Make their recipients think of the donr, many trnes a day and ever y Useful, or namental, inexpensive, durable. We liandile the best Pen, and it has given excellent satisfaction. Pens cati be exchanged if the points are not to suit. Nothiing nicer for Xmas. Stott & JuryT' The Druggist and Optician. Eyesight carefully examined free. Git rushes Beautiful backs and bristies that "stay in" as lonag as there is any brush. Many different kinds, to clioos Iro m-at as rnany different prices. Special values. Brushes that will always be a pleasani re- minder of the giver. Think of Mrs. R, Crago spent Thanksgiviî'g iu Toronto. Dr. J. S Somers, Torouto, spent Sun- day ai home, Dr. Garnet M. Trewin, Oshawa, was home Suuday. Mr. Gardon Souch has gone ta Medic-~ lue Hat, N W. T. Mrs, Charles Cox îoceutly visited friends in Toronto. Mis. Hyland, Toronto, is guesi ai Mr. W, B. Cauch'd. MissMaud Power spent Thanksg-iving with iriends in Oshawa. Miss Winuie Barr. Cobourg, was guest of Miss Norma Couch. Miss Booth bas been appointeti Mat rau of The Home for the Aged. t Miss Miidred Grigg visiteti Miss Ida Trewin, Greenbank, Tbanksgiving. Mr, J. T. Nunu, Coîborne, visiteti bis mather, Mrs. Mars Nunu, Sunday. Mrs.John dolwilI spent Thanksziving witb ber sou Mr. W. J. Col wil, Toronto. 11ev. B. H. Haytien, M. A., iook part lu Tbauksgiving services ai Buffalo, N. Mr. Wm. Fouud spent Tbanksgiving with his brother Mr. F. Found, Peter- boro. Mr. andi Mrs. C. W. Souch, Mt. Ver- non, were Suuday guesis oa, Mr. S. E. l Souch.a Mr. Thos. Stacei, Bluvale, speni, Thanksgiviug with bis brotbeî,Mr, Johnf Stacey. r Miss Agnes Mearns, TorontoW"" Thanksgiving guest ai Miss Kate Dustan t Miss Jenulo McLean spent TVhurs:day with her sister Miss Lillie McLean,a Oshawa. i Miss Hilda Logan of -The Ever greens," Salemn, spent Thauksgivlng lu Toronto.V Mr. 1H J. Hoaper af The Watchman-C Waîder, spont Thanksgiving ai Mr. J. T. Hoopeî's.F Mis. John anti Mies Hoskin speut si Thanksgiving with bon sisten Mis. f Cotton, Toronto. Mr. R. R. Loscombe was a, palli . -J Grand Trunk Railwav Svstem. RAILWAY TIME TABLE. GoING E'Â5T. GOING WEST Mail ......... 9 20A. in.1 Express ..,5,02 a. m 11, rem ...10 10 m 1L 7'.... 57 Mc ****.* 39 p.m. 1 Fusenger..1 36 P. m, Moal .... 6 49 p.m. 1 Mixed... 7 23 Mal10 24p.m. Express.*1140 OnlY. Tickets to ertî%in points sold ln accordane with special h iday rates announned in another coiomn will not be honored on trains Nos. 1 or 4. STOTT & JUTRY. Town Agentig BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 23, 1904. Gloves and Mitts at Eicholi&'. Foiey's for Stub Proof Rubbers. Read Luka Bras'. advt. ibis week. ---ukeBras',hawa,Harth-Rugs arE correct. -Pins, Naedies, Brushes and Combs ai Nicholls'. You get 301 for coughs at âlitchell's Drug Store. V Try a boai of home made bread ai Luitrell's., Miss Lena Jarvis. Toronto, was home Thanksgiving., Advertising season is on as oui columus testify. Take Mitcheli's Emulsion of Cod Liver-it's good. e Ladies will profit by reading recipes on an inside page. Try a cup of Hot Bovril, Beef Taa or Cocoa ai 'hos Tod's. Mr. C. C. Tambl'vu, Coiborue, spent Thanksgiving at home. See Luke Bras', large assorimeni of Xmas Furniture, Oshawa. You willho sorry if you can't hear 11ev. W. Beaitie's lecture. ILeave Your orders with T. H. Knigbt for fresh fish ever v Friday. Trv tho Home-made MapîeCream and Peanut Crisp ai Tnos. rLodsd Read Cawker & Tai's advt. If you are not already a- customer, start n0w. Business mon who don't adv6rtise miss the very besi means ai secuning trade. M A. James is Governmont issuor ai Marriage Licenses for Durham Couniv. Sc aur large uine ai stoveE; whicb we are offering ai very close priées J. B. Martyn. Everybody read article on medicinal praperties of butter, It is good for con- sumptives. Lei us book yaur order for putting up your slave. sto-ve ffipes, etc., before the rush. J B. Martyn The now îles and hais are in ai The Mason Co's. Seethemthevery newest aud best lu the market. Send TnE: STATISMAN ta vour absent .riends. $150 payvsfor.jour owuandia aew subscriptiau for 1905. Engiisb Liuoleums lu ail widths aI The Mason Co'sq, direct importations and thoy are woaderful values. Men's Pur Coats andi Pur lineti Coats and Ladies' Fur lined Capes in ail quai- ies ai Couch,Johnston & Cryderman's. Our Overcoals ai $7 50, ?10 00, $12 50, $18.50 and $16 50 are we beleve the besi raine ini Canada Couch, Johnston & Jrvdermau. Mrs M Hemn andi Gertrude, Mrs J. HI Marris and Miss A. L. Armour, pont Thanksgiving hoiidays with friends In Toronto. Fifty doses for a quarter! The best of ail tonies. Miller's Compound lIon, rwhich is srnooth tea ùliostly to be umtion specially to rVe prid e oui selves (d blendiug of teas cel ,safe ini rcom, stidious. the very choicest ýs and noune seli business principlesj 3anid bi'iug yourj athe best prices itantly on Uand. :Z Stott & Jury, The Druggists and Opticians. 1Spectacles, Optîcal Uoods. Before select ing eye-glasses or spectacles let us make a thorougli zxamination oI your exact require. ments. We do this wiihout charge to you. We will recommend tho particular glass-saitable to your eyeýs and you can decide as 'to the frarne you may prefer. We have many kinds ta choose from.- Treat -orel o a new pair for Xmnas. Special values in solid gold and ,go1d filled or rimless. 'Stott Ô& Jury, The Druggists and 9.pticiaLns. Miss Maggie C. Joiliffe, Haveiock, and Miss Jdithi Mcduliaugh, Ontario Ladies' Cailege, Whithy, were Thanks. gi'zirg, guesis aof11ev. anti Mrs. T. W. Jolliffe. Mr. Jacob Raudail, tiied Nov, l2th, ai histhome lu Jefferson, Ohio. Ris tiaugh., ter !da accompanied the romains ta Dexter, N. Y, where the interment took place. English mail jusita haxnd tolls af pick. ing primnases, siîawberrios, oic, so summerlike bas been tbe weaiher ihrough October A water famine ie tbreatened at Bidtiford Mis W H Heilvar anti daughters Fanny and Aîay ai Clinton who have beon visitlng at Mr John Helivar's, re- turneti homo Weduesdav accompanîod hy Miss Eva Uellyar who speut Thauks- giving tbere. Ail intelligent, reliableoeople who are seeking an ativaniageous, change, or thoa who are idie andi want work wiil accompiish their purpose hy wîiting Marshall & Co, tea importons, London, ,Oni.; outtilt f urnisheti. Wo believe the lecture on Egypi and Palestine by Rev W Beattie af Cobourg wiil ho woîthy of the preseuce of every citizen It has heen mach praised where givon, Don'i miss bearing il on Monday noxt lu Si Paui's church. Rev,Dr.Pascoe, Hamilton, will preacb ai the Thank.offering services iu thse Metho6disi Church Sunday Dec. 4. Srpecial music is being preparoti by the choir. A tbank-offrirg ots$1000is asked by the Boardi. Ail wili be welcome. The Ladies of St. J atns' chureb will bave a sale af useful aud fancy artieies, suitable for Christmas presenis, the firsi weekin Decemnber. Oysiers, coffeo and other refreshinenis will ho serveti during the alternocon anti evening-, Particulars later. Suuday lasi 11ev D 0 Crosslev proach- eti anniversary sermons ai Janeivilie Insteati af the usual fowi suppen ihey triet he Bowmanviîle p'an of a Thauk- aitering The congregalion was asked for 8100 andi the response was $125 Weil doue, Janeiville -Soie Tbroat eand Coujgha A siIple, effective and Safe reweday for al irua4 irr;tationisis found lu CresoloeoAà%tlseptîc Te.bIeis They comsinc the gerniicidal value of Ceolencewith tbe sooubing properties 01 Shippery ehnm adlizorice. 10c, AUl Drugg ts 40 Iu tbite mÏornung--Mr. Crossie - gave a] very beipful and inspiring sermon. lu the evening ho gave a sang service whichi was enjoyed by bis many fientis. The filanciai roturns ai ihe'day were very encauraging,-Napatnee Bea ver. The Bawmanviibe Higb Schaol Foot- ba!l leam succeodet inh defoatiig the Newcuslle High Schooi on iheir return match bore Satur 'ay afternoon. The gamne was verv chose andi inieîesting ibroughout. No goals weîe scaret inl ,he firsi hall. the aniy goal was scoreti noar the end af the gaine by Brown of the Bawmanviile team b-; a scrimmage in front of Newcastle goal. Mr. Evan H. McLean, Barrister. Newcastle, refer- eed the gamo ta the satisfaction ai bath teamas What bas happened ta the weaiher lu the I'Sunny South"? Mis. James eu route ta New York City, wites ihat she awoke Thanksgiviug morniug lu Ponnsylvania ta find '*thea graunti caver- ed with suow sevenal juches tieep-much mare wintry lookiîig iban Canada was when I lof. Reacbing New York ai 10.30 a. mn I fountithe people waiting la the deoaibine with the colti. It was saiti ta ho the coldesi moîuing of the season." Tweivo loches ai snow feulu the Eastern States last week. Here li Canada ai ibis date (Nov. 19) we baveI nat hati a fiurry ai the "beautiful'* yet. Another aftour bigbly esteemeti young ladies bas beon callod ta bier neward iu the persan af Miss 'Liilie May Patter, oltiesi daugbier ai Mr, John Potier.- She bas been aiing for quite a long turne from that dreati disease cansump- tian andt tough she bravely faught it ai home anti for saine mouts with ber aunt, Mrs. Gea. Herrîngton ai Edviiie, it was alin vain. The suent messonger came ta her relief last Saturday main- ing when she posseti quietiv awav, Mis.s Patter was ai a veîy bigbt cheer- lut disposition anti was a favorite amoug bier campanians anti frientis. Sho was a member o! tbe Methodist Choir, a teazher lu the Sunday School antianu active League woîker as long as strength peimittei. Ilier home she has filiedti te place of moiher anti daughieî for severai years, lier motbeî having dieti wbeu the famiiy wero quite vouing. The fuerai, which waa pivate, 100k plae Montiay aitornoan ta Bowmauville ceLmeterv. Rier faiher, two brothers Messrs. Geo. anti Sheýr- wood Patter mouru the bo,-t et a love P Among the Japan-ese couttipatian is almost unknowii. il wouid ho equaîly unknown in Canada if oVery" body used Vito Laxative Fruit Pis, Natures remedy, campased -of horbs, barks and fruits.- R. Md, Mitchell & do. druggists, keeps them in stock; price 25 cents, 11ev. T, W. Jollilfe preached two able and heIpfuli sermons Suaday in the Methodisi cniurch. IRe seems ta have recovered from bis lasi year's ilinesa and preaabed with his aid lime vigor. Ho is one of the besi preachers lu this Conference and ba', given excellent satisfaction as a Drastor wherever he has labared. Bis many friends will ho glad ta hear of his recover, WAs CURED 0 5XtI-Ifirsi used Dr. Chase's Svrtp oA Linseed and Turpentine witih mly daun-hter who sufferd from a severe faim of asthma. Tihe loasi exposure tu cold would iay her up and she wauld noarlv suffocate7 for want af breatb. 1 must sav 1 faund if ta ho a mosi saiisfactary tr3aiment aud it bas entirely cured her."7-Mrs. A. A. VanBuskiî k, Robin son Street, Moncton, N B. St Paul's Anniversary an Sanda3, j Nov. 27. 11ev. Wm. Eeattie, B. A., of St. Andrew's Cburch, Cobourly, will~ preach narning and evening Special musie by the choir. Mondav N w. 28th, a St. An.lrew's Supper NwiIl h served in the School Roam from6 lu ý)8 p.rnb,,; the Ladies Aid, assisted ýy fthe 3young mon of the _cangregation)e. A Lecture on Egy pi and Palestine will bu given lu the Church ai 8 o'clnek by Rev Mr,' Beattie. Suprper and Lecture 25 cents, A 2e p COLDS, CR-OUP. A >0U.Boe ale .Hay Cold .4 01.00 fiptiie for a Dep.seaied Cough. Sold, by ail Drugglets. 3MARlED. LPT-Hm&NN-SWEET-Iii Toronito on Thauks- eiving Day. Nov. 17. lu St. Thomas Chureb, by 11ev. H. MeOauslaiid, Mr. Charles Lehmjann and Miss Mande Sweetboth ofToron 10. DIED. PYE-In Enniskillen, Nov. 21, Annie Maud, y onngesî daughier of Mr. James J'ye, aged 40 years. GHASTEaILDn-mLIn BOwmanville, Nov. 16th, Stephen Chesterfield, aged 77 years. POWLL-In Cobourg, Nov. 12, Elvira D., reliet of tne late 0. W. Powell, inulber 84th year. REESOR-At Brandon, Man , Nov. 8. Lulu H. Campbell, beloved wlfe of D. A. Reesor and eldest daugbter of B. F. Campbell, Brooklil. MeDERMD-In Duniroon, near Colingwoid. November 16, A11eeidest daughter of Neil and Elizabeth McDermid aged 2.5 years. Sister of Mr. J. W. Mcflermid, druggist, Bowmanville. Qt NPwpoai-In Whitty. f u Nov. 6, Elizabeth Caroline reliet of tbe late John Newport, aged 87 years, HATcH-1I- Whltby, Nov. 8, Jane Mowbray, beloved wife of F. WV. Hatel,, aged 40 years. F A RNIFOR SA LE-1763 acres for sale being part of tbe James Shand estate. composed of parts of lois 13 and 14, iu the Ith and Sth concessions, Whitby. Apply te Jàs. A. BURNS, Raglan, or JOUE SÂDLER, Col- umbus. 48 If. iMISS MABEL A. TAIT, BOWMANVILLE. -o0- ACCOMPÀNISI' AND PIANO SOLOIS1O' Concert Engagements Accepted. DONALD G. X1. GALBRAITH. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. 0f. fice opposite J. B. Martyn's store, King St., Bowmanivllle.2-t We wilI buy any quantity Of No. I Winter App:es-free frorn frost a n d delivered at our fruit house. If you have good stock bring it in. Cadi at West End flouse. This week we wiII sou ail oS Our Salisbury flannel wrappers worth $1,35 $1.50 & 1.7,5 for $ ~ LadilesCo*ai Taîlo nQae SIrtsà It îis cneeded t1iat wve have t' e nms;t perfect fittiar, b8st fiin. ished and stylish coats and sk rts shown in Bowmaanville, S-e them lienl's &-,Boys' Ovfercots and read., to wear Suits High Class in style and workmanship at lowest possible prices Gents Fnirnîeshîngls This department is equal to t ie best City Estis ihment, Th, very lateat up-to-date goods oniy kept in stock. Jiext door to Standard bnk owmnani'11e GILIEFLURI L ~Lxrn>,on h F. M. Souch wants al accounts peid Mr Fned Mitchell spent San day 1, at once Lindsay. f.~¶ LII,,I II u We guarantee stsato to ail who Mr Bart Farr spent Thanksgiving at leave taeir ordeýrs foriothing with usý his home in Newmarket. 1-1 CO1Lh, Johston& CydemanMiss Ida Richards spent the holida s Linoleums up to four yards wide. with friends in Toronto. Imported direct from the makers at Mr Carke Bennett spent Thanksgiv- Couch, Johuston & Cryderman's. ing with friends in Oshawa. --.~s z Cali to sec the Fur coats, caps, caper- Mr. Wm Chaplin, draughtsman, To- !nes, ruff8, mufsgtes, etc,, at M. route, spent Sunday ai home. A Tea that lias a flavou] Mayer's Fur Store, 1Bowmnanville M avr asina ui lnoofstffnd Mr. n r John Stacev and sous and pure is the kind of at fedovrahasapsfusl sirots, ciffars,@peit Thaiksgi-ving in Oshawa desired. We ask your attei socksandunderweamr. CaIltoseethem. The Misses Skitch, Port Hope, were this branch of our business.V Sable Ruifs and Boas luinaIl sizes, the i guests of their cousin Mr, A K Skitel l h crfhyseeto n very f nest qualitv that money can pro- Mrn. H Jeffery is visitng at Mr W J ute arflyslcon a cure at Couch, Johusto-n & Crvderman's. Ormfiston's, "Robin Hill Farm," Enfiel.1 and îif te r testingý the sa tue feE Dress goods in aIl Che newest colors ý Mrs ES Meath gave an At Home Wed.~ mnio hmt h ns a and materials anid ladies' suitings of ail nesday afternoon to a large number of medn hmt h otfs kinds just received i Couch, Johnston 'f,îends We keep a fullli nc of t! & Cryderman's. Miiler's Compound Iran PuIs. only 25 The oven of the Pan dora is ventilated, cents for 50 doses. SoId by Stott & Jury groceries the mnarket affoi7d large, fitted with thermometer, lined druggists. ~ cheaper. W'e do business ont with sbeet steel and a uniforma baker. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cryderman and an h2ubiZieou nto For sale oniy by J. M. Martvn. son Fred spent the hoiidays with nlam - an th pblcieou'uth Ladies' Fur Coats in Astrakan, Bok !Ilion friends. haran, French Seal and Persian Lamb. Mr and Mrs John MoUilli, Toronto, Farmers corne ana see us Fine gooda and no bettkr value any- were guests of her mother Mrs R Win- 2:- produce. WVe will give you where Couch, Johnsîotn &Cryderman. datt, Thanksgiving gig If you have any fursth1aLneed aîerinL3. Mr. J. W. McDerusid. Toronto. was «>_~ or repairing, now is thne time to have in town Wednesday Icoking after his Ma Oysters and Haddie Const themn doue, before the busv season branch drng store herecW staris. M. Mayer, Fi4rrier, 'Bowman- Mr Neil MacDonald, Toronto, and \/4 J F' ville. Mr John MacDonald, Blackstock, were ' ' See the Pandora Range. If you do home for Th inksoivinz. not reoirea ra-Sp nn.Qfnt hit -A------ J- «.