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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Nov 1904, p. 8

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'HIAPPY AND IIEALTIIYO A I3eautiful Canadian Girl Saved From Catarrh. of the Lumgs by Pe-ru-na. = MSS FLOIRNCEKNR Miss Florence E. Ken ah, 431 Maria street, Qttawa, Ont., writeà: adA few months ago I caught a severe cold, whIch settled au My lungs and reînained ti2ere so persistently that 1 became alarmed& took medlcine itheut benefit, until my digesive organszbecamo vpset, and mny head s~nd back began to ache severely and freqaenly - I was advised to try Peruna, and although I had fittiefald # f-eit so sick that I was ready to try anything. It brought me blessed relief at once, and I feit that I had the right medicine at Iast, Wthia three weeks 1 was completely restored and have enjoyed periecj health sInce. 1I now have the greatest faith ln Peruna." R B. KENAH.' W OMEN-'shouid beware of contract-1 bought a- bottie -te try. -I- arn plensedl ing catarrh, The cold wind and that I did, for it brought speedy rellef, raJ.n, slush and in-ad -of winter are espe- It only- took about two bottleéý and I clally conducive ta catarrhal derange- considered this money well spent. ments. Fiew wornen escape.,41You have a flrm friend in me, and 1 IJpon the first symptomns of catching flot only acivise its use ta lny friends, but cold I'oeuna should bo taken. It forti- have purchsed several bottles ta givo te fI« the ystern gainst colds and ca- those without the means to buy, anct tarrb. have noticed without exception tlsatfIt The. foflawing letter gives one young has brought about a speedy cure 'where- wehian'a exporience with Peruna: ever it Las been used." - MisaBose ,Miss Rlose Gerbing is a popular society Gerbing. -Woman-of Cravrn -oit,-Intand-bshe- If-yoir do-not-deriv'e proýmptmdsali s 'WrItes the foiiOTing: factory restdts from the use of Peruwa, 44Recently i1 took a long drive in thae write at once ta Dr. Hartrnan, givlng a country, and becbg too thinly clad 1 full staternent of yonr case and ho 'wI canght a bad cold which settied on my bc pleased te give you lis valuable adt- lungs, and which I could not seem ta vice gratis. shako off. 1 bad heard a great deal of Address Dr. Hartman, Plresident £cu Qafr coids aild cataxris and 1 Thee nartinau Sanitariuraï Colunabus,0 Wtc ~rn J4azel Io iaral-Ing its way inito neailý every home in this, com- mnnity be cause of the virtue it contairîs to, cure Cliapped Rands, Chafed and Scaled 5kin, Sait Rlieai and to reniove Tan and PiInples., A Lady '8 Toilet îs flot eompicte withont it. Barbers pronounce 1V EEFECTIONý, Manufaetuycd and sold byL, Chernists, Druggists and Optichtns. Phona 92. Bornavilie EYES TESTED FREE. Bu~ gig6ly THE HAPPY THOUCHI sés ful Bec-aUSe they know that it is the best kitchen range Made. DURHAM DISTRICT DIVISION. Durham District Division wilh be lc a Mounat Carswell on Tuesdav Nov. 29, Openiag session atI o a mu. A puhi:( meeting will hbclield in eveuing ta whicl ail are iaviîed. *MARK MUNDAX'. JR., N C RUNDLE, D WP D Scribe iKBWTQ9 VILLE, Mrs. Pcacock, Millbrook, visited at Mr.J1. Reid's neceaîly. .. .Miss Wade, Granby, at Mns. Lancaste's,.... MisE Tucker bas retunneci la Tarante af te. spendiag a few maontha witli ler sister Mns S. Woo.... .Mr. W. Laue lias li proved bis resid suce hv raisiag il and puttling a verandali arnud il .... MisE Canais h visiled la Oroao recently. . .Mr. Carwandiac visited in Tononto .. .. Mn. 1W C. Frank, Mapie Grave, anmd Mn. F, TiHancock spoke on Epworth Leagues ai Wednesday week. Hope la havea Lcague liere.. . .Mn. J. Slaplcton haE mov cdintoithe village. Mn. T. Stapîsý ton lias movet) mb bhis bouse... Mn. amd Mna John Piper spent Tlianksgiviag in Torntuo. Visitons: . id Mna, (Dr) Moone and family, Meaford, wilh ibein ister Mrs. i(Rev,) Snowdon; 1'irs. (Dr.) Trebilcock and) daughier Marjorie lu Toroato; Miss Mary Virtue anmd niece Madellue, Toron- ta, ai hume; Misa Lauxa Rauton, Have- loch-, at hame; Mrs WN H. M artiu lu Te- ronto; Mn W'- M. Wr.tteu 'in Toronto; Miss Ida Hockiu in Bowmaavillc; Mr. WV m. Ni aroney, wilc and) family, Taranto, wilb bis mother v,,ho la vcny iii; Miss H. Kunzinger. Toronto, aI Mn. C. Pascoe's; M iss 'mN ebber, Bowmnaviile, at Mn. W. H- Hening's; Mns Hane and son St. Catharines, aI Mn. J. J Virtue's; Mn. David Fennis, Lin'dsay, with aid fiends; Miss Amuie Bell, Oshawa, ai home; Mn. Nathan Bycra. Pont Penny, atMn. C, J Moumtjoy's; Miss G. Hamris, Hampton, aI Mn T B. Hoidge's. The svmpatliy of ilie viliagens la ex- Icnded ta Mrs. C. Stewart la the deail of lier mother at Darlinglen simd 10 Mn las Pe aud family on tbc death ai his daughlen Amuie afier a long simd painful llucas The fumerai takes place 1hs atterneon ta Bowmanviile cemctery, I4OVEMBER WEDDING. HANeOsN-FLEaCING. A quiet wedding took place Tuesday Nov. 8th ai 2 o'cloek at the nesidence af Mrs Jamnes Fleminz, Cetisr St.,, Belle- ville, when lier c'oungest danghler, Miss Bessie, waaunoitet) lan mariage ta Mr Fnederick EHanson, ai Rochester, N Y. Oaly tho bit)e's relatives lu this eity were pros cnt at tha ceremony. which was performed by 11ev. A. H-1 ;-rinmpastiro.Lthe-Johm5tr-etPres- bytenuan chuncis. The soumg couple wene unatteuded. Tbe bride, who was given away bv bar brother i-ln3w, Mn. S. Symous, lJacket very pnefly in e trousseau ai steel gros' voile oven white sJkAf tain the nuptial knot bat) boom tied a wedding repst was pantaken ai Mn. amdMnsHameau lefI amibhe eveing train for the West Aller speuding al few day s wilh relatives in Toronto they wiprëîceed ta lbeir home ln Rocheater. 1The bride's g01_1g awav gOwuu was Of bine broadclotb, wth bat ta match.ý She was the necipient ai mamy valua ble simd ce0i pe bnt. .i ogroom la aBow. manville bU% eimg olJà9 Ean-of the laie W. 1-1 Hanson. Con ,ratunlations. ALLANN u E LIVERPOOL AIND LONDONDERRIY RZOYAL MAIL SýTEAMERS, M .stretI F1014 ST. JOHN. EROM HALIFAX lonian'.... Sai., Nov 26; Mon. Nov. 28 Bavartan,...Sat , Dec 3; Mon. i0ft. 5 Corinthian,..Sat, Dec. 10 ; Mon, Dec. 12 Reduced Rates Of Passage. Fit Cabin-fflo, sud upwards, acecrdiDg te steamer: Secoua (,abin, Liverpool and Lon- donderry s3o.00, and i35 aun, London 'P2 50 extra. Thîrd Ciase, eupenior 'aucommodationi, $15, ta Liverpoul, Denry, Belf ait, Glasgow, London, Tiseougis tickets ta South Aftiet. NEW YORK TO GLAS9OW Numidiaii.,... ........ Tsos. N àv. 24 l 1a. m. For Tipketgs ad pvery Information Appiy te' M .Iowiniu ville DARLINGTON. Mns. Butlerworlh dicd suddculy aI the home of lier son Mn. Juo. Melcaîf. Hon othenehilîdren anc Mes C. Stewart. En. niakillen, Mrs John Cory anmd Mn Isaac Met-ahf, Moorefleit), simd Mrs. Enastus Burk, Danlsmgton. AIl wecre present ai the fumerai simd a'so Mn, John Cory ant) family and Mre W. Coty simd wife, Osli- awa, graudchildte ... . Providenice Ep- aunîli League visiicd Base Line Wcd- ncsday eveaîag samd gave a most excel- SAISV.- I e.~:::noiaboeacris THE IENGLISH SINGERS. d The Mleister G lee Singera were gree e' d with a very large and very apprecis [tive audiene lu the new OperaBus .h on Tueaday night lSth mast. The foi vocal artiste gave an excellent exlii tien af the art af singing. The quar ltette include William Sexton, aito Ager Graver, tenar; Fard Waltham basso;amd Alfred Cunnilngham,baritone ht T11eY '11w7,ePe ethusiasticaliy encoret 21 &ftêi 6 ery apaacbut aur peopl ss thought the reepansea hy the singer ýr were grudgingiy givon. In Englan ,r a,.dioeejs are imucli bs demonslrativ Ithan Canadians are. and performer d when appianided,ý cordially return la th( ss stage aud bowv acknowledg-ments.1 C.an encore is wvantecl the people applaný V agmin amd to follows the encare Tiss course was foliowed here anmd heinî nmew ta ns, direw, forth comiderabe un a favorable comment The rendering o 's "Long Live the Ki!ng"ý-(8ephen Ad eans) hy Mr, Cunningham as an encon d was capitally given anmd sent bis hearci in inqto ecatacies.* Other encares giver were IlWhetheýr I flnd tbee" and It's, OÈ solo IChorus Gemtrlemen'-(Lalsr.) b3 d Mr. Waitham w,ýas anoîhen very excel lent rendilion thaï; wag deservedly et- kcored "'The-Sceni of the Mignomette' S(Templ1e) sain1g bv Mn. G'ver was exý celiemii rederdand drew forth vers heartv app1nse. 'ïhefimesi giee givei by the quart--ette was the plantation ,.melods . The Old Folks at Home" sung with imitation b-anjo accompamiment Mr. Roland 11l1emry gave some musical sketches thal shiowed hlm ta ho a master ai the bumorons art. Miss Ethel Heury elocuiion4ýt.slbaasplendid stage api poarancea s-imdsiqitted berseif very wel un the numbersý she gave, but they were chîldial slc ion s such as any amateur mig-ht gîve wilh accevtamce. If she bad evon given one good selectian we wonl d fogie ha but whitirea gave 1,Sanders MeGlashan " really well. the selection bas grown hoary with age )f hereabonts. A sinilar program was s given in Masey Hall, Toronto, on SThamksgivingl night and the city papers gave bighly complimentary notices. BAYi'S WELFARE. Everè ny moter -iz raturaiiy--axoue that lier U1p neOSsah ho herighl, gocd natured and heaithy., Every mother ose keep her chiidren in this condition if seowii givo tliem an occasional doBe dof Baby'so 0uva Tablets. These TabletB cure lmdlgeotioe samd stomach trouble, diaralicea, cure cons3tipation, allay sim- ple fevens. lbreik up caido, destroys S Worms and neake teething easy. And the Tabets are guaranteed ta contaîn no apiate or harrnful drug. Mrs. R. L o found Babys Own 'Tabiets ueurpassd 3for teetblng troubleo, breakfmg op tolde 1. ad reducing fever, and they mekle a >chlld eleep nat urà1liy., They have done my littîs une se ranch good I would pot Ilito bleho ithout lhem." Druggls everywhera seli theso 1'abeto, or you can get them hy mail aI 25a a box by writlc j Tho D.-. Wlifams Medicine Co., Brochville, 0Ont. Reccent v isitons: Mr and Mrs William Painton and family, lown, ai S. Snow- den's, jr; 'Miss Kirby, Osbawa, witli friends; V-,ns, Stevenson, Oshawa, aI Mr. j Snowde's... .Mrs. Wm Evensen wili spead the ,winter with bier daugliler ia Toronto .. .. ',,r P. Tylar'.s sale was a succes..... .Mr. Leslie and Misses Lola anmd Shirley Snowden apent Sunday t Mr S. Bray's, Enfieid. ,... Miss Ellenon las been engaged as teacher of aur school for 1905.. .,.Rev. los. Ward gave a fine Thanksgiving sermon Suuday.... Mr John Ald-swontliis building au up-le- date lien hou,-se. .. . JMr Alex. Lawrie anmd parly have relurned from the norili coun- try bringimg a fine deen., .. Mr. anmd Mrs. Soucb.o, on. speul Sunday aI Mr. Tru> Power's 811EWA IN BED FOR THREE YEARS. Pali-naickd Woman Oured by Do1(dd's Kidncy PîlîIs, Strong b Sttment by Mrs. Jas. Hughes, ot Morlev,,, Ossl-She Slnong and Eeaitisy Once More. MORLET, Ont., Nov 2t-(SpeCiali- What Doýdd's Kidmey Pilla are doing for the suffenie ogwmcn of Canada will neyer be futlV !linown, It la only wlieu some caurag-o'îî- worran breaks tbe scctscry ibat cuveras woman and lier troubles ihat a passing glimpse af their greai work la given, Fo'r this neabon a statement made b-y %Ms. jas Hughes, of Ibis place, is of mre iý han passing interest, III wasi a greal sufferer for four yeans," saya .0rs H 1ughes, "I wa s lreated by five te b bâcemie inIStLra, Ot . lxt eeslu. You will meed tbem Boiter gel fitîcU wbile tle weaiher ls flue and 8hoes are dry W'e crnv a large stock ôtai a kid inedun iiued, jersey clelhq, avensoes, e. Maltese Cross and Granby ïMakes. They Look WeII Fit Weil Wear WeiI1. Thtis is oee0etaur 'er 'lhev 5mb~~~~~~ýi peji nsîlio .xlo ae ait Bowmanvlle, Otaria TUE-1 MASON Co. 1 KEEP THE BLOOD PURE. a- Nearly Ahl the Common 111e of Life e are GCaused by Weak, Watery and Impure Blood. 1,Bad blood means ball heaith. Thal ta why Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla mean ýd good health-they actually malke new, la rich blood. Bad blood poisons the rs whole system. The nervea break I down, the liver goea wronz. the Kid- re neya get ciagged and inflamod, the rs heart flutters and jamps at the least le e2(citeinen t, the stomacb lasos ita power ifto digest food, the lungsarae unable te ýthrow off the lngering caids, in fact the 9whole body geta aut of order. Thon 9you baye headaches and backaches, l" an' slepand cftn't eat and feel uttar- can't mseloe And it ail cornes from ba lrisbldaeau uedb h rich. .e red blood Dr. Wlim'ikPlaseuadS .. caursing ta overy part of the body. a Mr. Daniel MeKinnon of North Pelham, h Ont., suffered from bad hlood, but has ýe been made well and strong by Dr. 'y William's Pink Pillsa afer al other -treatment had failed. Mr. MefKinnan Ssays: ',Until last spring I tsad been afflicted witla a weak stomacli, bead- aches, and kidney troubles. At times y I was completeiv prostrated andmdny n Eufferiega were of a most severe nature. Il At different times 1 was treated hy rna 9less than seven doctors, but from none af them did I get mare than temporary relief. As lime went on 1 became hope- ,r less of ever being weil again. Last spring a friend drew my attention ta Dr. Wiiliams' Pinli Pilla anmd 1 decided eta trv this medicine. 1 had oniy taken four boxes when I fonnd a decided ina. pravement in my cordilion, and 1 con- tinued using the pilla unlil I had laken a dozen boxes when I was a eured man eand the sufferinga I bad formerlv on- dured were but a disagreesible momory I admit being' an exthusiastic admirer 8 af Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, but I think El 1bave just cause for my enthusiasm 8and wiil aiways reeammend them ta my aiing frionds" .iust as surely as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured Mr. MeKinnion they eau eurea-naemia, -indigestion, -headaches,- backaches, kidney trouble, rbeumatiam, lumbago, sciatica, neuraigia, nervous- mess, gerieral weaknes. samd the special ailinents af -rowing girls and women. Ail these ailments came from bad blood, anmd Dr. Williasms Pink Pilla eau cure them by filliig the veins with new, rich, red bload. But you must ho sure te have the genime pilla with the funl name Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla for Pale People, an the wrapper araund everv box, SId hy medicine dealers everv- wheo-n hvmaiL&sL5dsca hux-or--ix- boxes for $2.50 hv writing the Dr. Wil- liams Medicime Co., Broctyllie, Ont. HAYDON. Our League Thanksgîving At Home was a decided suceess, The mîgbi was perfect and the ch,,rch well filled. Rev L. S Wight very ably occupied the chair and the program was weii rendered Refresuùmenîs were served anmd a v ery social evening waS spent. Proceeds $17 ...Mr..and Mrs. John Rundle visited thein son Dr H. 0 Rundle, Prince Ed- ward county... Mrs. R A Ashton lias relurned from sa pleasant visit wîth ber sisten Mrs. Squair, Peterboro...,Mris Caddy bas been % isitsug her mother Mrs NutStex'ens, Bowmarvil!e.... Miss Gale of Bowmanville, was guest of Miss A. Mountjoy,.... Mn. VW, Bread continues in very delicate health,. . . A nghi with Longfellow ai Leagne Sunday NOV, 27 Everybody camie... .Mr. R Siemon pur cbased a new Dominion Orzan recenlly ...Mr Fred Hudson visited bis mother Mn sd Mrs Il Collacoti speul Tbanks-giving ai Mr WV. Trewin's. NOTICE( Notice 1, isereby given that apoilcation bas been this day masdeisyJohn A. McDonald of tise Bennett Houes, Bowmanville, -for tise tranefer of tise Tavern Licence iseld by hlm to Cisarles Lehsman utTorouto.j ROBTKNOX, Oro",,, Nov. 1, l904. Inspiecter. FOR Bad Weatherl Cio THE FoUNDIED 1889 BELLE VILLE Business College, Training-JNEXCELLED floo-keeing;Shorthanti; Tvypewritîg Ofce W o-k; eerpi ~o aC ayWr;French and German. Ever y Department a Spectalty. J. A. TousawBellevillefJ. FrithJeffers, Seeret-ary.f Ont. t-resident. PA Great B3right School We have jost compIeted tise rftig and decora-tions of ur entire pre..s,, , .d we hbave now thse brigbtest schi onsuthe city is equlpmesst in every departmnent s moý,st complete, les teaclîseg staff ie coin. posed of experts wiso make it their business to look after thse individoal needs of the, studetg, -With bight, comfortable rooms and tir exeelled facilities f or work, Y. M. C. A.BLDG.,Toriit , Ont is in a position tu give lis students the BESI IN BUSINESS AND SIiORTEAND EDUCATION. No ott or Canaidian College cati proýduce such conelusive evideî,ue as thse Bitiss American, that its courses of study useet thepotulatr demand. INVESTIGATE DECIDE. New.Catalc.gue free. W. BROOKSý 34-qs.PRIN CIPAL, Notice Io Creditors, In teMle î,! i f tihe Estate of ID1 PULIN1E GO IIIILL, laec ie G'ossty of Drauloea NOM'C IS HF1BY G, IVEN,-plir. (187).C atel, 129,'tI' al c tors nd oiser ItIA~~~~~~~ PUJEGILshdiAesor are requllred n r ie s tu send by p) t p,[l ad o bdIiverîdfte1', TILLEY utft! to-, ofioi mollpsy1ua thi' exeent, ut tee La't;W 1 I ailTestamentof Abte said dee, ,d.':iec iatanstaî' addrsesani ssrltîus, nS uti pa'ttîulars uft teir el 'I, s uaiu t cf th eaceunt, anS tera" ftsseuîesif auy heldby A: jHIF TAE ',OMEtisat aGiLr ss laI meniiee uaîtcsi ixcrr aHi prcee te Dttbttieisectsedcsd amn heprIsLt edtsrtuiaii regar onl te he cetmsut ei'ehLe 17-si1,vi Building Lots For Sale. 3GOOD BUILDING LOÏS-pf dii' ot sizes. for sale isy tender, at the c'_- ofOntario and Welllngton S8ts., BOwman11ville, The hlghest cash offer Fb'dore G1ýrjstmr as. secure8 one or more of tisem, iF le'palr u îadresq, W. E. Osan, Toronto.4 w J.J. HIlUGHSQN Orono, Auctioneer, For the County of, Durham., Sales prornptly attended ta ar§_ upon reasonable terms. Direct telephone communLeati on on Dr. Tucker's Lino and thro' the Dr. with Bell lUne. 37-6mn, Winter îs Comirig. To people who wanit the BEST Cutters to drive or their own CuttLIer;s ailncl Sleighs p-tinted andirpar ed, I arn ready to attenid to their wantsan5-y ftime, Special ,tttenition -igiven to Painting4# Wm.Jdgr Ready fo it, and you wil finci( just what ou want. Make your selection early, Every line isý speciai, but 1 single ont Ponntain pens for one d!olIIr, sent to any address ui, ,treeipio price. lligher pi ieed ones O course. The latest oprigh bo's A fine assortment of 'gift hoocký' hyrnu books, pae ôk n Don't foret the 7hi s t ma calel1ars. Watch m jywiow The Iatest style in eob anc brnsh sets. Cailar anid cuifgl and hiaudkerchief, and-eckOJ boxe,,s, at the lovest pr'ics, Faney Jpns, em and Wall paper,(1iý w1ind!cw ae n Cai] n lpetsok P.to Trbce BOWMANVI LLE. ig alein fulI Blast Lots of Samples sold and lots left. We guarantee to save yuu. 25 per cent on suit or overcoat, If we canniot suit yon from the sairples we will give you a similar reduactiou 'and seil you one cf our regular lines. Keep our last week.. Iist, the prices, are good as long as any of the goods ara left LADIES MIANTLE SAMPLES Are selling like hot cakes, corne quick and see them. Great bargains in Robes and fur coats and fur llned coats, About 25 tapestry table cover nicely assor ted i n colors suit- able for Xmas gifts choice of lot pr $1.39. SAM1PLE UNDERWEAOR Mens and boys, about 50 left fully -1 less than usual pric, imrpossible to mention -ail the styles. --Corne-anil -See, Grocers Due 1ills Taken asCah TIIE Vi l' t c h e 1 le Ï zp.;

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