~~WITHDRAWN àNORTU0UD The Main Russian Ar my [Ha Fallen Back RPSSIANS EALL BACK. A tespaicli res Ncw-Ciwang sayý Thc main Russian ansy untor Ger Keropatkîn bas n'stisdrann nect of Mukdea. A sts'ong terce et tnaa iry is stili souti of that city, watch la-g tise Jaaneso nsosemcnts. B! detachinonts arc ahso guardia'g th Russian riasîka. Tbese detacisment have corstructet îuany gun position anti dng tranches, n'bicli are protcc et isy barbet astre. Tise detendeeso tise ear-tei-a liank arc cenirot ai Usa: tsenty-cigit milî esi t fAuktica. It is imipossible to say as yet scis tiser Mnktien weul bh bjît. The bc ief gros s hat iln'ill net. Teliri lins hoe grcatiy estceîsgtiscnet, antiL non' reportet te ho eccupicti by Ces sacka. LITTLE JIESISTANCE. News ]-sas licou receis cd ai St. Pct ersburg tî'oen Mskten te tie effiot that the Japanese have at lest begur tise offensive. Theîy ]bave capturic Da Pesa, anti are p)ressing, on Gencr. ah Koaropetkin'slie tflaak. h i iselie edthtie Ruasians abautoneti l iE Pass wiibout serions rsristanco. Sevs cmal uiser passes et the De range, eastn art ef Beaisiapize (twnt miles seutis-casi t fMkden), are aisc li tise banda efthtie Japanese. Ccci Kouropaikia la csideaiiy kldrawiag iii bis -forces to the ioss moe,nîaînuis country nortb-n'esiward xWhere lie tony decide te gi-ce battit. lr,,thse mcann'ile sisaro fgitiug is îîý gardod as itrinient seaili-casi cf iMnkden, ne the Japanese are ox- pocteti lo elu i'rtieir amain attecit tîme 13aak îseveaet Irîîm tisen'est being cf secendary importance. SUPPLIES FOR RU)SSIANS. A desatni te tise London Daily Tîlogýreph fr'en Siuminttag says tise onutise average 150 cars treigicued n'itb suplies fo,- tise sîssieres arrive 1here i mertlly oser tise railwey. Maay oethtie supplies are sont isy pni- vae specninto rs, inlndiug Crecks and Anîcricans. Tise track imetisoe Kaopaatsc is coeuprrati-veiy froc of both Rlissians eut Jepanese. INCREASE 0OF 200,000 MEN. A ticapaicli frois Tokle says: Ihisi staeotinlesCoernmenî circhca thet the non' raIes of consceiption n'tll increase tis acarise arrny hy 200,Qi00 son. 'Pie ostifuance neex-s tise ex-poat fecto sanction cf tisePlet, sairs undouist- edly n'ilh ho readiy given, os erybetî m-cgni/ing tise r:eccssity for it. The attitudte oI tise pnbliec ton'ards tht ortfimanro fuinnahhe fariser esience ot tise naiioe roalization tisaitthe casopaiga is te ho long aut exheaust- ing. LOSSES OVER 30,000. Tise Shanghai rorrospeendeat et tii Lo'ndon Daiby Tolegrapis quetes e Ja- Paese officer as say tng tisai th ise1.1- et andi nouatai ai Port Arthar cou- si'eialhy exceoed 30,000. Tise mihi- tary actiorities are oethtie opinion tisatit lu enbchouscleste thi'o.sv an ay more li%'ssin assaating tise fortreas,eend tisaiin'onbd hbo tter te institute a reguler siego. The Jajiies arsseals are werking niglit aniday inmating eut 1-laccishowit- zona anti larger guns. Somo batter- es ot 12-ilmdi guels ha-ce reccnîby rcached the besiogors. RAVAGES' 0F BERI-BERI. A despaici te tise London Tele- grapis tronc Shanghsai 5iiý 5 tisaia carelul ostimrate of tise numbor et Jalaso alreaty n tise fildit hones only about tonytis tousenti trainet t.roops no n a apn. Rnce tise nùcesity tor' a prcmatarc lesy et don- seri.'ts andthie legtiseniug cf the ne- servstSs' ties tsf sem-vice. hItist'u- mnoreti tisait te Japanese arc making prepamationis for tise occupation et theiselant et Sagisalien turing ,theo entama otehie sake of tise ceaI mines there. Tise Most serions pro- hleiscecfrnting thse Japancsc ai 'Prcect is tise enormosîs ravages of heri-iseni. Ih ha staiedti titise basses Inoîn ibis di sease oxcecdth ie total casaubties lu tise flghiuîg. Es ciy transport isouati for Japan takeg bundretis et anflerers. One goîs- cmi bhas boca tnal ildet by tise dis- case, htislabehet tlint tise eut- break is due te eating of colt rhxso tisat lias been cooketi for a long tase. Tise besiegers of P'ort Arthur are suflring tise worst. Bem-ee beri-lboni anti casualties tise elesenili div ision bas practicaliy ceaeotot exist. 45,000 JAI'S IN IHOSPITAL, continues te, be discusset by -tise epean Press in a seriner tisai ha wa.srantet by any probabiisty. defeation of Russia's attitude ta CI rmet hy a stateasont le tise Ceri Press te tise elecitishat Ceuni La -dorff, the Rassian Fereign Minis informait a Prernineet diplometisl oSi. Petersburg tisai the rammns i Russia's intention te atidreas p( spropo.-als te Japan n'ose eitineiy 1 - bas. Ho attetitisaitishe increesc fRussiami aresanents andtihle appe tusent of (Ion. Cipenberg te c n'endtihie second Manclisuien a - caiglt ho accepteti as pro ofts -Rassia wn'ld continue the n'ai *long as necessary,. CONFIDENCE IN JAPAN. The correspondent efthtie Lenu TJises et Tokilesays :-The Japat ,press la un certain n'bether te cegý -ithe second Russian as'my as n, suac iinîtic squatron or not, but i is Ldilaredthtia, at cns-ýy raie, stade 1re-sPeesibilty toc the'preloagatior the n'ar resta with Ruadea, Japarj prepaeo te continue tise figisi ffincbîagly,, cordident in bier ab!t te aîways place in tise fîied a bar, and ti snge-r rmy then Russia. is attet tlisaine fiuancial on ecc Uaic incumvenviece has been ep is expressedttinlatise trial ef. durance Ja.pan n'elh not bo beaten tise cnemy. TfUSSIA ORDERS WARSHIPS The correspondtent et The Lond Tinmes ai Paria anys a tespatii Toulon anys the Russian Ce-cernii bas jUSt orteret Ires tic Cempa. ties Forges et Chantiers, de la Mt torsance, ebove t trpede ýboa-t( stroeof ettise latesi pattera,n'hi n'ili ho takon in band ai once. Et n'lllho builtin hathe deckynrdq Havtre, tour tintise Norman do( yards, andti lrce ai La Scyne. Th nill iotnet ofinishet for fftea enmnt Ift ha taniSer ropocte t tit oct hase iseen gi-con for four cru-isers tise Beyau type. JAPAN TO EBUILSUIES. The correspondent of The Loîst Times et Berlin says:-According anu Americiàn lette o thie Kolaise Voua Zotung, a rcps'esentative eft Japanese (iov'eiemni bas gi-cen order 'te tise Fenmegie Steel Wor toc 7,500 tons et nickel steel plat( witn, fit iha sait, is tatendet te o asor non' batibesis, the censici tien etfsebicliis contemplatetd Japen. It la statodt atisihe Japa ose Imperial naasy yards are uto fitiet n'itls tIse mussmodern macli cry, antitisaitIse ar'senal ai Ku dan suppiy the coemplote equipusent a batiesisip. Cus et a largo ce' bre are big u-net oui t Os)aka, REQUEST FOR INFORMAIU n Ilimarkable Lettes' .ddressed 1 e ~Gevernor-Generel. r An Ottawa -despaicli says :-Mai earc tihe curieus opisios shichlu i t tiseir n'ny hie to eCos-eruaeni me frors impoctanate batillh-inforaset i, dis eiscals abroat. Ignorance, yCantria anti Canadien institutio, arc froqnentiy tîhustretet inlatise commnications, bat pochiaps tise le toc erlwhchssas reccived ti aoee of ti dejsantenents onilTisunsday reachE tise limit laibitis regard. hi danx ffrein an intisidual hantise City ( sNon' York, atitressedtote"Tise GCe 1non-C onerel of Caneida," anti roquesl 2iag tisaitute writer ho informetic -aIl the Places in Canada whesre hart -n'ont coaltibchobetanol, abso efth -na-tes et aIl CanadIen ratînnys an their Ireigisi rates. î Tbe etuer, of couse, neyer mouche bis Excebbeacy, bat sas retenredti tIie -appropriate dopariment toc rc ply. 'lie seriier, aise nas a Neý Yorkor, ant ietImtinet an ilii aie pci'son, citieri, n'ill donisilessb intoedthtii arda oot ha te t fensinteveery Part et Canada, an4 tisai tiesetandard'd aiiseay guidei n Lviih turaish bim selti tise remainte et bfis desiret information,. ELECTION BAY Nov. 3 Dissolution oet-Parliamneni An nounced ai Ottawa. A despatcli frein Ottawa ays At Thurstias's meeting Ofthtie Cii nef, it ws sefiiiuly tecideti te dis. À despe'tch res Tokio sel s :-Un- cellecry's aîspcrovab, andtihie tintes official estiliates place tic nuuiiber oet1et nomination eut pobiiîg ssci sick anti n olntetiJapaîseso aohdti'rs 1dcttjied apen-Nons-inaîions, Thuns- atiner trenfmentinhaJapan ait orty- t . c.27th; poiling, Tlsursaes fiee tisoasettc. Tise mrilitai-y Ssp- o. rt is sts iseing retumnable talsaet Toilo, Oaa1niHroîsmro e. Etis. Conccil rose an Iceatain ton tiionsant cacish. Xic.30 andtihie Erinie Minister immee tiseusanîl base eccosereti salicienuly 1dl,,ieix de'ose te Rideau Hebl te ac- te bescie te uOnetnie antiseati net bis Excellîucy of tise ticisiox rosonts.dTise systices of ieandEuig eut et bis advssom's. Dy 7 o'clocls in'a: irontismg tiese ick antidsoueietSpcetgeray nwm rutin' ,okig spicadirly cnt the teais ihet Parliamennu lid beca dissels cd. rate la cxcpiinaiiy amali. JAP CRUISER DAMAGED. MILES 0F CARS A tespatcîi te a London nons aigcucy res Xluidtxîosteck si t Ca, P. R. laReady te Handie the a<cortiiug te eprtfrons Part r - tisas-teo Japaesse torpeto isoata Ncrth-Wesi Crops. tndia JaPancese steamaer hase iee A, Mntrel teig1icli 'n'sTlie ruisi by masca iccas' port Art iur:CndinPacifie Raiisîay anenotie tulring tieýse nt Lesý i dnî. A1Jepanetse on Wcdaas ,ruibaventetal et 28,600 iscars A 'd.espaLcýi rom odnays: noitcsas177 me sf'igitcars Wheu Danger SignaIsk @+~>+1 + +0 0 "The sentence Was te bcexeue a yçur liver out f rde, Onp - . o' dock; ail that was Waited for was stipation, Or your stoinach fot ain i en f enpat' from Cea. KuCpti worki-ng right, it's a sign of ,,e Te teermaredponty dsress whielh, unheeded, wifl + the generalissmo appros &l the con- lead to trouble-it is tinie to e+\X"a r 0 demnation, but spared the Japanlese 0 al officers the humiliation of the scaf- Sfold, and graated thora tbe grade of + 0 being shot, accordinig them a seldi- erýdeath. I hve eceve frm aRusia lii- was preseat when the dem- 1 Lve eclvei foi il llssmanai ber, recently returned firomin arbin, man dant rend to the prisoners Cen. Eu- er ' one bitberto unpub]islied details o rfaki' odr -&r-- tiho executio11 of thie tweo Japanese o'ua, is well,' re sponded Col. Jo;k- Tb 'lt od Everywhere. Inbxe 25 cent,% sPieS arresto'j by semie Cossacî{a as oa 'I arn ready.' Tohe t-yWr bu e bwu rde The captain said nothing;, bis ex- con- ~ fthe wMeanouianllreupabridge5presion, that hecame every moment FOURI MENI1' IULLED M. Pravdiae in LePeitTepsoe more diadainful, showed bis indiffer- Paris. - once te the manner of punishment ster, Parisa. reer ved for Min. ;t in OnLri ashes into Another Ily informant is a yonn!g man rh "olooiok redpemisont of Near Woodstoclr. was severely woulmded duýring the irst Write te bis fainily; then lie eni.brac- A oosoca Ot, esacisys ombardrncnt of Port Arthiur. He e d the ceptain. bae A oistcOn. esac sy:obtained perission te go te Italy "' i oetaqi hn yn ; in) Four men were killed, one fataily in te cons alesce frem bis wound, but colone mor' said the latter ,n,- îueadtreoheswr eiul efore bis departurre ho maade a short : W by do yeu Say that?' ;- burt. at 3 o'clock, on lednesday stay with srnse officers, relations of "1i have fulfilled mny duty te my urmy mernlng at Eastwood Station, feve bis, at liarblin, wbere he arrived just country and te the Deity. Yen have that miles east of Wotllstock, in one of at the tiene when tise Japaniiese were donc -cours te your country onlly.' as the worst accidents ou, the main ine ar-restodk, taken in tbe act, condemned - 'W9hat do yen mecna, captain?' n_ of the Grand Trunlk since tbe Wanll- xcte."' ae clce gn elo stead disaster.1 The dead are:- n xctd aerfetdago elo Thomas lioron, engineer, Toronto. "Yen were present at tbe executiais what yen have said te me about Harry Fallîs, condactor, Hlamilton. of the twe Japanese?" 1 asleed btm. Christianity. Yen are always vaunt- Ldon C. B. Ber.edict, brakesman, ilamil- "Alas! I saw thon die," answcr- ing9 it.5 superiority. Well, 1 think yen do sese ton. Greig Rirklanld, engineer, Hama- ed the youn.g sailer. are net in accord witli Christ; whilede ard ilton.ý May die:--Strnon Carneron, And se 1 iooked at liitaswttl as- 1 have nothing te reproacli myseif ond firrnan, Parkhil. Injired;-Fireman tonisbment as lie hastened te add: w-tb'Pehp yuaehthcpt .b d-Neiligan, on No. 733, Hlamilton. "Do net take me for an anarchist "'ehp e r lt atain. d e de- And 1, 1Ihave a laver te ask of yoe.. the Brakosmen B. P. Bush anti N. Ford, 1 am, on the contrnry an ardent pat . aive me'your authorization te per- a n os TLonfeon ransfiuet l te , and 1 eageriy lengeci fer the ferm the first truiy Christian actof unli wk.onfe 0 theinsfwns winhe War With Japiin; 1Iolngcd te see tlhe Which it bas been given me te per- c un-y wk ne of. 33, a wateilitJapanese externinatui, and I desireti fors during my lite. Yen know I- e gerWhih rasheteeaWoostck nti We igit e ale o 1ctat'e.have a number tof Chinese hanknotes,"l which rustertwee of peace te dictas at Tokie. te the value in al ef about a thon- et' It Hamilton, in charge of Conductor B3ut, lil<e ail ny'comradez, on seeing santi Russian rubles. Welb, I desire nec- Fallis, with Kirtiand, of Toronlto, as those two Japanese efficers die hy te senti this mno'ney te the cemmand- lier- driver. 'Tli othfer an cast-bounti the ballets of eurs sltiiers, courage- ant,' te be given te tlise Russian Ried are treiglit, No. 97, in charge of Engin- ousiy sacrificing tbeir ives fer their Cross fer the poor Wouiided ameng Ce en- ee Heren andi Contacter A. McDon- country, I could net but thiaflz.their eur'enmes DO Yen consent te: bY abti. Tihe way fî'eiglit had heen doing execution cruel." tliis glît'?' Jokki reliectet an instant. some shuinting at Eastwood, and -More yen present at the trial?" ~" 'l have always hiat a great aI-A was standing in the sidiag waiting "ý1 saw the two spies arresteti; I fection for yen, colonel, and if it will Th, ~.for the second freigbt te pass. was preseat at tlie, trial, anti at the give yen pbcasure, 1 arn williag that 0 do SWITC' II SE'T FOR SIBING. execution; 1 canl glve yen ail the de- you shosîlt give this moaey te our oh emu The way' freiglit was a littie tee tOils ef it, for the dreatiful spectacle enemies.' lai Lnt beWVy te ho bandiet hy tise o ngine baunts me, anti I cannet torget it." "Wlîen the commandant carne forpe ýgi attachedtot it, tand it n'as' the inten- Andtinl hall an heur the wounteti the prisolners, Col, Jokoka gave bien 19C edi- tion te back eut on the main ine officer, pausîng oaly when the pain a huadie of white hanknotes wlth red W do- atter the second train was gene, and of bis right knee, wounded by the signa, swang c lici proceed without sorne of its cars. The 1 hursting ef a Japanese aboli, and l" 'Tiiere are bore about'a thonsntdclp sur switch at the west end of the siting from which the splinters a la net rubles, andi we heg yen se give the' cal( at was neot set foir the main lUne train, yet heen romnovet, herame tee keen, te thse RussianliRed Cross.' y >cî- anti hcfore the englacer et tie second narrated te me the foliowing events: - ']ut Weubt it net lhe bettes' for Nol eey train was aware of ibis, ht was tee "I dan gts'o ry testimeay that, me te seed this moaey te yens' ,h. late te ac'i a collision. wbet pi-e- whea tihe two priseners were bronglit familles?' fig( ers veated Ieron, the engineer ons the ie tute littie roem ef the 01iinego - 'Oh, 1ne,' criet beth the con- ti of tbroughi train, from neticing the jansa, traasîerrned into a ceurtroom demaed maeen ther 'teMhad open switch was tic feet that the by theo'Harbsin ceunl 0 f war, botb WiIb net lerget our wives and cli- que si ding 1s oly a short distance east the jutions and the pnbc-tlio latter dren.' ef a long bibi, and that wicn lie dompesed almost exlusively of of- " 'Do net refuse us thia satisfac- Heo reacbed time sarmit ho was almost on flers-co"lt ne0t avoid amnite.s.iig tien,' said ,Tokeka. 'Distrihute this reti on top efthtie way treigi. epeniy iheir eathuslastic admiration meney arnnng the Ifussian wundml. ca te The englue f thse ilroegi freigit for thons. "The commansndant again urget the but he was piioti up witi hall a tozen cars «'And ludeeti.iose mon wore actal- milcers te lot ail'tbey sieîlti leaveil heof ethie irst tr'ain; and an equial num- atet by tîte rcsest noble sentiments; behlad ibem lic sont te 'Japan. the an ber ofthtie seconîd. thliehd resolveti, as patriots, te "Joklzt appeared te besitate for a rks HO MN EREKILE). malte use oft euy mens te assure vic- Moment; hie bokied at biis compnsn oli 'ks 110 ME WEtE ILLD. tory te their side, and. ns seidiers, ia misfortune, wie reiteratet bis de- ýes, Couductor Fallis, et the wny troîglit snter suporier orters, tbey neat te sire te nake Ibis comtponsation for St: sr- was ia bis van at tbe, tise, and.tiehorct certain dents. the e-cil hie had doue on this carii, T ne- wasa killcd, being canghit la the de- "Thse trial iok tic ordinary and the captain bient bis bond ia ac-co' ta bris. Englacer Ileren and Brakesman course; tie arguments or ithcr aide quiescene With the wish ot bis bro- O in- Benedict wcre huried ta the wrcck, offored iotiag of intere,ýsi the pris- tther la arses,1ti Ow and werc burned beoend ail reogai-, eners baving ioudly, and net with- "The Rusian commandant yielded, as1 in- tien white Kirkland, who Was be- eut patriotie pride, assumoedthtic e- ana-d asked the two Japanese ilfilicre TI ire neaili bis cenglue cleaning ont the pani speusibility of the crirnmetof wlich was anythîng ta wlîich hae coultib h.or of wiee tich train struck the rear et bis tbey were accused. of sel-vice te them. peri h- reiglit, was greuna tt pieces by the "They gave their names anti their '« 'I shoubt i ike te ha-ce a bath, if Iren wbecls of bis locomotivïe. Simon titîea- wiîbseut tlie slig'hiest tremor of h were possible,' saidthtie Buddhi.t. a P( Camneron, fireenan, et Parklmtll, was tille voice: 'Alter tient w'e shal ho t your or-cent se badiy burned and creisheti thai bts - 'Tchome Jokoka, forty-Ionr ders.' T Srecoverv 15 srdly ieoked fer. lIe yenrs of age, colonel of the Canerai "A baticoons being an objecit of are was breught into Wodstock Hospital Staff, graduated witbheesnors frein luxury cînkuna tina erbin, the cern- le on Wetinesday aftérnioon. Hie wabked the Miitary Iligli Schlofe Jedtie,' mandant cauec tu.bs ef water te hoe 1,99 te from thec sceneleoftise wreck te tise sait the eider et the priseners, n brouglit anti ocdere ttie sentiacîs te a y, hotel, 400 yards dlistant, anti thon short, stout ma, witli a strong tace, go te one' sidc se that tlie unlortu- tiso hermme uncoasclous. Albis c-lies - 'Teisko Jokk'i, thIrty-one years of nate men sîighî ho able te perterm Il "Y bat heen tori or burnet off busss. age, captain, attacliet te the Conead their abluitions at tîseir case. smRn ail Cameron was a Seuti African voter- Staff,' sait bis cempanion, w1ho was "Thse wnnt etfna.îsthtub, was felt Wi aii au. Ho was identifiet by tie goît 'tabler anti more slenter la ilgure tisan asucli more bLeenly by the BeiddlîlstCa S-' a-watdls that n'as cres'cnied te bim by the othet', with aunar tentes-es anti than by tlîe Christian colonel, whoso bs ets the citi7t.n- ot Parkhibl on b 1is re- a very dark complexion, casting a, dessire wsas teseco a priest before go- aieý ntara from Soti Atrica. slightly tistiaintul glace aroundthtie ing tc, execution., As there w'as neonar t-o ACENTS NAB11OW~ ESCAPE. ceurtroem. Ltmtn etrte clalî fsa set Luhrnpitt, h ýp no Ir ,le The collision threw so-eral box - 'Butidhit,' lie atdet, alter a me- thse régimnent 'vas sent Us hie. lisTe mser( cdcars directîr on top et the w'esterna mentt. silence. coelcllegged the priest te renad te hatneatodSaiocmltl At yen, Colonel,' askedtihe btm the Sermon on tht'l.Mount. Tise, of demolstsîî i. Time niole et the de- president of the cauacil 'yen are et chaplein rend ce Slev, -anti 'ikoka rbris igîiteti instatitancoiisly, and la the sanei'eiigion'ns yonlr tellen' pri- Ioibowed tise textinla ls inp-anose four heuýrs carsnti station building oner?" prsn IsIea thcy came te theAg nor in asiles. Tiomeçs Pana, the "Neo, presitient; I ana:iCliistiaa. Werds: 'For if yc lovoetliem whici jd agenau U tcily, neesloop- Anti obscrving the astoiahlmcnt pro-i love yen ni4latrari have ye? Anti A ho ing intahtc eait eto the station, tacet on, every oece by ibis tieciara- if ye salitte yens'hroiren enby, wbal. Adi it anti lid a niracisius escepe. They tien, h li astecîcti te att: Ido ye more than others?'lieo dloseti by1 get ont of tise building in ibeir eight '« 'Buti I ar a truc Iàapanese, bora thse book, t oltiet bis bands and casi appl td dlotes. of Japancso jparents. Only ini my dewa bis e',es for a moment wlille yen:, o In ail, twonty carssoe livo stock yeuth I1n'as captivated bly tise gonile ]lis lips i-novet. 1lent, a-ndt generai froigisi nere totnlly déc- tenchiags et Christ, anti I became a " 'Jeliki,' lie sait. 'yen are right; fer iw stroyedti tgetiser witb tise non' lero- converi te Lntlmc-anîsni.' Bible n'bich thcy bat boIt hlm in toc r- mous-ýe, No. 975, andti t' cabeeses. "Coi, Jokoka spoko Engliali, anti yen wil tie more trenquibiy tha1, tant " Simon Caeon, tise tireman, liait n'as e suijcct ot King Etiward, an fer I bave neer e fe more keenly shot e since diet. empleye et the Russo-Chinese Bank, tma new lion' litibe in accerdance hart( td w4 hetrausîntedtottVti5 court tise dec- My lite lins Iseen n'itli tbe teachiaga Uinit, rose ialiaei, cf w est- ilo, n'Iqascci-iJan boni', antci tise cetou it bcmes(-nied1 ",Jokols Wcnt te ;h,le ict; Jokký, batib icialsbilhcd by a yenng asin r-nm- theIwotn neilcers teofic maxýý,iesuns n'îI out lsaving inoà,is, eisha gon c d YMcLean. A party et tir er e pe aht tse safild.fulforn'ari. is sey a-i d seti ,, tissstanierites'sntue sihas detacbi- our gea il selliers ibtlliinpuy fer bof' I~~~ ~~ Plmiitl uept'fioe tccse ta ajir-' asif it bat ,coImee'nneiintsen t uIý cfa t".M Lc~, drc besit dflrni cren. h s. pob b e iii cm.inif p n istei th s jas tso tre atitie ife blit isi l is sntnc bi bee !n bssse-f e"tiovta'n uagrtte iebti n'u tceni flcd.ab' letantid r Iley 'enthvesohcae cslst ivnvdbs weule' by tel atowa cdklettc îooe Ilrs. e. "1h-d j'il ý (1 L l jj js 1 ý! a1 a "Cteafesxaet Japanese!" lie crieti. 'Ia Wisnt say bave they dresset rey Vcesc-edtkace. But ne unetter. Thai Ices net provent iny rcgretiing tise euils eft okoka antid kk. Andi Sceing this vicn lasoeJapanese sOlletS se stnongly unoveti by tise leth et tise tn' Spicsosfethlie nery, .cecalle tthe w ri-es Othteic Russian ti!nter Vereatciegin, tisai tise aler ifLali cerniatants n'es tise mst i-Ssobstacle te tise sean. nti teef, n'hy kili one Pnoiber n'ben ther -ite esteerns thme'ter DEATHS IN AUGUST. 'onsunaption Claus tise Greatesi Nscmbse et Vtiim-r* bois e hl n'oeus or anen e aNu- A despaicli frosu Tor'onto says: n'as ene of fi-ce holdings wlstcli ad se report efthtie Provincial Board nireat-r isean coaselitaitid inte a pet- fIlealiS tocrIlie mentsof Acugusit y saie anti callet Manclin. Wihon oses t1hat the nîttoier ot cases et Nuriachu n'as 24 years olti a ceusin iectious diseases reportet n'ere 43.1 et isn'as attacked'by anotiser chiot t' cent. greaer than in Augecat, nauset Nikan. N'urbaelsn anti bis 03. Tise increase et deatbs ceusot ftises'nt te tise assistance of as 20.5 uper centi. Tise increese ha Ithetr kin_ýnen, bust Nilzan caîbe iot ýses is due largoly te typboid anti bis aitd the Citese Warden efthue [hibenia, andtihie dcaiis io tuber- tarssos, anti N'liacbn,'s cousin anti ilais anti typhoiti. Onibreak ft ather wvere slnin., Nurbaciu vowod ?poit ha Londoa, St. 'homa i vengeance, anti nitis a sînail force irili Bey ai-e responsible for a con- weget n'en egainsi hoili Nikan eut lerabie lîscrea.se in the typisei the Cisineso. lIn a Ion' years lis ares. but tise lsgüris are sn'elien by nasne becamne a terrore in tise lent. ic tact tisai piysigiaiîs anti bouse- Ia 1607 lie tiroe-ethe Chleese out Iders are complyissg n'ha n e- et wbat ha uts' Mauciuria. anti tour jest te observe section 86 oI tisei yeacs lier lic attacicil anti selizect ealh A.ct anti report rases more thie city, ot Shenyang, tiseane e smptly tien in toiser mouts. Tise sviici lie changedto Muktlen, os' turus in coneolan'witli tisi dils-"THE FLOURISUING CAPITAL," tOe gave 293 cases, wits 50 deaiba Iý t this ta nt unusual, as typho ' *stablisStug ilero is seat ef Gv- genrally more prevalent tÂini rament. Mlien be iet in 1615 the in lter sxmner and ery fal j kini-om of M nchaia n's an ac- ntihm than ny thos' seasns et conplishet act, anti Mukden nas its e y c r . i h a c a r o s î ti s i P r t e t r ep e hi s . I lis s o n a n ti g r a n tis o n cnlYey, I ie alegeisource t semartextentiedteiu'dousinions eaàorrous1y. -nenthse aka, rdor e ocasas. Tise former rctitcet Cocon a isie tise oubekrlotdn ae.sentsanti piercetiltse Grentu ',Va bl 'tcierculosis continues te ceap its-th ci nitc atniharves, carrying off ne, boas n t e ea ,,a d tie latter, t.i,iiiÉ2 an 188 vctins, be n o arby tnico atvassage of an insurrection n'hhichi many as t tic bix lm fatidetiscouedth ie lest oethtlicM .ing , ' h o c e u r n t c A g n t a e a - E mi p e r er s , m s % a d e t i C h i n a , a n . t m - 'rh mrecoulte linfor gutianme aposot tise Manabu yoeakoon, Pel-ti anid er m re c m pl t e t a n o r t e ie se ah obo em p ire . M u itic a tho n b e- teod lest ycnr, uisore boing reports camne e provincial captale, the c-bief mn 725 scînicipalities, rcpresentlng îen'n oetF cngtien, but i asoumod a population et 1,941,000, or 88 per somi-sacretidîsaracîci', tbich it bas rit. ot the Province.1 retaiee to theis day, as tise craib of Pie total dtils Iresn ail causes tIse Machu tynasty cati race. *2,024, n'licli gises a deaili rate Mîsktieah a siatoly ciy, anti, L *1,000 et 12.4 Per cent., againsitishe Chiniesu fasbion, streugly torti- -92 deats for tis»e sarne sent i fot its populiation ts about haellae car agc, tie meriality raie heing million. hi bas nlways boon eaisusy sanecentre et trade, anti au objeci et in- 'is seiisfactoiy te know tuai tease incerest te iras ellors and pil- iplîpox 'bas ucarly disappeared. grirns. Witisin a eto'milos et the ciie scarlet lev'er shon's a sligist n'aiis are thie Imperial Masasolea eutid 3, iccreae, tise deailis reporteti arce tisor sacrotf monumnts-. 'Tisese con- sby 35.7 per ceai. Ditiscca iast oethtie Temupleetof vn con- n'a aun t.îsward tcudency 'i1 the sinuciet hy Nurbaclsî's sýon, 'lai tiser et cases, yet tis etns rme- Tsrnmg, iu imitation of thse mrncbbe ai practically tieseane, only eue sanctstary et Pekin, ili nins et tise wo biasting occurreti. Temple oet1w ticch, anti u o lebs ef tire Kiaga. Aeueng the latter is APPLES LI-T CROP. the F<ling, on haýppy T'lomnis n'iert - ~~~~lies tise Taîtsn, or "ra neii, ,riculturai Depentimont Savs tie Nurhachu. it is a wonirtily mviw- 8MJREB CITY OF MIJKDI.N IT WAS THE CRADLE OF THIE 1VANCHIJ RACE. Beauh For the Chinamnan Who Attempis te Look ai Tom'b et Nuriachu.. Muilden ta genecaly anti nt iac- cnraiehy dticrcibot as tise-Craýdi et tie Mancisa Race, n ha ie yar 15-59, w n a ise -M 'hg E m peror Ili m- ba swayedth ie sceptre ot.t-e Sou et) Heavea, e petty Nuchen neoble n'li oned alf n tozen villages ha île sceiso'cleti valiey of Hloinale, 90 miles cai t o MIukdea, lad n son Prices Shoulti Se IHigiser. 1despateli Iresn Toroatoeays zertiug te tise statensentitssued tise Agnicuhiceral Depaî'tilent thE Ple crop et Ontario ha ligliter ibis r, tisougl tise qaality ta e-.cel- tanti groers are att'ised tnait boti consens prices wibl ho bet- tisan il tiiero n'es e mor'ee biîs- A yiclti. Ihis staiedt tithey wld net sellftoi' less tisan 75e e *re1, eap ediaily ns'tise crop tantise ted States la also amail. 'O BIUILD FEWER SHIPS. niraliy Coniempletes Reduc- tien lin Programmne. tespaics Iroto London says: Tise mess ays it uclersiants tisai the isi Atiiraliy la cor-ternplating a iterable ,roticcion in its slip- hing programme, ta vien' of C 'etion tantise balance of mnasal Tr causoti hy tise Rassian basýes.- sisep, tse ppeot' ays, hai spiet isy n desire for,,con.sn-iiv j.ili zpeci et a probable atdvorse iftu- balance etf some iseliliceis of ta net tis enonettise tise ar. .0 TO COLORADO AND RETIJRN. i Chiecago. Union Pacifie & North- boera Lino Chigo te Denver, wado Springa, andi Puebla, dailv iglieut tisesuin1mes' Correscpond- y low rates fren aIl pointa east'. aione night te Denver freom Chicago, faqt trains dala. B. Il. Bennaett. st King St. Toronto, ont oftoîs isli," salîthtie peet, "h1 been bore î'ichis nsteati of bcbng nis "l'In 'lot so expeemaise yidoas," rlieic tise wife "i ti hase beocîs Oe1teet if yen lni a boasitis a cnasiag. to go ont ]Jks e jly sc ssia posing and pictur es qu r st ng pl ce No onle but a Mané]IhI may (enter tb&ý *enclosure, or that of anY (ot the other 1 lIaperial Toînbs-tO a i'hIinamnnýýi the pliaishment for- trespýss is dab CUS-'TOM 11V FLATCE Ry. llousewifeu-«'Now, Whiat tdo you wanit?' Pedar-' 'T have here a soap for reinoving stainis frein paint, carpets,. furniture, and-But, really, 1 don't, thi*nk you r.eed it, for there isn't a. stain on vour paint nor hail-carpet, and if Vooir furniture within is as. Spick and '.pan-wbichï no doubt it isa --as everything appears bore, 1 bave corne to the wrong bouse. tlood Ilousewife (pleasantly) - Nover' mind. Yon xay let nie haýve al[ a dozen cakes. 1 dare say it will comne. in hiandy sortie day." WAS 1111 INQITSITVr "What a mnethodical fellow youi are Dobb)S!" said Filkias, who had iivp- ped into Dobbs' oiflice during the lat- ter's absence. -Wby, whlat, do yen inean?'e askedi Dobbs. 6'To think that yen sbould lock Al, ryeur lIrawers up wben yen are mnly- geing out for li\ e minutes. 'Tst li1kely that anybody wouldmddo iwith youir papers." -0f course net," replied Bobb3,, "but how did yen find eut the draw- ers v.ere locked?7" "You sWhould sloop on your right, side, niadam." "I really can't djo it, docter; my buslbnnd talks in 11s sloop, and J can't boaîr a thing "ith my loft car." iBs nt duirtotedhae ebses, CapaToroo r.gs ljA ih It is made îrom the finest java, Mocha and Plantation bernies and is the richiest and most delightful coffe that money can buy. NEVER SOLD IN BULK, only in one-pound and two-pound tins and aiways at 40 cents a pound. FOR, SALE BY ALL LEADING GROCERS