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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1904, p. 4

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AlflstEverybody Kllow s fiow large a pert lu the hou'e . hbld wor'- the k-tchen steve, &,j takes 1If ilt dors not work --- vwe'l mcýa s are deicyrd, fupel la wtsted, lempens are tried- Its rirst cost may bave beeu -W ffew dollars iess than a t SOUVENIR. but what 15 thet compared wt3satisfaction. Are always satisfactory- aiwtt3s ready for u e. The" are weii icade, easy 10 rmanage and e. ceeding1y durable. Buy a "SOUVENIR" aud weli underlake tagsan-aî comfplote satisfaction Rice o. Opposile Ontarito Pank.P Ite Youi hou(ýe 66 B RMLEYandO 0 I3ct \larket; puice pi flor aiyqatt >lof Barley and Oats deliveréd a," thie Calcdonia 41mils, Bowmanviile, 4î JOHN MACKAY Lirnited. A, G. HOLLAND, Manager. DON'.1,ATHIS. Every Day îs Bargain ray 0 At the ~ F'eope's Fuel n CeensbrtîhLumber ,,lDepot. e0l We are still handiing Best Brands Cýnadian Cemens, BrtishColumbia Red Cedar and other good Brands Cedar and Pine Shingies, Pine and Hemiock Lumber,, Dressed anrI, Undrcssed, Doors, Sash, linds and Mouidings. Fresh Mined Scranton Coal, Caiinel Coul, Steans Coal, Charcoal, liard and Sof t Wood, Longý, Sawed and - Split, Siabs, Edgings, Land Plaster, Fine and Coarse Sait in barrels and sacks. We aiways ainu 10 give the best, value et reasonable prices. Tighest Cash Price paid for'Grain aud Seedsc. 0 Kingy St. East, Bowmanville. BOWKANVILLE. OCT. 12, 1904. MR. BLITH WITHDRAWS. Some months ago Mr. Robert Beiti reeeived the unanimous nomination as Liberai candidate for the Commons at the coilventic.nilaNewcastle. 11e wa not present and a eommittee was named to wait on Mr. Beithi and tender the nomination. This committee did Do, meon Mr Beith, hence he did flot for maily acc.Jpt the uff r off Duuham Liberý ais te allow them the opportunity tb senc hlm back to the Federal Parliament as representative off Greater Durhamî. During the past year Mr. Beîth bas been living a very slrenuous life Hi dulles as a member ou the House off Coin mous have been worn ing and exactinig Bis business interests have beeu greeter thari usuai an'd required careful and constant attention, His determinatiouj a year ago te te a competitor aI the WorId's Fair at St. Louis with Hackney horses bas meant far more time and cousideration than those not intimateiv associated wllhhlm ein understand. A hurried trip to the Old Countries and a scurry throuzh Eugland, Scotiand and Ireiand to tiuad the horses he required te malte up his compiemenit for bt, Louis fwes f ar more a to11 thati a nleasure. T he mental tensions and work incident te prepatation for, transportation 10 and attendance at the World's 1 air mufs' have becu very great. The excitement duing the show week. the rejoicing and co ngretuiatio-,s that followbd ou hu,; returu tb Toronto, enother weci of solicitude and work at the Greal Canadian National Exposition lu Toronl- 10 and the Wcicome Rome and Recep- lion ho reecived ou bis 'retuiru 10 Bow- cite ville taken aitozcllier chafer a rnonth off irregoulerities ln meels and sIcep and the attendant excileent ail the lime were enough 10 prostrale a stron- mtan, physicaliv whieh Mr. Beîth r s not Is il an', surprise then Ihal ho sbould fin hiciseif a tlioroughiy îvoarued macn wh en the excilent subsidcd and ceduced in wek<ht soine 15 lj-uds AAdded tb this heli,'sslteiv been cfluîcd wixùh iuHsomci't and a savero cold and couigh Lhat;lias beeu most distres-.icg. Being- it su-hph; cat'ordil on wheua the g,,encral eilection was anuroucced,i and bcinig the chcsen standard ht'irer' of fis p.rty in a palianscctary co-est Ucui was unavoidabl, most exacîi'cg on l'le cun-dl, ae ,ihO wsa tacomparative streanger togOScreudf of the coj-i,t Iîu -icy, Can ecy ane man -cllcieitIîI!Y Say thal Mr. Be-ithli as ccl laken the -wisest cou.rse in dJccliing 1t'Olic thecandidate? %Vhen NIr. A. B. A',iesworth, K, C, c(MIýented tbenferthîe (Cabinet of Sir- Wilfrid, Laurier, MIr Beith ve-r, tht uglifulîx aigPraciù uýý]y fiercd 1e wlthdra ,vfroc, île iLilicrai cdc in Durham lunlis favor if agrûeablo 1tg the Lilicrai elecetors of the ccuuity. He it-st souglart interview with Mr At lesworth, iuade lte prup)ositio-n which xvas acceptcd, and thon esked for a 'Meeting offlte Executiv e w hicli xas held aI Mr. Bellli's residene oi Thurs- dax whcu the membercs, ail )ien- r- sent>but mite or two, after henriring Mr. Beith 's expianation,egî ced uanimously t0 hi-t overtue as is showa bv this Mov-i-J ix-Mr, A. A Powers Vice- Pr&iidcnt f(x I CUrke, siocânrdcd liy NM 11enrY Elson, Vice l>'m-sidenlt for Cevan, and resoix-cd, "b'ilet wc the membîrs of tlie Executive Commitîsýe off bhc Libera Ass)cia tonc for Dut-hem couiitv, hlinzlc heard the explanatlous offfrcd by Mr Ruýbcr-t Belîli for -Iesiring le wibhdran ps candidate forI-lle Uouie off Comm-on' fOr 1515 cou0t- l finep2ndicg couleqt lu ffav.or of lion. A B. Ax leswortli, K C., off Toronto, and while sinccroîx- re- gretting thc cause tat makes il noeces sary for Mr. Belli ci relire, owing to itae preseont criila condition off his healtli arc lui fullest accord with the propose] cizd mJc lihm tb Ilo:î. Mr A;bswotth, auJ shail consîder ih a x-ry gîet hon- or auJ satisfaction te have a Cabinet iiistet- r6pueetiuig Ihis historic cot- ty, anîd ospeciadyia e entleman of t-oct- prpminuct auility as a sttecsmnen and a jusi-I, Te forego)irg explins as faiiy as is necessar ' Yîte change lu the Liberal cauddiacy in Durhiam duriug the pat xeek.lIanoleouofpictsa lu Ibis coccectioti thet, heving met a large number off icading Lberais off Eïsî Du-hem et Port Hope on Fair Day, aud the inembers off the Executive hoe since, we are confident that Mcr. Beith wouid have lima eeceed liy a good majorily had lic gou n mbthe contest. We wore most favorabiy eurprised te find the Eastern nien s0 erithu-iastic over lis election, aud right in Port Hope towii we believe ha wouid have considcrahiy ox-er baiauced the vote wibh CoilIVard. lb wililibe a great disappoiuîruent, attended with sincere regr-et, 10 bis mauy fieuds lIaI Mn. Beith bas ffound il necessary to drop ouI off poiîtics foc the presenit, and l itiilaff ord al off lis t-env wide circli off friends off cli shades off poli tics very great pleesure il in the near future the Governun3ent wvhose confidence aud fiendship bho so fuiiy enjox s shahl sec fit te give hlm a lîfe appoinîmeul lu the Sonate or in some olhcr remunerative office that le is [quaiified to [iII. 11r, Belîl las been a popular, active and successfful representative, and, aithonghli e has not occupied the lime off the, hlouse with4long srceches, hie has been a vaiued aud useffuladviser aud lu mens' ways has been heipful 10 allen members; and takiug- the malter off bis owa constiîueney no Federai on Pro vincial member ex-or got as mues assit-- ance frenmthe Gwerninenî liy mey off grants for publie works and imaprove- monts as Mn. Beitl bas. For aIl off whbld lie is det erving off our tbanks and sincerest wishes for lis future welffare. $100 REWARD, $100f Vbe readers of this paper will Se pueased te leaî-n tlS there is ai least Une dreaded disease that science Sas Seen aSie te cure in ait ils stages, n ht1 atarrîh all's Catarrh tus hs1e onbl' positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh teing a constitu- tionat disease, requires a constitutuonal treat- ment., Hall's Catarrb Cure is taken internally, acting directuy opon the lood and mucous stir- faces of the system, thereliy destr,-ying 15e foundation of the disease, and g-vIng the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature lu doing its work. The pro- prisIons have so mueS faitS in its curativel p.wer. that they offer One HundreJ Dollar,, for anycs that it faits 10 cure. send for list of tetMontis. Âddress, F. J. CTIENEY &*O., Toledo, C), Sold byý Drug4fijis, 76c, Te ke Hall', Ffamili Plue for OnÇ, ptin Y Our Ideal Cracher Thiruk of ail the goodlnd of crackerb you ever tased The creary whisenéss of the fis-h ightness df ffi second - the crispness Of~ anodter-the appetising ap.' peararuce of another-fthe de- licious eating of 'the fifft Then see how we've con, binied ai! these five points into: Perfection SCre am Sodous Conjur up your idea- your perfeçt cracker-and you'll find it in Moone's Per. fection Creamn Sodas. i' This w.,eek Tim STATEaMA) wi reaich manlY homeS where is not regularly taken2. We think this ii a first class farnliy IlawsPaper, there being some- thing to iýnterest old and young off both 1sexes. Every page Ps interestin, andý 1instructive. Readl the sermon, poetry, 1voung folks, health, farm, about the 3houso departmaents, war and other 1foeigua news and local nevvs from everv 1 section off the district. Compare it with o!Iter 1",.,ers. The price 15 one dollar a Neiý r, hal'Juice of 19J,4 free to ne-w su>srbr Trv Tivsa STAIESMAS for a year. It la the best local paper and'the best is none too good for von. àHOUSE-WARMING Aotone hundred fricnds off Mr. and Mr. erbert Fleteher surprised them oy takiug possession of their prettsi. cd commo lious new residence wbich. thý-'ycv oenly moved into, corner Ontarîjo and Quaen Sts. Mr. R. Green- field ealled the compauy to order and reiad a Dicelv wox dcc addreýs and NM-. Chas. Fletcher prx sýuIte-d tâern with a beauftiful china douner and tea. set. Mr Fletcher mad(, a suitable rtply after wbich eech one nu,-ed (lheartilin l games, etc., and oou-î ejvd therîîselve,. Durhain Rubber Co BBand murnished îebui-ctacce >oÉ muwc. lRe frosàmenits w(cre served and aIl wero deiighted wit.h the pleasant evenin - and United i ý wishi3'; -Mr. and Mrs. Fietch e r a- happo, years in their very - A THUGHTFUL PR1ESTf. jPoints Out to Mothers the watt: Ree rTheir Chidren Well aundlHappy, Rex-. J. L. Francoe-ur, Cesselmau Ont., is e kind beanîed piesl who lis donc mudli 10 ailex-tate scffe-.îng aunat, the ltîbe onesin Lhe homes offils parisi ioners Writiuig under e recent date h salis "I t-ansi say iel Dr, VV iliiam, Baeli's 0w-n Tablels are decxrinz o the high preiso lheï have had as a cur for the almetîts off children For 1h( p9si ight mouths I hax-e on minro duciug theiu ln many familles, audJ-ai xva',s, the motlet-s teli me. wlit pet-foc reeuls The-ir action is aiw-ays effective withoul sucs stckly reaclion auJ île' iin the lead, fevoi -nlu teiung, nervous- cess, sleepiessuesa, spasins, cramps lu the slomahdliau lowcls, colle aud olbli troubles. Their regulatiný action gix-eQ almoat instant relief, and gives speedji cure. Tiis ithîe comforticg ýexpenience lIai has cornet10îy knawledg-e ouit of their judicious use. I cm glcJ 10 give -von my sinere îestumony, and I wil recoi-nmend tbe Talilets tb ah mothert and nurse3s off sick chidren as I have doue heretofore." These Tabiets are soid by ail medicine dealens, or mothers eau olitalu 11cm by mailat 25 cents a lo x by wriîing- b The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,, Brockvlile, Onat BASE BALLIST' BANQUET-£ED. About 70 citizens altended a banqw3t at the Beunett House Wednesdey even- iug given in honon off Mn. IÊdward F. Weekes, Catcher and Secrelary off the local base ball team off he MidlantI Legu. as;or M A. James presided AftAn full justice waq.doue 10 the dinner, the toast off the King was lovaiiy hojoned.. The chairman spoke off tfie many good qualitie s off Mr Weekes, wlom he had kinown from childhood and off lis aceommodating manners. Mr. F. C. Pethick. ex-Manager and miember off tle Execuluve, rend a ver v Pulogistie address aud Mr. XW. S., ,-ander3, President, presenteci hlm ion liela if off the teamn andI ciizens with' a purseof gold. Mr. Geo, E. Maynard, S2enetary off Citizens' sports eommituee, read anoîher address and Dr. J. 0. Ijevitt on belf off the local fool-tiail aud oller teams presented hlmi with a fcncy pipe Ail joined lu singiug Ha's e jll good iellaw." Mn. Weekes tIen replîid lothe two addresses thaunkiug ill who lad con! ili,uted toilhe donations aud expressiug hMs appreelation off all tIc ulce Ihin-s said offhlm as a base ballistpauJ a eïtizen. Brief speeches weemade liy Mlessrs Frank I. Morris, Manager, J. A, McCiellan, Treasunen' Rd. Medlaud, officiai scoren. G. A. Stepleus, Dr Deuitî, Edilon Gale, Fred Armsîrougý,, (Toronto) aud a ne- citation was given ý)v Mn. Rolit' Holmes Eetweon the speýe.ýcesMn. Pethidk'8 ýfEdison Phonog-rapl operated bv Mn. Cecil Olou edrdmusic fnom îome uetw records. -Beffore dispersing al joiued lndsaud sang- Auh mLan ',ne followed by îeNationala Anbbemn Mn, eeles i averv wjorbhý,ycyoung mnan and the'begt wishe;s offail oujr citi7euB fçàilow hiua. 2Oth Century Clothincr--His Price For Pr1 c Tkfedla~ S MT. VER~NON. Anniversary aud Entertainment Oct. a23rd aud 24th. Rev. J. R. Butter, vBlackstock, w'ill preach (j Sunday at1 10 80 a. in. and 7 p. m Collections in aid off school funds On Monday Rev. E. B. Lancele , , he popualar pastor off Port H-ope Methodist church, wdi lec- ture at 8 p. m on "The m'an luý the street." Music and other entertain- ment Aduits 25c; cufidren loc. Al welcome. The pimples have disappeared. Miller's Compound Iron Pis did it. Sold b; Stott & Jury, druggists. The ïIiarmony Maie Quartette. F. ILROST, A. E. McLAUGHLIN, H. J. KNIGHT, W. J. S. RIOKARD. For ail information regarding Terms, l-'ograms, etc , addrcss Fe.IH. F.BOST,IB, A., Manager, 15-6 mos B.)wManville, Ont -o-- Balance'off this season' s stock will be sold cheap 1 Top Buggy, 1 Road Wagon, 1 Farm Wagon, 1 Good Democrat Wagon. Repaîring and painting off ail kinds promptly attended to. WM. EDGER, Bw~vle Tetdes fr ari. and l IMISS MABEÀL A. TAIT, Tenders will be received nup to Ot 10 , 94 for Sale of North 132 acres -ofLt13Oo.2 i Townsipof Pickering, County of Ontario, by Jae ong, Whtby. P O, Ontaro, acting Txecutor of Estate of late J ererniah Long. JTenders wjlI also be recelved for saîd 132 acres in two parcels. camely the N~orth 82 acres there of in one pareel, and the South 50 acres thereof ln one parceî. The land is in good state of cultivation and subject tb a lease up te April 1, 1906. Hall 15e purcliase money may remxain on mortgage for 3 years, interest at 5 per cent, if desired. For fu parxiculatrs and inspection apply to JAmEs LoaG. The higliest or any oCher tender neot necessarily accepted, JAMES RUTLE DGE , Soliciîor for Exeoutors. WhitbY, Sept. 21, 1904. A. Giood Tim.oTo Go To j THE WEÂTHER 18 DELIGIHTFUL. $.)0.65 PULMANSLEEFER ý1ýd TWIE DAILY, Yeu Can- neot sfoi d to mies this,sight. 5Stop.over al- jowed et Chicagu,ý DetroIt and uteririediate (Jeu adian titatitocE, Malte apPlication to J. . McDona'd, Di toicl Fasstn2er Agent, Toronto, f ýr hand somne illustrt'-d booklet of the Worid', Fmir To the Wit Redoced c--, eay r,,tts to points in BritiËh Co'umbili, California. col- orada-, Id&ho, ~tn, OregoL, Utah. Wa Fhivgton. on sakl daly until Oct. bIh.* .Ilawits For Big Garni. The =pe seeau fir Dec,- and Moose in the high ('s f (Ontario, froin Nov, Lit tb15 arni from Oct. 16-h to N7ov. 15, in the Trm, agmi country. Matej arrangements e&rl i for the trip. For Teece IlertdLiteraînre and fKi; %Iom.ton l on STOTT & JURY, î To1wn Agents, orew. WOOD, Deýpot Tickt Ag e nt, ('j )LD MEDAL,3T-and Fllowoff ist andC hoi- Director of Yonge SL. MetSodil Ch1111 h, Toronto, is prspared toi() e aNimte numnber of pupils lu Voies (Soprauo oulyv) Pianio aniJTheory, Pupils preparegl tir Mns,'icat ex aminatons at Toronir Uivensity, To%!onto Conservatory of lMusicand Toronto )cotiege of M 1 sîc. Apply Setween 9 a.m. anCit( p.m. ait Tait & OàVs Studio. Evenine-sa & 'i 'Tt,-ctag" corner Wellington and >iitn Stý,,,Bwmn vile. Ternis m,3derate. FiîesEveryýwbere la your food-IX yonr bedroam- making Mue mîserable., Wison 's ,wlf clear your bouste f fileî lï a UWEAVESI SYRUP It purifies the ]3COod and curesi Bouls, Humnors, Sait Rheum Davis & Liawrence Co., Ltd., Montreal. Metropolitan Soap Co., Toronto, Can. Parlor or Bedroom, Dining Room or Kitchen Furnished Free. In fact every room in any home can be furnished completelv *without additional charge if coupons are saved from the wrappers off Mrs. DGooley'S Laundry Soalp. Its a borax soap which does the most work with the least effort and sells 6 Bars for 25c. 1 A catalogue will be sent on'application, postage paid, illustrating a wide range off prenuiums from a piano to a sewlng machine, from aà brass bedstead to a kitch-en range, and from a parlor suite to a washing machine. Write for tlie catalogue which explains ail particulars. - Address : Metropo1Îtall]Soap Co, Ltd, Toronlto, Cail, ýÈ M ýý :Ïý. zeA j West Eiid filouse., Priestley's Black Dress Goods West Endd£ouse. S5piendid Showi*ng of' SNew -Dress FPa briesC SFancyFrench Fabrics EFancy Stripe Lustres at Haif Price for Waists Our buyer while ini Toronto Plain ground Navy, Cream, last week cleared ont a hune of Pearl Grey and Black Lustres with fancy heavy French all-wool Dress open work stripe very newest Goods The actuai wholesale cost goods for waists and flot ex was $1 50 per yard but by a spot pensive,. Per yarct '35C ~, cash purchase we are iu a position ________________ Sto seli theru uat 75e per yd. 15 dif- feetdésigrns in lengths 4î, 81, 8j' 1 pi 01f~Y Sandi 9ý. yds. Very swell goocis 10. air A n TYe Syou'll say wheti you se them. $1.50 Dress Goods' 75C Hosiery 15 doz. Women's nd Grs Wonn u U ter od heavy Fall andci Wiuter ibbej-)-d Wome lel U thir ood wooleu liosiery, sizes 81 ,9, 9ý, regular price 35e per, pair. Value Speciaî, Price 2 C The-wlornei who have visitcd our store the past few weeks al- express thec same opinion about Overcoats and Suits our underwear that it is the best For the Munia the Youth or thec finishedgoods for the money th-at BOY h !tg-cadfletSo they ever handled. Vest, or )y. Thfe ïgodcthu in-, t show-r I Daerprice 28 cetsti. en fgo l ohn hs tr ___________________ ever had. If the garmentyo are lookinug for is not herë you ScochSatigswon't find it in any store, for our Scotch Suitings are substantial gaods Sand mawe up into a beautiful suit for out- wil make makese Mon56 n.Glo ys wilmkthmsot.5 i.wieWe can suit the man iu the Glove or -l Mîitt line. We carry a r-ange that Is conuplete fronu the Lowest Alitt at 25e to tihe fines Reindeer Glove at ' ~ hverything that is fashionable in Sait- i-ng Cloths is in and ready for inspeetion Dainty. Alloveir Laces t at this store. Plain and Pancy Suitiing Cioths in ail the newest colorings. Early In Chamnpagnec, Creanu, Black or WVhîte buying means long satisfaction ! Suiting shades, newest- designs and pri1ced Cloths 35c yd. to $1.50. reasonable. Neat range off allovers at Fur oats50, 75c. and $i. speciaI liowing of Sable RÉiS <V4 rigit, wllsel them iglit. 66.50, ?7.50, $9.00, $10.00, 815,00, Cone and Get Prices. to $25.0).

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