Get Ready For Rough Weather. Now is the time to prepare your face and hands for the rougli weather which is so near at hand. An occasional appliance of our Cream of Violets will render your skin soft, smooth and healt.hy. A large bottie costs only 25e, z-nd ~Will keep your hands and face fniee ail witer. Stt & Jîy The Drnggists and Opticians. Anotheèr Point. Another cold weather necessity 9, box of onv Cold 1Tablets They actually break up a eold in a single day, 25o a box andi your money back the second day if you ask for it. Stot&Jury, TheDruggssts and. 0Opticians. Ail Sensible PEeople Wear Spectacles Just as soon as the first sym-' tons ' et-aï2iel VS'l appeKrs-i "Pretvention is better than CUre."9,' This is true in regard 10 the treat 1etèhesda, sud Mis Wetuo, Plaiuï ment e! the sigbl as wilI as respect ii are attendin- the Wol's Pain aI Sel. Louis, Mo. te many other things. Mn, Fred Rogers, formenîs metchant Avisit te our optical rmont wîi and Postinaster at Enuiskilheu, ba s pureha.ecl a bouse sud lot frein lrs. préserve your sigbt for years and John Élis, Wbitby, for $2,000. and will yen will be surpri-ed. ai the nianv take possession soon, convniones e bae fr giing Among ibe successfiai exhibitors frein convn.,eces c hae fo gi Ibgtis cousalv at Wbltby Pain were: W. yen absolutely perfect giasses. R. Kuiglit, T. J. Colo, S Snowdon A Our Eye Glasses lînpreve the As ne, Jas. Leask, J. VV. Brooks, Tios, Cowau, sud A. A Colwili appearance of 99 eut o! every 100 Ms Lillie PotIer svbo is visiting hon anti give ailounr cusûomBrs perfect vInMs. Geo Herrîngton, Edville, ý1 payedthe wedding mareb ai the wed- sagtisfaction. Ilt will cost yeu noth- dtug of Miss FrncyW a ndaJ n in- te hiave ý env eý,tested ai cur Burton E. Brinteeli on Sept. 28 strn . escf1 Ple~oplinsi i-. -Norman Alliei, vy nngestson of Mn. Samuel Allie, Lake Sho-Lre, west, in Otno bas gene te Deî Moines, Ieýwa, te assume Dont pt i cf " sttcbluthe dtles of bouse surgeon tina hos-pilali Don' pu it ff-'A site inthe'-e.We wissh blm every succes. limte saves ie." Mr. M. J. Rlutchincson, cils- editor o! lThe Examiner, son of Mn. ' V. Hutchin- bouJury, sou, Darlingl7on. Sas beee eleeteti. Pres- Yident of lie You!g- âMen's Guit of George Street Metbo-lisi Churci, Pet. The Druggîrsts anti Opt1 ttt fl. erbono. Ladies' Aid ef Trinits Cburcbliseit a very> pîeasant bouse social Weduesciay eveainz aI the résidence ef Mn. Mark ofýproskinds arici refresbments cem 1 Va 1j ý1 1ý2 Gc è Ej pete a e- y en jo. anoe proge ant fia rr ,uDr Garuet M. Treain wlso ha.- beee UM lr L pnactsing denttt-try le Colliugw'ood for tise iast threp years in partuersbip witb Dr Inwiu, bas purchaqe thle practice o! Dr-. Cross. Oshawa. Dr. Trewin is a t-killed wonkmau sud we whsh hlm succes$. Fer sonse linéme Msns. C. M. Cawker & Sor havo bas'ahanfling chutce'chickt e.ài o, tple Grove, sud b'sviag test- ý-fowl mus,, proucuncethein deehd ellyns eince. 'Ihey are tenterk MnI Edwand F. W'eekes, who bas served aun ppreotice-sbip of uearly six yeans lu lie Bowmanvillo News office lef t lasI week for Toronato where ho bas s ecuired a position. Our besi wishess are exlendedto ithm who is in every8 wav westhy o! suece3s- Miss Vay R. James,-daughter o! Mn. R. W.ý James of ibis tewn, graduales -Oct 21 as a professional aurss nI lie If yn hve ay o thefoiowiGéCeorai Hospitl, Toronto. We eoue- If yo hav anyof te folowi g-ratulè>tais J anes on ber success symptoms you shculd stant taking anîd hope shernsy have a very success- lui carecrinta er chosen profession. plrCHEReS Ve wisbi the rudiments of music wes'e tuught în evenî 11gb and Public sebeold DRinH~ l Canada Just LOW Mn.' John Mlay- 1 Evwéod of Toronto, a 6ueçe.sslnl teacîten BACKAC HE - I N v oie production and arî'stie sioging visis tlis lcwu svsry,'Saturdav. Ho is ) a pupil cf Mr. Arthur Blight of Torontot TRBLETSast I bas for bis pupils boe sorins o! oun bast siogers. Believing hlm tb be ap They are the onfly- remedy that g-ceod teacher we hope ho ivill have ab guarantees a rapid, complete and largo ciass i-n Bowmaanviîle, t permanent cure. Wesoetmsvouder why thse sur-P ý'7(uniîgsofmore country' homes ares i~~~~~~~ SY PO ST CNIE , ot made more attractive. Wben pass- SYMPOMS O COSIDE s __ eut Liberty street uorlb lie othen Pain in tise Bacit. la'. we coult flot but admire I'se beauti. Highly Coloset Urine, fuit lawn o! Mn. C. M t:awker, Norway Brick Dustinl Urine. Ql'ottge Aitho' neallv a country Irritation et the Blatider. rosid %nees bas coeo! lie prettiest Retention of Urne. > 1av-ons te be seen ln Bowmanavulle as dp Frequent Calis. 11.1f profusion o! nbnubs, floîvors, plants, Pain ia Urinating. \t - et.,combine le mako il a veny t Impure Blood. attractive home. Pain iu tie joints or Hýipit. Sweliig cf the Feet. 1Malcolin C. Galbraith, formerly cfE Rapid Loss cf Flesi. Q, nsj' College, KinZston, Ont., Solie-b Bowels, Cuvelicer oammissiofntefées- Persistent Headache. - syPble(at upymno!hefs Breati Foui, -s ,A udby tbe Law Society, eotitled , Tongue Coated. te sark as Barristen) beg-s lt'ave te say,a Tireti, Worn-Out Feeling, c-hioiteads devoiug bis lime antiC Inabuiîy to sîeep. tstcîe th le collection of retls.u Deranged Digestion. ote'3 sud accouaIs, aud engaziog mlu at 'or,veya?1cing, Nobaris.l anti Real Es- Rememiberthat Dr. Pitcher~s Bac&e1- bý;;css Any porion requining Kidney Tablets are the prescriptidn of£th . eviewll fint i hm at the ro -ited Kidney Specialist, Dr. Zîna Pit orm e ou-pied as a Library orRed ud cure where ther rcwedizu &U te 1 , ' Ro vrJ .Mrv' ns beniefit. Tic piçe of tho e blets la s, orhis reqidenee, Concession Streýet, ýt a bottie on 3 for at ~dru Z;tew0i M&U 4 , TUÇDa.TR BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 12, 1904. Mrs. M. Lockeé, Toronto, is visiting Miss Neads. Dr J. S. Somers, Toronto, recently visited his fatier. Mlrs. W. H. Barrie and son Harvey visited Newtonville friends Miss Beatrice Joaess is attending the Schoo)l of Peiiagogy, Hamilton Mr.ý Samuel Allun was judge on cattle at Port Hope and Millbrook fairs. Mr and Mrs. W V. Richardson. Pick- erng, visited friends hure recently. Miss Dora Stapieton, Clarke, is visil- ing her uncle Mr W. W. ilenderson. Mr. Wm. Smith, Newtonville,, recent- lg visited his cousin, Mrs. Wm. Jordan. Miss Mary Murley recently visited b er cousin Mr. Stephenson, near Oshawa Provincial W. C. T.U. wiIl meeG in Bowmanville Nov 8 Particulars later. Mr. and Mrs J. B: Mitchell have re- turned from visiting Mr C. A. zNeLean, Brockville. Mr. and Mrs. John Barns, Janetville, attended Bowmanivilie Fair and visiled friends here, Mr and -Mrs. J. E L Cole, Hampzon, were guests at ber uncile's, Dr. W. E 'rIîîev's, SuIndnay. Miss Eva Tabb bas returned homel alter a pleasant visit wlth her aunt, Mrs J, Bath, Whitby. rMr. Jesse Williams, north-west of En- niskillen, bas sold bis farin and is mov- ing to Oshawa. His saie is on Friday .this week. The Misses Wîiatt gave a pleasanit At Home to a largee numbler o!f fiends Friday afternoon nI their homo on Scugog St. lMrs, James Carscadden accompanied by ber daughter Mrs. F. H. Morris, Beech Aý euue, are visiting her t-on 11ev. A J. Carscndden, Honevwood. Dr. A E Mailory, registre'r of East Northumberland, died aI his home in Colborroe, Oct. 4, aller a short illines from peribonhtis, ag'ed 55 vears, The stables and contents of Dr. Iloi Z, Oshawa, were burneti Saturd)ay ,nigv Oct. 151. Loss between 84,00o 0, partis' insured. No herses werelet The niemberscf CourîPnide cf Ontario No, 6ý)00, A. 0F, willatend serIr.l Members wili meet irn their Lodge roomil at 10.15 arnm. Messrs. H C. Hoar and S V.Hor Miss eoç,rg'ie Cole. Slis e xsmiti',_ I tessrs u. osï. n, Wiisams anti L. M cLauglin, Enuisiilen, weno guests of Vs-, sud Mrs C A JohnstonSunday, H1ave vonus dollar or bwo lu vous- peeket ci-elougieg tca the pub'labor cf Ibis journal. If s,deni'l vear eut vou- pockot earr_ýiu4' Il lougen-wo waut 't lf'vou have any fans that neeti aiterina- or nopais-mg. newss the lime te bave Ihesu don c, belons the busy seasn stants. M. Mayer, Fumrier, Bowman- ville. Arsessg lie Toonto World 's list cf leap yoar babies lu Suedas's Worid appears Ar-thur Forrest Dillng. vossng- est son of Mn. sud Mrs. Herbent DiIling, Bewrnanville. See the Patidona Range. If yen do Dot roquine a range ai present but are interested iio the PaYdora, eail on us sud we will explalu ils rnainTgot points For sale only by J. B ýMartlyn. Coueb ,Jebuston & Crydermoin ans stiowiegz an immense stick ýo! la dies'and LMisses' cours, yery stvlisi an'd perfect fi ting and overns se new. The inest hose conutes, The lChristian Endeavor seciets' of the Disciple clturcb bas purehased a fine Dominion Piano as au addiieal attractin te hem sneady yery noat A îtreng sînlement aud a true one that che 20th Century Brandt MeL(n's CIotliing'iandïtit iiiBowrnnviile by MeMunins' is the besi mate in Canada, Btss' yeur lau eovenceai or suit frein 'siMuîr'-,Fit. sud Wear- Combined, Rot' Canon 1.. C. Dixon, Oirganizing Secietary o! Diocessu Musicanis, wili preachin St John's cburcb nexb Suutay and wihl aise gis-e au illustra-ted lecture uti the churcb ou Wetnemsdav eveuing the lo ti on tishe Passion o! Christ Jul ees-vt50 XXXX -auJ- XXXX lied Cedarr ndt 1 car White C,2diar Shingles, 1 car of l)ressed Loin- ber, bail lâch dressot Sidiug aI $18300 per M. Ha-tweed limbs direct fromn woods at $8 50 per cord, Examine cur stock before purchasing. MOOLELLAN & Ce Bewmauville Jesse E. L. Cols, Hampton butcher, selî s sinoket Hams and smeket bacont at 15e a lb; 20 lb. psu o! pure lard, no botter, for $1 90 a paSl. Heslbas sold 1900 ibs. lu hast 7 weelts o! tis XAI. XXX Lard Ne. 1 Vonk Sausage 11c. lb, home-a-it>t-s. He paye 182 30 fon, Hrse- bides. Home reuderet Lard lc. lb, lu-af lard 9c lb, Belogna 9c. lb. or 3 lbs. foi 25e At a meeting cf bis cengregation o! St, Paul's Preshîtoniar chunci Wotnes- day eveaiug, Miss Marlou McLaugbulin, leadiog soprano o! the, choir, ivas pro- sentet witi a solit silver Ion service, Qusen Anne pattera, suitabiy engravet. Mn, J. B Fainbairo, P. M., on beinîf o! lis congregalion read lie attressand Dr. Jas. Colvilis. Treasurer, madtei presentation. Miss MeLaugihin bas heen au active werker o! St, PauI's and lie congregation tooit tus meaus o! ex pressing their appreciabion of i e n services. We were favûret sviti a bris! x'isil o-es- the week-end iron Hou. Fretnick F Elsenmineger, lie populan anti gdhial Mayvor of Schenectady,. N. Y .,qut Hon. Fred D. Cherry, the popular Recorder efthaI progressive sud weil-governed city . Thev were guests of Mrs. R Cherry aICherry Cottage, baviog aI- tendedthlie Fraternal Congress aI St. Louis aut were su route home. Mayor Elsoumenger bat ,nover visitet Canada belons aud was unqualifiet ln bis pomis es r f the countrv Rsud the peopleoie met. We îuay sa,; le balance tie compliment tiat if aîîy cuber American cilles have as pleasaul mastooret and geutlemanly Chie!f Magistrites we want thein le vîsît as tee.' Boti Honorsable Gentlemen aI- teude th le Method libturci twice ou Suuday aud met a number o! cun lead- ieg chtizens h'bo were most favonabis impreisset witi Scbeuectadv's lwo (ciiel citizenis. Our greateat regret 18 liai tiey couIt net roiong Iboir slay s.e thal wre migit have shown them moreo Srong fern boots at Foiey's. Staple dr 'y goods at old pnices at The Mason Co's. Port Hope Presbytenians intend building a new church. Tin-ý STATESMALS is worbb. any other two local papers-only 81 a year. T. H. Knigbt bas fnesh fisti every Friday. Leaveyour order with hlm. Winben undenwear and hosiery, big choice and big value at The Mason Co's. A full une cf Ganong Bros' celehnat. ed G B, Chocolates jlist arrived'at Tod's. Mn. J W. Brooks' great stock sale Thunsday, this week, wi!!i draw a big crowd. Have yen a distant friend? Send hlm or ber TuaE STATESMAN toensd of 19)4 for 25c. Now is the ime to leave your order for a new fail suit aI Coucti, Johusîon & Cnxvdernan's The very latestinl Wedding station- ers and Wedding cake boxes at TiE STrATEsmAN office. Agents looiing- for sometbinig good le soul should write te R H. Bogart, Woodstoek. Ses advt. This papor will keep y oun absent friends ln touch witb affa ins at home. Only $1teo Jan I. 1906. Osvercoats and reincoats ton men and boys grent vaniety and be3b possible [value aI The Maso û Çc, ILinoleums no te four yards wide. Importod direct frein tbe makers at1 Coneh, Jebu-ston & Cr>derman's. LIfebneySa-dsnean-stonl recemmendeti hytheie edical profession as n safegnand againat infections duseases. Send te Englandi for your frieuds- fane only $15 fnom Liverpool or Glas- gow te Quebse. Ask M. A- James. Sable Ruffs aud Boas lu, ail sizes, the vony f nest qualits' tint money eau pro- cure at Coucts, Jobuston & Crs dermau's. Requined, a maîron for the Home cf tbe Aged aud Infirin. Appîs te J GILFILLA,Presidetit, or P. TitEaaacocK Sec. o! Board.' 88-tf. Dress goeds ho alilthe uewesz colons .and matertals and ladies' suitigs of ail 1-lnds just receis-ed at Couch, Johoston &CrI dermau's Un til H. C. TLait d isposos of bis lieuse and lot aud business ho wilho founti aI the old stand, turnnlng out fLnst class Photos, COnu earlv, 18-3w. iMrs W. MeLaiigblin.Tlronein renled hon trrarnduJss rnvilng leCsh- awa, wiil selI on Frnid-se Ibihs week ber lise stock-,imeres furniture. etc. Misses Virties an0 itîanton, and For sale only by J. Bi. -MarIt>n RTo take pnide lu ourý excellent stock o! dress fabnie staplo onsfoelwear,. blankets suan denea. rices IGwcst for quick selîîng. jDcue Mcurtny. Lecture catitiet "Ticboit Thief" Weduesdas' night Oc,. 12 at S. A. Bar' racks i 8 e'cloek Ev'en-bods' iavitl te be-an tie catobv autinhiuiing story by Adjutaut Sims.ý Mn. Win. Ross, Port Penny, bas beetu nominated as lie Libralcadidats for Seuti Ontanlo for tIie_ House of Cen-, meus. Mn. Peter Cmri- le, Manchester,I à la th Conservative candidate, Re.. MnParker, T roeto. preachet ver- enplably lu f iei,,ty Chus-eh Sun- day. Mn. Banker p -ecel bers 53 yes oas-go. MnH. i-ar, Troulo,was aise liense ite iut-Iýrk-t of Trivity eburci. Nearly esery tisefs oroigiuîales Iroin smpaired tissue, tint is w-tv Vite Tonie nareis f ails toeoff eel a permanent cure, ils se'ts as a foot for-ibe system. Pat- eut medicines, on the olier baud, pro- tues oniytempes-ar'. relilo!Vile Tonie is cempesed of henbs, barssasd fruit , R. m. milcuielI, ds-ggst, keeps il lu stoek, Ms-s. Chzs- Keitb passeet away on Frnlday eigbl after a fow weel:s' iliness, tic resuli o! a cold wbieli sic cotranctet whiIe in Tes-cnle. 'iho ,fanes-al ieek 'place from bier lase resileu±ce, Libertv St., oîn Mouds-v aflerilroon sersvice besng cenductet b-, lier pactes- 11ev, Hugis MsseB. A Hon bushani pro- deccaset lier about lis-e výears. She leaves teO mous-n the ofs e!a lssvîug motion, two daugihter-"vrs. Calla han anui Ms-s Mark Osborïe, Newar-k, N. J. Iasd ti nos seus-Messrs. Chas aud Alie Keiti, Tes-ente, aud Master David t a TRIBD ALL 'iEL SEB TO No BENEPIT Thon Dodd's Kitney Pis Cureti lis Diabetes. Startling Case ofT TlosAHarrison, of St. Maryts Ferry-le Tells the Story Bisself. ST. MARY'S FERaRY, Yerk Counny. N.-B , ocet. 10-(Special).-That Dodt's Kitie y Pilîs wi lI cure Dia bolos, onu@o! mest deatl 'y les-ms o! Kiduey Disease, bas been satistaclorily provet hs Mn. Tios. Harrison. o! Ibis place. Speak- ing o!is cure Mr. Harrison says : "I began te suifer wili severo pains e bove the region o!lie kidusys. Whn I lay towu lb was torture 10 gel up again. MY appelits fansd I lest flesh rspitly. "I doctoret wiîh ses-ril physicians but ilwas alne use. ýSbos-tlyla! les- Iis 1 began le uinate bîcoti sutd thon 1 knew 1 was iu tie grip o! tint dread meunsten, Diabolos. "At tuis limes fiead prevaile ou tue te tny a box of Dodt'7s Kitues' vPuis snd Iiey titi me se muci gooti1IconLinuet lhe trealmoul tilt 1 bat usod lires boxes. They eus-st me compleeley" I ~__ mauville go tog-ether te muake uip 1'e bill as presented by lthe Big Lady Min- strels. 'Tho, curînifi never gees dowvn aud frei ope' ing te ciosing lb is oe round of applause and eue continuons laugli ns otne novettv' en new shetchi folliwsanoether Ileserve scats are nowv on sale aI popular prices at Big 20. AUCTION SALES. 7 WATI'C for date o! P. Tyler's Auciiou Sale about end of Oclober. TiiunsDAY. CT. 1STH-, -Mr. .J W. Brooks wili sel bv public auction. on' 1 Lot 81, Cou 0.6 Darlingtort, ail of bis valuahie thorobned stock, implements, etc Spale at ono'ciock sharp. JAs Bsîop, auclioneer. FRDAi-,Cr. lltbl-Mr, Wm, Me- Laugh>in, Tyrene, w iII ssier val- ushîse farta stock, implements, bouse- heid furnituce. e, havtng renled ber farin. This ms au important stock sale See large posters Sale aoee p m L A. W. oL, auctieneer. WEDNESDAY CT, 19-Mr.Jese Williamns lot 22, con 9, Darliun2, ilsub auction bis s aluable higb grade stock,i implernts, funilure, etc. salie ut 1 I P. M sitarp Seo large posters THes. SwAix, auctioneer. TUESDAY.(Cr. 25,-- Mc Cee0.Gale, lot 84,on 8,Dtiig tnwill seilsix good rnilcb csws, horse, implernents, etc. Sale at 1 p. ns. Sep- bilis. JAS. Bîsucel aucd,,ore:t- and Aits, Alfred J, Alluna dte Mr. MAItTYN-TIl Tlwtnanville, OCt. lOth, te Mr. andi 8rs. Fred Martyt, a son. Bova b Clarke, Ct. 2'cdf, teAMr. Jad its- XVtlliarnBjtasn M>ARRIED. CAMsEcON-IIAMLYx-Iu Toronto, Ct. 521, by 11ev. Dr. Wallace. Mr. W. S, Cameren, Win. ntpfeg, andi Miss Mabel, daugliter eofAr. Rich- ard flamlyn, Bowmauvlle. AaNDaeRSO-WIGHr-In Darlington,Cet. lth, by 11ev. L. S. Wight. B. A., iP. D., H. A L, Anderson, St Marys, andi Effile Luella, oniy daughter eofAMr. Joiin Wight. SENIKLF.R-McLAUJGHtfIN-At Bathshamery, Bowmanivlle, Wednesday, Oct. 6th, 1904, by 11ev.ugsMufnoe, B, A., Mr. Edwarci Stevns eukerNorth Bay, son ef Ris Mener, Jndge Senkier ef Perth, andi Miss Marion McLaughlln, claughter of the late James W. MeLaughlin, Esq-, M. Di. OLEMENs-At Greenbank. Cet, 9th, Mary Aan Durrant, relitof the ]aie Steplien ClemeDs, Darlin ton, ageti 50 y sacs, nterred at BDw- KFITa-In Bowmanville, Oct. 11h, Emlly A. reliet oethe late Charles iteltb, ageti 56 years. UiDaaween-Ât Kendall, Oct.Sth, Margaret Petis. reliet of the late Thomas Unlderwood, ageti 75 years. W ANTEQ-ouse, with haro, eut- VVbuildln-s ana frein one b twenty tive acres of iand'. Moi more than 2 miles from Bowmanvile. Appiy to Box 94, Bewmanville, 42-1w' BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. F tun ICIlO Ibs-... $2 600 $38800 W 1sAPaibsh O0)î fi IL-5 fi Spnîug.........1 100 il 1 0J[ fi lRed 1File.......0 90fi1 108 f! Goose ....0 00"fi0 85 3ALILÉY. e b-sh. No. 1 ... 0 40 tift 41 o 2 ...0 40 040 t , o3 ... 000 08 OL A.' iTwo rewed O 00 le O 40 0A,2s, white "............O30 'IVO 0 Grandt con-,ert aI Selna Dviioett o...........000'eV osM '>IstPartcular41 -BUCEKWuaAnT Il............O 00 ft O 00 2181tut Paniclansit Î er. "'le Woinu's Pus, Blackeye, e bush.. O 00 il O 00 Inttt iIislon Prit iy afltennoon il§ Canattan Bonutues O 00 et O 60 ah 3 o'ciock sharp "lRonlï,able on " mumme'y 'e 0 00 il O0 0 preparathon for %inîer" conductet by o mai o Oe 061 ilO60 the President.- oe Biue o 0 00 i 0 60 Do yen feel trdstwavwiîhoaî Caci-asSEED ..............0 006 0 aux1vtppar-eet caUuse? Dýouý'îhoabus-met, TimoTT SEED....._....O 00 "« 0 (0 aIl SO requs-o i Vite rie; il Will BIrna, bePsîtable, etb, O6 rO soo brýing baeyens-strengliUandi on- B c, l oz ....... .....O0 0 Io 0 18 engy. ÏBettes- tny a botîle. Mn.R. -M. - PO1-ATOES, 'Pbuh...... l 0 'rOW' Mitchîell, drug'gîit, 1k-eepa lil stock. -E100 t2 .. ,.6OÇ' 8o Farmers, try Foley's lootwear. Tny a lbal o! borne made bnead at Luttrell's. CutsinuOceau steaniship rates con- tinue. Sse advtst3 leave vour orders wib '1'. iH. Knight for fresh fish eý,ve ndy Try te La Florena a lCe. cigar for 5c, at Pethick's cigar store. .Mn. and Mrs, J. Il. Copeland, Brace bridge, were, lu town recently, THE STATESMAN and Weekly Globe toesnd of 1904 for 50c. Onder now. Ail subsenihers te _The Weýekiy Globe 190â5 maY have balance of 19f ree. For the best values i n f Ur-'ined over- coats ses The blason Co's new stock. Ladies ciats, now iand nobhy are selling freely. Se,, tbern at The Mason Co. See our large lio f stoves which we are offering at very close pnices. J. B. Mantyn. D7n1. and Mrs. Chas. Coombe are visit. hng the sou Rev. Wm. Coombe, Shan- nonville. Wheu iu need of a oew pipe cai at Petblck's tohacco store. Prices te suit ail 5e. np te $5.M, Let us book x our order for puc'ting up your steve. steve pipes, etc , belons the rush. J. B. M0art,, Ail the hestbhrands cf cigars, pipes, lohacco and cigrete can ho bad aI Pethiçk',s tohacc bore. We guananîse satisfaction te ail wbo le,%yQ thb~çde rr orclolhîng with 1i4qi [Ce ceh,Josot Cail te ses the Fur coalsts, capen- ines, ruis. muffs, gauntlets, -etc., aItm. Mýayer'H Fur Store. Bowmanville Mn. J. H. Crs derman is actinz Chair- man o! the Public Sehool Board during the, absence o! Mn. Higgnhbmý Dr. Edgan W. Alunr isnw located at Tottenhan sita l Te Green, Tobteuhain Nortb, Lonjdon, E tgland. Mý Ma«ver has l aifilllins of stiffand fedora bats, caps, îles, shirts, collars, socks anduntierwýear. Calle ses thein. Suità antipants for men and boys made frein our own clotti. Wear guar. aed.Just neceived by The Mason Co. Mn sud Mns. 1Rohit Dowu have ne- turnedhot frorn a pleesaut visit wilh thein sons Edgar aud Frank le Detroit, Mici Miss Attweil, head tîmnmer o! the Central NMilliners Panionsý was ha To- muleMon -oklng - tltncw- winter sîs les, The oven o! the Pandona 18s entilated, large, fitted with tbermometen, linod store wiUé iws-1,-no bi nu'l or-Il'1 Ils lu actua - a It 1t e O"'. a good s'îay choepstees arc marie and solt. Tbey loik weii but the cbeap 1a foundtrinlathe wsvean. Reliable The basi.s s:!ail oIt'sri~ is sc>Oqý shoos. 1-e lable, tn sAî-wcsai else sud the ps-ion as boss'fa, pos ibloallet liaI lOue buIis tcain en as cah) Parler 'Shop St t E c % mroi c IFO jP, AIRY eady for instant uah. Pusi ýiveîy carsccatarrit andti al beador ibreat tro.uble- '1 rire aI once for tes-ms andt tsrcttos-y :e11 R. .-3 AnýT, Voosl-lock, Ont ,Gnra Agent for Canazda. Miention. TuiE STATESMAN. Miss 1 MBL A.TAIT, ACCOMPANISI- AND PIANO SOLGIST,, concert eîsemno cep2 J. COLVIjLLE, M.».3 O M (' FIE-Silverc Sîreoft, '.., ville; Tepoe 2.Ngscisase tria, ), ti W,4-, -"'I" e ech A vetne I ~m~~E~\and and oo Arlen7r LungBalsamr The best Cough Med icine. ABSOLUTE SAFETY should ho rigoroujsIy insisteci uzpon when b'uying medicine. ifor xipon that deperLds one's life. ALLEN'S LUNG BAL- SAM' contains NO OPIUM in a.ny form a.nd îs sele, sujre, and p rompt in cases of CROUP. COLDS. deep-seated COUGHS. Try It riow. and ho convncd JOHN MAY WOOD. Teacher of Voice production atnd artistie singing, will be ln Bowmianvi.le everj Saturday frorn 10 am. until fi pi.m. at NMr. S J Hi&1l's, Queen St, Bowmanville, and will be pleased tc meet any one intending to take vocal lessons. Ooices testedi ree. 42-2w* H AMPTO. éRev. L. S. Wight. Tyrone, will give an address at Epworth Leazue services Fri- das evening. Everybody welcome... Rev. A. Potter, Smithville, who is visit- ing his sister Nira. T Creeper occupied the pulpit Sunday.- He delivered a thor- oughly practical sermon which was very much v' preciated.... Mýiss M . Harris, PoIt Pîy is yisiting at Rev. W. R. Roacb's,. .. Miss Jennie Ashton, Enfield, and M4rs torde ?ýter, are visiting at Mr J. Ward's. Little aches never c'row to hoe big9 oneg if thev are promptly treated witb Perry Davis' Painkiller, A good thing to remember iu the season of diarrhoea, choiera morbus and other bowel corn- plaints that corne with summer. AMUSEMENTS. That pYopular org-anization Tho3. 1P. Kelley 's Big Lady Minstrels whîch cornes to the Opera 11ouse on Friday evening Oct 11, for one performance, is the foremost of its -led. in the preoenta- tion of a genuine up-to-date minstrel, and for manv years this company bas been a favorite with thse public through- 1 ut the country. A company thal bas had- so rnany years cf prosperity must possess ment and the public cati expect- nohn uta good p ot0rmance.-Lov- eywomen, pi etty, costumes, bright and cathv usi, bautfulstage setting and tho finest aggregalion of comediaus + P w ~ H~ e're Tiu * Thiîn gs Along for t'ie benefit of our customners finiding ways+ of inproving qualities + withoilt ircre si g prices; f '~..*~ worLking ail the lime to ive 1V e ucLt zLc r6ii td ep the buisriess by fair dealings Thslist of prices on Staple groce-io-s Oah ,iî 0 strk hri ttie heart of every hcuse-kecp ýr, they show hi w t> n cent pieces 4 Lz an tee s ,veC' on dollar c-ia'S x8l'Is PRedp-tlh granulated i Sugar 'or $i.( o, - packages of Shredded Wheat bisculs for 2 5c 3ISChriaes Bron'o ginrec- Snaps fs> 23,C,(,-,okld Sliced han,~ tOr 30r, 2 lbs SIced R&w bacon for 25c, i cea Ssmon for roc At this season of th-e'year yo wl requîre tosee that you gel. + -~pure viregcr atnd picklirg q;)ice3. We have a reputalion for .~purity wshich vue m.-an îî maintijo, il wiil be satisîactory to you 4 afte al you'r labor tofeel tha îthe cest resut have been acora- . p'ished. 'Ihey ,,illif you -ive us3our viriegar an-d spice order.' OAWNKER &TAIT* -EXXuUOE1ý5 Qtlo 5 cyR\AT W.ANTED-Aî nse LJApj1.Y te MaRs. (DRn.) HAZLEWOOD I51gI4 Ali aocunts due Eslate of late G. 0. - F~aines m ryî tot be paid at thej DONALD G-M5. (4ALBItAITH. rEýside01Pt. cor ,1 - urchand tiecrge s., arri4îer, Solicitor, fÇotary Publie, etc. Cf- Monv~itoe, bhOc't !5,b 04.Afler lice opposite J, B, Martyn's store, King St, thuate ntile.- will -e îand>i>fl f0 RIPwnasl 2I six FPUr ct per auniaunswtt 'enrgeU T d I'ti D d ..On the Breot ir, (,cl fo-dairy 41 4w K FOR ALE-F' tes wanting t, oy atte fr fcclngor -milch cows. 'di tm~ ar :yStra or seP, ;Xx1i~ i~etii_'u ofl~,aie~ AupytoS. IH, 2y j Gftthe N. W nsqacIr0 lt2, h ~~ j C~on.Twnsh'ip t criato ose3ssion g ed for stock;t:io2wise uktns tcç52~l1l >~~ taon Dthe c. p , 'r s tcia- apto the nndetsgýi.ed, troSicîn '0:t by.414 rheh t'>o, itýý î b tes Pi rti eeV PrîntrodUeed iaatr,( -ma (lancers -L 1 L 1- -1