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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Sep 1904, p. 7

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Wuî be Reorgqnizý TWO IIMYCORlPS. A depatli rom St. Petersburg ~ays~ JAeside corination of two f~ sliarrv crpsas the !irst answer *. te Jptwesc 'tcessat Litlo- 11i1ng. th, Ituslwiaa a-iy dt the front ~til bu ~-erani Jd,;pobably iti the forai of to a it lacoininarnd of G-en Linvjùx ard ;Gn. 13'aosï Kaulars es~-rtiJywith Ce-n. GemKauhar w ii ,oouti -th th(? two anycrsnworganîsîng in the Cienec flaza dsn Vilna and efi (n.Lnvi 1ila been odrdh euipifrointVa dOvostck to Màukd(ý !. MThis dti'ion ïS due j-'pa1t',Idoubtless, to the growing uw ofes f tht bi g force undet iGen. K:-ouropatkiais ,-ora- iinda c hich vifl he largely in- reaecihy onantroinforceiaîct. Gem lvur~aîialieretofore bas ltnlo very detail oi the~ vast or- gan/aio. he w or1r.is too*'machiý1 for ont nman, and hei is now aliiiost1 broken CIowSi under the strain. Tt is known that toEprri trngspporters, eitsIout tho General il jeail 1rohabuityî- tainche cof'uacl f Uv two aal:- e0s K o7r op a thtn , hwsyc.ýer. lias 1icen s'riousl1y erliicitZed by- soine of (Lu ýEiiperor,'s close inilitziry advis- eand it is possible that liec amy VIVID WAR PICTURES. In lie Commse of a description 1tlic, fighîiigag reinaciLiuo-Yiamîg, Liai Ufebeal c, the w'el Inosi xi Etia cecosiondetdraîs asonrtivii tat o cnuimimgtie stubbome vul ddilt'dly cothi ides, TriEe aîmt t one f fme parsued t fuie pe'e'elimtalmens tiruîrgiflicu nmi fi(cda te Saitza anci surrono ,ibm i. A deslî.a,uîeght encaîm l Juamsrefitsod lte uccepi quîart pruem-ing deaihi to sreîrndm'î.1 Rajýs-Pns nouci baie likee te ba spareci ineni, Lut.thîb, ee as no alt nefivein-tle e irrtmaiaîances bat liliern mii.L Ini cnet-ler liait oft fioýlitîe Japaniese reaciei n-,iren whidl 'h haitbi-en abaedom-d bIt Itessiam ), Auother -Julman se for L tnchfng tfIe treh nci relit 1Iai 1me'lied kilo- Tiufï- ena cr ind- îe' elon thp!,u t lie-des l fli treali acicover cfm-acy cftîe cîet ion of 1il regirmeoit, n-el iet' îmcajieni prouious muit clh- tin hle oe siriginrg- iuilfi-î- ongi, as î h( im tfout of RResar iroopa, in aputo constant aan,.TIe rogimrent h a largo nurmber- cf oiccîs. At înariy De-is île Bussiansa Japnee lienStones ai one i cf ber. The Rusvi ana ans ve lut( leutînecite uaas)i fhIe batteuies me effertîîally manci te dncentrate til )ce bott-c, Thus fluet' taxe gadie- sets-irbue.ecivantageove-el-theuaan escilynon thot' lave neir quit firing gîmas. The Russimîn suldîc wGtxmhip ihein gînia, an-cf bfqu' tle sîtri ilsof Cen. K;ouropoîluni w saici te t hein:-'S old mrs, mulef y'oar gumes as t'eu ioulci for yn fiag." vtimr ingmpoc ithe nuinoricai ý pcniocity of ilie Japaneste,5M. Dan chexilko anys thtintiîla la s-'oundiý nei !incmý,imýprm'lensîbio. T'Plieyfia ba-eoui moin et Poli Arîýhur a TIE GCAM ,E OF DEATII. A cespaufelý -frein Londion says The manner imi nliinl tho Jetiane mtimmnnlutrdeca have sent t ir mmcl doaflhiuadî ed insa ofthîe 'Ja ulmoso roatlLO 'Oe oîîark for fliet r( fmafahaie been among flic nio ) stniking feafarea ol îhe war ifat, 1aî' East. Recklîcas diaregard hlaan life lihas beemu the chef ch-au' toristir la Japan's flglitiîng niefbe While this a ls leoîtbuilupomi structure of mai-vlous oeresiglit, wliat Gooce ennan ha se apt fcrmned Japemnese "Pxeamcengoniont and tupom aatoat tille ai aient of n litait'and nacastratcgv, otI ire- haie bec cof littleu Caoililiutt self-niacrificing hI ai ry of île Jcp. ose soldirs. TIc otal caslat1' 11stf ef ith Huasa n :!,m l s teti__ e lie o staoniomf Tc baes mlt h le-e o oi eyIa;id - J apn'a a-zýsu fies aient;rîi r1w imite île (-of t<iuntds, anit la opeto li dodu in ictot' mal bo norei sci o ores mil lusuac i Ti-ns msesai vot' prtiîe-f _qîtestima f o A sUic cen nafnteqai f teuîtoi cnaUni daese cmiultlir liaucewh Jaailied sont ier lest uvaý,ilab alu fia gallent decil, Rîmsm w-oel aiil imne a nurne-iculîty fo amiabn urînt'.ýs outmiil e encergc any ie E u ',re-sîsvan rent riîmg lie mîmul(, i neurr te ier i('li-me basej t, a a a- Theu To ter- te the eli fien Oni .ing ,reci ne- an- the ut, :îîS- of est andi clu- 1011' ciii'iSX THOUSANB ILD Afl WIT uayan Governmient Armny There is more draig-power [JdPpthsSI- 4 cn YOUNG. Routed by Rebel Forces. in one pound of, Eby.lBain'a Two tosn e eehle n O K ** four thoueand wourrded in a battie 11ý ,ed With Two Di= astingthree las ewL h Ji- D s guayan Covernment adt, forces Idth N TflIMqOTHIE WINDOW. rcoI outionists.GC n. Vasquez Minis- tTe as sa on ineto h 111 an ers. e fWr holdteCvraront1 te ta I nyolir e sick. 'Vou cmn keep prttv patient troops, 'vas defeated, and hoelias ru- -,Cleyion esix f "m bt tillet I you wan ton;c inecmn fle ihtn ie oetreatoci, abandoning arias aed m runl-i sod t 5icnt a oud-a tix" utte1S 1, e z Whulc healt ohlierilinMoreratns.g men illýie ae(lî(,ý i ii iii i,ýp rt1- l% ere there -two sixes inje tnO She tion service andif! the prtectionof cd to the Coierniront that bho lad hecliosofcouxuncao ~ Wo a ipotat itoy vo fic TEA. It has stood the test cf 'sliook lier hecad. It is not alway s 1tssa' îay myh wge roînroolutionist. ,, it seenis fronm later years and, is reeognized as the easy te recke-n--wli you are sick. thte Asiat ctt; or eîlcrnîy ; ýnixed-fr-oniithtp field that l1 standard tea fer ricli and poor aeaprftigtteocos" -cswre routeci. apr51i0gttob cos. faî; ourpa.kn ay o rin Iar i laa recent battie the roi olut ion,- aik.w-ou on. Se she w-as cross. until l-ussla's .t.stern front jer stands i -Y te is-bes ltte ir j cf 1-arbin; Rusala ramy then b ean Ilots noeedrivon back, anci Con. vas. FORSALE Y s us h ms letitLgr amlefihînglio gans wic aquez, whflIe pressing his victory, was GRCU hr s ho Scoldod alouci. "There giratly reduceci but Still intri i -a- sdel e ya tboarsscan't ho mmybody ia the world ns pa'iese arte my anus1.Jap tance. The rehels reasseiabled their elan ufetit siar; o mysieRsa i ld t t'h ut 9s-ntteroed forces and enigagoci tho there rbid I want te bo sick ai fi is iîîpnoss'iblo to ignit th[ prôba- Gvrament troeps. For "tbree dat s -dn'-1wan t b blity that Russia nu sili ,l haie the battie rageci, nifl terrible le" U [)fTt~ ~~pf ick at berne, nimore theres room They are a veritaýble short eut hiPs andi thighs when Japo, ciesrey -n beth sides. Cradueiýlly the re'boels HE P UfLTRY SU.LIIU enoli? Metcy!-Did I do aerything cd by sucecess, wiîî e lnge pssess droe Vasquez back, anci, accoî-dtng Ito lie sick? No, 1 ducaLt."toi tng .n prec eaLI a suiting force, te last reports, the Minister of War HOW THE WORK 0F FATTEN- Shc alnîost laughed rit he rselîf fiien _____ le infulretreat. IIG13DN.-net>quite. But perhaps it nus ]Pwam.red ouly l h bp'eoTOA E~lIS.H1f~ u1~ C 'ctTURED 97 FIELU CEG1NS. thafwlich iîlade hei 1ook tmp just Sold Everywhere iOanadla and U. a. Amorlca. The Exchange Teelegrapli Comany re- 'l-ath Saios Are Doing and tuat mtnut e, aci ace the strango lit- In boxes, 25 cents. MORE BRITISH THIS YEAR htte t' ntic git-l et the cultaie wiudow. _______________________________ The Ta-chanige TeIegraph Cemipany re- Where Tliey are ldptu h ati tls.Fx_____ cois el- a' dospatch frm Rome on __________ Tbursday, sfating that the japall_ The Canadian-bosrnd Emaigration tued days Roberta had been woedering sheulci ho diligent and givo blis clos- WT T\U 1f lTlIT esc took et Chaegkecapuar ninety- Tlirougl Brltish Forts. Soventeen' illustration poultry fnit- whet nos bellinc i tht certain, but est attention te bis business, wbat- Wfl.-L±' A Di UU ~fNSl doîvon field gues, mest lasers'iceable' A Lonidoît despaýte says -The 4l1n- tonieg stations are being OP- at- ed ah iad ef ol-n thouglitoiemiôht evo-1 if moa b o otsieejadndi O ADNGRU GMET conntiot18onaons1o2ddwagonsraloloa Creci fronitBriigrationva bythe Canada frono t Britialiv, t bise uilerieryi arlthy nfrieaiDominionl ted upari-H H - provisions, and 38 loadeci iith ie- port.s fer ihe ntentliof Agstias -'lmnt of Ag.-ricultur'e U-1d1rthe sprtoebrj i cm-ess a îiny baé1k te acvante'ii.. -e. ahsituations inanition. lun -nlai ,8;lrish,38;vso f r.FC.Efd, ctg -- Sotc, 1196 oters 1,72,an ii- Chif o tu Poltr Diisin.ihe (ard she coulciaoc the t-age lit-aii a ndor alcircumatanceshli mst MNarty Instances UWhere Countries SE\EREFiGITiG. rSe if126as ompare1--irwitnA-' I loingi ls f le tos legr vr lany dci.les',rupu.lousl hlonest-neem- beaie Teck Liberties With Their SEVERE FIG"STIo thinner an' ,56itsrwflanAu- toelotraigit aatli., OFelriu-ne s, dili A despaf clifrom Tokie says :-Evi- gu"t of'1903. The fotals for 1tho j nifh the names ýof the operatera mn , , ha srigi pt. herunes ii Rulers. pat cîgif tmionflis arc: Britishî, 53-1ar n'anhie s got mocre pillons be- , gence andi bontesfy shouli be bis gii- dencco ef the scvrity of the recenit charg:ed " liougbt Rbeta -I nender fng lighta, and unleas seom!ieg very When Maralial Bassompierre was fghing in front of Liao-Yang is fur- 997; ferefgners, 15,994, as conipareci I tnarlo-Bownîanville, A. W. Fo1-l- te htssrih ssecnavreocr ucs i- ebsdsrbn oLusXI.bscn _______________ l o ts0-, ortesin ero o . .iii-Sudcenlv thme atrange liftfle girl Delaware & L.'ckawannra RPaflway. tered Madr i in stute seàtq-d ;ona hihrolcis n opn otloue. t'likeutimi, T. 0. 1Lachance oddceci a sh lfîtî ei. ()f course, mule, Louis exclaimed, "An ass seat- aIl cf f fî ollicers, andi a privato biaciaTape ,' HEATa ý,brabak ýt,,ý oid do ml!- "eý, i-«'qit tetaecoasmanci of bis fiffeen sur-KILLED THREE SEAMEIN.,LaTra reankv.Faber Edwacci Roett ni . l îiiyoulcitheUSING EARTHS HA. reterteci fhcolci soldier, -ani what viýig irîgcoades. Prfvate Yaaa's geste Fafard. '-wolihave ben cqitei in aLI,10wScientifie Men Believe if May be I repi-esentoci yen." uniimenmives liercoci hy iglîf bullets, Breach-leck of Gun on British New Brunswic.-AndeovrCorgenfsf s uof ores folks Utilized. Friac l a a fvr lis rifle fa tbreo places, and bis A orfsouaEmîlucitcesufiî ov Sofa. tnt Abeat Al7 -iafî-upin bi-ewnthugif, Ifaerainsfc-'ili ma ie bafne ncrtiî mod, acinolc ale bciouc i tso.sat ys :-U-hile flic Britishi guaibeaf Clegg N,1,omfbh East Malr gare, Mnrmntht if l irl sl i on, ne cae fint the immense infernial hea f 0fis jester te fake liberties wif b him Coimnet (tenîder te the gunnery shfpler Smi t h. tal:, (1ciaf' dummîli! l'ni going te the earth mnay bc utilizeci for sort iie heur Ntimile rca'enfing any friai- APPLAUD KOTJROPATKIN. Excellent) waa engagedin, irfîmg Pic Eî1c Ila.-enatrad e! practical puiposie. There ivoulci fot liarty f le mexf. One-day lhe turnei A despafeli frome St. Petersburg practice off Spitheaci on .Wedae 'dtiay, Rivem Bidge, hfobert Furess. A l h ctci up a littfle acarerfhojbtesigefdllctyi ta- round on Joas ifvote ol says s:-As ithe Reasiemine-sispapers the bm-eccl-lock ol omme of bier geisiberton, Il. J. Mat thons. Edonodw ni hliWup lier lingera fainig st eanafrein the inforior of teanci flunderecd, "Felionv, blie sent; begie t, r.elize nmore fully the cltts- wcs hlow'n out, Lilling fliree. seamcli RoIetert Lpgm.ir CiGenfinnan, Daid fpîaimi ue.Timon sIte mmade thent earth, be-acatirat involves only a I.acier stoop te tafli_te alfol- troplie whici Cee. Kouropefkmin andci iurimîg three otliers. I Maccionali. XMontagnme Bridge, Willi- spelýl oct nordcs, sîow'îy. litt le extra lahor la horing into the -"Nover aminii thaf," syceiJeas, avodei i ia-Ymî aci hesk lai_____uni Campbll. Meunt tStewart, 3Mon1- j liondo yqu 'do?' fhey speled bhot aiea, anci it ils almost as easy llI do; 5 please listen te nie ila your memîner utliaa n and lieeusot. ili+ lague Pigot t. Tesrneuuegikevle.te bore ton lieusanci feef as six ture,"- Ouroen QuwecaElizabeth marne in whcf li useseFeliTe finga b e rl who.theusanci; but. in order f0 give flic lad a prof fy nif mian imible ion- MarhalOyma' pan o urruteSTCKYARScomam EDS Arcialdel fîaeluetor'saiemethoinersbeangue;el ibutn omnonal alucimehtien; utsndeile gsiltgthtth île'Russiami arnmy tliey fake a mere - hgiven te show ing- farîmers hon flic "l-ion do t-ou do'?" must ho pm-oiido-f for- dropping flic nerst0f if in verba1 ldimels.'Once, cheerfel vielo fflice reselt arixc are, Ended by the Men Aftter Sfruggle nerli Of fttemrimmlg ils docir, therefore Aft or tîat, as RZoherta said, fbeynaef0lilotmnlovng fIloigeucfavndw sh su hegmnmogte hstonupenKoarpat-Laatng To Methatihesalar--of the opî'rator and thflicregelarny talîîed." tr t teet anc tet li ing i e l lOoic gardto a ehlomam e sh km reîttritr.aistnn ppO- co- fChitcaggolicplnt recen "'îego fi- îmeals. lmt hveturmîcite the surface as stean, with- she lad possdproimloin wlich nthaOyam's purpose by press- Ashcg epic ns:Ti idereci ns experimnental and ceduaa yoî gef?" -Roilerria saici. eut intorrîmptirîg the flo . Tw'e bnc inf ot c . Wlittf doca a ,ma ing the Russian positions fa front et atrikÙOof the betciem çvomkiilmen,Ilorai expeemitures. Tho scllieg "Rip disese.- heles asiglit ho horeci in the eaîth thieli of, Sir Ewmd"aeshioutec 1Liato-X anig as f0e lolci Reuropai- wlmlcl las deemralized tflicmia-t- iric ftedesdltl ils Ivr wlctosn etdcadpr e:h- ý1cjlt !ji- f oh kins attention w hile the J,ýianese packing industry flirougîmDut the pvrce of cf l dec cli lieist, ie- The stranue lilier sacittvey tslvcthousac ot dce, nci r- er6:wud iim, "we honks lic mlls ef noti- rigimu w iimg waa thrust arouad ilie country for flic latfw eiiitii s, w as e-ertxhe ctci er oxmeelthe ica e setthiofa as if Io ea ltte as firtfeetfaurt. Tîmerte :;wouding " lu h roparrs, niaduas," crlame Ruasianri ear te bleck lie Ressauaoffbciuliy declared oiffmil'1m-c;y llre L,"r ic, r,, Bîlt Kouropatkin ,night hy Presidlemt Michael J. - k nmngoflîekmngSationmak!F n.;heI 'Idût snwnhatclattargtesi oit ofw-aie'-. T ýon, f ey prie."oeoften[lwr cf is ioyfmoem, hbncis oye lup-1 riely of the .'ialgamii:ted Ma nMefnatstto i ofieif0toemnls r nfl-'u fuiibav hrgao d aimt n ai Srl eeo fi rmefunnr on ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C tli lnin nii~n nicln utr niBmco oke ffaf f ela-g eneughlichi-as bmfollus- Bhrusii"ru. hvrla-diothor exploaive ner o lee o televeir given te a monlax-dl nus fiat teec y crl itlmdraLwînig his mai11 Anerica. tainpioî.Aou 0 sfetes'I boftom of ecdi lole anci explîdeci addrosd lit Brusquoit.-wio î isnl enmy e thenightbunl of fic Tafse + -- nmximurmerienîber kcpf et Cao1 iii "50 evor," Isimulfaneously a satllciont conmm'-ctionilbis fii es- ctirte firc Ligsthel Rul'iayt tr, heîninghtlus frothef mitmet OA.PITR. The oprator ils lot abs"it o o o Ou ouglit te ho thaniul. I 1 miglit ho estahîlisieci botncen tflic ex,-Eaperor ,Cliamî ca V.,D atKing ani hou, Cein. Kureis lafi-o ck weue PROA PINES a cemîpetimîg uor nifli otlie'as -bo don't ilmy cirrtaîma tp ime 1rcinys. two loles. The rock ne-nId be crack- si-lose banuds w-oie tcrrlbiy ýifgureci Cen. Z-îren uoth ie inhckrp, t iuoItretn oai butSîehaieve be,u te fatf on chiekens ias, seetffmis.mi afsîmied lu al directifons, and by '-'ng, crosaie', orps, île bia- Is eil-KowspAboute PLAT NT-PSS WoinsI eî'f"slttening if flius arounci flicbase of INFLAMED)CO 'var, crssed buringChe ridgs Wel-KovrnPeop e. PRIATEENTI,'RRISBo oîfia gespeciaa utile flicefholes svoîld turu ilie surroimmm'ing , I uqelChre ,iI o behiucinu.and. plueiîîg tue river- e- The Pinlae of Monaco is a birsi- If ftle farmersarc alreudy geftimmg a "COeday I achoci," crealut e am ifmnmense nater' eaer.rîember fliat day n .onilie censa- tsbeen limanaîciCen. Okil. Boilitheflmas le -furem on cieeîî sea life. fait- prîume fort- im penltry,flic sta- Ia"asd. h ae ord it n l eMnmrnyýaid« iv .uinadJapatmoeeaccouaissaconi Th'ie "Bobis"-etfapan, l"ield Mu1r- tien ivili confine ifs offerts te illus- Rb btogtlad oead wudb etdi ico agd- -y,1igrtý Id to agîe l e i inýjg fliai unfil the salaiYamagata, lis sixiy-sevea yemîîs ratien or e-îperinmcnfel nemIwitli l\loreyV' Rothe ntsa- tieu if iard. hole, aîi nouici ho beafc ammdnbr t-th etcý,nseýd witlmdfrawal of the main Ru-saaît-oftage. Oveit less tItan 200 hmia. 'ibese wlio î'î'e Id flic niu-blc'--itint!" fumoci iite stsec nd billelitycu hei"daye iglit neliMdo artay front.Liao-Xammg bogan Ko-tro CenceraI Baden-Powellbas laventedciare carryiag on ilie ss'r1ifor ihemmi- "-Iy Idn heas-mmt" fiol t heerh' urae Tep essure"if nurs icdny on whilnidou Ma- j'atkiii lmîmlbeaten off thr Juparnese lu watcb by nhimh if is possible teo-ses îvill ho considerecf miof rivais, -"1 didn't lavea tingte d.-' f s il a. cmmola nîof areTh resur e ands purcls i thos slndid r assulf f frmî efI~ie-cng tellf11the frnie la flic darli. but filenis, mmnd iililiec offorssi as- Le In erang i"o sue aoruemi0fartfronits inithial c ubmme iiime cr tht h uslaiCom.nmancier-ia- Lr-etenafh akaiib if nenere lipossible. Tt w-r sanlong sentencie for fie enonies; fr, partfrenbiudintia ,,bat te Russin ,pLoraMethueostifi alnsis ,hea 1 pauanceReali lit fle uingera, aime tley- sani, vciocity the desceading columme fi lyeu ape r ad na." te peint Chki' firstlamcasmrciy ucail Kr-perceptible Iiiiîm, flic resuif of a teto l cn 1 d l notestagýl ilscoîci ircer noulci exertapressumre olfJ you ane t onrpoul' aut, okabultereciothigliriii îlecBeer War, te cloosing tlie riglif sort of bit-ci tait mttbesrn mtle girsut le-af iiie thiousaiîd pounda tote icyur sires otpouCle's nito, 'I act ucllyhghove- pe'oaei a rea e atîig orisactorla - But. iheestrang-e lîtile girl Wna's alaeimlnil -uc r .ir-Qcm osoc uc eCo5oe C ARLOA1)S 0F WOUNDED. dcli i la i îy life," saya Mudane lomlîY typeoef Plymtouthi Rock or simiThistingemmealeihtugi tWecodalibmut j in'e-you nos or ea- Roherta Inied a Tgis ouldTht' problemît la tîxerefore a mecliani- anr bu mn. A, x Adespafmli toteicLordon Datily i li amou ige- , n1t ccmmndc ssutestri risc lier, cal coe. oncemuod ciiefyynitli con- fnef ciciî orMjsyc Mai Ien Kpamte,<lieciWene- ' iincess (Charles et Doîmark la an for thle perpese. Then operutors are "î've hiec sicliton. da-Ys." nocimg fe two lioles. This uccoas- dayscysmafsîaymerset lie aie exert fypist.Ilier imachine ha Emg-req-ulu-cci te suicu as mucli of theîr 'on years." spellecithe' ir ciplsoteno-ofornuc p your faults, seilmg thmut tbey arc la cf 88 saysdaloaycci st thenouat ici Ilhanci Crman lttera. timne as ramy lit' m'cuirm- inleassîating lutile, tm.in. white fingers. "mmd tien crieditheif utthali a ourc pee b1 Vl's fosont! c , oufor ofe 88 iîag tîoadg i btti ond ut Little PrincesVictoria Mary oet flose wbo tire engager! in or ontering somme oelaie dciedorn n e se tano alci sra sournceingof issenr te deItinci asnce ogg heasery Mulcion. The injuries eof ilose wiim- Wales is beoeaiing qiite. min experttfl ic rrsiimss, bl it' gluntinstructiomn cemtssiocf fi effimersiiadon.Tbcre no la use ded lit shrapnel are of ua ,frightu iýI osonmen She mides estride. lenliuyiîg ilie ftropc- t y-uoefor faîten-,wsjI - etend n selbushanie o icra disstheiing't nature. 'Aîii-ïritiy oiflies'ufferer-s i Ioftbis M-ajesty thc King anci ing, la killing rad pIuclking, prmking, Go nas jet f luneEteREADdAaaANsER.li + - i ivif sooem bhnach i ro-n succumlî on lie way to e, h smtl Qucon Alexandra, have noir take o f sipping, etc. 'lin yvtes! Tee years! Itoherta WIEBEDADNE. gaieilsrqrs lnPil r- Cii iliamîs are hast ily leivingMuleineairing geggies when inetomig. Oaly bIis t1qoftic prop-r 1type null su eodeci te deranci tle first egg from. wliili f feucf cejecoci-ookng si Prnce ddieis fic ltea biyîîeiack on i or pllons, adcisîutf'Use ot Mach'ines te Bleadli Fleur hb, saying, "Your Crace belongs te heugli titiiyofrullmnsavonsentslier oies, Sîe nus tryuîg i)to fluait s 'ndesirable. tf lcisa of Iusbaeds onî wlom I1arn 4jiers, IÏ,;i aVy iltn cniusPhotographoi.-le lus necamera of per-pouaici nililibe Pa-ic 'orfieo tlion - it neelîl bel te lie Cltee nilc eaueliy imo0f LnoYagtia n.,but bornons one of fithetoesItation. An extra gooi t1ý' ype ars-to ache alnnys-saci aing! WtIl rcl e cla obinhoa eCiaIrdls lappeciecia eoi o COMLIC~TîNS.King's. imighf i boîl orehfli elgît cns mI an't Imake helicve if!" sie lo amnger ho tflic mimiajunity. Many mil- Iic fi ooa isoaepae MAV CAUSE -Mr. Leooum(je Rothmschilcilas one wile. anoilor type effflic saie reicic ilyiA'Iiorlî rsrlrn-oigt itei levOednii en heus ut Cliathuse.a cf flic finesi gardons mot livinmglini- ne-ulci le teedear ua ivbe cents a lx mfcuits mei i irc.l.îdm itOare ini-odýucung cx- spcngawriplcasciKl- A deapitclifrola' London nys-la - tocs iii, Englanci, af Gîrmnnrsberv. Poundi. Oli. tint, mci-, fliai lbrave littue girl pommive tîcînî for flic pal-luse of'gor Dniyetlik mstn concîa-nc ofReala omumei l-'air] Lotubet, eldesi soir 0f tle Rani operater la considereci ne- fanflie etier wieidesr!"blme-chirîg flerl'y voeoandcinitroîrs 1 Shouici auke a goed shipwriglif?" tieas tlhoBritialiandiciFrench Covera- Peiei fti "'îcîRpblic, lias spouiililo efor flthe or anci sumces 0of Thon tflo er -cimon, sneet seends acic in îa erer f0 aue a n i i i lynedi mnta hai\e mtade sicomig reproacîittu just acceliteci a $400-a-year ciorkslmip bis,,owmîstation., Ie is expoeted, as Jini oe-esîidwRhmta n'as iviite ýreaci, andcienable grai f0 ho floas ici Chimie ugainsi periutfitg in flic Bank otfIî-ncrancasp1s-lilc. te nd a amituuile aiî'în" - raccl îvimh ioulci otîrwiseogise ai EXPECTING A COMPLIIIE'1T Con. Muýs treepa ftienter Mlanclir- Sir Gilber-t Parler-, fliecumincn afr aket fer tle birdls fationec cf hisacaIr eert îe oi.o lsre Iuteci suli fa navalid- la, Ma las 50,000 soldions on fie nievelîsi, lins been a clergyman, pro-sain h Dplma ul o - Iftils un oxfreiily serieus amt- tcuo Iaw~s helt"Kli frntii.tsso na adeaf andi chenillistifute, lever, endeaier te provido a mark et _j ESSFULMANS DEVICE. fr"saici Mr. T. R. Allinson, tehtI gron nIe us ho courtiber, o-epi Iba enýýigse ht ic e c ditom, anci pleynmigumt. ieor amy surplus stoelk abeve local If a ma n iaes f0 rot ufa bis youtl (I1-"Thownteuiînof iBonîitsinto etl iay rd lc u n. îhe hui- xi ave retrecutec, ie ho "lai ndia evor n-Rîglishmnn by 1requiîrne-rits. Fac-h station nl l e dnning decliiing years lu" îmust nori.e t jytrd tin or w. slio îd nie-se icte Maicimuiia, net ne- hnl mdsefors ta uycaetcia mcihl rvaee iia' I-trs.tnc AinIhiei-tilaiI.clacc ost'cif mesit't smotfler tbis oumt-y e eînoa fiintm ctilyiiefoedb l rzoSiniifoobcm t i lmn OiiitOi. VtitO lanci lacases o e t h otc ohd es aenrc J"of'the-"o-" ' "' s"-"'jý mmciiLiamn. î5ih n. milnduoiî. lîmot' i C'ie.......2136 £390,071ýqnapccuaîhy fav'orable matenful, niole by electric wna-ses ceieg ifhrouiic fytof sleepA man must have pie on the. Iomnloua enmrrieci a short timno."' Slicc---------------......5,691 9,76i7 j*d1imntc oItou beicg laîmîccidownair, wnul POupcî'îps, ns tea n y cf(leÏ Wliea, cîvi ....-848,700 300,666 Tho'P ie,dcaneet l a f ttIssnainfor flic clner si l h rae ere neyer blicr ton \Vhet, fleur, cîrfa.311.800 148,95ý-1 pr.fer thie passurngers 0on a sfcamsý)imhp fa eagtmn tien non. Thiare ns Th9geP @rle fICIth Pes ii------8 8 Saifcasconputo it iluatfe mifddle cf flic Atliant4, -W-ewïý1 wý good a e oe laInsa Kepth -owlsreuar., Bao, ns--2,2 2142 or ousîl u ii t url'or bey, se(ty ycnrs ge. Jif a oecg IAnd teligreat meýdiC!1e- Butte, .c...-.... 1245 aueitsfsotelt, A Serlous oconomef i V our ihla anci. atue cue edIfbhaj'11, gtpeî Eggs ailiun'ds.,..1,68 39kierfremibis deeicet thîe lm trby?"- Wion" nnoiRci I - fCoci le ilI succoed, I U URII moustache cYE Heres8-0 1,25woncis aaiube sppt'.de'LIf a youing muaold 1c i aCUIUkW~rlh1cUset~ e»~ aasaÂn.K

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