A OlutilOeP Thr r cr et Tli(re arewe1 ofeetr Wo, ul io bu4 berigia As they wend theirtoXoe way; 1 vantage of being quicklY armi easilyJ prepaýrcd. Put jate a paýn 1 table-' spoon butter and whea înlted slice i$ 2 oniofis and 2 or 3 samalil yuag car- rots, and add cup finely mninced ___ ceery. Put saucepan at bnck Pf stove and let contents simmo nthe buittcr. At tha end of 1: minutes, pour in 1 qt. stock, a bay, leaf, a dash af cayenne, a lifttie white pep- ~ par ami sait and 1 tablespoon par- sley anjd th1 aie rmixed and fiaoly choped. oistn1itenspoor. curry powder, stir this fate the soup amd WHO CANNO'T BE CURED. sluat bofore15miutrvtaig dout S up by over a third of a century iustbefre srvig ad abut ofremnarkable and uniform cures, a record tabospoons well boloed rice. i uch as ne othar reniedy for the diseases Hlow te Cook ieans-irnstead of 1and weaknesses Peculiar te woui ever sýoakiag dryben over night,sm attained, the proprietors snd nakers 'of lily ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " wnh teii odwtr o~ Pierce's Favorite Prescription uow feel tàofaitespo1 U]ngselealwarranted in offering te psy $o in thriipo s ofiadgmaoey olte United States for any Cia and cover w h h hiling wate.Leit Case cf IleuuOnbr1ýha, Faniale Weakniess, stand 15 miinutes, pour off and rinse Prolapsus, or Falling of Wemib, which tbey viell witb bot water. 1\1o v addi cannot cure. Ail they ask is a fair sud Fruit butters are casier te makce than jeliies, aad he go fartber and are quite as good. flesides ail the puip fs used, which h baot in jelly makfng. 'lTle richý red heart of th e watPFmZlonn cookad fa i its own jufra makes-a raby red tmut1ter that fa ex- ceedingly fine. The yollow-lemnoa- inuskmnaonea falase dolicieus. hu- barb inakes a rfchI buttor that ia ni ce te use inlaecke as de bana- ,ans, pumipkins, oraniges, lamons, apri- cota, whfite and green grapas, cher- rfos9, pincapples, pears, crabappios. quincea and peaches. PineaPPica and pears are net made fate butter Se generaiiy, us they woul.d ha if wo- men knew how fine they -more. Yel- low red and green, tormatees facrease the varicty and ail iaýids of barries mlay be'added to Itherol'in Thon there ara everlinds of a p- pic butter-sugar appia butter,- lare- SELLJNU THE APPLE iRCI; DIýI. McNEIL, TELLS 0F THE' DEST METIHOD. Practical flemonstrati on of tho Great Benefits of Spraying. On Septembar 2ist, the fariers in the vicinity of Jogorsoil, Ont., as- sembledl to the number of Abouit 75 er 80 te inspect the work donc by the power spraing outfit nmanaged fa that viciaity by the Dominion' Fruit Division. Tihe object cf the demonstration was te show that sprai ing mîghIt profitably ba done *as threshiag la usunlly done fa Western Ontari o, oaa alun taking the contract for dloing the work of a large nurn- bar cf bis neigbbors. A circuit cm- start at the foundation of life and health. Assist your organs to do their work properly. Flood and drinli cannot, u' ourish if your liver is flot working riglit. Dyspepsia and indigestion f ollow if your digestive organs are ont of c)rc'er. Constipation cannot exist, if yonr bowels are free. A short course of Beechain's Pis wili soon put you right and an occasionai one wili keep you se,