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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1904, p. 3

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'm. I ~ l I f Teei atoiyand plower be- ........... hinfi the spoken odauhrt ta min III Y~U1~I1IU1i~N comimand, and power to execute. J JT Tf 1V YSER BïST R ES O man h t'ha -spel e o!y Vaf Iletake r a FOLKS Ileaven and earth, the Crea tor of!è taîlkcd with marri Jeovh t- n aA low the Undying ESou 1 o f M n Can Bea reatos winan, the One Who covenants with man and Who keeps THE POLARI BEAI SONGQ. Tnl44i overn to Its Creator those covenants invioiate, i h n ne1wsaplrbalvn a Cen u ne J.LLU±IJX/.LU.L±UWho hath spoken. If Hli Wao speaks OneIwas oa erlvn a ___________________ 1 ail this, and more, does it flot be- aa hoove us to listen? "The Mighty In the fro7en northland, where the <Entcred accordlag to Act of 'the loi- discussion on o ur part. Yen know One, God, Jehovah, hath spokenl" nghsaedy ll&ment of Canada, in thé eé x~ It -Ou YOrsI are a Forgot- When aolo spolco *ti said th, Aud the days are uight tiine, six by, Wm. Baily, of Toronto, at tie ter. But ixhatever your attitude his soldiers trembled before hlm.' It motsiii the year; Departinent. of Agriculture, Ottaw % my b towards God, Cod has not aicant sonîething for the fûerce ai Where against the itys nrh forgotten 'x o. P appoals to you conquering general ta speak. ite c lights appear. Littiee SO -1e. tc Frk Loe Anlt s Tamag HlieH Sesptc Frk LDe AWgtte aySg und to me. -le warns of the dan- must be heard. lie must bc oboyed. Iu my shaggy overcoat, warmn and Muet Bear Signature of prcached fromn the following text :-gel. ol waits in mercy. He hOls And< whe'n <4oç speaks how mauch "Now consider this, vie oChat fr e ut Mis promise of saîxation. 110 more it should he truc that Hie must sort and white, Qe, es rter e l pers ore pîceîds for us te coesder Our condi- bc heard and obeyed.' Napoîcon lias There I watched mir baby bears tGad, le nen tea di r : ces, and tion, our danger and our chance Of long since ceased te speak. lis threugh the frozea night; thr b e tcifi elie f k h escape. "Neîx conu-ider this, ye tengue is sie. Hspex. n Brought thern fod of fish and (ish giriid c edte tangvîgth'it forget GQed,'" and thien le gees authority are onded. But net sa till a sorry day, Seo pec-siml4e Wrapper Below. eth his way argtwill I show the otewr fh ipdngagr.wlth Qed. Ile Who spoke ln thunder Wheu a hunter shot mne deuil and salvatien origlit "-PI-alii 50:22, Listen, -yo Fogttr ofCd ls tences on Mifurnt Sinai, an<d miade the carried me away. !Le lake as avg=. lTle Plsa]mist takes pains te des- te delix or." Heîe is the dange~r Signal. chircn o!im isne earn and tremble Naow 1aapro ,sr n 11ee is the sign post writteri by tho efeeIlm esekn edy n r alrms n ~ciý as'-e Fogftr Qed Codin ths ouù ntthink yen that it is a light thing valal and white, cîbe asr ofgttr Cod Qedin thos lier; t Q h And te moll within îny fur cl.ildrcn whom perhaps you or I wonld bechaio h nhwxwit dsel spk I teil yen thea ofthe athva- -ýhichyouaretal.e delighlt; lest te includo as such. Qed! isd re-t ch h d ou are pre7l'e asSS sColnad li de- pursuleg in careîess femgetfulacss of ny Qebehid IfteOfteil, though, 1 wender where iu my ~ ~ IVE. came "Ton atest instruction (or aet d' înrvnfpticecned la this, lire se that appIeal anidAi fmsyh e ~ ~~TIPATIGL correction, a,,it i in the marginal mnuet net ho conntcd for weak- warning and blessed proimise of sal- m itebb en r oa VS ~ ~ mcadlng), and castest My words bc- "heor je nt îckvtînae ihutcetto, as pcllcd te <eai. hind, thThe Lhrd tho net estc aaio thref flC5S.f ,thna ThEiPEXdf thu . W ieth haet atf coneîniag lis promise, as saine the seul appears befere Cod, lit mnust N O fl EIG huconscntedst vihlhm, and hat ounit sînckcess; but is l1ong-suffer-harPlsea lujdg at TeAWIF LD ORE r enpraerwt dleers. Thon ei iuseki ugen.TeAWS L -OS, b ieet pathye nîoth ate xi, n ty<g te yon-wird, not \lishiag that seul inay. tura froml Qed la this lire, The herse belenged te the late 'J. i -n hudpri, but that ail but it anunot- escape Hlmn in the Loe !FrsoîeGoc ste ir, ~ CU~ 50K ~ADOHE tegue fraîctî dcit 'ren ittst she nid coule te repentance" Threnel If it w-ill net listen here, it Fnglaud, and the anecdote was told ADVETISIG RAES. an'd speakest against thy-bohr are thoe who deubt Qed, whe do must <le se in the hercaiter. Listen, hy the 11ev. Thomas Jackson. ADVETISIG RAES. thou elandereet thine ewn inother ' i son. . ..Thou thoughtcst that - net beliex c that the judgiacnts Vn wheo would forgezt Qed: "The Mr. Lune, on geing homoe eue day, TLhe Canadian Stateseman is published was altogetiier such a oile as thvy- which Hoe las preneuinced against sin Mli-ehly One, Qed, Jehovah, hath turuied the herse lotol a field te, overy Wednesday niorniag at the office sef. Aswixnlecaenladwill be fullilled. Jesus encounitered spokçen"- lus message is te yen. graze.ý ,1o <. anie 13Ont, ing A. ret Ja es: . riIc As eeiecrlly ~tu ota efand 1such skepticisaî aund rcferring back Listea. oh, precieus seul! "New cen- A f cw dnys before this the herse i Editr ~d I'opmeter Suscritio tha th postivly wcko andbadte Noah declnred that the people of eider this, ye that forge't Qed, lethd been shod, bat hll be ý1.5 nfi annuin, -or $1.00 if paid are ilet mentionoid. The Psahinist that day h, 1 maifstod the samo I tear yeu la pieces, and there be "ice, stebakmtsc stcl la avance Aclrertisia,rates. -)s Ifer traiÎetaveiîtisirifi ten cents pa ndid net go fishîngý amoinfin tacs'reakless dieregard of-Qodý*s wamaings, noette tadclix c: Whe lcrt h it, iu tene shoeing ef eue fiolt, tlat lI ,i:,) rý7 et er lieaâc'h- -p 9'ôf SOIlf liS 0Pc 's~&T g-r--~-<,~cso as tei, 0 as 1 susqetinsertion. Contract rates 011 net trot off te the cerrupt heathea shahl be the conïing of the Son .f 0, ;adt i ha re-t i hurt his foot., flfJlicaion.nations about te fiud hie man who mari. Fer ns lu these day hc wy aright wjl I show the saivatien The next meruing aftor 'iM. Lane DR. L POTER. ad forgetten Qod. Hoe fotind hiiLee eonth io th , w'er at-oQe. turned the herse into theo field ta Offcesu msîeac, huch~. ~ right near at ha.nd, andi among these . «g anid drinking, înnmrying and giv- __________________graze, hie i<cdhim. "What can Offceandreidece Chrc St, p-who ermhaps steod highest iu the j ing in <narminge, util the day thathaebcm ofldS?-sk i. IPesite Triaity Coagregatienal Church, 'hxebcm ef1<So"nsch, ]ownianviile. 25-P, n, cemmunity. Hie iras the mn who Noah enterefi inte the arli, and they The naine of the horse ivas Solomion. re cognizcd the anthoîity ef the law; kncw not until the flood carne, andi %le was ,se nnuucd becanuse hie was DENTISTRY. who toek a pride and satisfaction iu teolk: theni ail away; se shahl be the *.e ie 0. C. IIONNYCASTLE, LUDS., D.D. lis moral rectitude and his clon rit- coming of the Sou of man."1 And . * Wlîcu Mmr. Laae asked where old I., le Gracluate in Pentlstry e! izeuship; vvUo held his head -high and Ptr aigdcae htCdi >Slws ii h tbeby ad Teot Tavret.Office:-Over Cen- 4.11d1t:rac4oa sadrs ee, a*gdelmdthtQdis~ o w s, tesabeby*ad tral Millinery. Entrance first door v7srayt rahmrlsadrsnet slack roucerniug the f ulfillieot - I thiuk saine thier iAut have got West ef Blig 20, tiownville. unto otliers. The Psaimnist speake o! every premise and evcry ijudg hlm, for I canuot find Solinl the of his geing se fo r a.9 te declare nient, goos on te sny that -t e day field or lu the cwyr. A. E. 3icLATJGH-LIN. Ged's statutes andi te take Qod's ofthe Lerd williý1 Tas APPLE..- thlast ini?"so akedk Mm. Lae Bau rid.er, 'Solicitor and t'onveyaucer. coena<nt lu hie menth. Tiat is ho Ile holfis np before yeu, as we TI PLý he a o itý? se r ae Offlc:-]lliealey Block,' King Street, wos net irreliglous. le reccguized. ha,, tmied te show yen, the certain Se far as the effemofon T "Weil, sir" 'lslid Tini," the gt weu'ualiville, Mency to loan lit reatson- Qlod and Ilis law. -And yet, he is an ful inigients which wilh rail upen Stelnsen, dimecter e! ponoeg a t o h il isbe if f t abi ra es.tSi i. ha g f ca s tn hatiîu 4isuc io n n t y en and tear y en la pie rs if y en the pres nt W or îtis F'ir in S t. hinges, nd left o u the g roun t." ROBER"-:T YOUNG, V. S. -ticsigQd' vil eît de net heur and heeti; nnd ou the Louis, ai-e ceuicemnet, tlie applo shahl "That 18 nlo jimef that a thief hlmn. This I tak-e il moans that hcoether haud île shows y~ou whnt bless- lose nethiag Of its 1îîîestige ns a took the herse," said Mr. Lane. -I FI"ICE IN IIORSEY'S BLOCK, n as heady andi high-uaindeti, that lie . iîh or show factor comparod with tuie nX tSu thten e îît aedu oppose le itle ound Hll Entance tal bcyuse- hnght l o l aed whec le ibeTfowîî foi Hal Entran lînt a vain seif-eSutooi:n whidh matie n hihits of art, niachiacry, textile fnb- that hinispîf. I1 iil tell yeu bow we 9, p.iii. Night caiNs at residence, direct- hlmn untoachable. And the charge of IF YOIJ TUEN TO 111M. rles antiallher lîscidentuls that arc cala finti ont. We will loek :0t i! ly opposite DrlClr.1-i.cnigQd's womds hehliot hiil Iu doallng with Qed, (anti the seul piamed beoe the public. gate, and <f thermý ie a. mark of Sol's ARIAC': LlEsîS-. would inîply that lic gavec thema a miust deal with Plux), it lsecitioi n ît je' Mr. Stensea's ceatontion that tecth ou il we shhknow that ho(, M'ý ARRame Isse e -Arlg Ai- suherdlnate hlare in luis lifo andt put case of judgnîeunt or biessing. Blocs- apples are a sure cura fer the drinkla hehiisfet" Jac m Iesdîîe Cssere staret. luc is Own judgc'mnents aud theuglits ing le wants te give; juigînt Haha, th ý teac lalt and nudmv ha e insl u. ______ ____________________ hefome those of Qed. Moro than must give if yen reject theoaffer Of ile that beset îîunîauiîx, It is os tby wn eth oe SIMPSON & BLAIR. lkaiy, uutciiectîialieîn and higler mecy. lie helds bof ere. the Ferget- serted that panîiphiots, aie te ucds hr n the top r ait ias the mark B.B MsoK . CIS r-itiristm weme barriers tliat frexent- ters of Qed the pi-turc ef the nin. tributed au the purti(,uIar cieîîd faarres ceh BLAIt, ilarristers, Solicitors, Notaries, cd Qed's w ords lai ing due xveight rhe iras vieldeti hiunsehf te Hîini. Cla d of tlio apploý, m:lhing aLtuîli to n hysoldSlwnt t etc., Moerris Block, op-stairs, King atnd W ho-- e alîcroth the sacrifice of ils ellmacx- in ajinîit tho: ýýt afylc ýget eut of tis ixe field, se foul Of ~ ~ctBeîuuiiio. Seîrtes or INLUNC I PS IF tanegx on geifi'tl M -onid teni int. gmass ant rhu?- thîonght Mm. teOntario B3ank. Private meîîeys boan- INLEC N -I T'-m,. thrlsgvn glo 't 'e'a Loue. ed at la)west rates. hinm lhat orderetx lus way aright Tflc meri of wor,!iiuî a Culre, as "-ehp, adTii tebak ________________________And_ noir xe cuiter upen aîiother w:il I show the saîxatien of Qed." if apliears plausible tea m Stouisen, "I'orhapste' s abo T ii<n 'ie a phase0 of tle chînmactor cf the For- Thcgitsciie esi a enl te ont au upple in lace of tliliig sm1t ra- e]saou i. IOOflf r) Th"ra arfc frsnhsbeIl mil druite e t tehîe blu'4k- gletterUUlIî.~Ulll of.O1UU Gad nù uth ciimr o niade e Christ the rigblieous a driik of iotoxicating liquor or gîmP! pvi L..0.. iheil, for mhcn le swthe thiefr n a ufrf l I~ fgit smokingieexo tec iu fe emniti's shîop and sec,' saiti Mr. DENTISTS.lit merk-eb, net the tChief nue 1uf let«in tf i'd h oitiir becoec sa strouug thai i sem Lune. breoks inte hanses and steals ci ory- oosb t ei. hudhr S M- L edovoe Wri be ut Blacistock on the fîmst thicg houecao iayr bis hantis en. This yevor.dcn te tiiunifuîii acet an bc a impossibl t d siat. Shnd eo S! eksMm.h' Lace, ieve evor aleh Menday of ecr uîenth, at Oreuîe mon le respectable in bis t 'viu.Qd o eglrfed ulpoae m.Sesn ugse lti andi a hall off, antI saiti to Mr. Cla, il d M , iîd;-., ait day, and at New- ailoignIde ef the «<ain he.0~irKhonoret.in laie groaher way thon foi, lie, Mrdx-Satensta stgst dcxvii qitt~îeaicith:"lîeî: eu casthe lst Woduesdny froni 2 p.m. business deal or engages in question- yen te accept Pis gift ta the norlti. mrunch ai- aphîle ani refleet. Whiie thio- of olti Soi?' Ofïe. -Teiopomance St., Beunan- able entcip.-l-.ses tChat promise large 1Tîk yn tn tescio e net inaking lt durecît stateunent as te "Why, te hc sure," saifi Mm. Clay, ville, moar o! ligginbotham's trgjhmfto taeafvtgoa te bn siin mns s'e gralater resuIts, the dii celai of pauiloe- "Oli S)oi cuire lîîrc to-day, aiid teldti store.i hekorcsîe xvic icen iou eau dror fr ed sin, Car- gy beaves tCho infereiîce îlot île soda- me I hadt «i-le a lail jebtf) tl store, ~ ~ ~ ~ iî in' lu is favor-irlea iue ~îvtiis jtr Ocnpremi e 10,5 iv ie preperties of îlle appîo ivili putting, the siîe on hie might fore- V kmnti of a thlef at womi lie wmikei !900dfness Yon eau nianifest la yeîr ýreshore te île mid a feeinug of nam- foot."I anti sînîlet a bit anti thaught xx luht a jilfre? Thle oohy sacrifice y on ra iabilitv anti gîiod felol hxhip) tiiot 1"W lut do v ou mrenu, MmI. Ciay?"1- ME N T l S T R Y sha'!ý-'fellexvlho nos, andi pemiiops île imaie thiat jl bc acceptable te Qed wilI 'tiestroy ail anitagolietir askei Mml. I.,t'ie. "A heorse crlnet 9 xiI in lue the deal andi sharet inl the ýis the sa-euluicO af YOUr ill tînt will theughts. tlu." H.ARNDENU T DS. pr-ofil 'S.- Pc xvouldn't de allytling, give Christ t'ue possession of yonr Mifr. Slenosan is uîot oec in lis -"O, tmîîe, le titi «et sav 'ti d1ilLJii.1 ' iiehocest, «eot hie! lint lue nul lot jhart. Theîoenly tiîauisglxing.xxlich geeti opinion of tle apffle. Thiere mords; -but hoe saiti [c by act as thtoalCheg ! îe ethei felw(eîedry monk will mcach tlio cor of Qed anti halo n'te it - as a thaie when this dolicieuis fruit 1'îa-inly as I caua Say at. Ile came te Cmuduaho, of th oa-Cleeo ant ihe xxiii peciet ilis share. of the piasing te lii is the tlianksgixing iras net helti in îhe Saine esteomu tChat tu og x'coIsteeti, anti thoa Dentai Surgeons, Citaurie.- preceefis. Yes, whea le sawx the 'thit las os its inuspiration anti it is ut preseat, but tiîîîe wvomks 1heIt i)î his foot, anti loeled ut nie, Office:-C il.nsite TF. Bin-hrum's oiffice. J thieJ ut xrk, hoe censeoledst itit theîîîe thie crmîcifîod and riscu Lord. changes. The applc te day is me- 1as if lie weuii like te say, if uict VITALIZED AIR. - ic o hall seeu a hungmx be.g-ar CQots rmise le as sure os Ilis garde i i na:ný sections of îlo werl t couiti'Mm Clay, yon are gettingfi p'irleaiuig a laif of breati fmoîîî the jutiginnt. le says tiiot Hoe wili !as the king of fruit.caiseiixrolig.Lei t haie sîop, or île highxxoycian bold- sh,- ]-cxv , .Il,,ti.n te the ma n-le Ilg authoriiy atixisesthat it he tl' co.Sec hew il lunches niy9 II lEIU TDE. ing up îlic irafarer nditi hkiog lis ordercîli hie wuy arigît. Iu the days coton mornîng, «oea anti «ight. ]C foet. Is îlot the wny te slee aV '-W7at studios are yen pursuîug?" Voluablos, ho xrouiid have bcon qluici !of tie Reion poer c, irlen île Cao- pas'îasscs propelrties, 50 uts atix a- asiedth îe lautldy o! îl«eybad el 01 thief" se lentihi thiat thec surs raieti tle xvemld, it is salid that cales minîtain, that resuit iiin a cear dorent olfi herse hike nic? Noxr are mI ati t o thele nwa bardt- policeiio coult haxo heouti huai a 1ait roatis led te Roe Sure it is cii, a imore îoy eus thecorI of exs yen llot ashaîîîcd of yeursel"? EasO cm, - îîp<dî tîîd li-c gho îo t-Ca hea oc.Tk tof n tient, quarter of a aillec axxoy if lie lad tl:tit ail mouds tînt Qed calîs riglît fonce, a hape admr grtfui ta leu ne.Ti toat usiremoti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a ofuidu-u ne u-t elt taigl uiesh uc Crs nisloi I xx l ooîiag iupeîu the chîanges of put it ou lu a better noy.' I aul studyiug psyrhxeîegy," le, camoti te do se. But xvu<Cu 1h raine lînfi te Chris adsltin eiCan It ho thiat elt Soi saifi ahi f-nwrd - sîevigit neI opie îtang in c sc ie maiolec herndc e the, uuivcrse anti a s1puil of gy is10 strmiyeti fieldis. l'ri siudying the hiiie apringy eseillen o aI ati fuirthe rih of sle fcIlowship îhot is centagions anti that b i lok?" suid Mr,. Luise, Jut '""- ' eaîync and onll îlel li ne -ý, ' haughuing. JtIthn soen pse hin th 'lie no teroits. et d not the glommels s'ilvotîon o!f e Golu in hi'"m "Ail tuaI anti neole," salid Mm.P dush of "ah let .ontiCticti, "fatbouofuCodru centi- (.lrt jesus. Fergetters of Qed, Bl TIQAD IETON Clay- "le ehoati stili as a post9 bu' h prmimo Illl ri1 butiiied le le a unr- yenm position is a perlioeus eue. Qed _____ e_______ 16lle mys emiuis uai<îuir<." taier xxitl adtihcrs. HoT 's a nian 1________________eerll kow ey o le Chomt xorlî tloogu1 pcmlaps plmiacs ixitl yen te censider yenri 1h e ofibtpe not lcuoi a ilu ----_____________ Anti the landiaiy nexer kueirml net îuiuseîî a moral laper, îehiewv relations te Hlili. tliat eeoth«ls ipout 1î- lanti if lbahihualiy pructiseti, nîany ahi *î- ...ý, .1ics ni tue lnng'. s ent nremehe(ý the abuiaaio l îe igi ii(lti Ihae ee subjerî to nid te the absorptionj o! footi cul- INator te the lch anti bnci of îhe curs cnsunptOil .iioiinýtoi in~'1 the slnut Ofro d. bavei dizyseani suot cances fmom tIhse nic anti ites- ncck. I - after eating. 1 aicti Dr. fines, for the reasoul tînt thcse vos- JA sel t parkiIs the rnost effective but don't Icave il foc lo( uakio- mi n ton arts tîloseo0f lui_-, Chase's Nerve Food, and sels are situateti ce closc te lthe meliii inomu for ahlex'ioiing ln- jTr i-y t nomv. oMxi householti. «,1 iu'-1 of ll t;m .k founti it imProvet _mY cîost caviîy tînt they atre more fim- flanununtion anti getting <'id of immitn- You îeui'~lîak f > di.,'t Foretorof Cý tI is cI uuniun cf as thýe jdigestion, Stestiietid cîî e île inLuc ef flic suc- ltion lu mlonmatic ge-ut. Teaod ceimpte aijoc !,u>' irI Qfd îlo ist ~ nerves, anti matie me ret 13-o-itl'u. e aso oo' ~nt lxx enoîia S.' anti Sleep very much bet tien schleu of fIe ccis. relief, eeyngtapiccifunci Qot. uit iî oeouîu~i. uîi lar te. cn tumfafy e. A fxr nuinjutes spent un vigonrou)is siionîti hoc applicti li fianu <u~ ~.,t> îi' uiiit " o'nlu oil haar J R.WRTE orrnndthe Se,'rve Foot hreathiug exriejiter ca4nrl culsoilil sa aei ii brice anti Prcs27e--5,rtauoewosfesfenîesaeahet.i u ftchs igs e momdi- Ilin irratppeioueuî fIe afectet !~. . itbil ~. oi' tat fIl ti j D. Ciaees N.m~v ron C50. La bf.x. iu I cese, of, heýav incýss antI n'iht on r joinîis. ii finau she,' Tunueio, I anti <;~~~u«<turs o! Dr. A. W.Chs,îeaîoain. Tu.dietxprcss uyei-ikmndg. mBt lohd e ________________o![___ vien inî Iclel. ijhin eîhrripi ou autbor, are ouin cvery le. lepeoeibylt ipe inne ep nalught wvile I heek off the shoe. Andtihone I put 1h ou se if iîiglhtnet hurt litaii. Anti, irlon I lad doue ut, le gaie a uneury cieigh, as ii ho say, 'Tlacl ion, Mm. Clay,' anti off ho ARMY REFORIlM IN ENGLAND. Drastie Mleasures Saiti to Be in Contemplation. rau. Anti nom if yen nit go <inck The Lonîdon Express says : The me-- te the fîiie on xxil fint i liî mre constructiomn o! tho ummny, ih is a cating hie breakfast." counerpau' te n'or Office meconlstihu- Se Mmr. Lane laugliet, andi latie tienl, us etilu cngagiug thheattention Mm. Clay goot i me<ing, anti bnci o! île govemment, lut anu caudy te tle field iehatrai-e.- Andti fere le shremcnt ill bc moto hby Mm. Ar- feuint Tiai puttiag up île gale, anti nolti-Fenster on thc subject. The theme la the fieldi mas oltiSoi îatiog mest trastir ineasume coaleaipiletiis glu s, anti us happy ns rouiti le. a genemal redueflena ameng'regimeats Bras rcoi Sol a xricc olti horse? pocseslng inee thon ire battaliens. Thc Quarts are incintiet, au tut iJs TIEE QAME OF TURTILE. iiehy thai thie nhoue batialion o! ShIe Third Scrots nill le stmuci oIT iîcre's n gaie fo- beys anti girls tIcý establishmnît. The reaon'Îlies maco laie goul, strong mxusclos. It lu the pancily of ueccuits, île bn-- is enileti "Turihe." Edte o! Qunu'ds bcing 1100 mien andi Aocy numbem namy playý anti ne-)ne lover 80 offucens short., TIc Irisîx ployer is "Il," for ahl are "ht" te- r Quards are net te have ilueir con- go, ier'. 'ITie gamne commniueces huy templateti second buiialioui, anti the eac.cli îlasing tîxeý kinti of hum-holue jerenadiers anti Celdtreains xrill pro- inhents te be. Orne pemlaps s a babhy u lsc 10<0 mou eccl. Greai ef-- %aî<J lrtolse, aneller a sooppar, <n- forts are ho lie rmadc, unuethe tir- otlier a arut tunîle, amnI se en1. àq1îu ection of Major-Qeneral Il. S. Q. thIe'. ail sut lu a reir nig iher I fdilcs, te uconganize the recritiu<g chus on Ibm inces, oai-i cdi b 'ut- Ifer île ariny. île wmli he ussiseetiby ing lis lof t anîle milhu ais Y;gl>Col0nel Cî'utrhley o! the Quartis; uiaud. anti lis rîghl an1kle xuih ji Captain C. Macel-Jonles, V. C., anti icît lonti. This is a xer'y ifficilif, Major Dykes. TIc gonemal impruveý- position te ieop. At a gixen moc a nats irhich vi eefceiicui îletuîtîe stn fr agoa a îmethîe feiboxviig : Botter buimudie anti theîrncc uxsartfo. galasinr ore alloîrances; greaher freedeau te di;£.o awy letooje fhmcgîi c-tcsediors; bodging iist te le extendeti; turtues ho xvacîtie te île goal antiJd hk eh uereit ya uo' bnci, le the slartinf_ point wiliouu jlbcomiug clotl; a botterm head-drs for xaIking eout; beng aund short ser- removing their hauts frein their foot, icie; a rex'. territorial organiztion: Many Jet go before île proper n10ie- .rnuplete scomîe for .homec, defenre moiint, île oflers sheni "deadt urtie" ixenl; ceaîlon cf a meuh ncmy me- cuti kee on, benviag their unfortu J cence. Fer thc present Mm. Arnold-- nueote mepanio. nunhîlebacigreunt, Forster xvIi he unalle ho <cake nay The ules of île gumne teinandt ilat catisfoctomî' stateniOnt wijl'regard hoe irait ilere «iinil e finsi succese- ho the application of the Esherme fui mnacor mouches liai on lis way jforms te the regeneralion o! tlen-ar baic, anti toîuches lii m il lis eh- office. The ticadioci ivith tle treuýs-- iîox, by whieh liîe is suipposedti t in- Iumy roninues, andtihîe scIeane for suilnewm hue into île poor dondt mc- tIc establishmcent of a gcnieu'ic'staff, île. The latter inîuîîetiaiely start, or bmuin oh the anmy ior mur, is sus- ou,-mlaain. ant i fnishes in thue hast pentet. becanse île tmcosu'y Jhave_ style lieeau. As thora are nimoys efusedtot fiadthîe îneney. No fuir- severul dendtutrtles, lee i nLer ther appeiuhillCnts are, therefore, be- lenely in lus- effort te succoee. Tlac iug gazetted a t preseut. wiuueîr te, o! course, île one mue re- tnmns te île startiag place, frt. Menev oecaionaiiy m-aies n fool of a man hy helpiuug iai te hbreak initu Meeks--"The <nnMIe- tries te society, change a iveran s viexsis 18anf00." Weks-' 'loirdteyon merw?" Meeks ., --My ife toit <ne se. D.n.M ~n Leal) Yeam is having uts effort. A CATARRH CURE *éL yeeing' mail cllet on a girl a few' ie seznt direct to ti.dl eseee eveiiing-s ago anti shie ceaipliuetd 2rtby thé Im-,vq.vea wr liiiou lus ucu' suit o! letce, anti Hcais thé niuers,, dear n théatt tis ,ýis a buinss î if, e sait, Catarha nd Felv*r. Blowver ropff"dl'i., ',ý Y frea. Ail deaieré. or . i W Cc. "Wil" epiîl e yeueghad, fmai0 TK0onco mcd BUDaýLL JVRSOf4 & DL ,RAgents,

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