wicl ness, the vice, tllî, cotruption, of the world, feedlng L-Lu t1ýo rý st- (10 ê%/ ern dog on the carrion oi Life and becoming, in e nature like hini? Remeni- -out ber, if ye live after the flesh ye shali i,51 (lie, and frorn Chat abode of bliss, where there are joys forever more, +é, e& .1"4w ooo@House wi'th ail whose In Heaven 'l here, WM Be a, Perfect Kind you will lie excluded natures have grown fierce and cruel nui debased. -"Withctxt are dogg.- in Harmony With a Pérfect Body COOKING RE CIPES. INDIAIS SOIT, IS RICH. >'ýVlnach and E gg Salad.-Prepare (Ernered according to Act of due 1-vr- M- must study lny text în the can- and mould the spinach. Have ready li&ment or Canada, in the year Onu falls Immediately Reverse aISO, saine cold boiled egg and niay- Thou8and Nine Hundred and F,-)itr, ine Unguage of the east. 0141 lIILIiit-. nain Wni. Bý,,ily, of Toronto, at 1119 ers tell us that no man bas truly onnaise. Turn the Spinac Famille Conditions. -Il front. the artnient of Agriculture, Ottaw t. ý il ty. heard a lion roar uniess ho bas hourd 111OUIdS'o to nests of shredded let- The fact that the Coverriment and tuce. Dispose, chain fashioii, around despatch from Los Angeles SaYs: ithe king of the forest sound bis call the benevolent people of Europe and the base of the spinach, the whites large lace curtains ina-y be pinned on fo white gî R,ýv. Fralik De Witt Talmage preach- i of deflance in the dark jur-gles of the America have twice within the last of the eggs eut in rings, and press a clean carpet and allowed te dry LMI frora the following text: Revela-1 Africàn côntinent. Ther. the aw-- laid aside fi jcniý xxii., 15, -Without are dogs.- striking Power of Chat volcf-, scieras -ýc years been compelled to intervenc a star of mayonnaise in the centre of evenly in this way. Curtains that The comi save the people of the Indian ent- each ring. Pass the yolk7s through a are dried on a elotheslinc are so Pull- difficult te i -I never could sympathize with the ito conte from everywhere and yet . 'À- -vation bas created an sieve and sprinkle over the tops ings and wý ,ýýàr whiéh the Bible casts upon my ýfroni rowhere. The-hills are Sound- pire from stai of ed out of shape by the process that canine friends,- once said an old!iiipý boards which toss the cellules as Mrs. Impression that they are in the low- the mou-nds and place abovc this the can Seldoin be hung propoi-ly. ly in the sr the battleulores throw the shuttle- club woman, est depths of distress and are suffer- 1 round ends of the whites. The women who keeps house with eration beg iilan to me. -St. John in that pas- l are ! cocks backward and forward. Thon ing frorn iiiany privations. This is 1 Coriistarch Puffs.-Rub one cup la, cellar should pay it a dally visit cuplboards t ,ýige of Scripture, 'Without Haule, of Edgertoin, Wis., tells unnatural, and iniglit under ordinary Il Sugill' ai-id lialf a cupful of butter to and sec that it is aired, even if abc ýflOorS with dogs,' seenis to despise the dog as 1 the fawns squat down with fright, liew she was cured of irregulari. circunistances bc accepted as conclus- a c"eani; add the beaten yolks of four has te neglect bol- parlor. Ello - if of hard v ýl,,ýpise the blizzard or the livena. I-1 ugh and the inother bîrds press lower iup- ive proof of the growin, poverty of egg., and a cupful of cortistarch al- germs inay lurk in the wilting leaves selle. to picture the infernal regions Ion their nests, and, the very leaves ties and uterim, trouble, terrible the country and the iiiabilil wittu the sti ateý Boil two the only suitable place for thoir of the treles seeni too terror-stricken y ý of the t(ý,"nutelY illy lie, n of a cabbage or a handfid. of docaying 1,onnels, He ilisinuates Choir 'to move. Like the roa.ring lions in and backache, by the use people to preserve their ovin lives. n'frites; stir in two teaspoonfuls bak- potatoes to cause inexplicable illiless sliells, worli coin- Ithe Airicar. forests, are the howlings a conclusion, however, is very inZ poýý7der and one of vautilla e- in her family. paste with panionship for man to ho a litintilia- of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable 's u el' tablespoo.lift 'ion and a degradation. Now, in of the dogs in the streets of Dýainas- far from the fact, and every visiter Itract; bake in well greased, heated Chamois is crue of the few things to India front fore;,gru lands bas ai gain Palis, in ,, quick oven; ice with and stufficien i-ý)iitrnst to Chat assertion, 1 -have eus and Jerusalem. When one can- Compound. which come out smooth and soft ail a nice 1 i- more respect for an horiest dog ine tribe pluliges upon a dog of an- surprise awaiting Iiim concerning its ýîl 1boiled icin.g. This recipe niakes frru washing if wrting dire t y ro, thickly on s 11, ()Cher tribe which wanders into their "DEAR MRS. PiN-Ani:-A while condition and progress. ýVhen three- t.wanty Pulls, and they last fresh for the soap suds without rinsi g in clear and press ,,aru I Cave for a dishoiiest, deceit- ago my health began tel fail because of fifths Of a PoPulaýion Of 300 000 000 se-veral days. a flil man. 1 count among n-iy d 1 car- street or teri1tory it seenis as female troubles. The doctor did net llave all their eggs in one ba.ýiçct'and Shopherd's ',PTe.-Cut up enough water. The latter process tends te fancy shapeý est frie-rids solui, of the reprosenta- ýthough all the domoluiacal voices of help me. I remembered that rcv inothe, depend entirely lapon thoir little farms cold roast beef 1 hardon if. Rhubard r 1 the infernal regions are let loose- had used Lydi E PJný.khaM S to iliake a quart of Lettuce and green peas coolked te- 'ýý'hen the st tives of the canine race. Indeed 1 a for sustenance. and whoil Choir crops sniall, thin slices. Season the nieat gý- - doàs -les the Sharp, 'angry Vegetabte COMPOUnd on many oc- getlier niaZe a dainty summer dish. oublie incite , se Far in niy respect for First thero cou [are entîrely dependent jpon the nains, Iwith Salt and Popper, and after put- tilit if in Chat beavenly land 1 bark, as though - the picket lino of a casions for'irregularities and uterine and when for a succession of vears ting it iulto a deep earthen disli pour Few people kuow that lettuce la as ton minutes folind one of the béautiful dogs 1 geat army had fired a gun CO call troubles, and I felt sure that A could good when cooked as spinach. Boiled water to ce have oçvnad on earth sleeping iiC My the host to arnus, then muittered net harra me at any rate to give it a the rains are net sufficient, thoire ov.er it a sauce inacla as follows: Put with Young peas and flavor la delici- of lemon jui iliust bc failitres of harvest and a two ta-blespoorifuls'of butter ilito a 0 Also it ïs' very wholesoine. flavor. A L ;il that abode of bliss or lookiriý growls, then the frightened bark of trial. st ffering is inevit become a s. arnount of sa able. frying pan, and when it bas mi, 'nto my face with the expression the pursuied dog, then a very pande- 111 was certainly glad to find thaï; va f the em- hot -add two scant tablespoc-nfuls of One of the reasons why spinacli la be aduler! f love and fidelity 1 have seen so inionium of barkings and growlings within a week 1 fiait much better, the But the recuperative power o such a valulible food is Chat it is barb. often I should net feel it ary blight, land angry, snarling canino voices. terrible pains in the back and side pire is astonishing. four. Stir until this dark brown, such an excellent butter carrier. Citv 'Always dr loit rather an enhancenient of my They awake the sleeping tourist so were beginning to cease, and at the Although a famine rnay extend its and then add a pint of water. Sea- dwellers need more fats than 111O.ýt frying them time of menstruation I did not have total length and breadth one season, Son Ivitli sait and popper, and boil 1ulPPinesS,'-ý, e for three minutes. Pare, boil and suddenly that at first lie will start nearly as serious a time as heretofore, and require all the resources of th of thora get and butter is almost the P'llg lias a We love to look _qt the masterpieces up from luis bout with fright. Then se 1 continued its use for two months, Governmont to prevent the entire mash elght good-sized potasoes; thon best fat in the world. Oil la botter, it before r o> foIlows the suggestive silence as the but it ils too expensh erishiii--, a normal add to tilleul. a cupîul of boiling milk, for e-very one must bc dn F Sir Edwin L-âiidsëër, the painter and at the end of that time I was like population froin p nice bright oi' ý!ogs.,--- There seents to bc sorte- battle evidently ends by the death of a new . woman. I reallY have never rainfall will restore almOýÏ finniediate a tablespoonful of butter, and Salt ~CO ruse. sait and pe oven more, than limitait in his the victim or by the escape of the felt betterý in my life, have not had a prospority because the soi! ils so rich, îtnd Popper to suit the taste, Spread . Raisins for fruit cake are mulch reat favoi 1: . acd. improved by cooking. Let thom souk - Shephý-,,d's Chief 31outn--pursî sielt headache since, and weigh 20 the Sun' is so hot, and vogetation this preparation over the nielit and changa fron more than more NO SELFISIIKESS IN IIEAVE,ý-N. pounds more than 1 ever did, so 1 un- grows so rapidly that somotimes thrce &-Luce, begimuilig at th(, sides of the slowly and then simuler until the, potatocs, cc ý;ruto ferocity in bis "Stag'at Bay.- What is the Johanilian meaning of cine." - Mlîs. M-&Y HAULE, Edgerton, and even four crops are produccul dish and worlý:jjig toward the centre. The old idea of putting oilcloth un- ly. ,-onlothing more titan a sportsilian's this niortal combat betçç-eeii the froni the saine soli in a single year. Bake for thirty iiiinutes. Other rneats Frying in liýdIoo in the -Return froni, Deer- tribal dogs of the oust? Why, it Wis., Pres. Household Economies CI ub. Ail the people want in Cinto- of faut-, beside roast beef niay lie used in a der tlie washstand cover is now adop- iron saucepE But the flashing eyed, rneans tliat in heaven the - $5000 forfett if original of alloue latter proi4ind shepherd's ple if desired. toui for doilies on highly polislied lined one, at re are to qenufneness cannot be producad. ine ïs sufficient seed to replant their the tin, Iea-ý pow,,rful chested, clean limbed, glos- ho no family meannesses, Ïïo-contemp- farais and food enough to last Client Potato Salad , Dressing.-Uqed in tables S , 'V' coatoui models of Landseer. 111 tible, merciless ways such as are UNTIL A CIDOP IS RIPE. England with sorrel and onion salad; If SiIý,er !S waslied every week in rougli and d e-Airely different physical Specimens often lourd at the earthly fireside. lestine I know froin the simille of My. Boil and triasli two large potatoes, warm suds containing a tablespoonful a frý7îng bas f,,oiu ehe outicasi -dogs of the east. Tt incitas that instead of one father text that the Christian's earthly The fact Chat faillinc exists in one season with sait, Popper and a little of ammonia the polish can bc- prie- and everythi liave Yoli lever stopped and looked_,a,,d one mother gathering Choir own translation is net to be a horror, a part of the country, it must also bc 1liustard, and a teaspoonful of sugar, serveui for a long time. lit it almS ,,ý-ith pity upon a puer mgngy cur children about theni in one "Man- tragedy, a terrifie, a repulsive and considered, ils no evidence that the Stir into the potato gradually at Salted pistache nuts may lie had ut back into CI ý,cawling along the street? Have Y u [ sion of Light,- and saying to one a ter,ýr irispiring demiso. When the remainder of the empire is net first, aS in mayonnaise, three table- any of the pretexitious fruit stores, net bc uséd ,Il UiL disease like porcupine quills l of theinselves: f, anà down town the are sold on the Ginger be( "Shut the door and Christian dies lie does not die like a abounding in prosperity, and eVerY sPOOn uls Of Oil and a tablespoonfui out ail over hini) Have street by swarthy and picturesque befit to dr keep every one-,,else out. We have dog, but ho ascends as did the Sav- table of statisties dealin, with of vinegar. Beat until the dressing ý'ou seen the people shy'off as lie enough now. Let ail othlors take ýour. He does not growl and whine material conditions of 'the country la like crieauti. Add at the last half a Turks. The nuts should ho carefully made :--Pouý cýinie along and heard the passersby ý with fear, but lie inounts front jOY show that famine and plague have in cupfUl of creain. cracked, or botter still, split with a ter on one 1 cure of theniselves as best they can,- to joy, front subliinity to sublirruity, no manner impeied their progress. On Strawberry Shorteake.-Strawberry sunall knife, and the outer skin re- an ounce of say:"'Poor dog! Why do net tl.V 1 al, mon will lie brothers, and ail wo- (',ý)g catchers conte along and put hiiii 'mon sisters. There wvc allait ail ho from-exultation to exultation, frolu the other hand they demonstrate the shorteake with whippeui cream col_ moved. Ment slowly in a cool oven, Creanl Of fa cilit of his misery?- Have you ever sons and daughters of one God, who glory, to gloey. existence of an increased power of ored green with pistache is attractive and shake in fine salt. i add a tablei ,con dogs with thoir ears torn off is the Father, and have kinship to to Any one who is in the habit of on toasted A S T 1-TE D 0 G D TE, S . endurance and rapid recuperation, to beliold and very good eat.' Nev- ziý-ýd thoir tails amputated by some The eastern dog's death is a which, compared with the past, af- or niake strawberry shorteake with ýnlaklng snow pudding will find prie- strain and one Christ, who is tlie Elder Broth- 1 ýrved pinrapple a great addition to bul useul it ý-jage wheel gloolny picture. He dies t1ie death of j fords ground for hope and confidence cake dough. The original shorteake 'S .el, hopping upon or. Tt mottas Chat in heaven therc water for 21 kroe legs becauso the fouirth bas wili bc no envions plebeian blood, lall wild beýasts, and that death is a of an even more rapid advance in mixture !S lilco baking-pwýý-der biscu- it. 1 Whon the snow is rea-dy peur it been cruelly broken by a stone? Weil, tragouly. Some years ago the author the future. its. Roll out the dou-h and divide into the iroulduntil you have a good Raw eggi and no distinctive, supercilious, aris- warm water 1ýiere are lots of such dogs in the tocratic blood, because there Wo of a history of the beasts of , the Coriiparing the inaterial condition in equal parts. Sproad one piece foundation, add your pinepple, and ests made tlien the rest of the snow. When it ar, inuch east. There are hundreds and thon- $hall ail have been washod in the Mriciin for , ibis statenient, of Indial to-day with what it w as ton -iýth butter and plaee the other piece digested the sands of those poorý, miserable, phy- royal blood of Jesus. Tt means which will long live in my memory years ago, we find that the area of 011 it. Ba4 and while Lot gently is cold, serve, as usual 'Vith soft eus- "No beast or bird or reptile in a 0 L 1 tard. 1&hen taken mutilations that cower in the that in heaven no -%vealthy man's s il und r cultivation lias increased leparate the two pieces. Spread with exceedingly l,--' corners of the Palestine cities the dark continent dies a nittural front 221,000,000 Sliced young onioDs and ripe olives wife will bc able to suck out the death. No sooner doles his physical tio berries and put together again. make in excellent spring salad 'l'ho icate stomac l' sun theuruselves upon the hard lif, of a poor sewing girl inerely be- ïacres. What we call reccipts Servp, with creain. the casein o ýstrength weaken titan there are sente Ararble CaKe.-Cre,-tin half a cupful ripe, black olives are te, bc liad in ail like the blind el- the crippled 1 i have . incroased 17 per during albumen of 1 cause she ils poor, and no employer bestial or serpentine cannibals or of butter with one cupful of sugar large grocery stores. The, taste, 'gars Nvho there seem to ho overy- will bc able to grind his employces soute enemy of bis species ren dy te, the last ton years; seul, foreigui iland thon add ,lyolks or two eggs. in oiice accustomed to Client, the green for weak pei And so when St. John commerce has risen in vAue from warni water de- dwn until it ineans physical and food upon bis dying body and still £130,500,000 to the another bowl sift two cupfuls of the ores scein insipid, To eat; a clarcs, "ý1jithout are, dogs,- I bc- 1 mental and often spiritual death. Tt the feeble or the quick boatings of ý'Stewed rhubard served m lleve lie means that in heaven we 1 coasting traé.e has risen from £48,- best pastry four with two teaspoon- ' -itli Plain ho,, iit a ti - 1 means no vendetta or blood fond, it bis heart.- That means every i1cer bOiled rice makcS a palatable and performance shal! have, no blinded eyes, no (lis- 1 also incans no imancial vendetta or or fawn Chat dies, dies a tragie 5 . 00,OW to £63,000,000, and the for- fais of baking powder or one of so- healthful dessert for children. 1 eign trade by land from £5,500,000 da and two of creain tarter. Repeat day, eating easod skias, no crippled limbs, no inoney fond. death. Every quick eyed and Sharp ta £9,000,000. ithe sifting throe Cimes, gradually A cup of inilk added to the water but dry brea deaf cars and no physical disfigure- Roaining again through, the dark, clawed lynx must fall in time before Similar signs of progress and pros- 111 ; xiný- the fleur with the eggs, butter which un oilcloth or oilod floor la ous way of monts. Ail the hideous physical narrow ýcrowded streets of eastern a mortal foc. Every monster leauler perity are to lie found in the devolop- and sugar, and adding also lialf a te bc washed gives lustre lilie row. treatment w sights whici, one sees tri the wards pjulestiýe, 1 surinise, front the words of the elepliantine bard, every shaggy Insects, it is said, will never at- aruieinic Pei 01 the hospitals sliall bc forever donc of my text, Chat heaven is te lie a maned Be 1 ngal king, must (lie a vio- nient of organized manufacture, in cupful of sweet milk. Aîter a'smooth tack books whicli are dusted once a have got oui awaY, place of honored and jubilant occu- lent death. So dies the dog; 4ut, the increased investrient of capital batter bas been forired fold in the year ' with powdered aluni and PHYSICAL INFIRMITY. pations. It is to ho a place where thank Gouf, so docs net die the in commerce and induistry, in divi- whites of the two eggs, stiffly whip- white Popper. or overwork Hovv much this transformation the words "nienial" and "servile," Christian. donds paid by various enterprises ' in ped. Melt four large spoonfuls of A box filleul with lime und -placed the niost di mettris to many sufferers noue but- "eanvenger" and "seullion," -hire- Sornetimes 'tis truc Chat 'the body the exten1deul use of railways, the grated chocolate, and iuix witli a very on the shelf in a pantry and fre- existence. they eau realize. Tt is very hard-ýling" and "dependeDt," "lackey" of man ilmy die the death of a dog, postoffice and the telegraph. 'l'ho l little of the batter. Butter a loaf quently renewed will absorb the for the defornied and the cripplps to land "underling" will ho unknown. but the Christian bas hope in 11-S nuiniber of operatives in cotton iiiills ti', and just before putting in thc damp and keep flic air pure and dry. SELE 1 bas increased during the last tell calce fold the chocolate butter into When m-ashing knives bc careful not Reci Raspi maintain spiritital and mental sweet- Ail words signifying a degraded death.. Thocigh his body perish in ars from .118,000 to 174,000, in xý,ork will forever disappear wlien thic,' batile or in accident, though it May yeî the other lit streaks. J3al-:0 in a inod- to put the hardies in the water, as One and one ness and serenity., Tt is easy for a erate oven for about three-quarters of iiian with a fine, constitution and a llexicons of eartb shall bc forever bc cruslied or burned, so that if 1jute inills front 6,5,000 to 114,000, ion it has if this is donc alter a tinte, the berry juice. in celui and other mines frnm 35,000 -in hour. Take it out wl Iblades wili become loose and the one-lialf clipi perfect physical forin to consurneul upon the fanerai pyre of a cannot bc recognized, bis soul is hi-, checi fui burning , worlul. Tt does net menu Safe. lie bas the consciousnoss th . ut to 95,000-,and in niL(:ý- laneous in- sepaated front the sides of the Pan hardies discolored. ecar to faste, and happy, but how difficult for "0 Chat heaven is Co bc a place 'of in- Christ is able to keep Chat which. 1 dustries from 184,l and turn it rupside down to cool. This A delicious hot weather drink is 1 good gelatin ,vho bas to suiffer continual pain and anition and stagnation aitu bas been conimitted te Iiiin and The railway eniployes In-,ý-ic increased recipe can lie made into a plain elle- Moule by preparing-a quart of lenion- powdered sul is shut out by defoi-iiiity from the ity. But it , does menu that nuzul'el, Mi 1 atever inay befall the body, the from 24S,000 to 357,000. colate cake if desired by mixing the ýade and adding a cupitil of stewed Make just a w ate il spoiýts and exercises of companions is to lie a place wliere ail orknien Isoul will ho preserved. melteul chocol, at the beginning 1 rhuhard, Let stand for ton- m iutes Ment Prit! týý ho sweet teiiipered and gonial te 'shall bc honored alike arid where the ()Il KING S(ý)TOMON. SAYING, GOOD-BYE. with the batter as the four is added. itheil strain and ice. of any cold ýt1I about hiiii. -Wliat is tlie mat- dutlos of one immortal sball lie re- Ob, ye rnortals, destineuf to . live Ice with any soft icing. A nice loin- orsavoury Scotch cheese cak-les with Popper iý-r with So-iiiid-so?"- I once, asked spected as mucli as are the Occupa- forever either lit bliss or in ln1sery, F for this cake is icither a black choci- ý tý,11'<e Our ounces of butter, four egg- inuisten ý,, dear friend of mine about a IllutL'- Cons of otlier iminortals. doüs net the offer that Christ makes arewells Take Many -Torms ln late icing or a gelatine frosting. Thoounces of good graied cheese, four lhot' water, a al acquaintance. ' "Ho is so touchy you stir your desire for salva - tien ? - Many Lands. latter is made as follows: Melt a tea- bouton eggs, a little cream, sait and ý would fritter and sensitive Éli'at the least wind DOGS OF THE EAST. *,ý,ccept bis proffered gift, and thon ho The Turk will soleiiinly cross his spoonful of gelatirie in two of cold PePPor; mix, and bake in paste i quite as mue frola the east w , Il'twist bila ail out Following my first promise that " -- tînt it niay,- ý,our beilig hands upon bis breast and make il water, and in about ait ],leur add a cases. fine bread ci .your end w of shape.", , "Yes," answered my heaven is to bc a busY Place n'Y sec- ýrooted up from this world,' lvith its 1 profoimd obeisance when lie bids you tablespoonful of boiling water, 2fix If your window glass is lacking in Sour Creau fr;end, "tha'lU is truie, but perhaps end promise is likewise trile,. HOW l'bitter fruits of sorrow and pain and farewell. it Nvheii the gcluttiiie bas dissolved brillUancy, clean it with liquid paste sifted flour, ý,)u have forgotten that Chat man (Io 1 know tbat the busy occupations i - 'l'ho genial Jap, will his slip- enough, with a large cuI of sifted, ade of alebliol and whiting. liisery,-,vill rnean nothing more Chan w A lit- teaspoons sol Ci Taille. If vol, ever stop of heaveii will never offor off as you depart ald say ith powdered sugar and flvor witIl tle of this mixture will romove itartar, ý cuj despisGd iyour boing transplanted into Chat Por Io think, You will aise, find that M'Ork for the redcelned il"ImOrtals '? supernal gardon in which vou will a smile. -tou are going to leave nillaý specks and inipart a luigh lustre to thick sour il ,icarlv ail nýen and ctýnrnon hi-irn wilh The words 1 of niv text Tirov(,, tbnlý- -A jmv desr)cable bouse in vour honor- the 27lass. the more flic 'od 1ý and deforil) your bcing, t1iere shall 1 e the co ta' end, and using çt,-OLatnthitiiyi-oeif-ssuditosubole tion is brief, consstjný, or tji,, sin- if 1-1()t, tlilýl -0 0 d 1, OL 'ibout !n trie hind of sti-ï.ngers," so use it stands so cm- grouýT froin tliat divine sý,-,e-d 'a plant vo easily. This is espec lally go ls much sa il)- dogs of th' a fo 4 graceful and glorious Mth fje word -Praschai' S, gGýý-"11ýs ca.11 be accompanied without to reinoývc the yellow thaf time glivos horse-race en e east take possession phatically fer perfect nutrition. e 1 - lil, e a - The Ot:--tbý ;tIý crushing or ttiinbling. 'lie differcnt streets'of tbe great loveliness nnd eteina i - And ý in the matter of 1'l !,,ill twist the end of t1le Inexpuisive Nottingliani and othei ýpý - -l Each caiiine, tribe has 'its developing life. "-'Ye shall be i o1ý trinl\- Iiiels standing guard at 'the reslor- gnest'ýs robL, nnd tben s lace eurtains u-hich do not reouL end ing appetite, of givîrg- ,,v a tree planted by tho FINel's 01 Then if onc dog of to the tissiles, especially water, that bringeth forOi its fruit own hLinds three irýnýng arc best dried on fra -,ijle unters that street the -es ve 1 ls given. At once oî a shall Prcp('rý- Vý11at is- ýo 1 lir lo to thf- neuves, its actioq is tjj-,ý r i-l its a Il d Myý1,1 fý,.over oi). s!ý u id. Wa sh, therri clean and starch theu, Pin M -m on t'l-.e Ji-glil jý,ý Iýilic for t',liýq a l oil ;11 'ii i lif- mifionl"il -So. il E - 11, ()1 0, ;ý-m on tilov av bf, of 1 P in £bc hUir ErUW and bonvY, Pmd keej O lI iI1li(I11A ý , -.\ýý1j %\ ý - 1 1 '-'l 't Ilov iliumid 1 filline fiair and -tires dandruff. And lýl1It -'l (.1oss ýjri ll,%el, il oit qhaw. to ggray îlair. SOW Ïfty ytam icil, ov will chlm , se tho V U A1ýý11 Z1ý-- ag4j11,