugaiast tle AI ,aoce lleOi-it ae ntr bc-aa-sceTris feacisers. psaocffthisliircspccting fisc Ou- ismoco 5 mîreti s~ ii'Jei; to~sassP - ---taira Eleacirie Compansy. oras'irrh as 'irtl siir' O i$i A NýS ,I.î,1 iTEm- noemrt Cea. Lo!ropaf' isisiakes- TvinMoniRAILW A.£'ACT. fl , ,ý rlc.nace s'satr-bs ei. P :ý,qfch to thes s _-:îsi s-î ficitis - tzpafrick infroduced lis bill rosI rt tso-Tis î-es'îsîui, hec I-i cn'sio sere-srlsiag ecti ti meidtis e.ilsay Act, explaining tise asîsry mts's r oseti tsesso do' Geisral StackeýIbrg, vme re m- tisai if ld sothsents. irst Cif mlig fitîof debariKt ion, 7bat pliscd us-ar Wafun itien Saturday, missoion srouide tsaititRaiiwayer th Ge. ti-oi ieaiss-cmd thi ansd retired f0 Tascbicîsino. .asconso1 ia' oîic se s is --'etmad. leIr. isei-nt an os0,-- en. Roti-opkin lesubLi atL Lao pot0aseto fegfi-fo posanig scogcolîsma tiat Os7oseYatig. buttI--bas thrrsn c uf ns ercecatsiu a on pIs vit(islaitcrcîaîsg d asctieRteiai f-ntao-îi'~~ohl0 1i-o-,f us ouîeadasf-ffie. Under tise Acf as if sf000 lhc -il aj cf at7er, 20 lisses nots n aprotetion agaiasf Cen. Karois -lad toaltifrtthfisspme mm- ohl-XîsgWai-~-isrginfliceiisg a 10isicneîr. 'lhere are daiiy conlint s was puiid fr u eldns I(ls ofWfJmen 1 etwen te Rssin ad Jpansecouic te tiseconeltusion tisatitIfexteu- il, ch100 isn. lse-tortvests t hc Ru!scts dJpaeedtOoaly te corsijianses opeafing la t 1s-goeî ssosion abot 'i C a: TtIfalso duO nef apply f0 ficil'faISninreisvni ieoh nIItIl P-LATIIT. nspanies cpcatisg illiîser the con- f-e-s dsp ttisfIî -as m,,Oe puiblic I jtrnt oh foreigu cor-orations. Tise sec- on isirenyuîiisl f isa fic i N-botes ohfIroceedings in tise Hourio noîd irovisie.n irosld stilsulate that s'a s itstmnialsta- -ti ii acod-oh Comnsons, tise î-ajcritv oh diretieo .ial an nît ln.i rovstio .ie)r- FAt~~ llEBDE, asbsidizeti railwai s ahould be Brut- s~~FA!jT-, atsetipioTHE 'ie-gistis lIi-ca si subiecte. le'osinflelei tabseîsf--isie . Mi, lfiin laisebudget deabi BINIIER TWîNE. geiî c -nous n-bs,les-tmn 's ic-- ierss1)Ittiratarlt. hoe Clany É tisaicfa mnuiîbes' of es' 0 mos--s onniea- ;' eal p-uror- . li- Iseroîgisand dxtailedir-c-eue hLsdriia'msesl a suaiiias e cistra-l, GIr- a-- rxi-t -i a-sessio-n ftr ncama-' foavoeld tcr t n ietsfs-isa hPort Aî-thlr- at flot- ii jî ireiiiers ofeh ts oeatIes tycrrn cle }eîs c1 1-"osîs fl, ilciset et-licites erv. -i u i c that sne lain18 .91.ladby iseCserscit s1a' A uu n-mgoïierai ta-2rif!, a 111i1111irs 1hi-at f fr1.J. ilorsKfe m~uti t.ltanif and tise BritisihsRis , an-J ise exie-asessre$2. -1 ITMNI D 0OFITEN SI VE. pefInr l i e adrpted ilion tise A/B AN lR Aer~stcsf0tIhe Lendoen Daily Otldeet o 5Oat iil n- 'Mr. Casgsafn mas InfonimeIl hy Sir Mari froîs lt-usai sasyss tirýit tiseliter- iai lie ststcraiecof dalles nill iVilfrid Laurier thnt tise stnse Mn- siis haeaprry tilsen tjise of- hbc, lf _dt ricourutries seiose fmade boa lad arrived ai Montrel. 'le ft Ià?15 he - seisel--OStîliiiol-i pbn shostile vo Cansadla, adtise ariserssreut vnas not ofcf-laly ia- ÎjýIIi or adai..ciIý c. zinatse 10winsser --ae tricoritrirs tisai dîîl fosmncd o irarvi Fi oe aloog sfýeý,ic alsiss - 'lley are bhiîg 1firly vnus sici, %,tile tise preferencei, srunkns icssteloeohfc hees i rrnorr'dt. 'I lj lt-s ,r -e tc0 hr' et tfor- Great Britain. - sr c utoîaa a- ssot tia saf -rCie 1 r01ii 19si- Thr e- maxii tmmduty on iseeie, ca racin aeirarenitli a coatracf W sti (lsngfrons Saim-ise t(, t-e- ingr, 0os ors satitîgs andselolier wroolless bctsVeeî tise G oserals!wuf astd Mm. Col- 'i s g. sceen n or ici is eus - goodes, nIl iti hbexcetion oh blanicete, iombler, but did isot coacidci' tint Mr. OtitIiifrocnf. Tise usrtiseasterr.,becd côîfo'inrs or rounterpanes wlien iColoneiria rlilc iecnrC. kTidpsssaret suýiý,Id it-ortcindaer tise rfreafial, tas Tley seere acf, tiefore. go1ing tri aps ecas alry are seoutîsîg if! le,5ixm- ut 30 per ceai. Fres'ust rcgiets ri io ieM aa sa-bi a exri sete neu sageens.min:nu 231 per cent. evcielceeof htie fulfîlment ohftic coi- A c!'-ailtduty -nelila uiiîs eeup- traàct-. on9gonds dino" or "slnugihteced I STIliL BOREIS STRIKE. S'TFIL LIC-IT MILES AIA'Y. laCasu tO, i eing tise difference, be- rSils(Vsnue>1s-Oms' A driaicîsb fis Loîson foivoeuntise sacriice piî'cc assd île fnlir irIlifr U '.Csefo, a;r tiai unusvalueo oh tic goode. Cii cen- tier tise Minister cf Labos isad donc ssi-r-coalsîraîî- s-ris-fau. 'pto arsunhisk adste oanytisiog f0 heblainbriigi-nîg laboýut n p-- it tl.iCrlnbasse dt ivel fiomu i1i-wir isiaii-'s are îraid fiis sCpi-ci- soluionsrtts fDcyats o Por Aîho, itis about 2,000 Chus- dîîîy 's iot tri e'cecd 15 per cent. millianSteel Wrirks. ese, refugees, nsaîîi otisers arc folboss- Rd s alose-ri, and lu other cases tise Sir Williams replicd fisut joilseî oh4) n. Tise Miliftir; Grcos- allons lifssif of 51 eial duty ti 50 pc-r cent. tisel'enfles lad faulicd tise inteýrve-i, linativsenot tIjgaged fis tire oe-K cftir- lresetf urty. - tion cf fisc Cosurnillent or tise Be yard and dofences teouvae. Jpn Tise iinissiunm dofy on t-,vii tnOand1-artnstat of Lahor, but tise Sydney ose croisers iiiceptsed lise uisr cordage under tise profcreis'ce s-ise Briard of Tradle ladclone'ri, an- ov. gaves rehsigees foodr, sî'lirlst iscy tr 20 per cent. ad vaîcrens îrom erîsîres isad heen ma-Je hy tise dopsarf- ,I,ýýde vey rach. Tt s reortd 1, 2- pe cet.enfte oohefsparties, but up tritise tînilthfis Japaseco isîd foi-ces arc Tise maxsimumn duty tasderfisc Brit- precent neitiser oh ýn & fv-ie e tsi igittuiles of lPort i rtsut-, ishs prcferecc on ciina anu-Jpercelain tisemeeelses oif the services ohftise de- Ïni0 fsi no impottant nolisicîi s wilane ia redued ifrois10 te, 15 p er Par tirntn. taerPlace on land lties' tise dent. adNsaloeon; fIat on coîssînon -4ei-'es. Burisaf-,as- frpds- and c --o-sces seîs--o-eglass---frua FaO-OVE-SIXTY YEARS-- bonit desroyers casu nav'igate flic 13 1-3 per r-eut. tri 71per censt. Visacrief at ligir nair-r, ftIeiJapanoso Tise naty on sofined stoeum (coni mas. tssrow'iP SonTSSiNG SYcus'han beau oricatio as bel ir'h'reffctiveOl4i4i alsettos-3f ~-ess ue t b uisa othersfortlctr chLIdren ns rgard flc ag-e -~ e Fue oiîferwbule ter'ibing. If disturbed at ilisiand 'lisrearste her of sc inlarger Igallon. Filclfrnsanufacturing bni'kon of your rst by a sicli ciild euffering Veesels. Tofsushaeels mchPuprise is place-J on tise froc 1sf. and crytur wii jainoh Cu'tlnrrTeeth. send et daîrageel by flic reciirrissg homibard- Tise duly on cru-J erluit ieM d eeaC'-abt' onrr.Wsow Soi Sy rup" for Chi îdren Teeihing. It .willi ne iseif.ouf an-J a hoanty of 1-.1 cents Per liss-e tise isor îtile enlfercr ilmmadiaily -gallon is tclie gis-ca otrieficerude ribî fepend opon il. mothers, fluere a 11 itomsto ke TO IIINFOCE TOlO. bout l It cures Diarrlsoea. regisiates ife TO rýIFOlCL-' TGO. produceris of Canada. Tise duty on Sionsnacis an-J Bowels cures Mcid Colle, softeris Tise- Tokio cerres ponsenct ohftthe parafIfre wn' a -aile ic reduced frocs tise Gums, redores I fle.moatlon. and glees Agcia, Libecria, oh Romle, oerPi 30 to 25 per cent.; tInt on paraffina toeaand enengyotriie -wh'-e systemn. r*ig. lcigrushsWinsloiv's Sslotilng Sirop" for chiltdreri bath tisi c csise-s. fouri'destrors, ISo n ns frein 30 fo 2.5 per cent.; fIat lug le pleasant to tise tasre and ls the eresi-nisi guAroa te, and fuir- f orîscmo boasî on illuminai ing ailc costing moi-c lion of one of hesaoldest and beit famnale b8el -eaire ai S<pisyicians an-J irurses lu tle Unsited States. have oesss-rnpicd a aseber, an-J Ilan 80 cents Per gallon frous 25 f0 Pre.e twenty flie cents a botlle. Sold by al] lias c gene b o îfeîce Adinitri Toge '20 1- ct- en.; s as-bine frons 35 fo 25 dniigglsts throughont tl)e w-rît!. Be sure sud -erie Port Artisur.prr cent.; tisat on liiisicatin- obs 14k for "Mars. Wisrow's SOOrmeIN SYcRes.' hîom 5 cents tel 2ý cenfte per' gallois; THINEXT LAND BýTTLE. uisaf on lubricaflng cile n. e. s. and BAR TO LENGTIP/ LAW, elon, nielisea,- lingoff Knicisnui, lia-e0f apenr-r - Stores for thie Ja 'ac rnsy are arrsig Kfin-la imifrssail directions. Tise Jap- as arrt iring, an-J ncctratiag ai uclnsian.Appa?,rently fIle is only flicfurt stge hanmore ext ensiv-e Anv, streabsepnce af pensoai3 felin .14ao Yag. Tia uty b. ueta onol, There are other causes, but no nte PAPLîI FALSE TEE'l'H. %ruii t-rvie causie or imiiuit the ali oftiFie te-1l1 ci hpliractise Piles, Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-RaIo a lrelfed upoin ta cure-fa stay eux-en. lintsilsetLC i ieu lsC-o i nus-.oe It'. an internal rensedy tisai remae r iedîtst ieoic sis tho c-anseS cf If chfng, Bliad-, Bedn ie ,ae pn in r uiih containg a month'a treatrusene.. cne' fle.e.rr m siunlneui S B dili ,0w inz-n vlhnz'Jr -- t ef'u 50 -st'?o WINTER LAMBS. Tise s ery first rcçhrirement, if wc arc to rmach ttchîs edgree of sueCceS1 w itis isotAi0ouse or winter iarebs, will ho a dac- 1evf cws for tho breccdiaq- hock tisat arc adapted to flis purpose. Som;' )f tUic esery best mnutton breed,suris as fisc Shrop- sire', Soiithdos,,, i lamipshire or Ox- fordi, are totallY onhit for tisis lino of breeding. Tisey catnof be induced to bs'ecd eai-ly onugint i easn It is sery uneuail fo a eWeo0f any of thoebrccds to drots iambs carlier, flan Januamr 1'71ufider1,conditions whîch arc nîost fasoae for early hr7eeding I Tatur ndlnryconditions- if ils apt to ho earerardis 1.1 A failure in Securing c of a suit-I able breed is, if oessto imc, the weak place, the cause of mi;t fre quent failuroila isc sies fCrly laasb growing. Theepos o wnr ship and feed areo fisc amoil a cwc tisat falis to brecd at a;il, a>;s in one thiat broods a lai)at, a time 0f ycar whon price are srage.Again, it coste as luch to care for a ewe and fafte fe ji lasb furfliApi il mai- ket as for the mretof Janiuary._i Thise sclling pice 0f thse-January lamb should ho 50 jper cent. higher than for a lamnis 0f Uual quallty in Tise ewee most siltble for breoding tise winter lanils will he fthe resuif of ýa cross of i'Dorset ranis on large, strong «LMerino cwos of the Delaine type. The rami aiist be of pure breeding, and of higis quality, The ram ,,,ilambs of this cross may ho ;,iýfed s o La.ughter, and tlise cire laaSb o isn0f proper aecol emft iI.J w ifls inoti>r pure brud Crstram tisej rduc bcb thco-uarLens or- O iitlslod. iýkdofee hrints s nnturaly -in isefail as sprn 'lede-,olopmcnt of the SUMMEIt 'DAIR1Y FED. breed ia thoir native home la for- If.isposibe o s aijet is ~ set shire, in timisi of conditions oa-s forage crop s topermitt oh a n'hicls arc most fLaorble, ias fall suppsi1 0ffooý d throegboc-.,,,t tise cd tri lx this tcndrncy sery Ci-is- la, entire growing ssn or fm'om May itiis bmced. When fed grainlbral -1 to Nos esber 1l, aîd islLis iîisout lit le quite nat-aral for tseus to bmci regard to tiseciaa r of tiese ea- twice in tise year. Sou, says lPr. E L. oncs 'Tîeme On accouait of tiseisigis price wviicl not adoptedcd is rie oi i*actico, tis sr,1 Y f0 lotokIesoniero for a ciseapelr chefonue bcbgtisf fl-o donetats fundation for a recding lo;, le precafe isecalu o 0 naa t-'er 0f inO 1if mo-t ecoroiîîicalig in tise large crops non' grov n folri tis spurpose. in o 1Il c- uffth iier'emno or-e. The.-, Taise, for e:xampie, iý, ,is one are more hatually inclinced tribrn of thse easliest 0.f our forag-'cr005, earlier tisais enŽ otYi rci> es ecp aund is for flic pari;-se of l)caleîilst tise Dorset. When sisorneari'y aasd ingand f or pres ent- wlien iin gofi frift tisy nlquite in a oY~ clos uîcae arîy fa freqient1y, brced in tc f ail. Tis tise seasoon, oes oý itis!; bt; ic salue we mayi mucis more readiiy stainsp tise has nof iscen f ally appreciaILcd bhe- carly br eing fen icncy of ts -r caus oftue endncyon fsc art f st uon tise ofsprlng of tie Meriso farmners f0 ab0n'it tAanice f00 tha upen flînt of ahîy otiser breefi. far in fisc period uof nîafurity beforo EAS bcgiîrnîsg te Sfred.NS If seeded lna- isc ilît way and eut In tliceprin_,of 1903, fearirg I af tise ight timei, if is pjalafebie and shoald nof hasçe a suflicient aineanlt di g-îstible, an-J p! o, in luail re-, of forages f0 carry îry catl fe thîrough spee-ts 'an exce2llet oo. The-cropItise next L d',I ecded f0 plant boud o s ,ded net ,iInte;r tiaSep- ",iiec moy isisefor a isay crop, tes-ssci- 1 and n cit lmanuJred, la order Wrl tes Ca7pt. v.T. Ilills. Tise soý,s that a large tep 'wayhoobtafacd, luin la rxoslai mcli his eord orri ccunwîate 1fic ,icOto bcground lut o feed. Ou in tise fail, wiii micas a sapid TOny _ 5 I planted a 13-ac rei1d, d--veloprent fans)rng. i4hder SUclIi wtlia vlheat drilTiese eys si-ce conditions it Cali hbcd i7ii as carly oh tise van iety calîrd Farly Brow'n.i as Mlnay 1, nnd co l'oc fr eigisf 1 u1 wtufs s ariety n'as nt neir ta f en dax s. Sucescedcings ýtise lest for forage,, altisougîs a fairiy hase e nabled us frfedif suc-essfol-igood producer of socd. But isas'ing ly for 20 de5 s. Thi sl carry th fi s-'ceclofh ny onu growing I con- supplementary fe îca ovorutîtil whient cluded fo tryr the experiment le ready, stsiis eh :osýen better thia lishe souiraeîs poor Clay land. I iiad ryc, as ils peri&o f usefuluess le noraouenom 010 I have th-_ soy longer. bacton-la. Tise stand of pianots ma3 Tiiese firo crops wil guarantec inet i cry goocil andth ie s-'aa-on- gaffe agant any lack of succulent food unfas omble froni roît h. 'lie heans during fiescsnson, misen tîsa Pastur- wret eut mitis a mowing machine aige te' at hest un-ertain, foli.ow.iag about tise middle of Auguef. aff or fic-e,-'es, or oats and peas, wi1 f ioouniing and Juststise pods uc-n- ie fo-nd ndsantagecsus. and if nnf iformng. Ttc yield froinstise 13 needed may lecusade isto lîay. An- acres mas 1615 tons of curcd isay. otiser crop wlirh is sony iscpfui for fairiy good for a catch croîs ondes- summier feeding, aud wicls, seedcd the circuinstances. aft or rye, milI not inofrwiti i-cg- Findiag fIat ny caîf le mere e'xti a- ular rotations, and cousecntli lan, vaganfiy fond of flue soy hei ry corn, is barayaird mle.Tîiisais I conclîîdod to trake a test of if ,s ïa la norf tuidrsf 000as if sisoule bec, I miii. proraccr in" rosaparison w ifi bat ifservs eanl excellent pus-pose novr -hay, mith tise followiis - misen properiy, seed-, and eut at tise suit of a tisree weeke' test: M oe iiglsft itre. Ifts ,het st ne is hufore it more fed clover hay frosa Pecmhcr Il i is fuliy iseaded assd tise Omt eut ting to 31 inclusive, wits an average daiiy should tiser, fore Le msade as souis as yield of 26.09 pourîde of mnills per thse isade hegin f0 api car. isene. Fromi Jamtary 4 tu 25 Le Foliosisg smillet, corna may bc used mare fed say hean say sentis fis san-ie aind aîuong the îamict'ies best cuit cd ration ofcfn silage andi grain tFat for v7peietr eOn etis pas- lad heets fed wiftishe isay. Tise fart- is tise Tisoroujgbbred Wht Flint, i ascrage Oaily production of miIk Wr s Ometi Le-ausce if lea masidgromcr, 28.47 pounile pcr hcad - siowioig a an i] mli l ready for hce-diîsg if gala of about 9 pier ent lainf as or)I of plrvntc- 'cUr t- y f i aifîie orlattr oy t-een ,-tLy, as cn wac itîs eo pat0oiulat eonhcueif clos ci - As tise coirs c l'Jt-".. stcl crcyanIdsnit isaie ie& 5longer iin lactaition ilaissy a roarse,:isavy , lie ius nerit- beau test, an-d tise esirfe -y f f in s 0fiscti ruspin tY ni'rcis tiese iec, fscne algan o tise affl Oh ly trpe -tiserye soy bee ly over fe lo c v-a mny hepastuea con eau-tut more than the figures-uiee dio i-;i llse1, rsixe, bt such hI Ss g-o nsoy beanefs sse mnoresaserî 'isaif crredfth lal ai s ani - J.ans f ully coisiner fs1 anmas. 'is, eo1ilt, if nof iii-idcd tisey arehn sccsssiygr n for fo cnfor go, my bho nînde ilafO citiser seed or forage, atnd arc ax n'est h-nible addition f0 oui- loguma 1ay - rops. THE CHARMINU KAWARIHA LAKES The Trent Valley Navigation Com.- pany wIaomsw the steamers ilsai ply thse ________ beautiful Knw'artisa Lake$, are getîlog -eOs' for the sunimer tourih-t-s trada FsechrIspis siinas serre consubted, No better spot ln Ontarilo ram le Iunel bat could do no gend. To tic day for ait enjoa ale holida ' vtrip tisa oruoehbiledentîs bis oneso.p-' is ts f0cc tisr ril of loi ely ialte in lise back Itsa ;estg isife rctms'n Jin, ande hie cofntiîv. Thisoemagnificent 'rener-, onc drenri sas tricce-cntacoîstact finse fisiing. Tise steamers tosîcis ut INo soorior cdiç-1lits relatives cross many Pointe alon g the laiteOs, asd affor'd'tise Chanane ls-an lie neold dlisapPrar evaryconvenieîsce forpasseisgers. An', .ili tlem eepo;aitoe, antm-hley de- peroýn maIkng tise roundtntrp wihlirtcriianed fi ai ct acse ii tlI alne. cas hodonuoli. tro or tIres tiys iIt fs -stS cebi' 1ts r- a-rcordieg-t o tfisair-wish, -will lie dligbp dlIhs i -os i'sic- ius ad witis lie outiîîg. Steamers ec acv;,ýhe ad flemi. I-Tic ondee ciffgure Lakeflald os-sry da-, and tise lare I aj t oct-af y biee ent, assd Uni Very dheap. dcs'ln is ,ue o Ocline, louisibeee ou sig t i PiceBiscnianexistenuce STATESMAN ON HONOR ROLL. AlsaysneaI,- atpecalinnily Oresseti See lOves fîo'r ri ve ciss to Ttîtn STATEspAN hbas wasunsa aro'or Iia.0 promnuenesas an ads-rrtisius e-irnI"Mt Mct"ns blifeved tr i ef as entities ifto a place on the RoI C -ee ot f ais fîscoie of ut icasi5, biso lalloeiIs Asi-ira Ne-pa- 00 - icr, rn-J il wsa iays a enDireeltore for M 1-'li pblcsrssî;tî isere he o o, i sfissenis. havng otiieI tiai las fiureTie reurtîioge lice wss-cevcr ceea tri rating, ithe- hg-'s-edis ihition msci bm cieEsgîlts, wiid le ai- tisebock cas aiffcr0, mincisfet tsP sa' t ,welknw so "oentities your saper ton;,place i ith mthleRuehtCambo ni-îoas Roll of HnnlaaRuennCarsntien nt or tin iJr0 Vp. us±r ia ie n 10mOunit Ofiiincy c r- u Pu-a- plce for a paper flot entitled to itil' Thsis lm a position occupîed by vem-y feir Canadian weeIly siesi-apers and oniiya limiteel numbercf bigCit rdiies, sa we feel'jnfvyprout-Iof 'uI'RESTATES- MAN's houi os ii tihe advertising monOd WRECKED LIFE ENDED. H eaUig Pow rs Li1sIaO ack," Bol-taîsiamn Figure of thie PariesfBoulevards. $100 FOR SO.-WOMSN i THE HOtYSPEEiP, Onoacf th;3 bs woinsai'îi Iorthlie'tuel gazines plthisd wili ha sent. on trial,'to sesd of 1901- six mantis-for oule 25 rente, silver, stmeor pogtal note. We miii senti T13E SrATMIuîAK tri cci r ubgecniere and Tuu I-oc'xu rsrLs, lotisfor si-m mrtss, for 50 cents Ma-. le sont tai different addresece XVe aciteverv lady neaden Of TIirE S rk'sMAz tritakeatdiantage cof tMs off r-wc rp csure you m1L e d-- SALE' OF VALUÂBglE FARMS IN WllLtTY AND PICKERING, Estate, of' eo, Jones, Deceased Thse udersigned bhas reeeireT i1;StruecVont from tise exeLutors of thse sil of thse late Gecrgq j,ioevý deceaeed,,to sell bs pulieî auettiso at thse ,Tew Aristong Houýe, WolLby, on Wednesday âm'e 2uth 1901, ai 2 o'elock. puo., thse füliowlng valuable farmi: Farcel 1, Tie norili ea2 qarter or lot No. -347intho thrcoeuoso-h onil Wlbitta, catinî 50 aeres miore or ILS3,. Ssii Rneeleuca oa-aee bv two navet fzxiîîitlF- i ýIjvvdxo welb. }iuýid!ugs--brick sh atecied.Bai82x3i.,rit'isoi-teabinsg cedroo celer uIerncaris Aeoa Stcne pig ud rulty hnse.Ab~t i1-4 aeeS of put cel 2.--T!ie scrn 75 ser o ot ln thei Gth o ceSi,IonTownscuIe oPcis1rSo! excelJen Cia y la Bidng a,l574 witb stiestablîrrg ueýderrre. IWr il lin e]luI ~Our fields. Watere, d 1 b iis'ee 1e baud under- fric ui eda ins. pzepcrt y i. itn ftted asu IP ie rm Ltcok baonthe G. 1 .tý', roiîMar, a uovorr d -'ie~ offIce, Tern%,gor Sale, 10 per cqnt. r lis ,p ci a3e moneytobepaiîdontbedy f sa I thre ScIaenlu30 days tiereatter.Tisl. mC subici o a esevedbld. Paelosta ploe' alter R ïnia- 1fuiS. seon nNov. 1i.9t, 194. u'îrtbe- patc-uia5rS s.-d coditilne of Fale WEI b- esuda tics» on1 tise dus of sile, r nas' lie ord on rplc ta Hi-. HJo0505 ýEg,. Pieîiln . Jobn J. F ittrerý gll. Esq ' Whltby, Ras', C. A:7Wilion, my rde, tie vendonss' oltori or ao(-tioneer. Iieted Jure W.t, '004 Levi Fainiauk4. ciiitimieer. DONY & àlcGlIlLvray,,Veiidorb' Solicitarà, Wir, by. TRAIVELLEIIS, PLEASE NOTE. A nov; regulation on thse Austral ian ralay ompels a isassenger found taeligwithout a ticket to pcy OId mores whlch eue o IThere lecett iddnlahie ons i 1ZieimtsIEiOUSEXEEPE,u 1 5 i cmteanoci î;et I~~~~ yrl n tefureatenthre Avenue \Victor Ilugri, Pars ts1i-mntraiîfo ils, eing a 1di[o ritifat'o.Atcmefrli says f le London BailyaMail, an1c- fu-cnsfachos cnand borne mgzne ltIsh me .ýr of - absent-mia-Je-Jtrav- are ure byDr.Chae5s cent rie Eîîgîfshmaa kîsoîiýn 1t e i ij.4.t llers" Iasdsendledîlisa inontit fi-eu j Ointmeht, itimafes by tIheiciuaneo it] TNERAI OMPLIîMENT"ý. 135 f 13 hlîncl." For Itise pa1 svea1e'rs Mauy of C-t isecrs brougisi about ibrougis tishe lin- lîîesy nneec îsu-epAdeafFaim On' Di o a leý,nose, 1iftesbotefr cifa!isve in île fog axraori1nany.anuýiieptieiein'oascc ts tef hts aitl uuatn nal'iis rahii-JI utacf h ogtfti-s po atfl n fatfe miety pîet. Chbe's Olatînere înuyimarvellous, Errzemia, atention bhy hie odeldress anC ae- 01!ery altOan sai riseum annl itcising skii i-cseat -;Iihici, seai pamnc. Ie gave încytritreoosoig Ire oses n- A co iofo~ts ato to ef tisili oh p1hyuiriauarc bu;ng ilo kuieis'hose f0 explot lic read- [inI lby do ou flthik SO?tesscurl l- ccaa rd c ait tiorouglily Ifandealnanse "vas John is'ley ieac eiîng f0 telli sc scr sry- v cts gou f00neer iseotlights Cisase's 0Oluiment. nsi5 aefoi Bwdti asriI sn u ollgliii iersi ia i ca llu Ma JaNO.ttsiFn Bmy AgosaCa, f anisnir. li 190): as- U I. --- sfdieely sîtir tise cuntin.IliA Ont., writes:-" Lait 1piu bisaJaratgjyughiennsollilal u fe î sae oiasc--lrp if fou, fise rorpsderast oqual te fi sine, riglit on ithe kaee ecap .ais-A oi- rrrlc c ongoefflnirdsctr; u h f nnind o ts rrsry f ocsonif roeti f eo i getaroaOwtn i. hItn-as use soresithig~ts snyuenta ucyitnui e o sx orniibi' sn ia ever lana-Jwould keeprinatygaieug r .ialce -,s igitac-J nbna- 7Heda C b u rnis ; Oomn t po ang etsafs' 'amrr ie7 aIand otCsp1k t ou i L1i1 g c i idyohrsenmyegI 1t fr-usisi i c ld Eselfs ssci-o1 trac!rý Z l e Lq caed bx ne cnralysuYic ieu rrusebok-oP-ni, mlsie EGTALESEILA iralngpee.'c- t Sa s innia o je a5jete Dr-. CistOn'ilt it ent _ , c -il 1tr m t M' Wiaty os deleuorEdaa.c-,b3îî &Co, ornn. Iei o orpoeiyar5isfiiimosIs otattssnr il r ia Unrr- 'sh> lt~Ofl5£llloyuhiA hsaeo lIso cf r.A. . hsn, he aioitshi mfje isd umlec -lu- e-I ' -vjiu~tfsi iiî- î~î emmbr tatHaW Hir enwe anlu~slr aI ijsy pli ir, e-Zf',~,sd iise hi go rrçepîbe-it u.d- , lai-e-aybEt ae. Tt Is nlIl tswI -' Lis e Id - ~