Churches Must Work Bravely for the Em- anoipation of Sin From the Wor1l (LEntered according to0 At of the P'ar- ancestors were able toecdo in the liaient of Can ada, in the year One 'I liousand Nino ilundred and j^our, sanie2~ timne. 13Y Wan. 1Baiiy, of Toronto, at theC Ppartixnent of Agriculturç, Ottawa.) ENEMIES FEROM WITIIIN, 1 find the church of the Lord Jesus Adespýý oPh iromi Los Angc4es, Cfi., splendidiy equipped materiafl-y and says:- Ev. ran1k DO Witt amage temporarily for this winter's cam- prevelion iii "Ithave swig e :paign against sin. But, nmore thani %velatin fli. 8ý -Ihave s t e ethat, I finfi that there never wasa thee an open door, îý,d no nman can timne whii nthe great evangelicai shut fi." churches were so thoroughiy in ac- Months hefore an invadiag a runy cord on the fundamental doctrines of mnoves for the subjugation &S a coin- Chistianjty. In the pulpitf and in try trained miilitary m-inds .Study its thepew those doctrines are held vatural features and intuitively set- firrnly, inteiligently and devoutly anfi tic the st.rategic points which it is Christ as the Saviour of the world essential to ca.pture and to liold and has the whole souled allegiance of the course which the a arjous corps his people. Beforo a general goos must take to co-operate luý the ge- forth to invade an enemy's country oral stýhem-e. it is vory important for him to know Thufr. ourig campaigns or the miii- that lis oxvn soldiers are loyal te tary lines of surmer operations are bir country's standards an'd are of planned for thec most part by the dii- One -heart, one mind and one pur- foent conmmander,-, 0f, învading pose. When a Ch-ristian churchi goos armics while their armios are en- forth into a winter's campaign campcd in winter quarters. Therefore against sin it is just as important the question which at this soason na- for its pastor ta know that lis peo- turally forces itseif upon my nïiind is pie are of one thouglat andi one mmid th1ss. 'Vhat 15 the gospel campaign in )Uerence to the great cardinal abead (lo! the Christ ian church for the doctrines of the churcia. A thousand onismng ton months? I arn a captaîn enemies outside of a general's camp in the> armny o! Christ. FlIow ara I are not so dangorous a menace as to load 1mny people? Where arn 1 teOone traiter inside of the guarding go?'ý1 In the beginr-ing of this wia- sentinel's lines. A tho'usand bMatant ter's work 1 am exactly in the saine infideis nttackiag the church of Jesus position as the miitary leader of an Christ ini infidol convention hall or invading army who is about to break by saloon counter are not so for- up winter quarters. Summer is roal- midable as the Sa called freethinkîag ly the timne for winter quarters in a liberal who is attacking the- church city church. When Juiy cornes many of God as a member of that churela cf the Christian soldiers ina a large or as an ordained mîinister of that cty pastorate hie themsolves awny churci. te sou beach or to mountain stream Now, for thoernost part, the churcla for rest. They are very tired from cf the Lord Jerss Christ has baes their winter's labor. But by tihe purgea of those members who do net time the middle of September is hiere blieve in the great cardinal doctrines the schonîs are ail opened aud the of the bible, It has been bold enougla riieLoers of the city congregations to say to sucla members, "If you do are back to tlieir winter homes and noet beliove in Jesus Christ as the are fillmng their church pews. WThen Son of Cod, if you do not believe ia thepy arrive and start out for gos- the eficacy of his sacrifice, then you pel wn-rk the Christial soidiers of n hnd better' transfer your allegiaat2e to chuolanatraiy opee tokno tah sonie other church with wbose creed kînd cf-natugospye apîgo nwh e you are in sympatby, for in this kindef, gosel ampign hic ischurch 'the doctrines which you repu- ahead. diato are regarded as thoeesence of Christ is ouir great commander, andi Càristianity."ý The greater part of as a captain under him I would here the heretical teachersi have acceptofi and now point onýt to Von the mighty the advice, and, like the army of ,pportunitios which are before us. I Gideon, the men who remain are few- rvould skýetch the lino of camipalgu er ia number, but are of one heart we &s a church are about to enter. and one inmd. The churcla of Christ And, ftirthermore, I not only want throughout the land enters upon til to show you thow we are to ight, wlter's campatgn with unbroken Where we arc to figlt, bu1t nîso to try front, ail the stronger for tjîMe-e]imin- to encourage you by reminding you, ation, Of its haîf heartod members. ni the great agencies of our tiine TRE DEST YEAR FOR A NEW Vhich are going to h-.elp us in this START, teming year's'-struggie.BuItaeaspfrhrinti The glorio-ds twentieth century Bu aea tsfrhe nti opening wide its doors to let the mighty Sobject. We have a wonder- ýliuchýëf he Lrd esu Chrst assfui tiîne in which we are to enter tlie sührclio te odJe'ms Chist pass coming cnmpign for Christ. This'is hort lao Gds ondit, îde bythe youngest of the centuries, but ia- Ecirntifîtc and social facilitios that no to it are gathereri the ripe fruits of other ugo possessed, -Nhereby eca the past. The thouglat and exper- man can double aud treble and quad- icc !altecnuista r rupie tho amount of work which h15 gon have ia these yoars corne to grandfatlier or bis great-grandfather fruition. It is the mghty mnove- was able to do. It is saying to us' ments and trials and struggles of "Man, if the iength of your life eis past generations which have mia7li te be estimated by the amount of the presosat time Possible. Frorn the xork you shah hoe able to accom- triumphs andi failures of the past, plish Ixiiilo t you livo longer than from the wisdomn andi the mistakes did Jacoba, who died of old age 'at of' oui' forefathers, we bave learn.ed on.e hutndred and forty-sevec, or lessons which should us mas- Isaac, xvho lived one hundred aad ters in the art Of sont winning and ighty years, or Abrahiam, who iivedi successful leaders in tho assanît onr to bhonec liundred and seveuty-five the ic-trenclaments of sin. This is yo_,ars, or Noaha, who lived to be aine the very best yoar of ail yoars tei hundred and fi! ty years, or Methu- start in a gospel campaign for selala, who only lacked thirty-oue Christ- yeurs of being one thousand yeurs But take another step f urther in' oid. Ixiiilo t you ,live so long that this momentous subjoct. We have whut vour ancestors accom-plisiied in aiîother campaiga bisng in addi- the course of thoir lives wiîî seom to tion ta these two of which we have ho us nothing to what you shah hoc spoken, 1Wc have a churcla with ail able to accomplisia " The twortieth Of its great leaders as well1 as thou- ce-ntury sýpeaks thus not to one ma, sauds o!fniembers movod to holy buit to ail.ý enthusiasm' by knowiodge of the streugth, of the Satanie enemnies we AN INVENTIVE ACE. are about fro neet li nmbat. We Ibi s inventive ugo huialile-malhy dnobled auJ qundu'upled auJ lmost icfinitely mntiplieJ tise materiai proa- duciag powaer o! nana. rhink o!flise fucilit ics (o! comumunication! :Suppos- ir.g 1I x11,is ta pleur! bie cause o! Crist aili ssane friend clean across lise Amnican continent. I ail doavu anJ peu mny apîeai. In n av usumin- uIes il is in tise potsiaa's bands. A litIle luten il is lu tise mail wagon ou ils wavta tIse deoat. Sooa il is in bise mail car poing ut lightning speed n'en tise mountaîns and acmoss tise aikali deserîs aud acroas tise riv- ons uctil lb 15 Jmoppod ilutliseaosîcru house. It bas tuisc oubir a feav days for thisamsessage bo recelails destin- ation ih ie- asl, and in a feir days louper aunusuver causses buek la mue Ibat my appeul bas been'moud, aud îîuder Ccd*s hlessiag il bas boon muie effefsaita tise sualvation ai a seul, hinaS hoavmaylimes suchs anef it aiist hýl)c p itiplied and isoa larcly lisefuohilties o! coin- musscatic usglatlacutilized for lise s oa f lise gospel I cen triday seiudlt ton !'omCaifomnia 10 Ncav _Vom, 1. ,'(00 m ý iles avuy, quulker fltian halie ginuing of tise laeb ee.lnrv imy Nea, Jerseýy cceslor coulc]snda btter tb bila uissiouau'y souliing aunung the Geongia picos. 'TisaI is orle asleuunding facb. But, bisouîrls more mono' is lu cineultin ta day Ihan evor hefore auJ a peu- ny lus oldea tims s usaut more tisan il dae noav, I eau serd my letton deýan acu'ass lishe continent for two peunnlSiýsba]lemygreat-guaned!tler bar! Ib pny lwenby-Clve cent- tle's£-ad iis letter of co shoot of paper rily ai !"xrhu.-idrd nlles. Il used tb baSe cui au3strssornecimes Isoirs tri Io 1- lise unreel ebsuc"is. Noir bise thorei'~ous ppes (Pare ca orin tillis cstie assount m o! vrie avimshliss know that as the churcis of Christ is strong the Satanie enemnies oro stroag also, se stroag that uniess wo go forth to this buttie with a fuli endowrnent of the Hloy Spirit to figlt as ave ought ta figlt for Christ we shahl fail ignomiuiousiy, as ux e deservo to al..1 Outsîde of lis own intrinsie Eight cenlts a pound is what a young-woman paid for twelve pqunds of flesh. She was thin'anid weak and paid one dollar for a bottie of Scott's Emulsion, and by tak- ing regular doses had gained twelve pounds in weight before tbe bottie was finished. Eight cents a pound is cheap for SUCh valuable ma- teria]. Some pay more, some Iess, some get nothing for their money. You get your mnoney's worth whien you buy Scott's Ernulsion. Wie will scnd you a little ftree. SCOTT &BLOWNE, CNnIm-isTS, 'roronto, Oultaria. SOC. and $1, ý00; ail drugists. 1 i~Wedd A '~While the plaiuest o ail rings, they are the ,most important and .the mast - constantly Hience tue desîrabilty of .~having tiue, well and com- "ifortably proportioned Al "Ryrie"' rings are. Send '.m for rnai.order catalogue. '2Our wedding rings are é~of soli« i8k. gain and range from $4,00 te" S$12.GO0.s DIAMOI!D HALL- 118 fo 124. ~re ~Au Ontaria editor, Wris is a mem- ' XTO1iOMTO. of tbe ha Ue- hourd o! bealt in lu lis bava auJ familiar ilis sanitary cou- ditions la bis section,sanys iu elleet: '"4' ~"~"Po-riaps bbe farmcrs ai this district are avaîse tbi, elsexciere, but o! al tise furmas I have visiteul dnring tise ____ ____________________pust fcw yenis. I bave yet ta loaru ai anecleet iept aitis a regard ta stmeagth nalbîing brings on>t tise isid!'camman deeoncy, not ta speak a!O tise powaer o! a general more Iban tise hygeaic ]aws. Ibis state of affairs roalizabion tisaI bis enerny is stracg is uttbei'y inexcusable, In tise townis aundaily-au adversary wboss puwer tise closets3 are inspected by order o! il wouid ho faly tri underostimate, tise hoards ai bealtis, and tiseipeoiple against wavn ho muet marglaul iis are graulay being persuadeu te- farceos ilis al lis sill iand dex'eiap adopt liseir ighting qualilies ta tise iigiseet THE DRY EAIllE SYSTEM. e-fficieuey. Wlion Goliaths saa tise puny form o! David, avio aas ta give Very !eav pits are lefI auJ no neav hlm battle, thse Piihistine giant ones are being dug. Inspectioni by, laug'hed hlm to scora. 1He sneering- cauuty auJ towvnship hourds o!flueltis ly cried, "Arn I a drig that thou -ray lac impraciheaishe, but tise self- comiest to me with atones." Thuat respect o! farusers aud, Iheir f uml'es eobtempit lost lit tise hultle. Not ought te meanusarnetising in tisis re- sr it vlsDIavid. Mis aeapon ae- spect, if regard for heaitis menas no- thoso ailis aviicisho avas fainiliar, tiang. and ise employed tiese kili developeti1 Ordiuary shailow avels hantise vi- by long oxperieuce la migisî anti cruel cinity o! tise oid-fusisionéci privy pits aatiroheutiess, and ho neraed hiS.are animost certain te berome roau- atrengtis for tise unequal strugple. tamiuated by seepage. Tise soil is Tise churcla ai Christ is made r0oe- an excellent fiibering and ceansing lute lay tise kuraowloge tisaI it is ta agent, oxidi-,lng arganie malter rap- meet a atrong uarred foc. We kuow idîy, ncd t-ending bo check tise de- ave must figst isard ta atm. And suýe vehaument of mauy o! tise coumnra ais kuw tsaInuisa iSe I)uîdputrefuetive bacteria. But tise soul tise siseplierd boy,'ave go forth in un- is onîy able tri dispose of a certain ful-ering faits in the divine e-eu-. arount af coulamiuatiîîg asateriai, forcement sue sisail fuil in the baIllis ari'd saci disposai taLes lime, so A sîalwart foe always brings ouItisat by henvy rains tise contaminaI- Ibis best that is in a xorîhy opisan- ing mialter rnay hc carrier! far int MUST. B Lth N IAR. Ie curtis bcbow the truc purifyýing MLIS PE LWAS ONG1UAxDýlayer, and tisus souk uucisungod imb IIud the cisurcis o! Christ ouiy tise avelîs, An oid pit xcbicislbas cavoti hearted foe' tol'aflght il wouid boens losed aiud coried ailis ourîl became as indîffereu b tisent us I is alînost equu.Ily Jaugerons, us the avas triaard tisaI sueaking coyote, kecampo sillýjonfo!the large musseo! whose worsî depredutions are fritiitd ecoucnanr ieeni ate in tse ama ard ung tise deuil Fo! years, un , issîneby the prox- ciicena., Ijissastumving anJ lus imlîy o!flics avsosorools reais tise numbers, ho uever atlucks n stmoug pt.Tecnet- hudb eoe fric. But to-day tise claurch o! Godadsma pnafed u ieîi has no oowardiy enemy., Likisaanleit pren rug nougs ie, pdermit s hunIer stuikiag tise ma eatiag mou- ectompeongtirno! cyo rit ther sters a! India oir Africa, the cisuren eopstnofay rgi mtr is auJ must 'be crininuahiy on ils remasnang. guard. As il goes forth into lise Ifummrers once tariS lime ta liia crimicg ainter's campaîga tri do the of tbe.e nattoîs, lise-me avonr!un- bost il eau ua ilistise ise-ip f tise doubtodhy lac a greal improvemeat. Ealy Spirit la du ail il eau l'for Windai Is are noav balla cieap auJ Christ, tise consciouaucss tisaI ils cousmon, and tisere is mar eason avhy foc ha made alnoat unuimiîed pmow- aveu-t o-dri fumiers shouid art have ess bas amade lise chumeis strong auJ a waalou'system n th eir liouses, xcth confident. But arbore is lise gospel campaiga r! Iis churcis during tise comniagf ainton 1e be fought? IWe bave taiL- ed about lise turne. We hase spokea about lise rne-ness o! pur-pose and the disviac strouglis in wriicis ae are ta enter tise crinfliit. We now speais abaultishe geagmaphicul region in aviicla.ave are te figlal. We mnust fiad aur chumch'"s Plain o.!f Esdraelonu and ils Marathon pas. Anieica is la becbise geogmaphicul plains o! gos'- pel macuveriuîga for 'tise Araen auL cisurcis. Il is the forensast nation in lise warhJta-day, auJ ils poriî auJ influence are rapidiy gmowuing. Inii energy, in walntb, -lunouterprise, ut1 baSes tishe aJ anong tise nations of! lise avold. ]If il be-Idly takes its stand frir Christ aund dcîlaues bisai bise prinoiples o! Christ are ita guide auJ tisaI ho lails suprene ruaier the i effecî on bise aorhd aililabcriver- wisoiming. An cuormous stop aili bbeu bave 'been takon bavard the conquesb o! tise avisle avrlrd for ii. Oh, my frieuds, siths uch a glan- ions aullaok for our cominn gospel campaiga, shoald sot the chorcis o! Christ us a aviohe aud aur oxca hn- dîvidual churcises go forth mb 1 hi5 avluler's campaigu stro-ug in Grid, strong in initis, strorug in isoly zeul? For tise mosî part I basve been baL- îug about hoav God is poing tribes lise greal Anterican cisurcis as a rhole. Xil obisisess ourorid!- viduai csumeises tri su ich wae havel' pixenon mnallegiauce as hocaill i ;,-ss 1 allier cisurciss? Yes, if sue go int tisis gospel confliit as v-e iugit to gri. Are you aundITaiiing by our rixca coasccraled lia os to let ons'i Jour individuai cisurcis,ailhis liou-1 sen1s past, taL-e theo position in bise clurc'is au'ynivouthe front hle o! 'bat- lie suisemese ougisl tu sta;nd? lie- usembor, ltho opendJour visicis Cod openci for tise Piilippian churci s ci not a doorxcay off la tise distanc, but near aI baud. And 50 lise rpen do-or or gospel opportunity o! oui' ehurcis is rigist ut iand. As cous- secratedl oly Spirit inspired, ourta- est Christian cisunci members urili yoii auJ I juin to-day in tise for- wiard manda for Christ ? 1 aveuid enisî you coeauJ ah in this gioious avar. Your trials in.xy bo ses ere, y our labar ardiso ns, btn in lthe endt victory is certan. Ilsulas' ho yours ta sistare iu the triumpli, but if you per-is!ilatise striupple ya' aili yel ho ab11 , etasay :1"Ihave fouglat a good figit. eseob n4ihbeons:eas." Bain ulismarc fncquc-ntIy be atise monnîiug Ithun at Ian atiso lime urin tIbisday, ail tise couýveniences auJ ativautaggos aýiicis rosi dents lu tise cilles eujoy fron t Ibeaaer avorks systeins thorel estnhlisbed. 'Tisoogi not quite se cauvenieut, tise dry earîh la Ieset is sa chenp andi so satisfactory fronthtie sunitury point a! vic thlatnt a fmier eau Jiscover a reasoualale excuse for rcfosicg ta adapl il. A aveu laid Cament con- creteo Pri ailihofountihy far fise ensiesatlaop in a ean and avlole- sante conditio"n. A stout t>ox o! suitalale si7e, auJ ailis a qîong bioS aI riflencd la whiic i a borse may ho atlacèhed, maScs a reeptacle tisaI eau ho con- venieutiy dmawu ta the field or tua- yard tri be enîptieti. Tbis box înay lac made wx'olly or lu part of shseet iran, auJ if tise bottoas lc seuni- circula r ia fomu a ketle o! hot ava- ter aili hp ofruad sufficient tri loosea tise frazea contents in ainten. Gai- vanized irnabuckets, harper-ut lise top lisan aI is le ballant, arc aLsa easy ta cmptym in ainler. Tise nu- luire o!tise recepînche is iargely a malter o!foiuveuiecce; the esseiýtiah icatures a! tise systemn are tise ston- ing and use, o! a pler.tifiil supply af dry canth;iauJ tise emplyicg o!flise me- ceptacle regniamiy.. If the conteuts be spread lbiuiy oive-n tbe surface o! a fied, tisey xci lac decoauposed in a very !ow day* s, xitb no Jauger la tise public healtis. Ashes slisould uanot cuseti as a sual- stitule foie crts and ou:d JusI is vei'y 11111e- heter. Tise surface soul o! a fie-id or parden tisaI has been fr-equonîhu eulliate aili ho fouud just tise tiig. Ilf a llîecorse or lumpy i i suay brý iiuatisough - a gravs csrecu. TIlis nwns dvisable tri Le"p iagood Supply Ou iand, nas it berames dnrlaîad betteri is age aviea stored l-,a n isi. -If lise nana aviso hlies hiilisento heeni cameiess iia lisis priohraili adfopt -auJ maiuutaiu a) ipu'oper ,-sunilary sys- lent in cojnuTeetou aitis bis cioset, ho xii find insefgiiglargeiy, .nol ouiy la self respct, but lu tise re- specet o! bis !aiiy u*ud a! tM ise strar.g- ers wvisia Ilis ales. Furtisermore, lie rnay tisrbyecpels ravages o! une as fnoocnfbybrace tri tise use gon ecau aflybeieve nîsigss Il iss't ixînys sl tritli a ir tia oi airebrbonigcek 'THIE PLUI1 WELLS DAXGEE07'!S CONDITION ON Investigations Prove That This la Causeci by 'Unsnnitnry Clasets. Atetý,ion avas ïrecently calicd ta tise fuelbiaIonit o! some 100 tri 200 suntpies of! avaleýr front fart aveils analyzed annuuily hy Prof, Shutt, Chemial o! tise Domninion Experissea- bal Fart, s ot ose-fiftbi are friand sule auJ wAvioesýome. lBy far lise gueuler suanher bave la lac uttenlY eoudemied, uid il seents very esi- dent tisa1 a gruli.sprmriventbin our waaer sup)plies is necesaary, Tbis Jaugerons conridilion o! many fasrn avels- is umdonbýtedly due triholu- ltion hy nnsaiîiamy closeIs. Tisere is no rouson avsyae shiould have oum farrn-iouses ta-day lunlise semi-bar- raune condition lunxciich so mrny r! tiser are, vilis Ibeir closels aad pri- vies a mencelapubliieieailah. We may balS about bacleniology, sacita- lion, and s" ou, but ah tisaI anti n greal deal mreis included lu -ba ave understaur! by "cheanines"Ts lacS a! cleauhines is pmhmaiy a malter o! igunance, aud secandhrily, tise bliss tunuýe the 'unils l ocation us determined'. Tise bliad deligist in races a î sorts. They do not rubavard a la-,pe, as tie Oeig do(1, bal bavard a beu] tiat jnlsbrlskiy. Il is odd otrie ise bliuýd at ei mantinn raodsilenýce , ri f Ibiey mc.Soý a noisb tise voices a!flseir guiding beli's cuId no e Lachourd Why rict stop thia ,fa11Ii oyurhiAthat ne you ewi l seon bewithotany Vhahrt Just emmbr hat Hall's flair Reýictwerâ stos allnghaLr, atid mishi rw IYOUNG on TIJE FAMILY NEXT DOOR. we o esntefo ii cdWhren muy ce g, ana" lad ust think wahat it means ta have ed treea'oles.the hens iaying reguiarhy ail wiater 1 "One o! tisose duys," suid Mrs. -wbea eggs brinig their bestprcs Curr, cheerfully. "Why, chlldren, Ta' vlt yr'Rylporys xvhu woud thy thnle f yo wen Spie does for the chicicens. It's rida over to pilay the very day tuey mov- innranus ate-ppesilte cd into their ccxc home?" nntoeosmttrsple i h "They lat niglt," said John cOtastituents that compose the egg and gives qnickly.' "I saw the stage drive up more iastig internai heat. It niaises bons and Soule people got ont, .insit after ay-and insures fertile eggs for setting. - dark." It'S wonderful for making yaung pulets 1;, ý "You 500, they moved îrom acoth- eariy layers-far fattenicg chicicens, ducks""e or toxca, xihicla is much wîoî'se than anid turkeys-and for raising plump, strongb<Ir oniy poing froni one hanse ta anotia- - vigarous paultry. or ln the saine toav," explainod Y1-1 If you want ta mnake xnaney out,- marna, "and it xiii tako thenia o or- hca ar lfe long time to pet their things smttled. J of s yoa "cicisnyrd" fee Perhups there are no childrea, uny- yr'RalPltypce - xvay, so yon must not couit too It's nat a food-but a relish. "Tchere' aig litle paymaMYEIITS ROYAL SPICE CO. 'for sme one cuhied, 'Bobr' txco or i araais. O8, " n d N.Y. three tirnos, and if hie was littie tboy'd cuil hlmi Robbie."' reddy wns beglnniag to dislike his childisis________________ name, and supposed that any boy wha had outgrown "Robbio' must . mixtures for ho very large inideed, shirt waists I'm glad a! that; " suid J ohn : o f color to 1 "We.eau hase fine times, -,lay5iig.bail ofionhe o Scoel andi doiag everything togetha-r. Thacre te -kroi i-4 n hîtthe boy, toa, Fred, for, the *,bine, or bro- lady siext shoor spoko to saie O ee, T-1. < stripos and this uîorcisig and cahhed hlm Bertie. 0001*ii Tisat wîliisuit yau." tse nrwts IIuin't a little boy!" saîd Froddy, ~tss e lidignuntly. 1"If there's a littie 4ý4.. daraed or se( ehap over there hie eanuolay aitis lÈS.ia white, mnl Boss." l i ~thse mixed et 1 saxr a littie girl, on the poircla Ail sensible xvomen wiil rejoite in. ma'Who vie just about us aid ns 'Beseie," sai'! the weli-settled fuet that short skirts bias alreudyi marna. "I arn so glnd you are ta are bore ta slay, even tise Farisian. extremoiy loi, have a nicc tisse, thougla 1 thouglat WrsO has beon auytbing but practicai made its apî the chihd laoked like Nellile Curtis, in respect tri the lesîptiso! her skirts 18S30 fashion- and didn't beoog tri the aew peo- hav.ig capituited. The iustep-iongtb past, at lens ple." skirts are not only tro xvorn for is eoriceraied. "O marna, if Mrs. Curtis lot Nellie walkiag, but for roception goavas, and broad shouIri go ta visit them, wby can't ave?"» those avho lois best in skirts 'o! that avio rules th, asked Bessie. "We'd only stny a lit- leapth is xii aear thens, and i lu îuuy thougi the tie îvhile. Iamn soanaxions to see' instances os oning goavas o! round long, it is ne tise baby 1 cuis hardlyavait. 1 heard length for dancing aili ho seen. dowcavard lr, tise papa say, 'Hox's my baby?' Iu the longer skirts, those that auce witb thu and you know there are nuoOthse" ba.rely toucis in tise front and ut the ion hias dec] babies on this Street. 50 there must sides and lie ou the, floor lu tise bacis tise waist lia( ho a baby."! wil ho fashionable for dinner goavus fined, tise bloi Tise Curr cbiidren lived lu an old- aud genoral evoning Waer. whiie a iittle fusbianed bouse, aitis a large gardon Tesit htheo h rudfot tI iu front and bohind, and would bave Teve r luhsalie nathe raund ft pouch r beeni perfectiy happy if there bad been eea inhs-àtewyar" tepoc w other cblidren sieur enough ta pîav and thut avere as ungrucelul and siov- long. Nate witb. Most ol tise neigihors avere* enly are takicg thecir gernt-iaden fol ds monts muLe t elderly, quiet people, so the tbre Ont Of sight. totuily dil'fere littie folks thongist tbey bad a dole-_ For avomenl, especiaily those of mid- lac. fui time indeed. But now the big due age, or o! tori evi-dent soutcests bouse aext door bad been reated ta or tblnaess-oitlser boing fatal to A WONDE a new f a.rnily, and aithougla the tati grace-and aiso tise short avoman, i nln hedge betaveen the twor gardons kepti100k bottes' ha sklrts that just leur l nln tisent front seoing thse fumily, theirltise pavement thian iu the shorter or new, color f quicis ours hourd eves'ything, and tbey1 instep leaptis, but sucis skirts are culled "Emuin avere xild avîti deliglit. imore or iess a nuisance, for ttsey are rias sliudo of "Four chlldreni?" suîd papa, when just long enougi tr i dp into every l.Iisa he hud heard tise woeaiderful nevs. puddle or otlior filhou the Street or for houvy1 "Aud you kn'ox theis names ai-. and yet too short tri hohd up, a- pe- the shades roudy?" cuîiarîy unraceful eiïcct îeîîîig gaven deep violet. "Yos, papa. Tbere's Bob aud Ber- by tise lifting o! skîrts that iianilest- into fuvor t] tie and Roba and tise baby. Tbat îy clear the ground. Perhaps tise once Queen A' mulies four, doecss't it?" suid Freddy.- compromise betaveen this andJau for these tint "Mania tisouglat tise ittie girl on- instüp iengtb is laest fouud in the extrenkely pri the porcis sas Ixellie Curtis, but I *tta lrstepvmnanha ecr beard the marna caiiing Roba tisree 'kr ' t hastiepvusn uthan wloicor stee ex l a ah ie aay nroua-d. toohvl timos, 50 she beiougs hee, cx fvo ocei phaîaed Bessie. It is tri ehoioped that ail avoren fvroc "Thebab's ainemus boMar adoptiag round skirts xiii sce ta it feshion tisati rh bbys anetuthat athtise go said papa, 'for an aid lady was out tao hy aî'e not only us lonîgorai'amt- on the porcis, and I hourd bier Say' ssade longer in tise front i!han the- tri Soulrnen inside tisat it was tilne back xcben first worîî bot also a!lter RAILV for Mary's uap." beiag avoru axciile, If a skirt is not "Maybo there are taxa littie girls, eut prosterly tisere is a tendeccy for Last Two listead of oaaÀe, suîd Bessie. lit to ride ýup in tise front, aud this Hlad an "Wouidn't it ho lovely il tbey isud a tendoucy siîould bco discoverer! and greut big famuiy?" remedied', for nothing is mîore fatal Receat rai. But avien they avent aver ta play to one's uppoarunce than to have a many ivesv aiti tise ciidren aext door, tise lady skirt'tilting lp ut tise front. Evon the faet tisai toid thessa ber littio girl avas taking a propcriv' eut skirt, if it las tight, 1904 bave he a aap and wriuld lac ni in a fexv muy bave its bang ruicd if ils aear- an-nual numbý minutes. "Where are tise rest ~o r is not enreful bow she sits and tise Noer Yor. your childreîQ" asked tbreo voices ut stands in il. Sonse of th once. T"he sica skirts tisut ciear tise pave- cciet "We only bave ou-o utIle daugis- meut front preseut indientionas are ta avioseoafficerî ter," snid tise lady, aitia a srlle, houer, and ail sorts-of piaits used, that sncb thi 'Did you thn there avere los of but it is bardiy likei-', thut in tise their perfecil children bore?" heavy ainter ciotbs th'is fuiiness aili Officiai fagu "Wisere are Bob aud Bortie and abtain in waîking goaas, as it avouîd dntbs la 191 ]Roba and tise baby and Mary?" usk-- mal tisent too cumbersome ta ho anatial repoî' ed Freddy, ln surwrise. ,Oteris tantiin, ndAmorcanmerce Commi "Baby's anme is Maxy Roberta," orvs eîaitise total nu: explnine d tise noav lady, "asidave al omn espeiaiiy the younger ones. 1088 have different ames for bier. The are, despite tîseir foiloxviug o! fasla- 006'1 were kil parrot cails ber 'Bob'-, ber pa pa, ions, not Slaves to extreie cmodes, jured. 'bab)y'; graudmna says, 'Mary'- aud and tisey ps'ef or eomf art to discat- Iu wasi thei s0 you see it sounds aus if tbe bouse fort in waaking goavus. 1903, that ti avas ful of little fols. 1arn sorry Coats fitted ut the buck and os'er the Baltimori yau are disuppoîalted, but Bertie xii the hips bsut swinging, a bit lrise in od aiti pas ho glad 10 sec you wben se gots front tri show vests o! conrutasting near Connej up" 1colora, are a foulure of tis e x v ahk- sanie hoavy Tise Curî' cidren founld ittie Maryling costumes, but tise devotee of thse frani a freigi Roberta a saveet little fouýr-ycar-old iEton crut cn"dlot ho diseaîsmaged. ited avas ri girl; but they aiavays feit cboated The Eton is a case of tise -urvival o!fisour, and ilt avbecever they thouglat aitise largeltise fttest, and xchiie rnany utteinits Seveuty lives fa.naiytisey expected ta inulfontilhave been rende ta detismoîe it, i is victirns beiîî costumes, and! plaid sIf, xciii leud a smart toucli the gowa. The (juietor ,h tartans are preferabie,- Ind ia daek green. r.avy tva crosseti aith atrraw saaa)all bl'ocks in cofuple- Oes. And In many of siiks tihe backgrotnd -As eeded with littie stitches king a pleasing relief ia doriags. And! the wo- ews the rild of fashion coted the fact thal the >g shouider licie, wbichl )pearance with the other is is now a thing of the st where the shirt-waist .It is thse woman with ors andhi, full chest .e mode just cow; ai- shouider searn sis stf11 olonger fashioned xvil h a roop. This ise in accord- Je aew figure xchicb fasia- inared for, w hirh is tliat re mnust ho distinctly de- Duse mnust set closeiýy, and esagging is permittod in not anything at aui l..o which >peIIî for sa urally these new requ!re- the cut of the shirt w7aist 'nt front WavIe t Ausud to EREUL NEW COLOIi. dthey have a xcon'ierfui for this se.sson's e.-ior, oence," and is that curi- fpurpie vorn by cardin- id to ho the coming col- gowas, and ruas t'hrough of mauve, purpie and It bas& probably crept aroug tihe great irefer- Ilexandra has ever shoxcu ts, and xciii, thorefore. be p'ruinr. It xciii bo more ne if it sýerves t<) hring 1gems, amethysts, into boro, lu obedience to thse docrees that jewveis must :owus. WAY WRECKS. Years in the States iUnusual Nunaber. .Iway xcrecks, in wbich were lest, recali forcibly tt the years 1903 and ad more than the usual oer of snch disusters suys rk Heruid. te more serions of these occurrod up-oc raiirouds rs bave frequeatiy boasted cgs could not happea on Jy mauaged ronds. ures sbowing the total 903 are given in the last rt of the Iuterstate Corn- aission. The tables pince naber of casualtios at In theso, accidents 11,- led and 89,872 were in- (day bofore Christmnas, th Duquesne iimited, on oe and Obioa rond, crowd- sengors, roundicg a curve llsxilie, Pn., rau into timbors that hnd failea at train -ahead. The lim- ruuing slixty miles an ts cars avore tolescoped. fs woro iost, asost of the ýg scaided ta death by- ry 17, 1904, a Rock Is-' strain, ruacing at biga Wiuard, Kan., rau into a 1 with cattie. Those wba coeaor the doad audJ zy- oen persous lifoless from iaster, aviicis wa.s uscrib- ,e to obey signais, ac- the Erie Railronad. neur J., on July 10. 1904. siere piieI up, acd six- we're takon froi the ood and aron, while fi!ty ýO injurcd umore or iess d's Fuir Flyer on the io Grande rond broke trestie bridge at Pinon, faiiing to the bcd of a la os of more thun sixty esacrifîccd. Oc of orders caused ono receat wrotks on thse Railxcay, xchea sixty-two 'kiiled and 162 injured tour Nov îarket, Ten. Lday passes that nne- ne kind does net occurr le rnuny ralroais in the es. 1