Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jan 1905, p. 6

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TUE FLOWER IN- TRE FIELU C-ha cra.che=- Thait Tooft Canada By Storm. thLe tce isý thin is to place thbetw first Couirses oen etigo,, andti pck as clslytgehras patcal.The uce'igcourses place11:a, or fin thle same oiio hyo(ccupy or.i the water. Axrrangethe cake(s onediet ]-,bo, the other, and lbave a spaco of two inichofs on li folir aid n ______ _Lif__k_'A____1_______ ____m __bLà ______ ____r_ ___'Ci f_ __ __ __ __n__ __ __ __ __k__ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ ___W_ t . ,-.. . . ~ ~ Tfl~rîi hhý atofi. -~ t~t-, ..t .~ ...t t~v ,t.~f ~ta .ut t~ta.t ~ ~i~Q tAU' i~.a k~i~t ~ a~tc*s ~ .. - ~ . - - ~ 4~ti~k ~r~a ar& lie~ ~ 5~nt1- l-il. Çm V -i T - itJh('r sx, tT a_ sie li ï"ý -* - 1",- pj '."' "."ý IT"rl - l e irt'q s t ý'..f.n    .' -. '...-' . . . . -. - ~ ~ ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . 7z.ý ....... ..... p4x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o siinsthsd irbd Éjs i~ iadtu tso ~. i~iya li dt zant onwus on. A --r 1na e ~ r Thicee re he knowýn germ diseases. t--. op ci Ilc btie sll jic >1hat medicine c d fo thcl ouhŽiher han'd ani al fintil bluii ald.atte dese_7rt hlsonî 1- o vi osfiin.Lic<uzon hatever. ).and $1. 1 w tin f slf', Wir I )0 cush\tinorlr nxt ay h mo th you-c'Lia thi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a otfthtmuwhislnt xhbc givon hlm ber imoat sacrut t a b eI o r07 nI thon hob Z~ Wiita ;bo ttanmcup b th poimb utsh dtilt upartopianueti off-If deep, howe r-t1 a iios oerhîm. pfIy appbut id for bp t o be usualiy handioti by cUttii-gloo riot! 1 Nvishi 1 coulti hi-de fromn ail i.IT peld o ôp t trougli the ho hIi a, nanber of! of toed.1ngors. I do net know 1why tht 50 who hati froquenitly rerdived bis places. The water being beavier than I wnt to live, but 1.tdo not wan-t teo assistanice, aîîd they woe oail very the ico, iili sink, raising the latter. die'. And as the' littie flower w/as in sorry;xolld like to bt'ip him., but The ice pond or sti-Onai is usuulIyý n state of grent oxcittîloont, w/hen the they di notiiing for him. marketi bofore beýing ent w ith au ico strangor stoppoti anti saiti: "Woll, , o ho hegan to tbirk hoeh-ad bot- plow, wboro tho busii.oss is condurt- w/cl, itîe flower, w/at are you do- ter îrt'trace- bis stops oî oýr tht wrong eci on a largo 5cr b. l110w vor, for a !dg out litre ail aiono?ý Why dici you rond ho bati taken. Tt soeoigo- as if lai-mer w/ho *lias use for no more look at fme? Yeu nooti net ho it w/-oici ho long anti bard. ' But ho than. 25 teoF5,0 tons ire por yoar, a afraii., Net a sparrowfails te theo11îne a stVanigcr. A'.d whu ,do you g;peiai saw or ovon a crossrîît ixout g unci bt your Iloavnlny Father sOppose it w/as? The youmg manl saw xiii nnswor tht' purpeo. F n- s ,eth it. Ho ciothoti the- grass of w/ht 10 sbatow fe-l on the w/al of deavoi- to ent the blorks of ice uni- tht' Ii, andtihe xiii rare for you.11 lus sop in tht' forai of a cro.s. Thtnieforrai in si/o andt perloctiy roctangu- So the lîttlo dlower lookt pit ont' ubo ronot tht' strinog of bis in- bai-. In tbis way no objortionablo a face in which thero w/as no youtb, 5io î'tia th=' castie. HIe w/o cracks or crex ires xiii bcinado wbon snoke te - the lon or ini t-ho f1lî. the 'ire is parked iin the bouse. The boere is no ono lilte lia in ail tîhe cakes 0 C aeradl rw n woriti. "I fiati in him rio fauît n-t the' bouse by the use of a rope anti I .-pnlioy. In case thert' are auiy irro- gularitios in the rittiu g of adjacent I blocks, bew off the ends ant imalte w oOurte Mlitary Attache With the ssentals o bavnîg icekt'p O1 Physicians tell us that ail w/as Caniadýian, militai-y attaci o with ity, anti storeti turing ireo7ing iwea- the b 10 Q d in' a healthy Oku's ai-ly andtie sçed tl o ar- fler ia a w-cii consti-uctot icie bouse, tios'atAnshan, Liaoî ang and t c i an be kopt for ta-e or tbree sens- human body passes thog Shaho, arriveti by the, Pnîpross of ens, anti thon ho tah-.n outtin goodi theheatone i evr to lapait on Weoduesny inorning. Capt. condition, arid witiî îiUîe extra les,- Y Theker /as nvaidoialLe fie bat b brenkage. It shoulti have atto'n-1 minutes. If this action be- teo Shaho. Wlion ho l'ftflue tw/o tien at al fimes, bowoxo(r, apdti l cornes irregular thewhole n-is oaci bcbig reinlorceti stea d-,kepf in perfect order. In hantiling 1 ,w/re entorlng and tisrong-fboning thfle cakes in theicos, a skid or body suffers. Poor health hie oitions preparing for battie, mun pinOci at anujincline is vory con- follows poor biood ; Scott's whicb the Japs proposoti te givoiveulent. when the Poi-t Arthur nrîny w as re- I AKN TECKS Enlonmkstebod leaseci. -PATh meth T HECAKES Eu siOne masonth 2o Disussinig the battit' of Liaoyang,1Th eed of paking vrysomec- pue n esnwy Capt. Thacker sali the Bussian wa.Astsatr ito hr position, uhi',h ho inve.4fig,,afod a f- for the hattie, v-a.s aisf tro b, auing a cirrbe of elovon re ioubts IfVn etfnding ail arouod li-en the Tait- If ouMr Live-.r isW og - ~~ î'sh. River on ont' sidi'o fthe river V 7M,.. Jý J, f o -e other sitit, an-d wifb uli- are Wrang aýil Uver ide fi enches lot ervi-nirg 1-lad is such a great aid is because Ku ropathin nef bicen misinformned as A toi-pli-, inactive luver gees band to the sti-ength of the Japanoe c ho l inlbandi viil constipation. Sncb a ipasss uc linto doubts if fthe retirOrnenf wtmniti avei chroîiic coniditionrqie ystenli- the blood. It is partly, di- taetie place i.tn an even g'.otraternu effort f0 overcoie iL anti esfab- geste befre i enfes th tfrgl'.than that xbi"-h oc"ur-ei ilihgoot i lidh anti peufect body gestd bfor it ntes te ' 1 ý* fter the baffle Kuropf1 ici renhîz1 drain ,ge. Snith'ls, Puîeappie anti stomach*; a double advan- fief -the Japa nose were nettqo Butternut Pis, colitaiouuug the tw/o in thi ess wok strong as lhe hati been iufori-not bî eeded elenuents to iliirease liver ar- tao-e i hs. Lsswrk bsitb îc fft ,a ,atotivity andmi msrcular action go accu- for the stomnach; qucer fe forces rýcoî crcd anti md bronuîh'm raîtely to the slnggisli liver anti bow- and more direct bene-fits. up ao'niinto reoularce tic ai ý1 . els, resloriuug theiu conmleteiy. oes amount exponti , ho rtn sunie1I suppose your bondls failedtin ove To get the greatest amount 1,ie0 ofensive, witb theo i-ulft 41 for- a wrek or tell tinys. Di)nu't yon of good with the least po- is forcs w/e-o thrown bac, vih kuutw ou wNvulddbc quickly pris-i heavy lias, afuor n great bttel t trted t i,; just tie sanie, differing sible effort ils the desire of mn-tndi,!-i dd wibîi in tiegrea, wlen your 1)0w/el do neot everonein oor ealh. ithe' ade avin g'i'el 1oiluiri'e at leaît once a day. You kllow orroeinpo eat. cleun i ehvn >ie n y o so-utbecoune lk ui I adtiiird, Scott's Emulsion does j*ust UvonPtblond 1Ž4ts bhda .ti y, ufrel that. A change for the field g'un las spe-r i t1 "ýiof tli,'lia e 'aiiyp*t ccny better takes place even be- ,Iaioet'tiuhto*ik fcon lon'î let sui-sconditio-ns le- cop. nion shela handitits ifýs soi-Vire. The'Sutis Puclfl -'ilncr foe oueXec i.,Ja17anese gun is hotfr soi-rvd. TI1Pe io -will diive hrlpo'isoneut of Shiniose t'piosive is vry o'loctIve. yaur systcm nuln,! stahEliureguiariiy. We wilbuend yen a but not moi-e so tien liylldite, Th eTbey i-t' buir1i' i rgcl lie, n ai-c i sanuple free. idavalry ai-mlias been nefabiy ah- one nighit. W c w ili seii y,", 'a g'. uî-1 Be sure that this sont in il engagements. eren3 saple of tieoplNAseucy picure in the form of Capt. Thacker isen r( to tf-Fire, seaIrcland i~e.tatflat ýwil per of every boulie of IMikado' heforp, leaving witli t} oor- wonu1 rIal curatuve prop2î lies. Ad- Emuision youi buy. decir cf the Sacrot Treasuro. 1 tii-sa, W. F. Suiiitli Ce., 185 St. jam2s SCOTT ON ---~.- Street, Mentirai, Canada. ICheiis "Smitlîors lievor lichts oneo of bis f S usmiti'sPnepple andtiBatternut - oronîto, Ont, cigars. Ho jusf keeîîs if in bis Pillse cure Constipation, Iiosna $o cents and $i. mouth, anti chcxvs tht' enti I've and Sick -Ileadacle lutoe niglit. Aildruggiis often wontlered w/ly.- -YenjAldabru ets i t woultin't if yen bd nci okeci ael'Aldaes2 ens uen .tienc!'t Itue People's - nec. Lorilîse. If w enitiqp(!ii cloa,iJL-e inst Of I lie Cauia in Sec r.V n1)oti oohigSyu thnflatany iîcrease 10nlue ieîc(" reocîsj Asoiaioth e work Of Mr.Wnbw' efngyrpla hooýn use(! !>y uîîiilions of motiers for eracre cf the r n uatei-ial xolAîijibi' scnuutt n oasfOtrtheircidho vile. toetbing. If dis-. alcali i eusiaerccim a i 'aoulrt itaipoib u turbeciat-nught autdroonof y-ur iLs cesf ote estocknînn. luve stockilt ssecuauo.u .sest by a sie. L ciul _-0 gant When conuWniod w/lth the lahbor andi jlb iave twvouty lbreeo farnuors in in'îwtipain cf CuftingTueli - the yonrly rentaI value of the iandci Ontn'io wbo bave staxtet t grow a neanti get a liotti of Lih oto soii saîitn o sodotirin. Fan ocf tiom providoti n ,o., ,.a nalitio Wnlws oilngýyup o î,ii, exlponse in fie production of hay eri breeling plotcf f balss tîman'oe -eVnslovs eotbuîng Syî op orel Cb t grain, huit flicinfluen'e offiehe ie-ci qua-eoicf, an acre, on w/iiri hey tie etiîng. tt xiii rlive ti is manch groator than is gonerally ho-, plant about t mencity rowa of cou-a, -siti oc-o meiaoy e hiovti.Itnir-',i as as oeiî w0llon from a selîni-ateca0r, nul lo is pend upon if, mint-s. titere is nc sicie. gutineociaseafsflue unintiun1shellud by hau Ias if is d'-opped iu n îstake abolit Iu t.fcures Lia-i oen, Il -.1 cfgoc fi'ug.-tic his. Enci car xviii plant a regubates tie stounaci anti bowels, - ~ ~ ' ~~ lfa od finif asfgoc to.ie ingie i-on'conmplote, andti tny cuiras \ind Colir, solterîs flieGumns, ~~ ~~~ - ~~~are kepf in a higb state >of lortilify. jsclo'ýtoib cars nie rccîuuu d te plant redorsIduîain nigvstn In riisoqu-uîo, hcyareabi tea hi-coIng plot, ivlci, fo pi-ex ontan teog efi wbb ytm groxv botter cropa fieuî tImoir neighl:,i ~ c--sfi.fiiafo, s i eata s-i Mr.Wn tlthing's otîu Syrp orh bers w/ho sou fieir grain, but if oc tance lrom any otheu vaiety or-fiel h andriifotheng15precionof one __________cuirs te -alo tint oitiunost sokexaof crn. PEter opolbolen fi e ateat-s P recitonc*n ti hrs nnnreii tc ufouevryfarma ,rnuci munr-cpro ltable crops thle tassebn art' rut frea aill fi o ein- of fie olde.et>anti bost femle hysi- thehosemafur i texvoultevry Id be obtainot ifilthe seot w/ci-c forior stabks 10 tint ail foflich ou-nclans anti nurses l ie Unitedl- nigit, bhiatithe colus.lie urine!nwas fLe ts;fi of c-iioii hobcfcrtiiicd iiti-eopoleu' States. I'iie fw/onfy-fîve cents a Y lrom the colus is thus absorboti byý thoagzhitis cost ay aci lîlghi, a frein vigorous growving planîts. Wien boite. Soiti by ailltiruggia.ts tirogl- the borsluaumure anti saî'od, anti fiSTH I:FTES. te crop is mnfîuu d, ont' or tire of ouf fie world., Be suire anti asc for Lhe c0ws ai-e lcpt ean. shîîile ALAS11 IIA' . fe besf out fcftfe fw-enty ron's I"Mrs, Winslow/'s Soofhing Syrup.' When possible, aninure soldblIf, i hi limpor ta-if Iat fhe are'selîfseotifrenil 'virit> dhose coxeroti hy sheds, or in colinur ixwith vnrît'tybclie ohisuitut te fie cor-iji- fxvcn*iy imrleetci-s froîn f11oh, o f "But 1ycîu niee ore la, t vck ap- coucreteo befoms. Ail liquid ,mail- fio'ns cf soilon tv-ii hif la usoti. plants in fia-e roua, te plant f i- lyigfrapae.1a- u he aires coîîtiuuîore valuable properf esBo'ut cieemai' it' n îiîle duioren.ce î-oeding plot cffite nexf .yoar. 'The mculi cfoa place.verîinro 'Lsb t fie soucif anticeshoeîlti ho rare-h thauthsaveci nd fai-ere arecai'e- twentocarin f eol f t' -balance olfluhe gooci cars froni the t lc p'cat Ne, fully s d aifresaecr- alnvrcy h rdcieCp-brceding lplot s is us'-d f0 plnti aam ;alur - o tvhe t iic pne bass about scrapping up anti snvogi city of fie soed ray blie rarooidho-fielti on tvi'h gonerni. crop soot is la Lie barmiarci crtppiga. 'Tbis is an iforii-etfcf lie soif.You rreay US(, a1i-ov. Yî ny oa egfsînco ho! gi-axe uuuitake. Wile nef as tau-strain cf seoti cf Banner onts 0-iontone goct coora Ircîttuseuno of tioso ble as fie store i au-e, ise! of youir beaf feico nditigeL a reui-mu tw ectrenobr îxfyar opont e ?rT seçpnsare far toc i aluablo toi of ab't ty hcirisesper acre, or Yclliu f o, if w iii ho tliv~ieed f0yen inLiesQnnntla riO w'nsLe. Iluir value cao bl ie uhar., eti11,mYi;,useniof ber sti-ain olfitesaille;- tie ar anti you mii itis have' so--o andi exery formi ce ithlný. by fhil- nggathereti frequenfiy. variety, on thesane field, in thiicea olflie quinlliy of fie sootil i pmilatrrsbv gurnee l e&s Tbis w/ih lot-p fie yard rican ail fie!___________ are usîng. Cr uaa if 'nt3 finie. aie ieivasai Many of flue g-ow ors of 5t'OLi trient, Wood ahsar nalibeaid - SE FOUND A DIFFERENCE.'ns ut ailylac ooiimlse or mo-rbcifotcrdO atxi r -- Và shoulci ho carcfully savcl. Fi-- fo oigterbedn ad,ïNsî,ýý C,7rno qucuîtiy they carihochouglut la near- A Buitalo Lady says.-Dr. Leon- sefrom ed osou ri- rreigou b atrv eir rESANO.AE osoo hy villages very cionp. hardt'.s Anti-Pill cliffers frornthfe grain dirill, hiavbng cve'ry oflici tube __________________ T11E IIOG WILL BIELl'. old Methods in -Medicine as day; pllagied, fins makiuîg tue- dublis cf- Froin1ýTiIit.gri-n f ourtooen instni of sovet B ULL T1'HAT CIIWS ;TOBACCO. Tht- hog is a rcady-ac inanîro rnMgt inchcs a'uaut. lytis imethoti, fi I1 nakeu w ion given a caître. Dig up i I mi-itliTe donkoyw/be urus a ,-,uiotsseur- plouty cf rairk, dtiiiifanci keep if r...H lbr, l19Iatou'n eusc a OO 5Oin tobarro uuîtust loch te Is > bucurcjs 01. bad t put n fe ion Vo w1 S tuflo, N.Y., say s of Dr. Lon- ots mai' be a o egeotiadi anilaA, In 'says n couc;un -b hon hastnautcinte stoen Ye r-îmu t Sîîe-'î age on half ami ac- ocf well lpre-l inc'cif's Aii-f 111 the G rea t-a- i cl't.'ieijl iou mrpoce snxv n youing Sîa ultint loatis cf manfuro a luog wuill nako un'j"t cbnI odltro. 0acsil i Ibemuni suory u ot onu' clieýod ln -i riittea, tha xv3ziiit-e aso. it- ti-c -tl.bng ciao 1 cxci- ised-'intb-Pill ji - 110f quito, as ici-go onln 'uovago ut aso u1, 't-lus m1l "'ôui-in t piuus ai-t- xouy iluablo anti strong Orbt-ît ttotitî ~ -a n lti or seliibU-t it'e Oh- iibailnpýlut of ien mîuin. "ony t in ail fcrtiiizing qimalities anti shonit0i l n ete htIne s t oif .co niUÏs - rpry O ho caelui1 sott-i. Idean tictionglît it v oulo cuire my ctii--to joo lato ge-t srcdon f ot uiaunuolwa lc rpry 0 droppings inmy h b'useint arCo1sUpatin bt f e idoi w xhich ticindivicoal p--a haieCatCriicsip' lfclol bail n opoîtîUay to rçtd lu'00soac acn.H-wnlkl o rcian naistore until manftid. o fLrtl itofryfrtbdnopotnrstae ol1ýhsdsia- lie vine c abimanurs ba n-!-chic', 14 Oeai s ago, Col-î.tioiu Pe l limif of pourfectionî, rabbiL iýn teboard andix'Ldsit i iaet cronsoti by hamudling lroqiiut'ntl) tinsý caine e vr troublsoille. I s clrre a crosp te ifs eaiuuiyrd dhbtag-n aeb .Titt i edcing them te a b o .u-,t'o. in e tiîog ichrd of, LThe'ri e buorocibi lte o etl rnafbvo- Ow fils ~ ~ ~ ~~~ý fo. hyrnlxu abolto toîuporo uorlief las ail I r onl rom i rp ols'uulug witILi!fie s,-ii, nd a-r -'--bî uure r musc llav fie îd fîty difuirrt"mt m.-icî'msto-o tfenpeid n ec ouib ib1 i luit inun a lla tin tat tae. - iut oofois i-sin. t in i.i-b'-110 Altu 4tx I fînahiy got i cri bailanci at su t""îbi'- mîitti ifa-nuuîtlwhiif ii îl '~'.u-ciontto fanifiiuts t woidhaie uno i-eu 'lufer bou ricie.I le înline uu ii-bo-,( bi lm-b iut x lai tii ntw/nl tt )iut o w multi execis thfle saulloi-e lej 1St-lb if iiaiexreloumt olui; ent, tu-1-ire nt-wa-i.ILhat i htcA- in tfc a irbt ui '1soict unof t:oi .,avung .qoanfities of liqidi,în'uro e- ,iialii- -'I- J.c i.,ste-i grir. iutht.af eindo in tte,, 'c- wlilci reul I othcrvb4e 'h ost. br Irut îtaeu -l n t-isel-ttiou of finir br-ding lijýn i,-r ei iestoci. stoc.k, the1 w-et d ho ropaiti ton- ~ ?i-~t' i hi:~1t Ni e Verai-st doae 0f Dr. bd îM: oaaeyouedr -e bnt, bcing rich in vi--e tlt' mattirLo unitfs A- 11 Ibcgau te im- I a valueh"e fond for ail plnthIe. Ipi-oit-. ýow I amin w'll. It i w/on- If a mnat, loontc t is iatri ubîleCVGS Ouî o tc ea pers f ras -deifoui." you are frilluxr hln afonny afory, ottor loti as ".rotiuu by a liberal np j Dr. ooriar'dt's Antb Fullits solti reut bt sil -t plicafir utof liqubid slusi Irclaa boeb bil 1drugg-ists, or lie Wi1son-F,ý,1l Sho-lhey say fioro arcairobes A 25C geio fraSuml od mnn a baiiiid. It w/as ciran aoui1 to0Ce Limite-i Niagara Palis, Ont. in kisses. u-"oscs. Wiaf A 50c. <gola1ratsyC. ' fie grass groiidin n hall bogshead, -Sole ogentsa for Canlada. The piie dngcous discaso do fici' dovelop Afi.0 1,-D e aDepîae C.rh i- n drg 'and bailoti ouf la pails isSO50c. into?- Sbe-"Marriage; seaietimos."Slibya!D-u-it onmfto--tm-o-vm---- --aimo'-w--4t_____________________________________ learii 0 o bLtr LippThciate 1the value ofi-nanure and take carefuI measure l.o save it, the problein of successflil larming would in a largo meinasure be solved. The tallst inhabifabuidin 1i the -or'ld is the' Park Ilow build- ing et \ Xrwhich is 390 feet fronta the t' *tret to the' roof. Milli W on boxes soW in past 12 toub. M 5~ -f moo,~ i-t Âit- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ilý-.--ý4k7, " ee

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