loft a wiclow with ftour small chli- dren. S3he ,aubt shooland paint- ___ __ _ Bk auid stitclieýd a'-,mlokinuwasliing Bay: wulS E EOPLE-- A RE OLY 01ERlWORK aldwoEuiday and far !rteth Suffsrng hmfine ducation. After awvlile f lese Ezn.This Sermon Ils Applicable to -Nearly Ail Fi men and Voinen in Midlife ralonein lio otg li9 ýcYecatthy wr ______________gi ew asbamed cf the moflier Whlo H 1 dÈ'1 lâ,lia hd donc a lnchfor t hem. 11cr Estead ecodin teAc~cf 5'.OI ~edua~în ~rt nccicalstueat asSpeechlwa not as classical as f heins. lame ci nteAd'"'u tho ear ducain c idelsuef s1ebni ,lOSw ot Thouace nd dms.)ITe h unrt ad a-r clrais a esu , ted for their ngle t cf dinr b udsr vre lio nws wifli toin- yWn.Bîy, c Trat, , ,,, _hspirituali xork. Tliousands of Chri- W ateeym Deurmet f g'Ictnraý,t"w '-simias Weewant ever3' une A despath frontLos An licheland. ,But v-hile iii college icst woxrk, she sasdying, and al liher robet-owîeu Outicura Saved Hor Life, So Cal., says s-Rex. Frank De iitt cd icuil stridents do nothiag for thse mfourcchlcc-c ot lhe bed w e y ailtheleni fr oter as.Ll Mo cîi, 2 Le "at LsdusiîIpsaî'axm tugnitude. l'iey now nealizcd ho -,%,,0 dlead liuu-ythe dead." îaîn" Tersutc tî -i-fc a eie t helicbe-st frieud whn ylite il assX otb llt s rc nin S' - Ing isIs.tisantycung maie etireîy tliey ee liadi. Then one cf bec-r There are handreI eld, alle had ezema. We had used j gat(ins is aise truc in refeneace e cm bordld pen Christ. Oh, boys uts raîetlyc-coî - else without relief. TI coible m ad @IWIed m reessl ne stîds te iluag iCllý ,oyunig wouiaa, Christ l1 nlsai ndsi:"i 5r without knoving it.1 co1.c e1 oantai k nd e r m edethjetdiougli tt et i hia e to xiait fo r- you iycu i eii ' a g ood m otiiei- to ]uS. o s a t y d ir t u l but nothlug didher any good, la tact, wod ( f nly tc-xf tah a microscope. to0 g cf a mentli(edue.tiion before vso u h as ave -ifpossible fer rus te oosatydsr ou sihe et ept ng ge1ttlng tVeiorsae. Ii usede t t entncj, >3lmi t teve it isolate theuhsnl stcatee th woiice ci-ct tidhres rd wj wrgp ber hande up, and when I wouid frons 'ail its cenuiccilcas, of te si-nehl.tredioel- j edfelint ive are" Thenth a w-cniasstfet an bahrusi are dres her, I bailito ,put ber on the table icomparIe Ithus1 pasageWitl Other I,: op-ýrnent cf ttse onuluitual lieousyse ie,ý,-1,WMwydi i e rob for I couid flot hoid hier. She wouid paSssages, thus <-iiaper witli eth&r I j hoîcgco iutie lrdfaeigtdupxiliasleastebktoulte kik ndsremad he accold hll lii,ý n t -thr oiif ental dieeputt. At o u anft tll ie ,,that liefoe?" Suiel These are the people, ç elekwond sceaman herfcn eud, capcîsths oc wt-1terbeirs.ark this-tîse spirnituial deselopîsîcaf prai S's couac týo ate'. ,I tell ,cu Th she wouof tarlberefaceandvert.tspiicannot ridcrstandts- 3 Christe almoet ta pieces. I used tour boxes of shliuldliaive traaspied upon fthc fiaiacf thelicart nes erata.sIplace arccpf tbey arentoc> lf e. If wefarc t ~g,!ç~ra iuten, tdc~es f uti gtectoa ofhiedisIpe wso r In l by lspiritual labor. Ioiovlie!' praise cur Lcîctcns, su-c uuust praise acehaGinces oftalus fl ena~aanaigave her the eutieura t'tego liack antIbury lis ýdeul ffi a hitf h ugic nijtenwîctiyaeuvîgndafsubstance-athalco etSolrl Ilsovetauah wscrc, nde ae 1e, si 1a enîc-as eacmm jweela inour edut- tiollal ilSstif u 1ixheu tiiy e. da,ýluCadfleaciîiur lasovnt adsh aseue, ndIse r, siý ý ýnteuai ,, -I )netions. 'Follox- use rw oisr iites oiuxo i-ypxn Y'aecmble wt e ro traces of the humour left. 1 can cars Sgo. unug lmatis idetfCuhiconmnîd, luio m," Cre l 's xo iccnylriepies arc abuîîndted wlf ua trthbiysy ht heyhve saved lher 1i iuseddt i uiscileif, w nsvauciating an indit,. ýand ecptoaviesu le shoan truhoul arsetheit o gve htcurYathais ics s s-i di rccii fiylwon o t iit'astlu. ca e os a ' cus a is sca fhsm a v l, ia ret al e-s caily diilte t ie uiur o i io- o tres to flueir credit-ot any Rids lon, N. 1a., Pcb. 4" 1898. z if 'i ;l c h erfly aet cor-ui" I.- h î,")O o r su-lIc s i chu olier iduîty tle use on't-o tyGn i Pive years later, viz., Pcb. 23, 1903, atrlfra iisn i" a i olm o- hit ss n o ithe greaf. s ýurid ut large. sainple box tee-say in wfe Mrs. Conrad writes: wilpriiiit tiiat the fusueraiD lit - "It la witb lesue1ha Ita \etw ie> lu 10ignin aii, ero- Inus o ird rou ss uc-in-jioa 5--tar dthols iisr Inform yqu that the cure bas been per- Ime, I1 a tsa fiftgo ;antl dtansS. tisa t I nia toc suent) to go I inanent as if la Dow six years since site ciy gaicat vi olt u~ o cirhesSdy 3, x 10ca a sIi. COfse sitmeand loieg bnck ivas cured, andfbhere bas been no return Christ sbwedmxcaý îpahy ifl.,h,>icslit - -ff -_ e m-xxlo xiiineyr kcxvme nbca tse -f the-diseaaesiuce, and I hare-ad-vlsed îaxrifcîibutpatcl", u1VfAGUTWDD&3 a lo offrindsIo se he utiuraýLe th negiiorstj, i i '-_ tiscîs 'liruprcmaclic lestesermonîni Cone sec nie- as aesuif cf tl guidance. loto!frena e seth Cuîcra'tf is aigibos ndtie tua"r idoexîýn te aivst itou -cuy tuie attand inCouac ýili Illae. Couse itficm." Bemediles ln ail discases ofthfe skin." comie la aîsdclose tli, ee lils and T' "lo le e Instant relief aud refresbing sieep for walits1nm IesVLfte sil rsec h a unsteacl'îdiý-i akin-tortured babies, andi rest for tired, bo- is icg tsdent ix chant'anri dig-sraî fmcsjts cd siyfi cd'os~a- A v,ýry lnt3restiag 8eent toak place fretted mothers, la -warm battis with ts i-se efimmgobus in rmy uîfeu- cilice ail thie 51555ie. jothur xor7iug cf )ý te saisie îsouglit o us'yalrcnia ther Cuticuira Soap aud gontle anointings ifi icieesrmpue ht a ls4j lmuis-n f hlt. It lwokîcr,, Ow1lusi iifua ssobsdsi-denca cf Mr. %Wm. Parr, Blacktck cure aud pureat of em ollients, t o e g p ac.li7 e! r t w ul u ii u m i ic d ' Y ' ia ' ta t ýý lo ot atsoe los suo li- M 'n h ou t a g~ e , M î l followed ln severe cases by miid doses 11 5 lc. ' uaufcas vtsnesavistsie ou arc un csrsxxor0 kedst, 1ileiî eel ono ui .F . ntonce. .isiUf ur eesf0tie- -..F .Brick cof Port mIs,'h of Cuticura Resoivent. This la the Lftse br ts , sn Li i i sul i cfulst ise cl- ier' fîsa(, tac is acf w crtisy cf US..CrisnBDRcocft purest, sweetcsf, Most speedy, per- ICîIIT L'EFO fisMTU bt Ofati - c sirtsniia ut1,1 ai),liâ tftaketis acfh li'ii mianent sud economical freatment for csremny ws:rormed th bleeding, scaiy, crusted andt i plpy Tîsat way cf rcgmsmcing tise iui,ici eus ma , . t uighf te i sante yeu r , vc iy cf a 1 i' e , thnu resue rerâi u rltvs hebi e shîn and scalp humours,ecozemas, utly t - [flic wif Ný\i,\,oi ic sxhelicle cfsosuir tline and Christ aad t10 car fe.liow isîca shcsui-d jtiil u caie.Tebie rahe ad for asmoent uthfaitt lus t d- eacrgy? Ias -e voau forgo' fus il thl' av e pselcci- ueulrdesres f0,j î'ýok' ilc* armiiu,, nas eewuel la Whi.e Cueura Pslven, H7lauîdsaain the fanaeîof il fadsdatht sn mil hUtdFh- uscilt ni Gdmmedi nyo? 7ai_!e vih li h li 3bnsurun I moilîmne i1otasll ntdn hreuied 'il.t the Seur Ouu ucsf sud cairuasosp araeha aislaieiana siscrultai ilc-,o IL .. 27Che lisreerncefe hni yclasias 0r te haf (4ùnonl soaisefis mu?, lil- jIlic -rs oa rncesi u iaeSq.; ra,. 6 Rue de as i's, tAustuasiu. R. Towns& C-. y'ds-Bolton, 13iiluubu Ave. FISu l & nctsglertsug os clestiusg ais cartisly suwrchuitdea Im-tse mt ,etthsuisflî- wcuis fbuaer e~5uufrCaiua ka£~r"parent. W the , l st hu.,rnil, 1,1, iwo asai i &W .edo C lrpietéiiisu.1 hav ' e s :gîlu fte - Se l,1u. ics m V Scels S-eaa e inîse of uelis d er. Mf wite îaei ho aadtitoiedlua ___________________________for nîsosa Christ provicîci su-isn lie sisoula %-ou nacf le wiîîag '-o îdccii for' a lt' shile i'mi cur losc veoliht î cisd are wai dyiugig poîs fisccros sxvaSlis fxtbiues -ll-u? ooseO nrli fiot aict ibýqfter of pU kr.cs. Tho groom wa j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c citsu- i umoiai e cPt--oPtt Perry, lai the a- dding mtrch discpic~iching t lii f-eh,~ylin-du, 1usso, srli l cuis 5nuakinc rxqkli- sat sshi chlîne, 'rois isilea 'z)Jchss , ih~attui l sgnfîsr utd oirltTu ai f ntstl'rIiii -wtapl rc4by lea 1k--uM-eria--.Thty mofle. 'o-ta iel'nesdc.uec-5io"f ir er il:u aTOIdagf0Crists great re' -es3n eth xdewsa er r-obr owtatsiei -rci(I sud o ie ie ey lai brocoli; te the bricdsmanud,a caislnuii ue wi i ee sotî.lo lcus.s, fpelele id'lai ,sc sa iv a lic -dW( or-_peari pin. endlte tus 2oomera a seal lutsetcl faanerîigBoc- a teareivc acenfdsimîtsu-cti-eistccuîc lok- aci -hx1u-isshl ciciattss eub aplira_-ring. Tise tre&antaho 'lse br1de wsru s wiih eei un-îy lsie madoa-d nt lucre ci lica c i f is i n otifher r O r ur scr's cu io ; rrici f ue ocy r s .f amî -amprous d c aiglashom e urs-re , t c.f îiiisdrawn by aii as coaveni, ~OU." arc'e sieChrists exact t aie)u- csiciei'a.uc'u Otl frcrSsou. sd pick sud ahita ca'eaîieno. Afiar sscidu licuuubeloldthyft)soisl -i 1A! ------L-1C02, ýLCcegcatIsor8, a dshî'ty a-eddiog ilp etyas if your aiva post office i iynte!I hscGL1NLjWàlA V[LET 1'Son 5h)-trwhohte apl N e nd ioilioffie. acf fisew ori cf cisc whlic iste-i Id s1îxel fics i - 'l, uu'~Jn-couple left, ami-d saIe rs of rie-, etc. Sed o i. o wl !L',,i-i f1iýIls e y af rC N. Oke, Ii crl w borer, e fuad it intereîstiag. 1 rai cf T t tsit asessuent: by exeruesit-ic.'ltisgislistl-xrcsif eruityitrlailehofsda îlrlena pt M'reiQ& ia ucî f iss tsuit sc e s. rate- ice f veu ri c5 ,o \vc, f- Prt!arn lls le Od i e e lii d in y ao ti o otelQ e t .gn , e ýý togt vec 1 lgthr fi nd c'r r eosaiern ciles. The brdds'a netsot f hisisuill but cf lier sshc sud t iira7bc v is 3 c'ur i aiisuutdofriSe, hlii ciafli, îî ouL1 cle lffdepesîdeat. c«ug acg b'--l- "a u~spi cf 955 d a ' le Riait iga y ns a si fn Can daIl usas uSifor w niuilie nus ceuicerri- wir îe. "i1u ia is ai stest sWtil an ii0. . El..3Rynldg' tiras, Bts ara very popui5C sud carry wt Per anent jd fuels Tiat i outlu fit dsu- iI -tt splaehcll h sscpnc isbso n iy 5m the hast wishes of a lest cf se ps-ve tht I lic I e 'sn'uilas? n s, polacebaoftiaucier 40 u ter asin tana sF, for a long sud happy umat- Mortgage Corporatien 3 ouag volsîsi en uthe n o' cf oi iscubore 3 u- cxcus> Is act hSsi naine ub"bdtig 5 otal amenut nssriy Iro ie iogteget ri <roaîelyTheCaadaPenuaea an ixt lic sas usot insensible' oto flicxstrcus buglias cisc cf lhe grcat fi.t-- a.ewr, Iro. F French anud dangh- hais f narîra aTheeiCa.nadaiesuiii uis iî5t andu ys"8>-03. Blriugl wilii hoa immsilte'y lSnO a-El 'i TsterîiCanada Mortgage Corporauitin) ue. cIsair-muîaifg A tet a-U aasffekction..Ou onlot er Foroce.ff Chcas; Mt M i\EGLECTED OBLIGAXTIONS. auiswri teie'"oni nkng Ats al à kb rc,î n o ronk, Nos- York, Dr F W Malrlowe, TORONTO STREET, TORONTO a lot, fcionseie. lie is Lar'ady ishat 5, or-n. 4, Dîmli,>ghozi-James Veaio'i latin Toronto;; Miss Cisrs Houln, Wbtby; l-cfakei oluligaf ions 1fo G o od! irnîe epie cal! iels. But I cen Bot g&8 aud cil a-are feud, but Del lu Mr sud M's W Broc ansd the lMisses scIleryc-uhere. lc Sec timeus tushuly cadl Iisitu buon. VW isen wuc safil s nt 1 Hci ez tewarrent opeiîs mm. Bzcck, and Mus C(iîtrude Pârials, Port inîa ite excuses xvhich tise îlarue'l cout in ile -v iî ciiî li as veiamein îDy igbt. in Po3rîy MSEmma Parr, N,>w York; HEÂT RULINS CHEESE. iliums makes -nisca lic ha dittiag hliusolf lu dctesf uts lcbti f muchini usui- l 'u l riacAt aeuîctsgis foi- ddMrs M udietf , ,sud Mfs5 B ca-c, To- lit. icuterlIs tseocaial'-euiu- u es escsary waunrs. lîcsili Royal Temp!ara' Halb, Mr. Oie gave a ronte, snd o-err. The Trade in London Wiii Suifer tiry, sîîse sir oforty yong suchldpîcii\7 cf tnase for cclx trushe lghy rePort Oi tho t0out at Vdàl8'2 %rd Sevorely. flo ' c a n a i fou- our i-!endi asý , I fo- otîr I at entid b 'aief so straugly tIl cili l l ES-II5III mo ascincgafisercil lfoaai as uceas. iul.. flo biîstsaouulctu1suuli ofnih h iiulia lla~A vimy prettv wedd;ng teck place flu A oai<ndc-pf-i u~s lo iTie)et- stor.enelign.3ougIfe wol1id titîo îp 1f b ' .~ Wsimcr rosil Baplat charch, Toro-sto, Thomnas 13ilbants ne,, cf coefiniellaiea cus'r fou' kaou-idgu', inttcuf oms j - - fr-johe;et ei wil Spe'uam- nIofrhit(intario 1Lur-gilitiu-o, getieg liicrcuugm quipsiiest I fisperon fuii e. Thirt sll ulu' - angs~- onuWedneudsY, Jaly 270h, a-au is and prniilý'tlchesernn o stat-Wor th- tvinced W s 1Mr. W. J. Jer oi, Manager c01-J osepýh Fietcli'r, of Bea-usunelem- i Somi, y f eeesselin t d-te cdisicait tfisquestions is-ie oi- i i -ndu rc'î in. S f ing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýbn tcrbcdasacf Ie-chm."iea mi lecdo 30f5go t, cksonxuri g ofa uviole the iada Bank, thlItthere la ail in Ileutd marge tA Alfa-sudC Beu, f If h bi oVuîlîn isa itsuli li a isurci? l susatSuluda):- scisil a ulog-hr esoi taLca iveut tistus ffarfed ilsb8crjbe $105 ýT -)racn tc, Re W101l Pi Lteýri, ciira ig Ai I,t flcC 1siri blondsi tliný ,'lujwok reros oiugfor Chist?" fs sldfi-us urSmuis uere -powe! Hu58, - 1:sMýï- -, i Fletoher, Mr William Lnae- stascing a Snsef lereîilbl Ie sybo, in order te iao p'utîgt'-ai chusri air-cl iaysuprbed the groo-t, and tle bride iaf 1000 oesaefuer c lieugicllg ir a h hsi [ut ss-on ii Moaor Jaïnas ,presida! at h tbsmeeting wa ie>savbbrunerDH il, flici gu-eiufilintcauîiag it tor t,7e ra'r- ý, nw Jon bs e wà ý e n-r r ) six ar.îhtrfOiil gsomise dut ii yuSe sb Ihs i tihi t u. rkiysdflerM. k' adraexrssd o. îîce, 4-V14lS,11ani au swat ------ __R0 ihc, vi au- alitile noaýci -\ But tslo'hsi.elb' îv<tks ail day. lIe fidenOe le hic theory 1Saoi aiste lie formerly cftBewmanii'e. The bride', WESTERN WIIEAT "lilt irccieuOtc esshlnot st c ¾ lglt cas a3ifundsud las bteked il up wilh a euhs. cos tmfeiâ,w: t hit ea-bue Uenne nuusîsr :"Ohl. I ciit acf ttentliug liai sonm I,î- engscaagementafon satîpti la Il Ibio wellila nta ua ucesuavchfea-ualtepcrel. Fifty-two Million Bushis a yedCiparticubai- ciurcis here. 1 ans acf Suria) - 1-b, uuakes icis of Iticsuey, %brae slu alert0sinsaeugoî The bridosaldas aittred ln wI »t% Lasf Soason. tcannlubsg in any Stuamy sebrîci. l'bsutlirhonlie cc it siitbaf mnoaey weets el a osn.colienne, a-ifS bât te match. Aftar tle sas lnoix studi g f0te ba lsinchsr-f~, 1aek iii o ftic asncsnd fler-clore ahr etuei a esn.ceremcnywasa avec thecocmpanyce- A deuparci Irons Xiiauthipeg sasi:- unidflicreforceccliSuutiay 1go 10 lit i ltfliii io use. le liai f0 kcap --.4-.---tusned teolier uncio's bouse, a-lare a o rf h-usest. (briis Deales' us- lieus-aa dilici-cat niahîf ci-iiithflion workingtie lias-demr, ock alrer Ticlî~ aiuty supper su'ss served, alter whlcî Hoodaiion ha'sts'c msucd flic regular m- tfn.- l'rliîe resculils tisat aine- tbe biggrnbusiness. I certaicl3t h Bwavil O Clb the happy couple loft on a trip tte e port uhcxu-ng fliessheat sihtuationu ia f caf ls cf ouur youiug flcclagical itn-1j4f1,l1hfJîs h uahi s uic'ýahuoa 1r1a-lnssn1 fTsnsdîîu hbrdspesi i lt es. 3f ur-urs iS utcispemeusagej ~' i c.mamberfnu f y fasii m cO hamfl,5in'lsf'Colle, Choiera agi romanded iio cOtSody, sud ,!hc lJsin .sr i'ouii littlîc amilcal ehocîs.îî~w ha-b bi ufferc P w5aie iiïrbcea Remedy t laIha thougît as -e l! again cemàe up tieDIiin ~ h itiiais-10ici iieu ioutiîep hM etanai accordîngiya or.Ti rocdnulwvr a lagc icrumser0f sucleti a uhSe -fefour ears." sPeuerai doses wa-eaaînstateci whihait hake lime, sud baera f bey are ceus ils n s~ ssetdal uch ol an uh sns f ia ,- î ri.8PAYmIN Becau medet irdiu Sc e muittht the follaw was ala te ho c lude< i, H WMË h -u b u m ho it ist u-i An, frtietaiteI d mut ot aicominAi au=erounidcs. iis'eraud jarouW next dat-, The ini!denitspeaka or etI u I1 au3' suhuxavlgif-fuls ai seja u' ac-umcliesLiOfnPma -11îkad-ar, Iowa, argus.Ama wo -rtuli1mhafe Sad Ewrep-ce. 0cents "ss'W ca ar Malons('hI l tise r.A. W. Cisae ues'ay box. -Thisrcemnedy never Eaue.Kep it lan mlridle is apft t--hide uinic bcdw!,,( u,-cc cli li cu ucags f oci j1romoues pains aud acs. 'by nal Idnuggiat.j cgl at anid wotuaulun Canada Who suffers froi iduey and Bladder 1 for a free sampie of Gl Pulis. ýe ho bas sick friends to send us their naines and addresses, that ree of charge, a saniple box of Gin Pills. O0 Sampk, BoXCe Given Away, As Who arce martyrs to Kidney Trouble, haviug tried everything 'ere are dozens Hil every towu who nay have Kiduey Trouble If you are pale-losiug flesh-cap't sleep-io appetite-if you riate-if the uriue is scauty, burning or highly colored-if the mllen-if the eyesigLt is dinimed-if there are frequent pains In hips and legs-theu yotu have the xnost positive synlptomsof we hope, wbio wilI seuil in tbeir pjaiies tbat Gin Pis may cure theu. ey Are' What They Do medicinal properties of onîe Gin Pis cure " Cold on the Riducys," laSiimmation land Gini. fTi haiiafuli of thue Kidueys, tJric Acid, causing Gout and ltumatism, left ont. These mnedicinal Ulceratin and Infitrataion of the Eladder, Painful and everal other remedjes of Suppresscd U'rine, constant desire to urinate, Gravey 0or e made up in flie forni of Stone ianfthe Bladder, and ail otlher troubles, causedI by are the famous Gianl'ills sicli Kiducys and Ela4der. They nevcer tatilto retievc ibe 1the graetame f sharp, shooting pain, mir r1,ý uiatien E053y, latiurai n aiey sdfidrrcey reuatrn tie he organs, ý;ad cct a speedy 2ud Perma1ýnent cure. aour e xpemse ? It coats uothing. Siniply a piost card. As us to ,seud a bat paperyoui sawv this advertisenxent-and aigu your namue and addiress. BOL.DflUG -CO., Dept. i>u i--Man., W. J Pmr'.~c rtc, C5eulc i - f Tut - rIcui-I~r'm flic rhrm, fbc lai neu' tunisie fIe clos h 'riP- s'uL-rf for if. Fr-m JuIY Number'Ladsii0e5 ara o-rruW., lu lte iMa'y cunbet, cf Tise Ladies,' H 'me Journal a-c pusbllalisd, luntti ar- ticle entltled 4iThe 'Paten' -Mediaine' ourse," au> ara1yes ( f "Doetor Pi(cnce s Favorite Pcaîtiptfoeu," li ahiah tisa preparatîcu was r, ptoecîed aEs eor c;in- ing, aines g other tugredionts, thrsture cf digi.allé, tiüc'u,,0 cf cuau, andi aI- cobol. lîumedisîoly upon puiblcat ouj cf the numben a suit fer dame a-waut ivst'uted by Tise R. V. Piecttl edi- cal Company, of Bcifsit,, New York, p.opclotcrs af tIse proaation ln quea. tifr, esga'nst The Cutrtis Pub]ibIahg Company, Iseaupsun flua aim tisat noueeof tte thriingredlents ascou- talutt lu tise midicine, Upon tise filtg c f the suif, a-e, cf coaue, Inmiuiiteiy iceked islte tle PUulmased anýalYsis. It appe r.4 lIat f usade IOail91, fui y twnuy-five yesros azo. Wa, ihtinaupov, rmp'oycd tIre> kashieg ciscrn'sta lu diffistaut cies te i asslc sea naiysocifthe prepars ion trom bhules hunght [n the , amil, et. Thete analymes, ana and ail, nais b W to us cenc!uslv0?y that nos;aa inàgie oue cf tise lnndiersnuntio-net by us lu tise saRIycis -q-'soted-bIat he, ecii r dig;talis, 0oginin or s!cDloI-was cru- tusýdntheu bolices anaiïz3d. W'e th en-the Priaideut cf tfia Compruy gcd the t. riter-pesonal>c viî>i d Thei R. V. Pluease litoial Comîpany, ah -Bssffs1?n, sud isere iluere convecitisai tIe (i lers cf tise Compasny a-ors abso. ýU'ely trutîfel la tisoin deam.that not uneofa thie oij irieus icgredien'a wasu contaîned Inlu Docton Pierce'à Favorite tPreecrîptleu." Natisnalhy, aincetho su- a'ysls a-e prnctes hait beau proveil erreo. eotus, tisededaoenu ade lu connuea -tieuna-i h fIls pr p-trâtiou a-si-our war- rsnted as!unusidsud. Radir ttIs circunu faunes Itllu now pertectiy pisun ta us% ttai tis amagazine a-as uninten- tionsily, but ceve7ihoIesu abislu'ely mîshet iaiimakzing tise oenl a ae- me'nt, aud vie hs-reby, oai(reOcin voli- ia)n,make Ibis arqualifltid akusal8dLe- moulu ofOr mistake te Tise R. V. pimrc) Moclîcat ioaipsuiy sud te anc rea'iers. The m!ltkuîa-as isonetîy miade, bal t i aasa refuisSe. CAR "WjPuIGET CLOUIITIL. TOWNHar.,Csfa-rghtng.1%f, 1904, Regular meeting IuId ont abve date. Membersa!aI pces'n '; Rosse MeL'isgt lin, pre,3'dhng. Minu os cf la t nic'- iug ceai, and on motion couflrus&ý. Mr. N. Mar'owoe iandssd o Reeve $2 1cr tant cfA Hall, for yonng ladies' Ieap yesr bail, ons JuIy 26.11. C Byerus aketileavo te introduca3 a By-'aw for levyicg andi celiecliug scooul rates. The Jdy-ia- vaad ian given is rovsrai readinge, sud pauoti, au; folos: Scisoci Section N'. 2_ $441 66; No. 3, $130; No. 4, $14.5; 5o. 58335; No. 6, $125; Ne. 7, $?50; No. 8, $150; 110 9, $50. fCort. Wood iutrcdaecd s By-lsw te 'e;y sud colitot peclai aclool -ratis Ti,'s 1y-iaw an salegiscu l'as e6erai j eadIngsansd paisi d. A requeEt main W. H. f1t noey, of Bcwmanvilîe, for a ccpy af tle LDcal Option By-law, as cmpllieth i. On Motion, crdeîs a-ci-o granted ou tihe Taeasurtr afis-aSamuelBrtue. c Spa js tebrides oun 013cesl.U 7, $13; ,John Sarnelis, 88 ra o fa-ie fonere, $13.20; James Biracýe,50 r( ils a-ra finca $7.50; Lorne MQad,7î) lost9s §of g'rai l$7 70; 8. Bruce. etiii abn mon slhovai!nF z sue n "là sdD V, Na. Mi, isiniten, hall a ýdýai ut50C ci, $65ü; Jhn rusn.fer 1-liber, $ 8 $2 10; teuryC)ult, id'3oef grasIr- ulfoiur î1kiWeJ'hydoge $0;D. Galbraith, for duSesfr 4 vSf$2 80; W. DÀrry, 114 le ýde of grvol 11 40; -1 B Cryderniani, ,for G5hJ0 ods ci re feuce$10 05; Auo ~o,53 ccd, e', aiefeue,>e $8 70; W Crawfourd, fhr c6arasplss 2i 5:il. Ci oc!uer. repîlcu $2_0; J'usGî, piuiasu dî isiug $25; W J. Bs cCirpu UNITED STAfFES CROPS. Lr rge Areas Ruined by Rustc in the Dakotas,. The N\ew York Tribune ofWde- day lias thie following froin St. Paul1: 11-anaging report s have been rcie from ihie wheat fields. H-. V Jones, the, Minneapolis c, i p wlo lias miade a trip Ilirougli1 b1ot the iDakotas and iueoa wid froni the Red hi!ver \ Lie ha i found large areas of wheat einc lby rust in South and N\orthflaa' and abandcîicd as worthless. ut continues ta spî'cad, tka e territory every day. The letco of Southi Dakota is placc'd als as 35,000,000 busliols, pro, ided >,e is not anoflier day's damage. [i is 20,000,000 under tise (overjiînent ý s July report. North Dlakota, s~ Mr. Jones, will gis c a greatly rdr --6d yIèIdundeër flc ntfarbe coniditions, -w bile Minot ll abut io 1ýl lier own. TwCo raiin tend to maike it possible for a munis sînafler i- l t]ian the ctiia os arecs Tlise are ru t aýnd early frost. fTi liarvest is stl1ilirsc ecksawy and hantlie prese-nt condii tioncfwea a roupie of Onys ordvrewete brngs abeut greatdag.Ttii require auiotli*r ek o form an1 accurate idea- cf ficprbbl4i, cf the three Statcs-but!-M ogli iunown at tihe pri,-iit t f o wr rant saying ithat thcy ulil ild 5, 000,000 busels les lian es cr. 110W HE GOT HIISFEC G Used Telegraph Wýjires-Could Nol-c Set the Messages. A (talvestea, Texas, despýatcli as Thei poles and wircs of thse Soui- xvestern Telegrapli and Tlpic Company and tlie W estera Uio Toecgraph Company svere crtli week foir a considerable dJistanceý in two places, hetween Laredo and Sain .Antonio, and late oun Tuesdavafr- ncon a Mexvau ws arrested il!on nertio1 ii lecutn.13e ai that hli bd wtcled licwirs fr long tim ,butlia ee cna ltbing gooveýr le, dalen - cd wire iind poe orfncigle condded to maeisve'>otilcap Rnussi:an Press Altrxned at Activ- ity of British. dc f,ýspatcli front St. Ptrbr says :-The Iiuss ýýiAnd tr oo Vrem) a ouin di aycineton) Great Biai'activity in Tesa The Rois s il isf i( to e epc that sheii Cireat Britain h iniaiei sxith Tibet she ivili aeadatg oi Russia's preoccupatiosi testea thien lier fooing in esin, ut dd tiat she w iii flnd Russia ,srot oas ,orbed ecin iia serinius wrt she catinot safegnard lir xierat i tlie Central 1East. The Noi ce V>ra\a thiak itat tb searciîg of a fCexv rcrcinlme...i fo), contraband in time of :war is a rnf mnatter conîpared w itli the î'aisiaig cf the Britishî flag in time cf pneon two corflie Pearl Islandsiilu 1!Pew sinGulf. I is s jýnýe il ha o ,t i'sT e rrssic Diarroea Ris ev acameinto nra use. T1,11,3 om suceas h at- te d l etc f is rfmedy hi Ïail cases maliie it a faývoýrite whe1rever its vailie bas become n Foýr sale by ail and Parua eeyand "A 4iït im ag Iwas taken i îh a I ' viiet ttc o darheaand eee I wold hv(lied h I had l'ot go>tten citizen f :atto,,AlC.C, f1iC, 1- lîta tnt i r hc(i ei t! lu he onl fo boei empains.For