Coverîug ý2* One Sida of Fac ad Reaching btheEye WhIiO Ao ed Like a Charm After Doctors and Hospitals Falled. Hlere Io another of those remarkie cures of torturing, disflguring skîn Lu- mours daiiy made by Cuticura 1tesolv- eut, assisted by Cuticura Olutinent and Soap, after physiclans, hoapItals and ail, eise Lad faiied. 11I feel It my dnty to try te heip thoq sufféring fiom eskin diseases. My case was a very bad oee, coverin.g ail of one eide of My face and Lad reachcd niy eye. 1 badl two or three doctors pre- scribe without any relief. They said xny disease was Epithelioma. I was then advised to go te one of our Les- pitals, which I dîd, taking their treat- ment for somne turne. 1 badl given up ail hope wheu n y iusband asked me to try the Cticura Ilemedies, My face being lu such a vcry badl tate, 1 used the Cticu:ý Soap xith iuke-warm water aud a ant siik eponge and then applied the Cuticura Ointment. 1 took on1e tea- spoonful of the liesolvent four turnes a, ddy.-Th ey atll e hia-î,-nd-ru-1 one week's turne my face was cured en- l tirely and has remained se. 1 certainly cao recomuiend the Cuticura lZemedies as infailible." MRS. A. G. SMITH, 2400 Cathiarine St., Feb. 9, 1903. 1'hiladephia. The purity and sweetuess, the power te afford immediate relief, thse certaiuty of speedy and permanent cure, thse ais- nointe safety and great economy have Ruaade Cuticura Jiemedies tise standard skin cures-, blood purifiera and humour remedies of the worid. CetieumRe les1ent. luquid easd in the ferra of Ohocolate Ceted Pille.Cuticum oiment and Cutiuu, Soap sa-e told throughout the wold. Depots: London, 27 Cnarter hionte Sq.; Paris, 5 Rue de la Pa=x; Austraiie, E. Towns a Co., Sydney; Boston, 137 Colninbue Ave. Potter Deug& Chein. Corp,. Sole Pi-oprietore. H edlo-Iow te cure Every Humour.. XI tise title of an inleresting Book- lut whisi'ch explaas car iyileraisy wbicis deposits may bu made sud witbdrawn by mail as conveni- eatiy as if yoar own post office iveru con office. Sund for il. Vue will filad intersu I il I TOWN COUNCIL. Re.,Ular meeting holà ou' Menday evenilig lesit, momibers ait preseet ex.. caPt Counililor Luttroul, Mayor James presle ing, minu es ef lest regeler aud 21p2olal meetings read and on motion couiired. A communiilnn waa rece!'ved troua J. Ryao, asking for cancella%îion ut dog taxi au lie Lad ne deg. Gran, ci Ficua S. Mitch:1ell,i lafrng tiat lho h-Nd net beau cfficlally notified a3 te wshasher hie appclatment as Niqht \Vatch wm amonoellod or net and asskig 'or raymeut for oervIcesho lad ai. eady rondez ed, Coutn. CerntSh eiaimed tisaitthe Conti- cil hâd nu rigist te sum-e arsy dafin frein Mr Mitchell. h aehould ha Iguor- Sd, isut iMr. Mitchell hldodue eny s'omis fer thia Cenocil, lot hM prosent hlis bill for the saine and it would ho peU lu the usual way. Ho> moved, 8e!- o nIed by Cou. Moaun, tisat lb le re- ceivcd sud tyled. Court. Tai,ýt movedad luendrnent, ce- cended bY Coïnu. Cleamons, tisatiti ho laid ovor otipexi meeting, en socunt the absocofuthtie c"lrman cf the Pnb. ]P(, party Cen. lie thougisi, under tise cicurnat suces, i would ho tise decent [Chlng te psy Mr. Mi chouI a uaontis Iealary, ai uny rata. Cou. Cornisis-This Caunnil did flot ,vnt te o csugist Iu e irap by sckuuwl- edglng tls acommunication. Mr. Mit ehalisnd nover esaunmed thoedutfe3 cf N'ght WVtcis, Wiat werk ho dld was for tise Pulic Properiy Con., Inu dean - hîg ouni tiseTownu H&ansd lhewas wlil Ing thet ha ho psid for tisai. Cocuý Mason--,The Counoil wera ailf willung te ps-y Mr. Mitchell fer whit ho hd dune, if ha presonîed tise bill., The moti n waes oarrled ou a vote ut Ch eoo te two.8 Tise Tresanrer prezonted reotco e meules paid te bleu as folluave: Legla- 9 Kic'x, Lietens, $180; J. K. Aluin, ITeacurer for N ewcastle, fer services uf Fr.. Brigade, $75. Reoeivad sud fylead Meý P. Murdochs uotifled tise Conucil tisai lhe hd buii93 rude cf wire fonce alougAMe. liutchinnou's proertv ou 1h.. Tyrene rosd. Aise aleng Mr. liender- aen'e pýae.e Moved isy Connes. T,,it sud Ceclal, Tisaitishe eomrnuîicatiou ha roeead te mise chairman ut Roade & Streets Comn (0 report Ca et nit meeting. Tise Publie Properîy Ceia. roporied tiat tlay could net antorisin tise pro- Posai troua tise Ball Telaphone Ca., te. unsta el oepiseinlutise Civic officie. R -eivad and fylemi. Ceun. Mason, Chai.mau et Finane Cmieespreseutad report rc - aýndin1z rayrnont et aceounts amogn'. inL te $74061, s a fohiows: Fiee D 3pt. $169 6); Pubs. Pnop. $365.57; Pcor Re- lief $1260; Polhoo $22; Roscis anti SZe. $170 75 Couou. Taiti peseuted report froin Fre coin ,, 'howicg tîrne made hy Fiee Ce-, lua ap clasi n, a% toilows: Firo Alarra aotinded ai 7 10 P. im.; ail tise Fire C0. Sing praeau, herses hitlhot tO englue &rd 1he83 cool ai 711 aud P70o5itded t'atise Eartina Bouse tank; ztîamer at tank et, 7 15; hese laid et 7.16, -two lin8a ut 300 test esois, and- 50 test extra on f iret lino % l- aisut cff. ~, 'i-aea- midSSlls waor prasser- t '7 19;- -e eowmset1 7 117, -su l * 1 ciu:npiaz a t 7.27; taiig out 50 feot of Canada 1%u&e- 8u11redlccng sam.s 728., mue uns minute. Tisa test was s mort aatlsfao Perni nenttory Ou$e anida credit to thse ien, who Motgage Corporation fcsalensîsa. (rorerl TheCanda Ptrnnentand A report frein Publie Prop. O0'ni., (Fomeny Tse anaa Pamaentsud nerening buildiong foc Hlarnais i3Fiacto y W7es*ern Canada Monigage Corporation) sud aise recommenmiîng the caleton TORONTO S1REET, TORONTO sud flemInDguthtie oid semis lise Toe-n Hall,was e eeelved sud adopled, Tise varU Coiuîeaprtsuteti reports orc sqimtes as tolews: Camle- a ery $525; Puer Réllef $450; Prýteimg $240; Fieesud Wator $1,800; Roid D orn i l'o l-%ILi e 4ud S's $2,000; Police Coin. $1,250. norpr mte Pub. Prup. Cern. STEAMSIPS. Oa motion tise estimaeson avre cefecr,-d te tle Finance Cumua'îîoe te report on ai n£x, meeting. PORtTLAND TO IVERP'OOL. C-eue. C emons reorled foc Roade Kemîsin"gt0n.June 4 IVamîouver..-Jut>- sud Street@, rogsrdlng tetise layIng tif D)onmîmeoný. Il 'Iil tKeneinzton -, % aldewa7k ou Liberty street noreis, tiser Souttmwark -, "18 Domlnilop . 1 16 Canais ." 25 tsotwak. Il c3 tdy meu!d no, e:ommend lisesaine. Suporien accommodation for ali classes uf Cieno. Cornahi a,iscd bcave te lIre- liassengees se moderato rates, daca a By-law fur tise appoîntment ut MONTREAL TO AVONMOUTII (Bristol) Police Ceas al. 'dNîgisi Watclsuan 'Mauxinan .... Junna 1'Turcemnan - .Jnîy 9foc tise tus-n. O-àmotion Rais 33 a-as eEîîglitbnlaný. Il 25 'Manxman... 3uspOudeti sud Ceueil a-ont ie Coin 1001ld Storage adCo i.mttea of tise a-huisfar tise pamro3e ut S 001am tr lai d oul ir. passing tise By Isw, a-heu it aas giten ,MODERATE RATES luse ans ecadInge, Mn. H. Metosit Ask Agan-te for particulare of moderato mate e ieîg ffizially appeluîad. service. te Liv-eripool gia 50, te London 84me e- sud upa-ards, aceordir.g te steamer aud bertli. Coum. Corn!sis ep,-rted ce tammere' Fer fonttmr partienlans appi>- to an>- agent ofsfappeî, cecommeuding tise tollowirg the Company,uror-tu reba'e': G H. Bicisie $4 75, Frank THE DMININ UNE M-0. $5.70, M. Baris $3.90, J. Fos'er THE D MININ LIE, $.50, 8 Il Ueynolds $4175, N. Mce- I7 St. Sacramuni Street, Montreel. D..nali e3 5), Roheet Fîo'd1,ng $8.50, -1. E Pot. $5 50, J. Tabb $5, J. Darch M. A., JAMES,. Agent, $6 25, J. H. &- 3M. Mundy 85 70, D.E. Bowmanville. & 1. N. Gaibratis $84 75, Fred Fustux ____________________________ 3. J. OabGi ne $7, W. Heudersou $5,70, Rý & J. l3eieis $4> , J.Stplans $3 80, -What did tise teacher say abeout J,. NieCees $4 80. Mise aNMektrey your essay.9" askeel Mrs. Gudley. "Ilb$1 40, G Han $ 2 25, A. E Belirnal saitI it was tautelogical," -nnswered $3 40. El,. Balmin $7M75 Total, tise girl graduate. 'Gracions me! $109 90. To think of your demn' anything like Tise Mayor asisd odreeInformation Ras tisat, aimeat thse firat timne tryin'!' te s-ly tis e seffldlng a-as net yeî dowu freintise Tua-n Hall. "lns your father a bad colel?" Cou. Morris expaind tisai Mr. "No, indeed. Ileie lmerely rcading Pennîngton, tise cerpenler,isad net yei the liussian-Jnîpaneso War news uninpieied thsea-ood a-ork arouud tise aloud-'os-or, sud ilat Mc. Dastan ceuld net _________________________ coplote Il ais r nutîl Mr. Penning- ton wase tiseengi. He isad doue ail lie '~oo'mphosph odine, couid to e-o: hIa woris completed, but it - Pe riltsEuglislm Remaedlys-wsa nourd is an oid, a-oh citais. , lid sud reable (..oun Mifason nved,, reconiad hy Y11Preparation. Hasiseon C.îuu. Morris, tiat, tise C-ebonhim- 4. prescnibed and uedI aructoà teo ifrom tise Cut, turet >i vor 40 years. AU dmug. owir nuthocs -gsts in theDominsio e w k ut o mploeeu orthssiCI, uf Canada sou and r tise panehîy ef $25 a aeuis sould b3 rncemmaend as haine Before and Afteî-, thse onîy Inedicine of 'aforced. lits hiur tisaIcures and Coua. CIJ!enenspoke egardirg the leives univsa satisfactiei. It promptly sud rfar ub aet h rnfti permanently cures ail foru3a cf Nerveess IVeek.r-artehmaeetieGnîisc nss, Emixsiîmî, , SpermatumrrSIi zoo mepten.Vl a'veints lite, hy tisa Guelphs Pave- and al effets of abuse or excesses; tise excessive e i C-O. %ise cf Tobmeco, 0pium or Stinîidln.mfs, Mentel- and Braie it'enm,, cal of wiicis Sud t Inimit ' > eu, Tait nbaecstr y C-ouu. Inssuity, Consomýption and an B.snly Gras-e. CI-tein isitseCt'k olthe:e Pr u»($1 ',er -i.c,.-a or six fer t-). Osie -M -oteîe ie. ulisPveet tsi p7cei, flii--e. Maiîad prompt>-Cou le- ,a !epofnce, 'sdefeaptblet. Âddre' jun,îs tise 1Lrepa ire amacle ai once T-ise 'Weessd Uos0sm, 41y, ct eps Weuid ha taon teo e s lloxnnsilehyStoýt' & Jury, J Mvdby connUellera Nissa n3u W. Mflerid nel iligginsothm &Coraial,a tis Te insd Water Couns ~oî,dîsig1ts jinities 3be iùt-Ucm 0 O1itu prroane eau., mate ef ceai of new tank on -w Hall corner, and te report at next maeeting of tise Council. Movtd hy Coun. Magon, ocnded hy Cn. Tait, tisaitthe Cierk bo and l a issroby lnatrucled We correspond wlth Mr. Browu, or his repreaentative, lu- formng hlm tisat this Counl le owlll- ing te Bubinît a By-iaw te thse raiepay- ers ofthtie towu pt-ovldiug thit tise tewu shil supply Mr. Brown with a building te hau sed as a liarues% Fa0tory, aud that hie factory shah hoe exempted freom taxation (tsxept sohool tax) on nondi tion that ha shall agrate empioy 25 meu and pay yeariy wages cf $10.'000. On motion, tise Counoil adournei. CAR~ [WRIGHT COU &CIL. TowN HLL,Cartwght,Jaly 4ti, 1904 ilegular meetinR ot cenucil; mam- bers ail pressut; ReevQ McLtaighlîn la thse chair; communication@ weo reoaiv- e:fr mI.r Municipal Worid witb accont eucioaed, aud saveral ether communia- tiensasakinug for information, mepiies, etc. Oa moi-ton the Reeve signed or- darsen on reasurer as fuilows: William Hockiuan idigent $2.50; Robert Bar.- ley de, for 3 mouCha $15; Iasc Whlt- i¶eid tur work ou road division -N, 31, $12 75; ditie for 58 rode wlrta tonce, 1à.à per red $8 70; Aiteo, for 1L0 loads grav- el at 10j, per load $12; Jolhe Ford-r for womk ou read division N-u 35 $28.35; John Mahaff y, foc work on coad div. Ne 7, $16-77; Wua Hubisard, foc alec- efiiog gravaI $1 50; Wm Porteur, ton week ou div Ne 48 $12.25; WVr Ileara for 71 loads grave[ $7 10; Wm Whit3, for work un coad div No 26 $7 25;, dit. to, for 72 loaia graa'el At 100 $7.20; Jas Girdon, for 241 loade gravai at 10, $t24.10; Samnuel Archer, for work on ruad div Ne 22, $3; Andrew Smnith for grave[ $10 90; Rîcisari W Pisilp, for MNarlewe, s., ceiainiaeiouor for B'ack- stock roads, for ieamîng lumber sud work on neosaa$8; Mn Sarahs Henry, for 58 rodi wiro fouca ai 15a per ced $8 70; R sbeI t Hooy, feor wot k on div No 1-4, $31 88; Me Hom, Seugeg, for CO Ioada of gravel ai 15e per 1uad $9; Robert Hooey,foe w.ork ou macais road- way $1 87; John Laue, for work on Mr Pue'e'a isll $24 87; George llaw- kfn. for repaira te railway loi, 6, con 2 $1; diteo. for 113 biade gravel ai 10e $11 30; Dtîld Gabraih, fer 52 ie;ds gravel et 10c $5 20; ditto, for -omkIn l div No 30 $3 50; George Mlowe, for cnlvert on Poole's hlI te gravepti $7,- 45; ditto, for taule labor pamtonned for Mmr Meuntjoy lu 1903 75.; Howvard Glounie, for tiuber for olvori sud acrkin l div 50 $7 89; Eýdw'rd Fluze, for 40 roda a-ire fence at 15a, on Min- vers Boundsry lino 86; Wm Bradbunu, f-oe 30 roda aviae fonce ab lào $4 50; Joîiis Fordor foc work lu dlv No 35 $19 25; ditetoce 16 roda aira tance ai 15) $2 40; Wilndell Ginu, for 157 loade ýzravel a. 10o $15 70; Gi-orge Neshit, to;r 27 '-ide wlre fenao, se 15a $4 Ob; Da;çd Ma'colrn, for work lu div No 45 ?22 38. Counui o'n isudjourued thlI Auquat le, 1 o'coek p ni. 1i tla cm questad by tise autisueltiesean 1 Orange Seceity sud publie gonerily, tisai n5 tise Local Option By-'aw lad -hae nadep'ed la-ihie-epFiyth-s nerrultted lnuths ceýebr&tion un the 12.h daY of July 1904, W J BEAOcocK, Clerk BASE BALL BONVMAN VILLE 10, PORT HOPE 5. Tise Bownaanvlle team. played a re- turn Leagne game at Port Hope oi Do. mnioietsDy. A heavy ehowor full just before the gaine, and othera occarrel et intervala during tisegaine, uaking thse graunds V'ery sllppery, bat tbl d.ud not pravenb the visitora froua w'niulu. Thse gamiestarted a few minutes aftr foue and froua the firat, Bowmanvîille had thse gaine la iheir hands, playiug far auperlor bail tissu iheir opporents. Helper, plrchod excaptional bAil, noyer ailowing a mante walk, and etriking ont five m3n,and kept tise hileseatter- ad. Hie recoived glIt edged support froua thse entire tearu backIng him. Pethick, for thée Ieers alto plîehed a good gaine, but by bunching hits and on errers the visitera had ro trcuble lu wlnlng out Marlyn at loft field hed three ehano or. accepting them, ail. Gates aud Edlck aecepted ench eft tieir chances very Landily. Folluwing le Thae score: BOWmniUVille AnB n B. Weekes, a...... 5 2 F. Morris, a s......,. 52 W. Wilcox, 2n.,. C. Oeborne, 8ra J.Willisme, ile% 5 JGales, 0 f ......... 1 F.Marisn, i f ......51 L. Hooper, p ........ 4 2 N. Edick, r 1 ...... 3 1 Totale ............1 10 Prt Hope An sMomlan, 1If........ 5 Edmunda, 2ad ........ 5 Boney, 3rd .... ......5 Elobbs, ae............4 marViv, lot ..........4 HIUison, r f ..........4 Hendergon, e f. .. ....4 Brown, a a..... ...... 4 Pethick p............ 4 oll... ........9 50 531 300 00 27 15 4 Ef PO A E 220 0 2 3 00 0 02 2 171 0 11 0 13 1 8 *26 7 7 I *W1UIýlae ou% by being bi% liY batted bai Score by innings Bowm&Uville...1 0 1013 40-10 Part Hope ........ 100010003-5 Suirnary base on bills,off Pathick 2; firai base on mrore, BossmanillIe 7, Po)rt Hope 4; two b&se, bits, Wilcox, Oý4brne; struck ont by Pothick 7, by Ho,(pe-r 5; pss'ei bille, Liobb3 4j Weekus 1; Jefi uon baes, Port Hope 4; P, wmanvflle 4 Time, o! game, 1 40 Umplie, Puworp, of 0Oahawa. S ite-Yo Ti ihave tom(" ebnmo yet 110nw polmre tani dd o eautfieu? Wy h ol ok v Tise above will cheerfuiiy bc paid lu iawfnl anoney of the'United States, by tise, undersigfned, proprietors cf Dr. Pier_,,ce's Golden Mcd- icai Diîscovery, if tbey can- net show tihe original signa. ture cf thse indieiduai veiuntcering the tea- tinmonial below, and aise of every testimo- niai am-ong thse tiîousands which they are constantly pnbhishing attesting thse superior curative properties of their several medi- cines, and tisas proving the gennincuesa and reliability cf ail tihe multitude of testi- inonils volunteercd isy grateful peuple, in tiseir behaif. WOPLID'5 D2sPENsAPY MEDICAL ASSO- CIATION, Proprietors, Biuffalo, N. Y. THE REASONV.-rhere is nu miedicino egnai to Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- covery, for purifying the bluod. It carnecs off thse poisons wisicis cuntarninate the life finid. It increases thse activity of tis* bl ood maiing glands and gives thse body an increased supply of pure, body-building blood. It builds up thse body with suund, healthy fiesh instead cf fiabby fat, pro- utoes the appetite, feeds thse nerves, and 8u gives te weak, nervous peuple vltality and vigur. "About a year ago 1 had a '.ery bad cough and feared -it wonld riUO loto consumption,"e writes Hon. Geo. W. Lynch, Of 27 Mason Street, Worcester, Mass. «"When a severe sttack cf ccngnîng wonld come on vomiting would aet in,. Matter accumnlated lu nose atid usy tonsisI were irrltated. Aller reading of thse -wonderfal cures resultinig front Dr. Pierce's Golden Med- ical Discoverv began ta use it, with somue doubta as ta the good t wuuld do 'me, I ain frank to, "a B 1ut, after I had used une bottle 1 notîced quite a change for thse better. Ordered five mureà botles and before 1 isod naed tiseminaIl the cure sens complete. Tisera la not iloi a trace cf cou h or cold lu my system and my bealthis l pefet. To gain knowledge of yonr own body-in sickness and health---send fur thse Piele',s Common Sense Medicai Adviser. A buu d of îs pages. Send 3f one-cent stampa forg paper covered, or 5. ,tamp5 for cloth. Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.È FROMMONTREAL TO LI VERPOOL. EnîTon STA-rusMAN r-Frein tise iie wo tett Bewinenvllîe ever5iing fltied lu admirahly lu ailounr arrangements. Tise Baggage Trauster Ce, toek over ail eur Iuggage et Bnaventure Station stered it fer tise weok we lad te remain, aud lad lb ail ready ou tise wharta tise heur of ombarisation. We found tise Allen Lino al l tai ceeîid- h,wished lu ceurtosy snd kindliless, sud whenounr own vese! tise Corintiian " wae deiay- od Sy tise, ice, bhe-ie ffered te transfer etîr passages tebise Ilonien," if we wisised. Ve did se, and had une ufthtie boni corne on bise 'lenian" given ns, Thon. euabarking on Friday nigisl, tise 6tis, we sailed prempiiv at q a.m. on Sebnrdav. Ou Meuday we rau ieotise ke on tise Gulf. sud isad toeut our wsvy througis several miles ut it. This was, te en etusau experience we don't otten meet, sud kepi nearly eveeyýbody on dock for hours, nolwithstandiug tise intense, chisiliug cold, incidentaI te seisan experience. Tise most interest in-- Part utof-ecd ,ho tsemesi lut- eresting scenel1 have witnessed fer soino time-was when, ighi ' tise isýeari ut tise ke-boit. we ra i bte tise idst et s lingýe amy ofeaslieaîythousqnds 'uponlisusauds et tiseniappeseino. 1 W H113tl 1011 i ixae er 55e I 100 ed! 1low tiey eported I HowChe'y dodged! But eue greup especiallv interestcd me. Tise scene eft bieir enlies waseau open space some tfittoon te tweniy yards wide. In tissu pace Zreie wo dOzen cevsctsoi were plaving lu holiday mood. And tise meliod-ter tisere certainlvwasa ets osd-in thoir move- monts suggested te me some questions tisai anyoue lias my freea bave te atlswer a-ho thinks ho knewe tise soase--or tise Scoolei-hetter tissu I do. Round sud round; ovor sud over; liseougli and throngl a-eut tisese charming litile ecesu trippere, lu tesision fearsornei- like a Scotch reel. Whso wero tise oeig- inators efthtie reel ? Wisatbheariug lies Scotch calnuynee on tise question? Aund wlababout tisecannjue'ss 0f tise ea? We lave lied s very ploassut passage ou lte a-iole. Tise Allan Lino is cor- taiuly a-urthy et confidence. Witisout prejudice te au>- oCherse hast are werthy 1 will recemmned the Allen Lino te etisere tisaI are a-ertisyj i lu recernmeud thea Ailan Lins o t iose about te cross te Canada, oc tise otisor way ' tilI 1 got ood ruason bu change bo anolhser mmnd. do net thinis 1 have huard suy grumb- liug si, ce 1 came abeard, excopu au occasionai wieis Syscelte tisat they could est botter et certain seasons, or keep wlst tise>-gel-su incidentai, I taise il, cemmen te ment a-li go dea-n to tise sea ila chips Sut seldeni. W>-tisewav', I woi-id lu tis trenge8tl aedvise al passing beia-een Canada and Britain te take tise Canadiaji rente. Net oniy a-lI tise>- tius avoid alttie iutensoly tiresorne StIer efthtie State'Custome and Immi- gestion people, sud nave no eud et ex. pense trora tise rougis handling given thse batggage ln tise States, Sut tise btates route lias simpDly notisino' 10 nom - moud il l in parison a-iltiste Cana- dian route. Tiseeux' doa- tise St. Lawrence le cisarmiug. Tise scenes a-e a-une coniant>- a-îless:ng were very fine. OuI>- as we passed along sud watched tiseisundrede on isundeeds et French C-lunches, lise tact be-iug tld me by a tricud, a-oh versed lu Frenchs Can- adien lutc, Sua-tise aherewitisai te Suilci and support ilium le simpl '- raclied tcem tise peeplo-inetiode bs -isbcwis 1 have net been uuacquaintod lu etiser lands- tisis oui tise gildiug off tise gald outChose nisurcles tee me, and filled me with preteund pity. Knoa-ing aIl 1 kuca- ut tise Papecy, usure be ne git on Roman- isi goid tlurme Indeed, Fas overyone a-ho knows tise Papacy mueýt ho a-are, thse gilt goes off ail tise gld tise prients' flugers tondh. We are nea- uaring tise ether side. On tise a-iole1,a-e haýve ised a deligistul voyage, net Paltog,ýether un- eventfu'. We have hsd s a fin>- aine soet toellew-pssiouge3r, nt 0ý f tise ust sgreesbly se. Jusi s pensonal word te tise triends et Boa-manville. My sday t- iseea- romain tno o! leplth ue sfl te's4 memeries, sand1 ciieisistisougîhtF efthbie goiialitýv and ofudvere's it vei many tClore te tise ü cse1et life1Ihope te mýeut them anl aicanilie ev re CUnde r tise k îie1. lut t c- rleýtus o lves more isuc'vec devuten te led sud tIse, gruau tttrustc 'dteuh u. isr a-hu tse ladws t nghtfeu on ius theýY will ot bd unwoicoxne, for find us unprepared. Good-bye! With kind regards te ail the Bewmanville friends, Yours incerely, J. FINDLArE R, RAL.S, "Inin, av 11, 1904 SUN AAA A tow 3 crs ago visibors frein Canada te Engiand were met un ai tides by Placards, POSLed evidentiy h tise Erni- grýition Department ut tise Dominion, adevising intending omigraute te -go te Suîînv anada and get rich, says tise Bniuisis-American. As te becoming ricli that is e question which dependîs upon tise indiviellai, bu-, means, hiseoducation, hie trsiainugsud hie deteeminatien. Tise opportunitUes are home te become modoerstely well Off lu Ment cases, wesltsv lu a tew. At ail eVeutS if a-man le reedi- te wurz,, aud is net LeOO prend te take tise first chance wkich o ers, Snpsing tisaï;ho has ne mens te stan witis, lie enu aitoast attain a moderato competenca lu cturSe Of turneL is ouiy ueceesary te peint eut ix' onneculeinWiti tiistise mauv e uug mon, starting as farn ,hemîdâ wiso now owu fine isomesteada et their ewn, or are retired farmers. But as te tise sun. liere lu Canad7a we are se acoustemed, te ittisai we til te appreciste ibe great heneficeuce. lit reouires a visit te etisor counies, net su hlcssed with sunsisine, te tu'ly under- stand whst an influence lb fls upon our daily lives, and tumperameuts. Tise pasi win-ter lias brou crht tisis home te us aud lb le possible te peint te iwe traglo deatse ushow isew men, accustoined te ite ra~ s miss it. Au Australien sud a Canadien cemparaiiveiy recoîîtl endemi teIr existences by tiseir own yisands, whule laboriug under fils of intense deprossion, caused by tise ceaselees gleoin. raie and fog. which existed lu bondon tee eeverA~nts. ltis nul iutendcd te convey bv this tisai Eugiand le always onveoed, lu tog or tise t always nains lisere, as iseautiful days are onjoyeci usure as bore but lu far tees numbir, Hlere but tow deys go hy iý Mthu at least a glimpe of tise su-n, usure tise Opposite le tise Ca se. Tise valueetftise Sun is hecommig more aud mure recoguized Wisat does tise doctor's advice, "gel eut intotise open tir," mean, but tisailie wants his Patients flot Only te gýeltise purest air, but aise tise worsderftl ettecis producod on the human hoav by tise sn' raye liera are many Sanatoria mi bere tise sue snd air are, witis a rostricted diet, tho only meassoe cure used, One duo- ter lu Germany bs samssed au cube- motus fortune by tise use uft tiese free gitts ut natuîre. Tise sun has anu uquestioued affect for geed. Everyouo kuowo lb, aud it le acknewledged. lu the happv expression im'ed tisat a Persen hasea' Suuny nature." Xgaiu compare tise progreessut a plant hept iu tise sunshino sud one lu tise sade. In large facteries i e eid a lisag-eoeahlo day witlireduce tise outptt by ten por cent. Tihe sun affects brade n a manner littho thougît of, but its influence oan e seen wisen people will, Dot go eut shopping ou s raiuv day Trace this threuzi ail tise different channels lb wili tennis, taroeors, manu- socturerq, mercuiate, raiiwavs, heukers l u-aFa-cuun . ry'w en1eu --s Wnumr e I ________________ ahui-ntrodttcirig tise Briis Budget, nefe3rrcd te tise tact tisaitishe weatisoc lad houx' responeihIe fora tallizutftise reveiue frein ber et £3001000 sud et £8-50,000 lu spirits. Tise coid summer cisocked tise censumpiion etfSe'ar, snd lise mild ainter issd a similar influence on spirits. Me. Chsamberlain' related a stsory frein hie ca-n oxporbonce a-hile aakiug lu lLakeiand. Ceming tleas sianty hlasis- ed if hoe could have a cup o e u. ,oh, les," said tise ewner, 'il sawyenucoiug1 aud tisougst vy ealud wansutles, sud put tise kettbe on. It',q net hettle weaiiser! " - SýIumy cIines affect tise ciaracter ut nations It11e ouly necoasar>- te peint te tise Soublieru Siate3 te, prove this, Buliver Lyten eaid tisai ihere are oui- six perfect days lu Euglaud, sud froni Chie somnewa-i iincorrect statemeul trac- ed tise stolid, tacituru. cautions. dogzed, but self relient, character usualis' suriS- uted te Englishmen Wisat effects me1 net lise sua have isad lunlise building up et tise presper îv of Canada by hec sens? basppy îndeedshouid s land b hoaibui lidesomvedlv earned lise name ot sunuy. sud -his osun se truthtuliy say~ "Hea- flue hac tise day Sean! HoW I brigistishe suas! ElIw tovely sud joyfui bise course tisai hu rua! Thengis le reoin a miel a-lin hie racei ha begun, And there fehbua-ed some droppinge et nain : But now the talc travellere corne tetise a-est. Hie raye are ali gold, sud lis, besutios are Sent, Hle peinte tise skies gay as ho sinks te hie rost. And torbells a hîlgis cuming again." DURHAM BOYS AND GIRLS& We have ail geod reaqon te foui a spucisi prîde in île success oetM'est 1-iurisam boys sud girls. Frein lime te time duriug lise past ta-o moutis's a-o have publisised tise naines of noverai a-ho et various ceileges Cisouglonithise Dominion have completed ChoIr ycar's work, cornea-ils greater distinction sud couiea-Ris les, but nil a-iCI credit te theinselves aud te Cise eld ceunniy hat le proendbu eam Cthora. It ie grsbtfybng te note tisatiniraIls ceuniry wahure tisa iigiseoducatien le compsrativolv tree, sne rnu ambitions vounz tpeople devote ihemFolves ion veams toe eacquisition et earningamnci tise strunueus discipline requircdtt)oxn able h ttse uinalie -dequatc returnti e hir ccunIr' for tise selvautages ail ý,ý d ed tiseanI t sheulà noter bo forgotîcu tisai Cisc pniviieg-e împliisoe blie-aIcion snd caqrelýOSneS,6. idlenees. prodi_-alit-v ou tise part of thoso fer sontise cmuirv give-s tr, ci>-hemresourc )e "n8atIeingratitud aL2 ittie Ie,33tissu Crnm- te1ivec, i HsrIte )gans cidnt Ston-i tise nine auspatiulr TuOUSANDe cf rmon lare prîsonerg cf dîsuaso aacre as tsounis tiey weî-o conlîne4 betiumd tise bars, Many ba v e fO r g e d t"l i r uw n c h a î n a b y t s a i e S e n y y n h oapOstieoecontaginsdi.ease, ce tie excessea cf manhood. Tise>f-fel tiey are nut thIe ummtimy ogite oo adtie Tise vim, vigur, and vitalit>- cf Mslhood are lacktng. Are yen ervusad dopoaien? tired in tise Inerning? have yen te force yourself tiscOugi tisa day's worie ? bave yen ti tlemn bit on ad en r ey? ar c you irrita b)le and e c ab e cai C li nk e , d e p r e s s e d a n d i a g e a r d l o o i m g ? n s m r > p o r a n b ra ir f a g e d ? h a v e y n w e a k sa c k w i s e m aKIus e ,S uiffistePOaitiluurinie? walesexual7 ?-Yubave IRervous Debility rad Sfimlnal WCaknfiss. ~5 Our N'EW METH(OD TETMI sTl gusranteed te -CuIre or lJO ePuy. 26 Fears La0Detroit. BonsoiL Bcaa.ItY. Bownre cf quackes-Consult nid established, relvýiable pisYsicians. Coriutatlon Free. flOaitk Frec, Write fcTn Question Bianl fer Home Treatinent. P 148 BRELBY ~TREBT. KtETR e e e e. Il!w TOWN OF BOWMANVIILE TRKASURER'S SALE 0F LANDS FOR TAXES, TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE, COUNTY OF DURHAM, TO WTT.: By virtue of a warrant, te nme directed, by tise Mayor of thse Town of Bow- manville ulider tise seal of tise said Corporation, bearin!g date thse 12th day 01 Mav A.D., 19)4, cemmanding me te levy on landq hereinafter meutioned (al said lands tîing and being lu the saîd Town of Bowmanville and heiug patented lands) ail arroes ef taxes on sanie tegether witis ail lawfui- cests thereon, I her eby give notice tisat unlesa the arrears aîîdeats ho seener paici, 1 shall on SATUI'iDAY thse 27ch day ef AUGUSi' A D. 191l. et the heur of twe e'eloek iu thse afteriioon. aitishe Council Chamber in tise Town Hall lu thse Town ef Bew manvilte proceed to ssou by publie action se mucliofuthte said landos asMay be Description Lot Block Street Acres Pari oft................232 ('1 -Ring ......4.... 8 A King .......... .... 2 10 King 14 ft. Froutage a-est paru ut 14 T -ing " " 12. 13 2 Churcis 3/5 West part et ............. 4 8 Qtieen ê 61 ......... . 7 31 concession 1 Tua-n Treesnrer's office, Bua-manvilbe, Mas' 12, 193 t. 21-13w. Taxes C-es Total $14 ut 25 81's 23 59 18 43 17 52 31 68 6 16 70 10 41 il 13 64 83 lii J. S- MOORCRAFT, $2 63 4 83 4 41 1 44 3 29 $16 74 30 1 21 87 2>081 TIBETAN FORT CÂPTURIEI) plain fons ahidi -tie cliii rises, ustil Ia breach waas effected, the resat ta- Strniig Party Pas Thriio-ugis ing ielped bi tie explosion of tie Haillet Bulet. Tbetn magazine close iy. Mean- a-hile tise, Gliurkias andl Fusiliers AGyassgtse, Tibet, despaich s ays: clamuaered up tise precipitous cliii Tise assauli of tise Britiis troops on cmid a torrent of ballets and rucke, t h e J o u g lF o r t a a s c o n i me a c e l o n l a m di s e h e g i i e b e m h WV ed n sd y . a n d a fter a d esp e tate re-O a dTi se d or ht e b r es a m ere u sistance tie attackig force effected Thfot icenrasnueos a lodgiient la tie fringe o f via e buildings, las n t yet been cleared, su r-ro u nid in g t ie rock . 1 ltis a n d th ere p r ea hy ail l c o re Siks, asuied. IProm this vant- age point a stem-1ing party, consist- ing of Gh'kas and Sikhs, attacked -long and captured it. The --British pasualit es wero nt heavy. The, fort attacked is on tho sum- mit of a huge cliii. lIt was defendedj by 7,000 Tibetans. The British' concentratod their gun fire on 'a Wlt o oo psan, DONaEud' "But I hope," said the lody, wihomj the photograîl jr as endeavoring toý get into posit nn, -I hopo you won't display my photo ini tho în dow fterwards."'-0111, no!" re plied the, photogra plierasetr It's from the stomacli the bl1ood is fed and the nre controlled. fcderntI fol'r I c i f gastric julc. Thferm-entation an ute fi c in l ttc stomnach andI inLoa caue oLdsc e Dr. Leonhardî's Anti-Pull increses the necessary sup.. ply of gastric juice in qiiani.. tity and quaiity to Imaure perfect etornach action.i bas similar action on bile formation. Anyor.e cui rove thia for 7,scf Y COr., ngWasaFvz YORK C-f. zurgOr, MOir M@VeMetit,3. flow thev 1 N'UlIce 0! M18, ilir. AUst U i . m NM u b 8 Il LI