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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1904, p. 8

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lu- TIEERIJBBER DOCTit3R&, IT COMFORTS THE SICIL Bririgs joy to the nurE and saves a.lot cf unriecessary trouble of heating Irons and 'rck s. ln our Rubter Cloods Dpartment we shahi be plea-e3. to show you the best hine of Water Bottles thiat has ever been krp i Bowmanville, Prices to Sait Everybody ant 1"Thle Corner Phariacy",. DK1i I1TCHLC. <Cheîst, l)'îîtgv às 3ld <)1tîcluns. Bowmanville. I EYES TESTED FREE. Ba1e pSl. THE HAPPY THOUGHT sovesfuel Boeause they know that it is the beSt kitchen rance Made. FOR IlV I POULTRY. Plymouth Rocks--N. Taylor; Brah- mas, J. Edwards; Wyýaudottes, sîlver, T Woods; Spaubsfi, black, W. Mount- joy, 1 & 2; Legherns, W. C Fergusor; f{amburgs, T. Woods; Geese, N.Taylor, T. Woods; Ducks, W. Wil5son. DAI RY PRODUCE. Butter 20 Ibs, Mes. S. Shepherd, Mes, W. C. Ferguson. Mes J. Byers; Butter in pint, 10 lbs, Mes. W. C. Èergusen, Mes. J. J. Pare, Mes. IVV. Porteous; But tee lu pints 5lIbs, Mes. M. Hambly, Mes W. C. Ferguson, Mes. J. Pare; Bread, home made, Mes. J. Pare, Mes. J. J. Pare; Buns, home-made, Mes. J, Pare, Mes. W, Porteous; Canned Fruit, Mes. W., Pare; Jelîses,,Mes. R. Mahood, Mes J. Byes; Honey in Comb, Miss J Adamns; Houev Straiued, Miss J. Adams, Mes. W. Wilson. IMPLEMENTS. Wagon, W. Tinney, Carniage, W. Tinîsey 1 & 2; Cutter. J. Homes, 1 & 2; Fauuin.- Mill, C. Jackson; Sewiug Machine, E. Kïlpateick, R MNaly.] DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES Bedrom Furuiture, R. McNaily; Rag Carpet, Mes. J. Y. MeLauzhlii, Mes M. McLeau,; Rag Mat, Mes. J Lvewood. Mes J. Y. ùMcLauLyhIiu, Woolen Mits, Mrs. M. McLeau; Miss J.Adams; Wool en Seeke, Mes M. MeLeau, Mes. R Ma- hood; Stooking Yaru, Mes M. McLean 1 & 2; Yaru Mat, Mes. J. Y. Mchaugh lin, Mes. A Beacock; Weeleu Blaukets, Mes. MI. Mehean 1 & 2; Flannel, al wool, Mrs. M MeLean 1 & 2: Flannel, mixed, Wooleix Gloves, Wooeun Stock- ings. Cotton Sox, Mes. M. Mchean, 1 & 2 on each. GRAIN ANcD SEEDS. Oria bushel fal heat, white, J Jobb, D Irwiu, A Taylor; bushal spclug wheat, hard,A Werry; bushai sipeiug wheat soft., J Jobh, A Taylor; buahel pesa, Michigan whites or Canadlan beauties, J J Pare, J Wright, 3 Jobb; bushel pes arnisl, J Wright; buaBel oato, white, J JT Parc, A Taylor. W Mountjoy; bushel oas black, J 3 Pare; busihel barlay, sx-rowed, J Jobb, A Werry, A Taylor; peck white beaus, R Crawford, A Shapherd,J Byers VEGETABLES. Hait bushel potatoas, white, I Whlt field, T-Wocda, R Crawford; haIt bushal do, red, J Lywood, W Wilson, I Whlt- field; hall dozen turnIpa, J J Parc, A Taylor, J. Wright; haf dczgn carroe, white, W Willson, R Crawford, J J Parc; de., table, W C Feeguson, 11 Crawtord, Mre.McLeau; three heada cabbage,whtte, R Crawford, A Bescock, I Whittield: Iso taHe Equash, J Jobh, W Wilson, A De v- itt; two pumpklns,& Devitt, W Porteous, N Marlowe, sr.; haîf dozen table beats, N Marlowe, sr., W C Feeguson, S Shap- herd; bal! peck culons, white, R Craw- ford, W Parteou&,J Parr; do red,J Jobb, R Crawford, S Shephard; liai! doz rman- PRES ENT COMMERCIAL 0LUBg ORWIII AR 0F LOUISIANA, SAYS: PRIZE LIST. "TIIERE 1$ NO FINER MEDICINE TtIAN PE-RU-NA."HOSS DRAuGH'-Team, 8, Beacock, A. Taylor; Beood Mare, A. Taylor, W. Darcy, J. Coates; Colt, 2 years, J. Coates. J. Stark, A. Devitt; Colt., 1 year, G Cochrane, S. Taylor, A. E Clemens; Foal, J. Coates, A. Taylor, . W, ount- jo01,; Entire Colt 2 vears, G, Cochrane; Entire Colt, 1 year, J. D. Carscadden.%e AGutCULTURAL-Brood Mare. A. E. Clemens, W. G Ormisten, L. C. Taylor; Colt. 2 years,1 J. Bý ers, W. G. Ormiston, G. Moore, Colt, 1 year, H. Henders, D. McCullough, J. G. Ormiston; Foal. A. E. Clemens,, W. G. Ormaiston, L. C. Taylor. GENERAL PtmposE,-Team, G Forder, -i R. J Fergusen; Brood Mare, T. Bruce; Colt, 2 yeaes, J J. Parr, J. Mabaffey, 1 J. G Knapp; Colt 1 year, J_ Byers, W. W. Parr, J. J. Pare; Foal, T. Bruce. CAntiAGE-Team 151 hands and ever, W. Wotten, R. Woodley, W. Parr; Team under l5ý hauds, Dr. Archer, S. Mcaghlln; Brood Mare, J. Lyeweed, J G. Knapp, J. Helmea; Colt 2years, J. Carscadden, W. Barou, W. Pare; Colt 1 1 ese A. Beacock, J. Lyewood; Foal, G. Forder, J. D. uarscadden, J Lye- wcod;DrivingHorse 15-l bauds and over, e ~Dr, Archer, S. Beacock, G- Prout: Driv- W ~ing Herse uncier 15 bands, T. Smith, J. Gardon, M. Hambly; Driving Herse, under four years, S Beacock, T. Chap- mnru. W. Darc ; Single Driver, open te ail, F. Gigg, J. Lattimer, W. Pare. .CATTLlE DuRHAMS-BUll, T. A. Wright & Sens, 1 and 2;- Cow, T. A. Wright & Sons, 1 & 2, J. WVrigbt 8; Reiter, twe years, T. A, Wright & Sons, 1 & 2; Heifer, eue year, J. Stark, S. Bray, J. Wright; Heifer ral, S. Bray, W. C Ferguson, T. J ye, VA H2 IMWright & Sons; Bull caîf, S. Bra.y, M. J, C. Thornton, T. A. Wright & Sous; Herd, T. A. Wright & Sons, 1 and 2. GRADE-COW,, S. Beacock, A. Werrv, T. A Wright; Heifer, two years, A. Wit KineyndLverrouie ighmedcinfore. Or -Werr, W.ý C. Ferguson 2 & 3; Heifer ..TnIMWeýIve daY andPe-U-ssaCTrobed ight d il fitblfrym, r othen mon ' uen'ear, T. A. Wright & Sons, W. C. Tweýv0 D,ýs-prucleurd 1lusil i fathfllyand honfol £Q Ferguson, Werry; ileifer caif, S. Bea- c*--ois Bett'er Titan ler- TwemÊy 1 wasa like a Young man aile. I c cek, W. A Pare, T. A. Wright & Sons This -was over e, year ago sud IhTjSHEEF. had anY trouble aince.. Atog Li jýt COUTSWOLD-RaM, J. Catg;Shear- WlUiam, Watson ahbrn i the seventies I feel botter anti. eý";ing Ram, D Irwin; Aged Ewes, J. t ! hLouia.a commecial active than 1 did thIrty years ?goý Coates, W. Wilson 2 & 3; Shearhing îz ii'pd a very 'weli. known man ol W. W. Waahburn, 1"'ts Ewes. IW. Darcy 1 & 3, D. Irwiu 2, L_3eas., La.5 rrites fren 6 M Canai Most dera.ngemeutg of the k1dan %W i we Larssbs, D). Iewin, J. Ceates 2 & 3. 14 ht,. ~~ ~e~ ue e atailio! he .idar. Tex LEICESTE-Ag-ed Ram, W. C. Fer- ~uB~l6i~4ibt tereano a~.nr s acatrel reed. Tia ~p guson, T .Wjht & Sons, J. Ed- pIoed 1)efore the public te-44y hilatatPra .e à xrd;SarngRm J. Wright 1 & 2, s s.~na.Ilhye been troubled fer numbez ef kidney diseases lui W. C. Fergusen 3. Ram Lamb, T. A. ~ ~v ye~o it~kidny sd teussir~~di f~1. ~ right & Sous 1 & 2; Aged Ewes, J. weveyepwi- #dp 4 B9YMQe Wright 1 & 2, W., C Fergusen 8; Shear- txau le, and sjtMeélhsav4beena If:ýàa do not reelvvprompt and eât IDg Ewes, J. Wright 1 & 2, A. Werry; ýýx eiyhscLr ou= t mae tattp 7 r4ny tor es" dicola D, t &1, sMo 014,0uos ~tl us~km> u.abe t aten t ns fcton eut rf1rem tise n gt Ew e Lambs, J. Wright. T. A Wright oudhl ibe Ili stateient of yoiýr csewrLEWoo-ge a, ouUy ýgive you h0-a-"de4 mis1Agdnin lmonîl .o!y ur 1oobleta w" lbroVugJt t") b P~~ -- -VLSP JLýewoad; Ram Lamb, H Mouutjoy 1 n a ý eiý1i ~~0Mi& 2, J. Lyewccd; Aged Ewes, H. 10gie 'eruiaaetria,1 a=& Âd4ee0Dz,. araena, ç4p* cd1s untjo 1, 2 &3; Shcarliug Ewes, 1. #M,1h, d aIst aýe oired the Thse Harl.'inSa' a co1mu Mountjoy, J. Lyewocd; Ewe Lambs, J. Lyewood, . Movusjoy 2 & 3. ____-- -SWINE. Ba.nKsHRnE-Beae, J. Wright; Sew, !A. Taslor, N. Taylor,, T. Woods; Sow Aer7 mnth, J J.Pare, A. Taylor 2& 3 - LARG~JE D-Boar, T. Swaiu. W. fcouUtjGý; Saw, T. Wcods, W. IL Pare, R.Crawford; Boar under 7 moulus, W. Muto;Sow under 7 moîths, W. ~ P.~~tj~2. Mutitjoy i & 2. TAarWORIIS-Sew, A. Taylor 1 & 2; J. .5. J. Pare 3; bear under 7 meutbs, A. 14Ul - j Taylor; Soir uuder 7 montha, A. Taylor dres?, Mies J Cooke,MetS. W C_ïFerguson, Mes. J Y MoLaugbllo; hastdkercblef 6at- chet, Misa M L Davidson, Mes, W Ptrr, Mr@. IDr. McCulleugh; colt. of hous3 plante, Mr . R Malhuuci, 'Painting te oi,Miss Wilson, laac~, Mrs. W Pare 2J; paining in water cal. ors, Miss J Adams, Mes. De. MCCUL- lougb, 2 and 3; pencil drawing, Mise B McNally, MÎBss M IL Davidson, Misi j Cooke; cesyon dravvir.g,Sliss M L Davîd- son, Miss J Cooike, Miss M L Davidson; monachrooestlo drawing Mms, R McNal- ly 1 and 2, Miss J Oooke. Do youL realize taiat every organ in thei human bodv is composed cof tiny celîs called tissue? If this tissue i8 healthy vou need have no dread of disease. Vito Ton; c ranews the tissu1e and buiids Uip the systen. bMr. R. M. Mitchell, druggist, kzeeps it in stock, Report of S S. No. 1 Darlington: Sr. IV - Lxýla Osbone, Norman Found, Morley Worden, Jim Mossnian. Jr. IV-Aurit Osborne, Jesse Trull. Se. III -Dave Mossrnan, Gorden Pickell, Maud Birkle, Neil Worden. Jr. III.-- Lorne i ruil, Gerda Pichel, Ross Pearse. StxIlI-Lcuie Osborne, Viola Bickel, Alfa Pickeil, W'liie Vinson, Earle Trul, Lau Teuli. Pt. Il -Gussie Oke, Vera Wery, Mlabel Oke. ELEANORE COULTER, (teacher). à Minister Cured of lching piles Irhe syfferlng from Itohlngand burnlng was aimost b.s- yond oen1urance. The victiru of-a severe case of piles la not only unfit for mental or physical wok but ta keptint simoat constant agony. Besides the dreadful itching snd hurning sensations there is a strain on the nervous systern which almost drives a person crazy. So far as is known the only absolute and gaanteed cure for every form of piles is Dr. FCbase'sOitnment, ea peeparation whlicb is now standard the world over. Rav. Wm. TseOs4sÂ,, rownsville, Ont.,,writes: -1 sa man of seventy years I amn gratefial te God and te Dr. Chase's Ointnsent for a cure of piles which Lad cauird me endiess annoyasce âne] mach nsýi-ery. The- itching and hurning was almeost bheyondi endurance, but Dr. Chase's Ointmexnt bro"ught quick rlief and as the trouble ha. fot rturned, 1 bave reason te believe that the cuire is l.asting." Dr. Chass'. intnient, 60 centS a ho, at ail THE MASON Go. M M a~~~~~~~~~sr suA la- Mrugs Joi Mt S_-es us b n ur- I&I,1n l UA TY MT grief te a Thorold home." Iu thousauda of otherhomes, soallar- ed ceer the langtb and neaadth of Can- ada, Dr. Willias Piok Pilla hava brought hesitb sud joy aud gladne8s snd In avery home lu the land whare alokuts a suffd.elgenteea rew heslîh sud streugth cau t.s had through a fale use cf this medicIne. Remainber that substitutes can't cure-they make the patient werse, and wheu l'on aek for medicine ses that ttha full nama, "Dr. Williams Piuk Pilla for Pale People" ta pelnted on the wrapper sround the box--then you are sure' yen have the genuine pi. Sold by ail medicIne deaiers ce by mail pont paid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams MedieinaCo., Brook- villa, Ont. ORONO. Miss Disdley Oâhawa la guet c f Mmas Evs LEdwardo. The Misses Hall visited at Mr John HEallso. Me. and Mes P. A. Alford attanded Whitby f air. Mr. R.R. Waddeî bas resum8d study at Toronto UnlvcreaIty. Mr. Peter OonAecI viled ln bown rece tly. Mr. lHarold Cooper alteuded Poil. Hope. Miss Edith Chapmau bas return'ed berne feom Betbany. Mr. sud Mes. Thos. Cowan visited at Mel. Gee. Davidson's. Mrs- (Dr.) Spencer vialted at NMca. McCullagh's. Mr. sud AI! Vhs pman rucently vlit. ad Mr. John Cola. Mes. MoKsy,8th Lin. vtited hec s's- tee. Mes. Gîbton. Mr. Chas. MoPhsarson), Oriîlia,visited bis sisters, the Misses MoPheraon. Mr. Walter StIuson attended Coîborue taie sud reuewed old aquaintances. Miss M. E. G. Waddell bas gene te Byru Mlawse :Colee, Philadelphia. Mr Arcbibald Green is home frous Rochtster atter an absence oflfour years. Mr&. iraland sud hec daughtec Mes Rea,of Torouto are guesta cf H. S.[Ad, ami manager ef the Standlerd Bank. Mr. Bert Dobson, Toronto vlslted bore recently. Mc. John G. Heuey visitedhi3'daugh- tee Mes. W. IL. Long, Fergus. Me, Chas. Keat sud family have meved te Newcastle, Misses Beatrice Foster and Anale Thompson attended a convention lu Toronte. Mr. Geo. Davîdmon has boughi Me,; Win. Oolville'a two year oId Harry IWik 11mcolt. A.Jr'a.<R-4 * sruau~, ~.Iuuu, jI~ ,.,reNJ.uUu, s, lasun, To protect you against imitations the portrait ~ - V Y I i L~LI L.L.A -.hait dozan tomatoes; S ;Shephard, A Wer- u intr fD.A .Ca, h anu etToionto, ndaparalytio otawîor'd, J'Y MeLaugzh'in,. A. Beacock; colil. cfveet lslrgeet and' best, net 1e8s thaon te vae'eties, WC Forgtsson, R Crawford. FIusITs. fHait dozen wlnter appleis, T Woods, J Biers; hait doz fal1 appiez, J Edwards, jJ Jebi, H Mountjoy; haIt dozen russet apples, H Moun tjoy, W Mountjoy, T Woods; hall doz sow do, J Eldwads, Il Shepherd, R Mlahood; hait dozan Lorth- ern spiea, I Whiitfield, T Woode, Mrs. R Mahood; hait doz f811 pears, J J Pare; haif dcz winter pears, J Byes, Mrs. S Shepherd,A W'erv; Coli. of fruits,named, -hall! dozein on plate, T Woods. L E'DFpAnTmENE._~ .Gent's shirt and clîar, Mes. J Y Me.i Lanqhlin, Miss Julia Cooke, Mrs. J Y, .McLsughlln; sýuit ladies' undeeclothing,i Mes., W Parr, -Miss J Adamns, Mes. J Y4 McLanghliïD; fancy pin cushion, Mise J1 Adarus, Miss _R Perey, Miss J Cooke;1 teimmed basket, Mes. A Besacock, Mrs. J Y MaLauglin; fancy-stitches on Iben or milk, Mra. bMcNally, Missa J Cooke, Mrs.1 R Mahood; b)edroontî lppera, Miss Ji Adamis, Mrs. W Parr,Mre. J Y McLauRh- ' lia; sideboard scirf -white linon, Miss R1 Perey, bir8. W. Porteous, Miss M IL Da-i vldson; sofa pillew, Miss M L Davideon, Mre. W Pare, Mrs. W Pot teous; toilet1 set, embroidefred,'Miss J Cooxe, Mrs.Dr. NtaulouhMiss J Adanms; tollet get painted, Miss J Cooke, Mes.' A Beaoock; wisk holder, Mes. Dr. McCallongh, Mrs.i J Y !AcLaugitn, Miss J Adams; silk oui- broidery, Miss J Adamis, Miss L M Da. vidson 2 and 3;lst table Mato, Mr@. J Y McLaughhin, bMisa J Adams, Miss 1 Holines; tabledoihieMis R Percy,Mrs. W Parr, Ms J Adanirs; pillow shamBs, Miss R Peecy, Missi M L Davidsou, Mes.i J Y Mcbadughlin; teca cosy, Mrs De. Me.- Cullough. MeTs, W. Parr, MisseI1Ibolmes;i tàbie clothi, emubroidered, Miss J A dams,i Mrs. De. 2McCuilough, Miss J Cooke;1 fanry tldy. Mtiss J Adains, Mrs. A Boa- cock, Mes Jî Y McLaughllii; outline worki on tik, Miss J Cooke, Mers. J Y Me-i Laughliu; do on lirua or cotton, Miss J Adam', Mrs. R Mahood, Miss R Perey; crszy patch woek, Mrs. R Mahood, Mes. W Pare 2 sud 3; guipure work, Mes. W Parr, Mes. J Y McLaughlin, Mes. Dr., MuCullough; deaiwxs thread worj<, Mes, J Y MoLaugh!in, )I!Lsa t Perey, Mes. Wi Pare; darning or nettlng, Miss M IL De- vidsion, Mre. J Y MoLaughlln, Mes. W Parr, tattîigMrs. Dr. McOcllough l1&2,1 Miss R Peecy :3rd; five o'clock tea clothj in Bilk, Miss R Perey, Mr2. Dr. McOu!-i Iongh, Mev, J J Pare; embroldered cen-1 tre plece for: dlinn,, Miss R Percy, Mises_ J Adams, M L Davidson; Belle wool1 woek flat, Mes. Dr. McC3ullough, Miss Ji Cooke, Miss Miss J Adams; embroideryi on Cotton, Mre. Dr. McCullough, Mes. W Pare 2 and 3; point lace, Miss R Peecy, Miss L Davidion 2 sud 3d; fancy knlttingi vvith çgttgr-,Mrs, J Y bleLaughli « ei Mitt 3 Cooke; fauicy kltlgwlîh wcol, Me'. Dr. MoCuliough, Mes. J Y bIcL-tughin,1 Miss J Ad&ms; mebt work wlth cottcn. Mlass R Percy, Miss J Cche, Mrd' J, Y1 McILaughýio; crochet work wilh wuoi, MIrs. Dr. McYýCulîough, Misa M Coates, Misa Deviti; crochet work with Ailk,Miýs M CeaIes, MIESs I Hol mes, M las J Adamis; collection of crochet pattern9, MisJ Cooke; patch qa'ilt, any nieterial or pat- tarn, Mes, J Y MoLiughliv, Mes, R Ma hood, Mes. W Fart,-,uB; log cabin quîlt, Mes. W Porteous, Me.;, J Pare, Mes, R Mahcod; knitquî,M. J Y MclLaug2b- lin 1 and 2;' pteced qailîr, Mes. W Par- teoui, Mes. J Y McJLiugttlin, Miss J Adams; Barlin wocl raisEdmrtg. W Parr, Mrs. T Wcod, Miss J Cocha; chair scarf, Mise J.Adame, Miss J Acam-, Miss J IN THE HOME 0P MR- J()SBPH BILTON, THOROLD, 01%sT. Blis DArJORTER, FLORENCE, irAS AL BUT DEAD eaoa DRorsy-Hxu Dec - Toit HÂD QFTEN HE ILUP-DR. WIL-. LIAMtS' PINKaPInîs irRtTIIEN 7USED AND To-D&Y SIIrE IS WELL AN STRONG Frous the Pest, Thorold,Oat Evarybody believes bu a dreamy sert et way o! the ufrtcheaco! aa wll sud winely advertisa a edicine, w10-~k recerded cases o! restored health are at % distance; but wben a case cornes np lu tise home when the patient iq kuowu te evarycue, when the cure ia net oniy positive but marvelous, the eflicacy cf the medicine becomne3 a tact-a decided lhing. Foc manY years lhe Poat bas advectisied Dr. Williiam'@ Pink Pilla for pale people; large quantIties et theni hava beau sold by the local deug stores sud mauy remarkable cures have beau effected. Oua of these attrctedl the at - tention et eue reporter sud ha investi- gated. miss Florence Hilton, the elgh- tan year old daughter et joseph and Mes. Hilton, living lu the west part et the towu, waa taken '111 eariy faut atm- mec wlth deopay ceupled wlih heast troubla.' She was cempelled le give up eue duty aftas another sud finalhy ha- cama, unable te walk or te ie down. Hec sufferliag waa Intense sud medical sklll did ail that couid he doue. Fior grâce, hewever, grew- worse, slttiug in .er chair day sud uight for five long montha to gel ber breath, sud the par- ents despaired. At ast the docters gave ber op sud said lurther visita were futile. The poor girls limba were pitl- fully sollen sud fiualy bnrst beiow the knees. She ast haîplessansd wask g2spiog for breath sud antimes couhd braath at ail only witb the grestest diifi- cuity. Ona ntght the neighbors cama lu aud sald she-conld not live tlliimcmn- Ing. But to.dsy ahe la alive sud weîl, movIng among ber young compantens a renisekable sud miraculous <ictaat le what ah. thon wae. The repcrter cal- led oue eveuILuoeaI the Hilton home, but miss Florence was ouI vletîug. The father sud mothee were iu however, sud feeely told hlm of lbe cure, which they atînibute entiraly ta Dr. ,WiliiamFi' Pink Pille. The firat box sas bconght ta hec by lier Rraudmother who urged thele use. Th n mrs Hilton heeselt re- memberad that ahe Lad the prevlous wlnEr beau cnred by Dr. Wiliin'a Pink Pilaof a slight attnçk qo drop8y, and aiso remembered the mny cua8e n4vertosý lu the Post. She bcught two boxas and Florence took them Ibre pilla at a dose. In twe weakes he fait a aiight decreaeeIl the pain lu ber l1mba, aud mare Pil weee proctirad. For five moth-fiva longm paini-!adan manths-the, weary girl hsd ont day sud ulght lu hec chair, but now sha Lc- gan tofte1 the pain heavlng ber sud ta sec ber inîiba reaume their ustural size. Fourteen boxes cf the pilla weee taken atnd aI last ber persoverance was ru- waredd She rose frein ber chair; bar former strength graduslly, came back; anc by onu ber houaehold duties were taken up again; andi wheu The Post ru- pessentaitive called ha waaetmot by beain. ing laces aud thaukîni heartasuan gesteful readiness to give te thewod the faute IbatAa~d saved a brlgb tyoung For Sale and for service tilt sold- thorobred Durham bull 10 months old, 3 thorobred white sows ini farrow; 8 thoro-bred pigs 6 weeks oid; A 1. Lard 20 lb pails $1.1.0 to 89200; Srnoked Hams and B Bacon, 15e lb; do RlsIlc. For Sale-73 acre farm 5 miles north of Oshawa. For particulars apply te JOHN YEO COLE, Ilampton. 41-2w. Ocuples premises unequalled In any simi'ar school In Canada. its large, th.stcft:ly dpeorated, perfectly lighted, heattd and ventilated rooms bear rom- parison with the very best offices, The student ean do his be8t work unly under best conditions; sur oulngs count for much. Every featurer of thte sehool la of this 51gb standard. We cater only to those desiring somnetbing "better 1in stcruograpnie work. Write for Our Catalogue. 4rit Now QOAL 0f al Sizes, the best mined in America. FLOU R. Made by the Best Known Millers in Manitoba and Ontario FEED 0f ev ery kind and descriptioni. British Columbia Cedar Shingles. Try the Old Reliable Firm of JouwN GILBER & SON, whoiesa'le and retail dealers in Grain, Seeds, Flour. Coal and British Columbia Shingles. Second to None. Goods dellvered promptly in al parts of the town. Largest Stoek Pee the Lowest Great We are 'clearing out our Wall Papers to make room for Spring Stock9, whîch lias commenced to arrive, and wiIl seli at, co3t and somae below, ini order to make roc.rm. Sehool is Opened Sehool Book-, and everything necessary for High alldPbi school use. Very1 special 1 in'es i: bags, scribblers, exor- cise books, pens, penci1s."anci pads. Que cent to 5CtSý 1 mi1ulýuue%, 1 Ploîne 92. BOWMANVI LLE Purs Arriving Furs Caps, Fur Coats, Fur-lined Overcoats. Robes, Rugs, Blankets, etc., are coming to us i large quantities now, Overcoats andRailcat Our Overcoats will keep you warm, our Raincoats will keep you dry, our values are the best ever yet offered. See them . See our Boys* Overcoats, Ul1sters Pea Coats, etc., etc, Umbrellas For Men and Women, ail kinds, ail sizes. Our $1.00 and $1.50 unes are great sellers. We also have the large Carniage Umbrellas. Warm Underwe ar *For Men, Women and Children. We have an unusuallg large assortment purchased direct lfromn the manufacturer before the recent advance in prices. We are going to give our customers the benefit of ouirclose buying. Sec our 50c. Men's Shirts or Drawers. You cant find as good value anywhere else. Blouse Goods A great variety of New Materials in aIl the latesV and most striking.shades and patterns, Men's Gloves and Mits Better va lue than ever. We have some specials on sale tis week which will flot be here long at the prices. See these this week. GroCe rs due- bills taken, as cash. J. E. L. COLE, HAMPTON, Pays $2 80 for No. 1 Horsehides: Sheep- skius feesh 60c; Beef bidei Nol, 7c; Hleavy Steer bides 7ýc par lb; Veai skius 1 1 ýt 1 a i' 'l l' 1- -a- ý 1 1 -L 4

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