A , Du à , )ANzGurous. Si~ thialnthat, alwa3 eslern. r)te rsetS ýDrou P- i nak anîd 1 low lier-jdneî eauese PL U~S "a srikeon" rein Kidneys mkeminci and i bodY cnbeoubetaver hn T Tnere'n fon sick. W sa ougnin 1staxted eout vih te ilatann omnoc, h . seme osucýese, I knew 1 cou-id sol, yugxeaadtoeo aue to foot wlîeu the, cny !N P L and I could aise write. And f Aer,çuigtercriglmsc stpoftcn wben 1 would write sonietl ri-n rsio n ieoiotw a stpwôrking properly. Iu1hmrqie Il sitne cur -l Kick ucdyq. They do Vrt o ne thiiug I bogb tery fille, 1would take:p !iecadaches, tircdness, dizziess, -Io il cvery limie. IThey us-uke the Kid- il doiOte my aile and rendii. ptlflUieSeUnder the eyes, bad neye vell-ad keep thein weil. If thcre is Somnetinies she would lok up frein1 BEFORE TlE BDOCTOR CMS ant'in wog il te iucsG b ecr ewu and sa7, 'John, e' There are a fow thînge wbîchl sheuld skcm, foui stomnach, no appectite, FI q iSeyer taS l e ieve lihe pain sud sa'. tht.' ith that 1IWouId be inievery bouse '.vere an3, per- Sharp pains ii the back, swollen CURE Uctrouble. We have suclh faith ini tbrow do niy manuscript nd es r egge n adll >GCI1-TPIItS that we authorize your druggist Stali, upnafidown nthe rooin in (:ris- sonry areknoaboutn aniai orae feet-ali due to Kzidney Trouible. to refund the inooney if they flau to cure. gîis. 'Why deOî ou Say tbaitý' Ici £ origaot, nna r It may be -weaknless, or the 5oc box, 6 boxes for $. so, atyour drugia' wul sk. 'De you know how te ren1,ea011o. See Spýcial in. in any way iiable te iiijury. Chief or diect foua peath? Are yeu a better j1ldcg of amrclîs rong these are une or moere hebtles bcginnng ofa serins dîease. THE BOLE DU OWNI~,MN preachitng thait myseif ? FLax,ýe't 1 od vrybce n boxes 25 cents. of scime antiseptic soli, nrbud ___ _____ ______ _______________ Seaflur years in coliege and threc a ges ready for use. Seinetimeis ithe cears Ia the semiinar'? \Vhat buai- simpln-st precaLutieus bof ore tbe arriv- nes boe ou e ti e wat t Wiborsand Iesunder the poison that ai of the docter will Sove an 1mrb or dJo? Youî are nothing but a na 005fiLiiu ig tefte' odor Pcrhaps lie, and aid the eovav. lut ate a on ex ns Clitîn~t orthe tonoth-r. Little PhYsician te an unteld exteut. qneIfuaitÇ , ye(jd- lî yi auhl t o rrc h Bnae nay beiade frm ant ment could alwvat eŽ eýc iîmtle Li haigtoblm ui licet, bleached clth being pro'- ont When I follow cd lhor judgnieot itu'rio hurled at hter by lier1 ferrcd. 1'irst, it siîeuld be clenn. alascaime eut right, aud wlicn i 1san. a brutal fother systerna- Takiog the whole lenigth of the sheet, Advice Which May 1{-eip to IDispel the Clouds follwdmry own ogninst hors I ai-tc v- i ýitnos te fiiad ault with uisually at least twotade Which Overhang Some llouseholds o nod dîen af nose eh osi n i42,,3adico a- in doubt about aon tbîng 1 hav.el u e foln.I lis ostire 0iu o 'row bandages are ineet usolul and it <Entera accrdlngte Ago! di IAnr limet t anda i te ea Oe nn winlc, adwih hadlievcir written 1 alwn, o ebr.Adthi nnbr j 0cor yand les nel te mnake sou-ral of thoe. Now IL uend nd uisCea, itdfris criywhen site sai e, 'John, doî' ry buîlvej-ss- s likeiy t e home inake a tîght toIt of each strip, or Nne ar"Ie HunAred0'nd", 1r, Jndllus Cuesand oi' il scncit il Wîa. aiye ot, I uee hir ihthr hsedecipiosthot,1 1 taire my Pen and scratch eut thois', d thir naturol affection for pt tue'et the saine wi4th inaoe 1epar ntet LAgricutr ttw. ec trc-iek1 nt;btatithtrol-paely.u.îce i - uc ertu n o itîdifference and ingrati- rol. Put theni1 sde in a box eut On t57 nîedIr bo re us- ! te dst Y-iu wil b" urpsse t epthfou e neeU l.,te likely that the Corinthians Niv-ouli 1lunatmnsuet m 'le' uý lodwoar u-'f'hecit e il csrrs SaYs :-IteV. Franki Le Witt, Talmage ih ave epoken et hlim as tbey did. aoui iudg y tan e t i~oun-t. 'baspn ftbrenkîw e'hw nyeviabeelrbadas p1rencbIed from ,the lolOîving text :- 'thot iriters sePo iar bis own tiinse SUSAN TXI.MAG'E'S 11 U XE 's'iulgadpîlilseltin-ucala ho mode frein an old sheet. Thoy -tonl;iiiï ý,Tcephrusýý-oul (once1 thotl hae cone te nu frein your snay aise o bebiled, wasbed and iren- Iip ,-2,"Ilusbands, lov eut s Chrysostem auovdan rNirepothfrerus w'euldgsoied aives."haie se euclbdhlm, if Ibis intel- 1Mon, huboudes, fIno,i hnur' olee ga.o.Yorlv ndrr, Il o sealrbbgsc' Twe ostnrtlin-g tacts about Faul's lectuoal ond,,siritual giant bh o n'e going t eo mri Sfr~leo fr yoî r mother b las lket vou haro also sortie absorbent cetten andi pcrsenally have always vsvidly lm- sessetlaisa ý-posiug personaity. And tesciie byhaie ma&d"foir us?-1:;alîyan lheur of tesutîtato.Ltafew piecos et clolliabout 12 lncbe:4 et, aol 11,reughu-the ,pouline writings, "C," soute hulsbos s,-1 de mny oJ lloe a h useba qae lîeses me.Th neethie estiniscl oef Ahi aîitisettc 15 aySolitieii w'hic hiephsiolpersenallîy fornued by fgure of speech brisîlo u-uith the fuit utyteeyixrl1ev look orieAer anuît aib'ercc. Nexsoi-tbioonir et hieenmie l flc orithan hucbsymbole of the atlete's aroua. The ber a geed hberne. I gi, e ber oýitthe îo4fo-wrdwarnteifunektegrfas e r h as s'e adotunder hie miistry and runnerthe figIter, tire giadlator, the mooey she uee" e Yo yur nif nayhai-ojreinclii- etfa largo, part etilj-'doctor's trou- theefro ne hl nell Futliti-struggie withthie bech t fEphesus, htl îr isi sfr i aod-n W e il-euru- te yolir hie. Frobabiy the beest ait 'round an- selftell us tbat thcy said, 'bis at1 hv1 Ibirinpiaton atigo- maLeoeut you gU ie yeui- ixif-' aetiig ni s uc0u toi e 0Cliitspiciabli cd et the bl ireeoe e eai anîd hie pel leuchinigs. btbroupOeî. h ou O nîstrong carbolileand use a hoaspeonfut spech euenîtile. ChysshouThe second tact, vixicli stands side .supirort, juet as you do, ad sunhe bsi 'PCf S)DFRN tthie luina quart et warm n ater. occodîngte Abc'r l3anesdectredby side wlt thIe i ist, abeut the per- a right te at ieast e-aelaf of v1011 boit '-bu-Ilr- eeetr ueI~'bs easl tghfraypr that ""FPanE eBStature xas toit',hi, sOîsaity o utlesi,ntis uFat .as a ilcoliic. If frin ail Ourn be0 t ' ngt"îotw ii eý% asos tte eyecp teoe lb bacir crookesi and hie boad batd." bacheler. It bas been contonded that staiidtelot you bcd te ]lire a bouIse 1,n!Ntthat. Au-ife ile quick accident auy et the stneug- acisi le lce 'd O tPicpore aut w-ne ho nos a member et the sanliedria I lu-esi-te do the ixork se"dnyou to d'eeinsîc nii lsu,-ii iiîirice. 1sitei eus ithe bond, put pure aicobol a litho mon wvith culvatureofetth, .tnd, if Sei, muet have beca marriesi, I iuld bu-ie le pay lac i-seria for lu-r li coshow lier cun slect on 1h"- place at once. This neutraliz- spîe asia po ýl cennce, longbut the expression la Acte xxvi, 10, nagsthn fyour wuuc eu-en spcn de fer 1 dsnnc.Xe- ont v ele sIeato tteaii nte ____________________________on wbichi the hheory oet!bis meuiber- etoî, lu, ns ntraioiit-t Ii'ii byios ll-nue ubrove ier ebysale acnd ofn theepti te crotue. sbip ils based, is vague land lMay that be the case, andi it i. iece"hee 111 îeuýil, ýilenS lthau-ven -' ouT11 ts le ndark tiquid wiîh a tarry have amounjtesi te ne inere thon iithe oeilemou so-yu, 'hou-v o'ss1 tepa r e brcan aturally te 0ou edor. A tcaspeenful in a quart et eroï'ýý 11Tstil-n-y et a witnoss. 'Ont hie uny wir ilestse1.pay ierbinta li,,), ail yyîrîrouoo friis-0rWarmn ater suaies o mitky solution ethel- bande, ie argumnît in 1. Cor- Wly ive o irtic Sanie moiraI dsts ~o- Weicuiatyrhertln'ch e cctetinceaig intian lx 5 clari iplie îotapostle bas ceiiîunandod liitise vods ctii les-LeNn. itce t!e prc- wounds. An ontîsePtîc wasb for the both lho and Barrnabas' n'es-cunînor- ltfnsy te-if. Bid Fm'licLr s.'O f souheri îos1P îs0-1iou-atosî et 'raste-s oye noy ho mode by disotviug bro- rso. hieceidiie, ewo o, b Isoeyluselrecete h usbouuu'rand tr uetelu-ebep'2asure ocic acisi, wu-uhite po'der, il awrii ho ncoa ndiats tot e os e-duty te bis u-uito? o, h ta la i c, îî' e iarnetsýrm-e er wntr'r. Erra na streng solution iet furie-t lunthe affectiesotc sile et his loaeure.r n'î os. B-ststow t is lu-etlt i uovîun u- before o lNo motter bon' snil a eut or 'J ~ ~ laise o ischlre n hefit ove gro-ur wzd. H C -t î;, ned'.trr-s"î ftn rus -ih rIi entbrou thelov tht oherîîîa gu-eteail. fie gives bis consiiai-lî'tlit Mn'uul I-i tslurw ay ae tbruise !maîy ho, iilis atn-auys beat te -etr-c e.fspi-ing -ulnd-thot l ao--n sail 1 dme tful- ~refis ll 1hz ï-rei lnce -ands---ubandage ïh. ýcxîdigyafeieaennî heltbyeur w-su-os even os (biit-alto o le' basliW etuiuo ceu :lIny o linîb and many a lite bias led iman. Ho taught p-arents thaf lb-' churcb anid goto hisîse ilfmri,-i" e-t't-îlI 'aking Ibrut oua n ,ý lt1 beon i-crificecl te the suest innuocnt- I iiey shoutd love their chlîdren and Ah, ceulf thebeUcais e-ror ue - l i-t uit.asnide c m houii-ltow ud.Tedee chdren îtîh ey stieulCacoefler-more deo-ted or rn ,e- --ilseame<'- s.W'esue' o ol -sse îI'é-iîordînory enal wund, prouced ne u-beîrparents, w ires that ibey shoulsi -lire for, alhu-ss-),nd's ai c,'i "s ibasuir uitutisl-ofo, lu -eîdlon': -o-e up a solution et cor- lieues- h uebande andsi hsebans that? Il 55 tolots rct f leh e ii btss Il'r is dmnsaondt Itix hlilo u'or creetisi, oi ýIaspeontultot Li~.Li ~ ~ ~1j~ int t hiey lud loeOthir iw 1vs tfi S t1 e- hetu us- am u -s'biotî, Y Our sifir- Uc luajOt etfu-ariun'watcnl, andi u1i is ian efreîc o this lasI corouuaad- Ibe 1lin- laoî,li n In otNt m -a", s ~dii' 51I0ut'~O t oetm, bo os ofn 's ment that I1n oulsi speak to-day. sesouci-h us tieitense -i ecl i m'e-i SCrs o ostle lîre, l -dthiermsgbly w itihueh,?otiscpîic leai, S'l nacrIfucng o'e llu'sanls ib , a ie eau OlOî,ce sXad l7 1j -j-i n cote thaf Iýitl psetrates eery MutBear signature of MARITAL AFFECTION. 107p mirwi sfe itSr-l'l cS Osjcouu-ifuf l, usio !coss il: -A s il,'j fart, ir b-tfail dirti le nashed eut. Tlhere le a special reososu aI Ibis tlile in thuegie ono ioll .ll-oio- i b-us ne' Il il bc a1bonýd e aotepr lim fo sbwin hi nesi f abus MAEJGI-S FIOMSSOY NTE ui'naticda't'-ei-s. As th'ae le o-y ho saltesinluthe solution for a band heiuig Iruilu leu-(1, dasîdlin Triuis s-.isdel 1 cec'toufo-tt- li" - ths 2 l e ôli, s-on uiiimiu-tes.This n'ilt Olten stop ho bis vilî ,bec'ausma luc ( re eIIs h e feIno viboisnii uiio rî i :tas,,sai."l t) he 1l : " u-bLii, do-le -tesuofetthe bleeding. Soais a pieco Ses x~Sinie Weppr ~be a ppuiarthdy irond ltînt Ibth imes IPu-l( iU-rluunori i -sll' e ie nLeoshriist le., s meetIhe ean ciîh iri the solution, lers sln~c ayismegenre aigene ifeier. Bu-ml iý-nd'sero h' '-i is ', soi île2 e h le'.' ItIt wrp sIen et otic-ingtha theolsitaeb allr Ii" prt ero-t-u-c-ru+.--riud I Icr0'n Ithe injuresi 'art, uminthree I . r feus- loyers. Select a bandage et r ione~~~~~~~~d en otloive sheulsi le donc Say ittit yu n it, ague o'te TUP ,)- sutbi rlhsaîdopi4fn"hy I~fAt n'yi-h, oiv tnlk hItjvge'iîî idt tI~l lii îîsuni-plent-n te dorer. zF astesi the LIt c C Zl,, ods iesuii sdti epatand P"-ioniitu-eiiLly abolti t , o i" b-'-11eby sen'ing- et punning n'ith ITL r~~ItU ~ ~ cd et scctrs reî yrs ey shouldi lecnlti'. oed more asiOfOfnte-,awt' mpluulisI PTn a 'a mnîty plus, or, u-vhen s suffuct-'nt le TORID tV. more. Mosarialaffection may bhoeehuoau ' o ns ervawv l~J),e Iý.liUnouuu-id ooit oll ffa feu-r incios more, àw lac c -r2rbdb tefu PI ~ FR CMSIPA ofL ' t he uoteat, fineet niest beauhlilw-lit lirhonte.i Tih' he aleurrio il '5ewnthe mirdle, crossthe, two ~ ALW~ thinsg in lite. The lIe-iy Bok do- n'aut s ierhî.Te busns ultoshu aIll-e endis se mode, andI use theni .os ________.... L~N chas-es, "W boso indehh a wiue fidth heoliebuiesrtfintiî. Till Dodd's'-kiiney.PiI3Càre-I hie Strings ho île on the bandage. il ~ ~ TFLEX IO Ncf ha s ls um erca stil fr d n d s a s w u ll a cîh re s î w h e e d cîvu- ~ ~fA AO~I gT ooafethions e t c il no cyart ofe bhsî i" o nc. fi ' ' inbslb ma.s nicir Pi ithe bandag be erer it. i c ex ADVERTISIG RATES. urniarmesine h îîvier iuefrhelmlosyl'at hb onnyChiCetlm'av.shsiy i'asutagn sote yasoretc -- wli c lie esîse deternce, ticsame t'e, seacioein tee sitheinoffieemte ndnrpig 't l r Th fasaia taesnn e uiliif lie' asi ude-vcieeiutn triaraterwin-b rosan bosrertfhm yI tIVII, sJa 3 Sea)-hon-ger hnîy lth pp theafecirsyf hegir neydsda bllriînhorusiumgO ru etan ata Pi1 1engtofbndfTecex 26Saesuaî loir ig tef.c in aefs'My-esetuign r hoo isit, yahnd cilde hetre frolie ais Tit Iedi' fodryill iIt curea h wudmybcdesd ADVERTI ING ure marred inen to sho their home. Blit fr theeumt tat th,3o r anlv. other ditessohe te-isPt wlwnusil,01. yM ans ic mare i-g err, hearnsairn-eon îîi destihrude bertekbti rrthesluinsn -apigwihth r Tedior ansi ri stitor u îrp i o - ù an dé oi n h t c a at rz i e r o i a d t e n rey o ho e yb n ag on . 'tInl a fvnre. AdverîIsuug rt,dtesui eue fle e t iuusî suifer moire tail osn tz 0i aa'Rte uat- I us ! I îylesî il 11eIo-e fOirsI ' irlieOnt.,iv ceuM. petkue acs helii irr.aiu ,tebn ,yixen o! andis place lier confradichieus lieruoftbose wl knei lîsee prtos-; erdsusand' eqal a eegicSian ie l'rastue boc sucis *.ibailitburntiu- sebas ilsîsi Ùî hi tretusnt t bedacie eul DR .PTE.Ibin hesolin slaors poivel. m Sh!e, h'hlua aad -eI1-s 'I ds i Ofiais esuice huc sntgisnltshm aafuollna, Iorgos frt 10ou-otili no-idusa siokteMuR-, iWbail penls in oc~cIdas noce ur o stri.tas an sdîance. Adleatiw'oigiauaethonh-ihiecite r- an-t!rigbî-,sp andfIrhmarl nhan ho honmrcliiic.sy 'ho, ryal'ocw hie ceîsîiul trienaduiiîiîie n5gecnpe iCiie, hi g etrbile of ife'; vlui bv hýbpatcierefomo, n 1-on la o taro lieite'r-inîyI -tv'ldileitîu-lltîsa ls ock£01 soencogneradtio thont tîcoise foFil firs insrtio; fve cnts er ln a lîthe piceo ubis, soisang loit It ber., ais elote Ibegi onrmv il 'on-o susqen nerItin otrY.ep ' ie aeroad frbrlaaterts tiynrsunrfFls5ugocnli l u-, ith iesr uCn - t Acsufferer fai ros-tiln adadh apliaio.olredtînt e ils tl ubi. Il bs lady nue wascodis-tc-fe- su e i-: y s eÎnal m etinb islen usaiseif iness patrr-i- lier lisband'qequal i illeglec afeifenturns ierreock upon h, ! "iM 0badain ile peu-dore"nt or h otd ere ciur G. . L. TINN TAT1ER I . -h.boan I ab 1 inl seue dynider.te'ite b uandccurtto neth(, ouîd ue 1 celacîmr 1 coc.1s br îli-rg aydipue1u 'rente iesily. Offihuch:-St., op- , fswih ine, inneet bonutjilu iuîbemsanlîlce iýcf Ientwl i) huîqmn'h or n eeatd n nocd hr o Irait Muhuity. nrtra fuitdr huange ouî, a dl-ofgisîg v ie o on-e proccîlonof îysîaia;i iui ii "M brt h ad I led eto yoin-l'bc assetion, u-ut ii' ilforithe o ce m I nascmîîe -uie oxe J ouh nuat arunians irie eart, poisont e isyaetnithl Painleî,SoliiferansiC2-6yoncer lierdlan ari, pniutcdlsirig426 B ber Oust Lilisore1bln niycle ,t oe ue micmlsl. ehIoeisise xltbI the Offlce:-]lleahelpocy thleu-nr, eimrdg St-let,r l-1i"1 rilJl ý oetn r ru btlty -oirthnglod'o.'. Dd' leivIjsariecctr nAltuet I roanthrerpoinh let rien' liwoavlENTIrou y . apt asu. ssafurlge bntlsTo etea ey idjen ' 1 '-r hos eut ieliseorbiott ia' ocer- Sicr Kiinenth9wirel'-.sfin ieso eifi aIle ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ld rae,4-lrh ep fOîîs, wournauhouscu"suu0 dios si ec.. sme:tlic laP.bors tet lt bsad l of soi-tnaetniitydissutiosibel ae Liecauseeane-Ithreo!o tte Diu 1l pmîidesi Wor umumrS et 1 îa1imier le wjiPc fenirn Sin. t 'n-oi-u, ax lii oeoîauuvine moan-O he pr laitilexefuinslf andl hieli utthandesofson E.aus ee seme o MrEi-logtier e Liu te- HE T' --. haie tsoaiss ost vner f lin se uhiîsIage rassageW a teetlc ot e mot ori d de dai LICEîtluIaddomiu-S M.x1 A.ntpri, ia sdeny .scatI - - -FWEkys uasr wlin ieandîisou ro IA -:îtul musieîdes us:T1 lf(j7î aroel-cussbaeco Thi Leading Seilsso mria 5Yj sbDiri.Bn oui j Niue out of every_ ten men have ý been ulyoftasrsso glSt trej Uier youtll.--Nattu e ver-exctse n-Iu maulrtrhwY otouglitise o r jn ignore nt e ayb.The punishment aud suffering corresponds witil the crime. T h e ol escaDe frein its ruinous results le proper scieniftr: tetocutratleefcs TheDRIN, lierbynihtly basses, or secretly through tha uirine, mucýt bha stopped-the NURVES must be buit up aod levigorated, Uic blood muet be purUfle,, 't1e SiiXUAfL ORGANS must be vitalized and developed, the BRATN muer be orielied. Our New Method Treatinent provides alil tlese reqireinents. i nder its influence the bralin b2cores active, the biood purified so, tlat allpmls ' blutches and ulcers disappear; the iiervca3 becerne strotng as steel, suthat nervone- nsbashfuluiess and despoudency disappear; Uic cyce become brilht UC face rv fuil anci clear, eniergy returns to the body, and the moral, physicad seuelas- teins are invigorated; ail draine crase-no more vital wsefn h yti.Tbe The varions organe become natural and manly. We invite ah the affL xct<tecal i and consult us confldenitially and frtee of charge. Cuz«te-. Ge ratdorn Pety. We treat and cure: Varicoccle, BliOendi3l,Sa>ri,,itia, CO fULTÂT1rON FIZ L BO EFR E lefùunablle tucai riýtef'o r a QUE£STION BLANK 7for _Home Tretnt 1468 HE7LBY ST-, T2I,141. TOW'N 0F BOWMAN VILLE TREASURER'S SALE 0F LANDS FOR TAXES', TOWN 0F BOWIMANVILLE, COU-NTY 0r DUPRHA%, TOj 0WTTr,: Bv virtue of a warrant, to medrctd bv the ayo ofth Town o! B ow- manviti, under the seal of the said Croain ern~dt i~eit a MaV A D., 19 ' 4, cenimanding me tc iev.y oi, !and-,e ngtryegind(a-. said lands 1tting and being ilu the sAýid Town i3of Bowmvianvitte andbenpt lands) ail arrears of taxes on same together with aIt tlawful Casts tLhereon, herebv give notice that unlesri the a niersîdceLtehosrooner p)ail, at1on SATURDAY the 27ch ýay of AUGUST A 1D. !1934 at the hour cf two 'cbe ck la the afternoon, at the Couneit Chamber iuntVie Town Hll in the Town of! Bow manvitie proceed ta soit by public action so muceh of the said lands as mray 'W afficient ta disuharge the arrears of Taxes and coats. Description Lot1 Parte! ................. 232 ....................................................................................................4 2 14f t. Fr onDtago e* wet part* of i " " 12. 13 West part o!............... 4 Town reasrers fEc 7 Town Tr .........O...ce .Bowmanviltle, May 12, 1904. limes ho n'aided off by a dose et Ep- sont salte, as may cther headacles duc Ieo 'asîto-*nlexicatieu-"; and one due ho oues-use efthe ey es or ey o- sttin i mii usually, if taloen a the muoment efthe tiret watning-, be or- rOsted or muitigoteet by closieg tue book andi geinu for a n'nhk.-Yonlb's f'oaspaasien. BLACK SEA FEET. The Russian Squadron to Sal Shontly. A despat. i fs-o-usSi. PForsb-ssg euses. luesuncusce: îCentre streef. --O s- te__acîîîî 1e--.1mtî d1ou amim wli ne"n Norîls (4-ran oyi l t Sîoaship Ce. ---' " ' " ' "- -"sis hc I in (o rinnt ba! (,'hl no" says hedoiabslhol lt-rd 1,earo f het icprescut gonration, there ctas-S tccuetn oky t SIIIPON & LAR nv n'shu e otib lreid t i 2t O U pat - dl1dtas-tftaS cin uqe'-h-s Leen 1h' 'inhetonsent ofiinrite won5 e tc anuîilr l istih(bidvu--, IR ELthLAPin uurs sas fro 05trrî tlt; clasis 1 r a eb" noe ustion Ibot on" efoeus iepsae huogificla le P.hi Sl'SO - . C.,CHtAS r. s n-b, as aa a l rwis eu li tn iili dah1ictht iublnosfty tethelî fu'tui- losuîislîi- builaielo lte Essin BasirSc euau-n Inti ea terao ahson'si SI 1i'gs Sixp.'n The flic of.im poirdere. Lîssiî BILAIRI, Barri sier, oictu-,Notas-les. errol; u ilu, gis o e]as iants oi f i ie 'In lcases oft 5 itlu ilid i et tIcnisin o our uiatu-sips and t hno street, Bow ;,LI mon frein Pý,,1lý: s ( illLeiti t y lIaIzs- r, ensearaof acrsaersscatl y a pf veis-lanhusedtdrsarlurc tfronisth" BInckSea ihiin tihe Ontaro 1hlank. Privte idGieus-s an. igitshils ceultrys sittes;,aS aeg- i'ie. Th'igroa-t drlitasfist -irroen g - SOO tcus i olc ot he s iue _______ straesistfr, cîsacîs la-, iîici tise nsmle "( h, of rt-n opîfs101oonifr uv\ek 'i'diuiih 'le e,;r e e nle, cloîali u ihîrtti tflflRfl xe-J t eutorcr's; le is lit mr- t S hob aie ntaniee dt!"rae itIle£2 tc _seLUIuai c 'utiuaa, n-ho selis the gootîs; hoibe a ila-hsln-e - mr itn roi-u omsc i touudrmîsi, ie uonafarusosbitter exichrc, ulieg4-u liS bin- tor u O e ilî l WhI rneu. B thie separette ala-t s ci I)ririrnlpninntihe!steel rails. AaM ra su, liduater Aihs- uu,îýf ~ Wit e I IacSToc o tc Y-tfiS In lin ils te iesi, o iit. Thle lo,'.e tbat ibi A ja i- a, '-s- sîo flaib u olerluc, i DENTISTS. urere is nian th~e breadu-viu - 1w l,-- - \V']ujs'saItrtîlb frIIs selhrit 1101. s ',u"1 otllth 1te îr eee ai uhee ae!f 5 . îsfenl b ' hî"r ualt.ti'rslort le dcmîgýs, unins ls f/3rth 7,o i iday _IC aI iioII4; , a s-u nn tshe morscy imaries, oSI 7___ -Nur V ote or onu-d , t -5i' 0 1-o 1 ledsss- Luude heseuliP I u iupo'-uthe jîuiciat beach us -s clo. - a -t le upiS t's 5ae take' ndblooS h ted-.i 2nd ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z ,dy ildy n o o' -In-- 'guîdnci,-0f tle plyi scian.lati ticproosiolealchis.1IsIlat Flleelîi ofIjîl 51I congosire the leadacie, in'urkeii bu-rtirol - - OffiecTe îe:cc S., Bounn-t.,beowilîr. Est xhat 'er 'iî asr- ' 'rredess-sget bng atomoe re-s b eorin o -. cutored 'ille, li-car fe! Iliggichoth&)am's <1cîio relo Ingfo- the dcýii ingforce £2 15d vshiltines.ie Ud!-erte Stoe. ild lîoduesres-di lusecel de- AWOR IRMONES EAl. HRN- arp lied ho the bead, a lîet-wnaIe ntslkhiiisoet upsg USNANINVFANr, AND INR THLR SUPESCNO' OR 'buig te le stîlusea musIonS piaster"-fr aiu EN~~~~~~~~ 're"i, okc îeiscko , i u/Ti ermentat 1 l(fua1l l'- a or t 'r- n-as haugbt tise jnv ustans-SUIifot-r 'è Nu-s uSito t " d-- b -.- -u stn-se-eu XL~iftL iJfJNceae ~car ag one lea fue ue SUPLIS TEEXEA Tar'JGT ARoitn eiu-e u&is w--lasu-sns tu-ugela - ~ \f acton a t O. L DS., ~~~~~by anLm 0 1Cm uiiu !ROUpI5iHMEN 5 A! aslly FR I J~,hîire-'o S. P'c-s,îýT1iea' r teun c iad u . a1elv s e~tis osiir ee e i IENAT FAOHM'kE N as u u"ttoi 0 ll-ii-- ui'o . utir e'ubbts os-" -ne Gî ii-se f ieRoal oleg ~ geoes piît-i gnlse o lis ge 1 CHLO Sedterres.rnle iicu-supnee- te leseet u- ueu ' mdelemso-e-cuIlu-ii' doî :.Jun ion~ nt Deta uueos Quaro uas aen t e îariei nS -s COT& iO N, hineb, - asben suicnsfmi~lssod - Wsr nnsag f is 'ou rlitepiourlls/u c!!;nupee l uskug n'ls1m. wîa h gvpeliei. satas bs le n a'iotlo tse teif rru<ltst ie l-aitnij < Ofie O psîe T Bsgueuu ufc. u bi htacter, i dvc A . ca.f.e, i rasss - ttc Itsin any ~ ~ ae niuo I' t e-muhý;id 'r 0)t ] I poIsns I V1FA LtFD A R. nai loe yor wte, But mor lieatacilbilonshtedacu m y eomue1 SlS a B wmavNI Street 'Acres Taxos Costs Tntal King h King Ô, King Church 3/5 Quesi Concession i1 21-18w. $14 IL 25 86, 23 59 18 43 17 52 34 68 70 10 62 68, 4 83 441 S44 3 29ù 6 Î6 13 04 16 i74 28 0<) 41 1 J. S. MOORCRAFT. TuI-IATIEN4T ANIGLERA'. Irate Landowner (to aigler)-Hîi, you sir! This is nîiy wtr c 'an't is-h bre. Angler Oh, ail righit. Woo l ,that w,-ater up th"re roundthbod Irate Landowner-Don't lrnaow,,; fot mine. But tis s., Ang],ler'- ry well. 11i1 wait tiit that os down hure! lier Father--"You are going te nîarry that insignificant.liitice cad, lPerey Mily uns? Why, you o)nce-,aid lyou w ould nev.er inarry a inan les -Ihn six'foot high." dih' Oh 1 know, p apa; but 1 docided to taike off 20 per cenît. for cash." A yenng man has toenchcn fidence in flio girl lie loves t eiv lier wbîen sheu says "No. he svlomach the Dr. Leonhardîe .o.t-P1 and flue nettes fucreasce the ncsaysp ply Of gaStIc kJUIOCeIuqu-, dfood fermente lily and qaiyto mur gastric jfice. perfect omcaton h tion snd putre- I as elmîIar actoniou ble i stomain-suýd frato.An.onecain eanal' are 111, prove Ibtis for hîiecf hI s nares. Co.,ia'~raFalls> Ont., for 10 T 2 8 31 ýk