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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jan 1905, p. 7

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* J '~~e-t4i~~ ~4ceaJ '~«e- c4~/~ - ~v 49~4~d4- THE FOUJND9D 1889 jB ELLE VILLE Business College, Limitied, Book-keepiig; Shothsod(;' Typewriting; 0Icet-WorU; TelegrapbtngUnd Ealu- i waây Work Freneh and German. j,~S DpI~ epgr4,net a Specalty. J. A ovw~BelleVllef JFrith Jeffer*s Sýcctryf Ont 1 President To people who want the BEST Cutters to drive or their own Cutters an d Sleighs p-tnted and repair- e d, 1 arn reactyý to attend to IYOUNG FOLKS THE 60RROWS 0F J3OBBY. -l'Il nlever spcak, a piece again. 1 don't care what folks say, 'Cause once 1 learned the inicest, speech Te speak at school last day; MY, but 1 studied awful- bard, An' practiced niakin' bows, When 1 was chorin' 'round thle barn I'd say iAtotethe COWS. Then, when the toks al oome, An' I was cal]ed to speak, I cleanforgot to miake a box, An' my knees wvas drendful 'weak. Stid o' the words I was to say. There corne a great big lump [n my throat, an' stuck, there fast, 1 Num-iber of Prisoners Tak,,eù byl Japanese at Port Arthur. TEE SURIIENDEIRED GARISON.- receive a tremiendous pepular eva-. tion. A despatch froni Tokie saî s:-Al'rhe foreign attaches entered Port report reueived on Thiursday from Arthur yesterday. Gen. No,-'s headquarters largeiyý ilcreases the figures ot the suren.d- 1,7AINTEDL1) AT THEIR.-POSTS. ered garrison, aî-id intimates tt'at the force handed oxer to the, Japan-i The Londoni Daily M'ail's, Chefoo ese at Por't Arthiur will be 32,000 correspondent says that Russian of- exclusive of 15,000 or 16,000 sick ficers who have arrived there brinig ani ý%,ounded, naking a 'ou'gh total descriptions efthtle terrible condi- of 48,000. itiens existing in the hospitals at The report is as folloxs:- 'Port Arthur, which they eay were As previousiy reperted, the trans- worse than those ef the battlefield. fer of objects rnentioned in article 2 Theyrelate how the Sisters ot Char- of ttc capitulation compact tookl, t accustomied as they are te snch place on Jan. 4, and the transter ef ordeals, sickened under these con- the forts and batteries bas been cern- ditions, and fainted at their posts pleted. because et lack of nourishment The prisoners,,wjll be assembled nt "hwethdpains t r h the place appeinted on Jan. 5,' but'edcmlid teryowh hy the investigation reîatirg to tliese edcmlic itrye htto prisner isso ompicaed hatthecalled the heartlessness ef the s- result cannot be reperted at present. esoChrtw gw o ac Reports received up to date are ascustemed te humnan sutleringf that tolos:- they seerned te L.se ail syntpat'hy for Gonerals *..,... , 8t-he victims." Admirais . .... ......,.. '.. 1 he correspondent adds: Medicines Colorels an'd majors .............. 57:and cloctors were scarce, and the Canrnins and- comin nders . ..- 10sbrieks and gî'oans ot the wounded, e j eiho C!- nearly 6 per centt. et Cicngo's male population in early maribeed is ai- flicted xith Bright's disense; - and yet such is the inference warranted by the resuits of the exnmination mande during the week by IDepartment phy- sicians ot 489 applicarits for ap- pointment te the, City Fire Depart- ment. Of this aumber 29 (or 5.9 per' cent.) were rejeezed for kidney trouble. Whea it is reilected that the principal cause of suth trouble is exposure to cold and wet 'ai ter a drinking bout,' the figures do net speak well for the habits et Cilica- go's Young inen." îBot w etel cempelled te add that there are miany other causes et Bright's disease and other affections et the kidnie1s than "exposure te cold ard wet aiter a drinking bout." The everlasting habit of guzzling et heer, "orange phosphate" minriai waters et every grade et sloppy fiiziness, is ,ne doubt chargeable with inuch et the universal crep et renal cein- plainits. If exerybody would get back te simpleJ drinks as well as te a "simple lite," we should hear less about Bvrgip't' iease Sunliîght Soap *s a el iad!e Soap- The miaking of soap is ne longer a chance mnixture ofmicla- eus fats. -'Ex.pert chemists carefully watch and tcst every ste.p iii the making oýf The raàts and oils must be pe-rfctlýy pure and at every stage of the p-receýss ile sapmut ore p to Sunlightstndrd That is why it clase our clothes perfectly, mikes your b)-lnets sefft anld fluffy, does net destroy your most dainty linens or injure your Lands. Suulight Soap washes equally well in hard or soft watei'. Youx dealer is authorized te return thea purchase money if you are flot satisfled. LEVER BROTH-ERS LIMITED, TORONTO 1002

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