the COSI of the, irst botile to prove ta you the merits of Vito Tankc is especially pre- pared for ail diseases relating to: The Stomach The Lungs The Liver The Bawels Th e Kidneys The Nerves. It strikes> at the root of the diîsease by strengthening and healing the tissue or cells of which the human body is forrned. The weakest stomach can retain -it because it is composed of berbs, barks and fruits pre-. pared i accordance with a special formulie known only ta the manufacturers. "Thy work togsetbor.1 Our Spciïal Offer good for 14 days oniy A $1- bottlc for 50c., We malce tuis generous offer because we want you Who are sick ta, get well, and ive know that Vito Tonic wiil cure you- children and aduits alike. Vito Tankc is a food for the nerve tissue. It increasea your appetite and buiids up your constitution. Itý wiii gîve back to you energy you have lost. the 11 It is a preparation that cures' permanently. Cut out the coupon below and take it ta the druggist whose namec appears 'ýt the bottom of this advertisement. Corup on P/case se/i the bearer one $r.oo bille of Vita Tonia for. .50C. and' charge Mie oiher Sac. tO miar aCý'OUn. T/a i Ve Rel n 'C'a, Nagùýaraj Fal/s, Ccanada,.j "My der," aid Mrs Hnek ~hikin s"ionlyOË mattrimrony." Iliri iUOI 2 I f 'here is only one grade o Japan AMust Husband Resources, HOE GAI. ynra' Pso t e ood S ÇBet You don't kçnow whore I've beanteeslyn eniryal'itr ays thOUî--LCOkunia..BuI've been otf down on a tai!-when egg cgtcrbs rcs ndha sheet.Bt Look hore, ivhere I've burnt the skjn x.'ir tei es pi.s can be boughit for 40 cents More"a hall \vay 'sp my rml Spce ds ifoMrt Roykal. Iot'sryc a pon11 could had a telny pig S-a;netroosmae--- supîforai the hces JAPAN AND THIE WAIR. ucrsr and 132 field guinsaa tUpioepo d dTobghoebuIasadncflttî htcooeteeg andgie 4, igenis. A desp)ateli tram Toki says: Baron Gum. Kuroki ha5' with him h two-r-ounýd fins It wonld get too awful big mr atn neniha.I iksha SoeMiiserofFianelaanad Gards and thec,. ecoiid and twelfthý ground or ung.round as you Whea it onct begun to grow. . dress to the Governars, stated that di isiaî representing a force of 60, wisb, and cani be secured in A rW'miai'hyI' wneflfcmkn un ult thefiancalpln aapedfor the 800 infantry, 2,160 cax aliy n 27' no other four-so that you With a cntter ton fect wdecar1y layers-for fatten i~gie ,dck carrying on af the war had proved gans. cannotb itke9i t hc atd altedy n uky-adfrriiag plum, stwng satsfator, o prt i he chec en., Oku's force consis'ts of the having- failei. lHe attributed the third, fauc-th, and sixth divisions and For. SALE MY LTLE DING I coild sit on top an' rido vigorans ponitry. C su-,-ecs of the plan taeftic receat in- reservos, c-rje ns',oo~GRciSAn' onct, sir, the cutter stick Ifyrwntt ikemnyout> cesintentoa elhp1 Cnt a r:xbbit right iii two- of yonr -"chick-en yard" feed crese n ta ntinal's altx.IL is faî'try, 3,120 cax alry, aad 252' gens. H rn snn~ qok"lk mMes os olrSc stated that in vicw ai the prolanga- Cen. N\odzui has the fil ti and tcnthjHe iiit- >' qLek"lieta, yrlRoa oltySi tion of the wnr, the Gos ernnient iili divisions nnd roservos, w lin g-jiv eS - I I' o afo-utarl ha obliged ta further increasa taxa- hini 25,600 infantry, 1,200 cax alry, I.ITERARY IOTrS.[ An' yen ought ta scea him-wiiw! I' e odbtarlei tion in 1905. The Governien hee and 84 guns.YR OALVC O fore hopes that the people will culti- The Position of the sex enth diviin 'I cîb eeia'nme"a amr aen rcr trNiga alsOn.ndN. vate- thrift. is not knowa The Forom ntains e s of But thoy get their eggs ia înaws, a- Field Marshal Oyan's wliolc force flic qudrter's po es 'd four speci-An teycY ont needmlmnfrS The Jiji severely criticizos the i n hc ike o leged instruction ta the varions Gov- is thus estimate at 144,000 i an- ai articles. If. Lthfcdwsts sur- 'rlîay squeeze rnilk straight out of ernors fo retrench in the mattor af try, 6,5,00 cavilry, and 64S guns. vey of "Amaircin'is ,i un- colvs! T. H. XNIGHT, A gent, Bow'nanville. oducation. It contoOf thatlca f ie, 33,000 infaatry and 4 asul linportance t1his quarter, as it An' iny uncle-IJncie Jed- expenses aiready areaia the minimum, genis forla the lait xing of the .Jn- discusseS the issisla, pro,îbct oi Onct w hon I iras standin' byt~ci rafxo iaykn bnefx and that a further reductioa would panese anii',on fticLino aaîd Hua hn cilnilcaiag h ~a Open np yaur mauth?" ho saîd- eero nykn (ec bc a seriaus evîl and unnecsay 1 r r h ala,3,0 i-i h aIntrlysrste But lie squirted linm ey. names gixen ta the eruption), and Count RPoVm n eti n O,01fncjM-,rckuma, leader aifuich Pr-1"I lrtry and 84 genis are at Liao-igrenter part of A arc OW s ac-e.w:. alimost ta coastituteOane oaiic dia g- gresia prtevarîeathtpapa Ynganreta, the0,00peop-coutei" arig Afais." Jobi ptrct ounsl oferil C dsicsyxptnisaitht dsase to propare foa i nln war, the date try and 18 gens, the right wing, are p;arer on "'iac, Alexandcr D. An' had pie for breaklnî,s'-gee! Mopn oè-sr vrýIn o oi the lerminati on ai which it iras north ai Poashin. NoyeS deaN ivix Ibuellect af thelAni' I rang the bell that catis fiMoeen mincte s oe evýary e or no mosil-t otl. 1 r-saiofli p miine'iar- Infor, %mir-an'fo, g ,better, spirit aofraniphor, uill dyit nowte impossibflta ote l. liefraDAAktas conli ý%i1!tPe îîîon t- An' the liircd girl, she ate u uclAtrtesas dt-e tinttar.ict ta Jthan oa DAMAES TO TOMBS. lokandvol a ithloUxa harvheetbletlng !tous-t lakan ficeiîs' a tc tck Atth tbl log vihW us-CHRONIC BRONCIIITIS. Uf uickly. rAter h caahv toea'wr.ncagtedans h Adasp)atcliiram'rokia says :-Thechage Scij(( ýeenc" ýi aCutygrsaron't s'posed taoirait, Atrrpae tal facute fornmenxphratdcasline or zinc whc a be icaypaedadte' JjijShinmpa, referi t hnsEcaIc ia qetd atakaiinentsyPc ppidhr o exessconsequect apon the irar ntareusia Jpn t rsctto hiasthc hand-,of 1hîenryý!. hrris-on Sapîc Sa indida't maise a ss. bociiapnalyi hs atfour tumes a day. Care slouILd be expens e i wn wudtoa Ocho considers mninlyV recent advanc. the middle nfi hie, lisera is a tendency takea flot ta pick at the blisters, oth- at ls armnaton waiidtotl n aperial le.uxbs nericnMukden, roml - ~egoeiibtîîe oeas asied narecthe back-staaç, pumi], frtadsaot eaaelbihdars hymyb avre billian dollars, wibch would niak aresMukdcî> ith - x~J apan's 'revcrýediesieniernbL nt l Iabai ihtersfrhedcs tbco salse rweteym bcnvtc îo the per capita sharo amaunt ta-$0 Nara Kvoto. It strangly coadesans o .1îte comnmercial value ai chemicai 1asa ha baafeciinn wiibslh- the m'est, ainulsoes ,USS . lndothar çdiscox cries. inir An' nobady lried ta jutrp a boi leta.We hs~-tobeaaadpiflsrs CORRPTIN I P Ierbi tW 'cnrs a perfect cura is hardiy tauhac If herpe s occurs in frequent attackla CotTO na sIN BJScoruiA n theatateipts ai the îtessiaiîs ta cm- Horwill's "Literature" revier is On us iben ire spinshed or mnessed. c d nes ahptx ain tedgsiessosi rbbya Connredt okunriaidthat coitru pon sebitter ti Clincs gainhe ler( Jpanace ,ciied la tie prescrit issue iihMa, she says that F'ma tsigit al p1ica sol [appered t pervde hamiliary, 50 bol. s i trx ci."Tee ducëtanlsc I gaI 50 black-oii, denir n aleta taka up bis rosidenca par- faull, and lIe lmlyyscan sbu litical, and financial dsartments af aîîd byofoi'tifying-The sacred pince, ' able atda tha raine tile seekiîîg thrc- naetyi ar hn the Russian Goverrnaient, ad ta yt eknîeJns ta k.Ou.iiook," by Os i.Lmî,l 'm aixd l'Il gai al wite înal a ae hate. Even ha asked ta set it right.-Youti' thi corupionlîaalas reaha Tue po eei'dnlrth at apean 'sii, a< Osiaeni nIii. L ta Foegoaancxiyear.ircn a cura appeaî's ta have been cf- Companior;:. cluides fcted îe rincouimembraneaiothehe climax 'sbsch threntcned a revolution. not Pc rcsponible for damiages ta In irinjal edunatianal axhibits utthlic -e I iro hi ube ean unrbe It iras aven reported tInt Lieut.-Gen. the tamibs incidentnl teanttnckingi St. Louis Fai'. The spoeiai na'ticles FLOSSIES AIR'l'IIPS. ati r.siigtcus rnas vl te bingA COOP IIAIP, TONIC. Stoossel, noir defcndiag Paît Arthmur, ooaiasire"rtea AantFires ,ýnJ Thora lad bPean ieeks and weaks ai about n returîx cf the trouble. Thora is no bettar tanin for the and upon whoRe shaulders rested the 'rie Eokcieîxîn urges the farnicrs tai Faulty Const,'uiLctin," by Lîe lns for Fiassie; but One0 suphIiY There is usnaily mare or less cough hair than sunshina. Just, pure, frac, raspansibility fac the loss of a large regard theic îo-recedentoIl rice crOp, WXiadrni "Pf,;iocicties ia day marra camee la witb bat and iaccompanied by thick expector'ation, unaduiterated sunsixine. Tt lies moreý share of Rrýssiar., prestige in East which is 20 pr cciit. ebax e the aVeIl l' ifnrcciaie. c i tha eaia raps on- and loaiiag very uxysteri- I specially ia teie-morning. Sonie- ptnyta ny compound mixed ia Asia, iras guilty ai dissipation during age as H"nî "n'a gift ifor the g urpoenI"! hy Clampi .Anr 'Tfio cis.She ment ta the closet ixh r imcs the chost iN sore, and couglaag the nhemist's laboratary and is mare the siege. The speaker declared that.of ai a, and advisca Ilînt tic pra..itslNegros Par1.t in Ilie egro Pi'llr," Flosîa'sthiags lid huag limp aîxd excitas a resping pain. The l'eavy effiecient than any drug founil in tic the weaknesses ai îhe Russians gave ha invested ina macbonxds, by F'OfKelly Millor, af Howaîdiusoloss, andi I"ossie's e3es grew big'culrtrigi eetdatcsaohcr' hp the Japanese rnany victories. HaeI uniec"isy. Washington, IB C.; und 'sIP wonr irbeushe boigtthenano, i't'nn inrpadatcsapher's'hp poite ou tatdepie lerdeî,&g, TERRIBLE 3LAI GIlTER. "lis the Human Draiîn Sinay"ouI-lie soit, mmi rot nd leJnd'cffinaiiy becomning ainost constant, Sit outdaors la the sashine a pcitedon tîtdesit be deeat, icea nd bneati east fr'om early sunnmmcr reil on biouc evcry day. Loosen the hmm and liessia cantinued ta hold a pranria- TPe London Bnily Tclegiî'ph's Che- bI Prof. W. I. Thoînnos, ai Chicaoahiood anid mittens tint uscd ta go to 'i ino the ai.tîmesn, at last causes a let thc sur, siinc on it and the air ent ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ancoîadn oiin i n orrcspondent Saý7s ituton11Scpt. Ui rs1y Isîol xc..1rig n o idn dilatation of the air-celis in the blai thî'ough it. Ia the summer Eur'ope, anxd seî'd tint ee Enipcox' 24 and 25 tie.iJ'panese lande receat-1 doiva-hili alternoons and Saiurdays. jungs. 'lhis conditîon-pulmonac da3 s, go xî'thout a liat as mnuch as William iras "courting the favar a c nd1clesi rieatnnpst le atsîoiP rs. i tn acarn srgt tthleabcd wiîh i Of edand rcklesstraigeiatemptsPl-le ,.er ysema, as itl is called-indunes a Possible. Tie hair aeeds ta be van- the Rnssiao aiitocai." capture HigiHPiIl ai Beirt Arthuîr. On0itoher AmIaliti" , Ivilc vindicates ithees and said, "W Pot do yee say to sort of asîhîma b irhich expiration -', tilated ta keep it heaitliy. IleSpite ber meannes, Connt Okumna oviîîg t thle'destructianix failtâcm ci ' d'si nJale . an airing, little girl? Just hold Out Idifficuit, longer thon esesi, and cc- here is na danger ai gctting too said, Russia possessed immeense mc- earthxvarks, theiî' adi ane xxvas cosîn1- ýby iwo inj-ortaý± arîi"lcafor wîcî&those aris, if yon please." Icompanied Pv mare or iess wheezing. munch sunisîine an tli air. il mii sources, and hmd trencadous adiani- pletcly unlpiotccted, înd unnnr tihe gc xa Flossie iras Susa uiprised She cocîni There is sîsually 11111e ta do fon bring ilt o lismnormal calai', and aven agc in lue size of lier population and rat s of tic sea4'hlight tLc ilussian nîrtinncnot luft thoro. "lîey 'era vory 'sab-i chronin Pronchitis ln flxe way oaifilAilgels a bit snnburned it w iii not the greatixesa cf lier mealîi, eand it manchine gens sîxepi lices douain' a.'e tian T ~en ntrî,!ýecie fpcans Pisanymay, sa inamma liltec he' druga. The so-nalted expecoants or haî't it Thxe suuri w'ill sonn mea7r woldbcneesar fr li-Jpaiee ausc. lvey isussion ; îe sc 'ntge" utp,anod said, wiilia gay litlUm 'iîille cau h are ncreias n mile, oif. te, make heax y sacrifices in order ta "More ti'nops, 10wcer ., carn e an qratgl9 attin ucess 11 pedite. laI lt faatialbî'xet .' tc ocra obicii, .y F ! ne . Klo, n iaI held tic bears lîack, "edeni', al ic ir i rsxclrArndn unogtchi vr ati macesunis. e ce o ndea wthfnti a,looping - hcxs e-tiTic Cloed Shop, Pi- hares j 0ear'e gaing ta hax'e on yose'wraps cuh ntpe i hoi ad-dyîo nykesi ietadda thewa wul cstRusi ,Buolîca.(rihopislenunc) 1în aeti"i lisio'ip," and tien. At sucîx tfiîr.s the rougi mny but is gaod fer the scalp alsa. 'TIcý and one-ixli billion to tiro l'illionlb:os of t xi ma oxe.m. - vlal atceonnesamea he bui edthc cent a',er lie littlebeone rncking and incessant and caîl sun miii scion curc any discase i dollars, and said (t 'saîîd P1 mps taRussians, eoiboldcrind lby thciv ur lea' etion. Nobn stnigo e xmlteg ,tnnri o dedr tlineo 1rquieting îenaredies. Cod ivher ail scalp and nale ilbealtiy adanli"- 5111 10 'ais taos cfinecasltPe ecceh, oitid, Ta Ja nes ccna ndnslipped ticenittens o. Tixen is alnîosl aheys goodf for these pus- Itira and a n calîhy scalp maLk!a s sbtaxs i'îRssia, Pesr nse tic lsi le i nlm na.I ss l loîr otiue i aac Flossie ai.d bcd and al mccc daine up tie.nts, usîies it spoil h pptt.Istrcng, buicui lhair. No a dnger(A md been resnieni.1I irst tisae the 'Japiscese nad becn lx e iSpir'it, a p er ini contairis innucin agrn oijimtbani, ,dWni tuhhabme-ad miten Tic Caen ra need d Jinaa il itobig taaentima ticuldlesiand Whne','.'aamit bcibhrc whemn1lteehair lolling aut ixhem the scalp is fihoesheu nîîg n dx.e on tPeIrcotmianiirs lii oxr e il taeoli, unesîîflrer seuli ci aItrigbt.WnsE ha Pai abou evcr bc necssary for thc Jauanese Gar sholters, andi the ','orkcd tcî'îiblc *abo-,: Japnncsencts're, sas ironnar.t, the frot ino s taronxia pIicnyai bute anufe ie m fdclyi. tbrie ohfo. r ahs hi rnao tr errimntt10bai'raw $2350,000,(000 ncxI Paxon aîong thins. and aaccstcr x'rsiandcrcarects nw' te i cik !hrrngi We h ain i otant yca'.en adcdtîat f 7500000 -"he sceau next merniiig mas ap-'iany Occidc'tli luniders ant Pis in iitebîydn nlurig Pala pteti c ,a01andi n gaad, pure soap. lUse aotbing year, and added tliti~~ot if 7,0,0 i adtii a oetfcten od ail the ciiy's diii. -ues.cantingecy, an antigo'îî re- aise on it. Binse iltîahraughly-i 'sera serreciabrenci the countr-y mutsîPa'lîg. 'lehlsd -ssruswiice t'lc n înrmy.Bb Tien brother rnsied ia miti ca<p, lginrýcun alil licadopted.i. f posai tepid iaterand it u adoors and Ilet face a depreciation in thc value of ilsiesaxnngle ofsinîx ongipd Japicn4led- Lnaî lcindsuss nbîyoreroant and naitîcnns on, nand his l, h ole aidO i h anermîlca. Coual Oksnma umgcd tcls On llesgpdx thhgee- al 1Engsh mî tylc'e tc fe forthrtins. mihileiî'jingiing sicegiuneii u olrpîta 1eyn nulitesnaiai r t rl i realsil. Buldes, eretriclin,!tpewiterindrc,îijoraer1pnbc spent ire a w ara' cimale. 'Ple 'sinter timc sit by a suany 'sindoi natian ta -canclully hushanni its 1 cîsn aidîsar c g r'vur t tioaîx~ dangiiag frasn bis wiast. dry air c i tue satoniol' is pneferabic until tne haiî' is dry. witîs blooni. -ieso odv n h hisi trenglh aînd resaurces, and eexprcsaed "A he sa.d.iiriterbis tauday oodthee lnm.gesiii "Redlaofhathou.t"TBrushituga-haeti' danînmmada I "a île ullet cafidece i Il esslt"Anatffcinai JIli SIateîaeiit îOcabulacy ani style resuiting frounotmayt tn"an irwlgIea a b i rmnn i nî xryay ssadit i erelielse, amdinilafesses tIie thes<. noînmn i' aiins. M'n Aus- i m n troi atie coost; uit as tise heart unay hîîndced stralas," as aur grand- xinlory cf Japanese armas. iece-ssiiy cf a leo't 10 a PasSixe tin's exn iii g Altt-Caiifomnri4an naaaaniolij'nsvl' Pehafrecscoary10ie unIaoiesse lsymimke t sieg. mnceIsiice la anninua. 'i'rootc iritaîiiebd opnc mouble or 1ta the lidnay trouble saIt andi glasay as silk. MIAIN AIIMIES QIEIT. "loitcri" fox or lPasbrokea eout i hr0aois n eetisar a d and copecedaniater a mosi spili wihl is fracsmtntly associatcd mit 'lis is ahi lIaI is mncadefi ta lp the arrion a l'a'd tîu." List aranThe-fasiion. Andi Flcasie inugiani liithe il,-tic luigh altitudes, suri as the tic miain la fine condition. Just A dcspatmli froin St. Pcteisburg - th îcaric or Athr.,j tlce ai tiecone-cumîs Pagan ta nod once more, aundiRocky Mouintaîn reglon, are la ho cleanliness, suashineand brushinig. If san -OiI ups far r e- UFTFRARI. quieres of youliful trnsngressionm by mîîn id 1maI ras encugi iairaine visiteni rijti caution. yu nri aso iia n ,porteni in .'Iitirsdýy 's despaînhas fra.niCPa-sFlY n l Lm.S tewnosweewike A i!b ecn ri h gnrlee, rsrgl, rsrny illanchuria. TIe main arnîloes ru-itaxa A daspatchîni'omTokM sois: The .sal, «e ,roanamnee ti-y Semel Ford;TPe dama andi the n'aps put awmy tlIthe lina ofitrcotîeint ildicated, hope, lac no malter mini the trouble is, just quiet, lut tlic scouts an Poli aides Naî,y DBaiatieni discredits the ne- PaaSqiag cf Sprà1ng. n laie stamy by nx ame isi' yabgnsloeaiacrai monii istyle sniiatetsn o continue xcry active. 'l'ils aclii'ity port liaI 1he Russin cruisers Ras- ~aPcn .Rtf and A Nighî,t ilna nexta suincle Pl s son s tey eae in doimmp' ailothelroi passieta klesp axonthes. slttngin e tsasifîno a ev le coasinnoni in St. I'etemsbuig as' aa, iuraooi, and Bogatyr, bv IrgtCar, a 1Isiphrî'tcaqee taeri- raughiaoi.t a oo s the ecic (ogall cadt is ossileîto p by uy- da Sttigai tely chirculalln canfmrning tic -generai Pclcf tînt beca rcpamrî'd et Vladcivastorl, andni tOco iti ies ,ly H. C. Merwmn. Ilsaid mana, -"i~s limie mc i gienflixn anaginecaus dici. tlïrough tic hair, and you wmllinld Gao. Kouropatkmn's main nrnyiy s are aautl la descenid lac anat'ier rmodLiterorv papers ai ïccbema arce: Ticeac giag ta have a litlu car ride. aIl yaur oir trouibles and scalp dis,- salely ani Tie Basa. A desînonhfroina on lie J apnncse roat. Te N a v rt s u likden.,date-d laie Thsrsday nitar U atnn uthrepessticAlahe a 1 cgîiy îc" ienniîti,"uibohr ODSRS ases dîsappeanmiig ani a ea, iioix, says-that a sutictan antivix i ef cpat heli fsîty r ixpreas ilie- raeit(hn mmTuanîa;Iacxnelemaîy in i bn i- swael-snthehing, sisîl head af bai aPpparaîet, large aumbers o ai rtsiîtn ioBgný scmitlyTh rsn meirviieilsBo-Iductors cap a io~I mogtn alanyngai i liPc sure tb result. -nd ,pack aniniala cro's ding ~caea thi isahled. c'1 .\i -n .:ani e sNar ie k, ,ccriifcar reund iethIe îinpmicrsii py i c iei stýeet;. ut offer'no ampln(t11Of andpiner on Tîme iIi55i(h ;O nec i i nes lippi anickel in cold-saro, and wirnsie stîli me a crop teecîst alr aepaxain0 WN" eWRIP. tePic'î rtri GuniBn-Foýsie s mai jusi as tlia caudumior a adsîc. Teonni snl OS]0 lO ICITOB tin hale.fadJi. ar sbyAitin ethe',canna ùalong, takingump the lares anxd Iabout the lips, hnut ny appean' aise- la tIHo lous ae i Ton MAfch Trouble, A desp-atcli fî'oîa Soan. Fr'nuciscAnina H. Pîachiiau ranlLlî igigaas'sîîî-iloc ime w'hereaoî tîhe face, or avein an other Lrn oeyltoby FXI EEN NAUSTRALIA. sis:informxation remciei un , n Pollock , and 'lix'ohy Countibîitors' ice uic doîtias otilsole et Iprs ai lia body. Thcy are quila îile mas cagar foc a pboy;at A despatlhnfroi iSydney, 1N.S.W., Fr'n'cisco lu',promirnt 'iapane>'se, t 1Club peinera end tlime nsmhcc. Il masth a lhovfly ie, Foase. .igregariauîs in tîxeir tandencles, Oaae ias hagryfoc a ploy. sas s':-Althuaugi 1the repart tlnuxitmo lis eviditeîhte piirl',-of JJapiat ,- ~ ~ wt hiigceantiiL'ss o i~sore heing alanostalwairys anrompauni-Bu'tasl s10mc.h e; Riussianu uaships ara cruisiag off tale inunîrediote stops toi'anrd incitas- wt hn I ys n tws unc d f111e yohrs u ta lastovifI Thuimay Iland is net comfir-nned, ing bici'thglîtiing e6icien r'tela n ',cy TRIEALN i IE. ta heuirOuntshde thing agnal edor lhmmPnothners.Too muci dhri, and tLooaninoise, tIera is couksinirable axciet ow-,cansmdernhla edekue. I t is staicci thaI The nexi day, mien reniy ta atarI,, i h ci e-biicera'ani sor te n(ires For lie hanse ai Too Mach Tc. imîg ta the bolief tial their abject is'îl«e Japuînese Go', r-nnont Pas cle- .-a lîttie hm'ama hindie fier îî'em tic ofma listieriduteriis in ysto nasera Wa,-n't menmifor litt o bya. ta 'saylay îthe steannen Eiein, hnausnd teiinad ta libce rai ents inîî.xeni- TcVcoin al ab I ad-cdrIc iitpa u ino'iitr aDecply acateni, sa11 froa Sdne fo Jaen.Ticmins~ otly on oui twunt 's riip. t scnes rean esslcseriuitinel'st roter oid "inlets tlc fll'tlia tiot ailis hlcar id augen nn sonctnandli liîlefeloi t hvebea oertýýl--d -AMrs. hîcodrîcks. arroupanieniby $0OO TO COLORAD AND RETURN ver'-11e'purbhasai thie eapon liail-' s riciBabby lînnid dopncni î ifor a nmu prex lcs da-y, sinhting alt 1-ic i1,ne Pb'! lalendai shoaling sema cals isiy- ment ta sec MAîn. De liobson, and i icgUinPaii ot-mr nlcîm i alr i CMie P, se isona u t e il JAAEEFORCES nta mniimgiigani aî,nymiWete ni Pcic'ta-DNrh- nnig i snrwyfrin nsbd A i derac rorn 0elu as:Ac alrusnîci Uta stay tO a IUmicn.Cloado Springp, aad Peldaily on hlmsiaidb i e- curing ýýtehîe tMui~l trrsedeLrwouut tlie iurner Correspond- brsILhi Mu iai.Hammi dipstia e la aIm aans ex.Tr.Tiîrpr" o t, naiesar-ingly loW rates frem idl pointeseaat. lut Aiy frmris i noaikai Lz pb unisýý1 1 saiCdoIL G U5 E ai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Oi- Bor Aihr rti le lradagiliNo, I ce'- 'htcuhitlu. y mddngTw fat rans aiy.BU.. lenel,"1î"u. acàent sl amUamar bpIk Ue Sbniati nd paclueah iirufor.s 'snu 0 apo' on i'ddix' t-mv" e imnasi" 2Ea lg, Toi n.cro , 'uni vue or4L