tte TERMS ;-1.OO P~ AnnumOuR TowN AND COUSTY FIRST; THE WORLD AFTEUWARDS. M. A. JAMES & SOPip~tr In Advance. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIJO, WEDNESDAY, JUJLY 27e 1904. VOLUMEL N.3 __________________________________________ BEFIEDAWOMIrN'S INSTITUTE. BIG FREEI GOLDEN WDIG Anniversary service-s of t1ils church On account of Fridav being Ciîe DO1~tf oaoAlMr. amiMrs. WiimGitclbtd %IPwilI be held as follows : On Sunday JuIy Holiday in Newcastle, the meeting ofVUIJIIfO.lil111 the 5th anntversarvo hi edn 31t, Rev 1. S. Wight, B. A, will Women's Institute wiIl be held on F - neJuy th . t h vi ng eain preach at 2 30 and 7 P. . Collections day Aug 5 at . p. ni. in the R. T. of T. on the Fair GrOunds Fridwy nd eafr i.te*n tdter ~gb at each service. On Monday August st hall, Free coveyance laves tOwn at p yan sm fria. i teanc o Co o ,Joh ton & C yd ri s t 8 p. m. a good pnOgr am vîwl! be givent14 p m Leave your naine at Tur, Night. assembled andT by sorne of the bes t a] èI~t Of the tO-nShIIp STATESMAN office. rps.Te eev~ ut .S ih ilgv nhu' _____ number of nice presns(h oan talk on the World's Faýir at St, Louis, and M.H .A ors dac gn o !teeeigwsseti ui Oh1-icago which wfll be interesting and HORSE NOTES, for the Belmont Balloon Co., was in and sociable intelrconeate hc 2instructive to ail. Admisso l twdunghpa kmaion gtey e'i rtaw'inpesdwt h là, a, 'Y children ioc. Public ordally rnvite to The Celebrated Stallion, Harry Wilks tw uigteps eknaîgeeig notlmn.Ts TTS Oal services._Mr. Io, n ,CIacutt hswilIb tBnetHueoStra etarteda nevi ý-,,y laeci- ý 14r. arnes nxt, thCigarettesar BaplofonaAscensional igartttsworthyn Asoesion tndhe peshy hoy m Ctare daewh y ld o n( 1 0-kat n d ins a f ter that dt e arn ent s a y nd P ra hu e6 )f r o rathe l usw ye ÂN joi ns : ea t :: 11a u at fied. elphoin , t -Mr. . A G msb , rou ds Bo ma iMe,.n S.d y eH. FRoy od, te w I n w MORAL EFFECTS 0F FAMLY VIITORS FROM NEW ZEALAND. EXCURSION T EEBR drover, has presenta 5t h ietn ilL t f rîti uln , adGig IU lS oir best 2 year old ftser hars ot f rins, usn~,&JIL ing RUNINSMr and Mrs.Andew Thomson, SATURDAY JULY 30. The Prize List isbigrn pY cso rssG o sathe Resons o Yor, ot1ýhdeasesinand eMiss E. E. Haycraft last weak., Fare 1$. Turne 7,50 a. ni. Return the Boadster--wvihh~ nrae h nz bath e&e&fimilv rran,' .uhav .ýhyae eunng froin a yeaa's visit saine night, oe bu ..Hosne.on an Parasols at Reduced Prices, Just opened a lot of Ladies' ne priced Rain-Goats.i Qne Line for $6.OO worth $7.50 Another for $8.00 wiorthý $10,00 These are New- Goods made up in the latest styles The balance of our Spring Coats at hiaîf-price. COUCL,JîOIINSTON & CR D R AN Fresh Raspberries, e. ineppls.Oranges, iLksons, - Choice Groceries including, Tea.3, Coffees, E Sugars, Spices, etc., etc. Canned goods inc1ud- Eing Meats,, Fish, Vegetables and Pickles also ECooked Ham, Jellied Veal, etc., etc. E Highest price for Butter and Eggs and SFarm Procluce. M Your Order wiii receive prompt attention E The Model lG'rocery. : S Ev( We : ernants, qBrande qLumber, ansd Moi» q Ceai, Clis * ai in b 'obut valu, ZMn DON'T READ THIS. ry Day is Bargai n, Pay At theq le's Fuel an Lumber Depot.* i-e stili handling Beet Brande Canadianq ritish Columbia Rcd Cedar and ether goodq bar and Pina Shingies, Pine and Hcmlock ,rsscd and., Undras.sad, Doors, Sasit, Blinde Mined Scranton Ceai, Cannai Ceai, Stcam, *al, Hard and Soft Wood, Lüng, Sawed andq ýEdgings, band Plasber, Fine and Coarse 'ais and sacks. Wc always aim to give teq at reasonable prices. Highet Cash Price ain and Seedo, King Sl East, Bowmanville. ...........',*. - Examminations o! 3. S. No. 5. Entrance,-MýYrtla Bragg, Loua Bragg, Irwin Bragg; Jr. IV bo Sn. IV,-Lillie Hoar; Sr. 111 to Jr. IV,-Artitur Bragg, Florence Allun, Jr, III te Sr. 111,-Loba Jackson, Leobta Hobbs, Elsie Bragg, Hanvdjy Wight, Fneddie Wight, (pro- meted.) ALBERtTA M. Wîern, tbancher. HOW'S THIS? We offen Que Hundred Dollars Revend for any case of Catarrh thet caunot be cured by sale atarrh Cure, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Pro ps., Toledo, O We, the undenexgned, have kuown F. J, Cheney for the lest 15 years, and beileve hlm perfectly honorable iu ail business transactions and finauclali able tu carry out auy obigations made by their rin WEST & TACx, Wlolesaie Dnugits,'roledo,O. AÂL ING, KINN N & MARVIN, Wholesale Drug- gistý, Toiedo, O. Ili'sàCatarah Cure is teken'internally act- iug drectly upon the bloed andI ucous suriacea of the sy3tem. Price 75c. pen bottie.' Sold- by ail Dnuggios. Testimonials froc. Take Hait' Femily Pilsfoun constipation. HNF1ELD. Becent visitors:--iMises Gray, and Mrs. Latimen and eblîdren, Toronto, Mn. J. Dý Hogartht, Norwicea; Mn. T. Pascoe, Selina; Mn. and Mrs. Tites. Beys, Toronto..Mr. Arbtur MeCullocit le on n wheiing bour te Manitoba..... Congratulations te Gao. Bray, Wesley Powell, James Starks, Poney Dyar and Miessbobtie McCullocb on titein succes at te recont exarne...Oun rustees have engag-ed Mr. Jiaibub, Barrie, as public sebooltbancher Ior nexu terni, ENNISKILLEN. A very enjoyabie eveulng was speut by a large number o! people, at te Epwortb League social Thursday ou Mn. john Rantou'8 lawn which was gaiiy deconated for te occasion, Au excitiug gaine of base.ball was piayed at 6.30 mannîed vs. ingle men, te former win- uinig by a score Of 7-5. At 8 o'clock an excellent pregrami was rendered, duning which lime the young ladies at te ice creani tables wene-kept extnemely busy senving Tod's delicieus ice creani. A bountiful up te- date luncheon was senvcd until ail were satisfied. The Euuiskiileu youug peeple desenve praise for teir untiing efforts in making titis social a decided succes, Proceede $38.8o. The ongan witicit wae recentiy presenled te te churcit by bbe Epworth League, is uow dlean o! debt and a balance ou baud. League meets Fnidays at 8 p. M .... Sabunday eveniug a sociable lime was spent at lte hbeefeMn. J. P. Leask when a numban of fiends met te welcome home bum and bis bride ... . Visitons.- Mr. W. Robitins, Scarbero, guet of Mn. W. Oke; Miss Ethel Trebilcock and Mrs. (Dr.) Adami, Canaan, Coun., vieil. ing their brother Dr. F. C. Trebilcock; Miss Mary Vintue, Miss Emmia Brown, Toronto, at home ; Miss Laura aud Mn. Win. Rauton, Havclock, at 'Mn, J, Raux- ton's; Mn. Hanold Mitchiell, eue of oun former higrhly respectedi youug men, re- cenýtly gave uIs a brief vieil, itaviug re- turned firn England wvith bis parentts. MVrs, Bell, Toronto, is iibu Miss E. veann, and at thesa rogio-Ins expre3s- Besio ! lgim1ata p:Ida e he FanulvY naine have beau benrd, -None ef the Truiave aven brougbt diognae ou bbc farniy," said Jesse Truilinlu bbccourse ef an address9 te the bundrede of pltiesgnharad ou bis lawn in the Danringtohmeeaad a few years age." I1 bave net tmot a Reason wbe !ailed lu dcing redit te < the ceunaction, was th, qaiyplans-1 ing stabamant wficb eue of tha speakers wns able te niaka at the,, Locut 1111 I ast To whnt ara tneea gra'tlying coudi tiens due? Partiy ten diy partly te boula training, but lreyaise te eh enuth of the wbe î wbch a large fmybrgiugS.te the sp ort each individual niomban. ,'achena feaclo that ha bas net only bis en c.haracten and standing te mnaintain, buit that e! a numerous'conection ns w ',. Noab ody canes wbat becomes e!fr " l te ftuil the wal e! thosewbo go)wong Iis nover board Save f reomTsawbo fgee thenisaîves alone in the iworld. It eaul nover coma fromineuawbo e a MemberU o! aven a !airly large !amily. With such thora isalways thp onciusas tha, ight living Wilibr j'nlng o emany, làla nogaction willing srnow Thie le- nao! bbe c metpower!uli n-, fluences rnaking for wht c au good ocitizensbip. Ta if sc bould be lu no wayeuti i ~atitan by reunions sncbu& s mt cld t Locet Hill Inet Wednesdny. The more wa3 hava these famiiy gathaningo, wbether the number ba great or small, the ba-t- ber lb will ba for the cemmunuîy.-Wýeek-, ly sùn. IMPRESSIONS 0F CANADA, Mn. W.- G. Fonnd, writing from Bols- wortby, Deon, Englaud, Jnune 25 enys:1 I bave rebunned safe, seund and welli froin my holiday bnip. 1 enjoyed myi visit te Canada very muchIt ndeed and1 hnd a pleasaut voyage returuiing. lb was cold on the Atlantic and as wei pîMéod Newfoundlnnd wo ceuld sea thei snow lying on tehbis, We pnssedo tbrougb fialds e! iee and the boat *as1 debained thareby for 5 heurs. Ronghf wentber was expaniancad part o! thet voyage, cansing several passengars toi lie low and kaep quiet. I was net siek1 elther way. We raached Liverpool on1 Sunday last and loft for bondon by1 special train at 4 p ni. I called on Mn.1 and Mrs. S. J. Ashton, !ormerly of Lakeî Fanm, Bradworthy, who now keep te1 Pnddington Hotel, near Paddington( Station. They ware pleaed te bean e! thair Canadian friands. Yen wisbad me1 te write my impressions of Canada on( my neturn. I amn meet favorably in-i pressed wIbh Canada. lb looke glonlousi at this spring seanon and 1 ehouîd like te settle thora se fnn as the counutry le concerned, but I find tbat our nailway service le rather ahaad o! yonrs. al thinge cousidered, bobh lu accommoda-i tion and condition of service. Wene 1Ian (armer I ohonld moot certainly amignabeE te Canada. Crope a ppared te be veryi pnomiing aud te land soams fertileî aneugh to preduce anytbing. I miustb acknewledga that tha housieg o! the1 o! tae people generally le mucit botter than in England. 1 was pleased wibht the unl!onm onden in whici thbbc armes are laid oub,bbe highways being straight1 and at ri gbt angles, makiung lb se easy for travellars te fiud titair way about nnywbene. I was biglily pleased with Bowmauvile itb ibe pnebty ereats and avenues, pavad walke, reg ular linos of shada trees-tuaple, hersa chetnuts and locu8s-its nice churchs anud echools and aboyealal yonriniagnilicent naw Municipal Building with its spacious music bail se elegantly soabed lu ampita- theatre étyle wlth comfortabla opera chairs, ibe ncw Public Reading Voom and wall flbtad Libr any, etc. I only wa bad bbc iibrary, Fây nobing o! any- thing aise, lb weuld be a boon to Bols- worbhy, a town of se mnny more yeais' record yeb minus auv sncb pleasant rasent on attraction for bbc younagpeopla or auybbing olthe charactan toe alightanju tkem-nowbaeebut bbceitotels. I mat n number o! Onnadinu farmans ou the steamer roturning, eoming over te visit England and bbay saemed as if thev had prospared. 1 shoid judga froin the clamsofe!emigrante thiat bave tbe old Country for CJanada that many of bham know vcry littie if anYbbing about farminer or bard vocrk- cf any kind and who do net expeette',owerk bard te loanu. Sncb one are i.isuaplly disappoint. cd and ara not likely te got ou any- whene. The,,,give hotentny a badl naine, but for àa practica.l fariner wtb n, littie common sensEe and lsema meuay Canada te me te ha fan aboad o! Engfland as aplace te, mak-eaalie- heed. lu Scotlaud, Eugland and Irelaud., Aften spending some tine visiting reativesi in Ontario and Manitoba thev will returu to thein home from Vancou- ver which they expect to reach about the, end of Octobar aftar beiug away about 18 menthe. It is oven forty years since thay laI t their native land (Scot- land) and went to New Zealand. Mr. Thomnson, has beau engaged in educa- tional pursuits over 50 yeans and has now retired frein activa duty. They visited tha camatarY, the Higli Sghool, the churches, the Diominion Organ & Piano Factony, Bowmanville-on-the- Lake, and the resideutial parts of the town, and wene showu tbrough the new iMunicipal Building and Public Library by Mayor James. They are highly plensed with Canada and Canadians aud did ua the 'honor of say'ing' that theyhad seau no prettier town than Bowmanville and no more benutiful cameterv lu ail their travels, Ona thing they noted particularly was the grant proportion of large and haudsome residences. Mr. and NMrs. Thomson hava a famuly o! tan--five sons and five daughtons. The eldest son is a Judge, anothar ib Pnesbyteriaau minister aud the othars are engagod lu finaneial and commer- cial pursuits. Thay speak o! the climate of New, Zealandas very equable,the temperatune saldoin ising aboya S? degrees. Winter occure luin j e, July and Auguelt and uica il seldeIscu. The mounaIs r capped with perenlal .os haep raising, dairy !armaing and miniing are carriedon e xteusivaly and other farm operations are much the sanie as bora. New Zealand wheat is considered botter than our North West no. 1 hard Farin stock is not ne.-essarily housad ail the yean round. New Zealand consists o! two large iàlauds, North and South Islands, con- taining 64,000,000 acres. Mountains are numerous occupying about one- tauth of the surface'o! North Island and are weli covered with dense fonests affording Inexhaustable supply of fine timber. The hi ghast peak is 9,100 feat. Neanly four-fi!ths o! South .Island is occupied by mountains and bis which afford excellent pasturage. The bigb- est= pa Mt. Cook-is 12,349 feet bigh. Extesv agnicultural plains lia on the eastern side. The rugged western slopas are rieh lu minerais, Running streams ana numanous, the water being veny pure. The lonzest river, Clutha, la 220 miles long. Laxes are many. Make Te Anu the largeot, covering 132 square miles. Ram les frequent, espaclally during the winter, the fal bains much greaten on the west than ou tIh e ant cost. The Maoris are natives a n d nuinben' about 50,00. Europeans number less than 1,000,001. Goal le abundaut, over 100 mines being ln operation. Thora ara no snakes and inseet lil!e is very limited. Rabbits are toc pleutiful in,> many parts. Wool, frozen meate, farin produce, gold aud other minerais arc the langept exponts. The s.ystem o! education le frnee, sacular and compulsony--district schools 1128, teachers 2,839, scholars 116,288; privata schools 299 with 13,853 cholaro. Thora are 23 endowed collages and Grammar seboolo for higber education, degneas being conferned by the University of New Zealand. Tasman discovered New Zeaiand in 1642 and lu 1769 Cant. Cook took possession o f i t for Engiand. Enropeaus firet settled it lu 1814 aud lu 1811 it was made a separate colouy. Falling hair eans weat hale-. Then strengthen your h air ; feed i! with the only hair food, Ayer's HairVigor. It checks falling ha1r, makes the haie- grow, completely cures dan- druif. -And je- always resbors color to gray hale-, alI the rich, dark color of early life. balr u i neMyopeth alln 1 as f~EE0O E.ALE ll-bth,2.. for DA.R.LliNTON OIL WELL. Everybody is requiested te meot lu Royal Tem plarse Hall, Friday a 8 p. m., te bear repent of oeh woIl snnk ou lot 5, con. 4, and t o diseuse future opanationas. Be ou ima. ______ HAYDON. Bnnley harveet is lu progrs.... Miss Laugsbaif wbo bas been spanding ber vacation wibh ban friand Mies frand Creepen bas retunned te bar home lu Toronto. ...Miss Kate MeNoil and Mns. D. MePharson, Toronto, Mns. R. Moore Zion, vzfiting thair panants ehro,,,. Miss Clubine, Tbornubill and Mr&. Hickling, Pbolpben,attended, the Mounjoy.Eliett wadding, ... Mies Eva Browu bas beau guet ef Mrs. S. T. Munutjoy .. .. Miss Ryan bas rabunned te bbc city -altar visiing ber son Mn. J. Wrighbt.-.Mn Sidney Tnewiu 10snffering frein an abees luhie lace -.... Mrs. J. Trewiu receutly naceivad the news o! ber brother Mn. Harny Pollou's daath re- ceubly lu Manitoba. We oxbend svmpathy. . .. Mre. Johuebon and son, Oshawa, ara visiting Mn. D, Graham..- Mn. John Mebaugl-'in le pneparing materials te bnîld a rasidanca ounte old Stanton farin. .. . Provions te ber doparbure Mise E.C. Mountjoy enter- tained about 20 of ber pupils and 8. S. ciaswbe wara bneated te ico creani and cakei. She was presenated by ber S.S. clase witb a beanuI ful Iver fbru pot. M.W. Johuston occupe hpulpit hiee Sabbath, ENTRANCE EXANS. SOLINA. R. J. McKessock, Teacher, Editit Baker 663. Minnie Baker 715, Inez Law 757, Lana Taylor 808. Gordon Reynolds 749, Poney' Wesblake 705. BaÂ.uvz's. H. Osborne, Teacitar. R. Pasce 823, B. Lick 815, H. Farrel 803. ENFIBLD. Miss Rose, Teacher. b. MeCullocit 615, George Bray 813, P. Dyer 739, W.PowoIl 610, J.Sbark 582. MrrcnELn'eCORNEMRs. Mise Riggs, Teachen, 1E. Stainton 733.' Cosr.Ir's. Fred Dea rboru, Teachor. E. G:'roat 607, L. Hepburn 566, bonie James 589, H. Mountjey 705. WHITBY PRESBYTERY Wbibby Prebytary met at Oshawa on Jniy i9tb. Thora were presout Dr. Abrahamin ad Rave MeKean, Phalen, Hodgee, H.' Croyior, Cooper, Wright and MeGregor ministers, aud Dr.i Montgomery and Messrs. J. M. Blurns1 and D. Ormiston, eiders. Mn. Cooper,î te modarator praoided. Dr. Abrabamin and Mr. Hedges lun eporting thein diligence as commissioneneýte te1 Goueral Assembly gava inspining ad-1 dressas. Dr. Abrahamn spoke e! bheit polibical significauca of thesa meetings o! bbc Asoambly, iasb yenr lu Vancouver, titis year in St. John, binding bogethar te et andbbcheet. Ho -dweib upon1 te success witb wbick Home Missionsi wore being prosacuted and ef bbc greant work and destiny o! Our churcit. Mn.1 H odges spok e of Our growing ciurcb ns destined te bold tae laading position as namenai Terce lunttis Dominion. At te Assemblv Home Missiens bad te nigbt eT wny. ibe magnitude ef the cburch'si underbakingo niadeonfen cl lb an bonor te ba connecbed bberawitit. Tite lollew- ing ara bhe convenons o! bbc standing cemmibtees appoinbed Ionrtte yeaa: Chut ch bileannd work, Rav. R. M. Phalen, Sabbath Scieole, Bey. W. S. Wright, 'Ï ouug Feopla's Sociables, Bev. H. Munoe, Augmentation, Rey. J. Baodges, Homo Missions, 11ev. G. MeIGreoe., Fereiguý Missions Dr. Abrahamn. A delivorance e1thbie Assembly ne incronseofe minimum etipaud was rond and a commibtea was appeinted te stniko commibteas wboso duty lb simil ha to visit congragatieus giving bec titan tae proposed minimum and urge theinite incrensa te salaries paid to teir ministers. A cemmittea wns appoinbed te engage for n Confarenca to e h had at tae naxt meeting of pre8byterv. The noxt meeting et Pnosbybry will ba beldý at Whiby on te elgitteentit cf Octeber uext. MnI A A. Moore. B3usiness Manager olth b itagingeten Newsg-Tîme, ,gave ns a pleasant eal au mt week, drivar neady. Directors will please maka retu,,ru ot tickets sold haera Au-. 1 as the Treneurer bas to lurnish a eworrn statemant o!fniembership to Goveru- meut nc t latar than Aug 1 on whicà tthe the Government Grant is dlstributed, WEDDING BELLS, GREER-PoLÂr.» The Charlotte, N. Y., Nëwsý coutains au account of the, raception and ed ding ef Mies Emma M. Pollard àad Mn. Fred Green at the old Pollard bqm-te stad onthe Boulevard oun21nd i , LMis Pollard bas completed 22 yeans olactive service ou the High Sehool teaching staff and a roception was given han by hien fellow teachors previous ta ber marninge. Rev. Alex McKeuzie pan- formed the ceramony. The bride was nttired lu cream draga cord and wore a lace veil m orn by bier mother 67 yeans aga that day on a siniulan occasion. Mauy beautiful gifte wora preseuted te the brida. The graduating class of the Granimar Dapartinant o! the High Sebool at the closing exorcisas present. ed Miss Pollard witb a haudsome cdock, Tie .News spaak very hiigly vo! Mfig Pollard as a succeseful eancher, a strict disciplinarian aud sa.ýs lber retireinent [nom the teaching staff will ba genen?ý- ally regnetted. Mnny cf our readez.; will remember Miss Pollard who visitad hanr numerene relatives lu Weset Dnnham,ý a few years ago and wlljoiwidlhthei luin enu congratulations lu bernw ephere o! 111e. MoueuvJOv.ELuerrT. The home e! Mrs. Thomas Monutjoy Haydon, was the scene o! a very pratty wedding ou Wadnesday July 20 when hen yonngest dauirhten Edith Canolene wns united lu marniage with Mn. J. E. Elliott, RusseItou, Ont. The ceremony took place on the lawn lu the presezgco e! about sevent'v guests, -Rev, L. S. Wight, B. A., B. D., officating. Wbilo the wedding march was being played by Mr. Cvrus W. Siemon tbc bridai party took their place under an arch of evangreens, marguerites and caudy tuft lu the canton of wbich hnng a bell o! evergneeno. The brida who was givenj away by hanr brother Mr. S. T. Mount- joy was gownad lu creani siz crepe de chena ovar taffeba with lace and chiffon tnimmingo and carrled a shower bou- quet o! wbite roses and maiden bain ferne. The bride waq aosisted by han niece Miss B. M. RoFe McLaughlin. Toronto. who wao gowned iu white si1k witb applique bimmings. Misses, Lana Slamon and Manda Samelîs, nieces o! the brida dnassed lu cream anit pale green uun's veiling acted thein parts verv niceiy as fiower girl and ring banner respectivel.y. Tha groom was attended by Mn. W. C. Peance, B. A, e! MeMastar University.- Toronto, Alten the nouai congratulations tbe company repained to the dining nooiu, where a sumptueus supper waes erved. The tablas wore pnettily deeorated with swaot peas and daisies. The bride was the racipieut o! mauv beantiful and costly prasents. The grooms' present te the bride wapi a goîd bracelet, te the bride'.maid a bnoech with peanîs and rhinestona sottiugs. Mrs. Elliott bas, for the past two years tnught the publie, ochool at Havdon and bas beau activa in Snnday Sehool and League work and a 1'uan favorite amoug the yeung, F aopl anugt whom she wiII bo grat- vmsd.Mn. Elliott le an entarpris- igyoung farmer o! Russelton, Scese Co. Mn. and Mns. Elliott lait on the 6. 03 train fot Toronto, and the Thons-. and Islands foilowed by sbowers o! nice and biest wishcs of thein friands whe ivisb thein cvery succeos in life, Miro, Elibtt will ba lit borne talber friands a!w Aen Aut l2th, ItclngSkia Distrese by day aud night- That's the coniplaint of those whe are sa unfontunate as te be affiiete< witb Eczema or Sait Rheum-aud ont- ward applications do net CUW. Tbey can't. The source o! the trouble leine Lu 0 blood-make that pure and this ocal- ing, bnrning, itchiug akin diseaso wilI disappear. -I was taloen with an ltchlng on my arms which proyed very disagireeable. 'X concluded it was sait rheum and boug2it a bottie of IHood's Sansaparima. Ir, two da"u aSter 1 begaxi taking t I felt botter and it was flot long befere 1 was cur-ed. Haven never had auy skin disen"s ince." MQZ. IDA1 E. WkADR, COeo Point, Md. ride the blood of aÀil imPuitieg %Z1 curel ail eruption8. er Dr [din sh1 abs, )arri ne UT-. 77'55 1' 15 .i.qW~W " . RF ý> f Ï-12 -f Lcýl&ýj a&a é& -an a.*aat& -a