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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1904, p. 5

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Wo Mlako Il O URSELVBS It "sa ~ well known fact that our EmuilrI of Cod Liver 01115s very mauch more 'nourishing than other similar -prepa rations. We have facilties forp- par,ýingluttt eu us un alv u ll ,very superior article and we pur- chase thie inest oit in original barrels tereby doing away with ail danger of getting old or inferior oïl. Our Emulsion la eombined . Htlfypophosphite of Limne and Soda and t is so pare and sweet that even childrenrelish and enjoy it. 'Regular $1.00 botties for 65c, j3maller size 35e, Money baek if yon do lot ihink it btter than any Emulsion yon ever tried. Stott& Jur, The Druggists and Optieians. 1 here 15 1no Cough Cure made that- goes to the spot quieker than lours. Large bottie 25 cents. Our Optical Parlor' TLere is flot a better equipped Optical Room in Canada tulat we have seen.or heard of.' "I Competent Opticians are constantly ,in 'atten dance., Our spectacles and eye glasses are being worn by handreds in dâiffereût, parts o f Ontario and any one of these peop!e can return their glasses at ýany time and gýV back $he mou'nt Pa11(1us. We will seli you a pairi on the Same- Terms We do no g,;deâs Woik and ri experimenting, absolute satisfaction and eomfort are secured by con- sniting ins. No charge- for testing tiglit. Stott & Jury, Dh ru ggists aiid Opticians. NEY TROUBLES ,rThousads two lmen-sulYfftftom bmckache and kindred kîdney M&s i-t CHURU REOPENUG.Rng lobt-tîee advt. Grand Tru-nk RHwvsVstem ChiLdren Cry for' «~'7~ RAILWAY TIME TABLE.CCETÀup't. Strong larmn boots &t FoIoVs, H IH S W R BoWMÂNISVLLE STATION. Torchon Lace Sale at McMurtry's. TH IH S AW R GaIl......S20.m I ipefi ...£02a.ai The Disciplei have been decorating Dop't cough your lile wway-take 301., 10prss...io a oal~ 5 and repairiug thelr church and will have blar 1ion W. Paterson Friday night. A DG L E A miieixesrv.e7o Sunday and culs in Oces.n steainahip ratés con-.OI E A .uea ..«*_649P' mpireý7 s Meondv Nov 6)th and 7th. A programn tinue. See advtFý Exprss.1.40 .m..Sundy on,' of exceptional merit bas been arranged The saine pries to ievery n.SebsBe ie h wihpcah)iàraëanuednnte uTickets te certain points sold in a-tordante and an old fasbioned SUPPer Wili be ca dvt. Feit Bros, Qabhawa. column will not be bonored on trains Nos. 1 or senved from 6 te 8 p. m. on .ongy 4. evening. Panticulars later. Timý STATESMAN i15 worth any other 6 SALADA" TEA CO. ___________two local paLpers-only $1 a year. Dainy cow-road article on inside Bargaina at Soueh's Hardware w, the ut the St. Louis Exposition. ISpage. goods must be leayeà (out at once. _ ___________ BOWMANV ILLE, OCý'T. 26, 1904. Martry's. Friday. L-eave your onder wlth humir. ________________ Youge 30 fr caga t Mtc~lls avycurx:l tes>Ic> UUw;,imtwradting Farmers. try Foiey' fotwear. COL. WARD ENTIRELY MlIST AKEN. Drag Store. frem Mitchell, the Dagit& Ojptieank Trv ri loaf o! home made bread at M A. James isaoverament issuer A fuîl lins cf Ganiong Bros' elebrat. Latjrîîps Hon Go.A.Cc ad on sH of Marriage Licenses for Darham ed G B. Choesdaies lust arrived at Take Mitchell's Eînalsiun cf Cod Blake. K.C., have placed Col, Harrv A. COantv. cds Ward in the ancomfortable posirion of A Bowmanville boy a BishopV. 868 Do yoa know the Country Gentleman? Live-it't3 good. having to take back wbat ho said about his portrait on same page as Mr. Ayles. Seo advt on irsidîe pge Send for Oelng ardar t c snt . MS hi Senator Cox and the TrentValley Power worth's address, sampleselghad retco. Co. - Itte a p te Col. Ward te frankly telt Dailv Globe wtlt ho sent te auv ad. Ail accoants due F. M. Scach mast be 1, .cave vour endors wth T. M. Knight the people of Darham county that hoe dress 2 months for 25 cents. Order paid at once as bis business is betn- foi fresh fish everY Friday. misrepresented aud did a very great throagh M A James. wound up. Try the La Flerena a 10e. eigar for injustice to Senator Ccx in is speeches Anotlier cold wlnter le coming. get Have you a istanlt Intendýj? Sel5e. at Petbick>s cigar store. at Port Hope and Bowmanville. Sen- warm elothing ready The Masen Co. hilm or her TiigSTu 8vÀSMA-N te end o&f One pries onIv and that the lowest, aton Ccx wrtes Col. Ward a long letten can sapply yoar want8. Ses their Furs 193J4 for 25c. see car ad vt , FeIt l3ros , Oshawa.- in whic ho say. etc.Now la the tîme te brave y our orler Tmr. STATBSXIAN aad Weekly Globe DEAR COL. W ARD -May 1 &Bk 3oa te The ovon of the Pandora le ventilated, for a nàew faîl suit at Coauch, Johustes tte nd off 1904 for 50c. Or&ir Dcw. do me justice te correct the orronscas large, fittsd with thermometer, lined & Crydernian0h Ail subseribers te The Wsekly Globe statements that have been made,rsgard- with sheet steel and a uniform baker. The veny lateat ln Wsdding station- l19i5 mav bave balance off 1904 free. ing the sale cf the Nassau. Mill property For sale only by J. B. Marti n. ery and Woddin4r cake boxes at T»z Bright, smant boy wanted to handîsý by the Canadian Bank cf Commerce TeWFL LmaAR TTS TTSA fie te the Go vernmont, and te the Canadian TeWIL LtEndTESASSATMNofi.Toronto Saturday Night tri Bowmau- Geneal lecrie ompny.Yeaap- MAN from now toensd cf 1905-16 menthe Several new subseriptionis have lieen ville. Geral Ebclne timressn t. a-for culs $2-new subscribers. Order received Sanes1a8t weeitý. Balance of Seo our large lino off stoves whieh we corrupt bangain has beon mo de by the wm-a ntvJAES ULSIGHU 1904 troc te, neW Saba. are offering at ver.v cloge pnicos J. B. sale cf this >preperty The fol Iowiflg Bwali Agents looklng for somotiug goodite Martyn, facta will, I am Sure. fuity satiaf y you If you are tiredi taking the large old soli ahouldi write te R. H. Bogart, Whou in need cf a new pipe eil et thant, yen are entirely Imisteken, and fashioned griping pille, try Carter's Woodstock. Sées dvt.Psio'toecste. rceteui will lead yca te give as mach, pubiicity Little Liver Pilla and take some com- 1Ptik oac tr.Pie osi te the corretnes8 as bas been given te fort. A man can't stand everlIthing. This paper willI keep yoar absent ail ae. up te $5j00. the misrepresentatieui. One pili a dose. Try them. 1frienda in toueh with affaira ant home. For the best eboice ef Suite and.Oveir- ** **'* Opoingfer a bright boy ýat STATES- Oly $1 te Jan 1, 1906. coat go toThe Mason Co., pîcea gu-ar- "1 amnont iaterested in the slighteat MAN office about Dec. lat, te learn Anther lot cf Satings and, Overcoat- auteed the lowest degree, directly or indirectly ta the printing. Must have passod EntSM3 igsJati a h llyoî ie LuseeboSor rerfo pýtig Trao ote uaywtrpii.te High Sehool. Thons are few btter theur new cutter a trial. oiotv Sveipstcbfrth orenorndalgth route, n n aud harve opeaings for beys of moderateosdn. Linoleums up te four- yards wide. rush. J B. Marty n. net edvocated it as against the other.cte.G tdmn e odpitrsJiotddrc rmtemkr tAlilih best brands o! cigare, pipes, I amno netl any way prejudiced against ait the timo Couch, Johnsten & Crermastobacco And igarettes eau boe had at the Port Hope route, and when bcth If yen are an exacting man,, if yon Alil kinds of hardware cDheap at F. M. Pethicks tobacco store. routes are roported upon, I shall faver want the broad shapsly shoulders, if yen Soceh's as the business is being woand We guarantee satisfaction te ail whot the adoption cf the ene that offers the want the ight retting sleeves, if y ou up on ecceunt cf hie severe i111nes-a _ bave tueir endors for lothig with us. greateat advantages te the coantry and want perfect fitting ciothing and et Send te Engiand foir ycar frlnds- Coi eh. Johuston & Crydormoan.Î la best adapted te the trade of this loasit rossible expeuse try the West E!nd fans onlly $1,5 fnom Liverflool or Glas- Cal toSes the Far ceets,,caps, capon- important waterway." House Clthing Dept. et Bowmauviliie. gow te Quebe. AsIk M. A- Jame. lues, ruffs. mufls, gauntlets, etc.,- et M. HonS.HBlkewrttes . -1 amn o0 vrotsadSat 501p The Mesen Co reeeived a laroeaoship- Mayor's Fur Store, Bowmanville cf the incorpenatera cf thet Company Yoa are suispicicits of a cure ait rom- mont cf aew bats and caps on Satarday M. Maver has in e fuît lineofi stiffeand (Trent Power Ceo~ It nover saw edy! se are we. That le whv we don't laat the lateat and best are iia this lot. fedora hats, caps, tics, shirts,- collai-s, Senator Ccx la the matter, non dtd I exaggorate the virtues cf Vite, Tontc, Wash greasy das oor pans with seeksanad ancierweer. Cati 10 ses thsm. ever heur the allégation that hoe waa but we do dlaimi positively that it leaa interested ln the Company.'" wonderfui tonte. If you are rua down Lever's Dry Soap, a pde It, will ne Ganemen Who are Beid or have tibm how Col Ward will aet aftor necetpt cf stetemeat. R M. Mitchell & Ce, drag- Pair gold.nimmed glasses ln case cest Balmoral flotel, Biwnianville, on Batur- Senaton Cex's dental of is statemipnts guts, kesp It la stock. tn Bowmanville on SundayugtOt .dy o.1 hadsshswnefld. If ho iýeos not make the amende houer- M n ARxw -ADEN FOR SA&L-At nonth Returnute STATESMAN offieand oblige. vi,,, i Toupees and Wigs woun on ever 1able ho wiil fofeit the confidence cf end of 11gb St., Bcwmavitbo, 13?J acres Sable Huffs and Boas in ail izea, the 75,000 heads. Exp!snstion and damons., every electer wliO heardhi charges cf good land-5 acres ln flue pasture, 2 very fineat quality that money enu pro- Isinf es. Private apartments et Hotel. agis eao o.good wells, largo bern and stables, good cure et Coueh, J ohuston & Crb denman's Dntf. e e i e nvnin aet agistSnao c.brick dwellinZ, eartiest market gardon .F. M Soueh'a stcckg of Hardwtionreteis Rov D Cosu alspeece e tla Wet DuhomrCere te500 it, osold off et cot-Como early te ed ail over the world. -"ie twice unday lest.Reasen of sale, poor hoalth. e n eaeabran sh entrpoih Macklin, Cobourg, ta viit- particulars enq'îine on promises, eu abransleteo epnih M1S E.~ -Bethesda. J R PYE, Bowmanvilte. 44 3w* ing h~s stock. O4. . ig Ms, . , 1!o&, ,f res gods n il he ewet olos CIJTICE-At 0ourtice, Oct. 16.toM,,n i-lr, .Vloj. rest The fameus Mieston Glee Singers a e! ras o d ladI tho ns oeaMr. W. R. Courtice, a son. t r n Mrs. H. DoandPomaterrays aand ladies' saattungofcf ail R.çNsONîn Oshawa, Oct, î7'ý ofMns,. . Doabt Pont Pey, WE gl nn mS.k_ g a our .Okinde just received et Couch, Jchnstoa Mrs. T Ple MiJc.II~~ re visit- Cuaa $fla ~5 lteauIEmo~ stte tu onfthrMn . .Petteraca, Qltebec Z211Ilalifex papérs evnOÏ onpk À it'iiau's cornerst18h te Wellington St. ether sucb aiageïi5 beV0 vîsitMflthose While somne aira te, qeud sertdIm ie0fFa% odn n aglîter. Mise Stlla Stanley, Etrmvaie. le visit, cities. A star eoa~AIt and a to we really give the besýt velue. u,: ~ ISID ib lie graudutQîber mrs. je a. yigt musical hurneriat are w ith the tiompany least raonv-If yOant a watch rond ".Waxusî ufl.NYOt ýn01t ownanvll. Or avt.Fot B*os, 012 b RR- -hr Br-wn, Mr, Sidney X. Robants PrBwanie.ande reate at la assncretTe apwHocrav.eit B dllr oQshwai 110an5 i'vd " Alvuna, tîrd daughter of Misses R. E 1Haycraft and Fie Masonu eppriat cdcocr.Teye-Evlouadla o uycr isEmmeý. 'aaihBwxavîe Dr. W. E Tilley and NJonHly ru the New Town Hall Nov. ISth pocket belongiag te L le, puablishen off Mr W. H. Williams, "lacbmit,_________ie Jr.,~ ~ ~ I arJeoatsc hn Mehodat ndrthe patronage of the Epwonth this journal. fsdut eretFu Jr.bbathrehdeletemofth en . . on- Leagne. isCeket carnying it lenger-wo want -t.DEU vention todey and tomorrow. Going te Eng land? If se, caîl on or It isn't what you eat, but what assimil- SnmraI-At Renda!, Oct Wsh ,';lle'LîI sifh Etements cf National Greetesas or the write te M A. JAMES, steamship ticket ato that noarishes. Miller'a Compound wif a of thea late Thomas Smith' gd7 y~.t agnt Bwm vil, orioes rte. innila&ursfaultv assimilation. ROBINSON-ln Oshawa. Oct. îSth, tihe infeit atUudoLliCircuiotiPtical- -ne represeDts__nth s';rpa W -Od-býv ~t~Jiy ~g o fM.adM. T.Robinson. Eiect n will beo1ev. D. O. CrossleLv'seiling frora Montreal, Boston, New If youhave an - tatedalei D onA. fDavîdso,. fOrneyof pnis& aid. thome Sanday uight in the Methodiat York and Philadeiphia. No agent cen or nepaining, now la the tinie te have Son, pub7iihers of Thse Mercury, aged 73 years. I elureh Service et 7 p.rn. Strengers gîve lowen rates. No metten in what them donebfr the basy season nalined. - Tr..lr ciL,- 2ý- - r-J Things + JAVA Alon'g for tVie benefit of 01 cf mproving qualities 4 witI'out îrceasing 'prices, ~ ~*v' working ail the time to + gÎetebest va-tue and build up the bitisness by faîr dealings , This list of prices on Staple groceries ought to strike a chord i n the hecart of every house-keeper, they show how ten cent pieces can be saveci on dollar purchases. ig I1bs Redpath granulated 4 4 'Sugar for $ 2oo packages of Shredded Wheat biscuts for 25C. 4 3 lbs Christies Brown ginger Suaps for 25c,Co0kt~d Siiced ham. for SOC, 2 lbs Sliced Raw bacon for 25,, can Salmon for toc At this sea-son of the year yo a will require tosee that you , get. 4 4ê pure vîneger and pickling spices.. We have a reputation for + ~ê purity which we mean to maintain, it will be satistactory to you 4 after ail your labour to f eel that the best resuit have been acom- plished. They wiIl if you give us your vin egar and spice order CAWKER &TAIT fi ARRIAGE RUG LOST-A wcol rug f AHRW NTED--Fon S S. Nu. %/green on one side and plaid on allier. 0 .72 anigin for 1905. Statle expeniauca Bowman"ilîa iast snnday night. t'inder pleasa nisaayepett.Address Tuos. 5STItrN LeaVe et S'PATY5MAN (Office. 44-tf. on Ot.48 ti. T EACHER WANTEO-Fer S. S. No., DONALD G. lM. ALBUAITH. il, Dliîngton. for Juior Daparni. Barrister, Sellecitor, N otary Putblie, etc. Of* state sala r Appications receivad up to Nov. t, ao WH'rmeeretary-Treasurer, Haimp- tics iopposite J. B. Martyn's store, King St.. ton1. 43 2w. Bowmanville. 22-tf EACHER WANTED-For - SS . No, L_'AMB ESTRAY-Came on lot '2,eon. ceived uip to NoTvamber Iii, by JoiiN SOI 42-3w* F01 S LE-FAL~TO) RE-,N r--Lot ", first cofl: ENERA1 QT,;E î_ýU SAL - -42 elà8rion, Town8hip afClarke, M ,rf- str .Tauri,n,, dwellInga known as tieBroadfoot farm. Good for dairy tached. Postoffice, aîumail. {Siý id estaülth- or stock. Apyo..ezireDG~ ed business Geod reas;oz ifo, seliing. For BRAITII, Wbitby, or Dow & MCGILLIVHÂT, .particulars apply te A. E, HFizy, P. M., Whitby. 7W Taunton on t 41 fi______________________ AtI TOREN -Lo $0 bae lno TOCK FOR SALE-Parties waating FO RET Lt8, aeln to hny cattie for feeding, or mileh cows, weat. Whithy. Iiemesîead of tite late pîease caii at my farm any Satnrday or sand ýn. Smniti,, mile and a hait frei Whitby and word when coming. wîuî te notes or cash on Lie mille froint barbon Gooti building and let cattie out on shares, -Apply te S. H1, RaY- o)rehard. Pseso epuow now; full possas- NOt.LD. B. wmanville.4-t ion igt Apil, 1905. P1resent tenait giiiig up _________________________ farmîng. Applu, te Miss M. J.Srt. Whitby. or j. E. FAItEWEI,L, Wýhitby, 44-tf 'ARM TO LET-SO acýres, composed F oetthe N. W. onaenaurtr f uý"'ot24, hl OUSEANDLOT WAN EDLoten, hallf lot 25, and apart of lot 211 le thee 91h T--'ri'ISE A D.LO WAN 1 E -LotCon. Township of Darllîiigtün. Posseselea > -Z- conrainiýg one re flirte ace S'f land, Apnil ist, 1905. This farm la well weiered- wi th g )t di oua and haro in Blowmian ville, or g ýod for stock; within 2 miles of Burketon 9tâtý. immeiatevic,îît. lait f lnd contaiîîing ion on the C. P. R. For partieniars appi7 t» orcisard prcferred, Reply stating paticularj, the undarsignad. D, Zaîvu,5ucitop, and lowest cash pnice te Locx laAIwaî r, Wbitby. Bowrmanyilie 44-1w' 1W RAVE A i GENTS WANT- T;~eh IE W AVRAme I -IL d Pocket Inspirator, the 1 int, mulnar article e v e n intreduced i P RO PO SI TION --ç îa-ada. Always neady for instant use I ut Poi tvely cures catarris and il head or throet *Whieh la nteresti"' +- Iftouble. W rite et once for teain nt territeny gand W- very Yeuug man te R,., H. BOGAiRT, Wood tock OtGarl I 1DICATION 18 th e £ Orpoo and te y.r M MS MABEL A. TAIT, IWrite, anS Write 0w or our plans. Von BOWMAN VI LLE. may study at home or authjje collage. On)ly-o la pîstal for ail panuars Address 0 ArUCOMPVIprST AND PIANO SOLOIST, ConIcert EngagementsAcptd CJ. COLVILLE, M. D.,0.M BOWMAiNVJLLE, ONT, I W. M sIIAW,-prilie'iî. - OFIE-fvn Ster mu v J ville;elPhona 22. Night cails auswereç2 I onge & Garrard St., Toronto, fro D. Dais residanca, Beach Avennos ..... Telephona 99s

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