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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1904, p. 9

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SUPPLE71ENT 'TO The WILFRJ 'S ONTARJO TOUR Very- G r e a t Gathering of Hamilton's Electors. NEW ORDER 0F THINGS. "lAdequate Protection" Too Evasive For the Premier. lia Declaxea That the Britisht Preference Was No Mistake, Despite MVr. Cas- grain's Assertion-The Transporta- tion Problexu. I TALL CHIMN<EYS THAT ARE STILI SMOKING, H1amltori. Oct. IO.-"Bravo, Sir Wilj NaW.aty I Canada bas prosperedsuare greatly _enlarged, Our Illustration shows' campânY lias Incree.sed two hundred pcr fýrid!" Titoeanda <of voices ook up te under te Laurier Adinitraition then.the factorles cf the Gurney-Tllden Coin- cent. during te past six yaare, and the accaien, and te great Drili Hall re- Hamilton. Mýany naw f actes-les have been pa.nymanufacturera of stoves and hast- demand for Ontario goode a inte West ie ecoed w4à rngig hees. eld milerected and existing one have besu Irtg appliances, The business cf -tits stif growlug rspidlY, ever, wa- t±heresuench a signuifleant poli- tridamonstreton lu Hamilton. lTe ton, and Adam Zitumerman, West Hem- for a IfeW flags and a number of excep- Libarpl candidates te eddraes he meet- Primne 3Minister, spoite witVh perfect corn.iý ilton; James Ciisitoli, Presideut, and ticnaily claver mattees te spece was i ng. mand of hb marvellou.s puwers aud Vie - W. T. Evans, Seretary Hamilton lLîb- aeil reserved,îor he audience, snd iV was r. Adam Zinunerînan. ail needed. Seats lied beau furnisitedfo muassed ranks of lHamilton (eleters re-ý erai Association; Wm. MCeiemont, Pre- 2,900 peopslu Vn hs centre o!, ths loor Mr, Adam ZiÀmmerma,,-he Liberaiý sounded noV oly -witit aboqundag su- îsîdent Hamilton Liberal Club; W. F. and lu the emali galieries, but a vest candidate laiWn Hmlo, a h thuisin utwît uînstakabl, intolli- MViontagie, Citirmen Reception Commit- oPen space about te edges was aveul- next gpeae-r, aud wae gîven an enthu-1 tliuiam bt wih umLeble as standing reoin, aud titis was j iastig reception. They avre pleased, tel genre. IV -aeast-be opeýnin.g of1Sr XVi- tee; Aid. Wrigitt, S. F. Lazier, P. D. jammed, making lu aUl about 4,500 peo- said, {o weicome Sir Wilfrid Laurier and frid Laurier's Ontario campai-n sdby(rerar, Dr. H. S. Griffin, Ahd Findlay, pIe. Te platforra Iu hs centre of ona egî t1Vteasne - v yewrh it the great questions et issue avre lift- suad many other Liberal avrkers. Lady sida a! hs hall avas fringed with palme tue brillant addition ta te Laurier ad ud et u cearau etedyligV. it Laurier avas i-ceie-d by a committee o! on titres sides, meklng a beautifuiiy Ci ùîit. HOn. V/m. PatersOnwaaS ia ed M st i 4:earandEtedy igh. Te'.fresh affect, lThe air avas very hot car- man jvhom Vo knr>w aas Vo love. The HaminltiuLibp-el- candidates, Mi.-. dam ladies and entertained etths residence iy lu he evenlug, but sitortly before 8) prù,îc of Sur Wi]frid Laurier wouid Zimmeme.nsud M-. Jhn M.East ood f Hon. J. M. Gîbson by Mrs. Gibson o'clock a thunder sitawer sprang up and tredjoc eureeto iaHiitn suad Mrs. P. D. Crer, liTae Ladfies' wafted cool breatits o! air o te in- Thi a one otelo ailon, wsre given a most cordmilreception, sud jThr wsnonmiV Vl c auio.' iCommitteavas composad of he ladies teir uoreaaýed pi-osperity under te Liberai te signa lare inulttplyin.g that on Nov. i Eaetwca MhseZb-inginotteeshe , lw-ragîmie. - Workingmeu, mercbats sud 3rd they aili redeen te Hamiltona con- ume aoy, iIs.Aru hsbuldngwsa hs!oio-feit it in teir pookets.ý etlueniesVoVit supor o a iteaimarman, Mi-s. (Dr.) H. S. Grlffin, IMM5 "AURIER AND) THE LARGER CAN Wii i iiesknwahi ieL- Admnttrtio. v.Jams ibabi W. F. Montagne suDd Miss Bristol As ADA." rier Admnistration itad dona for-l ite Premier sud Lady Laurier emerged "GOOD TIMES; DO YOU FEEL 'EM ity, iV avoýuld lie interestiug Vo "l P-e'dnto te l)l-lfrein their car thcy avre grcated ~witit IN YOUR POCKETS V' visita)i s te know what itad beau aeceor- 1eho -piesidj(edý, poke for te quickened trehatycer u tgrfen"SEE OUR TALL CHIMNEYS NOW" pliaitaîl wMthiu tixos ight, yearsq. I and inustjI iMdl' n ndx ftha hd ee y-epadig îiustia tfso!jthe crewd of admirers avit dga.hered "LISTEN TO TEHUM." 1, nanindvr e o avhathad e Hlainilton LiteraI aai4te Mr. Ada7rt the station. "ONLY THE BAILIFFS ARE ID)LE" 90111 ilee Vt Dmnon i o o _d - ~ would, ther ____________ Lnew rser Ci t inga. Tlit irif -Ça - ýLady Laurier tva-sdiea f âr.Gb liorden's phrase, "adequate protectio" n," potniyt inýss'eo ceux sucing evideuces o!fte abounding was again subjecVed tO examinalelon sud]r expoai-. les nîtsitpraerece under a Liberal Adminstration- lTe endorsed ua Vtes fl-t tep la V-be direction iist obje,1t lessan given te Premier was o! inprovd sd stieactry raie et te International Harvester Con- twaen ]Driais sud Canada. Tia ultra!pn' xesv vot, stbile lo7a]ty o! Otar!O Coneervati"vea W"S Vao yeers ega. Rare te paty set aver againat tee pi-oeoitnceent Of'j avre recaived by Manager Rice, Messrs. Mr-. BGrden'5 Qneber lieutenant, Mr. Publow, W. R. Duan and MeAlixter. Caegrsijn, t Quebecc te oùhai-nigtl!vito -couducted ttein Iiraugi.thVie tint t-be great suiake oifV-be Liber-ai aorte, avitici empîoy saine 1,500 pert- avats-the-z-adoption a!fite- Britishl man.--Tha -establieliment- -of -titese- work- P,oruc. or".rsel,81 iird s-ias te direct recuit of te tariff policy For ir Wlfrd as-of the Govevunmeut. Prom tite Herves- seredhi saad sprcitlo ~f i-t er Compauy's aorks te party avers, wcaniau iu Ontario in the seins terme dri' an ta te smeit.ing plant of the Ham- as amang the Fi-anc-Canadiassil Que-j ilton Iran & Steel Comnpany, avhieit aasr bac. V/teinSir V/lfi-id cama Vo, deal1 gîven a brief inspection, sud titenca Vo thte Canedisu Westinghtouse Company'a aiti the tranesportation prabiain hlaetabliheitnt ou Princese streat, au- raa.diiiy sud eflaýctively ýriddldM. Bor-! other of Viose extensive establishmîents deu's mi tatanîents and isllacies. liteelwlicli iave by thei- rapid devlopinent Viterout o! in aracent years contrxbuted se much teV tee-a cfV-be~~iirîsi-lt,-tVe presperiVy o! Hamilton. Qrigiieily rmad, Vthe cet of tic enta-prise, hs con- startcd as asemal brandi for te local trol a! rates, Vie routlng of Vhe trafic, traite, 1V lbas developed during theest aere diecussait with not one inaccurate four or five yeers into a large estab- lis-bient for supplying te witale Domin- sLatemenit, 'but aitie PiesexPositional'iion aith goods tiat aers !ormerly ira- poVster. ported frein te Unitad States. Hein The ruagnmfc.ertvalesa o! Vies len n. 1 agea evidenoas a! expansion aers !ound PaVai-rson rang ont over he greant sul- lu every direction lunte shape a! nies- $ive buildings in course o!fsi-action, enos, and, lia Vigorona pi-sntation of ,ih lcthave been Iound neccssary te te Litai-id pos-ition liald ina-ie titan a rst te growiug demanda aIfte busi- thbousaunsu standinm uVesaas udne.Taeopration o! h aorte was te he apea. Thavie nar-deascibed by Mr. P. J. Mylar, Ma.nager, Tespvns-to is pea.I ener nd Mr. Mrriat. who received te ly il Q'cloclc belors te cheers t1-t Party., ap=ed the demantration -were aau-! A!erae nuct intereoting and msts-o saereti bycheers me morests ~tive efternaon Sir V/lfid waasdrivan tacktot bis car for dinner and a brie! mnriuciog, ni-ore lnsprlng, aitIt whiclt rest before attending te meeting lante t-be meetinýg loae-d. Sir Vi»frd ian-, Dril Ral. îier'sOn- o aîpaign bas opejusd witVh A Maguifimet Meeting. tee noie o! tr li LThe meeting aasmncd gigantie prOor- Reception ta the Leader. tions from. hs vsry iret. V/orkmien 1 V/Ti-i su Lay Lurir aers leaviug tVial-factoriese er -wortshops Sir WlrdadLd are ee wsnt direct Va Vhe Drill Shed, sud passe- cGmomainithi-am. Torouto by Rev. J. -A. crs-b-y ail 6. 10 f ound s kuot of enthusi- iiao ansd -the party avre met et sets wailg for te doors Vo open.- hs 'f.,.,L& B. tation by Hoem.J. X IOtiters hni-ried trougi thVeiîr eacning ineal sud biteaed te te hall, se tat Gison; Vies Vira Liberal camfidtes, avies et 7.-15 tis doars apened tiaýre Messrs. J. M. E astwood, Ent li-1u-l-ae a great rush for te interlor. Save IeR."1 tunes 189 ý-Ti 'Iltln oss AÀ flEFEItENC TO 0BRITISH 'IÇIINCo., w1ra "RTAMILTOI"TWELOOMES LUIR"aIi j dit ava ýi eX , ýVyunreu-1 -N SU- HCEN1NDR AR-ply- 00;the lmpnll Cottn 1oi - _ILILCANADIAN pRAILWAY FOR plant; Pitteburg SteiC a. omno ANAL CANADA." iBctung re--aatnel&Wr-o- Ite 1',,ry Einttîiug 0o. ;Mloi "CHLVEP POSTAGE AND A SURPLUS.' Souter Furuiture Co., Jtp;-Hio "FAIR WAGES ON PUBLIC CON- Kitiug e,7 o.; Vhe Force Food Co. ; Mc- TRACTS." Cinry Meanufaectiiug <o. ; WesVingitc.-, ,PROSPERITY AND PROGRESS." Electnie c.Works, estimted Vo emuloy il- r "GOOD-WILL." 200 tp; 1,500 skilled ivorkýme ; te Dia- moud Glass Ce. Besidessuai-eu-eus in- [An Ovation Ve h Premier.-orzst-hlid aken plInlute Hamnil- Sir Wilfrid Laurier, sccompanîed by ton jlideWorçs, Fagis Knittdng cO., te local candidates aud te mamber% te '-.,wyer-M,%ssey Ce., Canada Scraîv of te reception commîttea, euterad the' Worký E. T. Wîigitt Ca., (iso. E. luckett hL a et Vaseminutes -peet S- 0uuck-.-I --Sr& ~î,Seminens & Evel, ite -Fowiar was greetad with round sItar round of01 na G o., teé Fearman Packiug Ca., cheers, whicit aers înaintaîaed long Ho-,vail Litho. <Jo., Norton Mauufa.turing sitar ha had taken itis seat on te1 (o. .ee-nàng WXire Co., Outerlo Teck -platformn. Whien tite citacrîng had euh- 'Ca'o., iIo Iran & Steel Co., Gurney.- sided 'Chairman James Citsitohîn, Pre- ile Co., sud al Vie foundries, sidant of Vhe Literai Association Of h we asorormeotr o Heailton, addreuled te gatitering. Hlit tar 1-i-s amoeornmorelothier lie said hlieconld noV sdequatelY expreassleuitVnaonieudIllîad te pleasure iV gav1e himin uspits o!, firash iad greatly ie-asdbsiesia teo inclemency of te aeather, ta 8ses ('atarSeot Power<Jo. st-aited aithe3,000 sucit e large audience Voaelcome Sir iospae, n o id 150hre Wifrid Laurier Vo Haminton. lu cou- poaverf, ieily ailconîrated for. Tte senting Vo open hie Ontario campaigu iiron feundries lied custainr8 for taeir in te city te Premier itad indicaVed greatly-inoreesed cutpuit as flest asi lis desirs Vo sec te city redeemcd couid ha produeed. Wity .hold Hamil- f or te Literai party. (Applause.) on n,,tsupport a Goveruiment tbsat lied lTe city had proeperad great- b rougi t ente prosperity ? Ha expeot- iy under te Laurier vaime s, ed me wolu j etredb eigitteen long ycars under Vhe Nationali this cîty Vo support te deals, aud policy î'olicylunspt o!fte pi-aviens promn- 1ofthe iý-1Admnsrain ises o! he Conservatives, Hamilton strugglad aieng ait thVie industries sitel-M.J M. Eastwood. - lid; sonie of titei, in facV, avant under, otitere iad ail Vbsy could do Vota eini Mr. John M. Eastwood, te LiberaI lu existence, Since 1896 there lied canicate of Ea-st Usînilton, aas gwn beau e greet change, aaing Voate en- Ia, no lesaWarin veicome tianhis coi- ligitened plicy of Sir Wifrid sud 1 Vn. htlad beau a great pleasurs luscolegus..andxrsnyue idutresta , ave inu Hamiton o-daty Sir Wilir-id lied beau atalshied. Ail knew itow sdHu /.Pt-en 1 ifl prosperous te industries o!fte cityad beau aatouisterson.VaSirVo itei ers, sud it avas acknewledged tiat te hdbe - anso hntant h policy of ;Sir ii-Wfrfd, itis colleagua, great ina-nseactonlces of te city VIo ses lien. William Paterson, sud otiters te great progresa since h halid ]ast o! Vie Cabinet, had teen responsable. v1sited te city. Ha described te wel- (Applause.) O!fte great question o! coma eu ir v Wilfrid i, London ou transportation, in which Haemilton te occasion ofte Queen's Jubilae, and as eainanufacturing centre avas se large- -te cheers on tViet occasion, lu Hlou. ly concarned, they wa-uîd itar, sains- Vm. PaVti-sou Hailtan had e epaciai thing frein te Premier o-niglit. As iuterast.7 for h-aeavue educated inu Hamil- ail knew, Vire Literais cf Hamtilton lied on sud ail Hamiltonieus had folloavef Iast aeet nomiuatad Messvs. Ad'î hic care2r avti intem.êýsV and pr!dQ. lthera - LiamemansudJ. . iiastood Vo iedneyai- before beau gathereil suit a -carry Vtsebanerinlutitis city, sud hao anf u uinc uHiltn /a ioped sud bsliev'sd tiey wouid carry it j omâ.tad-ic nHmlo.Wa Vo victory on Naveinter 3rd.I 21r. Ciisitohi Vtxen oallad upon hs (Con.tinued on Page 2.) THIE RECORD OF EJIIHT YEÂRS, What Has Been Achieved in the Postal Service. USEFULNESS ENLARGED) Facilities ta Public Increased in Every Direction. With Greatly 'Reduced Rates, Largely Iucreased Service and Better Re- rnuneration ta the Staff, the Annuel Deficit Is Converted Into a Hand- some Su rplus. The eminently aatIefactory report of ie Postoffice Depaitment for tite year ,hidi. closed on te 30th of June lest :ux ites a i strospactive ravisw of tee-ls- curd o! titis important brani of Vhe Covemment service and a casideration of te conditions under which reautlta .s0 satisfectory have been accomplisýihed. Afler ail, te extant ta -wiidis the depart- ment lias proved îts uselulness lanisaet- lng thee equIrements and the conven- îence cfithe people, rather titan te bal- masceâhieet whleh it ýpresenta, mustt ln te ]ast analysie be theVetby witiei te degree of success whic-h las attend- ed its adninistration le determned. Wliea both thieae îost important coudi- tionz are ahown te have beet met, then thîe resuit may, iudeed, be regarded as satislact-ory. Coming as It doas se cioseiy in touel wIVh te avery-day so- cial and commerciaIli11e of te people, auy defeats iu he -work of tita depart- ment speedily attract attention,' It 15 esaeîtiel'that te postofilca in ail its deta.il keep pace witth Vte oheanging cou- dittons, and especally ia prompt recog- nition of newly-developing requirements naICessary Iu a yauug country where the prairde or te sulent fox est of ta -day ha- comas the thriviag settiement cl te bu,-y miuag camip of ami-av de- mauding peeýtal sprvice with ail .-ie cer- dwe]eine -ielu 4er LeetVl mteute are a4s-i caustoeed. Change5s Wrought lnu EJgbt Yeerrs. A coprio f Vtepesýtffice oV- daýy avti the service as iV aas only elgit years ago reveasi hnamenal de- velopment lu every brancit, in kecping with tee great progress whiicit las mark- cd theit period of oui- ititory. The postoffice differs frein almost every otei branch o! Vie Goveru.ment service la tat 1V lad its oengin sud avas estet- lishied noV for V-be pusipose of taxiug te people or as a neceasary portion of Vie1 m-acier cfgovern-msut, but "a apub-~ lie utility. lThere li' peritaps i bt er criterion aofte degrea of usfui1s Vo whiehitVhe depatint kas attzined titan te extent Vo whieh Vhe people aveu Vthemeves of V-be facilities iV af_- fo-ds. lthe records sitow that during te past year tee volume cf business'as lu- dicated hi tee num;berý_ýo! letters carried waes mors than double what iV avas iu 1896, which would be regardedl as e most satîisfaCctoy expansion aof-usiness for any ordinary commercial coaceru. Tht e amiuts cbtnined are a gratifyiugi demeustration of ite wiadem cof apply- Îng ordinary business principles Vo te admninistration o!fte deaerient. lTe1 Èsmaster-Gen.eraî, Sir Wm. Mulock,i lia,% noV been content Vo sit down andi waat for t-ebs usinces Vo camne Vo hlm,j secr In uthsehcowlcdge tat Parlia- meut lied given thi-ni a mauopoly. Like tic active head of a priaste corpora-ý tion, îhe hec takzen energetie staps to lu- crasse te volume of business. Imperiai Penny Postage. lTe greatest reforin, Vie meet fer- reaCliing lu its affects, sud tat iviicli lias hi-ougit Canada meet 1prominently bel ore the Britisht Empire, la te resusz- aion of te dreani of Imperialilts for many ycars-ast Impaîlal penny postage, tic Inauguration of aviictbatîveen Can- ada and te Uited Kiugdom makes Christmnas Day of 1898 la red-lettev day Liberal Candidates for the Commons, 4L.J. M. EAST WOODý,25 -~ ADAJIV ZIî5,~MERMAN, West Hamiltan, lION. WM. 1PATERtSON, Brant, .1 4 L, S,. S.iCOý2N, .> a i.~.. -Wentwvorth. - S'IR postollice in eight eai~ nid ~ i1bt ail ha ~ipYpriéi. Vloufif thecrse au ha ne oiolit i a i IVas ima- 1V sd poili-i e r. teviaiiy stbimulatcd ite uý lse o!fte imails o!fduü aIlisidt £1 c f or al purpososu.cesc reue t- eci . sud an improve'i .,.o -A-SVtkieg--an-trat.----servicIave a i.a . 7u. Iu striking cotrast Vo te action of creansad effleiencýy c. -c ti te Postmester-Ganerai vas te pas- 1o'f emulation ang Vhs ilstaff. -As ail simisina iicit characterized te former 'illustration <of theedevo tien tVo dutq ,vs iich îat(eriaastVe depart administration ripou tic question Of a flddlity of aun <lcaîwio reduction lunte rates. lIn Vie lasV bud- -trains avers 'blec]-d. witiesnoav - geV speech, avhich iehadelii ered in 1896, er shouldlered i, misu ag a tut e few mont-bs befoic Sir Wim. Mu- glad for fOrty mÏleýs over te lu - d roatd te dalla c Vh, treasur lock asrumed tira portfolieol Postinias- thie Iearest poin aitnc i er-Gecîral, Hou. George E. Fostar vs- despatehcd. Otler instances - ferrad Vo te demand for a reduction i ain a nai sricesuceded-- te !oliowing avords mails through iyhhen the express huem ivera snoavbeund avers numeretes lest "Tiers is now a deficit o! somneavere e in;tir, striking tribuates Vo Vile efficient near $800,000 betaveen Vhe otai receipts orgr nization and endurance of tec and total expendituras of aur postal staff Ina word. te Postoffice Depiîrtument, service, aud this, I fear, makas the tinea ne 1 ila uok iiigsa somewiat distant avhpn aviat otierîvise teriaIhy incraased the service in every' migit lbe fairly askcd for eau bc granitd direction, haviug givan daservad an- -htiareduction uipon tlîe rates of c rcmu ecutypsiatr u -tht 1, ~the stýaff Zcnerally in V'te ay of in- postage lunttis country." creased reeuneration, sud having matai-- Tae diffareîîcc batwtîntt mto o!ilyr ddthre ratas e! postage, ta administration pursuad by hie predeces- tepolla ucea ucnetn sor nd toseof Sr Wn. Mlockwasa deficit of $780,000 to n haudiome sur- cor ud hos ofSir /m.Mulot -asplus. te difference betaecu teaId sud pre -_________________ sent rates o! postage. And avien te" reduction avas proposed Sir Citarles Tnp- AGAINSI IîMONOPOLY ALWAYS. par predictad that it meaut s lorseo! One aofte claptrap arguments usefi $1,000,000 lu the revenue,.lTe results against te Laurier Go"ernmaunt le Vi V show tat instead of a loss of revenue, ýit is a friand cf the corporations. Il except emporarily, thera lias becu a is e baselese chtarge, and one iut'inded very inateili inerease. With Viere vs for Via ignorant aud unth4uking. duc ion of the doestie sud Imporial Tata a f aw illustrations postage rates., net enîy lins t-bers noV The ConservaVives granted 5,8,7 beau a decreasa of revenue sud a cor- acres af land lunte wast Vo railway raspoudiugiy LI-vga increise la thec defleit companses. whiicit aunualiy mnietd the administra- NoV one acre hias beau granted since tien of tic departinaent under thc Con- te Liberais cama irnta office. servative Goveruiment, but Vie Post- Te Goverument itas antered test cases master-Geîicral found iinscîf â'ble ais enoubahaif of Via municipalities te escar- Vo rccommaud a raduction lu Vhe rate Va ain when Vhs C. P. R. tari o!-,xenep- the United States siiiir te tat lu do- tion from. taxation expires. 1 nestic postage. Thle Goeriet secured te release The osta Not Sysem.cf millions o! acres af add-numberefi lIte ostalNotaSystei. !sections of land lunte nortitaest'friue lTae neafi ef an intproved iînathed e! ih ycnri seniu sîîsl sin cfsuayIconi eue iTae C. P. R. hie for many years1 part of the country te thae ther and lîad a monopoiy of raiiway freightta lu aveu Vo fereg-n coutriets as long f1-0V by V-be grant mass of lte People nlet in business or hsviîîg bauli accounite. Titis lies beau mat by te institution e! te postal snete systeni, wihit roxu te day Viv as inauguri-iea h-asbpece sta-d- ily gro-wiiigin 1cm or, its sî-îipipitv and Iveedoin froîti red tapereincring it aun extremnehy popuhar in stitution. Better MVoney Order Facilities. Prier tq 1896 the Cîiadian i Potoflice oniy had an intorcliciira of postal: moncy erdersxithli rited nunber of postofflceas.soea5,000, ini Vie Unitedý States, chiefy lu thee arar rcties. Toý a people se large a proportion of îxlîom liai-a friands anîd selttc catterad al aver the United Sttes this limited ser-f vice ivas i cry uentislattory. As a rcsult of nagotiations fte ruston' rs of tic Postmastar-Genertl now have thse opportuuity o! ebtanng mexeet oti -vs upon ae rmuet71larget îîîîeber of poat- offices in thULnited St-ites-niou e 28,000 no"tinforir'erly. Thtl'ttt, e te northxvest, but the Govrument le brînging in s poaverfui coînpeting lina,l the Grand Irunt Pacifie, whichie j under' Governuent contrai. and avilsi aillifarda dovP. railway raten. lTae Raiivay Commission is Vhe great- est step lever made lu Canada toavards! bvea-king demvn monopahies. Titis aset session te Goveru ment pass- ed legilation hockiig Vo theo broaking of a mouop.ehy in tobacco. Titis, toa, anas bitteri; opposeS by thîe Conserva- ives. By abuiislii-ig the canal tolls sud metc- ing teinfracete Goverumaut bratre up the immense moucpoly in Vie trans- portation of avheat sud eablidCana- dian ports Vo compete. Discrxmination in f rcight ratas by thle Cînadianraihways lu favor cf te groatl inoioly, te Standard Oil Company,' vas s'opped ty te Goveruiment, sud al scitoule arrangcd providing for aqual' t-eana ýnt cf nl aitppers. Titis avas i nu action a9iM- -rnopehi- Vsalla in! incrcaccd facilîties w ere appreciated is te interests of the Canadian ail men-ý rla A- N m 4wàLâ, ' ý- ' u CONSERVATIVES FOR LAURIER.1 evidenced. by the fact that in two yeffl The Quehec Conservativa leaders ore fromn the, date they were offered to the finding considerable difficulty in their 1poopie the number of money orders is- campaign. Many prominent Conserva- sied on, United States offices increased tives in that City declare that they wili by 72 per cent. That' the advantage vote fer the Government. Coi. J. Tuin- w as net ail one-sided, merely aflording bull voiced the sentiments of a large f xciitias for sending money ont ol the country oere u egoâ i body of Conservatives a few evenings roe to anienrli ouringheoramei ago iu the Garrison Club, when lie was prod oby9anpencreat.eidute n tersaon head t sa, tat iewasa Cnsevatveorders issued b-v United States offices and neyer v'oted for a Liberal hi ie life, but would vote for Laurier on thei upon thte Canadian depurtmnt. J2l 1 noney order system hns aise been e»' 3rd of November next, and that those tended to, Nawfoundland, Normay, thie who voted differently would ba voting Transvaal, Cape Coiony, irinidzd and against the intereats of Quebec City- othcr countries, thus mate-rially entarg- Toronto News. ing- the splîera 4f usafuliiess o! the di& --partîment. in Imperial history. The subsequent ex At honiie the facilities for tra=ni sion of. money through the sale eand in- tension of the systern to ail parts of the1 expansive mediim of the postoffice have empiraelbas ser-ved to> empliasize to the %];se been greatly inereased. The nm- world the unity of the empire asa liv- bro oe odradpsa <t offices have been multiplied by mauy inig actuality. Folioweing np the Imper- times, resultiug in an mercause of sonre l idea, Canada led te way in agitat- 1250 per cent, la the amount transmitt ing for the raduction of the postal rates by titis method. upon new spapars and periodicais ba- A.ý Valuable Innovation. Vaxeau the Dominion, the niothar couna- Another innovation, te vaie ~o! try and other parts of the empire. The whiich is becomillg more and more e comaraivey lw rteswhih peva e parent as its oparation continue&, is comeraivey lw rteswhih pevaladthe spacial dcliTrary system, by avhlch between the United States and Canada1 for a smail extît ' charge over te re- bcd long givan allen publications a de- tlr 'stýPalatter is 0elîverect1)7 Sape a esýýegoimmediq.tely alter Vhe cidcd advan tage ovar titose of the moth- arrivai of the mail at the oflice of de- er country, sud the effeet of the -,wida tinatron, making the postal service in distribution of thasa publications et iany cases praeuiealiy aquel lu rapid- ItY îvlth the telegrapit. Tlhe utflit-V allen sympathy xvas not calculated toa nd advantagao rop aheyo foster or sLrenigtben the Imparial senti- mail matter lu cases wherc expadition mient. As a resuit of the efforts of the is imPeratcive is at once apparent. Postmaster-General Canadien newspap- Large Increases Every-wlere. ers and periodicals are now carried The opening up of the trackiezs through the mails ta tlie United Kinr- ivastes Of the snowbound Yukon Vo the enterprising and1 adranituroris miner dom and other parts of te empire aet thre-î a heavy rasponsibility îpon Vte the saine rate as in the Dominion. The jpestoffice. The difficulties of estab- beneficial affect of a wider dissemination lishing a ýpostal service to t-bis far I- of Canadian views and gentiment1 land have, hOW-PVer, beau ovecicoins, and throghot te vrios prts101theem-the regularity with wich it lis main- throghou th varouspart olthe m- ained le not thte least creditabla leatur0j pire lias already made itself fait la vari- of the recent hisîory o-f the departmant. ous ways. In every branit large iucres ses in tlîd The DoesticRate.volume of trans5e tiens are reportad, the The omesic Rte.mileage Of convyance of mails, thl Greater la importance from an econ- tîumber Of POsetpffice savings banks ln omic standpoint Vo te mass of the peo- op eratlon, aud ti,,3vOlume of businesý plehowever is he rducio fV.te l intemi. ithar ',s regards the numheil piehowver isthe edutio of of aecounts tpnd he transactions reîs domestic rate,,of postage by 33 par cent, corded or thea anlousts deposite'd, ail in.. oue of the most meritorious sud note- dicate that incre 4sed effort iu the direc-. loth ectures of te administration of1 tions anumarate ud in miner matVsrg wortIl to meat the convenience of tIhe publia Sir Wm. Muiock. While te induction lias beau succssg-îuî, In the interna lu the Impariai rate i larger, being 60 administration '0f the depaîtmentý thd per cent. of te former rate, owing ta elliencY Of the service bas -been pro4 thevoumeofbusiness doue, the saving moed by Bsasike methods of deebi the~~~ voumaf igwith te staiff. Old regguiatiouii to te people from thîs reduction in te iici c'eei ufoc o'aqat dojuestie rate is by fer the greatest. ai- of a century were revisad and inaýd0 Wbile Vhe whoie of the inérease of 143,- applicable Vo preseut. condition,.s. Es- 000000 or12 pa cet.,luthenumarpacîaly e;cti.1ve were titese chiangea iii eO,0s0, or 120 per cent., histaffnura'rdr r, r, obât**OWWýî 1IF i V.ý& xv - 1- LL Lý JA

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