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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1904, p. 1

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nil .00 Per .Annu.m. OuR TowN AND UOMNTY M'iRST;, THE WORLD A1rTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES & SON,,Proprîetoi s lEn Advanc e. 1JUWNANVIiaIjE, UNTAJLIU, WEDNESDAY, J liLY 13, 19044 VOLumE L, No. ~ Special Sale of * ATGod SCOucli, Jolinstun & Cryderman's ALot of Prints, Musius, and Ging- * * hams selling off at less than Cost price and a number of pieces of Dress Goods * at hlf price. e Parasols at Reduced Prices. Just opelled a lot of Ladies' Under- * priced Rain-Coats. * One Line for $6.0O wortb. $7,00 * Another for $8.00 worth $10,00 These are New Goods made up, in the latest- styles Th.e balance of * our Spring Coats at haif-price. * COUCLIJOLINSITON, * & CRYDERPIAN. Ripe Strawberries, Wt I Choîee Pineapples. Orn9:, Lemons,- ÎÈ S&fnêflfls, ete., ee F Choice Groceries including, Tea,,, Coffees, Speg Sugars, Spices, etc., etc. Canned goois inelud- £ I~ing Meats, Fish, Vegetables and Pickles also EECook cd Ham, Jelliec V cal, etc., etc. Papr Highest price for Battem auJ. Eggs andi 12c and 151 F arm Produce. jc- nd6 MYour Order wiII receive prompt attention -~Ail good P, iThe Model Groccry. T . T. ~ WWW4~WW4UU ~ J. COLVUI DO 'T READ TfïfS' -Every Day is Bargain Day People's Fuel and Lumber Depot. a We are itl handling Pest Brands Caradian q qe Çements, British Columbia Red Cedar and Cther good qBrands Cedar and Fine Shingles, Fine and, Herlock > q Luaber, DresEed ondÉ. Un iressed, Dcors, Sash, Mincis q andMouldings. Fresh Mned Scranton Goal, Cannet Goal, Stearn q Coal, Çhareoal, Hard and Sof t Wood, Long, Sawed and q qSplit, Slabs, Edgings, Land Plaïqter, Fine and Coarse _ Sait iu barrels and saeks. We always aim tal give the best value at reasonable prices, ilighest Cash Price ' q païd forgrain and Be q K~: St Est, Bwranville. q iïg 20 ýcial Sale ,thi*sWeek c Papers for 7C. Pa pers for 3e apers, suitable for Lny room. ALLENe ULE, M. D.,9 C.M. OFICE-Silver Street, Bawmau. vIl.e; Telephane 22 Nigl!it calli, arawered from. D. Daivis residence, Beech' Avenue Telephone 99, rTHE F14ounded 1889 IBellevilt'e Business e2oîlewe, -:Limited. TRAINING- UNEXCE'LLED. BookKeepinkg; Sharthcnd; Type--writing; Office Work; Telegraphing and Raiîway Work ; Freneh and German. iEVERY DEPARTMENT A SPECI.&LTY. J. Fritb Jeffers, M. A., President. JA. Tousaw, Secretary, IlBELLEVILLE, ONT. BANKER LEAVING TOWN. Gzo. B. MOCLULLAN BIQfTE ANI) PRESENTEFD--Wi'TH A GOLLI WATOHj, The business andCIprDfeasioniai men of the tawn gave a banquet At the Bennett House on Friday uigb'ýtot Mr. George B.McCloilan, late Toiler of the Standard Bank, who has reignoýd tiffï position ta accopt appaintment wit h the new Crown Bank of Canada. He bas been appoaint. ed Mangerof ho Comber branch and isj Mnw gagod ina thle 1Head Ofice, Tornto, prior t a asmgdu y at Cmbor in a few days~ At the banquet Mayor M.- A. James prsded havsng on Liýs rg Messrs. Ge.B. MeCtellan, W".P'. Allen, i, ex-Mayor and Dircetor of the Standard Bank. and J.A. YugVc-rsdn Durham Rubber Ca. O n bislt Messrs W. B. Coucb, senior member af the Brmi of Couch, Johniston. & Cryderman, ex- Presidout of the Boa-rd ai9Ç Trade, D. B Simpson, K. C , Uand John MeClellan senior member of the ,irm of MocCielian & Ca Af ter doing juticeta menu the chairman expressed,, reg-ret for the occasion that hbraug tetogether at the samne time o h eartiiy congratul- atod Mr. McClellan on the p'romnotion ho had received and bad nao misgiving re- specting the wisdom the Crown Bank authorities hiad shown in tho choice tbey -aliMe êof a- baj bcd louai l Mr. NMeUlelau aiways most attentive ta bis dluties and thero-is flot a more papular young man in tawn. 1He calied an Mr. W. B. Couch ta make a presentation. Mr Coucb salI that ho3 was gliad ta have the privil-oge of beiJng thora ,ta join with such a gatbiering of representative citizens in doing hionor ta,-)aur you) friend Mr. Gea B. ýhclelanwboe resignation from the bauk andl remhoval from the town was a ipatter o! regret ta us ail for it was wEll; known that durinz his residenice Iýre ho hiad made a hast o! friends. He thonghbtoto, that ta lose the services of ane au thoroughiy competont and se deservedly papular must be a distinct lass ta any financial institution. But, bowever that mîgbt be, ho was quite sure th1at his removal1 from the tawu w7as a distýinct loas ta this community. Hia fir-m 1bad long been custamers af the Bantz and hoeould bear porsanal testimiony ta-,Mr.MClelan's abliging manner anid taý the utiform courtosy wlth w1ich hol treated tte customers o! thoe Lauk. ,Ho, was not surprised,thereffore,that w,éhon it became known that ho had placýed bis resigna- tian- in baunds of the G"eneral ManageLr af the Baîik, that bis riud to btis l o(ppürtu1nitY0f shawf' -sM e t-aniibl1e frm their gét .~~cainafMbi w'ýorth. Ho bad benrceýested on be- half of Mr. McýCelan'ýs many friec da lu town-cuistamriiis o! the Banik and other. wis e, ta preseut bim with a GoldWlatch- Chain and Locket. Ho was sure that Mr. MeClelan wauid prize it highly because of ils intrinsic value as weli as circumatances under which it becante bis. Ho said that it was tho sincore wish of the danars that hoe might live long-,ta carry this beautiful watch, and that it might !aith!uliy indicat thetfii 3 ta hlm as the days and weeks go by, and hoped it wouid be a constant remirider o! the old town of Bowman- ville and of the many friends ho had le! t behiud. Ho aloo assured Mr Mc- Clelan that we should stili take a kind- ly interest in aIl that concorned bis welfare, that where-evor lhe went or wbatevor good or ili the future might have in store for hlm that hoe should nover forget that ho carried with hlm the boot wisbes o! the best people of the beat town lu Canada, 1At this juncturo the ebairman read this lottor fromn Mr. W. J. Joues, Man- ager o! the Standard Bank in tbis town. IDEAR Sia :-I regret exceediugly bc- iDg unablo ta attend touighlt as I ex. plain cd personaliy ta Mr. McCleilau. I have been associated with George for the last tbree-aud a-bai! yoars, in fact, more iutimatoly than any one ln town, and 1 bave always fouud him a gentle- man in word aud action, cheerful alnd willlng at ail times ta accammodate, even the "aiways-late" customer, wbo is an "abomination ta a bank toiler Heartiiy wishiug Gearge ovory prospor- ity lu bis new bank and SincerelY regret- ting bis departuro, I am, vours tru!y, W. J. JONES. Mr., >#cClelan reaponded briefly say- ing hoW sorry ho fait ta banve the town and part with the friands amang wham ho had speut soven happy yeara. lie tbanked al incerely for their very kind words and for this very valuablo aud useful present. Ho would aiways strive toprove wortby o! tbe respect and good-wiil af bis friends, Eulogistic speeches were cao made by Mr. D. B. Simpson. K. C., who spoke voryliîighlyof the manl7good qualities af head and beart puFsoaaed bY Mr. Mc Cleilan, Mr. W F, Allen, ex-Mai or, as Director o! the Standard Bauk would flot have aliowed him ta beave if ho bad kuowu ecriier o! the turu a! affairs; Mr. C. P. Blair, lawy or, as one of bis assoc CURING HAY. EDiToR, STATE-SM&N :-The haying time is now ta hand and as far as I have ob- served there are generaliy good crops of Timothy and with considerable oid hay left over from iast vear the supply wili likely be abundant and in some measure exceed the demand for home use and the home market. Generally speaking mauy of our farmers do not calcuiate on selling much hay sa there is likely to be this year surplus over and above what they can use for which it may be desirabie ta find an export mark et and the quality wili be al important as nothing but strictly No , timothy will pay ta ba'e aid sip in this way. Now, 1 couid not and wouid not attempt to gyive advice ta my iellow farmers as many of them kuow much better than 1 do, but having had a very considerable experience in baling and shipping hay not oniy to our home mar kets but also to a number of the large cities'in the United States as well as across thc water, I trust 1 mai' be excuscd if I offer some suggestions as ta cutting, and curing hay f or shipping. If the cran is ail clover or a mi1xture of lune grass and thisties with a littie clover- and timothy and other grasses and weeds iny remarks will not apply ta such crops but to such a crop as our farmers usuaily have in what wve eal the second cutting being' usuailV ail timoihy or mixed with a sprinkling of claver, but the less claver th-trr quieh anrn. -i cnsd the two most essential things wei*qht and color both of w,.hich may be best cbtained by cutting at thje proper time and hand- Jing in the best manner, while curing. As to time of cutting no day of the month wili apply under al the different condi- tions. It should flot be cut too solon while so full of sap as to leave the hay soft and flabby nor should it be leit too long w%,heni the lower ends of the stalks begin to put on a yellow tinge, but at a time when the growth is fairly weil mat- ured anïd stili retaining its perfect g reen. As to caring niy plan is never to alow it to layoan the ground aver niglit unless the crowding of the work makes it neces- sary to cut in the evening time I usually cut in the morning, say up to eleven o'elock then run the tedder over it before noon, about four o'clock begin to raite and cock up the saine evening and if properiy cocked it will stand considerable showers without being much damaged Let the flay cure in the cock, standing usually three or four days according to conditions, then before drawing in over- turn tihe cocke shaking up the bottom or as much as may bc neceessary giving it time to dry and you wiiU have hay that wiil retain its freshness and perfect green color wich is ail important and so ab- soliueyrneceýssary and the iack of. which nothling Calin make up for. 1Ilh iye heard goo.d felrs growug large quantiies of hay, say 'ee cock up any hay 1 always draw in from the windrow". Now na one can passibly retain have hay aî its best nor any thing near it if handled il thisway. It cannot possibiy the fresh green col or that it will if cocked up the saine day it la cut and al!owed to cure in the cock and whethcr the hay is for sa'e in any market or to feed on home premises it will pay well to have it served in the best possible manner, Wx RiCKARD. Newcastle july 2nd, 1904. Ladies, you ail should take the tria, offer of TuEHousExEEPE-6 montha for 30 cents, or Tinu STATESMAN too for TOWN COUNCIL. Accaunts passed at meeting July 4. Jas, Elliott, gasaline ......... $ 50 69 J W Knight, drawing water, etc 29 0 Durham Rubber Co., hoîe...9000'. Electrie Light Co , contraet...244 95 i 1 61 Ilincandesents ... 12 20 R. Sinclair, painting seats......20 Couch, Johiîston & Co., linoleuim 10384 P. Trecilcock, blinda ........... 84 58 F. F Morris, Magistrate's desk. 5) 0 Warthington brushes ...........83 75 Jas. Ryan, lab3r................6 60 Wmn. Warder........ ........i175 Juo. Barnes ".......525 Cierk's advance forindiget ..7 35 Jas. Jeffery, suit Chief of Police 220 F. H. Mason, hay ............ 881 F. H. Mason, stone............ 16 50 Wm. Saxton, labor............ 388 Jos Fletcher, ......... 808 Robt, Hicis, " . . 20 70 John Tiekson,.............. 1800 James Gili, .......26 70 Wm, Bennett, . . .il 215 Frank Chapple, ".......750 $ 668 61 RaidP Scalp shiny and thinP Then it's probably too late. You neglected dandruif. lIf you had onIy taken our ad- vice, you would have cured UnrVio the dandruff, saved your hair, and added much to lt. If not entirely bald, now is your opportunity. Improve it. -"1 hav. used Àyere Hair Vigor for over 40 ysrz. i arn now 91 ysara oldand have a heaNy grewti of rich browu hair, due, 1 thlnk,on-l IReI l A . . r~lBelleille, 111. 11.00 abottie..10. ÂYER 00., 2 ý fo r MfE GooPd Hair ROYAL ~ Baking Powdîer Is Most EconomIcaI Beca.use it makes better a4nd more heaithful food. RtOYAL 9BAK[iN& P OWiUKR GOo- oNYM< WL1>JING IEL Dakota. brother a! the groom, was beet man, The graom's present ta the bride was a handsomo gold monogramn brace. MoFARLANE9-GOYNE. lot; ta the litIle maid-of-bonar a gold chain bracelet and ta lh'c groomsman a A very pretty wodding to0k place on gala scarf-pýiu The cerer-ouv takplaceý "l esdy eveing une29th, aI ïfithueoiida iu Il *iii mass of r sdoeucofa Mr. John Goy e,1iumber f ris a ud white marguerites. The Bay, uncle af the bride, wLen Miss Jeu- bridai party sfood under an arch ai nie, daughiter o! Mr. Williamï Goyne, fluage and flowers and immediately Darbington, was united lu marriago ta boneath a floral bell af the marguerites The Gore Monywa e formonto and milax. After cangratulations a John Wasson atokplerou ed bI sumptuous wedding-supper was served Tohe bride, awdhow a con way byher iu the dinning-room which was decor- l: u m lu, ho as ive aay y lerated similarly 10 the veraudah. The father, wore a dresa a! champagne voile bride's table was mcdo very attractive over aid rose taffeta, .9ud cerried white by white satin ribbons and bouquets af carnations. She ivas atteudea by Mias white roses arAnd la.The prebients Razel Lynu, oa! Toronto, who ware a were numeror ,aiitictatLI. . , or ý ' dress ai white ivory silk and car ried travelling gou nu was of iLlù )uo pink carnations. Mr. Frank Goyne, flecked clotb trimmed witlî black &Arna brother0f the bride,was est man. The lan, and steel buttons opeuing avoir a happy couple lait midst shawers'a! whitîe satin bodice, ith ha', tat match, rice fora tn ta he ost.The Young couple loft on the 6 O3 train TILLET-RONAN. amid sbowers a! nîce and good wlshes for Niagara, Buffalo and other places, Wednesday afternoon Juno 29, bu the Mr, and Mrs. Cowan are widely-known Bloor Street Preshyvterian Church, Tor- and papuîar young people and have- the onto, the marriage ai Miss Lola May best wishes a! a large cdole ai inoends RLonan and Mr. Herbert Roph Tiiley, for thoir future happiness eldest sou a! Dr. W. E. Tilley, Bow- manville, was solemnized. The officiat. DiOR:iNsoN-GOLDEN, ing clergyman was Rev W. G. Waibace The pretty home o! Dr. and Mrs, D.D,, assistod by Rev. S. Ueaver, DD.:Frank Deitch, Pearl and Waýne Sté. Mr. T. Arî'hur Bliakely pnerided aI the St. Josepb, Mich, Tuesday Juiy Sîh, organ, During the outrance a! the was tbO scone ai a Pleasing Ovei, lthe bride the bridai bymu fromn Lohengrin manniageofo Mrs. Deitchi's sister boing was sung bY IMrs. R J Dilworth, NMrs s e oldenht.lc a 'cok J. Wilson Lawrence anda Mrs, O.oerMsGacGodn ugt iM. Ferguso, and aiter W eemn r and iMrs. Amas Golden aif Ibis (*y, ansi D*lwrorth sang "0k LFaet', OhSweand M.Fe ikno !SuhBn,1b bably." The hast mjan wvýas Mir. Geýorge formoýrly To! Bowmaryille, Canada, A. Baker, and the bride was a1tteDeJd wero the pretty bride and ha-ppy bride- by Miss Margaret Hio~,while Dora- groom.lutprsneo erlais thy Tilley, a niece o! tho groom. aud and a few intimate fnonds a! the young Master Wilbie McKeudr%, ected as fl1owor couple, Roy, Frye, pastor o! the M. E. .girl and page respectively. rho ushers church read the service which was the wone Mr. Charles A. Dent, J boesslie single ring setvice The hanse was Ferguason,Dr.MacLennan and Norman decorated with pink roses and ferus, D. Perry. The bride was 'given away amid blase and ta the strains o! Mon- by Mr,.G.Tawer Fergussani, ber brother- doessaln's woddiug marel played by lu law, et wl-se residence, Na 70 Mad- Miss Laura Rahn, tibehocantractîng ison avenue, a reception was aft*ý wards parties and their attendants toak their hold. stand for the ceremany. The bride who la an attractive blonde, wore a creatiou NoRTHcoTE-ADAMS3. a! wbile silk crepe over white taffeta A pretty littho weddiue was solemniz- sibk. Shecrried a sbower bouquet af ed at the Cburch ai the l±piphan-v, Park- white sweet peas. Miss Elsie Huntsing- dale, Saturdev aiternoon,ý Julv 2nd, at or, Frankfort, Ind., bridesmaid, was baîf-pat Ibree o'cbock, wbon Miss E. gowned in white organdie and carried. Lilian Adams, daughter a! the laIe Mr. e shower bouquet o! pink sweet peas. Thos. Adams, St. John, N.B , and Mrs. Mr. Charles Dickinson, Toronto, Can- H. Cowan, o! Toronto, was marricd ta ada, brother a! the groom, was hast Mr. Norman Nonîbcote, sou a! the laie man. Foiiowing the cangratuictions Mrsý A, Nortîcate, Bowmcnville. The bestowe'd upon the newly wed pair, a chancel and altar were prottily decorat- delighlul threa course luncheon was ed witb marguerites and ferus. Rev. served, tle Misses Grece Ga and Nel- ,B Brycu offlciated, and Miss Bryan lie Molihagen assisting ln the serving plased the wedding marches The best o! Ibis. M r. and Mrs. Dickinson bave Ma was Mn. Frank Narthcote, the gane on an exteuded western trip. Up. groom's brother, aud the ushers were on tbeir roturu they will residel ins. Mr. Byron S. Vanstone and Mr. Allen city. 'he groom is a travelling sales- McAvity. The bridesmeid, Miss Amy man for the South Bond Paper C.and Adams, the bride's sister, wes prettily lB higbly respctdto by bis emplovers gawned in pale grecu, large white bat and associetes. Mrs. Diekinison previaus witl feathers, and ccrried pink roses 1e rosigning the, position, wcs saleslady The bride wes giveu awcy by her for Endors & Moore. She is thebo sses- brother, Mr. Gen. F Adams. She wore sar o! c winingu personality and la de- a st',bish costume of ncvv blue cbath, sorvediy papuler in social circles, The the caat op-ning ovor a dainly wbice Young couple recoived a varied and lawn and lace blouse, and the smart beauti!ub array a!- wedding gifts-St. white bat wcs a! sîraw, with ribbou Joseph lLich , P'ress, Fred's mcny tnimmin gs. A!ten île ceremouy a fre nnda in Bowmanviîleex tend beartiesu ception wcs beld et the neidence of the congratulations 10 him and bis bride bride's mother, at which onîy the roîci- and ;wish for thecm maay happy îears ives and intimate finonda of bath famnilies' of wedded life. wore prosent. The roams were fýfioct-, îvely decorated with poonies, meger- J~Y. ltes and paims. Mr. etnd Mrs Notbote .6 1 i SL&/JV..4 L/p le! t by the 5 20 train for the East On 1, Tbat's the condition of mcuy sufferern their return Ihey will reside lu Empres crosceut, Pcrkdalo. A nunîber of N-ery from catarrh, especbdlly lu the morning. bandsome presents testified' ta the pop. Great difficulty la experienced in cleUi- ulanity 0t1the Young couple. ing îthe hbd and throat. COWAN-W#ILLIAMS. Na wonder catarrh causes headache. An exceedingby protty woddîng 100k impairs the teste, sml and heaintg. place et "Poplar Rise," Enniskillen,: polintea the breath, derangea the itom- the residence a! Mn. and Mrs Jesse W.accl and affects the appetite. Williams, Thunsday, July 7tb, wheu.ý To 'cure catarrh, trecîmeut muet b. their Voungest daughter, Myntie Duella 11 constitutoal-alterative and tonic., was unîted in marnoage wîth Mn, J. I wes Ilib for four mouths with cata* Herbent Cowan, Bunketan. Bey. T. lu the bîeed and throat. Rad a bad caugk Snowdon, Enniakillen, officiated andj and reisod blood. I had beCome dis- Mr. Cocil Williams, cousin aillhe b ride, couraged wheu my husband bought a bottIs plased Lohengrnns wedding march. a!o Hood'a Saneapenilla and persuaded me ý4- ý-L -r lui an

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