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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1904, p. 8

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A rAMMt.VREmMY. CORTIE. URLGI PAIL Mrs. Cryermnan. Town, was recent Are the cry of the Nerves tor Bet- EVI«w Ped ÈV-na In Use ku Thousadof guest of rs. L. bM Courtice .... Misa ter Blood. KlruS niomes. Juanke Phair visited Miss Beith, Town, 14b recently..... _Miss Main, Oshawa, was ENRIUH1 THE BLooD AND NEURALoIA - -- gustatMrs J Wlte's..lhis va Wu imDsAPPEAR- h I NY Tlaoss BOW MA NVILL E Courtice is attending S. S. Convention WHosEi BLOOD is Poon AyN9 WATaar P e f ctÂeP a rvelous flesh producer! Tbis is TA ura 4 .the statemient of those who have used NO Pat rto the human sysitem lis more "The D& L" Emulsion. lit is said to sensitive than the nerves. Many of the If not a thorough and be rich and sweet as cream and not un- mont excrucating pans that ailt E•5 accurate examination of - -pesnmanindcomns from wear, shaky, shat- La d e your eyes shol be made paluAWA• a i laperhaps nonheauses at once. more intanée safering thaunonuralgia, DrigoCartwright and East which generally attacks the nerves ofd'e ) as r Dne n!Whiitby reade-rs who deat. in Oshawa or the face and head, sometimes causing u any pesinÎ any part of the Dominion swift, darting agonizing pains-at oth- Our Optician is at your who wants a good watch chap is direet- er times a duit, heavy aching feeling i service without charge. ed to the advertisements o FltBosdhihmaeslfemierbe.Thr We' correc re y i nt bl e ae rl ietha sedan e-nd othernervous troubles, ande ratlaLde otsaenWsl we fit glassies that 'conform made, They are largedalrsn akes the nervesashaikoraoryvbtednrele aea ra in watches and jewelery. Tell themn to the features of the individual wearer. Al fittmg what you wantil and they will send it by ese. Rich, red blood makres the evs ' assortment, one syei hw guaanted r mne reundd·1e sal beplesedto av mail anywheýre in Canada. strong and bamshles all nerve troubles. gaaraneeBurns &erConetheWewell knownesedbootavan o medicinein the world can equal in this cut. Nowiste im you call. aboi dealers, advertised in this journal D.Wlim igPlsa lo last Veair with satisfactory results and builder and nerve toute; every doue to buy, a00 have entered on a new contraet which helps to make rich red blood. and ev- shows their faith in TH sTATEsMAN. ery drop of this new blood feeds and RO D , A I CH LL\1 People in DalntnWest, south and strengthens the nerves and banishes all à"1 OêW uorth. west Cartwright and East Whit- nerve achez and pains. Among those 1&-ia r- t;C a n dO Sr Cýhemists. Druggists and Opticians. by deal in Osbawa and tnis paper goes who ofer otrong proof of this in Mr. intother hmes.It as r Buns ohnMcDermott, Bond Head, Ont., Phona 91 Bowmanville. who persuaded F -LJelt Bros to advertise who Baye: "A few years ago while gpresou eWarre oW eli .Wehv EYES TESTED FREEwith us, so if-itpays them to use our working as a carpenter In Buffalo I got every size in stock now in all the best sel] vrete columnsit sol pay others Advertis- wet. 1 neglected to change my clotheaOu osr i nal alOrow -ip t ing properly done always pays, and next morning 1 awolte with cramps Orhieyi eryaloron iprigadvr OLINA. apalns throughout my entire body special values., It Will pay you to buy unr Wa n A_1.6osn,>o-GinrIsa hI a doctor. I followed Il treatment, but hosiery for men, Wornen, boys and girls from u l n wle=, M iii 'Il" DON'T TRiUsT To LUcK-Even if there It did not help me. An I was unable AB R Isaac Sharp, ex-Governor. of K=aassa1i such a thing as luck you. cannot afford to work I returned to my home at Bond neW st0ock. soi In a letter from 1227 I street, N.E.LWadh- to trust to it in case of sickness, You Head. Here I consulted a doctor who g . gon, D C.,write: gAT Ss e know by the explerience of others that satid I was suffering from nouralgia, but "I can earnestl rcomed or Dr Chase's 'Nerve Food actually forms though lhe treated me for some time,he rnaas an ex-cellent 1onf, It new blood and tissue and revitalizes the also failed to help me. Ihdoten Overcoats an d R am coats reputatonl as a M"re fr catarrh M nervsand by using it rearl you read of of Dr. Williams' Pink Pille, so fmy establ/shed by Myitenmds , wàs can be certain thbat your system is being decIded to try thae. I had not used cul 1 febar* been benefited by Its nad, srâ built up and that weakness and disease more than three boxes before I felt Are in great demand just knoW thepuble should know clts ra-à are being overcomhrdArue Cn.Iey were helping me.anFro ethat on and We Were never better able to -. ~e-ryrPoi isr1itYmn nry agesv e bea nc rt i gai r. used some ten boxes I had fully recov- suppDly our customers wants. We "Pleruna1havousedinmyfamilyet& under the auspices of the Division of sne eb enuable to strengat m rande aea m es te n elsr snecSi c an recommend lit as an ex- the Sons of Temperance here Friday totsu trbl.TepisadYU lfn u tck ndv usth Biest Mlarket price paid for an qaniy n enmearP nigbt was a dePýcidAd sneceliss.Teot ihu n ru. The panonnouwltidou-tc ndvle h If jUyou, do noit derive prompt asatis- sW. ide talent who assiste d were Missesac es In onetorIthre aDI. Wstinlol-D of Barle y an d Oats delivere dat the Caledonia faitor euits from the use frrnRuase #4and r Tas au!aMr' Pink P la anivaual elen write at once to Dr. Rartman, gving a6 Miss Slemon of Haydon; Mr. C. Powell, and all aaysa have a good word to t p e 'y G o 4- s, Bo W man % iil e.unStat®m"et of -,Our euse and ho à Oshawa; MisGilber t. Enniskillen;- Miss dmy for the 1 rota p LiDr U Go dS be please to give you lis valuable ad- Glaspell, Taunton; Misses McCulloch, Neuralgia, sciatia rheunmatismn, St. vice gratta.. and ýEý Wotten, Enfield. The Zobo 'tus dance, and the many other blood d) N MA KAY Lddress Dr. Hartman, President of band played a few selections and with and nerve troubles all vanish when Dr. We are showmgZ almost every line JOH MA K MY i rmited. The Hart mansntarium, Columbo%,Ô recitations from Miss Nesbitt, Misses Williams' Pink Pille are used-hut you todl1 Lena and Ed-na Taylor and Mr. B. G. must get the genuine bari the full a l prices--We alWaVs lead i 49 ~~ Ar. i OL IANDM an age r. DISPICABLE JOURNALISM. The dialogue waecltrendereh airman name eorplli e heam ner around auS-fyuWn Xr ausi A.- el il 10 LAKî- also the chorus. There was not a poor every box. sold by druLygists or direct dry goods. For Carpets, Oileloths Baa..-temtbat tStw ines Rvoke partwere enertaned lt lunchoe ain aa b t ntThboxDr. illias' Linoleums, etc. go to the direct im- mut inRBowmanville during thenprogress wards. The Hall has been newly NIdicline Co., Brcekville, Ont.i of ameetingheld by Mr. Game¯y in painted andtlhestageblas baen remod e* porters. G d k U that town Here is the scare heading led and ainew up-to-date drop curtain O whch he oroto orl pus oerlhebas been put up. new blinds, ete. Pro- ORoNo. cie t:eTrnoWrd uso h ceeds $21 50... Mr. J W. Brooks sold-- "éFIRE BUGS FOUGHT GAMEY snteam to M 1r, .Wllasoefr ahad- Mr.John Davey Io expected home Egi( Peec H H PP T O G T g M TO BREAK UP H IS MEE TING" "oe e r .Bkra- i this week from the North West. posed Î ontýMr, Archie McConnachle, we regret Because they know tha u is the best kitcheni rangce Madei Fires Set at opposet Ends of Pow to learn-,isaonthé.sick list. manville in Vain Efforts to Draw T8NOHER on r G Carvth, lq., isvistn.hs OT 90GGTO EDMONTON. m - ~~~~~~~~~~Audience Away From MansoD.GH.arthmtectyHA ON From Mantoulin.Mrs. Stevens and son, of Toronto, --- Wevetre osay tha te eloes I osn'elp a sick baby any fi2 give vlsited at Mr. R Werry's this week. When we told the public that we int Wire fence has beenptprudth Å of A~~~ericnturn s aittwou ld shame do sotg rgsOFh cnrrMrs. Ro'ot. sherin, of Harwood, in tend leaving Bowmanville for the 'wes school ground....Mrs onWr ti of doing what the World has done." i esn ay's chance of recovery. visiting hier father, Mr. R. Hughson. w en tbta ' ebs in fvstn e ahri ihgn .r If your little ones show any signls of be. Mr. Norman Lapp, Holly, Michmcea'enggataleousiJhnRnadfml.Trooomr The British Whig's Newburgh de- ing nwellpromptly give Baby's own visited hie Bluter, Mrs. J. A. Jeroeno exception to the general rule, so we residents, are movinint h os A spatch says: Mr. Geo. A. A.ylesworth Tablets and sese how speedily they will last week, reai re sil mBomnveiln exp W e orndbyTr.tJa s A tn..ism b brother of Hon. A. B. Aylesworth, has be bright, cheerful well and happ5. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Cann, Bowman- rmaing htere indefipsnitl.We anre.rd, ClToront, ivstn epant grone to, assist the latter in is meetings This medici ne is sold under a guarantee ville, vIsIted lher sistere, the Mtsses aing eol a. hl better phtorapa ow tnhere... M vr. Carepot aafle in Dur ham. As a political speaker Geo. that it contiains no poisonou scsothing CovieSundayever, people say. Whatisfbetr for a he pli eyacpal ud TA, has few equals in this district, is stuff, or hurtful drug, and it cures ail Mea ,BoB rG7., n rXmAL.o abiftet hnonof ps our hadsoe$10RW - clear, logical arguments going directly the little ills ot babyhood and childhood- B arow.,ofrowmn Brls., vatd tMr.t L. ovacbiet ouChta photoNws the$0REtAD-$0 hou e ofth grevalue sitahenewMr@ays.:I"BAstiOn ablentsojStW. Foster'sSunday last.' en. Come early. We have a fine line The readers of this paewlie»eedo caolbneof minis etoter.ewhaat:vey ohrn eds when her Mrs. Richard Morton 1and sisterissof real oat frames the latest thing for iearn that there is at leas n acddies Durin eigt yeas prcedig thelitte one arecuttng thir teth.Cassis HaUlett, are visiting their broth- holding oe two or more cabinet nIa e oeri r fall of t hConerativ dn te W hen my litýtle one cries I give him aor, Mr. Jas. Hallet, Toronto. Photos. Call to let us show ht o ue i;an th onl potvcuekonoth govrnmntTablet and it helps him at once Visitors at Mr John Rickaby's on you. TAIr & CO,.Potgapes ictal fraterity Crrheiga osi a reut aexors o Cnaa ttaleMothers who use the Tablets will have sonday were G. P. Breckm, of Toron.-opostenewPos Oices Catarrh fein aei Î' \ Lberl ovenmnt ha foloed heno trouble fwith their babis"Baby'sto; Mr. and Mrn. E Uetorn and Mrr...fatin hiectlyupnthe to n uossr it algvenen h lodteOwn Tablets are sold by aillmedicine Robt. Fieligand Miss Fielding, of Safha sa igsigad ob- datisof te saseteeydsrynh - 3 782, ran iexre ehave riseS3ito dealers or cýan be had by mail at 15e a Bowmanville ' stinate disease, unfortunately frequent st oft uid sas ,tip 000.000 in eaight eas, ofanvera ox , b iwr ti theDr. illiams' Medi- Last Sunday evening Misa B. Fsater inech.dene he e r atreatment ai ntgre t ing k.Ter - elose upon forty mbloou a year.OFarmgave a very lnteresting report of the eru plication of Weaver's Cer:ate powers that they oirer OneHmr Doarfr ers, vote for A.Yleswort and helpt SKLE convention held in Toromto, which was tersn wil e ld ocernthse tsat it faiils to cr.sedfr ito contue te god wrk.grEatly appr3ci-atel by ait. - Dr. Herbert Carvethi, son of Dr. Sol byrugs am•C. Tldo Goon DiGssTioN---If you cean keep' Mr. J. W, W1illiamsle was largely George Carveth, has been appointed' BLACKSTOOK· Take Hfa 3FamiyPUIlS frCntto your digestive system in proper cou- attenaýed and good prices realized.... mosraorofaatmye dition the body will be weillnourished Mr Roger Beacock, Blackstock, l i àCler ssenl thdemoNr atiof nto r at --or anes aera F 0R and sou need have little fear of disease. for Mr F W., Lee.... Rally league f ornellu a, thaca, . Yaditnto Mr.ing haomourtharess CmakerchaslE OATE SALE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~By regulating the kidneys. !iver and meeting Fridav evening Capt. Franlkifroyugamec.mvdmtrosinheodC mria SALE ~~~bowels Dr. Chase's Kidney.Liver Pills Maple Grov;e, Mr F. R. Foley, Bow. ¡lI an apple pickina content Tuesday, Hotel. Mr. Albert Marlow occupies theMrA.. oel Bye H s D.ý11t n ensure healthful condition of the organs manvile, Pand Miss Robinson, .Mount forawer, of $50,tetiplek ers n house acauted by ringham....i M. A oweli agetn i of digestion and for this reason are in. Vernon are expected . ..Mr. R. Taylor,.Dde' anare opikoehn r. Brb urntailriserecerParing sugr ees.Gi diseableas a fainl mdcine, Hampton, very ably took charge of dred barreis in ten hours. The picking ifrohinteS....r.uerbrtFairrMillr'stt G JrypPder:Cue Sl MISS MABEL A. TAIT, jAt i'Tme SmANoffce advertise Sunday evening service. Hope to have took place in Mr. Jonas Samle' orchard. nd Mth s. L ouis ar..,bya MSot Ju rayrugs. 1-OLD MEDALIST-and Fellow of ments are taken for ait city papers, H AMPTON. the pleasure of hearing himaai... 3rd con., and they succeeded in pot ting ger. and Mrs.Alent boper aeb MrsJ. S. Bradllyei recovering from Trn to leofMsa nd late rga daily and weekly, lat lowest rates. We....isitors:-MNrs. F. W Lee. in Toronto; op 104 barrels in the allot ted time, bs of htrthe nderwood business ln hr reetplle ss.u lidChh, Torotororepred o tkeSt. imtedt anofte sav mor afrdavertser.bTeiHapto BrachnftthWoen' rnad Ma.rWeRobin Toonto mainga reordthatwil be ardto enda Re. R Phi dR.I'in eopl shuldaakeMillr'sUrm ir o a , Tororooat rhe home of Mrs George Kerslake. r.tv al er osk Torfzra We heartily congramulate Mr. andfingeof Presb ter r. at eWhitby . . druggists. ai11yt' a u wa 61 racx.w0 ayOde lusa O r., single fare for o d d co about it? lO S X T . Alknso am Ipeet o a who lave also used theal trip between ai! etations -in Cnarar dïtr 2ad ic atkeM.T Akn sC hSS l ers , n, or erto ak ro mn leLýriis s lead ee loth Fm usprnunin heàaheals, strengthens, prevents. Ms d .Aln om nie a FluI3ry p1-ws,1a ha m ,ao Fa nils, p' ex cnt h= e ai c. g ggg ,g Fer 4o years r have dppnded on Ayer-s be VstnghrauntMr.W BA r g gIcu aor ndBodes 3 erise c ntipated I find c h.erry rectoral for conga and oi. 1. • R. BANASY one p1ll sufficient to set, GLM N SEEEor ea teghn wa ng. Ms ,H erce hsbelvstn JAs G.BtJ n , )mtcon. 48-3w* rne rght, ada m neve!rwithout a box Of thes •^O WC DLL AIL ,YucnNs..a ois saline, Mich. Ms onH orel Slnwoi One ent o 5ts • • . ta boue1 coniî der theým the bes2 oisi ihsttoAUoveî oieta er I Just ato 5teaspoonfulLE Nof1PeYrry Davis' nediine îeer used." towed at Chi&cg, Detroit anditrmdae mf.ae or -- - - A Nagr ou -g-a gPankile i w rm atr r ilk tko .Dr. Chase'ýs KdnyLerPlls.one pill a do)se, Cnda ttonagniog d a te n aser exosure o colaor wet ai qui'- z., centsa oox, al deaers, Thýe portrait qand·· . - n wr - Tben th3e circulation and tu reent a 1. signature of Dr. A.W Chstefmu Fo TiktIlurad eatean- wthA e'sL gBaa ,whc r- a chill. There is but one Painkill~ receipt book author, are on. every box. fllnomtocll on STýjrL1 & JURyj,ne shadb atigpannteces Dai and ashce, lumbago and rhu.-matisà ®n e ivrad"uadreov 0 othe ,children.

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