1905 'We îTender Our eThanks 4tq 4î~ To those Who gave their support to oar store durinig the past year, The very ihalpatronage we consîder is an endorsmieft of our buisiness iuteg ity, and an acceptance o! the fact that te higit class ef goods which we show is flot exceeled by any. We shahl endeavor te maintain this enviable position anid Vite eutî'y of the New Year wi1l find ns better stocked and heiter ecquipped than ever to caer to the requiremetits ef our patrons- Wishing yen all a Hlappy New Year. Rice &CGo 4 Opposite Ontaruio PanIç. ~4ê s'. s'. Phone 66.~ Our Repair flan E is kept for your especial benefit. 11e certainiy E knows his business. He will do your repairing neatly and promptly. ETravellers' Samples of Hlarniess We have a few sets of liglit single harness carried by oiur travellers tor a short thue which weare offering at a bargain. The polish is ruhhed a trifle but they will wear just as long E Binkets and Robes Eehv a very fulline of these goods. Gooci- kets. A-so-a good- stock-of -,xoollen-and--Gait Robes. We carry a heavy stock of ail kinds of harness and herse goods and ean suit you. STueBoll& atnhan8sCIi SBOU-NSAÀLL BLOCK BOWMANYILLE. meatUUU4Wý -A T p -l.tû-Rte-a,- leadÎng purveyors, a r e C.M. CAWKER & SON. Ca J! on them right now adyenouwillI bc convinced -- that they hiave the largest eg fquaýv tîty tnd best quality ofPePork, Lamb,àVeal, Turkeys, Ucese, (Jhicken, Pigeons, Smioke-d and Clear'Sugyareured Hams and Breakfast Bacon, CokdHamn, Head Cheese, Tripe, Bolognla Sausage, FranK-* * tford Sausage, White Puddings, Pork 'Sausages and Home- ~. renidered Lard. . Yoinr diinner, will net be complete à f- e, nless ou have som-e of th1-e above. Leave your order 'J1 earl uand get somethiug choice. You wi11 be heartily welcome.Wishing yen the complimentsof1th esesn I .M. Cawkeé%cr &son. blon(3 64. BOWMANVILLE. The Sport of' sports 13 3 S-TING. We are readly for the season £ J' ~ with a full lino of choice llocky Sand Club Skates for Ladies &nd ~ \ ,,,' ~ ent's, consisting of The Mie- ~ ,~ Mac, Dominion. Perfect, Royal, kVGem, Club, Ladies' Beavers and 144 Ladies' Specials, nickled, polish ~ ' ed or plain. Skates were never i quite so cheap as they are this winter. Ice will be plentiful at the Skating Rink and we are fur- ~v nishing the.,kates ata very low figure. 'W.ha~'~'~lassortment of PooIkt, Tablea=& Brea i Enive, Brcaç Case Qarvers, Soissors, Niokle-platod. TesPots Coffec Pots, ICettles auct Trays. AbAxS Buck-saw, Cross-c ut Saws an ilHandles. Gave us a c.1,1 before you buy. BOWMANVILLFâ, JAi. 4, 4.1 Couricil for 1907) meetsat Ili no t Monday te orgaiize Mayor Urquhart wvas re-lecte Mavor of Toronto bi'over i1 000 înj)ty. Farmners Instituta meetings owing to the Outario leetien campaiguî will not be held tflI Febriiarv. Citizene, attend the meeting in the Discipleýs Church to-night, subjeet Missionsi Tomorrow niglît in t-11Mt.th- ocist church, sujet-Bible Society. Local option made a zreat swcep ln Carke township, the majority beng 446 in its favor. The rural contituencies of We-t Durham are now ail under local option. Desiring to give ratepa *vers fuliet particulars of how thoir moncv is spent we have hail preparel1 a complete state- ment of cost of new Town Hall anid uew l'ire Hall which appmars on our local page. As will be beem in report of, Town Council lu another column Mies Win. datt on behaif o! her brother William made a preseutation through the Mayor to the town, We wish our citiCzene could have heard Miss Windatt addres- sinir the Mayor and Couneil oni that occasion. Seldom have we heard any verson performa a function of that character iu more appropriate language or in a more becomng mauner. This shows that womau cau risc to the oc- casion wheu the opportunity comes. THAT BRIDGE AGAIN. The Campbellferd Bridge was discus- ed at the nomination cf county counicillors lu that village and s)me interesting in- [or mation was given. The engineer got $675. Mr las Dickson discussed the bridge questiôn, claiming that there had been money wasted in letting it at such a high tender The Locomotive & Machine Co, ,MoDtreal, tendered for $15,782, The tender of aIl the other contractors xvas $2o ooo or over. The engineer cxnployed stated that the Wedell bridge was tronger and the contract went to %Wýedell Af ter this, however. they cut and carved the plans and used oId walks and old needle beams, and when tiie DicksonBros. found eut thîs, they submitted another tender whieh was not entertajned,- La- heir-sec- ond tender they offered $775 for the old bridge, and their t"nder wae a littie over $i cao. ,he prescrit brid e cgst over 82 i,000 as it s ands. and hie claimed, that it could ho built for $î4.Oooqjeavi h old bridge out of consideration altogether. Hi-sDconltenlion- was that Élie original con- tract had becii broken, and that conse- quently their sc md tender in whbich they submitted plans for a stronger bridgec, should have been considered, and that more wspaidfor th! ridgeas it is ha bhouid have been paid for an cout-an-outý new structiurO lthcernent walks. This cointy couù cillors and demands explana- tien, ýN bat have our Durham represen- tatives to saLy te tiîis vaste oif$7oo ? NO HOPE THERE; Torouto Saturd4y Night lui its ré- cent issue said: "The policy cf Mr Whitney and, the bunch ef politicane surrounding hlm aflords ns but little hope for -a manly, 1 leu dministration free from rRndehr- îng for-votes aud--ltng or hr-caniraign- funds." Right voei are! casete Hamaiton Times That buneh reprosouts the mon xvho prepired a sort et toxt book et eleetion rickery and sent eut agente, te teacit deputy returniug officers te spoil Grit ballots and Vo do various kinde of ballot manipuiatiug. 1V roprosouts te men who raised a big fund aud cy'stemat-. ically set about buyinz up the Otario Legislîtute. It rpreseute teunure- pontant herees o! the Pacifie ScandaI. t reproconts te meu among whoem the Tory brigands parcellod eut Otario's tfimber ardd minorai rights when they-ý thïoughlt hey had wrested hem fr-om the rs c It repro-senVette erowd2 that fou-ght tirougit overy court lu te Empire te. rob us o! New Ontario, declar- ing Vhitl net oeestick et timber, ,neti oeepound o! ore" wuuld evor ho allowedj te hecoinete propertv oethVie Province.i It ropresents the unrepenited oine o! McGroev3ism, Rykertism and othor scandale et a generation. It repreceuteý te attempts o deprivo Ontarieo!fher consttutional rights and o take fromn ber Goverument sud ber municipalities the control et and te revenue frein li!uer licences. It reprosont8 te 'Purity Fund"' maulpulators. IV rep- resents te Gamays, Wrights. Nelsons, Miscaînpbeils, Bîrmingitams, sud Cha-m- berlaius o!fte machine. A 'dcean administration" from sucit a gang! Men do net gather grapes frouitorns or fige from hstlesi ONTARIO COUNTY REFUGE. The County Hocceofe Refuge. Whitby, conVainc 36 men and 6 wornen ; average for 1904. 35ilumates Cost for feeding 9c per day eacit; total cest et maintenance 14c or 98e a week. Amount requircd tremn municipalities owards help and maipte,îancc about $828. The larm hbas produced 23 loads of clover seed, 177 oads imothy bay, 200 bushels bariey, 55o bushels oats. 25 bushels whaat, 90 bushels potatees, 1000 busitel sugar beets, 200 bushels urnips and about $76 wortit et gardon truck. Sold stock and preduce:- 3 fat cattIe $218 6o, calves $14 80, 24 pige $204 75, baY $76 45 roots. (sugar, beets) $95 39, barley $31 76-Votai $641 75, Stock on itand, i brood s0w in pig, 14 pige, 3 menthe old, ç uîilch ail ini cait, i heifer, 16 mentits e!d, 2 herses, 50 fowls, 12 ducks De yen teel tired and wearv withont auvappgreut cause? Dou'V hoalarmed. aIl yeu require le Vite Tonie; it will soon bring baek yenr streugth and en- ergy. Botter try a bettle. Mr. R. M. Mitchell, drugglst, keepe lu 1V stock. Profitable to Seil ai eost ounds odd does n't it ? Tiue nevertheless jnst 110W at this store. It pays us to seIl at CoSt Our tock and brolcen fines of goods and receive r-eady cash than to taie 'chances on carryiug gvods ai whule year-. pays youi to buy at these priceb W'orst part of Winter is to ýomc Yes, you br Heavy Clothing three aonthis yet ' r aýÔ per cent~ Diseont off ail Fur Coats, Riffs, Cap Crines, Gauntiets and Caps,, January Djress Goods Bargaîn1s- ~ 2inch. fine finish Suiting Cloths in Brown, Fawn and Green, regular 50c yd, Sale price......38e S58 inch ail Wool Homespuns in Grey, Fawn or Heather mixture, regular 75c per yd., Sale price....48o 41 Heav y Suiing Cloths in 1Brown, Grey and Fawns, regular 35e yd, Sale price ....... ......20e SFrench Dress Goods, ail wool, Fancy, extra heavy, regular $1,50 per yd.'Sale, price............... 75c SScotch Suiting.Cloths, wide cloths, regular $1 .00 and $1,25 per ya January Sale price.......80e 15900 yds of Linenette Liting, regular 12ýc per yd. Sale price per yd.... ..........9 Dress Lengths, regular75 yd for...... 50c Dress Lengýths, $ .00 per*yd.-S de price per yd ...75e finihedlankts lankt Sle an uary Clothifng Sale Finst inshe'Blnkts adeinCanada. Big reductions in prices. Do't put off bnying lohngby now such bargains S$6.50 Blankets for.. ..$4.90 86.00 Blank ets for.. $4-50 were neyer offered before in West Dnrhamn. Good Wearing, S5.50 44 for.... 4.00 5.00 il for.... 3.75 Good fitting Clothing at following prices. S4.75 " for...., 3.75 3.(00 for .., 235 Men's Suits and 'Overcoats. 2.75 for.... 2.10 Sheetings.redueed in price ____________________________________ $16 50 Overcoats and Suite, Sale Price.......$1,2 50 15 00 "il 50 13 50 ' "10.. .. . 00 Grocery Specials 12.00 9.44 fi.99 0 SExtra choie]lrunes regular 2 Ibs for 25c, S. P. 3 Ibs for 25c. 10 00 94 "90 S7 lb tin Marmalade reg. 80e, selling price............... 55e 8 50 ... 5 9a Fine Toilet Soap reg. loc cake for ...................c 7 50 " . ...... 500 ~ 0eBoti o EgishMie-Pickles big size, sale price. 20e 6<O " ' ". ...... 4 90 SSpecial 15e box Sardines for..........................10e JusV hink of sueh valnes-$10.00 Suits or Over-coats for $6.90 30e Salmon put np in porelaine jar choice goode, sale price 18e Some even deeper ente on Overcoats in sizes -Il aiid 35. SFlakýed ilice 20e package, sale price 2 for............... 25e3 Tomýato Catsup 2 lb tin, 3 for.......................... 25eT Cnt Loaf Sugar 4 bs for .............................. 25e DI lh~ tDI ic u ae OwenSond Pume lbtineac........................s m5cfi l Casil Sap e ar7 or.....................5e $6.00 Suite selling price $4 90 84 oo Suits seiing price $3 00 $3.50Footear-2.50500 "Il 33.90~ 1835 -oter8.04.50 Il "i 3.50 3oo50 2 75 > ~7 $3. GO and $3.50 Men's Trousers, Selling price ...,.,$260 4.00 " 3.25 2 75 ' S$6. Go Men'e Waterproof Ceats. guaranteed,Selling price. . $4.75 3.75 "" 30GO $2 5-Watrprof CnterVeI-oV ollas, oh1ig~pree.. .$00 vercoots and Reefers at samneVsîoSie-tth-r IÏ" 20 per cent off ail Fauey Veste in stock. Reduetýon.I duction. ledAdivertislàmenit Carefulfly each week Dulrig January Sale. BIO W AVLL FARMIERS LOSE MONEY Most o! tho, succeeces lu agriculture are oulv partial. Farmiers as u rulo do net realize biggest returne for their work and time. Thev loso mooey titrougit laclk o! pro per information. Techuleal knowledge, ce .pled with îndustry' and pludouce, compels suecese The Breed- or 's Gazette le a 48 te 6 i-page il lustra ted, eveërv wëei; teite farmorls home the- lateet sud niost usablo information, IV telle hlm itow, wtsv and witen. IV teacites ecoui.,my throug i impres'ed moVhods and botter live stock. with its profusion o! beautiful pietures ef live stock and tarma scoues, and ite coumue o! practical information. it stimulates largor intereet lu and love for te countVry The Christmnas Gazette, just from te prose, centaine 81 pages, and is roplete with illustrations, many o! thein suitable for framing, and ertisVie- ally illustratod articles, wicit arc thril- ling, iustruîctive and eivonig, writton bv wr»iere ef! national rpt.Titis groat holida;- issue, with a strlkiu covor design piutiiedluncolore, te aemechani- cal litorary a1ýnd pictorlal triumphi uneq- ualed lu agrîcult ural j-lurnalism. Copies wil ho sont froc Vo ail yearly cubseribore wioso ordors are recoived beforo te supply le exitausted. For $2.00 we willsocouenbotitTria S'rATae- MÂN and Thto Breeder's Gazette for oe year. The Gazette invariably stops witen te timo le iup, se that aV te end et tho 'ear. unlees You renow your kubscripticii, IV wlitl hodiscontinucd Vo your address. A practical knowledge of Gregg Shorthand, $Book Keeping, V. Commercial Law Rapid Galculation, $ Correspondence, Penanship, apelling. etc. will open the way to soine eA the RE-MUNERAT1VE POSITIONS we have to offer. Our facilitieg for in. parting thislr'îowledge are moi complete For fuil particulars regarding our'care- fui and systemnatie courses write NOW t. ~ BRITISH AMERICAN Toronto, I34-6-. W., BRO4 ontanle PRINCIPAL. 'i I j JHANGE 0F BUSINE&S. i sold my photogrRph and pîct- ne business Vo Mr. Geo A Smith, -ý - y Ulingwood, I wish Vo- thank my s s for their patronage in te paet, recommend my successor as a 3photographer in every branch. 0 ! T o Y 'o î GEORGE P. FREELAND s WEEK 0F PRAYER. an, esday, eveniug lu Discipes Subject,-Missioîc, The fielt 0f Our Esteemed Cuîstomers an-d As ýk, aud te worker& '-Speaker: 'e m. Hipkin. icèuI4d ehafl x na lav eveuiug ' lu Methodiet sc+e ow tatiyetn esn Subjert,-"Bible Society and +gr-eetings,' together with best wvishes L'or 4-- Speaker, Reg. H. MVunroe,+ good health and prosperity for1 the coming year. , T.ll. Sincerelty yours, olu are - sdrn htuec ttake Up' consuit us. We have The Model Grocery,Bwmn, e hndred8 of Young peopie te ex-, positions. * advice will prove Vaiuablad e. Our catalogue wtlt give YOU V~t~Pii~F Information, and willbe supp!e- I by a personat letter deating wîth q)eilt pQinte you may wish ex. _____________________ ISS MABEL A. TAIT Le advantage cf this oppruly syour request foraticu.ars OurMPNI'1A& PAN SLOST Ye Country Editor Touches the Lyre. How dear to our beart le -the steady subscriber. Who pays iii advance at the birth of cach y car; Who lays down his money and offers it gladly, And casts 'round the office a halo of, cheer! Who never savs, "Stop it, 1 eau flot M.- ford it ' Or "Arn gctting more papers now than I eau read," But always says,' Sand it, I read il, and like it. And can 't do6 without it-its j uet what I need, How welcome ha te when hie steps in Our sanctum, How ha makes our hearts throb! l10w lhe makes Our eN e dance! We outwardly thank him-we inwardlyJ bisse hlm, The teady subseriber who pays in advane, To our largely Increasing circle of Friende who have Patronized ns se Liberally dnring Thetset year We extond our Uearty thanke .And desire te Express Vflie hope For y our con inued Visite dnring 1905 By coniteous deaiing And itone8t values We shall endeavor To menit ail youir Favors, Bowmannville, Ontario., Concert Eng agemenlts AccepVýed. ALLAN LINÈ LIVERPOOL AINDILOINDONDE9RJI1 1ROYAL MAIL lSTVAMERS. il FROM ST, JOHN. FROM HALI Pretorian ...Sat, dcii 7; Mon. J( Corinthian.,,'Sat, jeu. v4 Mon, Jan. Pcrisîan ... c. ai21 Mon. Jan. Cîilian ...-Sat, Jan 258 Mon. Jan, Reduce d Rates of Passage.,, F'i, ait Cb-ei iupmards, a ~edin Steamller: Secourt Cein. Liverpool and L douî,Irry $80 f" 552.50 3 lLno$ 0eV Third Olasq.speir omdain,5M Liverpool, Deýrr ,Belfa ist, COlja go w, Lond Through tickets te Seott A fric. NEW ïGORK TO GLA800W Numiian.......Tored~ Ja.10 For Tickets an1 Ei.erý 'Ufopil Apply 50 o- We eepecially rIüoorni ta) subsecibe Vo hs wv Advoeate and Hlomo Lonidon, Ont, Bee vclub ume up.- -... -LL- W lui IL ULI p quil ý 1 r -l 1 1 - 1 If Ic