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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1904, p. 2

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M~uet Dear s-igrnture of Y4=7 Ganafland a.s euvs te take ne __________FOR Ti'EC OPLEXION r- M I F7-11CK A DA C ME. ADVERTISING RATES. The Canadian Statesmnan ls 3nb!4iedý rvery Wednesday rnorning at tue d -fliIc 213 S t,3esrna iBloch, Ring Street. BoraVille, Ont., by M. Az. James, Editor an d Proprietor. Subscription $1.50 peran, or $1.00 if paid .trictly tin adx ance. Adver'ising rates, ftraîjiient advetising, ten cents per line, Ilrst in sertion; Oive 'cents per line each subsequent insertion. Contract rates on application. DR. L. POTTER. Office and residence, Church St., op- posite Trinity Congregational Churelh, 13ownanville. 25-6Iru DENTISTRY. 0. C. DONNYCASTLE, L.D.S. D. S., Hono. Graduate in Pentistry of Toronto University. Office:-Over Cen- tral Milinery. Entrance frst door West of Big 20, Biowmanville. A. E. ]VcLAJcGRLIIT. Barrister, Solicitor and Convoyancor, Omnce:-Ile-akley Block, RingSte, Bow1nanville. Money to boan at reason- able rates. 48 lyr. ROBERT YQ-UNG, V. S. O Eâ FICE IN 1HORSEYý'S 1DLOCK, fYopposite Town Hall Entrance, wliere ho will he fomnd from S8 arn. to 9 p.rn. Night relis at re';idenice, direct- ly opposite Drilli Shed. 17-1;. WIARRIÀaUPE LICENSBSM. A. J1aines, Issuer niof Alarriage Lie- ene0. lbsidonict: Centre street. SIMIPSON & BLAIR. D. B. SIMPSON, K. C., CRAS P. BI.AIll, Ilrristers, Solicitors, Notai ies etc., ,ierris Block, up-staiîe, Kig sti i. i, ll'nnaliixillc. Solicitors for the Onîtnrio Banik. Private îîîonoyss ban- ed at 1ow est rates. DENTISTS. Will 'c atIflackstock on the first Mon day of ecdi ronth, at Orono 2nid 1MUnday, ail day, and et New- castle [est Wdnsday froni 2 p.rn. Oeice:-Tem-peranco St., Bowman- vile, ear ofHîggnibotharnis drug C. IIARNDEN, L.D.S., Graduate of the Rotai Colioge of Ilenital Sur~geons, Ontario. Office: (Ipposito T. Pingh.am's office.1 VITALIZED AI. LOCAL EXPORT [RADE.i Cheese a-id Grain Lower Than tast Year. A Toronto despatch sevs :-The localexpert dopartinent of thc rail- ways repeft that bnsiness is' tory slow., The mox onen t in grain je fer behind that of lest y car, while that cf cheese is far below wlîet it was a 3 ar ago te desy. Duiring the we ek 65,023 boxes wero slipped from Montireal, while for tlUe saine iveek last v car 123,372 boxes weroý muovethe ause Dr. Leonhardt's FIem-Roid in a tab- let taken internally. It id a permianent cure and no Ca" b cf Piles has ever been found it failed te cure. M-ouey baek if il doeis.a A garnte wtherery packzage. a Forrnerly Marshal and -Chief of the Genera 'JAPS COMMANDEïR-IN-CIIEF. A despelci tremî T 'i scys: -1h is helieved liai the places made vaecanit cI ceadquierters hY the appeictirîent ot Field MrhiOyemuc ce Cern maniie- jijef cf f(-iorces iManchur- ia, and iris selectieofchCen. Klolarna as bis Chiot cf Staff,' mil he fOUed ternporajily. Tlus sows (icItich changes ,nue nct cocnececd riti the recent Japmreosses, ns mas aI fluet susînected, but 11maIthey are an indicatien of a ici-gem fildof opera- lions. lhe ientoft he occupation cf Lino-Ycng hi' tio Japacese is-cet credîted hlrre. It ije htouîght tiraI the repent enigqiated fi-on corne ta'.airy riaid. Port Arturn le hecg ienvily fei'tif-c'd on tie I aid elude. Tic prose belici os liaI n big ba(tlo huis occured, of, Tnmiclmuits,, 14 m'.les fi-onu Pou-t Arhr. 'RieLelo'Mi thinks (bat ,(he lposuiin cci ho luracd frein Shiglon uit tihe0usd of June, anud (lie Port Arthuri'.vill coi.lie nttaekied hetoro liemeuiidle of July. ELEVEN T-PAIMS DA1LY. Tire London T'imes seys itlbearce -(id-lIe ueneiRussan fce who have reu-orned free the mci- givo on tihe'.hoeoacfavorable au coudt o (lic arrangemnts tcccnve3 ing (requis oi lie Sijbnia R-ailn'ay. Tiero are fmom uigl't (o eicvena injs dcily. T'ic steamuuors on Lakte Bcjknl carry 4,000 amen dciiy. Cen. Kouroputisin, lanibis Ocupaîci- es (o St. Petersbur.-, cemaphains of thclaci eftramnag ccd incapaciti' cf hie olfucens, but ho pnumlsos us in. Ho aIse cemplaius tiet hie hirens eare t( e foancd îr.fit, tiey beicg interior t the gourd .Tpa-neso herses. PEFIT FING H-IIS SHTPS. A despc(ch te the London Timnes frein Sr'oul says ihiet (he maiin Ja> anese equedmomi is beicg largely ne- iievol fueun ite exacticg dulies ont- side ot Port Aurthurî. Aduirimel, Togo is tckicg ativantae of thc opportun- i.y t efîtcdicri-iai eof[ie ebipe, rieh are no'.viii dockm nds ic Ja- pan. Ic stililinas vessecie urugi (c protect siipping in tufe Strait of Coi-onh. crodent eppeerance ef the Rumsian vn arships tiene eréateti sur- prise,.liehe ss eft-rcaisports ivas a great shocis. Il je uccortain '.io nias t le iuîîcfou' tie, foely of alloir- jcg transports (o saii urcmii iod or miethon blauno attaches trc nhedy. lie correspondeniit nciined toecx- enerale Adnximcl logo, imbo, ifho more cocsmmted, hirobabli' oppeseti tmnccceseni'y uisis. COSSmXCTS AMB11USIIIED-. Another Cossace detnchiîurct ics failen iî'.uo an an-rbusir et Japanese infcni.ry, icieoimganmnor of mn '.ounded. LESSO1IfS 0U VAI"ANCOW. A leading Ilussian mlitary expert, nevîirmaf tic bs0ns 9e1thtîrbattle et Vafen goîr, attm ihuitoslie J cpcnese sucdee S te supemier ci-tiloîy, and prephesios that lie issue ot future batties miii ho fax oued (o tihechte '.vici places (lt'enîrîsi gins in tie fila superieniti' of cne-tijid bcimug sufficient te assure victory. ile do- clames thet Cenci-nI Stalkhung's mis- sion nias te test lhe etreuinti of tic Japane.se fonces, ccd liai. ticie- sons lbai-ed aI Vafaiugoi re-ono', likeiy te Uc lest cn Gomerai Koure- liahiin. NsO ATTEMPi[7AT SORIE. A desputci (o lie London Tines fricm Toisaeys liat accouda froin Chimiee sources indicate traI tires tan eticcese me net chteu:ded (ho Ruissian nttecrp(e- te froc lie, on- trcîmco te Port Arthnu'. Tlhei-ceont h assege oet(he Iussimn cruiser'-No- ýi1 iiwas enli' ctoimplishict i '..h ie hoit> cf tegs. Oniy lîîrpodo-boat dc- stroycrs ai-e cble to e io'.. Tiey arc riccimpied in reoving mines. Tity neoirote, arnîmeti cti gune fi-oic tic wirs sîipe, -have bueus erecteti- (o stuenrgliu'.tic lati defondes. lieni ic aotiîing te imdicalo ccyin mtention on tho peut oethe Uussi'.iisqucdnon to incie a sortie. Cen. Steessel is nppai-tly staiing cverylhing on uis capacity (o resist a Japanose ce- solt. Ifime talsleime ihiblewu tp the ru ninemut ofthtic auadrea. BAI.IIC SQUATIRON. 'lh.-,Cronstadt corr-esponden t oftie London Tirimes in a crailoti respctci ridiculcesthte annoucnuenhe tint tire Bali lehiet wiii ho ready for sect in Anuguiel, iritn i ilnl baie te ccii' airait tire mobilization et a ceai flo-E tilla tri star.t fr-tlicFan Eas.ele b o ý , ! i n b , sF mt î"- O a c i'.' i u1s, l e s î- 1 g .e'l -l e . t i set them ight--(ýII -Sit' s1ply and, easily done. Wfthout pain, without trouble, Withont nause- ating, in fact it's only in the Leneficial effeets that you notice you have taken Prof. TF. Iodgs6 n -Ells, Official~ e:. Y Dominiton Government, reports Sai"a Plv, eanidwetrmade IIEF OREIIE u DOCTOII COMES. madlesoayY'means more ihai y, 4 J Staff. by b andage or correpress. In _______case of alarîning henmorrhago, as wion a lirnb is eut off, or a largo ar- Rusîan Cov.erreret the desirabil!ty Lcltory opened, tic a i indkerchief of putting an end te tie uscless car- around the li above the wouacl, nange Ex on . rneng the official ad- Sold everywhere In&Xjada find US. paes a stick tirough the loop s0 visedn of the Czar, two are cllogod Amer!ca In boxes, 2'i cents. mcdoecand twist ut tigit. This is te fax or pence. known ns -the Spanisi windlass. It în mAhITT)aw mHsr sheuld net bco bit on moe~ than an RU'-SIXNS LOSE VESSELS. THE FJ RIERlflitûBIF RIN h mur, as gangrene rnay result. Large A despatci froinTokio say s: Tic odrs.;cd tic sanie asnaicnesutpendE PE J-apanese ccptured a mai bai aing HOW THEY 1MAY HAVE FRESHI1derdtesieassni :ns ed Pot ri'Én'eded-y ad h iIAT IN SIMIVER. jing the doctor's arrivai. Weunds AkfrteOt o a , r rhro ens ,adte1o f the face and head require the o1Im caoî a 47 C'hinanien on board say tiat _a few i îanct utsoi ece d1ays cge two Hussian torpodo-boat Doinion Live Stock Comminission-:stoar byticdotor __but_____________________b_____________ destro3 crs. and the steanmer Shin- or Telle Hlow te Ccnduct iA l byhe dinur eteoy myh Tniigsrcimnsa the hroan ak Oe ntrnc he.treate4 b'y wasi 'ing nith berarie c wholesome. h/lien lie je an euirly ris- f WJARNING TO OTHIERS. tre th ar ory cd sanie. omie ha- lhu ivstci g n n id solution, but eycs are deliclte or, it will probcbly be othcrwiso. Hoe dpartds tu ivbcwreletce! Athugr iv stckjegrna onunsîilled cn ejy ago rafsad The leap toar girl lied reached the codn othoi- accouats. ainiost e'. oî Canadien fanm, tic pharts. Teo r'iouced h ce o t a god rekfat, ndpoinît whero an interview with the coi ding te farnier as a nue finds it vory difficult hne o et' pnils fri venis other icais are dirue hoil young înan's nie ner was necesary. PORT ATHUR UIET. tn furni.sh his table wit ciaethtic ye, tumai up the lid iy i-st hc rcad3 fer thema, and witi a ged "fyuwî n~syta c drwn tdw ytelseto appetite, wlichisl itef. cimeof lime Jbv raa"pcddtefi p Thb. euly aews of Port Artihur luring -the summeien arnths. Sait adrawiiigsitdown by tithe esiticu d&nefrmcCbc,,n'ene t s ta-pont and pniiîtry arein gmnral use, 4yieg on a inatch eor teotipick and aigus of ic'ïlîi. plcant, "l'ni'.îiiing tlu na1t for Cne riiCeowecililsa-sirnplv foiding it tp. IRcnioeothe ii foovr cd that tic .1,,paicse arc not pusi- but it is cm jicaet tiat a libonai sut> -inepie ftrematerna ing i- j nd. ane eginu ticfort piet fesi ncineul maie ~ particie itht a snft bilant ebjeet, as ~wl, prebiei ef p1,epaning mîals mmci i omo o .rdeîha eldTHIE SUN'S RAYS, parent. -Juet corne round wiec the res as seiieeîi a iydd a asier foiliennen o f thi house- toapiora c bi-n rlorfscald ho Mn kc xereie it timo's up and 3ou dan have, aim.- tic hcginnirug of theiementi. Chilese 1hoîci nd ud nur or ntneatinga unoselte M ykowbexeic htte win have arij.ed at Ciefoo stateilsad ud emueaaoe oblout is te relieve pain hy sîutting relief affonded by the suo's raye te o ei- ho crte tha th fiiti isles frquet.,A wiolsmne and pmubtable bill-ef-fareoeut tie air. Ifthte ekin isjenet bnok- cume pain nouralgic and indlamma- agaemn ort irorn.rto steiat i ho n g j ss frequ n t A ,foi' tic family.'Tie aivorage faraser e"ti iy cdn ypt gon .ory-is effective and lasting. Those go te court aan uiles cf Lice Tskin reports tha h is eea ie fo h er vaseline, or c peste madeofe bakjng who have face ache sire ad provo it guns on Golden 1111 nere firing for 4idn'.o cat and expofns it o t ind, soda and fdouc. A solution made of fer- tiemeelvos by sitting in a sunny an heur Tuesriay evening. Tic nolsi' enintm ndraer f tc fmmiiy to e ownqual parts of iinscd el and lime window, where tie warimti feusufunl of macine guns was Cmard bohind '.a ter ise a. goed dressing fer a hum, n tcec" Frimrosdebiity Port Arthutr fer mxany heurs citer- "Oydyo iefrfeimnIf blisters forîi, do nt prick or op- and insomnia tic treatmrrent 0f e ead speciaity as heti mon and hersesl es à ar pttrlndh. em fîy n thcii. until ordered te do se by1 otiers is i-tiii stnshiiie. lioe j pe. Aain ti -îrnior'suamuîy' tic doctoi-. If tih um-n jedeep>, se etnelkot nxddtc go $1,000,000 IN G D.ceulci net consume a beef animal bc-1 that soute cf the skinancd flesîh efct r etnuriieiyjisod A mssae f'en Vidîxstci aysfoi il irnîh soil seit e et e igone, put lie part ret oce inte ucar ig. To resterc a wjtiered aria, a tiesAs a kryVldieffs equndren tio etiwusontijiseof kiiiogtbioaiwatcr, and kecp it under uvaton con- palsiod or ieîmmatic iimnb, or te sezeci one million dolars rn coin on own. Ia order te malete cuse of tcyutltiepsdrm cae.brn acaofci-usietrtn board lie Japanese transport Sado lfresi meat posesible iin evcry fan u rbeestc anth cial e p eeedlyc aeeof ciet pt of wmon tic Russian cruisers ovcnieuled lmaie, evon durng sumnîrrer mentis beln p-ncs tctratct oidh t xps lici- in Coi-cc Streit on tic îhti in- the Luve Stock Conminssioner, Ot tnpioo dll rîue i imrli esatec ic stan. t'rarecoimunde ie aonegonrnaihurt, and me dangereus, irictier tiec heurs of direct sunlight ce tic day csat.tcblisroimcmî oftbeorng wicîal h ut mmit niteweuid afford. Wjth weck lunge bet j JAPAN WOI-LD MEDIATE. icave heca crccsfulit carnîcd on foi-roud hruiy i natspi h u a uto i is o solution andîlelt il souk in tic saine.1 heurs. Fer tiec cilinese which Tic Gazette prijte c seni-offji ycsj e ctinsofCaad. Tien put on poultices of laxseed or causes bîmme hands aîud bcd celerr ie- u comuniue i-oc Bnij, ilc mnyBrameNG, orne ether cdean imetei'ial until adl soi-t te the sua; lot jt ciret bhiister ho construed ce the lastest vie'.'.of lieco rings ai-c net, as tichae e trace of sorecees ici gene. The dcng- tic ski, and the circulation wili an- tic Germcan Foireignm Office as te the rmigit indicate, "trusts"? for tie con- oer of is or any etior irounîl je jn- swOi- the attraction. It le a Oi- evetual arcdiatjon het.m cn Hussia (i-el of the lproduction ccd sale of dieased hy hcing sellod iiti brnayard stimulus timun mine, eicctricity or SMOOTII ]ROÂDS acd Japami. Il ente that the Rus- bo 't, but ci-c groupe et tai-mens wmiecati, especialîtn-ci here e horse massage ccd me are oi tic verge o1fEPY HEI sien side hes hitici-to scoi-nfully ce eperate te supply their tables msnum'c. gi-oct thci-apocmtic duscox cries cencora- E E YV IR scoted the idea ot medictien, ccd ruti fmreh incat duuriag tic' s.uniamer. la tic case of a bi-olen imh, sur, mg it. ...... theo is ne indication of a change Of Tie ring is iîsumlly cnnmiposed et six- gicai icit> ioust 0f course bc s'ont for attitmude. But evidenco ice accuhimu- - bon, t'.vccy or' tnenty-four nienibens,, at once. If tic leg or arma ho hm'ok- LITEPLARY NOTES. i'itcd iately niicb, tieugi ucefficiai, altîougi soremucîams as macy ns foi- on, one of thme lest thingq te do is ecrmes tnom suif'ciently neliablo quar- ty are i-clrî. Faci memiobr agrees te îuy thi 11b on a pîllom., îengtî-. lie lest installaient ef tic pen- (ens te wrrant tic vie'..'tii t Japan ite spply coebcdf animal during the wue,ccnd bind the- pillow fiinny te sanail steu-y et tic immnigr'ants ts ja jis nowseo averse le nccepting mredia- surmnier, and in eider ho give pienty tic paKm ijihi tiee or foi'-etrips et tbth Juhy nuambor of Leslic's Monti.y Ifyou have neyer tien, acd nwould net censiejdu'tre of- of tirne for preparation, the meichors ýcoti, hîcving-oison part choit tiec Magazimie, as wvll as c tiriiling ci- for n ienî. S is cicni nt iatdraw lots (ho previeus manter to do- cmiddle. 'rie dees net 'actr(io borie, ti"lc on icebergs, adtic truc his- rde h e Jae snet intoxicated mithiIts -rrnetcoder la ,lititey shalhuit it keops it froc.mu'. ving ccdtnry et Radussea, ticeiroal discovercieiyleyuhv gi-etsucoso. cd bjcehi to etribute aiaI.Atten tluc 0mw-gives cinfort 'to tie, patient untibcfcycglen Nntiost hoavar oriina ciimsfc n'mic itirn imuemîbere inmy o1cagenub r ioperis treated. If crin froni tic i îglut atonies ia tire magazine (hie neyer enjoyed the tu wri, nccely, tire exclusion cf if thon lind itîtuly dboae-huse, hind on aL piee c f heard or mentît, amng hem a ciarming tale Rriisien influences troni Corea, the oua. 'iema im"cn-a- inein c iayh tmd e . 1(0grad rcndsr j-fl laueo intcgrity cf tic Chirese Eîmpire Xio- bine for eonsi i iutticg a ccci or simt around 'ing oeeofia Districh Atteraey's et- intel h ti ocupn eurot 1enL1H1 AN1reho imb for îînding, se mhat it roiltire, hcsidc business aloies, includ- wheeling. churia. Japan iveuld net refuse t lu ewavnueofPris h - onieBssaspreperyri-mota The regubatins sui rvioce o icured hy rubhimmg on ticigacinvnuec Pnis i necognzo Rusîa'srouo-i surface. A splint foi- a brois- advertisen, and c gocd ari-ay story. in thic Manicimurînu Rail'.ay, ccd tint eci ochrshah s.upl>ly a neuhd anrcte an qutitable scttlc- steer or heiter indci tlrrco ynr dld o'n fOngol înay hbcîvhitticd trom (uin A nurnbei et short articles ccd nioceit oten. Peepite this apparent mmd, healhy ccd in geodcondi- rd aet x eii aletpti mn i o-Clec lanld w'.ibngntss, t je difficubt (o sec ho'.'.iojn, drceing reni 400 te 0 o hand, thntpricry -vn tihutions cf titis nuceiber. ani, offc'et ofmeuiaticaneuld bc suc-pounds ci bout, and gî'nîîed for at tno irldti efthtcne r um iong-abeefc f"h Is cestul se long a usiapersiste in loast six reeks provueus tuo ill~icg. If emîuitnodedbyedten n om heana rd OffeCetmpaeny," (hot aeg>Âeth. e c evcnit~y et an animaislenet upt> tethe standar'd »1 oyc e îmrad01Copc, c ce the egatve hjcb Ida M. 'lai-bell je nniting fer Russian cdottat on cea ccd land thtînt 1 nay c yhoiejeccted acd tie orner Mtlk s ctcrepms i img umake it imcpossible fon lie Czar's comeniîled te suppiy anotier, or it A YRiI .tohedtrsntesapofe-Tenwsot-Ï1 Coi ramnt e eteraic(hotioghtnîay bc accepted rat a licirivalua- ERYRSN.t i dtr a(ocaee e' h e moh cf an ecd te tic canîpeigc, thonîghitiomi. lie decisien in suci cases is Most porsoma ivi have lived te sonal Thnte setamproc iinisad o-ngîg ayr lut hoticeocrtar ora duy a bc olod have heeru gecd aleepere butdmsme.A ipbisfujaclag ng eay - it je undeîicble tiat n strong under- (hie dethe net mccc tint (i have hisextract tren ire(hotbter' cf a we cuu cent in Russia dteets tie iri-0 oiuhd ccmnitte cof inspection. t eos o nanta hy hv hpoint rg;itoney:ning wel and mould coadludc t as seoir as KILLING AND DISTRIBUTION. been long seopers. A gocd eleope-r iPeanntVrimiatiny - sj coe mie sloops meil. IHo may Tiese extracrdinary articles have possible. A butrior mse mploed te kill andloo quuîc cîtougi in six or se'.onen aeiatemdus mpsio '--4-----eut upt>hti animale, tie o'.ner re- , wln ercvcr they have heomi i-cad. lIre TW NYM R AE. taicing the lhead, lheurt fat and hide.1he wurs bcsor b fr hm is e ncfainesof etMiss Ici-bell ccd McClure's Tie umouîrt pidfo kllnganc l moub hreor fourhy orunimo.Aa i nazi ne wjlb livo in histery; hoti perdtonkuimngcndcof lid treeon ourheus aNrewAsc milredoive, ce they '.elb deý,erve, (lie lieSpradcf mnlpo atNei- ing lut>a hensti. le ceclby $2 te $2.-mulo blong-iiemi pensons have heen - Liskard .5, wth n etni ollr i th buch-earîy nisous iîccause îcey haie heen adîîiratioc of honet mon every- whichis nt n litre, and they miii gro'.v rth tinte, A. Toronte despatri sa3 s. :-. or niaissdciî'o, riijene ngoori sîcepene BDy "geed sloopj- nh Id . ahoimlihorgad Hedgotta, IProvincial Ileaith Uffidor, generai pi-at4joe. 0f tcurseo it is ncant sloop that is amoot and sonîndut IaMTrblwi brerd bas necci'.ed tai-hier reports fi-cmthie net necessany t, cmt>ioî a profession- witiout Ornmîing- î'efresiîing; the ed as tihehibest femabo mriter ccd sperial fireuti officer sont icto tic 0.1 butciiei, but a;t naiS i-Orquiied joyrcprts hly hs h McClure's the gronteet magazine et lcisamugditrc, e cc wtl ie occc do il(ie ioeuhnchtly andbcy ecpeats rroly leurivacegi."s Teisanigditictodalwth1love (o nice ecrly gononaiiy ni-c of lihecismnlrace lie sinalpex outhi-cai. Ti:euty c,d iveil, and cut vuther cancase abongi(hiesert. They have slromg '.vile iuiH Scnnns cetmi ditionai cases have heen dls'coî'ened, lie usuai lice ccýd in (ho sanie may ccdFgankheell.10 bgie milm. Lae nocd-rail- 'iraling huîeity.-tcum i alundcr e-cc ie i utcicr provides a iscr r ciocf ton invabide, or- por stey apea mn c u cen'. cioru. A temr i-y ospital and iook for eci member cnd hanges c"fbdihit desre a 'Sleccss." Amotier ic(Oiesting foc- hiense cf dtcîtien asliceon secured (ici-eonathre portion foi' oaci famnly nonci'froc fi-oin otherîi' ces hosides tr tiisi5.co "uce" l ,anartclebyGeoge Fran ntile at NiewvLisiseard, nji al neccsscry as the anjmal je cii.ut>.Reaci rn -idlenos lice iervous cxliaustjen a atiler Gorerameccîte attendants. A (ontni ith'.comrploeber sieuld hav'e tlire mccbaga n jth wîicîlecepe a mnaivwaîeful i. "- Hem tIre Cz-au' EarrsRis Living." eqîîipmomt for fittimg ut> as anohen hie camne on, se liat one cf (hem otte mt ousrfueougpilie wmiter oet(ho article iccideti in More Comfort iea'.per-onary iesîiîci ia het'nt ci. may aimays he ut tichutlub utchrs10-t> in h ecmr-. "l xas.St. Petersburg for soverai ycnns, anid freinTeront o o crcady id case rocdy te recejvc tiheîvcekly portion. tien e i nilyducTis exet s- secum'cdlis infor-mntion frern pivate cf ireccsity. Comrpmlory vaccjna- In the case e ornie rings cacli fcnily tonb isinni rîieg ja .mc;i'ure f'ev- sorc Arcompanying tic articleC as e (mon me beimg îrgidly oniorecd. lie gets onby one pJîede; la ethers a good aîiy anîxicîýy, or in..psdretioc in diet i a poemn, -My Lite," mitten. by local atthoritiuîe are aetivcly asejet- piece of (ho iind quarter nnd aiin- o0r1, a~l iiigl (u alrtic Czar hiniseîf, i'.nîrhichIl gvesý iumgthm Piex cmi epatrnctacdfei-ioi-pieceof et tc onoquarter, ori- oeo ciect of coi-iaifavoci-ble jifiu- expressiont(o tic o'.erw'hell-i'.'iut mcl- it us hoed tic furtirer progrose of vice versa; la stili othuers a mecnher ecsente1 sl thci~ anchmly liaI ceernaitoecnveop it. the disoase îmay ho stca cd. Onoet asniiigpccanîat o nOiit3 tien cusoî cf h ' hjljn Iae.etHien îmrLess Wtork the loal docors sill loctaovsi.y. thmelocl dcto's 511 uinalc tie ce cf steak ec,ýi wee. lie 1Te 'turn a, weaJ[ýly maui eut et bcdirritesjnteesîimg anial etories, ead A Boy in Claybank ays.' tire outh-eakisleimîpetigo, ccd net 'varieus cuts are niumriîei-d, acd an hsnws," ý.ohri ihgi, smnllpox. in epiteocf lie fact timth cratorcr e1eth hi îtievory nmrening miilnet proîeng hihi lenrt," MoiniMcria" '.11at ticcetdirer doctorsadmitbhiat-lime ut unît, s he hes elepi. eruoilgi' Pi-e-, ler t ho patiîtir eoy cfthon cde"You eau ride alltheothr dctos amittha t c orof tic qunlity ccad irsigit of beef Iventuîlg a we t>oi-vn a hem ici- dîscase mc sinamlpox icc' db cc imeT heE oe(an foro r Oensloop>- usirci hîldoen hod nasoyli rac(ivi e e m ncge fo heurshcart anld aylime band cf tl i mct wyi spossýible oarnetr nigitly would net cause fi te lune morelless hunier. A beautitul tri on a Cushion eýw ilou n ssan aci fanily te recceive approxima ey (o ho oid, but mouid tend to siorten Ibute te Nathaciel Hawthone, nie Framne Bicycle oresne proportofn cf velundi c (aeî n osnewmc as bei-cin Scioma, Massachusotte, th ho t1e Ervic cec-toe nord has an îîmrdyar g u orhwith your pockets cfaie prgoportin of vaniabe ai(iet oi rhusand1 tcýwr d- a nh Ammmrjcnn iritosnth sforthhy w hk Headache and stomch ni nihun with e statomnent ci h ciiýI cc gts t>a 1 ua ma oetc rate ltnayait.A

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