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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1904, p. 3

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-OT i%7 C01LUN TS 7- ýe7,ýsenle instances, the breeding stock, ~ aothing contributess 50 much to thoir Ntig asapaeintebis- 1 -1omfort as that of protecting theni ~i>hin n~npardi toilT;rM q froin flics. Animrais that arc kept tory of Enigland's prosont expo-dition busy ftghting flics requiro more foodiiîuiî COTihot which shows a deliberato , eUI I L l te keep thrent in condition, and, in- Il ! a to tooncivo pupoo t anoxdeefi, it is impossible with an un- A d I ~liraited supply of food to keep thoi that cunryorto j c 'uin poper ondition. acy over it by înilitnry conqucat. ~GOIGP~~ Ad-rantage should ho takea cof the, Ir i P 'Rch n -lad th a.t b eenrlhr ob3ot, the oigin - (iT P T O . fact that flis co stlnaly tond to , or I fanr. nd C ul r n AnUprîa Sett t o haseel, the liglif places. A stable accd describes whnt lho considc s fle- re- flot ho abselutoitý dark la ordor to7 strongor force than 300 native ain- qtte nJotoaf a .proentanoyanco front Meis, af, a undr onitrnd ilgood crop tact, wo do not holiovo a in in The fr whtsrequisito >onsouCcatdo- Stables too dark. on accounit of fthe Colo.a1. 'Vo nay thorefore r ssuace tions. -A day loan t with n sand fact that anim-ais. areo hable, if hept 71Mixture cembinefi with humus is the la sucli quartors for anyý cotsideraî Fnindbs ilutro a lIidoal soi for botatoos, thouIgh gondletbo it tg re. , t,&gm PcalînrA nt asurptiselacprty sinilarirnlachar- potatecs and goed yiclds muty anadi o's. Cuîiîy sacks nialoieo r T1Si1 ligtIe'odaRua ~ O n S q ar~ ii ~ ~f ~n a n ~ te h at aIe w hic- ,glis W e l SupPlied w ith a liberal ua ?i I d dce th, nurn ber Of fl is th at wvillo a r h U nafftaîed. >Su ArCa ihtc ioor ity of humus. Iposterte animnais. These sheul that l'uiTKruger conforred \ith the To grow potatoes with Sucess it na c ha alefi down absolutely tighi. ____ mMyltflemn, bo of y~ bokepolitical mission wçhkbh prccedod hos-Inaldarets wl10itrsouhemd fattoetme.arwiloexii 41 u l t l tcin a sh Tboyillls thrf wi he Tbcan r o a ti e sevie thuteer lietheofa c o t er c a d h sabe w 11b0o1o wambcno s e(i nhxuu1 Jg at readnesaof md SX O 3 scms a pcpnrag to gouinl, athelostabletho lboîtos tey wil ropra ur~nr oulm tan IorTbey flrash.ly advied lic ingal. ,wif tooiChenso ntoa cto w1h een nactielfservc erac wllrpndsofbd land una hesm im d me vy crtan edcalcoleg, ut iodoli. etYanuSiosbn lo aicont oue ste!. L traniadn b. nit. ofatth uhls gidvouptle wht resl AItitaroHreton- l h sal Ifs treatment did net do any good. Atn! EnlnitatteToo vr tled," and, every life depending on hini I ndiunî furrow is btter than plant- for an hour at noon w ili caf botter, the time I was inducefi to try Cuticura la iSn danger. A grcat malay railroad ýi ing toc, deep. Fifith netot,O eyesest botter. and wovetanot help but ~~ ~ I~ Remdie le ws o bd hatI afitebotter fiotiers than Ccci! Rhodes mein have found ini Dr. Pierce's Golden plant tu o foot apart, with menýs thial they w 11work botter after- ~ smJeJ euthl har f ad ut heCutcua touht he weeIt owlooks as Medical Discevery a vailuable tonic for forty te forty-four ts apnrt. wamds if theyt arc afferdeotiem pro- Ointment on hlm on bandages, as it was if' a similar expeience mna-y show the overstrained nier-,ous system. It Four to siyi day s afler plariting, orl ection duriag the, tinro tliey are in Impossible to touch hlm with the barsEgaf htth eieso h builds up tha bod.y, purifies the blood, Soonor if if raina- , go oe r the sur-ithc sfsul. lat son-l af oui- botter band. Theve was not one square inchi nourishes the nerves, and induces a face witb n harrow. Thon, as sooncls oftaeS egn ido of' akin on bis wliole body that was flot "roof of the w orldl" wouhd rather do healthy appetite and refveshiag sleep. as the plants can ho seca, 50 ns te lno r sdi thoe oboiag pulhed 4 dS nffctd.H.wa on mssofsoes Itsica wthberbylog isan el I snffered for six years with constipation and 1follow the rova, aI art a nlaua-tooth- down durîag the day ail CIrua up ut 'The bandages used 10 stick 1lts unigetindsikiahbmn Ic1peyd e d culiixnIr and kccp ibis goiag af night, fhus fueehy adraitfing fhelicar and I eoigte tfsdt aetlol .erii physicians, but they coutld net eachsý1 ny . .o ix*. gi dy utlwnnopoecinfrontfl*e sn-AefdRleyfrCnt Inreovngflcsituedtetae phn .case,"l writes bmr. G. Fopplewvell, cf IEnreka mîrasofs f ili asulilwe epitcin! tN SfO the skia off with thins, and the screama Sprin'gsCarrl eAk 1 etta hr h loiiigsat. Tr utv-csay ti lie ytoetoSu tMcflar from the poor child were licart..break..- o 1 alni ess, sso a s oinacl for me; couiC net retiun da naCo m, oc t-bylorn Sonv StonchTlirhoea inad1veriigo thnndwot ie wufa1houâ Jip1eîsa-t or shouhd ruts rogulnmly up to Ibis Who iuse Snob blinda Chat their cost WrIOVtifSFViih iag I egn 1 tinktitt iethed bc leor. Two y'ears ago 1 conmenced taLing 'peried, titougl lte topasbouid ha,, 15 more thon offset many limies dur- nes$ and LossOF SLEEP. neyer get wel, but after thie Second iagly now sho m iust, in a cauipaiga Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Diýscover' suad lit- 'te ha tîîrusd back nuf of fleh n 0 aasingle soason in fthc sax'iag of apiainor Cuficura Onmn fpnsuofadpraasubjuga- tic'Pellets,, and improved front the siart. Af-o t fin application sh5et ndpehas er takiar btwelve botules of the 'Discevery' 1 1lthehorse and plow. food Chat la cff,,td by flue preec- FlaSileSig atneo began toe secigaof Improvement, itien cof the Thibetans, and should the J 'as able te do liglit work, aud have been lM. Later in the son son alh largo uveeds, tien wbich t bey afford. and wtth the third and fourtliapplica-1 prcvieig ever binice."p and Ibore ila goofi roasen 10o xpect lions flic sores commcnced te dry up.1 Tibotans iitain an attitude of Send 31 oaa-cent stamips lu pay ex- sacli w cds te grow in geefi patate A CEMENT FLOOr-w o-H eis skia pceled off fwenty Uimes, but It objection 10 eltîter or oh of fChese panse cf mailing atd gef Dr. Pierce's greund, should ho prihhd orerut out. faly yicldcdtf0 lictroament. I used AcretforinaIolr os theCutcur Reot-entforhi~btodprocosses. if ils quito possible that Medical Adriser in paper doyes, free. bnch gmowthlitakes up tfeic oisture ACaetforl chr os And now 1 can say that lic la enfirehy Englan iamy repent lber Southi Afri AdeaD.R .Fine ull, ~froîuî tie potato planuts very apidly. , hae'ta od artro ff ho ou a abea v mv lic~ ildand pacficnlly indestructible. Aîuy cuc, n asrngran iaîherbycan oxpericîsce. tVile lier opieiho ueamy i ilo yrnua andy man dan put cote (10w ain lcss you neyer saw flian lie la to-day."liefana ead ne Wer su XATCPYFWAPbR 42CetrROBERT IWATTÂM, tare cf a loss formidable 'type l ic he OMhINION PARLIAMIENT. Ionceoila arow nilli n one-horso ialtaetinabadoe lir o XC YF RAPER 492CntrAe, Ciao l. e.1rsn ntneandi have flot Ibati- tootbed cuit ivafor, going only kleep c an gel tie sand for flue drawiug vccaeaeMAY ewVR IV ~, 897 Av., ~acgo,.11., ecpruentinsanc Noles of Proceedings inl the H-oua.e enougli b stir fie surface by break-ad do the work yoursolf, flic cost is 8,87 fuli equipaitent ef nuodern arîtus witb onaosk-eup fic tntls No retturn ln six years, DMr. Wattam whicb h or wr upieCorof Ci nn.ing tecrusf, u foin the ine ln icntpu'sqae ot.I writes, Feli. 23, 1903. lt om eesplefii the tops show siguis of dmYitug up. us essentiai thaf Ilie fonadafica be "Your latter of the 21isf lu regard toinusaiers ar'e groaf or. The ontire INTEI\DING IMIlGIANTS. The larger part of flin pote is ýSolif and as level as possible," wbich th. case of myliltte boy ai band. I arnpopulation cf the 'Transvaal and flic lon. Mm. Siftor, replying foCI .w ater, thîus, wilii be readily scea.and Sty onesec ravl ed by tused of mil___ truly tliankful te say that thie cure Orange Free Staf o, and flicir ilmmcdi- Raipli Smith, intlinaaid that ftho, understood fleic uecc'sity i grewn g ih apoef 4x4-incb scantling 3 effected bytfle Cuficuma Ilemedies bas Govori'unie t hd fahecînl gîcplto fnetnga aosfo t id --be--ol-zces f tte-allisfofem-Nata-ls--Cip-C enasures to prcxeit liuneaýdîng immmi- .S stcuit ofsurfado cuilivation 10 fori1 -r g cure te date." ony, was not more flian 7 or 8 pacr grants te Canada froin beiîsg x idlini- n duat tauleli rallier than Iigh ridg- IfGo ht box.abuthi 4edy and V CrI, ic sd M n ~~ ~1cen 0 f lire estiited population cf ized hy irresponibl acu! ing of Lhe rows wtb a large shoxel I otde.l bsal r n Cuieratinnntan Ctiur Bapanor diansti dpiew. Tho latter lia pall of ce-ment witb fixo of course Thotusandsof regand Mide Aged Men are an nally swepuarm ng5 housc Sq.; ton iliôRes de la Paix; Augtrallai . Town; Tiet. Appi'oacbod fron thficSouthi, RIWY CROSSlNGS. nfeuyatudnyf r um -'ilîdor graxvet.When w li ixod, tbvougshaearluindisraa wsukd flatreoea ela poinanCesbnioaB & eSdo;Boton, 137 dolaebus Ave. oetter'Drug the caly route open 10 lBritishli ue- ther t ban coniserve the moisturo la ilcltne.l orp., so pi r. 'Mr. Lancaster agnin prcseated tthehegond u esdsflchg inhaeneuglu b peut'ouf ef a pull, No Ambitioa- Memery Poor; Easily Watigued; Excitable andIrtal;yeBu; ruent, the country is, nuomovor, an ecase for bis bill f0 nmond fthorail- !&igpfsfi eeigmc fteand stir ýwci. Comimence f0 lay aI PmpsonthFces; Sre aC rain t; igiot;sleisa aarIooig exeedngy iffctltfibfig moadWtuY adi, 1903, which lad been e- plants îoo deep t1- gel any dzuî a rtIi n fteroind- Eyes; i.f-etee; Distrusifslan sd Lack of Eneg .dSruî frBilItep.If bof h sides are ported againsf by the Ruihway Coin- wr oadteorlyna.sip0 rV 'ew Mlhd 2reaizee will build yen up oiaalpy:al propr coditins ad adptablit fel wio, smondng sfli fro-eland sexiially. Cures GuSranteed or zoPy y, i bIite. Tebl roie o et ie pedngwt rwl23 YaARC IN DETROIT. BANKIBaURTy ivatdhumen ai ailltevel railxxny cross- il the Jotato is a henxy yieider, yet to about 1 n bc. Lay as fast vith nal-r"e-oi'oatmct on lber bands. inga la ci'las, towîs aC xi ll eanehauilxlagpensf as possibleaCd frovc i ameelliaffer Slioîld tise prpent complication de- lwhere lte spoed cf trains exceoda fou gris on an Viexhausin c p on thaeitbsotalti. AsrgifcgT.Ptnze h aNvcEca. xeiop anoaesesity for a coîuaiderablotrllies an itour, anud that on the ordot' eld there ila 78 per cent ner îwill ho of greaf lielp la gctting lte "I tive on a tanin. At acliool 1 learned anelyhbt hii ssin rosigsnt wte, 1 lor cvl.said1Iwas geiingito "declinae" (Ceusnaupuin.Fnal," en.iargem f cftle expedfieusnamy Jshtieîn i o a ond cesngaper cent. ali, 2.2 per cent. pi'otein, J hswîldybrdQeg t kGlden Moniter," edited b y Dra, Kennedy & Kra e aom Istetil f an interesting Book- force, Enghand xiii he faced ulîh 1sed f"feaiced &rproectd" a1 ercnsîrl ndoprc nt. Tis w-fi drybaî'd inngl e w dalk hauuds. I learaed te D'ih aud caue. Selfabehasapdy I s î h e ill e I s t a~ ( 1 c f "f î î e c d m p r e î c t c d . "f a t , o u' i n O c h e r w o r d s , 7 8 ip e m c e n t , o a 4 u u s n s a a f w d 3 i a ib y t o o k t h e ) F e a M e tl c d T r e a : r n s u ,a n d w a s c u re d l l y f t e îsAh1 5 m a let wbielî explIins our syen by cxïom iicrcasing dtffbctîties la treap iMon. Mi,. J t'palrick pointod out wl ca ada ok ti doi a n hn al ains i ft'asorftia aC aitennc. l ,tht ttousîîtr as ewundr b.watem aîud 22 pe'cent solids. aInul ho as liard asNawrock. h TcnrfCnnsîea I havesuplesver,aauy ants i:fweuneecrd which deisiti may bcha ade ad taistto admiteac. 'njChatîmotcf ite r iwa owCeîlici aelling c 1elslise r ate is jusf about 'y xP""""no flat hItro good icnrlo h ala otniso, odonteecm Thair l ls narytwceCnesultatio Fatment sFaupie ier oaiyan aio w itbdraw u by m ail as couveni- m ensurod ils, fth e distance f oas h L d fu li p w r rccr w - r es"msclog0fs on'ngrowone.Ibereea enl si eso otofc red iit Chatsa emf otxiilaIcrl ficCoslatcir,.ocsF,.riefrueio iofo 1,Trtnn. n ueou ofip.protection mayho requlr cd. iycendadgvsn abrt moreegeaemafficlant rd flian in po-duîy clLhadsan igixbouto marber te Drt1cnnedy ergan CharriteMich Sedfe l Vnwiî co-tiid fhe distance froua Cape ttnd1aagn ava heeaeierrnin. fiud it interesîing. Townale Pretoria. As a ronte for naNICGRET IL but fcw cropa m oreagtected. Wiîhi mtilitary oxpeuition la force ftle Tic IlTouise Ilion w-nt int comsmit- Iproper application offtlecucltuxafor FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. SuhAfrican trip ilan summrrer eut- tee on Mr. W. S. Maclarei's bih t here is but litli erromanfi for the Mms. Wiasiow's Soothîing Syi'np has A otiprobibit fleicmtportation, ninnuifnc- lieela tic petaf o ifld. be se iiltleofe mofliers for TOWN OF BOWMAN VILLE an . aing in éouaparisaus sîltli th Darjeelmtuec or sale of cigaretes. The billh rctsildrcus while toethiag. 1f dis- er anent ~ing-Lbassa journcy. was supported by Mr. Lancauster, Mr. AB3OUT B3UTTER MAKDSG. furbed af aiglif anC brokei of yourTRA RE S AL 0F LNS OR AX , Mort~, Crportion FruI enfrs c Ibewot'C ai potsolit anC Mr. Kaulbncb, and the firaI lie loiia exporlmeaf station re-ms yasc hCsfeigaCey Morgag Coportio Frit atrs f te wrIdtir po Ilatuse, lsrohibiting mansufacture and ports tire ms'lts oi some tests Made ing witb pain of (uîlling 'Foth, couiC (Frmery Tire Canacda Pei manient anC hellied pooples, perliaps sialal of Sta- sale,nia coried 'Dy50 t 27 ou a to ascertain tfli aoisture contentss cf at Once and hgel nlbotle of 'Mi'a. TOWN 0F BOWMANI'VLLE, COUNTY 0F DUIZIA,'0WT Western Canada M ortgage Corporation) ture, ntsinzy. Ship's crews mar- stancfing pote. Tie second clause, butter ands the influence of varions Winslow's Seothing Syrup' for Chil-' prolibiting the importafien of cigar- j efiodsanaud conditions on the quai- 1Croit Tecfhing. Il will etievo the Biy ir-tue cf a warrant, to se dirpefd, by thec Mayor c lcTw fBw TORON-90 STREET, TORONTO oeaed in a highs latitude anC eafiag etles, noas alse, cnrricd on a stand-,lty of butter. Pie gixc Ilie conclu- pocu iffle, suffferer imticdiatoiY. Do- sanville t ader flie seat of the said Corpi5rafien, liering ee lel'tidyo _________________________starcies anud fats are aflictcd withs ing vooehy 39 te 25. The penalty rýlons nt'rix'od aI belosv pond upon il, asothors, îh:erc is ne Mav A D., 19,A, er'mmandino' me te Ievy on tendshereinat rmnind(t _____________________Seurxv. Snewhcre betu ciifiesie sil lnsclauseblg nta adTono Bwa clus as carricd on a standing 1. Thc aniun-t of o-rcrrun doponds mistaku' abolit it. Il cures Diarhoea, slana arreand ohtaes n î'tsai Togtiwitailw a-il nb&gpfn extrunosfruts bxe ficl' ~ ote f 3 le 0. To furîl claseupon, (a) fiorongliUîess of slunsming, regeinteS ,lie stoaîach ansCbonols, lna t rer ftxso au oehrwt i aItcsstecn __ I ueteies laruity haveoiiigdrecsin otoo 9tons. hefor adec'akus ()cmetesc lu'uig c ir'sWn oisota lcGm hereby give notice that unIes flth arrears andeats be sesnrpam, hHo -i ~Fiu(oîad dprosocnîioîus, vas carî'ied îîy 41le geueral bLaks la creamomici, anud (Cl) roda es Iaflî ations, and gives tons AIi)Ybc2îil tAGS D 91 itehu ftooeoki ~~ L O flic theaftemnun. ai flicCouneil Chamber la tie Town iait i l . To n c Bo I Il uts itimitix c xahuc oahvil ho- 34. Tic lasI ,clause, providipg lliaft tPea tîse composition of the bulfer andi ciergy le tho whoe aI stemt. mnit vce esI vpbi cins ahc i adtnsa a ILIn fcou issnutriive fvalite rlarder. lthe acf corne lie oforce January 1, marufndfured. "trs. Winsýlew's 3Soofuiag Syrîup for nnilpredtosibyuleaconoiuhofhOe Conts epeniveto te lrde.. 1905, xas anuscded on motion of 2. Chuning la a warua rooni, and chiîdmen fccthing la ploasant le the É fficient ta discharge tlie arrears of Taxes and cats. TE S IP.tîte extroiety tarI fruits tlicue is an 1 Mr. Coline tb rond Jaauary 1, raising flic Iempernfuî'e of the Cronn baste anC is fhe prescuiption cf coeDsiponLtBokSetAcsT SE M IP.excoas cf oxatle acid, aîd fîsis acid 15 1904. On the ast -rote the prcaashhle and wnsb w'atcî' cause the huIter le of thé' oldest anC beat feunale pliysi- DtrpinLtBokSre ce ae ot oa amidpio. ath oie of was odopted b3 41 te 31, anC Ibe become setter and unitihoto lumps,t PORITLAND TO LIVERPOOL. population, too, maniy of Iliose iruits'b"ih su'ped. la iclicondition il bolds anC le- iStateos. rses leni Te centC arto..................238 A Kin., 1 I 263 $67 Kerm,;stogle..June 4 tt'aueoaver. .Juty aetisfiilm eag'ao xcfbbN. Fietof-'v ot .......................48 A0 Kin' 58 48 06 Dointona... u i iausietontianîcciwifbuîf cgar f0 ani- 'f ~ ~ tainsm hst oaget xetbtl.SohC by aIl druggisîa tbrouigl-...............2l0sn 359 44. 2 oufflie worhd. Be suie and ask for 14f.Fotg9etpr c l T Ka 83 34 28 Southwark .. 18t5 Deosînle... 16se ary precaufieusa. Maa3 of flie is ,SrW 3lLuie aeafrhr -. An iîscu'ase in flic si/e of gman- "Mus Wislow's Sootiing Syriip." 12, 13 2 Chitrclh3/5 1 2 32 0 Canarta ...... "25 lsouthn'ark.. 23 cf chîIdhood are eliargeabl o fovoer- t eeîs-IOSe t m*rig nrae etpato ....... u Stiperor aeroînmodaLion for ait lassesof annincounoaf respcctiuut lg i nes ue10 -ri'auloi...u.....'s.es74 38 Qocein 1 6 6 1 passeigeio Imodemate ratesi, indulgence in fruit, tien yot t o bciatroducc' wiih me- c îtenosture corteticlgrni-Iy anCd-----...................7 3 oe5în1 7 013O 31 MONT1IEAL vO AVONMOUTII (Bristol) sport fo tise locîlen acl. lie said i t ngi 10 lumsohee'iit u hu'u-T ASEBGFNTown TreRsuren'a Office, J .MOCA .Mana..Juc5 Tremu.ay These are admissions of flue scica- t îonld hc of a x emy iiglisfcliaracler. eu nolms ousilro content 0lxa...uei Trofn.ay9Jf butter is iuîcroased groatlx. Aid F oi Famrilles of MeTn IKilied iun Bowatansilice, Matv 12, 1904. 21-13W. Tesrr 'E ngimobinan.. r 2 3 'Iananan... "23 fist agaluist at fruits. But tiuhe oun t1rcu'oe4a.a d cn B~Iutter stuouid etlhe everchuma-BorW . CoCSorage c'ned -,the P irce o ef w ]V rtns c atobteaîl stotiCl _____ f0olC Steraze anC Cool Air. scientisf gees familier and de(1stroy n is ,tIucameudaoi es nene i n hte i dokas'ooiuel A lspýatclufroua London says. Steamurcuiresuaittiaionday-iighb. cdoîlurd anid miiksugoam are irLerýlpom'at- Lord!s Stratheona, Spencer', Roflis-statua tnat in flhe Prosviode cf Rlar-flhaxve obiatytfusifo to Ai Agents ferparllrulars of moderate rate nllnched fto tefri de. lb aClcocfcîe ronin' tupu'eI uauy loticsi nue h aebe pone osla iebe ioiie n ett h rn.lgac ni servnate SLlveepoo l,50i, te Lonîdon $4001) laugis nutlhe idea' lbsl ripe ruduniigcflteotA u iedaiad uano i njrsficboebdnaporîei eaultîsebet eblz.daC et eflofun lgabeutter.isid iaIIos e anCdmplard cc rudluug tu steamer sud barîli. 'prosent il w as' ot quilue lcar hwcbesv byte oalPt ioiTh fetcindsrmabcau pdntnilr fritnilsla ot whiolcsouaeuand benoeficial. pi5. T'fi aoislumo content of bufter Fa opoain lecd uo dfra1ie altsa a 1eic o- olc5f f i'i lirasne -For furbhar paticulars appiy te any agent or I maay imossbera flue Prosvinde of New [cati houndrernulateC .rl -*,1I-- -k 3- ,. 'f-+"--v 'hi b1-l,' -Pefore andZ 4f1er, the oniy Medicine of i us i n ornling, but it is gires nuivergal urorntland good onough nt any point on the pormanently cures ail forme of Ner rous Weak. d m1. You should eat it after getting and all effects ofabuse orexcesses; the excessive ýUP in thie orning; you aot it use of Tebacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mental froelv before going to bed at night. and Brain Wrry, ail of which lead te Infirnity, Insanity, Consumption and an Early Grave. price $1Par packagem or six for $5. One will Pï,>ess, siuillcuFI .Imailed prompty o a-II-G ENERAL calpt ofprie. e, Fd (fo reeva uph1et ddrMt' AUIIO WiudeocrOntcandar .J. tm eluai'Auditor.- Bowalan\ille by11ott& uS , 1.1178 o ucda sntanliti W.MDrni i~ igibtaî io o spmnnaint &k f sondrugiate fcc Julel-t oui, - ine oni agvnistrc rcading, also Mr. Fitzpatrick's bill to arnied the Yukon Teiýtory nact. ForInntadChdrn Te L;ind Y yo A av;,lays BoiUgh Sgareof I.Y ~jJUiLUNU~U.uîanimously nomimiated to succcd 1 1.Inorder to aiv01(1 .Ieakcy hutt or, liniseilibv the National Bopublican the nolsture shold lie ilocorporat ed' Convnin eao lý,raIsw. çuigthe churniing ndwsig fVnI.SntrFibnswa proess Th buiý- bes,-t no-ninated asVicc-President. Mr. red and To bnt±ord iii ho sai- 1Qerg6 B. Cortelyou w as elected ter andthe vorn Ithe absen-e of1 - haIimaiiof the liepublican National tcr a th chra ad th drin ol Conver.tioii. should be left oendUùgth wrk-____ irs, forieam ewrk hose, oLn]isinrvouinr raiskra Undigeufaîl food ferments for lau'k et gasfrie' mica. Thc fermentation sud Itutre. faction la the stoinacli and tily anC quibliy buinauirc perfect afomacei atin. % Las cluaitar action on tuile formation. Ây e au. ainsentary <'anal are tbbc prove 'tbis for limucif by lu lovsusili e by St ot & addrescing WIasouî~FTu.u Co., Niagara Falîs, Ont., for tva. nample. Jury. ,( Q o

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