Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jul 1904, p. 5

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Grade -Paris Green,. PFotato Bugs were neyer- worse Yaris Green was never better. We ?3eil the best Paris Green that the world produces at -25 et% a pound nrS pounds for $1,00. Dont waste your time on doubtful Green when yon are sure .5f the best at these priees. S"9tott & tJwlye The Druggists and Opticians. N. B. Hair Brushes and Combo leni than regular prices. Stieky FIy Paper 10 ets per dozen. Inseet Powder tliat wiII kili every fly in the room in 20 minutes. Stott & Jury SKILLI This cannot bc purchased with monsy, neither ean it be secured in a day, weez.or y ear. The reason that people drive maany miles to consuit us when they require spectacles and never go àway disappointed is because we have had experience enough to kno-w dangerous conditions and give necessary advice. A littie knowledgc in opties is dangerons and we frequently meet with cases where serious trouble lias been cansed by pediars and inexperienced persons attempting týo adjust glasses in complicated C' ases. Our Optical Room la thorough- lýy eqiffpe an7dy wre s-rre -v perfect satisfaction when we supply you with glass es, Our prices are as low as the lowest and we make no charge'for consultation. Stott & Juryt The Draggists and Opticians soleoilady's a touat.r Who .au har4ly s1~4on her foton acoout Oiatlng pal& îa th@. smnaf of th* back. Muntri be cheerful sud oblilng,' 'though 'ti, back b. ready to break, the. head abnost bnrsting and the whole body raeked and worn. Constant standing affects the, kîd. .S'ieys, disturbe their blood fiitering Thnetions, thon the back aches, the boad throbs and you 'feel Unfit foi wvork or pisatur. -ýIt ia wondcrful lu these cases how a few boxes of Dr. Pitcher's Baer-- ache Kidney- Tablets start the, kid- umeys, acting properly-they carry ,off the Poisons froin the blood, thon r the baek comsa to pain, the, ho-ad stops aching, and you feel yoiurtell 'a aitogether differont woman. Mas LW@zi Xix, vhMe addreu i83 Â4deiad Stoe.. Wuea ronto Ont., jsya: IlWhou I oommenaoed x» KaP. pl"oo' Sackache Ldney Tablets 1 va tÎred et d4ctor1ng, fer mylobles vene noyers amd aif %*verai mentie' durstion, anti erery r ae'rous tmctment 1 toak preved uoaval- iaug. I hati a wvak baùk and kldney tàrouble, and vuan enou a»4 r'an-dswn. At farnt 1 wu okeop$od &bout* obWalln ay that 1 vwu S=rc» a#~ the roult * ie hASfOow.d Ir la. putting à8 M1dly. es 1 eommnced te improvo, anti to-dy Ondog me a veli vomala. Evecy troàuble * mseIrsppearq& and- viti suij .r BOWMANVILLE, JULY 20, 1904. Whitby'e Civie Holiday le Auguet 1. Seat Tn 1TATEsuAN 68rmce. ta youn absent- friendi.-25c. 1 Mies Neilie Peate, New York Cty, le hobîdayinx aI home Dr. 'Jas., Cobvilo visileti irlends la Foerebono mest week. Mrs John Pionce, Chicago, IEl., is visitiag Mcc. M. D. Williams. Mre, J C. Weeks, Port Arthur, was necent gaest ai Mcc. A. Penuingloil. Miss Minais MePherson, Toronto, le visiting hien aunt, Vrs. J.- N. Lawrie. Mcs. M.- C. Galbraith le visiting hier sister Mcs. W. Hl. Rlry, Buffalo, N. Y. Miss AIda Bryann, Lindsay, le guest of bier cousin,Miss Hilda Logan, Salem. Mrs. W. W. Short and son Fred are vieiting Mr. John Sharpin, Molesworib, Ont. Mn. Meclev Bolman, Colingwaod. le_ baidaying at his fatber's Mn. E. Belîman. Mn. John Hellyar 18 visiing hie dangbter Mrs (Bey.) S. T. Bacîbsît, Coiborne Miss Olga Baughman anti Miss Mamie Butchart ans gueste at Mn. Geo. Butchart'b. Mn. Joseph Psageiby ofiScallant Yards, bas been appoint edt Chief Police aI Oshawa. rMrs (Rev. Dr.) Caldwell, Toronto, le visitiag lher nunt, Mce. Joseph Langmaid. Mn. anti Mss. W J. Souceh were cecent Kneste af iber brother, Mayor Bicow, 'bitby. The grounde anaunti the West Dur- ham Registny office nover booketi more attractive than now. Mr Chas, R, MçÇlÂlough, Hamilon, le President af the Ontario Engnaviag Campany la Ihat ciîy. Misses Minais anti Aunae Howsoii, Rosîheca, N W.- T., are spending their vaction at Narwooti. Durham Rubbec Company Baud took pari in tbe Orange Walk celebratian st Petorbora on ths 121h. Misses Etian anti Newby Mair. Ta- ronta, are spendiag bolitinys wilh their motion, Mrs. Jas. Gale. Haîcheti, matclîsd anti tispaichet are hoadinge la a western paper insienti af lirtbs, marriages anti etenu. Mn. Fret Lyle anti Mise Wiuaio Trick, Bowmanvilie, spent Suntay with Mre. Jesse Yeoola Clarke. Mr. Alex Bruce, turnkoy aI Whitby jail, lbns nesigeti aller many years service owing ta poo y esight. Mrs John Penfounti is visiting ber iter Mrs. C. A. MeKinnon. Eris City, Pa. Mn. MeKinnon is quite ill. Mn. anti Mre. R. Orlantio Jolliffe, Winnipeg, Man, are gesssoa his faîber Bey. T. W. J ollifi o, Liberty St. A union o! the Sons anti Gooti Temp- lre s again moot. Tbey shonît unito. Oms lemperance acter is enongh. Mc. T. H. Robinson, Rochester. , . wbo visiite hise iste- Mcc. Win. Caiver last week, is visiting finonde la Mont- ceai. Mrs Richard Edigar ant iber grant- danghten Miss Es'a Fox have boon' viiting hier taugbter Mre. Fox la To- couic. Mr. T. M. Galbraith, Science Macler aI Gananeque Higb Sehoal, bas accepi- Sebool. Mr, H. N. Dîgnan, Manager af the Bell Telephone Company foc, Ibis district, bas boom hoitaing la Western Ontario. Mr. anti Mrs, J, D. Stgis, Oshnwa, wero lu lawa Thunsdny with thein new automobile. It altracteti consitiecable Dr. anti Mns. J. J. Haro, Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, are spomding vacation aI their summer collage, Port Bowmanvillio. Tiescaffoltiîng was nemoveti frcm the new Town Hlall mest Wetiaostay. Now ion a general olean up anti remov- aal te ait band stand. Mcc. James Hepburn,l Madison, South Dakota, who bas been visiting ber 5151dm, Mrs. Wm. Hisap aller twelve yeas absence, bas relurneti homo. ý Dr, and Mrs. J. C. Mitchell, Toronto, bave returneti from heinr ucopean trip la gooti henlh anti spirite exceet- ingly weli plsaseti wiih their trip abroat, It le a sabjeel o! frequont remark how beautiftal the igh School -rounds are laokiag. Mr. L. Jollow, lhe jamitor, le a man af rare talt6 inl aiding Nature ta appean 10 besî ativantage. Miss Butda RBoiloft Thnrsday for Montreal wbereshee saibet bv the SS "Bavaian" aoflte Allna Lias ion Friday July 29ih aI 8 v. m. Alilladies cordiabby invited. Free eaanveyance from Bowmaaviile. Alil intendiug to go leave thein namos with tbe Sertars aI TnE STATESMÂN office. Canada enjaye tie honor af baving the Most Wortby Patriarcctoa the ' National Division this year. W. B. liargo.yme, Si Cathanines, being lotot b y acclamation aI lhs 601h annal session at Pbiailphia ast mioatb. JMn. IHennry O'Hana was a delegale lrom tOntario, Mr. John Stacey's mnny friends are pleaset t hear that ho is convaleecing nioeiy aller bis very senlous anti pain- fui ilinesof the paet two monthe. Ho is now able ta sit up awbile eachi day 'anti ses calions again. The excursion under auspices of Oshawva Band ta Rochester N. Y., per Sic Argylo was patronizoti by only 15 persans on the tins announcoti. iome 30 went on the Saturtiay nig-ht trip via Toronto. The excursion season boulti bo mnuch bot ter no w that b ot wetilher bas arrived. 1 Mre ,K, Nu! Toronto., is lsitlnUg at Mr. Wni. Hielop'. Mise Mabel Robbins l9 vieitiing ftiOds in Oshawa and Toronto. Mrs Roaeh and, Miss Bennett visiteti Osbawa irientis recentir.- The BennettliHouse le undergoing somne internai renovatiail. Missg Pansy Ives, Toronto J unction, visited at Mr. JJ. B. M&rtynBs. 1 Miss Irene Langmald, Darileglon, la visitipg relatives at Wootillle Gel your summer reading at Niclholîs'. 200 of the latest booke in stock. Misses Ruby Crago and E17tta Gilbert, Toronto, visited at Mrs R Crago 's. Sent Iis paper ta old Country friends anai mark article «ÉSuun-v Canada." Miss Eva J. Wakelin,_ Cambrîige, Mass., le enjoving vacation aI home. Miss Gertie Brooks, Courtico, le ieiting Mrs. R. Brimacombe, Elgin St. MeLaughlin Carniage Co's, employees Oshawa, excurtete Barrie on Satur- day. Join the Agricullural Societv anti preparo te exhibit sometbitlg at the Fair. Nicholle le running an up-to-date book exehange. Get the habit of going thero Don'l negleet te gel'some of the bar- gains now gaing at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman '8. Mise Mauti anti Luella Willis andi Mise Bioatrice Richards are visiting their mother lire Willls. Mr. Harloti Mitchell returned from Englanti with hie parente andti vsitot friende hure over Sunday. Miss E. E. Hs.yerail, local edilor of Tnn STATESMAN, eisited ber miother and sister nt Myrtie oser Suntiay. Four horses helanging te Mr. Theo. Salter, Greenbank, were killed by ligbtning Saturday July 91h. Mrs. N. and Mise Grace Conger, To- rontoi have been gusts of Mrs. J. M. Briînacombe, Vietgrivé Cotlage Mise Alleen V. Keys of ¶'ag STATES- mAil staff and Miss Eiva Power are gusts of Mr. W. Webster, Oshawa. Sendtie1 England for your friends- lare only $15 from Liver pool or Glas- gow te Quebso. Aek M. A- James. Mr. anti Mrs. William Giet celebraieti their Golden Wedtiing . on Montiay ovsning, July 18. A pleasant lime was enjhyed. Dr Garnet Trewiu was on the pro- gram of the Eastern Ontario Dental Association wvbich met at Kingston lasI week. 'Mrs. Norman White and son Cecil, Toronto, anti Miss Carnie White, Bow- manville, are yisiting Mrs. H. Lithgow, Port Hope. Mn. Hodtier and Miss Eleanor Wilîon, Myrîie, and Miss Barber, Toronto, are enjying Lake breezes aI Mr. Joseph] Lanmaid's* Mrs. John Gamble and sons Fred anti John anti Mrs HalleIt are visiting the former's sisters Mrs. S.. Poster andi Mrs. F. Piper. Betheeda, Salem anti Providence Sabbalh Schools will holti a union pic- nie in Mr W. J. Bragg's grave Wed- nesday J uiy 27. Mr. Jos Pattinson, Mies Nellie Pal- tinson anti Master Bruce Honeywell, left this morning an a visit ta Dr.Hloney- well, Hainter River, P. E. LI. Mizpah Lofige, Believille,,has lost a valned member by the death ai bis summer cottage, Bowmainville, of W. R Gootiwin.-Kingstofl Whig. acteristie enterprise anti goad laste bas 'hati (Bounsall's Bloce) painted, adtiing immensely te its external beauty. Leave yeux ortier for eavetroughs and amy work ln the lin lins> we have a !firsî-class man anti eau do your worte aI once. No delay. J. B. Martyn. Active. brigbt, hustling agente winteti ta ssii tuas, coffees, epices etc. Over $2000. a year is bsing matie by agente. G. Marshall & Ca., London, 1Ont. Florence 'Nightîngals has jusi cele- brateti ber 841h birtbday aI ber home, 10 Southi Street, Park Lane, Londion, Rogianti, and euhl takes an active iîiý lerest in charitable wark, 1The regular prie of Violet Ammania .(for the bath) le 25c.- per baille. We will ssii 8 doz. botties ai 2 for 25 cents. Do net misIbis as il ii vaîr only ,chance. McDermiti's Drug Store, Rev. T. M. Campbell, Toronto, will .accupy the pulit af the Methotiiel church the nex Iwa Sundays. Rev. D. O. Craesley is holitiaying la Muekoka. 1Street Commissioner Jarvis bas greal- ly improveti Division St. by cut- :ling dawn the stiges of the roatibeti anti cIearing the deiches A caating af cul slone i@ requiretet compiele the job. . Miss Helen M. Posteraif St Joseph Si., To7:ronlo, and Misses Etbe!LF lossie anti HORSE NOTiES, The Celebrateti Stailn, IHarry Wilke wilb be aI Bennettl Houes on Saturdav noxt, the last rogulan trip of Season. Alter that date arrang-ements may be matie respectinoe bim by writing or- telephoning to Mr. eO. A. Gambsy, Avenue Slock PFarmn, Orono, 3-w WABNIN 1.ý 'r7hs persanwo ok oehmau gardon o&n Hoiland'e iliit>witbin a fsw weeks back, antiý also on several occa- sions belons Iook bath rails anti poste, wili please he careful that lbev are not reen in future. They do nai live ans huntireti miles fromr the gartien. R. W. JAMES, Bowmanvilie. Special pices lu ribbons anti colac forme Ibis week aI Nichulsa'. Fresh Park, Lamb, Matton, Bee!, anti Veal ai C. M Cawker & Son.a Spring Coats selling off at lbait pricos at Couch, Jobaston & Crydsrmaui's. Talcum Powtier the kind you pay 25 oe. for, 10 esaI Nichobis'.' There wsre 75 binthe, 25 marriages anti 35 deathe la Oshawa turing the first hall of 1901. A lot af prints, Musliis and ginghams soling off bolow cosî ai Candi, John- ston & Crydsrman's. Bug Death provents bliglit ant illibi tbe buges. lacreases thp vielti;see Gov- erriment Report afiti, For'sale by J. B. Martvn. M. Mayer bas a fulilinofaitraw bale in Chiltiren's, 'Men's anti Boys' Aieoaa fuil lins ai chiltren's tam-o-shanters anti Scotch cape, Bargains »la sverv tei 4k,- xen aIthb West Entiflouse digJulySummer Clenring Sale -Rend ativl. We respectfully requ,ýset oaur eadore ta teluthibîr itendthebaTEE S.'TATI@SMAN subsoriber la end o! 1904 for anly 25c. Ses the Pittaburg Perfect Pence, the heaviset anti strongest fonce matie anti theo oly ons with sîay wires, welded by electricity. J. B. Martyn, sole agent. The low 8eamship rates prevaiiing jasi. now shouit indues manv la cross the Atlantic bath ways.cý Ask M. A. James about rates Tird-ciasis onbv $15 now either way. The teaciier anti pupils ai Cairo public eehoo1 ,Frneerviile.,-rei3ented Bey. N. D. Drew's family wiih an atidress andi an oak-frameti picture before leav- lng for their asw home a, Keenie. Are von wanIing Wire Pence? IUsa, eali now at P. Murdoeh'is. boHeis order- ing another car loati-Fa rmers ses anti lake ativange of car raiýes o! freighl Remember tbe"'Iteal" bats no equal. bome-rendered Lard, nons p urer, aI, 12k conle per lb,, Fearmanm's Kettle ce- udereti 20 ibe pail, asý cheap as the cheapesi aI C. M. Cawker & Son. It1le reireshiag 10 o Sohe lity way in which mnyo our cion3s keep'their places airsiince, anti aiea the Baule- yards. Nolbinz will iinprsss a visilor ta a lawn s0 much as- the neat anti dlean appearane o! Ibe etreete anti residenees. Tihe excursion ta OlecttoN, Y , per SIc. Argyle, last week,wvihio ck place unter the auspices af Oshawa Pres'bvter- Inn anti Simeooset, Meth!otiit Sabbath Sohools, wae very much enjoset by those who participatet inlail, but tbe aumber who patnonized I he occasion was mach more limileti than expected, -Oshawa Reformer. The Toronto Worbd kayel Mrs. Thos., Burton, Whitovale, celobraltid on Tues- day, Julý 12. the S3rti annivorsary of hon birth. Mrs, Burton isle oaldesl lady resitient in Whilevnbe, is halo anti hennîy, anti rends Tire Worlt every morning without the nid af glasses Mrs Burton is mother o! Mrs. Thomas Pingle, Liberty St., Bnwmýranvllle. Some citizeas on the biÀ1 across the bridge, King St. west, are putiing le shame many cisons in lte central parte af the town by tho usaI andt asly wav lhey are keeping thein h,,omo surrounti- ings Mn. F. C.Wvanslone, Mr. Mankas Mayer, Mr. Thos Lo4gge and, Mn. S. Conhin are worihy of speciai mention lu this regard. Fora n mm ome Mn A. &; Belîman comes mbibt le fîret oints 100 Durham Oit Baye and Yonlag Gicle hat a very enjoyablc xcrsol Niagara Fales on Montnv. 'The weather was ideal for pionie pirposes, the sali acroes the ake bath wavs ivas grenîly. enjoyet int a social wayV anti the ex. cnrsioniste returneti ju6ilantilifweary. The visite ta the Electrie Power fbouse anti Natural -Footico'5 wý orks wers espeeialby itloesling. M1ýr. James H. McGili, Wasbington, D. ýC , sont a check for $25 10 bslp la entertain bis Irientis. Il was spent la music. The arrangýemeal s were,o coplote. The Cawker & Tait Beii best butter for lie pen lb, Tny a boa! oi home matie breat aI Lultrell's. Cail anti bear P. C. Pethiek's new $20 Edison Phonograph. II's a dandy. A fual ine o! Ganong Bras icelebrateti G. B. C!aççgIgtes just arrivO t aITgtis, oee Ihe summer shirts, ts, collarg, I racesb oss and unterwear at M. Sales af Seetis bave been large ni Murtioch's, a. few bage Gara for Sale yet andi Turnip seet airiving. Cawker & Tait ask ail ladies te ex- amine Iheir nsw Waebing Machine, Ils ail rigbi anti makes waeii day easy. Now le theolime ta pravitie yaucself with a ligbt summer ballan foît or straw. M. Maier basa ful lins ant I al pîles. Givo hlm a eall. Nolwithsîanting I ho ativance i n cotIons, yon eau buyyour white cottans, Sbirting, Cottomades' ant i fannelettes aI oit pricese ai Coucli. Jobaston& Crytierman's. Il you feel tireti and drawsy bny a baille oh Mack'e Fruit Salt anti take il every morming' helaro breakfast. Il purifies the Stomach andi cools the blooti. 40 cents per bottle at MeDer- miti's Drugstore. Bac- Dealb kilie the PoItaoBug, the squash cabbags ourrant andti omato worms anti ail bugs liaI eat the beaves' af plants, le non poisonons, mesures large yielti, Improves qnality, anti prevents blighi. For sale by J. B. Matyn. NOM' 15 TEE TIME TO PUT IN-T OUIL COALI ri Par spot cash turing tbe manth o! June we wil iurnisb FREsiu-mINE]k, OLEAN- SCREENED SonÂN'ION GOAL, alb sizes, aI $6.00 per Ion aI the barber or $6.50 per ton deiveredt taany pari af the lown uCLELL4N & CO,, King St., East, Bowmanvili s RIPERASAYCaeolo20 ,.LLCon 5,D.11i2gtc.,.ayearling neifer. The ower is reqguested to prove property, pay exl'penses and take lier away, ANIDRpw SHÂnne, Ennlkileu.294tf. S TEER ESTRAY-*Strayed frm ot 20, con, 8, Darlington. about thidý , die of May, a year oid Yîed steer witb mark an' j'h car, ~fra1nlasgr tits reeovcry will 11e thaulklUllY reCeiVed bY ANDREVW £onisi1leî~ ~"I',SG w' SALE H Brsl 1ic he-c ontainirg eigbt mr, kitcben ind wrbd shed; furnace iiud eleotriaBà liglits;hlard and sof Iwater. Good Stables and driving house. aerecof land on w1ieh are fruit tree.s and ail kînds of small fruits. For particulars appiy on the promises to RicEARD WORTH, On trtioStreet. £OWM&uvIIie. 29tf. C OTTAGE FOR SALE-Brleck cIt. oue f eleven rooms.l a rseasrea, raspberry bushes, andj~acre of ln.stas ou t bco north si de cf Chureli o a i st aiont st, Bowmauiile. For termappiy ta J.LiHÂnRX ALEXAN~DER. on prem îses ,tS tf. _RESIDE-NCE FOR SALEFâ-The iu 5L tm ostorey brick residance on Temperac St..Bowînauvilie,(oeeupiedby Mr. JzleSoenigg> with 1, acre cf land and several gaad fruit t teese A ver'y de3irable ie~ation WIil ell cheàap 1 cash. Apply for particuars f0 MR. W .Qu n Bowimaiiile, or (MRs.) LouIsA YULr,'ý 744 es 6isi St , Chicago, 111. -i DONALD G. X. GA&LBRAITH. flarrister, Soicitor. Notary Publie, etc, of. fice Gpposlte J, B. Martyn's store, King St., Bowmanville. £ tf J. COLVILLE, M. D 0 . M. BOWNMVILLE, U»T. OYFEICE-Silver Sti-eett Bowmanl, vleTelephone 22. Nightemcali nawered from D. Davis' residence, Beecli Averr.0 Ttiephonc 99, B.J.Hazlewood, M.IL .3 IIOWMIANYIILE. O0 T Cawker & Tait csII the best Churn, 10 bars Mrs Doole-v's Laun'lry Soup for 29 ets, this week at Nichoils'. You can always be sure of getting first class lce cream at Luttrell's, Try Ladies knitted Golf Jackets just received at Couch, J ohnstone & Cr,% derman 's. A fuli lins of Ganong Bros' clebrat- cd G. B ltoclates ust arrived et Tod's. i"obi., bu3yohôr Paris Green ai MoDermid's Drug Store, You will gel il pure Luttreli's ces Cream Parler le now open. Cail and try our Ice Cream made by our new proces. The righl place for the real big Jitly clearing Sale Bargaîns is at the Weet End House, Read advt. Men's Waterproof Coats at $5.00, $6 00 $8 00, $10.00 and $12.00 ail New goods at Couch, Jobustonï & Cryvdsrman's. Ladies New Raincoats for $6,G0 worth $7.50 and for $8.00 worth $1000 at Couch, Johnston antd Cryderxnan's.i Citizens, please sent inl namnes of ail visitor's promptir. We want every naine andi atdreits for THiE STATESMÂN. Until 1-. C. Tait disposes of his liouse and lot andi business ho wili be founti aI the olti stand, turning out first o]ass Photos. Cail earlv. 18-3w. As l3owmanville met-chants are clear- ing ont many limes af gondis aI greatly reduceti rates, it us flot necessary ta go t0 Toronto for bargains. Jisat their advts. Messrs. F. H. Mason & Son are now locateti next door-ta TIIE STATESMAN Block wbere they have already trans- formeti the place int very attractive sb.ow rooms. Mr. C. M, Cawker bas a keen ose for azaood horse.lie has jusl bought from Mr. Wm. Werry, Roseiandvale Stock] Faim, a verv fancy Muckie Wilks driver. She is a fine roadster and bas f allen itogooti bande. AJaloriZ,jojur wn cloth inyg ie is dolle in irsi classe manner-secondte 1 no other shorp in lown-ýby J, T. Allen, the aid reliable anti fashianable tailor and cutter, Horsey's Block- 1He has a reputation for goond fils, Prices are alwa.ýs righl. Country orders given saine careful attention as town anse. Suits may be erdered from eample. 12-tf. The Provincial Convention af the Womsn's Christian Temperance Union is ta meet in Bowmanyille in Novsm- ber wben our citizens will be expecteti ta entertain fhem 200 te 300 lady dois- gates from ail over Ontario, Miss Sxroule who deiigbted ail who heard ber when she was here lasi winter wiii be hers again thon. The ladies of the Local Union will be gladtiel receive offers of entertainmenl af delegates in good lime. Bowmanvils homes have an excellent record for hospitality. JoNESS At Eden Valley, Algoma, on Jniy 3ra, te Mr. aud Mr$, Chas, H, Joness, a daugli- fer. UoaaÂaND-In OShaWa (Celinla t,) Jaly 141h, wife of James Holiand, of a daughler. MABUIED. Gaaisia-PoLaA-At Charlotte, N. Y., Jane 22ud by ifev. Alex Meckenzie, Mr. Fred Greer and Miss Emma M. Pollard, boîli of Charlotte, N. Y. The bfide's many relatives aud friends in Durham county offercongrgtuia- tiens. DIU. PoLry-ln Darlington, Juiy 141h, Emmna Paoley, aged 40 yeare. LITTLE-At Kendal. June 801h, Mary Foster,] beiovea wife of William Little, aged 76 vears. Your choice of a.ny piece of white or colored Mualinsi Zephyrs, Ginghams or Sateens. Regular price, 15ec 10 17o Balance ai aur stock of Importet PriaIs at, per yad..,..,,xx.c Ladies Pnint Wrappers, UP la $1,75, choice for. ..~....... ,1.0 Ladies Whitewear, Skirts, Nighl Gowns, Dlawers, Corset Covers, ýat Manufacture ns' cosi, Ladies Muchan Blouses, oms quarter off regulan prices. Colared Cotton Shirtings, aI becs than oid prices. C3rsets, D & A, Military andi Queea motel, regular $lr.oo 'fo, . 75C Drese Goods at greatest sacrifie ever offéred in Bowmanvilie, pices.too numerous to mention. Scee hem and be convinced. Ladies Taibormade Skirts ni wholesabe prices Ladies Spring Conts, a few beft, at Hall Price Men's and Boys' suits,your choice of any£uiît instock aI whobesale price Ladies', Men's aud Boys' Stmw EHats, aI cost Men's Shirts, aI speciai clearïng prices Remnants of euery description at about ha/f pr/ce, groeers Due Bis Taken asCas1i. NeDfoor to Standard Bank. Bowmanvîlle. Cleelad'sBakngPowvder makes the food Iight, healthful and delicio)us,, More people every day are pushing out the inferior brands, using Cleveland's. T he price which people pay for the cheap IDaking powdîers 's doubled by the food which such cheap bakmng powders spoil - OLDMEDALIST af Trîniîy ULï. YTUEANDisLO T FOR SALE I vNrsity, Turonto,î Four yelA~ ttendtif EjL nnikilln-Adesirabie residence fut Physician anti Surgeon ai Mt. (Carmol Hospite sale o ai,11 r terme lu the village of Enniskillen. Pitlsburg, Es. Fur particulars a ply te lihe owuer, ILLIAMtOfc u eîec eiDa aE-ao I3INGHÂM, Enuskîicun. il-tf. Mitchells, Elgin St. Telephane No. 18 S. W. fIASON & SOj-N eSp kci IJuy al Ain Opporturiit'y, despite of Jlvanoed Prices. to buy Soods at 1,088 tIan ooSt of JvanUf&GtUpe. BABY'S OUI TABLIETS. For 'Weak Siekiy Chiltirén Ping tihe miot Weathen menthe. Thousants ai infante aud children dis lhrough the bot wontbec months, because summer complainte anti sîam- ach troubles como sutiemiy, anti inoîhoe do ual have lhe men e t baud la promptly cbeck anti cure tbem. la homes ý bore Babv'e Own Tablets are useti these litho bîivos ena ho savoti, andi no home in lheelaut where thero are chiltiren shouiti ho witbaut tie Tabbete They pnomptly cure ahl stomach anti bavel troubles anti give relief la teeth- iug chilidren, andtihte mobor hans a guanante tint tbey eontain no opiato on banmfll tmg. You eau crush lie Tablets ta a powder andi give them witb perfect safely ta a newbora bane. Mns. S, M. Black, SI. Petons, N. S , enys: 4'I bave uset baby'e Owvn Tabls for most af the troubles rom wbich littho ones suifer, anti I fiatthem lie beet Medicine 1 bave evor tiet I" AIl medicino deni- ers sol these Tabiots or you cau gel them by mail aI 25 osaIs na box by writ- iu The Dr. Wiliaïnms' Medicn a Brlockville, Ont. Î-0w and= Pine Apples Dinner and Breakfast Sets. * You will be wanting something' in thisl1ine after bouse- 4 '* cleaning time. Don't forget that we carry ,the' largesî and best assortmenit inlCinaware. Our Grocery departnient lemiev.Bttra .~Eggs wanted. : e;awker &Tait

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