NOTS AD CMMZVT, IGoi nade sletions fromn the best "n39orstplVt f potatoes for There are, of course, several rea- -p uu-r nrof. 13k. odpÊsom Ellis, Offca 4tT'tbBa ~ lI im I~fH otaied sow hatThe ioicanhe Dom~inijb Govern,m~en, report3 that sons fr theserios0f sucessoswbichbe doubled by judicious sciectio, O cntns"u the 1Japaneso have gained on Sea and t-i , ta "o oain,, land, inluding tl~e fonamental act IIIL maum~ a apart froin any inorcasé obtainei y>ui~h zt, 77 n4icidxi qi udaeta acU i fi 1botter tiliage and fertilisiation. tue,"ta eans very atom, is pure soap. that they utore far botter propardFEDNGCl7.OUES at the outset of the contcst than SF PI'YS DENIST. Aili bc at Blackstock on the first1 Monday of each month, at Oronoý, 2nd' Monday, ail day, and at New-j castle lst Wednesday from 2 p.11., Office:-Temporanco St., Bowman- ville, rear of Iligginbotham's drug store. C. HARNDIEN, L.D.S., Graduate of the Royal Coilege of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. Ofrce:-Op2posite T.'s office. VITALIZED AIR. Lake Ontario Navigation Co., Ltd. -o- Str.,,"Argyle-ri" Bowmanvil1le -Toronto sTEAMEPi ON ROUTE 'IUESDAY, kJ une 7th, and ei'ery followirig Fridav and Tuesdav. Leave Newcastie at O80 a. ni Bowmanvlle" 7 10 ' Oshawa 8.0) " Whitby "S.45 Iýeturning leaves Toronto at 5 p. mi. F ARE-Nencastle to Toronto and ret arn 75r; Bowmanvihic, 70c; Oshawa and Whitbi', 60c., Tickets inay be extended for the season upon application to the Pur- 6cr and paymieni of 35c. afiditional. Freight solicited and handled prompt- ly and(1careiully, Fer further information apply to HARRY CAi,,JN, Agent, Bowmau ville Or to Fred Baker, Yong-eSi. Wharf. whieh deposits nia>'be made and withdrawn by mail as conveni. ently as if youlr own pot office were Our office. Send for it. You wilI find it interesting. Canada Permanlent t'ormeý(rly The Canada Pemanient and Weern 1CanadaJ Mortgage Corporation) 1 GO NOSI P RET, TOROPC,',lTO 115h, may suffico for the conduot o A dcspatch froni Ottawa says :-At i cllent start. I.-e p th geny cesa. It siarts out ia a strong~, household or of a store, but is voca,- a ublic meeting held inhathe City front e'ch hill by itseîf and plant vigorous, epigramntîc scanner, and bulary is oxtrcmoely limited, -and, nmen- Hall oncWedofsdae altiOonaltho 0 thiein se ihat their progeny mny 1)c dips well into the "ineide" of ihiligs. ifestly, cannot 1,e r'4îod upop in taaBnnh ft' ltinlSn-waîchedî Soi-liewhîî îaiî; their %'goe' Sydney Brooks, the aoted Engli.,n tariurn Association- was iormed. A will bc short-lived, Perhapa the journalisi, contributes a somnewhat mnatters of grave importance, 1 ike pax'iliori for the use of Ottawar Da- plants fronu criebil will ho of auch startliug article on -Foreign Ignor- those affecting the objectives and tiota in ,onliOt ion with the Free oriP' t hystn n lssb n-c~e of Americait Affaii's." Frank movemenis of an armay. Hospital for Consurriptives will b h mciithattho stand lI ur oins FayaËcnrbtsaoPro i Qarected imiedint.ely. Mr..lamneeal h rib- ni n articles on American industries. Thtis mannel is chairnan of the ocalpuyfor nl h toblaninay re he w rites about the cereal creps Thàý ould e trc evo if, tetutiYers from tlhocsolîetions andi thoir relation to the financial hinoe wod be trc e'enif t li brnch will frnish nîuc'h bote aed thn centers of the w orid. Some of the Chdi thpoe rsidere trunsxvoty those talion prosniscuonxsly from the facta that ho gives regarding the au- and f tte osient hinse rom TO EXHIBIT IN BELGIHiVI. flld, or prhad nlwotco r rl eak whom hey wuld hro toseel~cor- t is notncsar to goelwnr able. Vence Thompson, ln bis inter- reci information %vouid bc iaclined Io flepartment Preparing a Large contintuonsiy for seed potatoca. Tho csting "Diplomnatic Mysteries," tells gix'e it out of symnpathy for the Rlus- Collection of Fruits. ibeat oftea grow at 'home, i'f one a îtriiling story regarding the mys - sians. As a mnatter o at ietitr A dsa from Otw savas: The starts with nl gooti strain. Selec- tenions death of Fe lix Faure,, once of tesoo? fcinoiltîr doaatch Otttwation is the ouly way t'O mainta in a ý dento ra . Titere arc f:c- o hs codtosexista. Titc Doprtmoent of Agriculture is yre31ar j aipriaa a pont oftrooitble po- eo Chinese spica in Russia's pay arc îng a large exhibit of fruit for Llio cx- 1dujction. This can lie donc by thetT atokns at oins by CaptaînF. raroiy lovai to their emiployons. and position at Liege, Blgi'iîr, w,î'ich gow. Jeietikioýinaly r- yW mn Hisliman. F.Boy, willcommence noxt Ma anad ist for goeo i utcniuiy r-C nmn ila .iapo thcy are rogarded by the Chiinese tr b Abu 50ga s, plenish his stock :o? sceti frorn SOInO- and M. E.- M. Davis. The depart- sctiers la Manchuria witlssi cf fruibot45 asy oee xho dnees select. ment, "People XVe Rend About," cou- ~ cmpiaig x t TS -thre ,> selecliolis propeniy la a tains a large aunther of picturos ')f andi dtestation as traitors to thiei-lrown lu Canada. will be'filird with coolcelrat ietetacac c n oe ?teior mn country, The resuît is that Uic carefuIly selectefi fruit andi vkîced in to grow when pLlntoi. Do not cnt the circles of.particular inloresi 1Io army untier Coea. Kuiropaikin pas5- aaîisopiic fluiti. Thore xvilaiso ho mte smcd tubons into t1(-ooamail pic- the home circle and womoa cnay bo SOSO O/0, e acasthsola large idispiay o? geocral oxhibits. os, but hatve choem about the size of nlentioneti "The Succesaful Hom- sese y____faaheecn e an egg, anti do not o'uin a goodTil4ow to Make it Beautiful,", bv Har- couiributoti by CossacL scouts, but 1 -- thing .ly forcing it la the greenhouse rhett Prescott Spofford; "A Practical has no cars thut can be tiopendod 1 ELEVEN MIXERS KILLED. taliiag rooted cuittings1; etc., wbieh Taik with the Engageti Girl," by upon. its plans, therofore, are cou- ha so'commnorîly ione, to the dtri- Chri'tine Terhuno H'Ierrick; Mca. cei'îed and carî'ied ont untior the ser- Exlso ?Gsi uay-mnt cf now varietiois. Burton Kingsland's Talk; "htt ious disadvantage ihat hin cks re- vania Coal Mine. Tîte sele"iion -0 'f the best shapeti Wear and How to Wenr 1," bhy hiable and exhaustive kuowlengo of A despatch hemni Scranton, Pa.iters iu spring is Of îittîc value. Martha- Dean; "Hîints for lsy the gnound andciof its opponnts says:-Ree mnr rerpredt 'eliently a, liant wilU produce oniv HOueoeepers" andi "-o.od-heaih moiemnî hiehon ilei mby anrexrpulsion o neegooti tuber, ani, ha thîls latterIRiais," by W. R. C. Luison. Moemnt.gas in the Moilt JessuP nmine- aI îi of seleclion, sncb might ha Poclhle on Wednesday, .-L\o ha- takn. If seconds, oet amail tuberaS Frosu ibis point of, view, the Jao- formation cao he obtaineti frorn tho ,are iiseti for scýed, thev shouit h IOOSbcVIS anese posSss a groat advantago. A maine ollilcialsountil an invoati --tion frein plants of known yigor andtifo cllisi,!on witlfi ssia was long fore- has heen tnde. No bediLr- from plants which caa prodrîce no- Took Possession o? Train and accu an booretheonîjnek o îh ben rcovrediîng but seconds. 'At prosent ive Shot the Engineer. feel that thepila'l ntihe-tub- deailfrnWuicgay prosont cotesi a largo noîinhor, it + er is the nunit foi- 'in Prof. An accident which was followeti by oniy of Japanese officers, but Of Ja- FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. excithng incidents occurroti on :Wed- panose soldiors, hati heen at the Mis. Winslow's Soothing Syrup hasU ~neaday afternoon ou the Canadien painsate acquiro the Mandarin laiu- becu uscd by msillions of mothr fr ~andu Pacifie ut Caristatit StationL, 90' guago and certain Chinoesedia1o'ýts, thoir -chihdren witi~eothing. If dis-mlsws fFr ila.aan ~~~~~~~~'ure eteo~smmoao hnaioicla night asnd broken of yn-jr Ie iS fe s s ,i0 . 64 was goiug eat, andi ias pul- for the expresseatpl)e af oit.icitiltig snftheiiigstantiscny- correct information frein the natitos ing wiicî pain of Cuttiug Teeth, senti of the country han xhich t x75at once anti gel nalottie o? "Mrs. fereseon ihat their farces 'ulti liai e j inslow's Soothîiug Synîîp" for Chul- te openate. Unlike tise ,Rnssian cclix-j drea Teething. It wiii relove the mon. soldions, whe un ntanuy cases poot' lie sufforen irmmedîately. De- pend upon it, motîters,- tiere is no are unable ta rend or w rite their , intkL about it, Il cus'es Diarrhoea, asothon tonue, exen the Japassese rogulatos tise stoîtncîs hantdibowcis, privt aes, for the most part, have cures Wii Coiic, sof tous the uma, beca le an iip-te date achool and i retinces Littlaaxnatiou, anti gives toue icanei ti rnd nt iviteih Chn-an'l energy te the whoie sy siem. leare( torea andwrie te Cn-"Mca. Wiiislcw's Soeîliag Syrup for esec ciaracters. It feliows ihat a-cîtratctigl iaant te the Japanese scout wouiti ho qunîttiedt t socune exact intelligenaouiet Iii- tances, on the naisses oh piaces, 'or~ the manoeuîvres o? tise Rnssia.t troops. île welidun'derstaati tre- ciseiy what xx"s pti te hlm, anti li 'could re y upon w iat h o heard. f or deiberateiy misîcati him, eIemg s"c- cetly or, avoxvcdly cisrnS e Japaan's succesa. Thoe uPanc tlle ot hor j'andi, foncoct, ee wholeiiolaiestrrlr, Vh ovCn iif tlîy'werenet tocsr inste anti is the prescription, o? eue of the oldosi anti heat foînalec physi- cians anti nurses ins the Uniteti States. Price txvenly-ive cents a botile. Solti hy ai11tirug-gists tîtrongis- oui tie vorîId. Be sure anti asic fer "Mrs. Winslow's Soothiug Syrup.- r IIc"Bîstwhy> do ,',oi!,tIihîtl..your new pisographs are hei7hît?" S!it--- "Becauso ýAh my girl fieti sk ifer oîs, asîtnen omy tea friud better that you wirlNno longer0cave53 2159S14112 wil nologercrae E :Il 9 50 27 77 2 90 30 67 ahorriti breakfast of bot biscuit atinad î:raI.LFORI bacon, pancakes ani sýîrnp, ci' frieti 141k 1BF . George 23ft Il 63 2 61 14 25 potatoos anti musaCe. You willhi 1k 3g 5, Ileî,rietta 1-5 2 53 2 4i 4 98 Wonder bow you cicr ihoughl sudsh 111k 5 .28, Inkerameit 15 2 53 2 45 4 98 do W h.B. iG Qaeiî 20ft 1 98 2 45 4 43 a breakfast was nice ai al, anti yen 39 Jack 1 5 85 2 45 3 Sc xiii reaiiv ecraxe the îvlolesnsii food 401 Jek 1-5 84 2 45 3 29 insteat cf tIse fornmer indigestible 41 Jck 1 84 2s 32 breakfast. S0 ouenil ihisd i for S Pt 128 S. Albert) 1 6 00) 2 42 8 45 disaner anti suppot'. Afior yen feri wes New f the habit o? cating oaiy cdean, di- NIL F. MACNAC55TAN, gestible food voit xiii have no de- 'sisTraue'office. Counties'Tresurer sire for tise other, andf will foci se Cobourg, Sept 8th, 1901. 38-13W. full o? vitaiity and gcod nature that__________________ You xvii net or want te go back to the olti, bati habits of eatiag. malice, mos'hîd or gloonsy ihougbt.. Bathiag vi a habit, too. If >ou ct into the habit of looking on the only take a bath once a week you suashiny side, o? life. There isaa will 'tot think a claily bath acces- bnigîti side to evcrythiag if, you are sary because yoîî ton't. know any tietcrniiýed to fiudti t. thinig about il. 'You will not misksit Cleanlinesa lias n pexverfui influence because yois are not la the habit cf oithtie henitit and preservi'atioa o? taking t. luit juat commence te Ithe bodiy. Clanalins of person, as' take a bath cvo'-y ntorning or overyiweil as la 000 gasrmentq andi dwei- eve(,ning andi you wihl soca fiati thai linga, prevenis the poriaicious tfiecis it woulti be u groa:t deprivalion ceo of darolaces, of bati amelîs, ana? o? go wiihout it. A celd hatCi' in the contagionîs vapora rsigfnom u- moraing iolioxvcd by a quickz toxvei stances abantiofed to putrefY;den ra wiil iake you foci se gocti, se lines keepa up a free perspit'atiea,_ wide nwal e and so futilt o? lie, tisat rencw-s the air, refreshecs the bioodi, you wiih flied b.mat as necQssalri 10 and ovea anima t d andtiielixions the" your comfert as catiag, or sleeýping. mind. We rauysoc t1iat jpersonS The morning bnth xvilh seon beacome attentiî'e to the cenieko? thleiln juat as mîsuch a habit as putting on persons andi habitats are the more your clothes, consbing your hair, os. heaithy. and lbas exposenato c dis- xxashiag -y,u'r face. oases bia these xxho live ila 611h Get into the habit of breatbing anti dirtiness, and ti l iiy bc noted properly, i la jua s easy te thai cleaalicîess bîiags with i, ieih epi>. nSia ie iihagrt, throughoui every part o? dlomestie as i is te tise onily the chest. Ex- discipline, habits efomder anti ar- pund t he lusigs anti ii thein h full of rangemennt, whicls aie amnong the air et eîy morniug, andtiet ery tinte lirstaind i hot inethods anti eletentis ihrough the day i-ou thirnk cf it. ofliappins. Vo i xii liRce te do i after a xilile, ---4 an'd fialiy ycu xxili ho brcathieg $100 FOR 50e.-WOMENI deepiy ail the tinte xxithout -ix iag the malter Yvery nî'ch attention. ;V -o-ur ltiilSxviihose oiti st-reng0ri iantixoîir blouti 50 nttchpttran. But good 1 1'hysical habit s arc net ail. Thse meiltal habits ai Ilst also Are aymptoms, of ý'ervou3 ex- wlsen four boarnîg cats filleti with1 be regnlIoted1. If yen are in the ha- haustion whlch di.sappear Italians, attachedti t the reîai' 0f thelbio? talking about evîery little hîl, with the une of' Dr. Ohase'e traie, hecamne dernile in asome nMan- pa or ache, stop il îight cil, anti Nerve FOVdý I iser. The Italiens ixone shaken UP, talk hon ith iistad. Speak kïndiyj Plent>' of people who bave a horror e? nervons anti stantedtini to ut cuge thesehx Os of yenr body~, think tuat exeryx or- prostration anti paralysis;, ie frorn indigestion, ou the mten la chasrgeofe the trai. gan is ïinponlect eider deing its seepiessness, antidhe symnptome of nervons ýone naînidO. Lagi, urmet i xlt a work naturaiiy. Don' t yen eahaustîon net realiziug the danIger tbey are la.i shotgna, arriveti ut the OC ghne. H o ei otbod oey is _Nervous disease develops siü;-ly aat by restoring aict ai Jfgineer Trowel, sCenciiîg six have t elsneoyeey tm vigor to the wasteti nerve cisb>' the use of Dr. .re your hcuti aches, or your beur pal- Chase's Nerve Footi you cans prevent. serioui grains o? bndk5',he't into hîsfoar. pitatea, or yeu r stonaach refusas to resuts.Net satisfshed iviih ibis, the ialianýs digest 5sonie goniid food -yon have a.MATTItEW IWH, a ", .retireti fariner, imie h ie ,r the train bandas, andifreiuo i.Te' r emu liig ai 61 Elgin St., St. ivouldit st ow them te roturalr1il ,i other thon't. tii b'aret J't '1braOnt., states :- the arivai lof the polsce fnom ýrFort tj ings te lkab out. Jusi For some years i have Wiliam on a speciai. Tîvo Ita1sans leave your littla romiplaints anti ufeti more or lest from ce u o h ovesto.i indgesio ani rerousxieso sebadly injuret inlathe acci- ahsoio u osesto. I dyspepi;a, anti as ars etand thoe others slightiY ha- isfmt a hgabit yourhaefhal n o 1Ihbave heen subject to jureti. Lagi, who shot Troxiel, was c o? taiegabtyofural ab uye dizz7y spelis antiisconfort piaceît ntio arreat ai Fort Wiiliami. Oafr h ai ? iis bu afe alg seiD.___ more iaîercsiing anti cseenful V.sng ClaesNervc Footi, andi ' If you wnnt te, anti yon wihl be a far faunl t iiproveti my KNOWJING -ER WAS ENOUGH. more delightful penson te tnik' with. -. ~ dgetcsteadicti in> Mrs. Cols-"Aad when you tcld ht ought net ho sscessary te tell -" '---- rani matie me rest ntisleCP ver>' much biet. i him I ivas miarnioti, tii ho seona r0 nay one titat they shouiti nol shlow, tcr. 1 eau trnuthfully re- 1hocsorry?" themsebves te becoasi"angnyý or en.'vi- X19. WHITE cousasenti dthe Nerve Fotdii-lFnct-" Oh, yes; ho said s130quito oua or J3ealous or bitter, iNov,),,ýern- bo anyone whào eF-ers fothtbeabeve ians haky"tertaiin tboýughtS o? hatred Ior reve'nger I r. ha' NreFo SOC. a bcx. r. Cli-Dî e ronýtliy-?" I toV (i)aay oà. h i iihurt )'ou To protect inaantimttosteportraiit Fniei-" 'Vos, iioi, ho salît hestore than an oneclan Theboty anti SignstuLi: ofDr. A. 'W. Chase, the fanQu-xasexiresaoly SOcrny ihsuih cantbeaieitlly UT!he m1ii'lit 1k îil' reclpboo sibo, .r one'or1 bx.zid'tkno tseman por-sonaljy.', j de,(] har ntiwrsner r womnan's mornthI'.inmagazines publîsbed will be sont, on trial, te end of 1901- six morths-?or OnlV 25 cents,' silver, SItamps or postal note. We will senti Tgm SPAvsTi tsi te new subseribers anti Tïisa ROUSEmusEIIla both for six nîonths. for 50 cents Mbta v be sent to dîNferent .dtiresses We aak every lady rester of Tiris 'TATESAIAN 10 take atiautagcolo this off er-wo are sure you xiiiLe de- lighted with 'ina 1oLuSEaEFr T t la tbe correct radtag for girls, boing a firsi-clasa fashios anti nome magazine CHEAP PAP3ERS. Weeklv lina anti Tria STATESMAN ý'tO new subscribers te cati cf 19)1 for 50ec. Famully Rera'd andt Weekly Star and '1 HP STrÂ'tSMAN te neW subseribcrs tu end o? 1904 for 50c. Farming Worlti anti STATEsm.AN zto new subseribers to end of 1904 for 50c. Christian Guardilan and i~Âaar te new subsetibers to endi of ih)l fet' 50c, Taa STATESMAN te neW sbse8ribers tO end of 1904 for 25 cents., Dlnningbah year coctiractora who atvriefor proposais ahouflij bc cusutiit o pcif y wiat cIsat ýw&'Itl 1