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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1904, p. 8

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IT PAYS To Buy -at MolIon's Try him for the Best Fittinq P Try hîm for the AMost StyliSl4 PANTS Try him for the Most Reasonable T s Try hîm for the Be8t Quality T A I L o R I N G if you want the latest styles and best worktnanship you should ýbUy your Pants and Suits fromn Two Doors West of J. 13. aty . 1 [ol q O DON'T READ THIS. O O Every Day is Bargain Day O At the People's Fuel and Lumber Depot. We are stili handling Best Brands Canadian Cemeuts, Britishi Columbia Red Cedar and other good __ Brande Cedar and Pine Shingles, Pine and llemloek umber, Dressed anat Undressed, Doors, Sash, Blinds andMouldings. Freali Mined Scranton Coal, Cannet Coal, Steam Coal, Charcoal, Hlard and Soft Wood, Lcng, Sawed and Split, Siabs, Edgings, Land Plaster, Fine and Coarse O Sait in barrels and saeks. We always aim to give the Sbest value at reasonable prices. llighest Cash Price « paid for Grain and Seeds. King St. East, Bowmanville. i CHINïA HILL GRO CERY s" i Souenir h i na 5ý' Views of Methodist Church and lligh 4àSehool, Bowmanville,, beautifully reproduced 5from Photographs on Fifie China in Cups andl 5 Saucers, Plates, Mugs, Cream Pitchers, Sugar 5 5Bowls, Pin Trays and Bon Bon Dishes etc., O from - 15e to 50e. O TOILET SETS from $1.40 up. DINNER SETS from $5.00 up. SLargye Stock- Good Value a Cnned Goods in great varlety, Fresh SFruits every. day. Full stock of fine (hoceries. Butter and Eggs Wainted. ~~c g More lof Mitchell's Witch )(Iazel . Cream ___________ "The second docter, iold Notatheol'sFileicen Repairing and Painting Cail and sce Fonce or drop aý be burned with adhi mnfnuing d ià,but 1 could aGi ihink Rilway S% stem bave inaugumatsd a o i id L of undergoing such. an oper. obeoiytneg a evc W OO"L VANJED. dcoubleohegvemeaoxof ousghîc ea s '08tended to and-work satiS- Remember the Ideal lias rio eu ffl . sN alve, for which he charged public an exceptional route te theIonr ~ - me iwo dollars3,'but did me nuo good. My ex- City. In addition, patrons are offere factory. . Give me a trial. Naw le the liie'Ie buy Tu.raip will psy the hbghest market -prie rlence wib Dr. Chiasc's Oiment le that the sîep-oven at an y peint in Canada Seedsahr- otm nhdý for ay quuilityut wol dehvel'ia rst apphIctiounidid me more good than didthe Detroit, sud Part Huroor Chicao W ,t u e ,~ ealag sot to n Mywplceocttrs).cou.7-ahlymadeil withoul extra charge Chîco o9 my~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~1-1f plclt6Pcn. re rmplsasaya.Snc en uedImk istake, but see Ibiat yen ,-i. milpeosat of Tyrone. Digu, woredc duriug ithe tiiri he lumrber woods, tickets readi via the Grand Tr±uk-ýi orris'CriZ o s Tyou hase'a OiutimenwaswQ'oi hudellars great double tvsck route TrnnSthe Carnage o rksaPeer iaroçh 20>~.,-, L.S~NER T !àn. bx i Xc tot&,juy, Ageats, 0S ous omavle' or AstutJefry'SSti' b1.Use Everyone who1 Is sold by us than any other lotion. uses it, Say it is "A Perfect 5kmi Food" Have You Used it ? Chemists, Druggists and Opticians. Bowmanville. Phone 92. Youannt wtchyoir lttiDon, to fot f nw hme.Lappoiii. ,'-iE I IAOMo --The firo company have purohasod 300 ON( v Yeucanot ate yiilute oe, onles ofnewboreTheynow bave 500 carefully during the hot weather.' At feî of new hoâa, 1,500 foot luIn ii, Physician to the -Pope Prais- B V /VA V L tht8 time sickness cornes swifitly and the The Boiknr&p homestead on theo uxth O M N I L sauds of the littie lite are apt to gilde lino was cestioyed by fire recently. ,.1e r ila sPn US away almoat> before you know ii. Tho fa neri of theoliste John'Dodde, esD.Wla sPn Pi. Dysentry, diarrhoea, choiera infantum, Bowmnvitie, took place from tho rosi- and stomach troubles-are alarming- doneof uthlm glterMrs.Thomas Jayno; .in Four Ca ses of Anaemia Their ly trequent during the hot weather. to Orono ceumetery. ~umr Br a n At the first sign of any of these troubles Mrn. Purdy, Kirby, visitaid Miss, A. Effects Were seSisatrTh Baby's Own Tablets shouid ho given- E. Mooormrck,o aiftryT t better stili an occasional dose will pris- Mies* Waio Ballagh, vlsited her lie Will Go on Uslng Them.O renresok fSra RtchlensLdis vent these troubles coming, and the coàsine at urenie tokefStcaHas cî1o.', ade Tablets should therofore bo kept in Mn3.1 F. Staples la vlsiting lier son, - and Men's in various styles at greatly reduced prices. every hom'se. Prmts mayIR StaeMr. A. Staples,- Tyrone. Dr. Lapponi, whose skill proserved Weour hlds i. . J. R S t " anden, n Mrs..-Gao. Wannan has ratuarned homo the lite of the late Pope LeooXii to the 1ýuslins,, Ginghams, Zephers, Foularct's,,CottoV ie Taltsae aual l ass0fdar rom Potorboro. gream geof 92, and to whose caro the tn oîe rhoa, tsacontatbeioncaeshivos, arnd M.J.J ifhiuadda Ctr althaof the present Pope, Hi. Holineag and al other Summer materials at cut prices agn andwhon toething. I have nover used Liola, have retnrnod home. - Pnf.i atdohnwit h r 10o a mdiinetht ivesuh ondsais Mr. obt Brre, ewasle ist.markable lbIter of which the tolîowing fro yard. a meicie tat ivesuchgoo sais- Mm.Rob. Barie N~cae~eviel sa atranslation : faction." This ls the experienceofo ail ed hier ulece, Mrs. T. J. Sharpo.1criytht1hv redD.Wl r mothers who have used the Tabletit, Mie Lattie Loigh, Port Hope, viait- ICitf'ta aetidD.WI If Su d ne fin th Taletàat oured ler ousn, M. A Legh.liam8' Pink Pille iu four cases of the dTggst en 2Îcents to The Dr. Wil- Mrs. J. G. Houey has roturned front simple Anoemia of developemn "t. After Ladies B lo-uses a lim'Mdcn oBrockville, Ont, Forgues, a few weeks of treatmont. the rosuit cane fuliv up ta my expectations. ForWheMsiu itebrieylaeadtke tnmngao and a box will bc sent sou by mal Mr. Robert McLean, of tho J. Mc. that reason I shall not fait in the futureWht slnwhemrirylae nducdtimngao post paid. Lean Produce CO., waB lu town lest toe tend the use of this.laudable prep- Colored iPrint and Chambry, rangin g in, pricesfo 0 o$.o i ur NEWOATLE~aration netouiy lu the treatnt of, anteed perfect fitting or mouey returned. This week you h ive your choice- NEWA9kLHemisestiola Gilfillan, Bowmauville, other rnorbid forms of the category of visited hier brother, Mr. J. J. Gillllan. AnaSmia or Chiorosis, but aiso in cases fromn a complete assortment of styles and sizes, at reduced pnices. Mr. Wilmot Thorne ls visiting is Misses Beatrice sud Margaret Foster et Neurasthenia ana the like." mother. have been uick.D1 UXEP t POI Mr. Samuel Perrin lost a fine Short Mv.. Bort Andras, je sertoualy iii a DetUI1301 APON.1D NI IIIS S T HE CHANCDE Hornbull. lher home lu Bowmauvible. Mr. eo Gayha ecu visîtiug Miese Mina Hooey attended the?% friends at Gresherton. closing exorcises ot Abert Collae M en'uRolWe the O l thing. friends at Flesherton. ~Belleville. M ,% Égteý( Mr. and Mrs.Nelson, Leeds, England, Misses Lorjekin and Robinson, New- are at Mr. Thackerv'o. cWh lleda v e, aiene ite and fancy Vests, from ........ --------~O Mr. Hedges, Cbermywood, visited the csi' lstd tM. e. Wido's ....P.....) Misses Hedges. raeontly.- Unhined Coats in black lustre with white pin stripe, oniy .... $2,00 -Miller's Gnrip Powders Cure, Sold by Miss Boris Nicholson, Toronto, wae Stbtt & Jury, drugg-Ists. recent guest et Misa Trixie Ruther- Fanr-ýel Suîts, at----------------------------.S$4.(00)an.d $5.OG tord. Mr. T M. Gibson bas sold two fiue Mrse G. H. Llnton sund MisseJean -An~d many otber linos at equal1y Loy 15rices Holstein cows to Bowmanvilie men. Adams, Bowmauville, vislted f riende in Miler's Grip Powders Cure. Sold by town Suuday. Boys' Wash Suits at----------------------------------... Stott & Jury, druggiots. M. Frsnk Moore, Oshawa, was vo- ?d okn Work bas commenced on Mr. W. H. cent guest of Mv. T. Smith.bfl. Ail sizes in Boys' and Meu's Moleskin Pants, Overalis an-t5Wrkp Jacksou's bouse recentlY purchased. Mr. Fraudl ¶ockin, Kewatln,Mich., Y Coats, lat......................... ......c 5 aU 10 Ail Liver and Stomacb Troubles le litlng ies brother, Mr. R. Hookin. 5r.7c n IO cured by Miller's Granules. Sold by Mns. Richard Brown laeat London Special hune of Fiae Worsted Suits, ail sizes, equal tu the best Stott & Jury, drugglsts. atteuâlng the golden wedding of biertaor -&.$2CO The Cobbledick farniiy held their aster, Mrs. Goa. Staples alrmd ................ ...L$0.0-UU120 aunual re-union at the laiçe, Wcdnesday. Mise Evelyn Houey bas gene ta Fer- Dr Giuseppe Lapponi. Physiciau te the Tweed Pauts, new line, just in, per pair .... ............. $2.00' Are you not weli ? Are sou pale. gus, as hook-keeper In Mr. W. L.Ling'a Pope, wbu bas writleu a btter bu weakiy, depressed ln spirits, inelan- store. choiy, timed, nerveus and irritable?9 Mr. Arabie Tbrnpsou wbo recently praise ot Dm. William3' Pink Try Miller's Compound Ihon Pille. rotuvned home tram British Columbla Pille for Pale People. Mr. J. B. Weldon, clerk of Maiposa, Hooper'a. Il would bo impossible te exaggerate and wlfe vtsited their cousin Mr. A. Mr. Geo. Stevens la eufferlng front the importance ofthIis opinion. Dr We are showiug a very large stock' of Christys' celebrated make Elswonîh. the ffets of a rusty naît whlcb ho rau LapponiFe htgh officiai position places They miake one teel as though lite into the palm of one of bis bande. bis protessional competence abeve (whieh le recognized as the best in the World) lu both St11f, Fedora and wae worth living. Tace one etCarter's Messrs. D. F. Walsh, Wou. Thortun question, and itlal certain that lio did Sott, As the sizes are somewhat broken we are making special priceri Little Liver Pilleat'er eating; il Will and R. C. Cowau, members et Kendall net write as above without weigbing ' relievo dyspepsia, aid digestion, give Court .0.15., attended churoh au Ken- is Womd@, or without a full seuse of the for this week, toue and vigor to the systein. dalli Snnday wee. effoct hie opinion would have, Mr. aud Mrs. W. A Meadows, Port MsrM .Tikr .. .L The "simple aniemia ot development" le We take Butter and Eggs or Grocers' Due Bis becuvistin Iber dugber adelM. A, TLthske, MR. Momentreterred lu by Dr. Lapponi le et course Hope, have be iiigterduhe adlA .LtlR oet that tired. languid cor.dition et young mw Mrs. W. F. Jackson. Mlisses Lena ReuwIck sud Edna Moon, girls whose development le womanhoodl To gel relief tram indigestion, bil Mr. ard Mme. Ed. Souch,Mr. sud Mre. te lardy, sud whc'se hoalth, at the perled dislurbing the stomach or purging the nalliday, attended the S. S. Couven- tlled. A girl, brigbt and memry enoug T H E MA S O N C o . the boweis, take a few doses ut CarterstinaNecaen childhood, willunber teens grow by Littlo Liver Pille, they wili phease Sou.< degrees pale and languid. Froquont Rev R. Taylor, Coîbomne, called ou PROCEEDING TO BUSINESS. hoadaches, and a seuse ot uneasinesseàk0 0 0 0 . 14 friends bore recently previeus te ne- whtch abc cannai undemtaul1, mako hr iu Lite Insurance business. We are intormed that seine prolimi- te beave off being a girl anîd becomemoigt ilnweeh iiegg ieal.Je hni etm o e a hedahot vrydiameabe.' ake withl!e don~1cainph ellt, aon eon ndviulsaddfemntaesh Steel S hi ngle That tired, languid feeling auddulI avwr e ligdn l oncinwoman-a change which cornes ta di-0a twuet anonsLiho 'vr PisbetreOntari &Wî tm Railway. The di- development lingers-whv? -Because 54 retiing an yo'wil fnd elif. heyrectums are at present trying te arrange shle has to lttie hiood. Thalte wha" ere at, do on wl d. rle.Te for an englineering staff le locale the Dm. Lappoul meaus wheu lio speaks i n novr aF.Ioe J . rue hchl tpoahht l hbe scientifie anguage natumai te hlm, Ro. . .Anderson. Hampton dune hv next tahI. This task ever a et "tbe anoemia of development." Dm. preaches bu the Methediet churcli noxt long distance wili net ho a beavv une Wlim'Pn il o aePei4 Sundaày. Rov. J. C. Wilson preaches as it bas heeu sumveyed several limes, biasthePinkorillet orak l ew beope.54 annivereary sermons aI Zion, Darling- and perbape the engineerti mal' net hebe the pcure a femi uet as ond.rs ton. ableo te locale s btter route, Thero hungor. Thatis huwthey helpgong,, "Youm tiend, Mrs. te looking are ne great bills eutulthrough, o rlswii fr wn t bsn w hoo, much hmpreved in heaith." "Ye, we troubiesomre grades te enceuniter, nom etten drift i m chrenie illhobalth.or "go pesuadod ber tu try Miller's Compound yet anv viaducîs te censtmuet, se that mbt a decline"--which means cunsump- N Irou Pille, with thegesults' von observe. " the building et the noad e can o dne tion-and die. Dr. Williams' Pille fSoidhy Stutt & Jnlo, druggists.ý expeditious1, ani at ltghl cost as comp- could save hm IM. George and Mise Alnmi, gave a are ihmn lirriwylns The value et Dm. Williams' Pink Pillea party toa number et thetm fiends as a norve ton ic, eored te by Dr.O reetyl oo ftheir sister, Mise K. B. Lappoui, makes them valuabe te men Alum, and triond, Toronto. A moet Mm. C. J, Themuton recertl' sold a lot as wellas wemen. They act un the enjoyablo timo was spent bn music sud utfluie cattlB.... Mr. T. H Powers vieil- rnerves through the hheod and thus cue~ gamei. triends i shw.... rnn rs .dsalss alocmot. atxia. Wb, eurl in Oshwa. Mn and Me. T. isa l S t. Vitue danco, euriin Price $2.25 per square, of one hund-ed square H Poers ecetly isitd i B6tauybuyiîng these pille il le important ta sece A PRESENT FOR THE OLD FOLKS. . Mr. Geo. Henderson and mother that the full naine Dr. Williams Pink feet covering measure, Cheap as Wood shingles. visited at Newtuuviiie.... -Mm. sud Mme, Pille for Pale People" is printed ou the5 Fou THE STom xc's SAKE, Ed, Osborne, Bowmanvilie, visiteci at wrapper acund ea9bbox Nover tak e O Mr CA.Chpmn' ...Mis aFi-a substitute, as it-iworse than a waste 5 ieu eo le Oshawa,On Mig n. coCausi 'is. ...Ml e L'a Fil-of monv-it le a menace te health. If ~ep e An. eminent pbysician savs, '"human linend cousin, Mis rv, eteboer' ou cannet gel the genuino -pille tram O recnty v~ied t '4r T H.Poems.yo~ur dealer write the Dr Wilht' me' * I~~ lite should ast five limes the yeame il ..,Mrs. Chapman bas returned home MediC!ne Ce., Brockville, Ont., aud the laites te mnaure.-thus if twenty-one frmmCowaniviile, where ihe attended pilsille îbe sent yen post paid at 50 ie maturity W3 should liveoaven a huud- Miss Harris *ho jii... Mr. aud Mms, e. t o rsxbxsfr$ 0 ed yease, but Ibere are net mauy each G, W. Morrow, Peterboro 7shited hiens abxo i oe o 25.~I M Fl"~~lt III the tentury mark. A great dciii more brother ecnty.... Mossrs. Thes. Pal-ENI ILN.W O VV- ILJ T NUL1 W IIU longevity would exist if the elomach did tenson and Isaac Chapman have been Ok W N E . T D RS AND not gel crippled suad pha37ed et-That gradiug the sde mad .... Mr. H. 11111 organ gels plonty of abuse, sud is de- et Boîbeeda, sud cousin, Mm. D W. Hlli, The Division Sans et Tomperance Tenders asked for, te purchase the b)rie sonviug et attention-il le thoe tartîng pown Creek, Oklahuma, viiled ies Strawberry social on Mr. Chane W. The uudensigned is pnepared te bUy al dweliiig with U oî au acre of grouad, good gr- point af mosl ailments, aud it neode the cousin, Mrs, T. H. Powers.n. .Mr. Fred Wtlbîams' lawn, Thumsday ovenînDg Was nrde t I l t hb'heht mket prices. etc. Situated on corner Weilington and Dlvi- iret attention when svmptoms of sick. Brimacornbe has râiîýea hie barn aud is a vemy enjovable gatheming, sud it a e oOak1 ae'sien Streets, Bowmanvile,witbî,, ibree minuLtes nessappoar. if an eldtibv stomacheau a'înstru sta',Ies bul unr .... At uumereuly atouded, meet alet the aise te manufacture wool for farmons t 'ek of the Post Office. Srooms. Tendersîvib ho kept working rigbt. you may ho sure the anid.. rs ry serviceiS unday se-yaungtfolk et the section being present order. Spinuincirdio' aud weav- beryeve upt esiv Ith 104cTe bed.Fo et aud conteuted oid ago comparativelv mos wre rea h by n.1 ,im, li'An exciting g-am'a ef fothal-Ennis- g, particulars cflqtire onl prmies, .or ai Tait & EYES TESTED FIREEI àI M E R c A N T 2

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