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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Sep 1904, p. 6

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rehrae pnepltocusotostymabepanned. 'Wash and ShO Says 1bak-ing powder' biscuits 1 rustrwbrr o r red -aspýberries,, cuït in halves good sized, solid tomia- are much improved (jby wetting thom, 11-1 1-Ce atLs of rt4aesga.1oi1 toes, and put them skin side do wn- with buttermnilký swtCetened Ivth Sofia lhiui lst hn d ugr oil until ward in a baking tin. Put a itIle as can bLw- aind (It is highly ' v r4itl, ookýs ti but tot too long,-- lump of butter on top of ecd tomia- probable that it is the buttermnilk, abou))It twent11y m;inute's, slowly. Scal to, sprinklo with Sait and pepper, that makes the imiprovemient, ratlior hot. and bake la a moderate oven until than the soda.) -N ! «-%& %&, 1-or- seri\ îng \w îlh afternoon tea, or the tomatoes are soft, but not bro\vn The great ruhtal:e imade is in usino I or thie'pie iclunich basket, caramel Have ia readiaess as ianny slices of too much soda. A scaat evern tea- SEPEMBR DYS cokie ni rcemendd.The foi- nicely browned toasts as yeu have spoonfui of soda will sweeten a pint lETME AS owiag recipe comnes freim the wife of of thle halved tomatoes, and lift the ohvr orml r ùtrik ~s The Skies, a hazy, golden sheea, acleeprofeussor: Two eýggs,Catoaesntetat. hamle Miller ade\s " Be suire you have, The wind, a faint, far sigh; cup )of ugrt wo cups ot oatmneal,1 tho usual Ci-eam gravy aad pour net enough soda and you will have1 Complaining to the shriî eled streami, oetbesonu f butter, ,aelover.,c it just right." That calîs as lost love in a dreanm, teaspoouifl o!i akia poder, two Suld Tomatoes.-When it ,cemes Doughnuts, she a.sserts, are mnuchi From eout the yeaxs gono by. teaspoonfuls cif\vannila flavoring, andi to stuffefi tomatoos their nane is le- botter made wih our muilk or ereama a pinch e! o sait are requijred. Cream giea, andi ail are good. The prelim- aad soda withi baking powder. Sour The- melancboly woodlland ways the butter and sugar, beat the eggs'imary, preparation is ail the sanie. creami cake, iii l fact nnthing un which Are rife with joy no more; separately, and nmix the baking pov- Select round, tirai tomiatoes of equal these thiags arei usefi mhere tender- A -whispor, as of forest fays, de r aad sait with the oatmneaU The size, eut a suice off the top, and with iless rather the-n flakiaess is desirefi. Steals out along the dreamiy dalys. mixture should bc a thin batter. a spooa handie or i egetable scoop xill boc mrxc by their combina- Andi sunimertime is o'or. Dirop on al)Cttered baking sbeet î-c1ýYscrape eut the Pulp. Ttira apside tien. far apart. Bake ia a tolp-iahtlyidown a few moments to drain otff la conclusion sý-he gives a rule for Adown the orchard's fragrant aisIos, quick ox Ca. .ý the superiluous juice, then season tho baking puwder biscuit la which soda The ripened fruit swings îow; Hickory-nut inacaroons are aimong1 inside with Sait and pepper. Mean- ai-d baking powder coatributes ,te Tho aster-, in profusion sanilles, the most tcmpting homne-made cakes, iwhile prepare ýTour stuiling, which tenderness and. dliicacy. And lronm the dini woods' subtle. and are very easily unade.Stir to-ry accoruuig qurt o fi surevwel--i -tl. t- nay borv o quart of"' flour itdwl- Ft-ashion ...,Ta1k THE LINEN COSTUME. ie,. Th,ý e sheeves arecetsad antfinot at ail tgt Necw blouses in Paris arc made of ailteruate roas of nbbnand us Sian lace. The ribbon sqdis ol.y hIalf the widtlh ofte a Eplyd the latterheirIg ,o! iixed clrn (IPg:s 'ihese areworn with krt P cln )f whicbi match tlhe nibbon or the lace; and are weorn oxor litting 'silk underbodies or corset coi ors w ithout 1,yokes or siceves. Mildew-Soaic- in a weak soluitioýn of chiorideofo lime for several hours, thon wash with cold wator and soap. Jnk Stains.-Soak ia sour milk. If a clark stain remains rnse in a weak solution of chioride of lime. Verdigis-Saît and vinegar will remnove the worst spot.9 of verdigris on brass or copper. Wash oIT with .oap and watcr, aad, po1lihith a whiting wet withi alcohol. Greas;e Suots-Ilot wlater and soap generally remove these. If, fixed Jîy long sta'ndijng, use etlior, chioroforni, or, u aptiha. Ail-thre o! these, niust be used'nway from cither lire or artifucial light. 1-10USEKEEPINGT I-ELPS. Maay kiefis of provisions are cheap- or when bought ia quantities, anti there is always comient in having a supply at haad. Soap miay be bought by the box and the longer it is koept the better it will Pc. Stancb will keep iadefinitely. Borax is n. very wuues, '.~~~g(nnr aîour." ai 4,,,4u, c4 44*4544, 4.ait' atu undwat huappeiias te P-in tae sifteO two ortnirce turnes it ý1S Pt-' 44ýcu44article*44, and4 . bOx401 44,sho4Uu4- - --d--*-- In voîîîngs taeccaostuien, The chadoma lengihen slow. Poundi of nuts chepped las fine S as s-larder. The imest sinple stuffiaig ister. Into the fleur incorporate two jbe founti on the 5IielvCs e! cvery kit- antifronits. Ihere Was ne trîînmîu,,g althougl certain h.liseolaeve sible, 'te xhites o! fic unbcatŽiu usually madle of stale bread crumbs, heaping teaspýonfui1s of bakiag Pow'- chon or paatry. It is gond -fer. n1f any sort used. The round Atraw are purchaset teapehasintet The songbirtis gather for thoir flîght ggs, enC bablespeeîîfuls of hnking Parsley, butter, Sait, and Popper, or den, a toaspioon e! soda, net evonseftening bard vabon, cithe fon the a, arifle ighte'r than the linea, of the chilfen; th( atr oe r Ia silence, anîd faroîvoîl; poxvder. Drop from a teas[en O the tomate pulp' mixed with fu. Mix into the fleur, etc., a very toilot or laundny. Use lb liherally hati a bntm that was- Pont dowa ir- arc fan loss expeasipadfrttv Ne mono their songs C! pure die ight, the tin and bake in a i ery mederate the Prend crumbs anti Seas- lange tablespoo!o lard, and wet up aboeutthe kitchen sink and it wili ne- rcgularly all round, and Srom the Mn n onr ArCar ý an adsf w-oe, as they Penn rathor ca sily anti ening; but ibis is i aniet i wth a ju- with two cululs o! seanr nlk c-r meve aIl disagrecablo oders. Alwreasrychripuhddrti hn nicutr oracteel light nocdtiate ook slow iy. dicieus blondin11 e! finle, herbs, witb buttermiik. Il tbec mcasýuring bas strong, bot solutien of borax and swung at intervais. Packabout ivan. l1 etnîe P By forest, ficMd a".t feï.TefelLn ncp f ut am- cookcd rire seasoned wuth l at, paprli-lbeen correct the niiîk w~iiî make tewtrpuoidw P rin pipes A dt htelnn rc, xesale Of net veilings ilhgnti- Oas li a Poansylvania town, wber a a butter. andi a lit tic curry, wîth deugb veny sot-se SoIt it will seem Purifies anti disinlents thorm.wIl an almost tigbt bodice and an raendo hfl A caseless, alid a haunting si rein, an elti rogue cook inakes what nue equal portions of fine minceetbePain,1 impossible te hantile it. By dnetiging Thore are ulaaav tasks that my ceqnally tight skirt, wbicha huggled thecrsead!chfostdceae Ceaies up Irom fieldi antd b l.kaown anti delighteti in aq "Betty's and seasoneti brenoi crtumbs and 4the the Preati boarti well with fleur uad penforineti whiie sitting dowa il one figure' ta the knees, wns rovereti as A voice as freim "the ailos of pain," jamrbles." They ai-o made wlth one yolk o! an ogg, wç%ith a forcement of sprinkling a itttle on the top O! th, ha anelti office Staal la bhe kitchen. te boduce and the uipper ponttion of E CCENTRIO HRIF Iý echooti froua the deep, dnrk main, pouatci esclu e! butter anti sugar, tu-o rincod liam,Parmesanceeose anti pasto it mnerhîct ed ut itîto a Shoot If yen Pave aLhuigh chair for wbicl the skirt wuth Peax y white linen laceý, Sorrou-ing ntares kueil. pounds o! fleur, three eggs, aine ton- hread rrumhs, witb ccrarneti Oanis net more than hfalf an inch la thick- yen have rue funther ase4the top may tltat on tbe akirt fonmeti a desig-LWore a Laughing Witotad spoonsfal of orange jaico, three boa- witl Prend cralubs atd uuuisroornls. ncss, eut wihsm utten, Put in ho sawed oIT, te miake a Staal of t. ondl1in aPoints Ike rý a;Ys ibvete-jlint usC1 So, aIl is haslhetinlaurjuitade, spoonisfals of Pakluîg poxvder, saît te Still another staffa11 iked by mauîy panis go they do net téiacei anti hake Parng vegetables, ireuîing anti wip- wIie circaiarblouse ai the blouse, As fade ftlePotins away; baste. 1llantile lighitly, collrallher is rondeof o!iwhoppeti be!, rson- ia- a veny Photte. Pi e minutes iîng tishes are not tineaDme baskl albhough utivwas tmn sô otigbtly ns -; 1La tIoEibrhCur !Ssin As soaie sveet dreani seug's inter- thia, anti eprnakie itb graunlateti cd witlî'SaIt, pCpenanti uion jice, wh aete IfJ!liketilanger and ti en on ne sits down ta do thoi. to Pc practlcally a close bPotine wa;i-iLord Kaar oi reeiise e inde, sugar Lelore lîaking la a qaîck aeue. w-ile n forenment ceunposeti îargoîy thicker, more inie must bho w d, e s --c ipetelyceetwi withclbse Cre uJPtri Py jury e! an cinbyAîc That nevor nmane may Pc rüaewef, They nl keop-if lorketi up-for sex- of green peppeus findis loyal Support- Put the eoui nmust ho bot for geeti CARNEOIE',S SUCCESS SECRET. -houlders, wblch, oe nerhe n tnîck MeTheas hoW. at Sa dies September's day, oral menths. ors. Fil] witb the focremeat O! biscuits" hudusgedaoe telnnotes giîtvt-osdfaiut J. R. WILKINSON. --whabsoever kinti, crown witb a little Bsns iasofAdc angelace cuITs. The w'om'n îvearnug this for the coductuen co Pewl o P Leamlingtoa, Ont, WITH TO1'IATOES. bit of butter, anti bake in a moderato MARKINCI FINE LINEN. fere Pisoneiite aiesoîlta em la saicoumebatPo wn ef wbrucd hitafiaShend. om 'E ggsanti Tomatoesý;-Wash as mauy oene abount tweuty minlutes. StaITotii biiyt neselt6.i aio atecrw fwihha htad roin, mothtonaoe Ls hn retemantoos are elten usoti as a. gar- Wihile the simple initial. is peufeet- xltever nmarket they turneti te. They band wrcabh e!fiwhibe roses with' a Thelitifffs ,sae ta telb IN PICKLTNG TIME. rsîtni, smeeb tomalt r n i tra anic nish. iy centroct, the moneograrn is the nmare sent experts qietly te look ever Fls lcose black velvet bow across the shenif, vwlo neyer mrn--i-alvr TPe Iollowing uustarti pickles ne- fi-cm the top o! each Ïfou a overantI Teleantm ntial r of aekgam heuli oand heapor t.er.presnee,Hoin- nto fthe - it at the frunterantPe c tawsc e uPsepcednt pl Semble i-eu-y cosciy.tPe mixeti pickles scoop ot jnLst spacuelenuagitL hl iUSEFUL HINTS. haein nîl Poureel nonai oti ttiboarmofteïaninpert ionH&ibn- im teai ttheti to abubandeau. them te jtc echline ! isfnens fer sale aithte groerios. Tbat they an egg. Pnbt a uile huleitte tlabbc When crniéig salmion anti ailshort la size te sait the sirs of tPe nîtl- îimself as guide, ant i t sIoITeeti-antirelativeos. Rule! vr naeib are wboiesonue wheuî matieLit homne betoii 'il,,bc ca ity rop i la iegrainedflish, rat lb lentbwise, using clos te Pceusof. te show theun bbc secret o! Pis suc- bsodrfrteg by a caueîul bousewifo, gees ivthont 011, teking cne atutteWbreak tPe a Prend lish slce te avoiti beakig Fraelhu mbroIdery is tPe meat ap- rosa. le teek thoun itbo a trn 1116H CROWNS PIEDOMINANT. PisentiierfoctPe giiee!Pssr snying. AUX togethor 1 quart mcdi yolk-sasn4bb batipperuP uae.prvt ru !dooale.aîi usI lit wt oosat rprswee TP oel rinarai tbbah mest ins ie eyt1 io o! coppti aululever shcet cuuni-plae adote! uttr o to o!tPe Prex ont nulk frinicurdling-Adtiaa. la donc iin pu re white xencenizoti cot- ila tozea cicnks mare at work on dec- lncnrly alshow tiecideti if net bigh apon a arLe atraleiniae bers, tinty whole rcuabersi ery egg, uatijnsý' LtPe covem, naibae 1100f incP e! carbonate e! soda tate oaor linea; se iPis imustbho tsedlI amnts anti figures. This ont ernea.Vî e st c sf n if ithnhewetett fonr smal.enionssanudtone smal ced Pop- about iuqnnt or if lb disturbcd tPe ortterbe! tPe bouse, pur. Coxer îith viaegani lawhih wemmiueant i tPeeaGh quart o!fnîlk beoeoputtieg it if aile wisIPes teenýter te a shuoi. 44esented amn expenditure o! $SOO novelty inux chenilobraifs is tPe em-ý nI- tomate is4 ltnder. Cratt'i cheeseýiSion te Poil. The lettons on shets, pilloemses, a voan. 'Ut is worth that," saif ployaent of sixacioti cIects. antiblack we asra ii ls ius oniseaaf Sait lias Peen dissolv- semetimes spinklud over tPe 01111 The inger cf infectieux tring an atîl tublecoths arnu snaliy th -ceMi. Carnegie, "for a busiaos-mainte chenille bandss bninieti îith swi This ho calletin aei gwasot ed aand l4bstandîtover night. la tPe befer t O vemla, puIt la place. pidemic is ory mtuch lesseneti if inhes A Pigbt; for towols :adtinu- knoîv ai ny moment ail the debails ing bugles is thet unes at wunog- Ao AAleeu moruuiug rook jun sanie vinegar Ion B3rOilat Tm0tes. Th'is iý ospelýuýai- people xiii bake n warnm bath f 5ly, nor ntîxe ýaaor tino anti one- o!Pis business" eniarintinex- Abt fih18 ho cnreiftP 15 minutve, then trahi weli. AUX ly easy te oo sur a gus ire, Putiat aigbt if possuie, anti take pleîy hall inch it beigbt, anttione and ono- Frosteti Pends nI large s-izo anci-lil e a h 14 tabiespoons groututi mustard-ui w lU! na ho f ee eî 'lor rni. Select o! really nuerishiag ruoef. hall lichtin Pight for smnller uap- IF YOU DO RIGIYT. asef on now medels, anti nîpean as 'Thomas of Glenshec. H saît1 fixe cenits' îvortb o! tumerir, 1 taPiem- fnesî, halîn te aeeswu% îdry, ati Teprex-ent launp glasses crnccumg ka.Ynwh emke thrshpy.bbbcowmnteru rof -t "~ Meis," reqoîty rce spen hmk epor,3 abeseeîscetlao hîcksues, Fbaiing the akin put ithein imte a largo pan e! colti Penborateti patteras fer marklng, Ynwi oe nug ali-mbr 'nsnai at feirlir ni e M Pis ifisi.B i n sutgnr anti half bcacep fleur wiulu On te beultitheri tegebhe-. IHeat usulud aterVpn ef ettai aiit ny o I f-oniniin bblhmatent îay im sarwismbmade ar baitsito, nioaig h un te c buaed enoigt eii inga t mke a reae Pebrllrla o te li1tStrnm, bing lewly te the Poil, andf ransferredtiatethe limîc, aay bo bat cdgessie. ' j - l or t h n smotb est. Purthis mixture toaiatoes, saibof anti peppereti, anti themn Stand Lat the sitie cf tbb lirfin laIncîn'ock sbops, anti the'ue ill xiitîa!ohr mfreyuehrtlgwbhagetso -r ie. adiceothatsgtreia into I q1,s. boulin11 vinogar, Poil a Lbreliqaickiy. Seascut aithi a litiue te cool. Brnmoie the pan !rem the ouable tPe workei- te stamp lier ontko ou-uxii e wage- r oat e stinti I sas, roa.Af, nti pofacei s s"te hiave acac t c few nmnutes, thon peur oem-tPe butter, cuti serve while Pot. A 'Vum-sa ebtt ettl uregn- lnn raateu hc l neo it ciev omt agr os. of rlgb aliedna a icaf! te ad plaop-erl t the general ur-abea slverbt Ionesurrecttien." inn ccrae1, hTh i oenghheipigt ienrsdeofth bt.po-u-l pîc~ ixinlianti bette. lUn- lablen ta affeniof by sprlakliug w ith os tili al la scolt. Dm-y xcry thon- ossentiafs of geet nbroiti-ydYu nllntmosrevu iiy pis ati tier oitIlenes acThoe iess youL nlave pleaty of n ide mentit- cheese ivile Proiliag., Yougwîiy Polonecusiag.,Aeuein trous xvbinandit is teihodappiietuaantiaeue et obtes t i boterte se ao- Dcx illet Tomnatoee.-llrei qicKly; o! w ato ona a lnuup chlïuaey xvlli naInal ah s obtains for geeti n'ek by pephe' a bnk areunats. times usef îvithth te grinaai cfrahoi l mgnt quart cana. This recipe makes 6 arrange oun achefp platter amîd pour 1crack t ustaatly. nita s s bet hbi Vu ou n'lli net forget enggemeunts, TPe foenanition foc sonie la-e bats itiaif a peer ane. lc,! P quarts. (miven thoni a sauce matie P-y bcntiuîg An ixvisiblo e ioat wbirpiill suit iathor than tee, ceanSo, focrblhe latte.r poieo ilgtosc mykai a P lc c bedt ibbl !lsfrun or b eti Slire, btubtedo net pare, eaeîmgh tagOebm o tblespoonaula of oniaii O youur pu!pase la amatie Py ioiing isiti-, isure to Joui, hampiiy anti cîams on Yoa willi neyer make fun o! bbc pe- golf or ailler metaîhic threads. tien o! Kinkinali Cteim green eucumbers inla aors,,sprinkýliîug ail, a teaspeenful of mateie uustaîti, gînss iin spirits oufa ime. 'This',po-lati o gcuafý, ev heegîtskiiiully celuanrities or idilosyncrasies o!atliems. On ccd bats'. whieh are not se fasit- ovor thein bal nttoacup sait. iLot a taslîofcf ayeuiae, a hall teaspoomm- tiaces, ieat-isaeî ont atlt l-îspebcaamîet You -vill net borà eplpe lmy con- lnamble this scason as pnnviousiy, thcm 1stand 3 Pouns. To I.,plat efuiro!paregtai- anti timneleAtapies laceathes - I dSOîIETIUNU NA AE elx elcf 2eneshopei flu of ingarad ce alepo' isw blrPrentiers bte loin almost li -lipnu in an eanroitiery hoop eforc stamtiy tnlkicg o! yotîrself anti yonr hnckbeuTies, vnr1ng frein pale green oz celery snetdmuid 1 oz. ach black Iperceptible Wbilo thcreuent is be-1 1,,o-inning wrk alat-, e lwhi it crsîî ae sd miChesr- ncomeun! surae prai !a un Prie-i fomatos-Slire large, fircm îmîg preparet iiusea gaîlipottstood li" etsac 'ame ineatu athelie nhtdaer, rCiSi.Cc-ommnsuamutrciunhvb ana uvviite înustmutisot.Draiuntetoaeecn meinibur, oso pno!fsbPuhgantýer. inîdltti of tPe op omt, bout laveoor SPANISH COURTINil-. tC htni!oi ikt o c uig ieeiot ebemn ecumbers anti place inluhcers, sprin- ',vith Salt 9fnd pepper;' aprnakieplatéanj ('i- lu" it -- bark are alîmnypsti:, atonre or hesa. nPoso naine is Pynm: il, a bo kiag uieta,,u Oe thbe seotis, eiens fîi vl iecc in smuh s Fmr'recnnut ie put oailepoant O!fbre atesfcoma eInal, anu t te Coertung la Spala 1 cenfuctel on Stampeti rut eut teletfor 1btinvitof te stay ai net' os an alsonsob hn p u n- iî in eeacr dicoa, nas inîryasiltPhe et bonI sagat-, broken inte I1top o e! te itý,to te'uri lthenmlidle curions prncip1ea:. 'TPeSpanisb 1girl tnimmiaga anti faclags ýare another ilathbcoure y. an'cm2themnbbc r:osilo. Thonour antiltidcs a a licv nd me4nt lml abo a sature-pan, anti pouir 1cf the shoet, se tbat bbcletton reatsis am I -wýy atnedb fuir teii tgrosi oîhei ndat.hrt or sai. po-k inspingbail cier 1! Pall a fiat of water, Let t lb rrectlv xben Shooet is turnoti Park 1samatanI ataitib ovelby in bat tciunnings. 11le loant that hl oatinteca TPc cucunîer wisb onîfPccf vnedian lapda- uhy lpor1 n bpitroa t-hLato standti lfihan Peur ati thon place lb Pilow cases are înrket i la titosauce I young mn m-b is knoxnn as lirtaarieu04 l The ucumers houd bcof mdiu Ilp caroulIv wit a boid-liie n the lireoanuitaiben lb te raek fer mamien, xith lettons twe larhos nevie, ant wlîe squlres lier on luer FU BAD ONGWSnt iigtt I sieadtesie e acta n1w-lks, altheugh thte eeurtsîîip seltimouiPRIAU NOWSnt aikingbte taraln h, a' hue sIre nti Pe sires et mre taui n hale, or patrake ti.raC2, andarracange dit miutes. Iteiove the sua amîtaboie te hem, thlore h ndcaio! let- catis in inarruage. The youug lady ota elt nbun tt h eightit e!o anincli tPirk. ila alit' ho piles ef ta o eorthrce en 't Poil bbe sugiim antil itlasthirk anti ters.Aspeiul ntoedbasoftw xrsia. Toiabe fo, Pickles-In Sohoring Pot platteî, phmlnig ca 1 hi- att;tti ti it taqatre s aiway s arromnpanied by lber matller Asurom l c ishy moableuC fo, bane!Thaepressaain. green tenîntees nejectalta ebret cl li s 'l~ ie Of bt-hi teshn . ioi aqate for a malt, as wcii as hI the novie a ni i st ngonsIna- Teoeaora leoie n i- bP ha ae teus a plie asluîg arcisempm-d u. Sr. TTOWhis TAN. Seinthi tt o haa o uma ant i w-t-r wear. Alrefy lare rend the tehegraun, at P xr4s tPe slighitest linge cf ripenessas te spnblnuhari iy acuîuPun no rhcoaiiut il lb ni IATT OWTI TIS aloga ateof nsco-are Po ki ITrei and arisaiag ong "mrit 11.40 etr.u-iCcfi a y nIptine Sb Siat'.-WassPlwitbtinicobolestintue.9the girl is loI ai antiobedicat aretun waikig ma cnagisgovasng in nos1.4tvinhu xiii soften tce quickîy in ccekirug. ment tea icnîb cbeps ou-veai cro- hi a mass lathc pina, tlîea simnontiit bleuinoSti-iu s wt ac ,te bier gaîhant. tui et nnao 1 ni nte Iaietetauto P rvl 'ut et in thirk Slices, net naine quttes. t ~ikya msil irtesethon ise il s oapy waber. tercastiiidwl nhwd I-thex- muoortecyamca-To îmaaî. I Pnied Tcniatees w-lUi Cronia Cravy a ickaîx as posiblexo tnithe P elt IC Srorh Staims-Web tPe scorceel A atm!aaaniongraIin hs 1rue.itheai e tenxec -Havîg fne tPe oîmiaees acei-' readtPof surad on ertîat nint t u-ap, uc saninstev-ïbeus ît5- r Vr u ageiîg rcc te tin sacod-(i ler h cutav ieot befoue the place, m-nb with soap anti bheacbin A flomuing thoatre, nitb rostaa -asth eis r ulie ii teîîatýeS use I toron Larg hiLe tte cedngrenipe, dat tire. . îemve tue~ticc sua meth, at, refreshrnent 1mas atSeasf r stipso!flfr, 'a stx-le o! triaiim r ana uilis arr a.Buthheei ouicus eut inedium.lunes. As tPCy altier tnbhospooa!al of peck dl-ippluigs c is qaite o rad l- ildry. Sut S tains.-Rub tPe spots with2,00() pet-cas, is bcing builbtanA'-rn-atlîror tt than mti-tin. Darîsars humouedly iput las giie P ai-c~~o rtpaete laat-tel-nubutter te the greasccon-nie iagl dryOPWEI NDSDA t mual befere souiig teilote tetaî.ilnl h ei p teare give P rfrnofrtinuu ien ovyîn nigto P esna listono jars cnt straveu ccr bis bbc fiuiig-paa; att tîm il an equal - EI N SD. t eicwash. Rbine, adItelian aoperas performe otinotunes. bxihne! san îo r taulgSt. L et c ora uîg tntpor in mena i ou mlk te uîm'.e Rose Seelye Miller says that tbotugh Guras htnhns-hcturmte the spot la it aIt ii-site touas. Tbseoui tnmmo cntaanc ra Irl udrc ntilte mit ho rurla omorinliit ot ht iary artists ati laus tP.ît ItbeotuLgIlîly a 1h korosene, thon Put a'ith aacrew'ncks sbomvutîg ne rente g-un~~~~~ Ous eri r i a goul coasistencey. Seasen a t n4te 'soda muid bahitig pnnter shoult i mot li tPe mstub. ,Se"atisi b' aiotscuin,,iite tinter trai sentions, antid mîiî rvoal o-esxeu gîtDcaiinagîîn 'wuîuî sait anti peppeu-andtiserve. hluedetli cemiinatien, la antual Blhond Sbain.-Soak lancuit mater,' 1when abe aitîgs." le--Well, Sbe'sinarreinfi-oat ploucs. Alost of thea i chiltiron, the vmile o!f hoikra amnI plane li the jars lanmhiclî tluey Pauîaod Tomatees W ith Cronmn urantiCe tPe noîbnaatioîîla ic os at t- then w,,-n la mrai aalo- itb plots- uiabsakon. Sbc's more uiscnable are collanlesa, andthea roliars anc W-az, lanBolteilu, h nJia fu Hret a bcqet. GriderInsunogafnryattthtet ira si sr o .î a tu nis bmou. wmnceahlle n'taketi to sing"- iuse.] tI-y ane the tirre-t toxnvar-- at n hintiof mhotn tme r tu are teP4 et. ede(irgaad av1-etn i'r n P nme sateî--t1 l 't - lb 2 lPeq. broan saig-or, 2-or. eencit . gromuuf cuuîamnanti alisplne, or. grtîuiPchoes, q' lb. a-hiLe _,ultard mi7 soCiV2ors. greunt ilustard, ra spcot tea1speou1i cmýonute ctan besiO eoysot.Tic groumit spires looseiî-ca uoCE0' lna a bg. 'cff tPe rehery eeianti i grounxtipitaIbtPe Snalig vinlac gar. ustinig util tPe îixtuue is smooth. IE liket, a Iiittie hersoaf- islu mv L,- ýe state iviigar mati a xhIll Pvp1 tekcp the piekîca Ur U the Pot i Uegur aeu -cthe pickles nt ence and. cmxi r tioscît - Press a mîuercimi' the' uîLe tem The orcinary every-day life oft most of our women is a oeaseless treadmili e orf uniute i luegar nd muid tta tight rover om or uait. ileni y iape- tied - ) 1k mucli harder tMe dlÈ ta s1s bicorne whon some derangement of the female organs Lu-ir lu i pae ae mieciti ~Makes everymVmn painful and keeps the nervouw systemail unstrung. One day she iii substitute for ac bitît îttng rai on. 5 wrotched an-d iutery miserable; iu a day or two she is botter and laughs ut her fears, thinkincl Take 24 llarge, ripe rucunmhena six -teei ohigmoAh ato teal u before night the deadiy backache reappears, the l1mbs white onicîxa anti fcur-ed pt'ppers.- tremble, the lips fthh-- it Seems p_ thougli ail the imps Of Satan were clutchinglier vitals, she - l'areanti nleaî he UcsecIsloumte mcmi aers ati rhp mi il, Pt imo ton T0 wom au ouglit to ar-rive at this terrible state of misery, because these symptoms are a sure indi- - thao hoî th oustieîîr, ait- oation o-f womb diseases, arnd baekache is mercly a symptom of more serions trouble. _Womeu should at ant'vd 1 o.mwithte utc-ecap Ïremeïnber tatan amot nfaliecuefor al ru i îls, suol as irren-ularity of neriodsa h c cuse we4, ý - Plac ina iusln Lg ad lt tenistomacli, siok head- che, etc., disp1l cemnts and inflammation of the womb, or any of the multitudes of ii- drain exer night. lleimeo teg.aqa Messes NWwOe aeset the femae ogamism imay be f di jans mî rc mu ui hclt vi ngur atid ce-. rPstcare gond.a SCLECTED IIECIPES. Io F Orna-e Frapplo.--Tue taicae enag yrlui, bve aiseoasi edie ii t ot, shkoatiI /Wnna medkS ias nqbeeu succesul la monre thnDA a.PutnMt-aboui-t two years ago I consulteti strain - millioncades, xIiy e-niud ye Say, 11do1)ne-t believe phsecian abou n penlth, îbih lnt be--ene se inetch tiAt Pgg abl ske us Iki y w-- hel me? -.~- w-s n ungerabb tehî bou. Ibatsevere backaclie, bnin cg- fi on, br,- î d0\1 , tuains, pal-sans, itealienc, wiraery neýrveas antir frange- ~ ra, one gg, Prkea imte j ~/! c t t112 voumes (et letters from wein-en %W0 Y- , ~~imitable, antibustruleg ', th n glasdlam Aait(qý,ieée irecot od, /IsniueVee"-'<The physicianpreeeibea for imebut IcCa discre-v-lu h pciche cmra t ah 0f phoapliteuhv e ae sCýzý- ý gie- g by Lydiaeso h %ite ft toluetîn eegrat anSutu'ger mteawal .np nwqvneoheseflevrte - hs ~ -~iv'as anable te help me, anti I thon focieta etry Lydia B. toli ant sone miibisa suamm fi r aiineCiie - ibiM'S Vegetable Ce-mpound, anitSocin feunti that li-'oeti COITee F111 cgla s hlai! /j0 Surel -yen i.canno-%wisli toe-ieain w eak and sik and lb nas foingnue goodMIacthIe mas rotmrning hue pais i o-vershoifyr eilied Pot! shao ant . ove s-mr'drangment--f.te.feundie rdai> -'yimdiciino fri o -.ni-y thro mnbs. fati n'ilebl ae Aunlong the charming costumes of lio eenh latel ()ns ,oo:o!li, tS iMALL, HA1TS L'TESON br-Ow4n, o! E7ton cent andi.roun.d skint. Nem, autuma bat, ior nath1e' r 1hats te, Ue skitt was laid ia wide sîideplaits be oiered the the tutun,-in baye-rsq,ar reloasofi about tho knees, and the largely of lace in Mbînk or wit, ,Or littie coat w-as belteti in at the waist even in certain colors, the latter, ol and bloused a littie ah around above C'ourse, te match the colors o! tPei, lb. The fronts caie togettier at the gowns they are to e PC oriiN witý; iotta,Om but roundefi up-witb a Clluny, Ven ise, and Tri-h are US( - slightlyý squared cut-at the top, at ýlanmely for the DlQN aresque nnd lrgre tPeurpr prtinsaadtheSiOh1 creations. The small bat is ittle la small at the top, were gatherefi in<evidenre, and the toque is enlangeti ivide cuITs. A stitchefi band o! th te the dimensions of a sinall bat.

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