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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1904, p. 4

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The -Old Bath Tub Is unsightly. Yoii haVe' thought of painting it but, do flot know what toUse-, SHERWIN- WILLIAMS BA TH ENAmEL Makes the zinc tulook like porcelain, and it wears like -porcelain. Made in four tints - Ivory, Porcelain, Rose, Nile Green. JýQLD BV Diealers in Sheif and Heavy llardware, Stoves Twre, llarness, Bicycle Sporting Goods & flouse Furnîshingys. Phone 66. One door west of Post Office, O&p-erato-rs Waneted Ou. Women's Wrappers and Underwear, also Bright Girls to lean Operating. Free instruc- tion given and steady work. THE T. EATO'-N C0LIMITED, 28-2w. OSHAWA FACTORY. utGIINA. HKLL GROCERY Views of Methodist Churcli and High *School, Bownville, beauti[ully reproduced *from Photograplis on Fine China in Cups and *Saucers, Plates, Muags, Cream Pitchers, Sugar *Bowls, Pin Trays and Bon lJotu Dishes etc, *froru -Is1e to soc. TOILET SETS from $1,40 up. DINNER SETS from $5.00 up. *Large Stock- Good Value * Canned Goods in great variety, Fresh *Fruits every day. Full stock of fine- Groceries, Bu1tte and Eggs Wanted. Successor to YOUNG- & CO. TORONTO PA&IR ENTRIES. Entries for the ilve stock at the Canadian National Exhibition e! To- route close on August sth, and for grain and field roots, honey, etc , On Mondaty, Auguat i5th, for poultry and pet stock on Saturday, August 20th, and fer doge ou Mondav. August lth. Partie- ulars o! the thirtv.fivethousand dollars givon lu pr izes and premiums iili be found lu tne haodsorme souvenir prize list, which eau ho had On application te J, 0. Orr, 70 t' Stre~et East, I orrutoý AuLLAN UNE LIVERPOOL AND LONDONIIEt 1RY ROYAL M AIL STEAERS. From M.ntreal Bava.a.. Friday, July lIth, 3 a, m Paristan"..,........ "2litd, 9 a. m, Tunistan ..'I,....., 29t1, 3 a. nm. Reduce d Rates of Passage. 1Fiast Cabin-$70, and upwards, accordîug to steamer: Second Cabn. Liverpool and Lon- donderry $37 50, $40. and $4250, London $2 5o extra. Third lass, superior accommodation, flte Live;pool, Det-ny, Belfast, Glasgow, LLone. Through ticetste South Africa. MONTREAL Te GLASGOW DIRECT. Vornthlan.....,. Wednesday Jly 20 NEW YORK TO GLASGOW lWogltan....Turday , JuIly 14, il a. mi Itatesbv above Glasgow steamer on applicat- Ion. For Tiokets and Every Information Apply te' M A JAMES, Bowmanvils SEALED TEND)ERS-addressed te the nndersignedi. ami endorsed "Tender for Spplyrg Ceai for the Dominion Butd tng9s,"will be received ai this office unti Mon- day jnly 25,190o4. nclustvely, fur the supply of Co ai for the Public Buildings threughout the Dominion. Combinad specitlcation and form of tenders Can be obainad ou application at this office. - Prrsons tendering are notified ihat tenders will net ha consdered unless made on, the print- ed fornis snpplied and signed with tbeir atuat signatures. Each tender muet be accompanled by an ac capted chaque oit t chartared ttank, made pay- able to the order of the Reonourabte ihe Minster of Public Werks, equaltte tn par cent of amount of the tender, whieh will bc forfaiteS if the party tenderiug decetate nrtto a contraet -vhen caliedopotedse nif b e failtotecorn- pleta the work contractaS fer. If tbetender be not accepteS the chaque wit Se returnad. The Pepartmetnt does nt biodisaîf te acept thie lowest or any tender. By 1der. LeRED GEILIN-',A S SccatrryandactngDeputy Minter, Otawa, J ilt 24, 1904. Nawpaprslnsrti Ufs adverbtmant wth. etutoiyfroni tha eDaPartmat, will not ho raiSà fo t. 2-2w, C1VIC HOLIDAY JULY 18. Agreeable te a request o! Toronto officiais cf Durhamt Oid Boy s' Associat- ion, and a numer-'usly signed requit-lt- ion front ctizens. lu accordanco thero- with, the Mavor lias prociainedMoudav uext. Juhy lStb, a Public Holiday, for tiie Town cf Bowmanvilie. Accordiuglv ahi citizens are respect-, fullv reqnosted.te refrain from their ordiýnary business on that day. Country people wihl aise please gev- orner themsoives accerding by doing their trading on other days. Farmers, the use of stationery with your name and address prlnted there- on will lusure the proper address beinZ used lu auswors te ycur correspondeuce. The printed statienery aise looks more business like and commands more at- tention lu a business letter. If a name lias ceeu adopted for the fart that eau be used lu the heading, or any specialty lu fart stock or produets mentionod. *TuE _ STATESMAN office 'will print 200 noteheads and 2.uo envelopes for $251ý0 or 500 o! each for $3,50. Seasonable front cover te cever is the July number of The Honsekeeper, overflowinz with sumoser tonies, versos, pictures and articles. There are sever- ai briglit short ttc ries, a wheie page of delicicus summer salade, beautifuily illustrated, and vainable suggestions te July hostesses.Tho regular departmeuts Home. Haudiwork. H1eips for Home Drossmakers, Witat tbe Mther Shcnld Kuow, The Children's Heur, Heipful Hints for the busy Heusowife, Fashions, Cookery, etc,., are practicai and inter- esting. Publishing by The Housekeep- er Corporation, Minneapolis, Minu. THE LATE W. R. G OODWIN. The funerai cf the late William Roipli Goodwin. who died at bis summer resi douce "Derweut Cottage," Port Bow- manvilie, took place Monday afteruoon, front St. John's Churcli to the cometery. Deceased had been suffering with anemia and had been iii since Febrnary at lis home lu Toronto. Ho came hore about three weeks ago lu hope that the breozes cf Lake Ontario miglit do hlm good but bis condition was too serions and lie papsed te bis eternal rest Satur- day . Deceased lived lu this tewn sov- oral yoara proviens tiI removing te Toronto and was bighlv respected by cur citizens as an upriglit and worthy man. Ho served oune term in the Tewn Couneil Heo baves a widow te mourn the lees o! a kind husband,. Mrs Good- win lias the tincero syfnpathy of our citizons lunlier ,bereavement. The fun- oral was coudueted by the Oddfollows. The canadiall Statosman BOWMÂNVILLE, JULY 13, 1904. Hon G W Reslias gene to Hot Springs, Na , for a rest and treattent for rheumatism. Hon. J. M. Gibson la acting Premier. An Engitali correspondent who lias never been lu Canada writing e! the retumu o! Mn. W G. Found, a townsman, front a Canadmin tour bays :-'"Hespeaks very highiy of the heartinesa of Canad- lans -He was guest o! Mr. M.A. James, who la net oniy Mavor o! Toronto. but Editor of THEa CANADIAN STATESNAN He met and was shown around town by Dr. J. M Brimacombe who once lived »ithin a few miles of Hoiswortliy, went ont te Canada, studied medicine and la now a full fledged and success- f ni practitioner." Slightly incorrect. Mr. "Observer" respecttng towu lu one case and profession in the other, Sots extracta fret Mr. Found's letter te the Editor wili be given lu another issue..- The Chronicle o! St. Margarot's Col- lege, Toronto, aays: '-Miss Ethel Y. King of Bowqmanville (1900-1902> suc. ceeda Miss Larke whe lias been pupil and teadlier o! the College staff for the Past five years. Miss King la a musician o! fine ability, and wili bring into the college life ail that eau be desired for the development of its music. Miss King lias stndted, for more than four vears with Prof. A. S.Vogt and with Miss Smart" TuE STATESMAN eau heartily congratutate St. Margaret's on this splendid acqulsition te its musical staff, for besides being an excellent musician Misa Kinz la a very estimable young lady and wili make a mcst capable instruetress. DURHAM LIBERATýS. Conservative journals are having a real 'Jolly good spree" ove r t he resig nations o! sree formdr efficers o! the L~~1Utjf5In atnor,,LauLm th. 1e rpm-n au u actions oi these mon a' 'grave clevage," tIserions splits," and "signa cf quarrels and dissatisfactiou which bld fair te rend the Liberal,>sm cf Durham Ainto shreds," Keep caol, dear confreres. nothing more serions lias happened than a change cf some officers and the nomination of a Liberal candidate for the counity. When ,the Con.3rvatives replaced their long time seretary a year or two ago and elected a comparative stranger lu the Liding to the office, the Liberal press didn't go into h3 sterics and shout *"split iu Conserative ranks." A few weeks ago when te oniy Conservative who lu this generation represented West Durham in Parliament was cast aside for a new man the matter was simply referred te by the Liberal press as oeeof the fortunes cf war and the Iteartîcas manner lu which old-time political workers are turned down for uew aspirants. Were we sa disposed we ccnld stir up quite a commotion lu Conservative circles by dr.-, ing infereunces froml the treatment aurde'ýd Messrs W,H. Reid, C J. Thorn, Col. Jno, Hughes, Jas, Gale and a f ,,tier heads of that party who hit- n turued down by the wil of thc d Mogul who lias doue se mucli years te cause dis. sentions lu th, r , but we are wil- liug to allow a Ioc. things to riglit themselves. It IwIia o f our special business te criti t tesir family troub- les. Every part i occasicual rip- ples on its Pc i d>î sea and West Durham must e ai ~ quota. RoUNDs OUvTHE FURMn. Persons who have become pale, weak and thin--by overwork, worrv or disease flnd that Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is weuderfully ef-~ fective iu formiug new blood, restorirg] a heathful glow te the complexion and rouuding ont the form. Youwiil soon feel the benefit o! this resterative treat- meut and eau prove it by noting your increase lu weight DURHAM OLD BOYS' ANN UAL. The Durham Old Boys held their an- nuai meeting Friday nightinl the Cen-i tral Y. M. C.* A., Toronto. Arrange-i ments were made te mun an excursionJ by steamer on July 18 from Toronto te Niagara Falls, excursioniats wiil come1 by train frcm ail stations front Trenton te Whitbv, and thence to Toronto,i where the Durhiam Old Beys and Girls wiIl join their frieudg in the trip bv steamer te Lewistou anid the Gorgej route te the falîs. The officers of the association for the ensunug year are; Houorary presidents C. D. Massev, John Hoskin, K. C., Henry 0'Hara ' John Hughe3, J. H. McGill of Wash- ington, D. C. Pre9i,_ent. J. L. Hughes; vice-presî- dents, Dr. E. F. Bowie, 11ev. Drý Taîl- lng;, seretary, Thomas Yellowlees; as- sitant seretary, Wallace F. Maas; treasurer, J D. Keachie; executive committee, T. Caswell, W. Scott, W. Stark, Dr. Carveth, Prof. Squair. W. A. Orr, Dr. Hamilton, George Porter, Henry Bennett. T. E. Washington,, J. H;, MeKinnion, W. Hl Evans, S. H. Je!- fery, T. A. 'Weldon, W. Craig, Albert Slute, N. S. Young. Dr. Goggin, J. J. Copeland, W. A. Sherwoed, E. Field- ing, W, J. Hambly, Dr Needier. It was unanimouslv agreed that the association send a resolutien of sym- pathy te the widov, cf latei Duncan %leCLInachie, "ee f the oldest residents of Durham Couuty, who died receutly lu Bowmanville&at the age o092 y7ears. A resoluticu of congratulation 'vas aise conveyed te D)r. John Hoskiu. K. C. $1.85, Bowmanville ta Niagara Falls. Durham Old Boyýs invite vou to go1 with thom te Ný'iagara Falls, July 1Sth Ta ke your baskets ailong anti get al your frieuda tejoin ou. A throughly enjoyable day is lu s t ive for aIl wfto go. Speciai G. T. R. train, La Toronto. At Iroronte the party wi Il be met by the Durham Oid Boys City Association and the entire partv wlll ta ke the i uagnifi- cent steamer of the Niagara Falls fiue te Lewisten, from there by electric 1R. R.i (Amefican side) to Falls. 8i 85 pays entire bill for round trip Get funther particulars at Stott & J ury's drug store.' A SUSTAINING DIET T hoe are the enervatin-- day s, when, as3 somiibodjy has said, men drop by the îiunstroke as iffthe Day of Pire had dlawned. They are frauglit witjh danger to people whose svstema\ are poorly sustagined: and this leads us te say, lui the interest of the less robust'of our readers, that the full effeet of Hood's Sarsparilia la sncb as to suggest the proprie.ty oi cailing this inedicine some- thing besides a blood purifier and tonie, say a ustainingdiet, It makes it much easier to bear the boat, assures refresh- ing sloop, and will without any doubt avert mucli sickness at this time of year. TYRONE. Recent visitora :-Mr. Elliott, Port Hope, at Mr. Thos Woodiey's; Miss Irma Itooper, Drum, at Mr. Charles llooper's; Master Huglison, Toronto, at Mr. Rgbt. McCulloughi's; Miss Diekie, London, with friends ...Congratula- tions to Misses Pearl Skinner, Florence Ciemens, Bertie Morris and Master Clarence Rahm on succesafully passing the recent entrance examinations'... Epworth League wili hold an open-air service on Mir. James Collacutt's lawn Friday evening l5th at 8 o'clock. )Evervbodv cordially in,&ited to attend ...Mr. Harry Rahm has pnrchased a 8teamn thresher..Mrs. Robt. Liudsay la sufferiug wlth erysipelas. ... Mss Lila and Maude Virtue gave a pleasant qnilting and lce cream party te a num- ber cf young friends Friday 8th. SEN» FOK A PUIZE LIST. The prize list cf the Canadian Nation- ai Exhibition shows considerable lu- creases ail aloug the hune, especialiy lu the live stock classes, to which no les than tweuty-seven thousanci dollarsis devoted out cf an ag'gregate cf thirty- five thousand dollars given lu premiums and prizes. This does not include sortie three thousau dollars worth of cups and medals. As there has been a re- arrangement of mauy classes and a general revision of the conditions and ing exhibitors3 to send for a copv of the handsome prize list to J. 0. Orr, 70 King Street East, Toronto. RECEPTION AT ST. PAUL'S. 11ev, Hugh Munroe, B. A., pastor of St. k'aul's churcli, returped home Iast TIuesdav evening witt i hs bride and was given a very hearty reception by the congregation. A large company gathered at the, churcli abd as the bridai party entered, the belis in javous tones announced their approach Rev. 1H. S. Laidîaw, who has been supplying dur- ing the pastor's absence, preided and after the short opening exercises, cailed on Mr. J. B Fairbairn, P.M., to extend a cordial welcome on belalf of the conig- reg-ation. Mr. Geo B. MeClelian madje the presentation consisting of three dozen sterling siluer spoons with mono.- gram. Rer. àMr. Munroe made a very, happy reply on behaif of himseif and Mrs Munro, thanking them for their good wishes so practicaill*y and beautiful- Iv expressed iu the gifts presented'. Fiowers and plants brightened the sur- roundings of the roomn and the iight refreshmcutsý servedl helped ail to spind a mosV t o~al evening. THE STATES- MANcodly welUomes Mrs. Munroe to this town and trusts that ber sojourn among us may bc veryv pleasant, Chamberlain's Colle, Choiera and flxarrhoea Remedy. This remedy is certain to be needed in almost every home before the summer is over. Itcan always be depended up- on even ln the most severe and danger- ous cases. It is especiallv valuable for summer disorders lu children, It is plesant to take and neyer fails to give prompt relief Why not buy it now? It mav save. For sale by ail druggists REV, JOLLIFFE'S LEAVE-TAKING, The Cannington Gleaner says-Rev. T. W. Joiliffe and family lef t Wednes. day morning for Bawmanville where they will reside for the present. While iu Cannington they made warm friends not alone in the Mthodist Churcli, but ln ail other congregations. Sunday evening- last Mr. Jolliffe preached lits farewell sermon, and ont of respect for hlm the 1ev. D. M- Martin of the Pres- byterian Church, did not holil service and'visited ,Mr. Joiliffe'sChureb. The sarvice in the Mýethodist Church was very appropriatefor the occassion, Mr. Jolliffe preaching a sermon that left an impression, on the congregation for good. Rev. Mr. Martin assistect in the service, Mrs (Dr.) t3arker and Miss May Brandon sang a duet very accept- ably. The good people of Cannington join in wishing 1ev. Mr. Jolliffe and famil," al that cau Os desired or looked for lu theirniew home. Truiy what bas been onr logssis Bowmanville's gain ' Feaceful DoveLodge No 135. 1 OP . presented Rey. Tý W. Jolliffe, Past Grand Master, w1ith an iiiuminatedl ad- dress, Dr. Gillespie acted as chairman and Mr.J Halpany, Peterboro, contrib-i uted recitations, to a most enjoyablei program. 'Short addresses referriug to1 the ioss sustained bv' the Oddfellows'i Iodge were made bv Messrs, Earlv, G. j. Ëtoyle and W. H. Hoyle, P. G M., M, P. P. BOWMANVILLE:-MARKETS. Corre,ted each Tuesday FLOtTR, t 100IbIS..........2 20 te 82600 VWHjEAT, Fail, bush .... 0 01 fi 9o sPrtng........ 000"fi0 90 't RedFAife ....... 090 fi0 95 fi Goose 0 00"Il0 70 BARLBT, ý bush, No. 1 ... O 40 fi 0 Q0 i2... 040"il0 40 fi' 3... 000 0 38 ilTwo rowed 0 00" 0 40 OArs, white..l..........O 030 fi O 31 RýYa, ......0 00"fi0 0 BUOV«HEAT il....... 0 0,11 O 50 PuAs, Blackeye, P bush O 000 O0 0 ilCanadian Beauties 0O0OU:1' O 60 Mummey fi O0O00'IlO00 ,,Smah t 0 60110 60 'Bine t 0 00 il0 60 CLoVER SEED ... ...........O 00 O0 0 TMTTSIOED...... ..O 00 O0 0 i>in, bst table, Ë lb., O0 O0 0 13 j jrs, «o ........0 00" 014 Po1£aToýS, -'L'uh......00 40' JULY OLEARING SALEA-LOSING OUT IIANY LIMES TO 'VOUR MDANTAGE. 25c. Cashmere Ilose 17e pr. 25e Dress Shields 15c. 15 doz. Women's plain Cash- 1 gross (12 doz.), of full size, mere ilose, spliced toes anct heels, pure gum rubber Dress Shields, '~seamless. Great Bargain per pair regular 25e set.- July Sale price 17 cents. 15 cents, Children's Muslin Bonnets 40e 201FnyMsin e d ~ 5 do. Cilden's1 fncyem.258 yds of fancy lVuslins, reg- 5 oz Cilre'sfaeyular 12.1c to 15e per y d, neat Sbroidered Mus'in Bonnets, with patterns, fine cloths. Sale price lace ruching. Sale price 40c. per yd 9ýc-. $10.00 Women's Showerproofs $8.00 $8.50 Showerproofs $7.00 $6.00 Showerproofs $5.00 GOIIIOPrî'ce %ROductÎoll Sale of WhitUe Weare Every piece of White Wear in our splendid range reduced to about cost. No job limes; but our own fine finished, neatly made and trimmed whitewear. On account of the cool weather we have more white wear than we usually carry at this time of the year. It pays us to seil yo white wear at such close prices and it pays you to buy. S25e Corset Covors and Drawers 19e, 75e Corset Covers, Drawers, iL"ight Robes, Skirts 55e 35e Corset Covers - - 25e $1.00 Drawvers, Skirts and Niglit Robes - 78e S40e Drawers - 27o $1.25 Drawers, night robes and Skirts - 90e 50e Il Corset Covers,Underwear 38e 90e Skirts only z - $1,50 Skirts 81.15-$1.75 Skirts $1.25-2.25~ Skirts 61.60-$3.00 Skii.ts $2.35. 75e and 85e Dmes Goods Sale Prico 58e yd Ouir full range of 75e and 8e Dress G-oods selis during, July at this Sbig price reduction. Ail colored Ltbrics, al] black fabries, ail suit lengths, flot a yard in the store that is rnarked in plain figures 75e and 85e but -what you can buy during this month at this savîngof money. e 75c and 85c Dress Goods per yd 58e.e ~~ Be on lland Early and get first Choice of Remuant Piles. $1.00 and $1,25 Pritit Wrappers sizes 36, 38, 40, 42, Sale price 80eX his range we have insu ie only-white and pink, white and pale buwhitc and black and white ana navy. e ColMuslu Blouses at July Sale Recuctions-Dress Skirts at a Bargain ý40, Footwoar SllapB for Woffen Witli SmaIl Footo$20 Dongola Strap Sandals and Oxford Shoes, trifie narrow, $,5to 20 pair. There shoes corne only in sizes 2ff, 3 and 4,. Sale iPrice 75c- pr. ~ MISSES Strap Sandals and Oxfords in Tan and Black, narrow Sshaped, sizes il to 1ý, regular price $1.00 to,$1.75. Sale price per pr 60c. Cash for Wool and Eggs. Empress Fine Fo otwear Sold Here. iJohn Mce.Murtry. m The Olothier, Bowmanviie, FOR SALE CIIEÂP. One liglit wagon. One two seat open carniage, One two seat canopy top, Ono light road wagon, One MeLaughlin bugg.y, now. DOMINION ORGÂNS AND PLIN OS. JAMES DEYMA&N, 27-tf. Bowmanville. WOOL WANTED. The undersignod la prepared to buy al grades of wool at highest market prices; also to manufacture wool for fartuers te order. Spinning, carding, and weav- ing doue as nsaa. Thayi-kîng friends for past favors and hope for a continu- ance o! the samoe. D. TAYLOR, Hampton Woollen Milis. 2G-SEa. Albert Colleg ea Belleville, Ont. 320 studJc'ts enroiled Iast yoar. 165 young ladio- 'l 155 Young mon. Two Matricutatien Schoiarships o! $150 and $130 iwon ln 1901 by Albert College Students. New Commercial Roomsunsurpassed. Conrsesslu Book Keeping, Sborthaud and Teiegrapby. Full Couservatory Courises lu piano, pipe-organ, vocal. violin, harmony and th.iery of mugie. Local Consrvatory examinatione. Special attention given to e3locution, physicai culture, matrieniation 'and toacliors' courses. New pipe-organ, domestie science roins and art galiery recently addod. Large athietie g rouinds,' splendid yîusium bidns heated wvith' sýte&anad ighted by ootiiy Will re-en Tuosday, Sept. 95 94 For illussrated circualais, address, 29-2w, PjU.SýÇIP1A!LDyiE, D, D' TriE STATESMAN is wortlî auy other two local papers-oulv $1 a year. Every preseut subseriber te Tnai STATESMANX is requested te got eue new aubseriber at 25e front now te end of 194-jusî hlai!prica,,Do iltDow, WOOL WANJED, I, will pay the highest market prico fer any quantity cf weol delivered at my place, lot 6, co-, 7 Darlingtou, mile east o! Tyrone,. 20 t!.- L. SKINNER, Tyrone. 4rit Now COAL 0f ail Sizes, the best mined in Amerien, FLOU R. Msade by the Best Kuown Millers in Manitoba and Ontariao FEED Of every kind and d eàcription. British Columbia Cedlar -Shingles. Try the Old Reiable Firm o! Joiix GILBERT &BSOX, whoiesale and retail dealers lu Grain, Seeds, Flour. Ceai and British Columbia Shingles._ Seodto None. Goeds dcivered promptlylu al parts o! the town. Largest Stock Prices the Lowest Jno. Gilbert & Son lKing St. West. l3owmanville FARTM FORrS.Be lu g Ion acres, more o es ot part of lot 21, and neeassary farma buildings wtth sione stable and cellar underneath haro fuît size. Orchard of 112 aces,wall wa,ered by two wells and smail rnnîug streain, Convenienetet Darlington, Station G T. R., uost office and sebool. Pos- session immadiateîy or as may ha agreed upon. Very favorable terms-wilt ha given. Apply ta JOHN WITHERID)GE,OIî pra 'A4ssW.T. WIiii'rtz. nIDE, 29 Vanautey st,; Toreuto or. tom. A. Hiofiday OôGo d s. flammocks are seasonâ- able. From 75.cts up. Croquet in 4. 6 and8 baîl sets Foot-balls,' shin pads, base balîs, clubs, gloves and mits. A specialty 'with me in boxes of note paper and enve opes. The range is from 10 cts to 50 ets. The Aldine at 25 ets and the Hemstitch at 50e are extra value and nobby. I still have room paper, wiudôw shades, roorn rold- ing, pictures and framing to the front. You wan t vase s for y onr ,:sÀt fiowcrs. I have th-em, and they are cheap, Chinese lanterns for garden parties., P. lrebl îceckâ 1 .7 --i -1- T

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