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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1904, p. 3

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Nuit Cookies,-zDt)c, ciip ýf ý>atter and two cups clf sijLý,,l HLoroughly. INTER FEEDING M HINTS! worked ta a ci-ýiïij. iliralc ýgrgs beat- It took years of expèrinienting tO find IL-lie b1c 7nd whirl,ý en into thý1, ýIll1 butler, one- TYPE OF CATTLE WRJOU 6. 1 Il of jnitiý ;il wliil-h bas beau 1ý SMOUMD 13E SELEC' efýssOIvùd onc', sci" L --uLlsiloonful,, of TED. produired F-by-Bla.în's the butý di,: inix thi_ý ter alld Add flour eâough il, 1 Au Abundant Siiplily c f Ch u a dough that will roll out,'cut Feed Is'Very Essential. to î_-, into fancy shapos and bake, Ta ra J& el sOný,, good icing add one clipful of tches ý,,i rrut ineats not tlio finely Ca R A L -,Lie [S' C- x7i and coat the to- of each on cookv thickly t1ýc Our gent1eman n, 1411-. that -t is 1nvK-,ýý,jMc ýo ri., Quick Yeas -BOIT a týoýea largc,'l ýaliT ilowil imy jtard and faýýt liiiï,,i,ý. l 'Uý Potatoes in four quarts -,î -,-,-atpr un- ý . i . l liiii tbat these are rigý4t and , l' case watch (N Inc, 126 1 It is made from the finest java, Mocha and Plantation til thoroughly donc; r)oý1i urtit free' wrong. Therù are, hcl uý-, froul lumps; then ad,! wo table- ilircla coniditicil essýGmùa1 t4I berries and is the xlichest and most -delightfül coffée -'4 1 s-,)onîuis each of sait and sugar, %.2l' ln a a5-year g,,ýid-filied la the stail fecding of caLtle, ai 1 half a teacupf,21 fOur dis- tsJat money can buy. 6,8) thc anic z solved lit cola water. lieu lake- good cattle an abundance of winter feed, and good inanagement. Warin add a dissolved oast cake. for $ twenty years ago the NEVER SOLD IN BULK, only in one-pound and Stir well togüther a;ý,i set in a ge ýý> , _-, , , -, ill A lady's sollid iig o 1 d Cattle required for, the ex:port tra-de placo'to rise. On i)akiiig, da were the hoavy four and Il wallch (No. 12,576 Wth ve yý-,ar old, two-pound tins and always ait 40 cents pound. out lit sponge, by using iio quart' î:-f.ý Imm istcers weighing 1,400 to of warm Il and one pint of Ry Ïle pounds. At that time, quantity. net ypast, and under favorable cireurn- cost quality, was in demand. Toýday we -ehe eu-ïilight Maids arca1waysthrolI,-ýl wae.h;ý FOR SALI- BY ALL LEADING GROCERS st.ances the bel will be ready ta yon act, -f iiiix in the course of twohours., find tint compý well inishod two Ï ()"eei-i Caramels,,,-Stir into two and t1il voar old animals wCiýhin9 e-V 'CUI fUIS of granulated sugar just àt .,ý1y -fz froni 1,256 patinas up will conittiand 17-. fiý cat.10gue, c r., eTIOLIgh luilk ta dissolve it, add a ezý sond the higliest prices. Of if quarter-teaspoonfui of croarn of tew- woight can bc coni't-fined with quulity, ord, tar and put over a slow fie. Stir -1ý: Ï-1M F ýqO lituell the botter, but <-,llýtlity inarysoap a woman bas to worl, so hard and the lioti-e is net the Iùaý,L of a l' constantIv white boiling uiiLil a lit- RYî 13POS iS Of' IirSt inlDortance. FI roir, the Ouse shc bas no time for prepraring any of the fandly meals. Was wife's a utics. On the contrary, good il faces each ithasighofdespair. 8P"e'- tic droppýd into cold bas the "DIAt-IC)ND MALL" -of view the sý W -f);;,tcher's point of Sunl thought illust lie given to each con-istelicy, of putty, ight Soap makes ail the difference in the worid. Nc i', io Y. 4 Iwst quality is the one which carries floor covering, whothlor oiled, liolisli- shallow Pan and set isidtý ta cool no boiling-less than balf the labor with rauch better resulu About the the greatest percentage of itis weight through their wash by Ill o1clock -,vh they wa with < Y ýed or carpeted. A varicty of ophil luitil so stiff thai N in those Parts of the carcase which light way. lit inakes child's play of work il sh ON ý ions exist regardirig the best sort foi, it leaves a dort. ')ýat until give thc Ilighest priced euts,. In Chi- il-Ar 0 1 'the kitchen. Tiling is hard for the you have a soft doughlike -FOR THE OCTAGON BAF A feet of the servants and the saine Knoad this, Put iipon a pi,ý-,ïrv board cagô and New York markets, the inost dis,-riininating in the world, ON conJlPlaintý is made of liard woods, sprinklod with polNdored and Sunlight Soa [A p washes the clalhes white anJ zeon, lâ Many people prefer linoleuw, because roll into a shect a hulf-iii-h thick. the rib rInd loin ents coininqnd over oï iJ-ýý spliaigy quality, and its dura- Cut into squares. Stil, iïý [ýl-o tea- four Unies the average pri(,ýe jlaid LEVi-R BROTHERS LUMITED, TOR( bilitY> Wliun Uneoloum is usod, how- SPOOnfuls of vanilla esp,(.,1;4 ist lie- for the reniainider of th, -arcabtîý aud lever, the best quality is sure ta play, ?ore taking t1lemixluinm frolli the it ils apparent tflat flio, prime beef urilit UaIýe---0ne CUP of e-ý,on before the prorverbial end, be- fire. and For 1, Imin are anirnal 11114st lie, good in these pýlrts. (lq) illoliluss"s, à cup soin, cause the colors will rotain their Cinger NUts.---ýThroe one cup- sa varicd jiý a rn im ustially I'Plielv inlist be t1il aia evenly coliv- popolar dark j ilorir, 2 el 1 tea-ýIiucs far longer than the cheaper va- ful'of brown silgar, a hýdi-0 lie (o suit, ;Jliaji(ýy andiereà WiLli fil-M, yet lilýII0w, fles-li, of best, these su --up s,.ý,,ded raisins, is not butterrieties. A plain lineoleuni one' C' , quantity Ili forni. good qualill and free alike velvet, velvetll teasI:liloý..i clnuanlon, oa,,ý verv scant infrequently used, but in this casea îýý a on han (bis wile CL U -i half-Cupfui of Sour or a. oid clothes areifroniburdrollsand blul)bery Vatches. V e-ý ery-day use, teaspoonful of baking soI t, sh i a tcagpoon of Clovis. coat of varnish is usually given. When a Orteil ni Mý "d ir n there: Colirsc, patchy aniw -als, will no long- i9m, 1 +? are liked, the Sueiu, Gingoýrbi-eadý-Two anything ils s..nilled upon a floor of ginger are no sni -thirds cup teasPoonfill of cinnainon aad ail il, tfle fanilly an.àýer lie tolorated, much less those that _-K wearing qualiti le- exc T Sugar cup sour milk, 1 egg, 1 cup liard wood it can be uriped or brush- and fleur enough ta hand , Mix, ith client -are bony and Tiare of flosh good deal and 'butter, rounding teaspoon baking ed up at oncle. Cover, roll out, eut ont with a-thiinblo and 0 braid vy, p wea.r. greasù spots ON TITE BACK AND RIIBS. au bake, putitinz thoin sa fer ans s"ponging__.a nýd)tussJiig arir! can be -f,"e gille %V --ginger, used for trinlj.nýiiu, iilii iiic,ý buttons ln addition ta the general beef ý,,nough to roll. Roll in two large or - powdered eh. k, fhýY will'not run togother in the which will,, a!)-, 1); k ribs q Jil Ilorin, with gocid, backs, niý,dùy suit wit k ing. cari. usually ho f squares, abeut Inch thick, that sorti the groase* Cold water poured Paprika Schnitzal.-Slices frira le& off garilient, loins, thcre is, saysý the eininent À_ ni- WIIAT PARIS WEARS. siki Tiie h "'ý Il baking paris. This upon gro-ase as soon as i ý),tj lit into iroï., t ils spilled of veal of wediurn thickni eut into A siyliý_,h 'Norfolk ctrican authority, Prof. Clirti1,ý. _-, cý,r- ulg b.aLc-d will eut into 16 wili harden, it; the greater part May Pieces, say threo by four iiiches--ot- Jacket was iiuido froin a partly-worn ýtlin quaIiiý-, charact(,r, ýil and Next to green for"evenilig wear-and Tho erat, 1 0vening incll-,Èes the fashionabl(ý. ar- Obtains. tIýicj,- squares of delicious ginger- then lie Scraped off. BefOre begin- arly size ta suit. Salt, ýuld peppt'r woolen dress ý;Ï' a light-tan clA- constitute an Cf A pretty dr( ning to sçýeep, see that n - Iý -téi-iïoon functiOns, in Matters, a food is the pieces; roll in iry lighLýor, but the CIU,ý11 iý -; first washed fluýtoy in 0 llLirýining the of dress-red enjoys bigh favol, with t he has a iiiëdiiim 'l'ilin Siýý_,ar CS_1jesý-Ono cup inilk, left uncovered in the main. Sweel) brown on both sides. lAavý your and thon colorél ii 1ai1ý brown bole cill One of 'tlie ,il-st .'ndica- deep turnover fi LI eisos sugiLr, scant ý cup butter, 2 froni the edg Illeat in with dianiond far elite. It is filost f4àýC1À-,-e !ri the es of the roorn toward -f-at hot before putting the A fad-Iiionq of this, is ta be fom-A !ri the niillinery creations, crearn tartar, 1 teaspoon Ithe -,:ntllû. Sweep with sJhort to fry. In fryil)g veal it is race ta 1 Qd gray jacket the mater- À liai ýý ý,i- Sections of the .ko - il and Coa-t7 A good ani- ing particularly grnart On, of lit, with insertion i and just flotir enough te, r StT s ker- - the broonl close to put a littie butter with your frying -pin ial for another wrap aliter the D",il Should haVe, a soft, niellow touch poli very thin and bake in a ql the floor. Ne7\-Or sweep dust froin fat, When brown cove.r with water POeces Were Colori'd 'i icrkred. When prettiest modois Solen tjii, scasoli is ý'T!11q waist is g, and a salit, but thick, and hl tbe ýnbrcivi-fit oven ta insure crispness. Sift a lit- one room in ta another. Soft wood (hot) and a onjor thl5 Diecos. 1ho irons Î) liat Illade of liberty szitin, a fow pressing - nce.d icoat. A utiàici-ding four siliall fack -,!cý sugar cvoi- each panfra before floors must lie scrublieil Look for slices of lenion. a bay leaf, a spri- to, lie quite hot, il ba careffil te, indication of a slug- tlio shirring being donc in dari, red pufting into oven. These may grease spots and take thern ont first. of pariseley, a ciessertspoonful of vil, keop, the ilion not pressing threads, 1 iiill bishop sloei ending a shal ëfTect ta and low dig sitive powers. A cloar, Plain wristbau be made with sour ulilk by oulitting After the floor has beconle wet you egar and several good Shakos of pa- sO hardastomake-LiLýclothshinyorlrrmý)ininent, 0 el the hat. The brim turns up sharply show marks of the iroti, but cou- i yot, placid, Cloan-cut i worn over a-gui Lhe creain tartar, cannot soie where they are. On a prika, Cover, and let all boil ý till . featiires, fine horn, and clean fine at the sde, and ig caulght in place 1 Carrots with Brown hardwood floor lise, little water, Or the nioat iL4 tender. If the gravy tinuing ta press ovI.!- and ovür until with a, buneh of tinted ývI is filled in with blanc, all go ta indicate goo«d food- -,Ivet ger- good-sizeci carrots and boit until ton- none at aIL Wipo it with a cloth bailla down too niuch. add a little quite dry, for carefiil pressiDg is ing quality and capacit-,, to tako on anlunls' The crown is a conical ai- Il bit of lace cd der, then drap into Cold water. and raoiqteiied wiîth a little kerosene - a more water and let it cook until quitO essoiltial LO in the a finish of the h1ghest, excellence fair, without trimming of any sort. shephcrd pla therc ils iii.gt enoiLigh grav . Serve work of makilig ovtq, and off the sk1imiý Cut initia sniall toastpoon or tviio to begi y A J-x lip il with, and charrning bri_ýnotte witii, _,,fect snlall designs a. consicýq>Liý-,ntly te, cornaland top pl tlo gir1s' dresse, ilice. For each pint put into a as ni'-leli illore, when that lias evapor- on a hot platter . with the gravy (,oars(--4,),oned, rough animais are al- complexion appearcd at an - e-ýi-liJsýive A ani One fablespocinful of but- atcd. 'Ruh liard with another Cloth strained, over the meat. Tt is a'good VOUSETIOLD i f r-1. 'Most in-variably slow hOtol. a few cvenings ago , - i lar is a judicic tor and one tables olinful. of flour, luitil the mocmi is perfectly dry. Win_ plan ta taste the gravy. while bail- foeIders and r,-,,' silk crepe de chine. The ýp In inaking juir!)ýIs, ýo half theýbý,rd ta finish properly. Besides isil, __ iIdýs r0ý7,', tulfil browne(J. dow sills ýtil(1 all hartlwo for sait, etc. A, wili dough bah ix ciii, uf ýin(liy choppc,,-1jlhýse illialitics, arTd.abýo-%7û ail, It is Ch -treri od finish 'ng, WýIq full and trilluil witjý p1ýj;'1*ngýý Sth IlÈ oý 't pint of iwilf ynay blý (1(iýaiit--d lit Ilie Mils, he sý3j Cli, ýýJl or pounded iiiiii. mid il, al ý 1 to Jo fol, rýv ta have vlgor and cor,ýU- -)UMoneos of the saute broi,,l'il gIaVý,,, 0 V b o il i ï, g Wasil (iiii-loth warni wý0,,r ur iii ý)covit sli! ar, l'ut We End evicienco of tii pense 01, 4r(ýllI)II uýjlI eý sý'illl lliiI!ý (ý, 1111A in 'il For s,-ilýo0l j,ý,jd 111ici, ýýmoc)tJ1> 0110 twll, priillo- ýVjfjj tjj,ýir', wide forelieald, a proinirieint a it was close fitting and oi i much '-illon t1îj!ýU ýrUa11ýyý chest, weIl sprung ri1l.zý, full "('Ï("W the, boit lino Suit, 111;lIe lip ti laced willa paliel'pink satin. clcek-; wo or il Thcý h,ý,11 f and a zonerai ro a j,)aragrapýi by Ad' ap- (J--ýserve ýlnd sýlU und 1ý pa", i', aîý(, The st e Th i:ý n k il ý j;c111,ý1ný:e. -ý pLý,Jiiegranato or oraiýge po,îýrig; sorae. thenlSeIv,-sý TIfey Pufil ithe carros "inlinor i Kl1_ýÏ1,r IN' TEIF, 1101jSU cooked, chop up fine ail the w1lite With thc iroper hot£ týrpe in ruina, , woîe îorrned of tl foi. il-n 111illuceis. For a Turpolitine, either in rýýsinous forni part sliced off; aile teaspooJiftil of ll It is ]'ather 11Ào for 1 lý- il)n II, will Dot be three Imt. at oall diision of the al-1 -ý"(eýinary crearu Sauce ma now, but bear iii ljjii-ý,1 difficult ta recognitze a (ln the y or in spirits, bas a hnus,-hold value. cinnamon, three-quarters of a 'CUP lil pine- 1 the p1LiLjý, i ýj,,rc was a rrica blittl, $ a stýhit ti imrnir4 5.tocIýer. To find lhûr. Is a ClIff, nlaliii- three distinct caffs for ý,IaeC of the brown A child suffering with the croup, or Of sour rrearn, to whieh add two aPPIO juice flavors c,,ýlbapplê jelly more, -diffeult inatter. Owing largil Fýitters.-Scrqb and bail any throat or bang difficulty, ý wili teaspoonfuls of bicarbonate of soda most doliclously. Many place a leaf each sleeve' Theso were finishil with longer in front of large carrots until ton- lie quickly relleved by inhali oui, of rose geranîuni in the glass and ta the expinsion of the dairy a narrc),ýv plifling of lied taffota gatil- lward tire I)acl"z, ri- the and about four cups of white fi bJUf.;Inossý thln' slip off the Skins. Mash Sprinkle the buttered pan Weil ý-witý pour the hot juice ipon.it. Th during the nast fifteen -or -cd in the centre with red and button in the CL' vapor, and liaving, the chest r4bbed eýtwenty years- it is ýeconting Ilmore ýyý soaýsOn wth Salt and till the skin is red and ý thon bein, toast or cracker crurnbf.. Bake in leaf withors and ri ' ta the sur- 1 crearnlac*,. !end. Theso ban _ý,jI '37 a-nd more difficillt to procure good Finishing the slSves moderato qvem thirty ai- rty min- face, whezo it bas iiiiflii:lýted its essen- ýs1-rm1cer were . deop (Ili ta thein on"flarter of i l, .9 for feeding. Ta got satis- a y6ko at the m wraliped about with flannel inoisten- rutiles of lace and creair, thill 1>1ýik ilf bot inashod patatoes. eof with fiery spirits. ti . al.oil ta the jelly ýý,ud giver, it a fiýctoM, animais a farnior , is almost and red chiffon. style of 1 triiiimil Afterward utes. the waist, the Shilille Inta sinall flat-cakes and sweet Oil will Save -the WKin from Coleste's. Fritters.-Stol sponge piquant flavor. Xoi11ýîl who gasiiod at the el brcl';*ý'-ýl in a little fat in a hot pan. ake, eut into rounds wil.1 a cake In place of bak-ed or stewod to breed hiq own. Tn casc ýyoke and thie yu n -the case of burns and ples, try boiling thoin. Wipo the!ho does sso. tao mul inwoll 1x*ýi)rliing a gown with vest or chemiset f'ried Carrots. 111ý111.i1 d 1týjt01111rPe.I 1 nnçit-be -Boli and skfn Sol cutter. Slice the cake carefully and le two or three k;lïlq oî lace Il en the e-,ral largeil tins, lias no (ý£jual. 4-fruit do--iwt--pare,-Uijt- jýtt in la-st ýashfan-was-first introduced, will lie -be-jt-dressing fon a Second -ýn a bowl of bowling _r iur pan. To each six apples allow a straps, extending slice of tho Ir,. It s1il nel lie for- inconsolable et, the annoin-LCIl ý'oo1, eut in ioag Dip ' each leather; it will renlc,ývo lIuikit from --igotten that lie is half the liera. Glood M'any skirts for în Al inillç, drainin& _bis ot, on the side of cup of water and half a cup of s il ghtly beaten egg, rail In fine l ,tiS that two or t1iree more varicties ire t's clotflies and wôrlmen's gar- the vesse]; îay on a hot dish and gar. Let boil in the syrup lintil the!grudc Cows are ail right ta breed to ho aidded as the sen-On advances. Size have box p ,ýi'1jMibsa ' Éci- iry in deep, sniolkir1g fat ý ýlnèats; it will drive away n1-0thý- if a part in it is tender, tiien turn and1from, huit thû bull should alwayq!) e natte, ntitched for quil ýý>r (IÏ,) eilleh in fleur and &auto lu a ! spreadýthickI,-,r wiiii s1rawberry jain, As ta the hintfs of lace it _S few dreps arcl lyut into elosets audjpeach jelly Or il"eber dolica Cook the other side. Boil the ý-;yrup1purelec4 Tt Ls poor econolny I-o the belt, and pan 1 te Con- qnve fift- c<, ilittlo, for if the grandniother's chest cheý,'tS; it persuade mice ta iind serve. Pile thom neatly and serai unt'l thick and turn il the l y nts or A dollar in e Or -old above thé hora. Rice.-1V,ýýsh the ii' other, quarl,ý,,tF,, if a little i -round hot. w-ith--crý,-arn ta- pour Anot1il good -way i- l pBrlý la fIrst co-st - of- the- Calf, - -an'a- Iosu illasts a bit of-- r(al --po nt one, of the Srna into th', 1 IrOse, it Will holinob with an imita- in or WaL(ýr.,; io lien the 1ln- dren of 8 years onk- CO 11ý(! fruit, ten ta fiftecri dollars Lh,ý, stardil. C0n',ý ijk ýll(>11,1,1-, i, Ition In tlicý friendiiest illanner. Fl add(ýd il) Clie in which CUP (A sprîlikie wiLh and ý%ninled il-, 'DI' oýkü and iýt:raiQ lO aced on th,ý 1>iýý hi, qu'ailtity oy ill 01. lconlbijiýttion9 are more effpýtivc tliiiii býj,-d pl'ill inal tfi, g(",ý_îjý; ýýi l gar, (Mýc clip "i î(ý,Ir 1 front of ýrnT)roJ_,c 7liiinil (ln fuont part C4. ihi i or fýlt e tiii,,, f1;oý priec nt W'iïI'Ji I)Urt,-,Pe)int 'feljIýV t'ir croalil, Pýlàr ç il l k ý(l U);s 1Ii,ý \Vïll tili', applo tl) son, tý,sý n I_(1'ý YIo wifli a n i:- drawn info s o? or i-1 t( 1 S T: lior ts il: n1LIý thc, foli ililo c tili-,i Tiil,,ý ffitt -1 1 A ý VN r'ïýl1 TOP 'A Lhe bý ( î Il -1lýrll10 l)i i 1i,ý ;- ýi-ýolk s lir l, v ay! iu1ý1ý L'hf, lin(U Ail o, it, ýor lý1i - ý , 'e 1, Ooli-11 for iinýý diss')IVed in : j, 1 - o., Il ks ilà t1ili, q tiiii, ýý, al il., ricý- la, J ii froni lo î 1,ý w i, Illixturc. sliiliiid bel ,hýoý1ff It, ý1 ýiin 9 ill. oi î*,,ýýIj_ tj.le cuff shnws, t'lVI) nart', oi swt,ýilt oil to onc T11arý clit iýlto iý is i l' botil IltltIlýl ct!h oaL V,» cail 114) ýoll cry, illade ef iin pUl'o. l\!ý;c1l coll- look if 112 i l' i' u«cJi"iltl,ý U. F; sPi [ ý U rpi-'lit ""I' "hol", t1ý Il ;-ý,3tti ilot " (ý1' w iti-ý fi1ý. Il any of j-iroý t. 1,ý-" 11111sf ýpIaC,- for ýýtzcIi fi-l Itut il i, liard this .:Lar :thýý ai.tý tu tull niol Lliat cý1 tornaliv, for b 'n il blý growii ildes vOlvet, wit _d torpeillino, lx land mret -il, th,ý;i fini,,4i ;ýith il-Iiit- in larger quantities and iiito silk- red nijJiýiii,)iis, Soil lumbago and rhcurniitisin. It is al- at a very or who,', th ey v,-; eooIý rice in this w.ti,,. Ing and a pieil o,' Ar- ý shirrA tulle, in sa proscribed for nouralgia r-f thî- tý11dýj Lhat CIO&!--, ïor draw the dividing sinall cost, aixl corn ensilage fils lino between chif- Gbowder-Cut a ticles made wholIý- eF lin should 1 or blue. Close 1 littio girls cost as inuch a, 1 Il oiie "'!the bill. It is beyond douýbt the best fon liberty or chiffon crepte and hif- pot1ild of round stll into sti!j,ý an for thoîr oldui sisters, anýt lvici, Q C Il in the sanie Pýýl'DI t(ýr. In a ý and cheapfst winfiâr food at Our dis- fon. In many Instances the c borderoit with fu iii, Il itild a balf lolfig and half au dry atinosphorc po11ý- Il tiftware USEFUL HINTS., good pattern aile inay niake a lil pos;ftl. Tho chief a;dvantagiýs of en- are sa iIl11Iiýý and sheer and soit that on each S'de, Ovt ' ! will remaiii bright f(ýr a long period satin while the iiý,h îhick andwide. Cut a til at illuch less expelisl b silage are its gr-,at palatablility, the. they Seclin Io invade the, territory of 1 ciile of fat sult pork into tiiiil, 1ýîfs, New floor oilcloth that is losing sème Cloal, t will soon becoir- Lirllishod ln i - -- the r-,adv-niacle one will cn,;t, u dren this sý-,gson_ The 1-ule ,*.F ý1iey becorne c:r!,V y on will be sur. remits. TWY gc Càj'ýj"ot.ion f'ýpýs ý Wiooi- and THE BEST 'bouPed th-ughaut. Sere DOI,,!T,-,STTC itr, CIPLS. Piised to see how yolar Lhe arrute Op, juaie. Y ýUhin casy rpuph, and the, eattje sirnplicitY. al-W wliether lhe Yneý*(tîýLl lh, dock on rounds Of enak.j home Uk bWn 011 elcar and '.Iow r,-,t,,2h oc'irle COM the Moist cess Of i yssidd bu Lyt fw, &()Ilt Iicý-1 býy tb, is tlie fineist broadeloth or ýhýs r"-L"d' "y Nut cake-eue an îoj1ýn i('ý% Il,) ip, of s,,, ly a, inexpf-ilsive ý,ýl-rge, the iyicýýi,1 and frLedi Ile haIf ,,à f £Î one Atter YOU Can mmrk aftiýr';-ai,-jjjgy sidored the best lini vvhite ý,ugar, a half oý(I!ilary hIac'ý oil, ý-,Ij1CIj jsý th,,, saine. Por boys, 1L*lý iimiiy writePoqt &,UBtIWNSHl cup î)ý two Cu and ter Rinsian Idoure ans W My Qhe, ps of 11011r. y 1ia1d"ý 1 (ý Ji'ý 'l] 1 ud i'l a iý as promptly, NO PH threcfoLuths of a cup of sweet inilà, 'C ýj tý1lla11 XI oss he il MmInng to pay th Imm arlown- usý- t \V o S t'y 1, ýs. Of Mme 4)", Soif ]o""î>ý' aud plit, à 0 lommen iww, chou iho C"Aam% rl' C one cuP A chopped filekcry nut ken! byt""ýw G" l'j iiiis is oilly '55 "Illi(idy' ommme wMuilý 1 s s (' va i n Mâ l a uo'1.1sý flic! non whites of fOuu eggs, one tca-! 1 lez, cuf sý1L],-- and two Leasq) 110 't- !p y , e M Wnoal i'ý ii,;t 1)ý'(lilillitivp 'U was kocked sersouss Xvileil ït ýoiMre ou a seul! hov, Thi id in. Hko lama haek and !cc e-41 0 o o 9 "ivell, iýý ý\î'A Il Gh'w tic HAMnt CAPH 'W %VA FIDORC whUn k5g and omammt m«h Mu itâàss 1 - , , never miý'h to ho wi anse toi alyme- Socar thok YOSH eeer get over y MOM pou qui sol sy pro, druggits. TL, lon W tic Sud Unepuber. In boxes 25 Cenb. tu-i it?"

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