That S-ction,. I tons o! pulý,i)per day, whýi4ih, t J1m a. ton, earn $1 50c, per lday. <3.> The Helen Miik ije roduicïng 3,000 tons o!fIron ore per day at ý3.25 per ton, earfing $1,250 per day. The earnig power of the otherin dutiscannot bho se accujrate]y es- timatedc, but rmay be ýput at ?200 per day. On tbe lst NovOniber thereý were 3,98 ma.Thepa roil for tLhe mnonth o!fcoe a $3,4.9 Mr., Whitneyý, in an addiress at Mr. i3orde's meeinginthe àMasseylHall, Oco~r41l, 1004 . .,iA qf_ý f16, The Pe0ploe nat a a Gvenymffat That Co dWili De bosI h Neede eoftthe Provine Bequ.ire Aottoo Maei hoPrecedaýut lu Dehkg Whal; 1 The Soo i*ndustirie,. Mr. os con- timiued, feli into dîiffiulties. Thoi stoch spIecuIltors ili the Uniited States pra.cticaýily limpovcrishcd some o! the meti whe were at the back o! the inidustries. They had iavested $23,000,000 in plants of various ltinds. The tura had been reached £Mit TMa! TbaiNnnM e W rougbit luTht is gi2.No , fr Ven el Falot ers to Wei, atar,,'Lad-rm T., Sbapethe DeAtfDy o! Ocane W LaIDrBurau.want Nýea et courage, nom ef Actiom, Whe Ho. eo.W.Ros bcam Xread «aauge xime,,,w1boAre Net Afrald Premier o! Ontarjo la1899,amon Other measIIres lain n eto swth Mr'. ROSS aid Ihe woulic orn ltO bi theý deveopmnit o! )fNew On-tarioolhe leader o! veaent tat could creatd theBureau of Colonizain ntiiik1eep up with 'thecenergy and to dbret lid-seekers and in other public spirit that prevalin l this ways to facilate settieiet4i te co.tatr. "The Liberal party, so f r new dsrita8 I arncoce ned,eadded, -and Since, thousands o! settiers hav o fr as tue men folioin mear purchased or iocated farms in New concýerned, le resolved that whatever Ontaro thrugh persnai advice pu. Mnav ho donebvlmvitonriqr' .Ou, nubi wli on prnta rgilary . owaed. They wiii pay tire interest caroonor wa hose tat ti ad d reemtiebonds la two nubere! m'migrants'arrivlng la we poesss." (Cheers.) Ha) la185 h fetcocssonWatbeca 32 yoars la the saddle. Well, years.' Proceeding, Mr. Rose said Ontario la 1900 was a trille ever 3,- te do with theni; tliey ar4 mnade te Mr. F. H. Clergue for the suppose hoe bas. He is as good a thîs action, taken ia spite of-tire ()(0. The immigration te Ontario quired, they have net sho establishment o! Pulp Works at tire war horse when the saddie Opposition, had resulted la reviving frein Great flritain for eleven menthe capacity f or vring y ~al. u ! hs,îvîva n- ws ls pto hm0(agtc. thel Soo industries; 4,000 men la o! 1904 exceeded 23,000. These fim- have been la-tire wiidern& ginally an invetment o! about $1,- 1isry ae htb~nyrls round numbers wore boing employed,1 migrants were net dumped bore and geod many.years. They hai ~l0,00, treo gew ir !olowng~ 1 rbyrae t. It bas always been andi $130,000 a mentir, or $1,500,-1 allowedte eshift for tiremseoves la filied the terra e! their p a wnnr. Aplaue nd auhte.)000 a yoar, was being paid la wages. tire langer cîties, but during tire past yt-(A voice-Four year *ustries: Now aiid again la a side stooplechase Those mon were boîng fed andi sup- two seasene oven 12,000 O! -them be!ore they cross into tire Ciloride Pulp Werke, Nickel Reduc- or hurtilo race or semthiag o! that pliid freni older Ontario, were geýt- wene suppflieti with raiiwaY tickets landi. Lot theni romain runt tien Works, Car Sirops, Veneerng kind lt may sometimes have bati a tlag pork, bacon, wireat and fleur1 andi sont te fanîners wiro bad applied heur, and w ,e shall 500 MilSteel Plant, Tire Algomna Cea- tumble, but la tire great races o! tire andi the produce o! tire dairy fr ' foi'-irelp te the Goverameat Farm great question tire Provint ;season tire war herse bas alwaye Lennex anong the other eider ceun- Laber fBureau. Maay o! these will tresallaitr a tra Rilwy.woa ad i hgoig e wn uetics. Tire llrst six menthe' latereet go te New Ontario when they become Roýs at Napnaee,. Tirese Indusities invo-ived tire ex- timie,<Louti appiause anti cries o! onthre bonds guaranteed by tire Gev- botter' acquainteti witir Ontario me- ponditurýe o! about e33,000,000., Tire j"Y"ou bt.',) Buit tire etirr herse iras erament, $50,000, and on tire mort- tirots o! !arming, but ini tire 5'nan- lTHER FRIEND OF LAI inancial etringency i 'tire Unitedibe ntr adI 2Ynsas.gage bonds, $250,000,liead l'osapaiti tinte tirey upply tir e bop Our !arm-' S8tates la 1£t02-3 se crippied tirh a ieOpoiinhre iranbe-onwien tire ,roney, recontly fell due. ers neoti, antiwiricir is teiivered atln eteWr klutries tirat they badte suspend tireracewou arc e or32 enu hte as 1Nearly ah tire cr.tiîtors,1,800' in thoiî doorF by tire Geverameat freeX .Wh rnhti e a pert ai uattimof92, otelycoWetrk,. pperations, ,and -as a censequence deneyer won raet. (lkughter) ilfot be pidasl o 2, ! aycettetrei dontko ia r elk efrý 700,000. About twenty-f±ve or titir- Tire following pensonai lto,. Soiaetines tirns l a si 4%bout 5.000 mon wene thnowa eut of some tume. He bas irad, many jock- ty tirousand dollars yot nemaineti te which tire Premier fonwarded te Mr. la;bor la oae towa and a empliymont. eys. (Renewed laugiter.) There was be paiti, andlire believýed tis weuld .E.KyinletsrsitrstalatresWt 'udra In October an appeal was made o t Sm Matiros Ceoandrenlore pai boforstirercgille!amretis speciai work o!'immigration, tire difficulty andi greatlyi te Gocvenrnet e dvaone tre .wage,,s toyasam r et S ila ew yean. Ho e poke o! tire large con- Mr. Kyle is tire special agento! tire te tire easy rnnning o! du ir mloesa inte w p-raphlMferdtn si a atracts given by tire Canadian Paci-; àovoennmolrt te iIp meet tire do- nmarket weuldl'e tire esta eroachiag and their familles were d- ti0jr twtYyrs . gv fie, tire Intercolonial and tire Ternis- mands fer farm laborlatire Pro- o! some central laber buree . e-ule he jb totake oeson the Xencb, kmn alasa rcfo h iCý!saitc a ekp ft ý)adent upen tireir daiiy earnîngs. wich ire adoras. Thoen Mn. Marter pkamigllhwsand s ph ftrof o!tirh ne .Trotostatist,198 q wrisn 'e ikaet o lIrfket, a neot was tirreateneti upilesral m nfor a year aad a irai!. Tirerrespertyand bnidetauture o! tre nme o hmteei BerneA relie! wrre aflordoti. Tire Gov- was tee mucir prohibition in tirat < Personal.)au eror iomtnsl eraiment met tues condition o! tiige herse, on somtiing-<îauguter-and te tire legislation providing tint ne My Dear Mr. Kyle,-I was 50 bnsy ment, se thrat wiren, say, py au arrangement withr tire Banks iro watt netineti. Re iti net retire; ire one shouiti bo employed on Norka wiren 1 arrangeci te senti you to Eng- are acnedet inhanay partlcul jaideti by tire Gevernment wiro came aitn a nbe te iv eniemloyons may write te th ~'iersy tre nm ! $60O00W&5Nusretret, ad or irelas 1een îom countnies where tire is an a,11- full instructions as te Nrat1 ex- bureau andi learn wer tire, Vadas-tire arrears ef wages toe er- years iay esteemued fienti Mn. Whirt- on îaw against Canadians.-Premier te.Sc ueuwu e! t~ tilierentCompaies ny ira boonrunaig tia hers 1~os at Brrie.pected you te do on anivîng tirere,tie.nbabuauwu ployee fted eetCrpne e a ee unn hthreRs tBri.altirougir frer a aconversation Iirati facilitate tire seatiyemplcý cencerneti. Thie «ovonment Nus Nitirout any botter success. Ho came wt o eoeyulf aen ewudipoýeterl protectd In tis advnce bythe wihin tw or thee poins of wii- leoubTieyouà adenstootioutwyouatdeistex-whtwelsaecapitalcapi ntiandabor,, a <ant i rant promisedth ie Railway, aiing luet tinte, l'ut it NÊ.s s50riear Censervatives say Ait imeasfr a p0tio!ynerwbuaM.Rosaiie înasmucirjas ne part o! thre landi anti yet se far-(applause anti laugir- pchangef iti Ontanie. TireauLiberosss idili grant irati l'os transferreti Tire ud- ter)-and lireiras new calîsdti t iis 1 a19 argrdt taa rr (1) Lot me say tint yen are te ldt s etbîht tire Bana was, tnre-8asistancegartirserOtmtawa!.tiratdevote yeur attention ontirelytte s oatol e! tire workiagm4 Wa.nce madtiete dBankese lis latireladtiraatirientuangmenio! theiaboersde-selves. (Applause.) Tire G( for, alie o tie poprtyo! he bors alu e!monstciras n.Liberaîs la 1896 proved tirere was 1 mestic servante anti sucir otber dit net waat te intenfent .Compaay. Already noarly oae- al! Gaîaey. (Criss o! -Oh," anti groans.) -et oracrpî'.Tiey net ouly people us are îikeîy te malte settiers capital and laber ilanay fi VI! thisutivance iras been nopait and In la ft, ire ias a lot o! grooms , antied o cag tire Governatecnt iroltis tire guarantee tire otier day ire callot a conferonce' matie charges but they provet thora. on tire, agicultural lande, ! tire Pro- Goverament, lbut migirt cor o! tire Company tint tire renaînde-r te 50e if 1tire was aay chance for McGreevy wae a aiInagOi vince. emnali sumi tbwards tire me Nulho aii o o beoretie ît tis 3-yar-ldaniai e inan in,.-frOni public li!e-ýand abses of! ,(2) Yen nigit ipformi sucir people O! sucir a bureau anti lot t keobruaeny next. they cameý te the4~onclusion that tirh uleoice r!î ee rvt P a ynta el ledsoeite rlnmen manage it for thoe. 11EE'rVAL OF,THEE INDUSTRIES, horse -pigirt Nia. Tirey have aîways tetr î.Falytr ote eil en eCnd !OnlXebe acreoed produets etfithe -Tire payaient o! tire Nages, ai- beon saying tint, 'I'iey have lest o! tire Cabinet against Prenmier Bow-, root ladustry, empleyimg certain thougir affording a measure o! relief, money on tint every timie, (Long cil shewedth ie country tire trutir o! mirer o! Nomn anticîlîdrea ai d "Il.v hon. fhnnti M. Dr stihl left tire Comnpany untio a mort- coatinueti laughton anti applause. >) tieLieaI are trt isConser- porbaps mca e! over mititle-ag-e NeScOdlwucesonloi gage o! $4e,500,000 to Speyen Promier Rocs at Napance. vative Goverrameat at tint tume Nas are net physically aine te de b11ard mient o! Agriculture, iras uni egovera andti iat it Nas Noî'k, tit< lirey coulti fiat empley- itir tiregreat probeieme!f f ýCompany3, ci New Yenk,'anti as tire -iefr hne"mn u-,ýtesme esnfrtevleo oadam nortgage ,Watti overdue, Spoyer & Leok At the Two Pictures. "tefracag.ietdn~gtenmensao o ievleo o niam ,rompany declaredticrir Intention te "I bave now shown by way o! pre- Have any charges o! contnact a couple 'of tontirs more or lese. regard te tiroir effect on the forociose anti sou tire property ut face what we_ have done, anti onîy breakiag, of disironest management o! (3) Kindiy romember tint you bave o! tire fart. Whiat de our( public auctien. Fromi- sucim sale Con-i very partially.,Now, lot us look ut tire public, funtis -or reaources been ho commission te encourage tire an- Say la regard te ii succi tai . enoqunce dsa~rou t tie treatttud o ou epoaats î~usprevea on even specifically matie tisan.classes te corne te Ontario, Commenaations on every lbe Indstres îgit !lio. () qîe Wel olktei uon tis plcturn. and i against tire Ontaýio Goveramont asire Governmeat iras !ully tiecitiedti iose wir once votonu agut Comany beide th Spyermor- i thn o t4. W ar ener:ng no lPremier Ross-saiti ut Napane:- tint tire demande for skilleti labor ls it a smali tiing-I arn-di gage, owsddtilllerent creditons $1 on Our ninti campalig as a9 Govern- -,I want tis note to go te tire shall'bc left entlnely te the vanik is nigit witir Stern realities- nient, anti cur opponeats are enter- routy-that every m ember o! tire inldustris requining sucir labor, ant ineaîl tiring tirat a Goyeni 800,000; o! tis sum. $1,200,000 iras cnie htyuhven uh.t hsPrvnecns iet owing te Canadien creditors. If thir ng tiroir ainthr campaiga, too. Tirey Liberal Adiniastration, that iras 1 osdrtrt o v eatroiytn rvnc.e edrc xnot~gewer fneioetiah tio 1 have carnieti on tire Nar against us been, la power siace 1871, is able te citirn rom tire Govermnot on !rom gies e! tire farter as te citorS, eN oulti ledht et tei aime et nelong as tire nar o! tire stand ire!ore tire mont critical court any employeýr o! ukîlletilabon tola- tirreebelti, fivefolti, yen, twer nmany rs outien coultiou-afao d ti.Spanisir Succession' anti almost as la tire land, iefone eny committee c! vite or -encourage- tint particular mre cases, tire producte o! manysoiosei a ud all(Tiorathe heur.) Now, do thre foîs As T have often doue la clame to conte te tire Province. Of teO advaace asmorg tirs fa] lois. (2) It watt generaily beiievea _ _ yen suppose tint tire people o! On- tinys gene by, 1 challenge our op- course yen are ut liberty te speak groat tiecire te perfect ti tint if tire propenty were transfenreti tarie are sncb idiots tint if our op- 'penents to show tint tire Administra- o! Ontario goneraliy anti o! its pros- tire aoblest O! Canadian ca -tire A re, iCentral Railway wicbh -bs___ _____ýe v -1 J ..-bilieithi w hne, tir Pevnc htiSusidzei it a np'untu in tin murcampaîgahad tien asnenenu t, tiiýwe ox - -entiio-- -u-eiai- oei isito asreahms ,te roine adsusiizd em a etiring betten te present t.e rn tradedienl our Position for poltical for goti citizens o!fny l ws itir- bring te tirs markets e! tire grant 'of 7,400 acres o! lant por stina ntspot-ie shaeiatreopb ut holding eut inducetnonts, hon-- tiroir products tiret Niicim mnile wouidti neh completeti, anti us have taien thren up long ugo? They lic contracts for election fuatis, on evor, to tirs artisan cass, sitier as tire severest test, until ti tir rilnytrveuei alabe in îtian çpportunity. Sir MattreN tiret we irave donc anytbung thato ae rem1yst Englanti ne stand second in oral, agricultunul andtimber dis- Cnouks Caeron n-as thirurfirst isati- lblgafeln !caîet ieI(S'-ignet) ,Geo. W.Rle., ton o! cireese andti iird la th tniteitsextnsin t ti Caachanor, anti ho ties ted t&ie armny tint ho' most se4siif've conscience. Tint ise!btrwîlutS.L P'acifie n'as coasitioret of great fi- l lot, Sir Wm. Ueretiti Nus tiieir sec- our challenge te tirs country te day, ITOk)D BY TI1RIR POLIC.Y. Iherses, cattie und sicep cz pontance. Tire permanent fuilure 01 iont leader. Rien-ont tirougi four or (Lent cireers.) 'Ne say tirat ater - iigi honore? (Applause.)1 ,theo Sauît industries aise involvet five cavipalgnasNitirluirem,' anti ho 84 years' service it lu a challenge e eas t5 doCntut tStegi ieoîordy etn tire failuyre of tire nailway. This -us abantionst tire conteet. Mn. Man'ten wili admit tint I Cat a ie wltlh ad6atlutetVigor. oun fruit groers had carrie unteslirabie. (8> It Nwas n-cil'unatio- foliowestifor a short time. lHo nI-as somne pnite. Se tiret iln ne sait I "rbave 'o! 0tire llrt ,:pnizes et thre ecod, tinut If tireSpeyer n ugîs' o nt, sutisfactory te iris punrty, for la 1896 it 7watt tinue ïjfor 'n wý7-,e thven ye n tiV J)re drecord pf lExibtonatLo Nos oecoettbe United t tdojl je ne case ye rs. î ave bnmforcireviewot tiroi frts tit n-ensthe e1uipêted pr i, ïte 1ýbosa t t it noNfor îmtieeuOlt fhltire --prosent Insance canio gu, ver1o0eDotNîici c asrs ndt t in d aitoption on about Skcrsevea yeartt. Sc asun (Oeegsn,-,voryirer tons rifev-c, tirwçNnke i!'nl net operttr e ttntu ys sefan'. Lugter) on-IlNh afailuire. Tire policy' von wNich ftiîim ,ýeltiey wnuttew tire ceutry ýcirangoimpovnetd! i am telplant. Tn Trust, tvbich Con- tint is a siimple proposition. If our larffer biiuccounts, mn cei trollot al tire Steeà1 industries o!tire o ppe1nenti Nom-e unable in aIl tirese'Net a Doltar Msplaced. egtidfTr ntems. Our policy irlas t e1;pltnttr ilJutd tutsirs nxiusto ro egh capugn naio scirledes We assistet inlatireconstruction oe! md a conitinuity 'o! trengtir ann ti îe Depnrtment, o!f gn ýVont tire manufacture o! stecel rails ila1as I have nientioneti te subtnit a ,0 tt ie riwyant e cntttoa ie -iiia a Oneetîy anti eîliciontîy dt Canada. By gtting possession o! alternative policy te -epeopleo ismmn u peet r e.drtfoa17 ut ie pro-tiret it iras irrougiît teti tire plant ut tire Smult, in wirici tins country Niici Nuas more accopt- aile te Say tiret we iiplaceti a del- sont time. We have eirendone'd notr- etariay rNrs about $7,000,000 aeblvsed is tle tiran ours, sumeiy tire People lar or aliet in 1tire construction o! a iag becauso Nec fouont it ulceos; e; tRor laryenonto.- ivoltiirltitir Cnadian market for n-oulq have acsptsd It hofome aew." cSingle m'le o! usele"s railway; A-,hv o -paeien elito !______- tirir Amierican industries. Tire e!- -P remier Rose et Tml aqe. , lause.) 'e set ourcelvos te supply our ena bocause it iras net heen ef- fec e tnsweud reteproea tretire-aecessary public acconno9datuon foctlve2.Evy poliey an have set Thz PFtnaaees IVere Sali develoPeihnt o! tire iron mines on tic Ontario,splendid 5'tnaucial Reodlnder for normal scirools, fer public in-, np O ire groat, long, tedions, Mn Wiley Ho.G Retea beeo!Lae ueneraniLiherai But,, stitutions, asylumes, Central Prison, ant(i, cl i say, strenlueus Journecy sai, at tirec Temple baunque Eter soreofae! tire roatet nds.Recipts--1867 te 3lst anti se on. We hai te ereet Parlua- stands t, o-day crect as wirea planteti orte, vwaaited an audit o! t te rs oon lue, fthe latad. ecmir,198.n2d0us7,53ment Buildings for tir eacressary ae- hy tire bauds o! tire leaders e! tire ces. The Province o! Ontani4 < antuis oriels an effor-tn-ns matie te Expeatiitures--1867 te omdteo!tr eiitn.T great Liberal panty, anti siouit Pro-autr itriesanpoe i~-rgnic heComaa o nno 3lt ec, 90 -12,07,9753thirty yeairs we bave spent S9,518,-i viteice spare us anti permit us te Lorne Mactiongail at Ottnwï irasis, andthie Goveramrent n-as as- CaSh on baud 21st 571 où b liic buildings. Let any oeorotain power 1I be we sirail stili ire tirought tire firances wene sa suredthtin if the bonde o! tire nom Decemtber, 1908-.... 1,994i,679.00 of*Ve-u sit dean te sec wliat tiret in- aine te guide the future Liberals cf!lnds. Tirere n'as aise a Pi Comnpany wene enciorsedt thie exten-it Assets o! tirs Provin- volves-the tring cf plans, tire tuis country hy monumrents equaîîy ceunts Ccmarnttee ou wbict o! two amillions o! dollars a ne- ce, 31st Dec., 1903. 8,383,306.11 manugiîîg o! contracte, and se., on- uisofuil, equaîîy attractive, cquaîîy fun Consenvatives sat every orgniaton oud e efete AterLibiitis f heanti 'Icm aill seo tiet ceiefe!tire vainable ini, tire devel opient of tire St ii Mr. Whitney dit net t. tir tet areul onitiraione! ir Pivine,3ls ~largo enterprmmes wilt'r1haveo nameti, gmeat Province, (Prolonget ap- public acceflats were wcll responslbility invoîveti andthie at- cemaber, 1903--------..5,834,141 99 anti wil ane in a momment, requireti plante.) Our cry is 'progressive On- ena nte tire people, anti Surpls cfAseet a!-consiticrable effort on tire part e! tire tarie.' "-rme Ross la Teronto,. putting thora ia tire ciruri Venteges te tire'Province fuonitheSupuofAst - oeniet erth ulr- te.sol.l i (e ne eS,ýaT)lisméent o! tirese 1ridstries, ten deduc7tmmrig Liabi- Guriet ir iebidnsa-.eiol.1 rs(iesek the Goverameat ugreedtp teentorse lithos................ .... 2,549,164.12 No archite'ýct null cendentire th. New-sources, eh Revenue lieder Lîhorat ton, Rov. Dr. Milligana, nere tir bodeas îredystaetite irei ashin iremaionTbey arec perfoctly arrangeti, se fan Admnsatration. a copy o! tire public accoi oxtenït o! two m llions o! menoley, o Dec. î2tir, 1904i as sanitary accemmodtiotin ant i Tire Liberal Geverniment o! on_ cirurcir on, Sunday ant irp te dae e!everythiing else is coaceruei ietrie bs vtinctThsprrsi-eprend' na sermon fmcm it,lire tiecondition itt the railr oad (the at toissolu-c ad-uofte tilctrola vdndispogsieho ol 1v't b xu siou offae om1pltet. Thre secunrities itien)................. 2,79,200.00""Oen'a at n f iePbi dministr-ation la mnany ways, es-irw'ud avtehoxc cftreGvonîstfe usetos-Treacury- , ntne toan can place iis pecially la tiscevening iaew-sources o!-homne anti rend Milton's mient Nonse: (a) tire lent granit ail- Our Position ltedacinatten. latcico inigle ola pali for revenue wîthr,whici te mneet tire ever Lî"o PrtleIigic rccî ernd mentngteutî~5t "Euctin e et îtintiisorileeti meney, for pelilical purposos, increasi mîg neetis o! a growing Pro- 1 Tie venue ciildishn-esm 6010,000 acres, lestiïaated l'y Mn. in any otirer country, non neyer n'iîîol iapit a alvy efna viace. These, it mey ho atdoti, have prpiI, ai n es tire extremities 1, wirich t! intay a1901 ut %S a acre; b) ho perfect'ia accerdance witî tire tire Geverament lis concernot." (Ap- heca inaugureteti lent develepet la 100 mlles o! raiîroad ulreatiy coma- idens 'o! seme people; but we inow plause.)-Premier Roset Toronto tire face o! more or less etrenueus op-driven. Tirey bave ne largei pleteti; (C) a Subsitiy o! $240,000 wiere Ne stand," sait Premier Roses aqe h.ri enr position o! tire Whitney party la tire ing tappea te tire rnant sarneti frein tire, Dominion Govera- ut tire Toronto banquet. "14e toei I il teTm traChneNe. Hus.1d net clama te be equai ment, but net pait over; (di) a first tire firet position at tire Wori'sFainIrleleTii oraCa1eNw Someofe!tirese sources o! revenue CIt - toeofm rdrs iti'rtgnge on &Il tic property o! tire anti wetaie tire lîrst position la tire 1Tire Liberal Gevernment had Col- andtihie total. recelptslare as !oloiwe-ct e h !mypeee Cemany tre lrt cst ! vilitestmaton o! iston frm irnatlecteti $124,000,000 anti spent Succesjsion Duties, 1892 te gave you muci o! tit lo n'as $30,000,000.,'Nitir sncb ample woeainju chos hepo 0121,000,000 e! it, anti on tire day 1 ýinclusive---------......s2,462,720 We havedoue- a iti geo trYY ig to Catch up with il thatg detail with ail that vwc attcniptcd tu one of theni. Yu aopu o vo nothin o. egapidwt tho question hand upon any great tnar'seV e o e !good ronds. That %vas in n'y which the Liberal party addreised ijt- >wn their time. Six counties have already ac- sêlf, or upon any rotineiasuire it et. They cepted our systern, and $543,000 lias undertook ta dispose of, and I ara ess for a been spent on good roads, o! which podt a hti a h or vs et ui-we paid $181,000. IVe cndeavored toa ge ta grapplo with great esrs pnishment deveiop the beet-root sugar industry, wtotfnigta ahadalo ~s or)-and the Berlin factory produced 7, - these have resuited lna advantage t. promised 000,000 pounds o! sugar iast year, tho country and rýedlit te thepary' LU h atwhichi wili yield ta the farniers prob- PApas)Pme oss ,n Tor on- oe o! On abliy $1.50,000 , The pohcy of the y.-Premier Governmoat lbas been to encourage whceever we couid homne industry, Toiea erîr' oatst and to sce t i th moeynow sent Ir, no JLepartmjieat bias ble Liber- BOR abroad tea ýupply us with our- na- ai Administration heeýn imore fliy tural wants is expended la industrie-_s shown than ia that o! the roinia ,rkr lt O. o Or wnground. Canada for Iertay Canadians,anth operation o n The revenue from this 1)epartme1rnt, dustries lin any lune that ,can ho pro. n171 nerte-P dlldMc surpls ofductive and profitable. (Applause.) donald vrien $228 Y turpius "'N -e took up another littie prob- thtveaetWas$28. X deflciency rate had cntnud!or the ,suc- tiy relieve lemi, tbe devolopment o! power at ' c o nt ib u e N i g ar F a îs. n t e fa e ~ it ceed in g y e a rs, t he t o tal1 w o u ld hia v e contibue Nigar Fals. n te fae o itreached only $72,000.' the labor that seems a snmali matter, but look UneLbra rubwvrth tblishm ent at it. By the -arrangem ents, hich revn ue froi ne 1872 to 1903 incluslithe auwbee w mae itbtbre pworcoPanles bas totaled the large sum, o! 728,- te number eau are going te secure on Canadian vn and the sou uat Niagara an expenditure of semploy- $25,O00,000-American money most ten men of it, but tbey may spend $25,000,- BoUght Chamberlain's Cough Rem- iar trade 000 more if they choose. danSetituÉeds 1e central Bental From -Pulie ranche8ed ndSati t rlas ey may get "Wbat are we goinig ta get fron ld heip te these franchises? We are going ta Mr. F. W. J. Fletcher, a druggist la Oymeat 0! realize nearly $275,000 by way 0! Victoria, Australie, say s: '-A custouer IR dations l'e- rentai, and 1 received --an invitation ef!raine, *as su pleased wlth Chamber- and auch a to-day ta visit thre epening e! the lain' og emedv, whicl'site had would l'ei first power bouse on the Canadian used for iter chidren when suffering " sne teideo ona-etsoi htfrûm colds and croup, that duririga endertir-sdeo na ext hwn t ortaight's dime sire obtained at my shop loverimntthis nvestneat is real, showing that aine botties. which she sent to ber >e raet e fo hotn naro ne frienda iiidiffereat parts of the state, between a the air, but that the country 18 telliag them how maclrgeed it had utribute a golag to get eubstential rewarls douie and advising them to give [t a tîtnacfromn our-rmanag-eent o! -this depart- tial." For sale by ail drutggists. ire jTorlt- ment. Evorythinig, Mr. Chairman, ' rseives. allow me ta say%, and wîtirouta * shadow o! egotii, overy matter -La1 ' Wy u'tyo o1,wok é arm. large or smail %with wbich wo have Doa"t you kowît aroiling stone ' iYden, tire 1dealt lhas been ,uc-cessful, and[ that gathers i1o 1mose?" The Trampij-- re Dlepeirt- !ainitiec-l! shows soine judgr a1ent aon "Madam,ý,1not teo vade ye vur question sgrappled 1Our part, some judgmeat -on the part at al-,)lut merel'y te(obtinf!or- fnding out o! the Legisiative Assemibly that ad- 4a7n nyT s htaticai Dsphere tla vises us, and, lain y judgmoent, far utiity me1ss i's tv 3a1manJ La my ýcton1_- ýproducts miore te the crelit e& the Govoýrierentdiio" opponents t4iýp any obstruction or enitiai cess now? eeUM ie ta their disadvantage. IDEAFNESS QANNOT BK CUREUD. iand froin A Ilegrpsatve Minerai r9lec. and rom Y local applicaticns as tbey Cannot reaci thre ast hlm. "Wc undertooe the doveiopmient o! diseased por'tion o!f the ear. There Io only oae ealing te- iur minerai resourcos and we are get- way te cure deafness, and that la b& Conistitu 15 t a~lig wththoa wii.Dur I remcdies. Deafnessela caused by au la s--s i a ingonwt teivery w I Drhol stîuaiinoth rnent la iag my time we have piaeedupon the Enstachlian Tube. Whp.n diti. tube hlatiiflamed teer-market frein our gold mines neariy yoù have at rurnbliug seund or Imefect hear- ing, and wbeu ih 1s'entiretlos .Deafnes Io a crease e1,884, 786 w erth; la silver, $313,- the'result, snd mises tirs Inflamamation cau lbe 0t3foid la 1721; in iron ore, $1 ,285, 728-that taken eut and thls tube restered to Its normal condition, hearlug will be destroy ed ferever; tire farm;, iron ore twe sôld niostiy ta the~ Uni- pine casese, ut o! ten are causecd by Catarrr, arrers a tdStts sm a ailton, noms whlciG la ohinig but a n.mdcuhiuo s, oneofo at Deseronto, soine at Midland and W efcollgsrfes.eÜdedDiis o n à ito IU wo,. nce,7,52,729 wentb, becnretibyHall'a Catarrh Cure. Senti for ci- erît e! anti, copper, $2,482,007 werth. On cuiar, free, 1stand la ail, in these threc mîneral pro- Sle F.J.. CFENEY& 00. Tetedo, O lay in ducts wo bave produce inlatire hast Tales Halls Familn Pills for Constipation. e mat- fine 'yeene, ntio a mninerai pelicy _______ malter ttat t onte people cende ma, $18,000,- t our 000 wortir o! ore. Il isle leing us i-'h--No, scr; Ai leimpossible. X -ict off te tis position, tiat sooner or a-rn iny intecti, but 1I-coa never, is only inter Canada n-ir e latepentent e! marry yen." fie-'"Nirat aboýut tire ti tint tire werlti for lber Irnaantifo fer hon ocoUragûent tyen gavee rc lest off one steel anti a)l pro ducîs tint are mate ýnigtita tireNltz,?"Sr-" h t Eng- m05t hmpontuid cnidrti for uýs Intinpressure, se )te speai." ide--e Canotlians Niren u c thire t ltir 'nfici al;Uie ts because o! the possesg- DO »OT SUPPRESS A COUGh. Ia tire Sion o! vaut hods (e! ore ati lanela ia tir'e duetnioes foi- the mnfcueo0 rn, We"e aeacogrd oivt eýtJtion rtirey Neneebale te formLla nhien-çý'14do- Y "jv onld nttyt c<-ri e! lar trust te 7o-nîr0l1tire AeiaTs're ibGrnin ie as. h Ire le m arks t antiindrecîytecontrel tirh oge l nyasmpex fem4sue andCanadien amaret. Tint n'as coeor anti the diseuse6 is wiat non eulti 0cure, anti thon tire cough ill stop o! itseof. Tire ,ountyi ier objecte. "-Premiïer Rose in Tu- me omncuee o~igl nommr rete.coiti. Anodynes n'hlpnýompït,,ippress ' Fosh frrrvicjlniht. thre cengir,anti pmeparatIen\aaii FeulatferPreincat ttgt,, cirioroform, opium, etc , are useti for 'Now, tise, u s 1 Si satbL-ore, are , that purpese, but tirey do uot cure tire *Ross lange quesýtjins îU, irc1 ihave colti.CiranbsraasCugrRmty on in Te- decl, anti thmcy are emly a, l otirer irund doesnut supprees tire fian- legislalion we decl Nitit munucipal cougir, but relieves it l'y reio'zing fronm tati ani lan', anti ivreiras nîci fanît tb fiat lire tirent anti lunge the mucus wiici as Mr. initir our municipal iawi? 'e have cbstructedth ie breutiring anti alluyiag, anti lire deaît Nitir labon laws, anti we had jthe irritation anti tickling in tire hrout. il-, iris te go into tire courte to figbt for tire t ais opens tire secretions anti offect- lic Ac-, nigirte of tire Province, anti we bcd ualiuat penmanentîn cures thre co[d n enty- te contest tirsfield wiîî tire bcdt as we U as tire cougir. For suie l'y al 1ai vil] ýui: rarri 'ti reaù idc ta, Super ce fflttl -ont, lis ce W. e ;ae j b tm thliktire founti in tis-ceîmtry or in Engianti, tmeneugir anti 'e more universelly suecessful in proposet oun litigation beo ee tire Privy Coun- 'cies anti cil as ire wsre succossful la, our liti- n's) pas- galion etironie. 1 put tirese facîs te open before you, aticlI1have neotioubt tnts in seaie o!fhem ill go te tire cennlny, oi(cecti te te shoewntirettlîis sàeGoveramacant ýtirought that bas-ni memîem 1r Iii speak- iset, go lag mdsl-i aaiyfor ad- 'Fanatise nîlaistr'atio,it aiil its hum-t- d." o n tuty to eeprýj up výith tire de- o! tieeamants of tire people ia every quarter, -"shows ant it i le c unieus tig in the bhey are double barneiloti policy îi'iricir Mn.j Sreihrme Whitney lias gm-m-n us-ire policy of Loii, noth- tire comilemjee anti iis cira policy til geet. suheeqimentiy-ht thmere is nehhing 1in capa- proposet except a few tiringe la lad- esers Nire tatiorn o! omr pehicy, notbing tint %islien. ean ho renliy uselully atitedti t wNiat lai tire the' Liberal party preposes or wt~l givon -yoILmthe Liberal party ha demie.' -Premier narty eund'Ross at Toronto. bhat irigi îi admia- ______ giva hic s LyormoustaîIch or berd y NEW vCLUBBINt* RITES. lHE s STEiSUmAsN wl ho funnishietifor i90nlaconnecetioniwiti tire uaderaamed puiblications ut tio repice ustated: Tore-noDailyonldbai 190J ires 5j fonoaite Daily Stan, de1 do 2.0 Toronte Da (410Globe4'75 5 'e eitieni 3.15 Weol'.iobwilmilu-tîaetiparts 19 Deilv Mail and Empire 4. WNesitly Mail anti Empire 1.90 'ronto Daily Noes 200C Weekiy Witaess 1.75 Tire îeekly Sun 1.90 Farrning Woniti 1.50 Fnnnter's Ativocate 2,50 Christian Guandian, bl 1901 free 2- 00k. Fa milv Hennît anti Weekly Stan W She-T.thnkit' ý: sllyof ov ers to quarrel." fe"Yk . ' aknup is 5 epnsvo' CIOAMSyE1 cUTI ~ t Iras lueicmQe samasu ýt5Jî t, 1' spoil the best 'Éea ir, t the malOWDU r,,,, he.t housekeeper cannot make a -,,atiýý cup ai US r m -facto,, t , f 0. a poor leaL The use of 57% 7 ËM il Cc le eus '"x si CM pli &W M1 Celon da is an aswwance bat your QUI will not bc wac;tccl on i i o- -n' -r'o' m- -ýh In country. 'Phe