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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jul 1904, p. 1

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-f TERMS -S-1.OU Fer Annum. O0à TOWN AND COUSNTY FiRsT ~~WonLw APTIRWAItDS. M. A. JAMES & SON, Propritors, InAvne BOWMÂ&NVILLEP, ONTARIO. W3rDNESDÂY, JUrTLY 20, 1904. OUELN.3 Cotiol, Jolinston &Crydorman's * Special Sale of Summer 'Goods A Lot of Prits, Muslins, and Ging- 5 hams selling off at less than cost price and a number of pieces of Dress Goods 5 at haif price. *Paras ols at Reduced Prices, Just, opened a lot of Ladies' Under- M -3Ime Rin-Coats. * One Line for $6.OO worth $7.50 Another for $8.00 worth $ 10,00 __inth These are New Goods made up __h latest styles The balance of our Spring 0Coats at haif-price. * COUCIJOIINSTON * & CRYDERrIAN.> uamuamaaaaaamnmnaamuumemmmmmmeue~ i~ ERiOpe Strawberries. à= Ch tee Ineappes. Oranges, Lbernons,_ ~an~inas, te., ste. Choice Groceries including, Teas, Coffyees, SSugars, Spices, etc., etc. Canned goods înclud.. Fing Meats, Fish, Vegetables and Pickles also Cooked Ram,1 Jellied Veal, etc., etc. llighest price for Butter and Eggs and Farm Produce. ele MYour Order will receive prompt attention The Model IGrocery. --s ',nFýý qiw ý' on' '01' on' on"'i;l-jl DON 'T READ 1H IS. Fvery Day is§ Bargain Day 'At the *People'ls Fuel and Lumber Depot. o We are stil! handling Best Brande Canadian Cements, Britishi Columbia Ried Cedar anti other goati o Brands Cedar ,nd Pine Shingles, Pine and llemlock q Lumber, Dresseti andi, Undresseti, Doors, Sasb,- Blintis * and i ns Fresh Mineti Scranton Coal, Cannel Coal, Stean Coal, Charcoal, liard andi Sa!t Wood, Long, Sawed and Split, Slabs, Edgings, Landi Plaster, Fine anti Coarse O Sait in barrels anti sacks. We alwuys aim ta give the Obest value at reasonable prices, Ilighest Cash. Price 5paiti for Grain anti Seetis. iVMe1711a &- g Ring St. East, Bowmaanvi]1e, e O O O O O O O O O O O O q O O O O 4 O O O O K1RBY, Mr. Bert Powers bas returneti fram visiing frientis ut Lakefiled.,. ý..Miss Ida Lang, teacher, 15 cnja.ying ber bal- days with ber brothers, Dr. J. M. anti Herbent Lang, Chicago..Rev. T. W, Jolliffe, Bawmauville, preacheti here Snnday. . .. Master Leonard anti Miss Arvilla Mrrow, anti Master Orley Chapinan have returneti fram visiting !riends lu Trenton anti Belleville. . Mrs. Wm. Orvili anti twa tiaughtcrs, Lizzie andi Minnie, Trenton, Ot., are visiting at Mr. A. Morows.. . . Mr. Wm. Brunt, bas bought a fine span of Clydestiale colts !rom Mr. John Lard. HOW'S THIS? We affer One 11undred Dollars lleward for enly case of Catarrh that cannai be cured by flall's Cafarrh Cure. F. J. CIENEY & C0., Prop ., Toledo, 0 We, the undea-sgned, bave known F. J, EJeney far tbe lest 15 years, and believe hlm perfectIy honorable inalai business transactions and flnenciaily able ta carry ont any obligatians made by tbeir firm. WESTr & TRvAX, Whalesale Druggists, Toled,0. WALDING, KiNNAN & MÂRviN, Wholesale Drug- gists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catareh Cure is teken t nternally, aet- mvz directly apon tbe blaod and mucous surfaces of the sysieci. Price 750. per baille. Sold by ail Drugglsts. Testimoniais free. Take neli's Famlly Pis for constipation. TYRONE. Recent viitoms: Mr. Richard flooper, Hal- land, Man., witb bis brothers; Rev. E. A. Tonkin, Greenw,,od, et Mr Peter Werry's; Mimces Efle and Elle Wight, Providence, et M, Wm. Wight's, Misses Devey end Master Devey, Dueri, et lM. REeymondDavey's; Miss Maggie Ltedsey, Bawmanville, et home; Mrs. W. Hf Moore and daughter Myrtie ai Grand Rapids, Micb; lrs. Samuel Bingham at New- tonville ...Mr8 G.H Jardine and sou Gai-net, Brandîon, Man., with relatives. They willi reside in Boiwmanvi]le. UTH E Foundeti 1889 BiellevilIe B3usiness e2oîle" e. Limiteti. TRAINING- UNEXCELLED. Book-Keeping'; Shorthandt; Type.writing;Ore ok Telegraphing anti Railway Pok;rencli anti Genman. EERY DEPARTMENT ýj 'A SPECIALTY. -.--.----..4u.. - M-A-- -- -WIO GS'-'-~'"'- President. JA. Tousaw, Secretary. BELLEVILLE, ONT, PUBLIC SOHOOL PROMOTION. The nameFi in the honor, pass and nrec- ammentietilists are lu orier oai ment. The honor pupils gat7,5 %, or over, ai the marks given dturing tÉhe tanin, as showu au their weckly neoat sheets; the pass pupils 67,or aven the recom- mente ietuils unîen 6;07%,Those lu the recommneudeti list nfre- promateti pnavisiOnaily, their raelon af their! position lubth e higher grade depcnding' tapon negulairit-y a ttof nciign anti ability ta, do the wark o!f that grade ta the satisfaction a1L4the Princiîpal. PROMI, .IV T0 S'il. il," Bessie Sparling, Mary Biirnhiam, Alick Lyle, Ross -, Lena Horn, Athur Fri-se, Douglas McDonald,Fred Galea, Etina Bottreli,- Rubýy rieathI, Dorta Percy- Davi Mrrisov. Edra Grigg, PAssI Law. MalDougall, Windatt Tati, Ida Pinch, EdîithAln Ethel Bittain, Daltan Mrrow, Edua Hamley, Camer,,n- Mrtin, Eva Burk, Dolph Tucker, Alfredi Penuingta,Annlie MeDonalti, RECOMigENDED - Frances Galbraith,OscarAdr, Everett Patter, Cora Matthcws, Wiliie Galbraith, Car! àMayurd. FR'OM sil. .111TO uJR. ' Helen Mitchell, 1 Greta Scott, Winnie Brittain, Nellie Mingeauti,1 Kathleen MaGili,1 Ililda Horscy, Eva Curtis, Mcl issa Fletcher, PASS: Mars Downey, Arthur Etiger, Belle Murdaf!, Alex Bagneli, Plossie Coulter, Harolti Heal, Miltireti Penfounti, Mabel Barrie, Fred Cryderman, Roy Chartran, RECOMMENDERO Ernest Maynarti, Herschell Darch, Olive Va ;rcoe3, innie MaDotris, Tom Uu Basn, Lou o Hall, NormniVarcals, Davdhel hlon PROM JR. III TO S14.,jIl. Vida Wordeu, Bruelmewei Gladys Edick, 11Ia G(J, 1 011-a Toti, Cal~ona MineTrebiicockHermaWctaay MLanMDnatHaze L Diidug. PAssI Prank Christie, Eva Todgham, He itt Edick, Morley Carnie White, Roy Hti Morley Polauti, Percy li Hanry Spencer, Robt, IM Gardon Ulles, Willie C Alick Sinclair, Eva Pc- Ettie Battreil. Wi'lbur' Norman Bottreli, Aiba Fi RECOMMENDED l Howardi McBrien, Etina M Wesley Wslmslcy, Lizzie1 Russell Jackman, Grant1 Richard Grahamn, Mabel1 Cccii Greenflit, Etigar1 Marley Varcoe, PROM SR. II TO JR. lIL LONORS . Clark Taylor, Id. Bennett, Marjorie King, Helen Bird, Lillian, Bounsaîl, Lloyd Sanders, Norman Hamicy, Hardy Nicholîs, Ross Stutt, Alan Brawn, Vina Stacey, Kate Percy, IVa Biewttv, Kate Manning, PAS : Alfredi Biekeli, Leon Dumas, Hlaroldi Cann, Mary McDougall, Harr-y Dustan, Clara Rabbins, Robert Wilson, Haroldi Wakelin, RECOMMENDBD Mabel Milîs, Olive Lambert, vCanning, [oper, vlatton, Morrow, Cole, Ix, xGibson, 'ighleigb, ilathws ýPatnton, Vanstone, Bediford, Reta Roenigk, lia Bonnetta, Elva Audrus, Willie Falicy, Emma Kempthorn, Gertrude Cox, Max Quick, Frankie Short, Gladys Saunders, Winie Piper, Vera Penningtan. Norman Meflonalti, Alex Haddy, Meretiyth Linton. Maggie Lankin, Fred Sry, Cors, Darcy, Bertha Darch, Myrtie Peate, John McDonalti, Clarence Mutton, George Hughes. Hilda Branton. PROM JR& il TO SR. Il IIONORS * Hazel Mercer, Greta Biakell, Haroldi Graham, Percy Greenfielti, Russell Williams, Irene Bickeil, SUlas Dell, Ross Sînte', Ethel Moysc, Aliia reeper, Oscar Pingle, Norman Pingie, Lorne Butson, Grace Barton, Guernsey MaClelanGreta Jackman, Ida Plyn, Chantie Mutton, Isobel«Bird, Jack Meatb, Robbie Richards, Norman Peate, Florence Dilling, Mary Pointen, Alex Christie, Carnie Painton, Frank Tucker, Harry Grigg, Lana Payne,, Roy Stacey, Frank P'iper. Esten Uarch, RECOMMENDED: Ernieý Bottreil, Irene Mana, PART Il (CENTRAL) TO JR il11 Samauel Dowuey, CIlarene Canning ý, r gl zewflcox, ElinWoodward, Ga 0rdoIn M'anani1ng, George Bediforti, Pc'rcy Daviti, EtIith RUoynoids, AlvIn Stacey, Audrew Nicholis, Ber t Bounsail, Laura Poiýnten, Willie Roenlgk, Eva Morraw, Chelsie Etiger, Isaac Pointen, Roy Del Alice Downey, Gardon lee, Elsie Slute. Ross MeDaugall, Lia Sinclair, Fred Short, Aggie Christie, Pearl Varcoc, .Rena Bagneil,I Edith Mason. Chili8 Burns, Elsie Luxton, Gate Moyse, George Freema Winnie Trimble, Mary Vanstone. Russeli Cautiler, 1 lor. MCrimmon,Haroid Elliatt, Celia Brantan, Lu, PART II (S. WARD) TO JR. Il, HfoNoRs: Gladys \Vestaway, Vida Walmsley, Lottie Thickson, Kathleen Knight, Eva Witheritige, Eva Spry. Hlelen Jobustan, PASS : Beatrice Cowan. RRCOMMENDED: Cornnue Brcwcr, Gl1adys Dcpew. PART 1 TO PART II(CENTRAL). RONORs: Clifforti McDou gall,Alau Gale, Muriel Chartran, Sammy Lavis, Reta Pingle, Howardi Veale, Hubert Stacey, Elva Mercer, Archie Mingeauti, Mary McDonali,, Marie Lavis, Greta Belman, Winnie Kytit, Cyril Saucb, Reuiben Edgar, Kcnncth Fletcher. pAÇSS : John Tyler, Louise Hardy, Ormie Conlin, Bitaliigginbotbam Orlie Conlin, Wihlie Quick, Fred Burns, Louis Pointen, Oiive Beliman, Ernest Hart, Jennie Williama, Jimmy Payne. Lizzie Burns, IIECOMMENDED: Lepha Doncaster, Edith Aluin. Nellie Battreil, PART 1 TO PART Il (S. WARD). 12tN0RS: George Heari, Frank Brittain, Haroldi Osborne, Lily Brown, PA55:1 Eddie Dilling. Timothy Larkin, RECOMMENEIED: Rager Bird, Stanley Dann, Haroldi Mutton, Lelanti Etger. Fred Terry. Olive MarrIs1à $Io EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC CITY AND CAPE MAY,-$1O. Via Lehigb Valley . .Jul;r î2th, Augst th.Tickets onlv $io fri m Sus- pension-Bridge ta Atiantic Ciy anti returu. Tickets g-oat 15 days Stop, over~ o aorwd t hiadspiaForfrte 1 articullars cain r-adrs, Robt. S. East, Toronto.' 28-2W. JUNE-END WEDDING. NeE$PITT-SCoTT. Braeslde Farm, East Whltby, the residence of Mr. andi Mrs. Robt. Scott, was the scene of ane of the prettiest weddings of the seasan, June 8th, when their only daughter, Hattie May, was united lu marriage ta Mr. John A. Nesbitt of Columbus. 11ev. J. Hodges, B. A., perfarmeti the ceremany on the lawn lu the presence af about anc bundreti gucsts. To the strains ai the wedding march, play-ed by Miss Jessie Nesbitt, the bridai party entereti the lawn. The bride wha was given away1 by ber father, was bcautifully gawned ln creamn silk colienne over cream satin, en train. Sh8 worc roses in her hair anti carricti a largebauquet o! bridai roses anti trailing smiax. Miss Mauti Bryant ai Oshawa, was bridesmaiti anti was becomingly gowned lu a dress o! champange colienne aver champange satin, anti carrieti rases. Miss Nellie Guy, cousin o! the bride, was flower girl. The groom was attendeti by Mr. 'Will Scott. The graom's present ta the bride was a hantisome golti wateh anti chain, to the bridesmaiti a broocli set with pearîs endi ametbysts, anti to the best man a galti scar! pin, with opai setting. The bride was the recipi- eut o! many prescuts. Mr. anti Mrs. Nesbitt le! t ou the 7.45 train for a short trip ta Hamilton, St. Catharines, anti other western points. A1yxer~s Losing your hair? Coming out by the combf ul P And doing nothing? No sense in that! Why dont~ you use Ayer's Hair Vigor and prornptly stop the falling? Your hair will begin to grow, too, and ail dandruff will dis- appear. Could you rcason- ably expeca anythine better? I!alr Vlier 13 a gi-ast e,twth h ait.alin ,,ut,,ry bAliy, bt *~~ fl~4 17~. t-.. to ,Ow 01 ai i ~-.--for T Fhin1H1.1 AbsolutelyPurer' s~. ___ W SAM FHAT OSHAWA WIRE FENCE CO. business and have already been favored with some nice orders in this lino. The CONFDENE EXRESED I TI MANGE-celebrated Beath Litter & Feed Carrier CONI'IDNOaEXPE5SE INTHEMANOE-whjch must ini the near future become, MENT-THo PREsENT OUTPUT GIVING as common as the wheelbarr9w lui UNQUALIPIRD SÂTISFACTION-Two every farm-yard, in made here. 'NEcWDIREoToRS ELECTBD. HAbIPTON, The annual meetinz of the Oshawa Wire Fence Company, ýLimited, was jisitors - Mrs. C. Goodman, iSs L, sly Cedardale, at Mr. J. H-. Burrow, Mat held in the factory on T hursday, JUIy Everett Bant, Toronto, at Mi, R. 1 >Blin -3r 14 at 2 pm. Shareholders attended iu Dr. J. H. Elliott. Gravenburst, ai Mir. H, large numbers and a very satisfactr Elliott's; Mr. and Mrs wm. Beer in i'ochiester, meetîn tory ~N. Y.; Miss Effe »obins in Toronto,....Epwi,çorth meng was beld., Bef ore the meeting League soial Wednesday eveningJ ly2tb. _ . was called to order the uew loom was tianday week tbrough sieknesq ithe regular inspected in operation and theoiinorgtanist was absent and miss4 Litta Ruse very he opnionefficiently presided at the organ et Abuth morna. of farmers present was that the~ wire ing andi evenîing service. fence being turned out is the equal of anything of the kind in Canada. Mvr, Wmi ENFIELD. Manning, a successful and extensive former, said he had put up a consider- Rev. E. A. Tonkin, GreenwoDd, preaehed - able quautity this year and i hs neighbgrg eeptabiy here an Suaday .,.. John Dyer ani, who have seen it are much pleased famiIy have gone ta Bellfield, N. D... Mr.B. with it. Hie intentis te ereet from 150 Ptweil bas a new argan ...Mr. Healy at t200 rods more of it next erTee Delbart visited atBallantyre reeently .... Mp taar Thee urgmaster, Buffalo, 15 vlsiting with frientis, opinions were concurred in by Jas. here. Riekard, Richard E Osborne and others who expresseti ther-nselves highly satis- MESSRS. CROSSLEY ANýD HUNfqTER. fied witb the fence. The wire tuL nr ned ou airst bythe first mnanagement was, noýpuuar, but the nmanag-emenï1t o tL nýý-Wîchnrv; having beeon piaced Uv 1 .Cosebohro e under the charge of one of the cleverestD.O Crosèlev paýsto)r ca the 1RüwMAn, experts in Canada, it bas been entirely ville Methodist Chiureh, and 11ev. ýJo)hn over-hauied and 1somne new features 2E. flunter, a West Durhamn boy. r-4 added making ue cables fufly K%7 cently helti a series of u nion ie van gel.. stronger and iniuring against siack istic services at Brighton, Onïtarto., wires, which make wbat i8 commoniy The Ensigu, the local paper, last we known as croaked fencing, and from rofers thus to the closing meetin S andA which the reputation af the fence has eatrofhevngls: te ;L suffered ln the past. Every rod of fonce tdearmeeoths eevangelifsts be las is now fnlly guaranteed. bring the whole community into close The factory is splendidlv equipped for connection with the spirit of love and doing a large manufacturing business kindness. A desire for better thinga and the outlaok for the Company under pervaded the whole assemblage, village present management is considered anddistrict. The result was that peo.. brighter thanit bas ever been. In order pie started by scores on the new way. to carry on the industry on a more profit- Friday evening Rev. ilunter gave one able scale it was unanimausly decideti te of those inimit'able addresses, deallng considerably increase the paid-up capit- with drunkness in its various phases., ai, and ta this end additional stock will It was replete with apt illustrations, be offered ta the present shareholders, Rev. Crosslev's address an cards and seine a! wbom offered on the spot te lu- -aines of skili was clear, succinct, In. increase their shares from 25 ta 50 per tellegible and convincing te bis hearers cent. and should forevermore settie thisý, The new issue of stock is rendered question which bas se long aiae h necessary because of the expenditure minds of many well thinking ment and the Company bas made for new mnacbin- women. Sunday, Jaly 1, isa day that ery, rights, patterns, toals, tables and will long be remembereti in Brighton. necessary alterations and repairs, The Methodistand Presbyterian cburc.. amaunting lu ail ta about S10,000. es were bath fllled.' The exhortations3 There was a feeling of confidence in and sermons were such as ta leave their the concern created bv the repoejs of! ý_ effeet on ail who listened. to tbem. Over L. Fowke, Esq., the President, Mayer of two hundred joineti the twa churpbes Oshawa, Mr. T. H. Everson, the Man- andt tere are scores set ta corne. Menc ag'îný-Director, and Mr. L. K. Murton, are deciding for Christ andi requestine the oliito an Seretry.Much to become members. The spirit that credit was given Mr. John Penfounti, pervades the town is one that tends ta Director. for bis energy lu selling the elevate. May it continue is the wish of stock, he having soiti over $20,000 worth ai.I Monday morning at 6 23 vhe eariýy Saine miscanceptians and errors of riser would naturaily ask what was t 'heý, statement that hati been circulateti wore mnatter, as the people gathered f'roniÀ ffscussed and adjusted ta the satisfaction far and near ta sec 11ev, Crossiey andi of those concerneti. Hunter take the train for Muskok,,, Unaimos vte a!conidncein heOver 200 were present. Mr Huinter Manager andi Board o! Directors and iusn ebi! y nia tetande Mr. Penfounti as the succeessfui stock. near the gathering spn.- "Blest be the saleman ere asi~d an the thtie that Bintis," a-ad as the train maveti ealecian o! Drectorss wanrod tenthe out they sang "Shall we gather at the esntingafoDilcows rMers wT. u River," at the saine time giving the Eesas foLlow: essarsTJoin "Chautauqua Sainte" ta theevangelists, Everso, F Tos. B ayr, C. c. who were ou the rlatfarin of the rear Currie, Oshawa .To.Bxr ,Ccar. Hardiy a dry eye wassto be seeu. Solina ; andi M. A. James. Mayor, Bow- MesrCose 'dHne r as manville. seti bt everv man. woman and chilti, ai A desire having been expressed that aur town. re i. the number o! directars should be in -___________________ creaseti, notice was givenby Mr. L K. Murton, Solicitor,that at the next meet- â eJO0 e ing he would introduce a by 14w to in i gn., As it was deemed desirable ta hold a In the ngers, tees, arme, anid othePr meeting o! the new Board af Dïrectors parts of the body, are jointe that are lu the near future ta arrange for the Inflameti andi swoiien by rheumnatiqm- issuance o! new stock and for consider. that acid condition ai the blood whick ation o! other business, the Directars fetthmucsalo titi not meet toeiect the afficers. afetthmucealo The sharehoiders of the Oshawa Wire Sufferers dreadte t move, especialIr, Fence Co., Limiteti, inelude a large alter sitting or lying long, and their number o! leading well-to-do farmers conditian le commonly worse ln wet of Darligton, Wbitby sud Pickering. veather. and wlth the uniteci interest anti co- , 1 suffered dreadfnlly fram rheumatlsm. operation of ail o! the members of the but have been completely cured by Floo0d'l Company we see no reason why a suc- Barsaparilia, for which 1 arn deeply grate- cessful future shoulti net be in store for fnl.p) mise FRANC» S SMTr, Prescott. Ont. itt At this factory are manufactured 4.1hftd an. attack of the grip whieh leit nw ail syles o! woven wire !encing, wire wek and helpless and suflering fram rbea- ospaind rnmn l-aeslmatisn. I began t.aking Hood's Sraa automatia gates and the Company deais me. I have no hesitation in saying it saveý4 lu ,vire and barb wire and staples. my Ille." M. J. tcDoxAxn, Trentocn, Ont. The3 Boaird of Managemnent flnding Uood"rSarsagerillai tit factory splendiidly equiippeti for doing ail clasýses ai machine work, have Removes the cause ofremtiiun 'wisely added this branch te thelý r outwzrd applicattion Çeau. ak> L -T 4 -U T -9 -W " Ir -7te 1W, %l- I*e lynm " -; .. ..... .... - ... ... - ... qw qw qS Mr Imm 1

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