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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1904, p. 6

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cure iease by remnoving the cas-fit. In the treatment of those disorders which invoive any failure ofte nervous force, BEECHAM'S PILLS ae ungnal sxyyasbjtn ~ethng enes te pwerof he igeýstive organs like "ey cleanse ýthe B rod cf1og'tadîIng npuiti-es, brace u-p th-Fe Ner-vous Systent to a hîgli point of vigor, and effectually chase away every symptont of weariness and depression. Since BEECHAM'S PILLS have cnred tens ot thousands in this and every country of the globe, just ask yourself why they should flot equally prove a boon to you. Renew the power of dio'estion bv' nsinir cavalry, whose machine guns swept the bridge front end ta end. Thtis is the flrst tinte in the war that mach- ine guns wore used, with decisive results. The position of tLe Japanese beft fa thus describod in an official de- aspatch front the Japanese head- quarters in the field, sent ta Tokia iTuesday afternoon: "Thaenin has stopped iramed- iatalIy in front af aur positionis, at a distance, of front 600 1to1,0 metre.', and is fortffying hbis posi- BOTII ARIES EXHAUSTED. i A despateh front St. Pter'ýsburg saya: Xith both armies oxhausteri hy the long-continued and desperate i I and streaias banuk ffull fram reresit Itorrential rains, there las been a lull î, Sha liver. Bod eywhwre , <J<enýaclandTf . meia. Ibxe5. Gen. Sakharofi telograpits at raid- n-_ day on, Wadîesday tbsat Lhe Japanese 'W'Tare concentrating at Linslîinpu, est T~TTTT1 ofaitLe railroad. A detachinent ai PUIUU Russian caxalry reonnoitring on À i IY IJEBT jj~lj~ Tuesday night in' the vicinity oi E Shakito captured two Japanese guns, wit no lasses ta themnelves. Tite carrespanaients are sending vol- uniinaus details ai Lhe borrars oi the The Bigo Battie lias Prac.ticallyca ai eofLone Troc Hill.Th siapesan suintîslit are cove rod with meangled romains. ILtomarn out that WVorn Itself Out. in the 20tb aadf41 st Japanese Rgi thoeat vroJpns fficer kilefd bia c'aa on bs persan. FOCSFACE TO 1FACE. anil Part Artbuîr, -ami have terelîs TtueptbfotOa aiaof A depatit rom ikukdssays :- sujpplias slicet ahstttetutil Confirma LIe pch raviui' Makea- ile bbj attbe has practicailîy won Srng imbrpreplaratiorsa bave vice, ayagthre Son ofgta ILsli u t, ovng te iva armiiios bon milacle tNew Cbwang, s,11d onTusayngt Tiems - f aciugec tesittLt iaLtreaeLt anae xetLt r-portant ifraion in bis mssiel R iv s tha dýit iding line. bease af 6f; transports next manit. te fact tbiat tho Ruýlssian rigit is On te lait tbe Russians are in a- being extensled westward, the contre good posiAtion an a bigh bill axer- NET RE-SULT 0F BATTLE. oifte rigbt being nao iacing Sinth- loaking thc Sita River, wbich tIc>' A dospatcit irom London saya -ms i bitte beld sinice Oct. lOtit, despite Tite complote î'ePulse aifte Russian Signa aifte offensýi.;ve are noticod. an elmost continuous bombardmant attaci. and Lhe gain oi about 15 Tisere bas bon n ,siigbt iorward and frequeîît infantry attacks. miles oi graund sOOnt te, liatLe net ivomont ai the lait upan theo Bent- On the rigbt te Russiasîs are us- resuît aifte Battle aofte Sita Riv- sieputzo roads irom Muîkden and ing niortars la an endoavor ta dis_ or ta te Japanese, woohave again Fushlun. No big niovemnent, however, badge the Japanese front a amalbil faiied, as, at Laio-Yaug, ta followoils passible pending 'the dryiag aiftte la the lastý plain, Owing ta te up thoir victor>' wit a crusliingroadas fltods, IL 'uould hoelseessary to use boso. Opinions differ, bowever, as Other flussian correspondants mon- pontoons lu c'aaing te Sita River, ta, whetber Vite prosent situation in- in a report tînt te Japanese are svh1ich bias At been bridgacl, ccatcs a lull or te end aifte bat-. iallîng laci taoards teir Yentab Lie, nnaaioite despatcbohen abiing, lino. One correspondencrt saysIL is ROETFROUGE J-AP LINES. a defimite assertion. rprc- h he a Adeýsp)atcit front St. Petersburg A correspondent with Con. Oku, ini paniese battabians arecuranddon says :ý -Tbe suspension ai apeîatians an undeted despatcit, baya that 0W- n bill b>' Cn. Rnsskasi. ad bowMukden continues. IL ils biît- iiîg to te slowness ai thte arivance, that thoy are intenitariiy expcted ed.( in militai'> circles tat te next Lhe Japanesa faf led ta cut off te Lo suî'reudor. dlevebopment sitould le baoked for Russieii retreat, wviicit was comdut- Anoctber correspondent reports titat eastsoard, lut sobetiter aon the port ed sitb great skilb. Theta cvabry 011 during the edeance of te beit aarly oi te Japanese or Russiansa is not te Jaîîanese laift crossed te Hl ast soeak 40 Japariese,, witb fixe ai- rai enbed., River. titus provonting Russian flank- fices, soore surrouude-d in a Chinesc A despatch front Gen. Sakitaraf!, fîsg movament. The>' captured bat- vile, u ni ie it1msr datee Titursday uigbt. reports tbali tories and did excellent work. The rindere, Lte remafindofer i surg ail ivas qufet alang itae front on Japauese contre and rigbt ame Xednesdey, and tat in oftea the Icld thair lino itrougitout, Working 1suic ide. f 1itugi rpr aaggy condition of te country farsoard togetiter excelleîîtby. Thte ITcVlaeo aaug eo-e roads, wicb are describedi as eas I sole Japanese farce naw itelds a tu, bave boen dostî'ayed 1>' tIe ire ai ai mud, the Russian scouts continue ine tbat isa practicaîl>' Lhe anme as la Russian niortar batterie pasLed in ta slo-w'gront. ontorpriso in oxamna I t LI"bcglnning oifte battle, but te Shalkbe Valey. lng te Japaîsese positions. A de- ffteeil miles iurther nartit. itohle Tite itospitals at Mrskden continue tachaient ai Lwa bundred Cossacks Crmues ara nioîv sestîng, and probia-1ta le crowvced tea overflowîag. TIe Tuesclta>' îigbt reonnitred tbe Jap- Il>' sili naitiniove for several daIy. oonded an i tfb ingsent nortit ast nesebot sautb-westwansd froint-'the Acyepîdn it ieRsiî oidya asbeb'train. railroad sobere IL crasses te Schilifcentre Leegrapbis tiat te Japanase River tlitrou-h te villages aifliait- are appnî'ently saiicd sit it avlng ALNLN ALNS santal, Tadcousampu, and Saudepu, stoppes! Lue Russan s advance, and LH DESAIN , ta latter fiteen miles Wsof a>te have braugitt their aOwn ines La te Ts la ieCm yhv r railroad. 'Fb e Jepanese sentiels Sita River, h la ioCmayhv r fi'ad and retfred as the Cossacks Tite Standas'd's corrospondent sitit ranged theirSe& edule of sailing's frem rade rapidiy along te ine, but. noar uen. Kuroki says titat decisive de- 110w ta a qvear heaice. 'i he new triple Seudapu te Cassacks uucxpectedly feats bave' seriously îvenkened te screw turbine steamsitips of .12,000 tons ran ntoa god ize Jaanee frcemorale aofte Russian troops. R each are intended ta sali as folows s- mn lta god siad apaese f~c I ons vieentin Lte attr phsesai St. John., N B, Victorian, Marcis sitit machine gurisa. Thetteea ydn nte atrpae flt and April l5th; Virginian, March openeil a murderaus flire aunte Rus- te lgitting tînt tbey sore sucreas- 2t n pi 2t;fo aia w sians, killing ma>' itarses, and mar- ingi>' reluctant La stand up against 2t d pi 9h;fo aia w tally wounded Capt, Turboonifi, but the Jopaneso înfeutry. IL 'uililebc aya later in cacit case. Tise Summer ail te Cassncks succeeded in geL- somle tinte before tey can mako sailinga af these steamers3 frein Montreai ting asony. No ancesoos kilbed ai, goad titeir terrible bossasý. The Ja-wililbe: Victarian, Mla. 19t1, dunel6tit. the iel. paeseloses ae sallin cmpai- uly I4tb, Aug lith. Virginian, June Litefiei. pnesobasss ae amhi i daflpei- nd, JUDe dilti, Jtslv 28,h, Au-, 25th. No stateent is macle as La 'uviat son. Tit a Jpauose ril(,(d L cap- erhis pair ai' 12,C00tonners, together la transpiring an te Russien bot. ture~ man>' prisaners, but te ,ict(iry witht the favorite steamahipa Tunisian Tisa reports tbat Genernis iRan- snsroue te bss dcci sive. It îilî u aaisa 0,0 oseci vb nenkampiffand Myendorff are waund- accura thte nunterical stlierior-itie aofon aa rice ,for0,0nnts ean'wii. 0(1 are denied. The former's ciief tbe Japaniese art>' for an indefluste ity resasaoft'e sitorter mileage, wlI af staff, Coi. Roasisky, sons wounded. ueriod., compare is lAnztit of voyage favoiablvy Anothser correspondent ascrihea Lbe wftit tte sif test of ater linis, and ln FIGRTING AT PORT ARTHRIl. s ai Japanese guns an Oct. 16 ta point ai eomfort and excelence nothmng A dspacb i-ot Csoio ays: A ver-eccnfidance. Fixe battallous and further need le said, Aunjis 'uxhic feinLiati ono r>' : Atitî'oobatteries veist too fer aast jun' whch lft iaot Prmontry nd soore attacked b>' 12 battalions an Wcdnesday sons driv-on b>' a gale ai Russiann. SLASHED HIS ANTAGONIST. and arî'ived homo TIui'sdey nigbt, TbheIlussians so tried ta, i out- brsnging 100 coolies woo bt Port flank tbe Japanese right, and nIa BYng Inlet Mlan Awaiting Trialt Arthsur because titey fenred injur>' l'r daye soore runtored Lo bave boen on a Serious Chaurge. iront Jopanosc atolls. Thte coolies cuL off, escaped their titieatened de- A despa fnb iront Ferry' Sound sox tint on Oct. 13 themo wsns ierce structian, but seeniteta lave suffered se> s -ConstallTe John Froe bas just figting for sevaral lioui's aistIhe sevemel'. Field-Marsitai Oyantea sii- arriî'ecl hoo ro :ýnt Byng Iîîbet wiLb a' sbopea af i luisg @'aaatnin botetsnc ply reports tînt tbey socro drixen of? prisautrîise d Jasepb Murphy, xvbo coisnpni-atively snaîl fores, jduing and î'treted. Th, Stessdard's cor- is chlîrged sitis cuttiiîg aîsd badl>' soicithîe Japanese lest 300 kiîctIor respandesît sitb Oea. Kuroki de- wouîsdiîsg n Freî.cbmai w itb a razar. sooundedf. Tic coolies sooe ae to cleres, baoever, that Lhe Russians IL apîsonîs thet a desperete flgbt gixa detaiha ai tise figntiug, lut ajp- i sore elmost ennihilated. Tboy soora toolc place between tIc tisa mou parentl> iL soas the î'asult ai one aifj rassaiîg tihe Taitse Riveror n a pais-soilo under LIe influence af iquor, Lbe nuissoaus sorties made b>' the toast bridge, w heu, LIey w oie over- wheisi 7furjîls> dreso n razor and cnm Russinas against Uice.Inpanese', woo tkeis 1>'a roginsir iof.lapaaese ninsem fslasbiîîg at Lbc Fsecnmbaii, sore .attcmtptfing to adviine fiat______________M______ h_ oeie baci!>'eut abouti the face. Lhir oches. Tb-e ,,as in is --ym I-iical cosi- Japaîsese wounded sa>' that the sol- ARE YOUR iiî rnFasa lo oo I dfiers in tbe, tronches suuier sct creiy boat lait for Parry Sounsd. Mlurphy fî'anthte cold, aithoughi thie JapanesoK N YS IC ? iow lsjal re aniting bis ermny ]5 '50W lmcîst 'omtpeteiy 5Of _____trial. plied soti sintes' outfits. IL la said, thaL Lhe Part Arthuor Let your nsrniing urine stand for 24 CHAdBERLAIN'S GCOUGH REMEDY. garrisan fe frantir for news ofaithe heurs iii a glass or vessel, snd ten if it operations aif len. Kauraopatlcin, ias illzy or chaud>', or cautains a red- No one soho le ncquaiated siti l'e iront siiosi tIc doencders cApeti îe- disb bricli-dust sediment, or if parti- good qualities can le surprised et te ief. inoreat papuleritv let Chausberla,in'sj Tic nows Litai thoe Lahtim fii'et lias clos or geraîs fiant about lui, 'aur Cou,7h Remed v. 'It siatani cures caids saiheil for tic Pacitir iras arinouaced kdiîeys are diseased. If Lise kidsseysaw',ed gïra, tffec:uallv and p1mnatr La thc garrisan. andI grcati>' encaur- are wehli te>' iter juat so inîcis blocd, oi pie _LLta these diseases irot resuIt- .ae icRusslaits. lbutif th-ev sare abie or weaie iroin a o a nun'.,Inl iaa yti STORM 0F SI-ELLS. Tlie J.spnnese et Taîxu Moontain bave mrpped a ccnseies.s stocîn ai iltelîs aoste Cinese tosonand man>' r'ifle hults also fou imstise piano. Thea (hinranan add.s thanthie figicing wscys >'SOi00, andt taithe Japars- esc lIs-.-- as canalderable. lit s ;asseî'tod tisat tise Russian farce ;nt Part Arihr noîv auuLsor 5,000 men, exldlg Lise inilitia, whuit liso ougagomi la In t.fighling, bttin gueîýý'4,1dut>'. Wintes'coîlgl ii'smasce ni Post Ariliir, ssospacticmarhy. Tic Russian saîdier.s ave searing Clinese shoo, and sao aitisonsanc unelub, Lao oltain ev.en Ibesc, antI somap sage about iiols' fot. Tua garrisan las grei>' orcn out ')y the ntany nontis fgtg.TIse toson i lfhl i oliusd- sîu Iaurs pinni-c i, arrd Lie cause, they leave tihe poison in te blood, and tbis poison affects the entire systeni, IL la natural to pass urine three imes a day, but îunny who regard theinselves as healthy are obliged ta pasa water six to ten tinîca daily and are abliged to get Uip freqnently duriug the night. Trhey have sicir kîdueys and bladder and don't know i. Snith's Buchu Lithin Pills cure Rheumatisni and al Kidney and Bladder discases, and maeke uew, dch blood. We iill seud yen a genercus saiuple post paid Free, together with our large boak on Lthe above îuientioned diseases. A.ddress, W. F. Smith 'Ca., 1r85 St. Jes treet Trea7aa Ma curle for croup. Wheoping ceugh is maI dangeraus when titis îemedv le gisen iL ecctains no opium or other itarmie, subJtarice aunssv le givea as caslii dcîsfly ta a baby as ta aduit. It s la Ian pleasant to ake, Witcn al of these faets ara Lîski n bto'consîderation it is mot snrprising thst people ila ioreigr lands, as sod'l as aL liame, estee t tIf rcmoly rer>' itghl>' andI ver>' fesoare w Uing titaire au>' aler alLer lia-rine onceasedi h. Fr sale lv al druggists $1.00 FOR fiOe,-WOXENi .F -EourEinl, ene aofte les waman's mantile magazines pubi'shed wili ho sent, an trial, ta end aif 1 l- six mnts-o av v25cents, ilr stampq or peQtaI note, We oiicu TEL Sr.vAsn sta îs Csouunbr n for 5 et a'l eLt iirn î ' tIfe ofier'-we arecureousi so IElEl de iigitto soltitT dnt H umchauua Ll geneat halt dîmnis1d. bcài"ne thin ana weak and uervos, having severe pains at regu- lar juitervals," writes Mrs. Augustus Iinory. Treasurer New Cetur1y Club, 34 Dean Street (Raxbury), Bloston, Ms.Skie continues: "MY work whîchi, efore liad seenied an easy task soan seemced like a heavv burden. 1 decided to try Dr, Pierce's Iavoite Prescription, which severaiof my frienida piraiseli so highly. 1 feit relief witlîin a wee-k, nsy appetite came bock, the pains graditally dcesl and I enjoyed souafi . eep. Wthin fmurtIen eeks I1lxad coîopietely recovered my health. 1 seemed built up anew, ny ptlse' wjhic a been weak becamse nor. IYnd f new life iafnated mv entire being. 1 gladly endorse yaurý medicine."I Doctor Piercesç Favorite Prescription festores weak an'id Sick woimen to Sound health, by cuiiî-,ing te local womanly' dis- easas which are ge-nerally responsible for the failure of the generai health. A wam- an's entire being is, centered in bier wom- anly nature. When te delicate wamianly organism las attacked by disease; when there is irregut-lairity or a disagreeable drain; wlsen ifamaion braand ulIIcerîs gnaw the .general health lllreflet 'ct e prgreaS of disease, i ein ng11 weaknea, n lerv- ousuesa, baccachc, eaach, bs of appe2. titea aleelé aes Sa sur f i I i te WoidÎ ispnrsary Medca Asoiaio, f0u1alM. Y., pro. prietars of Dr. er'aaoitPrsip tion, that !bey effit $Ioo rewardforwre 'who cannot be euuskd caf Ieuçorrhea, Fe- male weakness, crlas :, r alling of Wib. All they ask is a fair and reasana- bic trial of their oan f cure. Dr. Pierce's lesatPellets regulate te itovtach, liver and bewela. FRESH AIR. TIch bae lDr'. Darsoin. Whi livet inl th-ecarl>' partaifLise last centuu'y, wions ,5i impros'sei soiLb n conviction ai the isecessit>' ai goodý air, tînt boing t cm>'popubar in LIe tassuai Darby;, Engianci, anmeaos a, Marnket day te imaunted a barmel andI tîus addî'essed tisa listoaing crosod; "Xc Men aiflDcoly, felloso citizens, attend tane! I1 knon you ta 0e la- geniaus and industrious itnianrs. y>>oîur exer 'tions yau procure foi- >'oursel nd lanflies thennosr les ai 'life, but if yoss ase > ur. ttIensm utnes.Tl trut ail Of You kuon1; lut 1I fealr s fe a yn do netrsesnn s teLI Itla sta bc MainlAino'ld in vigaýr-tîls tbcî dc-j 'ponts upan xa,àe-r brenîi;gan un-j montaninerteci aur; for thc purity of' Lte ais' benames dastroyed nios'e man>' arc,- caýinted togetheî'; *tic offrîtla fj0 [f-,tisebd' cao conrrupta IL. Keep open tb4e sondo\îvs ;of yosîr croîvdo ivr ao a nd as sean ns you ri-Sc aplen ail the Winidows aif your helmoants. Nover sbeep in a rooru soithaut a cblunne>' lu IL, or blorck that up. Inattention ta tis advice, 0e assured. nillbrin'g dis- cases on yaurselvos antI engon-der among yau typhus icrar, srlfcb us oni>' anotiser miaîne lkmputritI foyer, wisbiissoill carry off youm uiries antI cildrut. jLet une agalîs repeat t>' serious adi ica-apen .your 'us ndoss ta leL l tIc ifresitair at beat anme a day. ILontantebei' niat I sa> : I shieak noir 'uvthout n foc, andl can laie no atiteriisterest tisan yaur good,is titis t>' adxine." It svould haneilinced wirme IL passible touxtadthia oxcellent adt- vice Io aur rpeopie, espeninîl>' those living in barga douetera nf Population. Ahthcughit IL uldcî e fouad impossi- le is tbc majos IL>' aicases ta "naver sheep ifa arooniu utLa nliimiiey," as opens gratos ara ver>' bLtle used in tisis country, LIe adrice La thor- oufl>' air t1-Le roamas at eat once a dc>, b,,kepisgtie window«s open for a s¶'tCinta, can, easfby lue car- rccl out, nnd even if tic>' sîmuld Oc entm'oiy CIosecd tbrougiout tise day (soc reier ospeciail>' ta the wsintos' season) tise rooma tcan be perfemtl>' titeitiiated durîng the sîlgusa1>'balor- ing aise or nih a intis0of am inhi. This imspe'rcetibleopebniing is n reg- ular liii' 'axer, -) ta speak. Ve'nt!- latioti b>' asose ine ýýor anstier la' nlsoluteiy indispensible; such ventila- tion wîierehy impfulre air tira> le cx-, cuangcd for pure-simkçness for icaitl. 110Wý TO STOP BLEEMDNG. IL aitoîs lappis iin mares ai acci- denst tintthLe anger La hic e isgrent- ]y' imsri.csed lu>, if liai saol>'y depoîs dent upan, thebo as of bheod, tue la- lui> îitself heiîsg ta npai-aivel>tr-- vilal affaiî. Wletlscr bighît or seriolis Liheî oîstl cnr ul it, clini rii cases itost nî,fooifiri h a tashethigi ssth rtrcts soîss atoa- te ut jon i iLdoes anea' e apcustaîsos> thLe cmaising of t-ep>snasmiO sia a 01> isteId uaatIr;L>;li n Lursato>' has luis'dln i at aci.o taonnrte> mc Ocqnlmly asd mî~t ligbting, and roa4q mode impassable vîsîtof Tncnomer i cisiopat Isimple pressure mclhte directly on Lb bleeding point. 7f you can put you finger (liternlly) on the source of th hemorrhage and keep it thiere, yau woundeci cosapanian will not bleef t, death, at least flot while under yen. cure. One mnUst makec sure, in doiog'thi!E that tihe linger is really suaking pros sure on 'the bleeding point, wbic] Many be deep dwn at the battant ao the and but- the c ontinuance a the bbeeiang will sooîî prote thýat th linger, or the cloth pad, or Lb. roVndeu! stick, orweer is used t, mlake Pressure with, is flot preasinm an tihe right spot. Care mtust b tabou flot ta soul the w ound witl dirty fîngers or a dirty r. If tint and opportunity Permit. Lhe linge iwiped with a dlean clatit, and if cloth pad is used theautel' la>yers a least must le fî'eo front visible dirt I laamoa' rv Contpany some ai mny be found vvho bas a dlean itand kerchief la the pocket. One whicl hus nat been unfolded is bes1t, foi this can thon le folded inside auit an( imacde uV iîîta a clean pad af nny de sired shapLe.-Yaouth's Campanian. GENERAL INFORMATION. Little Bits of Knowledge Abou 'Xost Everything. Glrent Britain owns hall tite ship: that ara aflaat. Tîieves in Gret ritla.ia steal $40 000,00 art e a(11certy ever tt-eater-s ini the woi'bd, nnd L Irstconte (,second. A-ilay bcomotix ;e lbas an axier. ing cpciyof S300,0i0. A statistical expert has stated Ltai tbî'ae-Iflfths of aill men aifilistinctiar Iare fsrst-born chfidreni. An acre ai gaod flshing graund will yield mare food in a'w oek thaàn ar acre ai the lest land will in a year. BDeatîs frant starvatiop. in G reat Britain bav e mIlan front eighteon ta twelve Pei' million in the last thirty > enra. Tite Imperial Canal in China is the longest l the world, aad conn-ecta noa fewer than faî'ty-ane ciLles in thc course afits 800 miles. A Russian is not of gge until ho bi twenty-six years aid. Until that tinte at beast fauî'-flfths ai the earn- inga nmust go ta bis rparents. The largest book in thte world fa fn the British Mesuent. It is an, atlas, nteasuring 5 feet, 10 in. by 3 feet 2 in., and weigbir)g close upan 2 cwt. lu Arizana te cactus grows ta an immense size, and there is one speci- nten-doubtless the bargest in the world-which fa 2932 fiot higb. Tite amaunt of canscions ntoîîey ire- ceived yearly by tac British Chan- cellor ai the Exchequer in dofault ai unpaid taxes averages $30,000. Thte largest loom ni the warld is ana res300tly bujît fa Gerniany faor wcaaing artists' painting clotb. IL is capable ai woaving ieltings 48 ft. solde. Londan bas tise'bargest proportion af inisane of ary English city, the aunibor being 361 per' 100,000. Nat- tingham la a close secoad, wl Lh 340 par 100,000. Thomias Farryan, ai huilage, Eng- band, whito eigbty, lias worked for sîxty years an anc farîn, lHe bas heen awarded by tihe Duke ai Rut- land a prize ai $15. The Frencht Gavernnîent emiploya J.,550 worknten and 15,000 wanter, in Lte State tabacca manufactories, and makos a yarby profit ai $80,- 00(),000. Tite bainboo sometimes graws 2 ft. lu twenty-four heaurs. There are thi'rty varieties oi this tree; the smalbest la anly 6 la. in beight and the bargcst 150 foot. Water-pipes bined witLi cbioawaro, and w hich are embedded in content in iran pipes, are being used lu Coburg, Saxony. They are tliaugbt ta ho indestructible. In London, accarding ta the batest! statisties, there fa but anc telepitone faor evory sixty familles. In New York ahere la ono for twelve. iu Bas- ton anc for six, in San Francisco ane for four. Sweden bas tise oldest vessol lu Europe-pertaps lu the world-in the schooner Emimanual, built in 1749. She was first a privateer, and la no. fin the timber trace. The little tailar-biî'd fot aniy sews but spins, woavîug raw cotton into tbrcad for iLs oan purpases. Witb this tbî'ead iL sewa w'îth actual stit- clles a sack ai beaves in wbich ta reas' its young.1 Indiarubber troos w'hicit ara tappedi every otlies day continue ta yiebd sali for 'more tIen twenty y enra; and iLi fa a curiaus fact that the oldest andI kà. *Talk in the frequent changes ai papubar A COLOR COMBINATION. cobars gîey Isas'beld Uts oson adnîiî- An odd cmntinotian-in sauind on- ebi>'. In fart, there la no shade 1>', for te effect is beautiful, la, paba more la demand 'in Perla just nowo blue and crintson. Titis la uscd an for lotit srapa and gaoans titan gre'. itan>' ai tie snsarteat haLa, esPciel.- The osmiumnt ade is, used for gosons, bl tase macle ai moire and panne voh-. sobile tLe varying tinta ai peeri, aya- IVat. IL is toi>'youthfiland hrtt ten, ntlst and dason are employed foi' for street, as socîl as dressy, wuea1r. handsomiesorapa. A handsonso modal is shoson sith a An elegant cape is shaon la gre>'ý round croson, the short bnint being saLtnfinisled clatit, cmniineil soitt cantposed aifrraffles ai Valenciennes lace and lti ai gabd. TIecomabr lace. A stiff littie acnsaroficnt- 5ctemne is ori'ginal and t er>' stunming s;an velvet encircles tIhe croson, and in effent. The cape is outlined sitit is ied fis a fiat bow lu front. A. a mullhe ai bac aer te clatI of gald gavn oi blacktclatb, relie% ed by' andtI iera îa an alogant finish for toucbes of pale blue and reil ont- Lhls-decoratioîs in aisibraider>' in gar- ritsodery, laîs oî'n sotà te baLuý, or lands, chiffon, sibk and pink ras;es, vice t ersa. sith their green foliago. Tic garland Aftci' al, the bigh c-rawnîed biat efient la a deligît and must he seeu la not settisîg the worhd onl, ire, ta to beaeppremlated. This ruilai car- use a phrase ai the balxrs it ried up an ciLlers' 5db ai the fiant oaisfaaffectail b>' w cnen sJoalîikO cO- tise mufpe, axer rite lotb of gobd andl quettîis effecisansd baie tLIe manly nit Lhc ciisbraidery ia LIe flaooers. ta indulge ia ail sorts of biitts u Tîsere are stolo etIssowiti Lte eonthLe averange sooman Ito geLs eCIl' broider>', tbe lace is fulloser..Lte one or Lso new lhata il, a seaSonli jI sboslders antI there lsa n oad effact, selecting dosigsîs heas dcd. The. at the baci', diaadvantage ai cboasinlg zan>' style that la exaggem'ated or t,ýýo'aut ai THRE NEW CAPES. thte aîdinary is tînt peaple 50S oan Tt ls ver>' diffimuit La tell sonta aif get acdutne aia. L li the itexocapes iront srepa. The>'ydne a'aiblnnak s I are mlose fittiîîg about Lhe stoulders socre, soiicit, of cour'se,. ever>' soimn andI soisi lixe, beinîr curved ta +theLabhors. raOse is particularly- sltiug. The,' Ù1i11)roîhed upan Le lt ideve> cavahieri>' end an this aide îand un,- dor te brint the fbaLlrwea s 1,me.mi- ied and sîaded to whiite. Titis is somn sitit a goson a ose voile Lrimmed sitit Bruges lace aud entlroidered net. There la a great. deal ai theoapenwork, but ix bn un- derlined sitb chtiffan 'a great deal ai tesohite effect aifte lace la. figure by nîyýriad ias of sairslring. Thon iilotruding fî'onthtIe shaulders there areCcaPelets ai lace, Iandsaonie sihk, or athter elegant trfrmsng ta sisîulate the flaWnîg sheave effect.1 'rieso new nuadeha are aîîîng Ltse sea- sonI's luxtîrles for nat only are the ineteriaha used in titeir dcvclapnient antI deoratiais expensliîve, but -s0 mucb lais equired tint iL plames Lhe wuraps beyand LIe roacit ai the aivor- age sooseen. Resourceisîl wivnen, boss aer, soi Lb un irrepi'ess- bbc genfus for fiitationî, fmd iL Teasanabiy oas>' La duplimate tIe mioat intricate and expomlsit e usodais lanL the an>' cheaper and effective cobtlisantI triraistngs nîsimitcen be lad alter île liî'st-sensoa p)rimes bave been Iaived or oxen mare greati>' me- duccd. Paris shops are ai errun sitit nov- elties, and -lit takes a ust discrmn- iuating boyes ta select tiose nwiiclt stibi aulast tc presenIt cmaze. De- spito aIl t1at la said CatI nritton ai LIeu' roUties extrav'agance, Frencht WiOneI ceCn go lita cstasios aver tIe o aubbes displayed ta tcmpt tisair fanc and plunse, aînd stop at that, as w cil as Cals the 'usaisea ai then conottries an! the shaphooiue'a ver>' soda flad out sobat oili take s.îdl whvat nuvil nat. Saîsîcane lias been unkinid onougis to sa>'tlat sanie afil LIe lainities aven solicb soomeus arc ragfig 1505Vara "iio ehLties." souith soore tIiscarrbod a soasaîs ai ti a go, but bc tînt as Lmit a>' tisare are countioss cxaggertions ini tihe tva>' I ai nemhkaces, humkles, hair ornamnents ansd tte ilce. nici nili nesor find tîcir wnav hotondthtie shores ai France.» Tue vtoc>-,wvide buckics are nangý tise noscltiles destiîsed foi' fleeting favar, 50 ieae lîtlebo aibîrottes whic I 1 stand biih beind ticeissck 111 o theed - Eliza)tueusacdesigns. I'asbioi fa îîilliog ta cee'.ct to the oacI>' cenLuries for saune if lia iStci tics, but orl1> as long a tiese îo' ies nie iii keoîîisg oi' b nosîfant antI graccfol ecdect. NEW MfAT SI-TAPE. A iloaetyrit>' ineihhucosletIhe g>psy sal cib-t. Tiis Istu'ned up slai'p-I b> nt lte b Lî. nd us tryLinsssed 1 UVa imw0 h )VI > Cil" S u CS 1w as 'a rnuîssy î'er.rcailla Was 10L! xxhich drnap oveî te bair.The lit r1irme-lUte -bedeceaed iangite. crown j,,,rather hollo, 50 Vtha t itt aýLon. rirce sou MA br? ran u 0 fled itbP asila rge baw ai aske I Un gentlemn sbaded satin i ibbon and fastenieà Alas, si:?"rplc telay "h with 'a handsoase bucke. died ijý! e io if ,adILad liame hatn ia POrP Ln bluWadnd a portriétpainted to rrment hec ,rue nmacle eiii0yl'of fbat e. s or J ass Ro-wold hai Pear sed a Lad Pblu S-a xcrtai-t.Oea oliiiuni a. FINISII 0F THRE NECK. An important factor in taentakinig ai elter a svmap or jacket la the fin- isha ai the nemis. This should uaL lie taa high or too lao, and yet, as par- adoxical as it mn>' seens, it migitt 0eý eltber, for tihe statua of tIecocl- lar la nat definitel>' settled. Some coutuuierea caasidering LIe pbea ai 'uvanen niLI delicate Lhs'oats ara Lry- ing ta irevi'e 11gb colar i'effecta; othei's. for juat the appasite s'caaan are striving just ns bard to nuain- tain the laîv ffclts, The square liemk la pretty and fa fiaishitedvith a band cuit in iansciiol effect beoeuantI titere, souis affards a mbarmfag or portunit>' for the mnoat cdeigîtf1Uil maý,Usses aio sla acc aInt chiffon if fies; as fihleî a-lu. Fo-ra are constîiliel d nitI iads bano iaýriàre tîlin 0crîis> a'w as i itnmned n ith pendaîiilsa ofî sitk bî'aid. A,ýs if they sooo ntacei> oxpensivia en ,îugbLI Ve laitf even%ýing capos and collais ai fur are- lined -î%ith cauntless frihîs ai anrroîv aldlae HOW IT SPREAýDS. The finaL package af' Dr. Leon- bes'dt's Ie-letRaid (te infallible Pile cure)rtaL wsnsput out soont La a satal towini Nebraska. Lt cored n nase aiflPiles that soas cansidereci bapeinss., Ticemiens spread and nlthougb titis 'uas anti> tso ieos ega Lhe denad prontpted IDm. J. S. Leonbardt, ai Liacoln, Nel., te dismaorer, ta propaî'c it for goîserai use. Naîv it us hein-g scnt toalal parts ai thie IL wilh creau>'caseoaiPPles. Tici'e is a aseîti's treatmomîi iii oaci box. Sain for $1.00, nitît abFohslt gtialant( e. IL is for sale b>' croggists, or b>' The W il'SIonF>']0Co., Iiîsitei, \i AS SITE W OlLt) RAXE- FE7 Ae gentlemanis nPrspodnsiu Loa aladv, la uhese tiaxu-emb saîv a portrait o ainliey'oîu ai, sa>', liso-ant Li1mty. tipon Lhe entranceofaitise baî>'Io s, Li t J biaby .1, i",;5i icra i n-1 ,ms iýr.ir m cf y lei Q bil2e' çif When you have te use liard water it is not an easy matter to ivash househeld utengils. To do good w ashing you shouid have good seap and soft water (rain water). If you use hard water you must have good soap, and the best soap yeu can get is Sunlight Saap because it softens the bard water and maires a copious creamy lather. Use Sun- light Soap foi ail heusehold purpeses and the results will surpi rise you. ASK FORT1E CTAGOýN BR &~nŽ~"7d SoaJï wskes ?tue dle7ù.ýs wiew/wti/rn u î EERBROTHIERS LIMIýfTED, TORONTO. 6 1 '

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