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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Aug 1904, p. 1

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'1 IS .'81-00 PerAnyn r 1-7e UU, TOWîN ANDfýUOURNTY FmsT 1; TiE,;WoniiL APT]eRWARDS. ----------- M.A. JAMES & SON, Prop-ri8toý s. - -----e - -.- - - - -~ . VOL ME JI N . i BU WN VILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGIJ-ST ?i 1i904~ * Couoeh, Johnston& Crydorifans* * Special Sale of *Summ er oodls A Lot of Prints, Muslins, and-Ging- hams, selhing off at less than cost price and a number of pieces of Dress Goods at haif prie. Parasols 'ai Reduced IPrices. Just opened1 a lot of Ladies' Underi priced Rain-Coats. One Lin e for $6.OO worth $7.50 Another for $8.00 worth $10,00 These are New Goods made u EDUCATIONAL. B ELLE ViLLE Business College, Book.keeptne;Sot n;Typcwriting;ý way Work;Fec dGemn Every Oepeltrnent SPevlaIty. J. A. Toniaw, elvleý. rtjfea Sereary fO t ?estd8n11 Model Sho T E ODL SCROOfiCL ln Port Sept.7 at 2p. m Applications shoi47d be sent as early as po)ssible 5tc A. A. JORDAN, Port Hope, ALIg 18l104 Prina. AUCOTION SALE. ,SATIDAY, SEPT. .-Executors of the Estate of the late George C. Haines will offer for sale by publie auction'on thd preînisesBowmanvi1he, the, follow- ing property:. 10 si ngle covered bug- gies-8 piano box, 2 white chapel ; 1 Îarin wagon ; 1 stock box; wood work 19f 1 democrat box; 2 set of wagon wbeels unironed; wood-work of 1 bob.sleigh, besides a quantity of un- finished wood-work ; 1 good Taylor safe; 4 stoves-2 box and 2 other stoves Terns : ail sums of $10 or iunder, caph; over that amount 6 mos' credit on approved notes. A discount o!, 5% per annum, for cash on sums over $10. Sale at 1 p. mn. Ses bis. EN ROUTE FOR CANADA. The, Meister GIee Singers of London, England, which is the lnest quartette mn the world, are now on their way over for, a concert tour in Canada. This fainou. Company surig for Her late Maàjescy Queen Victoria, His Majesty ,in Edward, and others of the, Rayai family and have taken part lu almost1 every important concert in Great Brit-, tain daring the past ten yearq., A1 great treat is in store for the Canadian public by the Meister Glet, Singers.1 J3owmuanvillea Epworth League is to be cougratulated on its enterprise and good f ortunEc in securing eCuch famous talent for concert in the, new Town Haill1 Nov. i5th. ___________________ A GR-AT BUSINESS SCHOOL, ,vnen a schooI requires tht services of SIXTEEN teachers antidilzspremisca I fN1~ Fj-~~-. ~ aggrcgatiog ceanly 25,eee sq eedt- VL ~ ~ el, ita 2,aparîments, andi whcn ilturcs a ur y eut andi sentis more than 750 students Frthe F a 11 T e m iithe direct from its clases into zoonn,-l r LIFE INDAWSON HURRAH FOR SAXON!i, Following are a fow extracts freina GoLýoMEOAL ANDCfAposipGLOt letter reeîived by Mr. W. J. Bragg, AT WORLD's FA.-ReI;rBET' C.C., froin his brother Mr. T. G. Bragg, -STruîG or HAC.nNZuvs MADEI A CLEAtî B.A., Dawson City, the, former Classical SWEEP AT ST. Lou. Master of Bewmanvllle Hi h Scbool, dated August 4th, 1904. 1 appreciate very highly the, local papers I receive Mr. Roisi. Beitb, M. P., bas made regularly from Bowmanville alea the many great records with herses lu prlze Toronto Daily Globe which lasent te rings, national and international, but, subscribers west of Port Arthur for 82.00 the greatest victery falwswnls per year I won]d netbe without theso Ifal a wnls if I had te pay $10 00 The, three Daw- week at the World's Fair in Su. Louis, son papers give but little ontside news, Me., when he made a clean swecp lu the, and that tht, mest meagre telegrams, se lirst instance of the uit prizes lin five' 1 rely almost entirely on those Ontarioeeat csesndoehr ri s papers for the real news o! the world sprt lse n ntidpiea and Canadian politics., followa - Hackuey stallion-Saxoý,n 151,, This is a great countrv te set, life andi St. David lot., Lord Meltonîby 1 st aud study human nature. People here seem' Cli!! ilesador 3cd. Hackney mares- te tbink that the code o! morals that Priscilla lst and TerringtonBonc apply te tht, outside world des net bellelt apply te the, Yukon, conscquentîy tbey ~11 d are te say and de tblngs betb in privâte In the, Cbamplensnpcompetition and public life that are, rarely if ever Saxon was again tl'e viecr among agedK seen or beard o! iu the East. On Tues. a day eveuing last I attended (by special Hakney stalliins aiid St. Davidi wou invitation) an "At Home" given at tht, Junior Cbampionsblp. lu th, Goverument Honse by Lady CeDgdeu Championship for aged mares iPriscîla wife of the Govtsrnor. 0! course we had won and gayBonbetcpudth been there a few limes bof ore' but this affair was very swell, inact uncomfort. Junior Cham pionship. ably se and the mest pleasant part of il Then te cap ail, the Gold Medal anid was chat eue was net expected. te stay Grand Cbamupionship werg awarded te but a very short time Saxon fer best llackney salo on tht, The- riyer hoats ares making goed'rouuds and Priscilia wenIbi Grand time Ibis year, for tht, waier 18 bigb ewing te excessive rain tbroughout Ibis Cbampîenship for the nest liackney basin, they can aise take mucli heavier mnare, loads, !rom 150 tous te 200 tons con- This la the m')qt remar7 bbl recoqird stitute a fuir leud for mesi o! the "White Pass" boatut. und most of îhem and briungs the~ greatest hurte tht, are handsomely equipped fer a large Dominion and v? Rowmariv7llL,,r pasengr ocrmmeatîu.SOme !Beb'h;me and tht, location cf bis them puih la5rge so ýws ahead o! thein 'WavrySokFm 1ïý which carry uas muýî-â freigÎht as th, el tck£rI i otyo boats tý emseives uei)dthus bring ewn imentionti ha rbet- i G Canpoîh We are stili handiing Cements, British Columibia M~ Brands Cedar and Fine Shi Lumber, Dressed andi, Undri and Mouldings. Fresh Mined Scranton Coai, ChàÉeoal, liard and Seli Split, Siabs, Edgings, Land Sait in barrels aud sacks. W best value at reasonable pi pý.îid for Grin and Seeds. ig Beet Brands Canadian td Cedar andi ether good ~ingies, Pine and Hemlock essed, Doors, Sash. Blinds, Ceai, Cannel Ceai, Steam ,ft Wood, Long,, Sawed and 1Plaqter, Fine and Coarse V'e always aim le give the~t *îees. Highest Cash Price lI&o, St. E;i-st Bowmanvîlle. BARLEY and OATS lk e ie aIi fo Berst Market piepi o any quantity of B'arley and Oat'is delivered at the Cale-dona JOHN MACKAY Limited. ÏC A G. HQLLAND, Manager, CI A. E K.IBLN TI. J. KNIGHT, FoW. J. S. RIOKARD. Fo l'information regarding Terme, Prog-rains, etc , address Fa . LFR'iO ST, 1B. A., Manager, 45-6 iros. Bowmanvîlle, Ont Albert College Belleville, Ont. Buétness School Founded 1877. P :RACT1CAL and TIIOROUGH. Five Xcomnplete courses. Many graduates occupy- ing i,,otant places as book-keepers and -hriadreporters. 837 50 paya board, recru, tuition, electric 11911, use 0' nynasiara and baths, ail but books an 1aunSry, etc., for 10 weeks-longcr lime ai saine rate. Specîal reduction to rministers, or to two or more entering at the samne time from samne family or place. A specialist in Book- keepizg who ta also an expert penrman. and a ls t in illSborrhand nw coutant atteîudace. 'Ïhe teacheciaIn the literary departiment ciao assi in lhe work. Tha lhigh charaeer of the college is a guaranîce or tburoughness. catalegue with apecimen cf pcnrcanshlp, FREE. Students may enter at any lime. Address, PRINCIPAL D YE R, D. D.,' Belleville, Ont, IUESDAY, SEPT' 6' AT 9 A. 3L Teacers'Ceri~ictesand fr Uivrt Mtriculain-botu Pass and Holnorsî 71-s Sho stsrcgleqipd lu eVery prticuar, nw apparats It isÏ de2S eb that ai! l-pupils be-pes eýut at t'he pnîgof the ecoo tat no tirne b"e let. Board rmav beobtainedi at, re.oal ats eourther par-, k~Wpemyï:oAue.J 15 , U-3 w -I Possesses Lad ,,;Lb 1-ges not t b be foý) n n LsOisa ecollaes. We cou- centrale, on one lice of work,-the training of atecographers. Our premaises are the finest and best eqiutpped il Canada.ý We have ex- ceptioal (aU1tie~for pag Our gradunates;Cawetwrkl orn ,'ijonction wittî the largest type w riter compiao.y bi the country. Our fees are low enoogh to be consideration. Our ctlge re enplive.ayrote aSIN ae3 T 1 EN we have boeîin ntuti T you about Bsns ncto.W haenol suffiCient apaýCe ee dr a 1 card tothe, BRITI'SiI AMRICAUN BUSNES (OLLEGE To7ronto, Ontario, Illate LEET lça . The for gemp g god reut etc, etc, W. BROOKS, s-us. RIIPA, Misses Ester McClellan and Georgina Galbraith, Whitby, are guests of Mrs. John MeClellan. Miis3 Edna Wrîght, Toronto, is guest of Mrs., rod who is occupyibngý 'King's Retreat"'for a ieow days 1Mr. Byron Vastone, Ontario Bank, Torouto, tspent the Sabbath with his The Missies rma omb ccupied the, rooms abve t he str!a3st week ac- compnie byMi3s Vivîan Carscadden, Mr. ilegiu.-ald qmiliternational champion Cueso! the Dominion I Bank, Toronito,, vissed at Mr. H. J, Knight's, "geiw Mr. Thos. G rsaTrno Mrs.' Clendennan, Trn~Juneioaw MisFrances Wil mot. Truo r guests o! MIrs. j. K, abrihat Mrs. Vood at agtrEdns, South CrlnU. S., visiteLd hisr ,Sister Mlrs. pnsat"Id!,e Heu 'r," Mrs. Spinks gave a amali partY im houer o! ber You know the rnedicine chat mkspure, rizh blooci- Aye's arsparlla Ybur mtrgrandunmother, ail your foIks, tused le, TheY trused le. Their doctors trusied le. Your doctor trusts ie. Tien trust 1: yourself, There la health sand sreng!h l filei. tht,, bled. itnSanrle1nii~tn Pye'5 >, 1 1 la. four butO4tles au.- R # ere ue. *ers PIS eare *-ntiy laxative. enxe Tvro1t-o-1Iarker t~ns h' frorn the Geverumeut Creamenies ut New Westminster, Calgary and other Peints lu the North-West and retaîls hereRut Sc per îb. During thtlasi few weeks Immense quantities of !nesh fruit bave corne lu from Clifornia-peaches, cherries, gnapes,apples, oranges, plums, etc. O! course they come high, but the people hers wilil have them. 1 can't stana tht, California andi B.C. raw apples ne malter how nice they look, lhcg ai- ways seemn wooden and tasteles, te me 1Two or three are. ail yen can buy l'or a quarter. There appean, te be a scarcîty of men frminaing on tht, claims, thongb they Are offered 75c.' pe-r heur, Common ,-ages for ordinary miners (men with pc, -shovel aud wbeel.-barrow) are $5,00 a dlay and board or $7 50 without hourdi und ye, strange te say, men are in great demand and canet be got ln sufficient ferca le werk saine caims as desiled. Yen set, that tht, seusen fori surumer work 18 very short, and uew that the frost is out fer 1some depth ln the open culs, e ;ery day ls precieuq. 1 understanti that a miner's work ln frezen ground or bed rock< la the hardest knowu, people say farm work is net te be companed with it. Mininz here re- quires expenience te obtain bost results T-Lhe scrc ity o!fLune here is largely due te he anaa SampdeThe "anu is a;rînibuturyz o! the Yuken dewing nort ,h wdsi in Alaska and emptying it ltt Yukou at'a point about 1000 miles uertb wesî o! Dawson Gold bas been foundl there andi an immense area staktd bout net much gold ha yet heen preduced Hunretis off men have goet, f:m this Port' andi great quactities o! supplie.s! îavue eecnsent there turing' the last two meuths frein Daws:3n Warehouses. Many here think that mcosi o! th, men will returune oDaw-son lu the fail destitute, as the w"hole onîUput o! Ibis season will prob)abl'y Lnet exceed three or four hundred thou-auti d'o!lars iu godlisdifficu1ltexpai the se,sc- ges rus, fei a Pro eros amp like this- ýýhere the entput lait ,ear was j1,0000,touncranprospects in the Taliana centybt sncb tbings vusualiy occur in mininig communiliet,. F.~ ~ ~ ~ n W.Gefnei tOshawa, wrtk .-e t nli:ton Tuimes sa-7s: The onoabl EdardBlakec, the per 'l nn gut',te9the crowtx bea- caus heueile.rwoul aceptor gv At tht, Canadian National Exhibî'etO. now lu progress in Toro'Into) Mr R, Beith, M.,P., will show ail o! bis WÀorid'g Fair Champions andi 15 otiiers frolne is Waverley Slo-.k Farm,, makiug 22 llackneys, possîbly the, largeat exibi o! thore-breti fackneys ever ruade 2by one exhibiter ut Torouîto's Big ,air. Goot judgescdaim tha.t a niber o01 these net shown aI St. Loùis are as ,worthy as $Oo that were shown, BNFIELD. Misýs Westfall, Detroit, basbcn visit- ing at àMc J. S Atc's . ...Miir. and àlrs. Sheppard, Port ArthuFr, and gaster W. Ford, Oshawa, aI Mr. W. J. Ormis, ten's; Mn anti Mrs W. Alexander, Neb. raska, with fientis here . .. .Dr, W, E. Tilley inspected dur schoollast ueek... Miss Mabel Jewell is recei-niicely,., .. Misses 0. anti Viola NicCulloch havje beenf te the hospital ai Toronto for a, short time have returneti home..,. Mrs. Alex. Smith, Mn, Alex. McCulioch iuund Miss N. Alexander rccently irisitediTn on to .... Harvest Heme services wl be heiti here ncxt Sunday whcn Rev. Mr. Wilkinson, Clat-emoni, will preaýh oafter. n000 and cvening, Êchilzg Joit lu the fingera, toes, arm3, andohe part& cf the body, are join1ts ttar lnfamed and solnbyrhuas-. ihat acîd condition of th, bioejdwhc affecta thtmuscles alo Sufferera dread &o moveeae.. l aller aft7ting or lyiug lon, au thIw-'ý condition ld commonly worElù'-wefi 1 I uffered dreadtully from rheumaiim, but have been completely cnred by Ot' Barsapan'lia, for vhlch Y ama deeply gra te- fa"Mnsa PEÂnczeS SM-r, recît "Ihad an attack o! tIhe grIp ih leit uwi weak and hbeIpIesa and steir rn rLeu- uits.Ibegarn taking Heetid's Sar3napa'. rfUia and tâî is edieine Ihaientîl n me. 1 have n eiation te sayingitsa7ve my lite."1,M.1J. kMCDONeÂn, Tr2enton, Ontý ffood's Sarsap-arilla TER] il AL lui ZZZZZZ=M==

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