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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jan 1905, p. 8

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MEDICALEXAMINER 0f the Tlnited ae Treasury Recommieuda ther Promiine,,nt Physicians Uise and Endorse Pe-ru-na. el Examiner of thaià . 5. Treasury Depatmet, radataof Columnbia Col- lge, aud who eerved threyoare atVNWest- Poent, lias 1,110foIiowIng to say f paruna: i"AIiOw ime to express My grati- tude to you for the bentit derived from your -wonderful remedy. One short month has brought forth a vast change and f now considermryseif a well man gîter months of suffering. FeiIow SUf- ferers, Peruna wii cure you. " A coustantly incresslng number of physieiaus prescribe Paruna iu their practice. It lias proven its mer!-tese thoroughly that aven thie doctors have ov'ercome thelrprejudice against so-cail-. ed patent medicines and recomrnend it to their patients. Peruna eccupies a unique position in medical science, It Is the only internai systemnie catarrh remedy known to the mnedical profession to-day. Catarrh, as everyone will admit, le the cause of one- hait the disease whieh afihcte maukind. Catarrh and catarrhal diseas.e aflict on-afof the people of 'Unitcd States. Robert R. Roberts, M. D., Wash-~ ington, D. C., wrltes: 4" Through My own experifece al Wei as thât of Manfy of My~ triends and ,acquàantances who have been cured or rellèed o! cça-i tarrh by the Use of flartinan s Peruna, 1 can con fldentiy recomin- miend It ta those sufferingfrom suciz disordew-, aimd bave no hesltation in pQrescrib/ng it to My patients, -- RobertR. Roberts. Dr. R. Robbins, Muskogee, 1. T., writes: "OPera a the best niedicine 1 know of for couglis snd to strengtheu a 'wea.k etomacli àud to give appetite. ]3esldes prescribing it for catanrh, I have ordered it for weak and deblltated people, and havaeflot had a patient but said it helped #h*It îsan excellent medicine and it ft i»Many cases. "I hZVO, a large practice, and ha-veaa 4âNiez to proscri bo your I'emuna. I hope yon mnay lt-vo long to do good to the sicl< and the suf ering."9 Dr. M. 0. Gea, wrltas from 513 joues St., Sari Francisco, Cal.: iePeruna Las perfonmed s80 xny Won- derful curW in San Francisco that 1 arn convincetMh a t i t le a valuable nemady, 1 hava requently advised Its use for wcmleu, as 1 find i meures regular sud paluless menstruation, eom-8 leucorrhoe., and ovarien troubles, aud builds up thse outire system, 1 aise cousidler i eue of the finest catarh ramEdies 1 know e.» -M 'C. Gee, M. D. Catarrh le a systemie disaess uai cnly by syetemio treatmeut, A r=emy that curas catarrit musi aim direAly &4 tho -deprossed nerve centers, This la what Poruna dees. Peruna lmniedlately lnvhgre ~ ner-ve-centerswhlch givo vai ty te ts muccoue membranes. Then e.trhUds- appeare. Then osliarrh la penuaeuti cured. If yen do net darive prompt a"ud s- factory results from the use of Peranu write st once te Dr, Hartman, gi'riug a full statement of youz cme, snd ho vil be pleased te give youhl hie misb. a&" vice gratis. .Âddress Dr. Har-Iman, Peesident of The Hamiman Sanitarin4 00Clumbu.,, Obio.1 New Vear 'We extend to ail our Patrons and Friends our hecarty thanks for their liberal support during *the pas year an d sincerely wish them a very A very Happy and Prosperous NEW VEAR. ROKiIITHELCO Chemists, Druggists and Opticians. phone 92, Boivmanville. IEYES TESTED FREE. M Mext door to Standard Bankç, Bowrnanvill{e 190é d- 5' New Years' Gret Y disire to take this opportuuityý to -wish rny matiy Cuastomers and friends a Happy and Prosperous N-,,ýew Yea r and to return my hearty thanks for thelbraPtong extededme during the past year. Compound Makes Sick People Well 1 1 a _____________________________________________________ a a I TOWU OGUNOIL. f The late Daniel White, wb0 for GImoi than balfa century was Pa mesidento West Durham, died ni 19 Aima avenue Toronto, Saturday moruiug. ai the agi of 81. Mmi. White was an ardent Liber ai. The oilidren are Major Edej Whbite, divisions-i officer of tite Salva tien Armny. Columubus, O., Mr. Riche:( Whte ditor of the Milieu Reformer Mlessirs Dauziel, Toronto; William, Ro chester; John, Jersey City. and Mms Chapasan, Tronto. Two grandsons William of Toronto, sud John of Neo Yoîk ciiy, aise survive. The famnera teck place Monday aflemnocu te Hum benvale Cemetemy. MR. AND MaS. W. Soucis. Two weii-kuown residenis cf Darling te» receniiy psssed bt their meward ii the pensons ef Mr-. sud Mme, Wiiiian Souch. Mme Soucit whose mailler na me was Derovhy Elford, was a naii cf Cornwall, Engiand. She came ti Canada with hem parents when elghl 'cears cf age sud settled near Provid e, ce. Afler 64 yeams of happy marriec li'e with Mr. Wm. Souch, sha died Deî 2evt ber laite residence near Mi. Vernon aged 82 yeams. Mr. Seuch was hem ir 1818 ait Hartland,Devrnshine, sud camE te Canada lu 1832 sud settled on a fart nean Providence. Ho bas lived ir Duriingten aven dunce. Ho teck pai iu the rebellion of 1837 H1e wasla ver3 indusîmieus. houasi sud faiihful citizei sud was -a Bible Christian local preset- an for mauy isars sud ha sund bis wiiE were highiy respeeied. Ha passed away Dec 29th iu bis 87th veqr.A famiv oetihnae sens sud four daughlen iurvive-Mr. S. E Souch, sud Mrs, John Gilbert, Bown'auvilie; Mme. Chas Peanu, Pont Parmi; Mn. Jabez J. Souci Langdou, North Dakota; Mrs. Jobu Pieo. Ennipkien, sud, Miss Eva Soucl sud Mr C. W. Scuch on tbebhomesteac The weak aud delicate people envy the sir.oug sud robusi. We are teld thsi "The D & L" Emuision builda up selid flesh sud thatiti doos net distunt ll'a digestion. ,Wity net ask s-our il1 uggitis about il? SHAWS SOHOOL. A very pleasant family gatiteming took place aitltenesidence cf Mn, W S Bragg Monday Janu 2nd, ï1 being lte 6oth bith day of te eldest memban DIf the famiiy, 'Èrs, W. H Cobbledick, Zion, Hope townsip., A joily crowd cf c-ver 6o sat dowit le s sumptueus New Ycar's cdinner of reasi lurkey, goose. pium pudding, etc. During lte aflernoon the juveuiles eùtjoyed thernselves te the fullest extent in gamnes of venlous kiuds while lte old- er members took part jn a real musical auterlalumeul Mrs W D. Bragg and Miss Ethel presided aI the piano The evening repaît included an abundauce of Dcx onsitire cream and wss heartily en- joyed by ail Ex enyone spent an ex'eu ing cf meal enjeymeut Those preseus were: Mme W. H. Cobbledick ad fam- ily; Mn and Mme S. S. Bragg aud family; Mr. and Mme. R. A. Bragg sud famiiy; Mn. sud Mme. Jabez Bragg sud family; Mr. sud Mme. F L. Bragg sud famuily Vr. sud Mme T C. Bragg; Mn. sud Mre Wg D 'anct îamily; Mr ànd 2Mra, W~Brag5g and family; Mn. sud Mrs. W. F. Bragg and daugitter, St Marys; ,An and Mme. W. H Barrie sud family; .Wr sud Mme John Barrie sud funtily; Mn. sud Mme R Fester. PAmeî iN rira Cnss'-Mr. John Cla-rk, Pont Hope. Ont., * states:-Lat winter 1 was se bad wîlh a cold thaiT1 couic net speak aboya a whisper, sud bac pains lu the chasi. A fiand advised me to try Dr. Cbase's Liusead suc Turpenuineand o-na bottia cumed my cold which I believa would ha-ve proven %-erv seitious if T had nov used bls 11nedieilues. SOLINA. Mr. Wm. Mulion bas amplcymon with Mn. Caun, Bowmauyiile,,anct will move thora shertiy,.. Mr. Jue. H. I'rameer, Rosser, Manitoba, le visiiu friands atten an absence cf savon yeane lia likes the West. ... Mr sud Mme T. C Laugmaid, Bowmanvilie, visilod ai Mr:. J. G Lauagmalids.VinOs L Van Camp, Countice, le visiting hiem sou Mn. J. T. Rundla..-.. Miss Ediih Vice is visitïug friands iu Bowmauviii . . .. Mn. Jue. Stotl le visitiug at remont .... Mr, Jas. Vice hae neturued home from vieil- iug Iniende at Islay.-Congratulaions le Mm S. Albert Nemtheti ou bis macent manniage te Miss Lauden, Taunton .... Mrs. S. Thompeon and son, Toronto, visiied ai Mr. W. H. Gorriii's New Years' day. See that the Niame "&P A INE'S"QI Pubic rop -- - -roklmee OBONO. jam1e ' rp.-ous rojiees 'I - - ir? & Xater-Couns, 1ýing,Cemhlish, F.àriï at oïer. 14 ù{ee obacn, Mayor, Masoti. Gardendale, Mich it.wth old fraunds; cemotery--Couns. James, Ciomens, Mr. John Moment, Hartford, (Joun, King, at bis fatlie'e.,Pinting-Covns. James, iNIaori, Mm. Milieu J. Taniblyu horme from Clamons, Buffalo; Poor Relief- -Couns. Corniah,, Cleni- Mr.- Geo. Jamioson, Port Hlope, at e, 'Brook. rhome; Poiice-%Jouns. Brook, CerulIsh, Ma d n Fred Winter; Toronto; son. d Mies Trixie Rutherfoml la vlsitin1g Coure cf Revi-qioe- Cous. Ccmnish, i friands ln Trepton; Frock. Jamçs, Klur, Ma-eu. CI Mn. sud Mrs. Thos. Donoaster lu The tolloviing By laws weme iotrodao- YBowmanville; - ed and passd:- Miss E., Rutiedgp, Salem, et Mm. Col Coo. Masn-To ellow the Mayor SStapler'; and Treas. te borrow frcm tima te time Mm. Fraser Little'. with friands In snob taenias as mây ha required te Stayner; meat the ourrent axpenditure througb- Mm. W, N. Buckiey ai Janetvilie; ont the yeam. Mr, Goa. McGilli, Brooklu, with bis Coun. Cornis-Tc appoint a High ýt sent, Mme. R. Gordon; Sohool Trustes, Mn, E. R. Bounsali The Misses Colvilie et Mr.,Win. bElng appointad. -Canu's. Bowmauviiie; ,Cûuts King- To appoint Auditore, Z' Mr. Daniel 1Ball, witt bis daughler, Meseme. W. J. Seuoh and G. J, Rowe, Mr. J. A. Smrith, Torcuto; b ing ppoInted. Mise Màbel Davy, Toronto, vislted Cou-a. James, for the appolntment cf ber senit, Mrs. S. Haliday; Healili Otficers, the biauks belng filld -1esers. Joieýph sud Addison Riokaby lu with the names cf Levi Morris, Dr. Torcnto, et home; L. Petter, sud R. Jarvis, 1Misses Menottia sud Minuts Leige cf Mcved hi' Cou. Clamons, secouded Toronto, at home; by Cou. Brock, That the Roade aud Mn. Jas. Hallett, Dmuggist, Toronto, Streets Commintes, ha authomizod te 8aï home;1 purcbase 150 yards cf atone te ho de- ýt Mme. Anderson, Newoastle, visitug Iliver,,d and piled at 60o pem yard. hmr daugbter, Mrs. H. Hooper; Cocu, James objected te the pucchase Mra, Muegrove sud daughter hle v of se raoch etono thîs yoa,ciaiming that eturned flcrm visitiug lu Toronto; be had yet te hear that seoh su expon- Miss Emima Harris, Newcastle, guost diture "a ieuessasry this yeam. of Miss Lillien Gamsby; (Joon. Ciemeus claimed that 1h was Mr. Jas. Gilfihian, Bewmanvilie, w s quimed for work that waq necesmary in tewn New Year's dey.te ha doua this y2ar. Ho thouRht it a Mn. tl. P. Gould, Toronto, et Mn. J. poor poloy te lot the sireeta go tee fanr, G. Honiy's; as tcocst moe te put them in propor Mr. Wm. MoPhers.on., Cannington, shape agaîn. A piece f rom the Eateru with biesaistera. --Fouse corner te the Tabernacle, snd --Dr. Geo. if. Carvath -sud dautgbtemr-s, auother plec J-atait S tephen's -bill Toronto; muat be doue. Mr. Thos. Dobson home fmom Relu>' Coun King was lu layon cf beiug River, af tar an absence ef tweîva yeane careful, but ha consldered 150 yars 1c Mm. Wm Beaoom, Cambray, visit- s'ene wasas amail quautity, sud ona Ing hie sisten, Mrs. C. Staples; iosd of crushed atone was oqual te thrae Mm. Arthur EVioit, Loudon, lsai loads of Lyrevai, Mr., R. Moo'; Mm. CharIes Psrker, Northe Dakota, DARLINGTON COUNCIL. ld siiIng ït Mn. aldin Parker's. Mm. aud bMme. A. S. Tourie sud TewN E[Ais., Rmpton, Dec. 31, '04,. daughtem, Emýa, Torotîto; 1Regular maunthly meeting; member*. ML §ne ~tMIe, B M. Jeii sud their Jal prasaut. Reava I L, Brown pre. son Gay7,]B eavi3, New York, aï the sidiug. Minutas cf lest meeting ead Misses Beers'; sud confimmed. A. Sharp piid $8 te Mn. C. G. &nmirong sud daaghtter, the Tressuer, two yeara' eut cf road. Mies Mary, a) Mr, Ebar Miiisou's, J. Stacoy patd Treauser $5 for a road Solliu; acraper. Collecter was given te and (f Mrs Lon. Gameby sud famly, ai Jausy te etumu bis roli. W. E. Mr. %fm. Adani', Bow msrn 111e; Courtice elgned bis office as member Mr. sud Mme. J. B. Moat sud nIrce, cf the Board cf Haalth sud Depaty Miss B. Gilmain, Torcnto, ait'Mr. N. Returninz Officer. Âce-pied A, J. F. Ha1~s;Courtice vies appoiled D. R 0 lu No. i Mr. sud NMmi. John Buoklay, at Rev, 6. Peeva waes uthorised te gr&ut or- Rý A. Deive's, Daimymple; dams ou the Troasumar as fello)ws: Mu- Mra. Raiph StuaI home fron Tooute nicipsi World, eleorion biauka $8.40, Mr. sud Mre. Black sud grand M. A. James, piting $2669; Meccai- deughter, snd Ms Brnnei,Colborne Ian & Ce., lumber, $32.4q1; J,.'I Oko, et Mr.- Levi Ei wards; gravai $8,70; do, eheep damages $5 33; Mr. Hary Milson cf Cleaveiand, G Sandeconck, eheep daxueges $3 33; Ohio sud Mise Me da Coucit, Nowcastle Ontario Bank, exohanue sud drafse, eit Mr. R. Moo)n's; $3 90; J. Ohe, orner lu sssessmes 0 -*- Mr. and Mýra J.ý A. Jerome yialted 10; C. W. MoFee'ere, sp kied, ?te., $3 - &It Mme W.-J Nwma'.Castleton. 15; Alex. Wight, Council servicesi $2 - Mn.. J. B,. HlIChicago 111,. was 60; J. W. Mobaugýýi!it, do, $260, I bore s e&t wsk taandiug the fauerai L. Brown, dv,$2ý.25; iR. Paacoe,do 2 cf ber Mher, 2M1es. faliagit. I80. ?dgns.-ian 5; MoCl Mn. sud fMrn. Olifidën and Miesa Elle t ough, $4; -Spmoule, $4; Rosýe, $6; Ln Glldden of Port Hope, sud Mrs, Jarvii t 3; Brauten, $3; Damt, $3; Hlooko,, -Jackson cf NwatlsdMm@. John $2,50; Adams, $2: HoIdge. $2. Coun- Madon were holiday visiter@a t Mr. T. cd then adjoumne&, H. ELLIOTT, Jr. W.Jakor To-wnshtlp Clark. TUE WONDERS 0F ELECTRICITY Now Used ker Purifyin.g Flour nei New 1'mss lakes Bread and Pastry Lighter Çweâtoe Wliier and More Wholesoie-Womer of Canada Deliglîted. r- V'y 'a- D- s8. as, ýw g- in 3n ve iC. n in ýn Ln 'a s. la, tn CI. Id ip .b it LI )f OUTAIN BRGIusnrn Bri, Rosy CHRS ArIj» PSRFSECT HEÂLTH iriTrorii ij,,is UsE or Dit. W1LuÂwts" PIs-eu PILL-. Miss Jeniaj Buvrowt, Rigault, Que., says3:"Iwýrite bt tauk yen for the won- derful benefi your Dr. Wihiiam's, Pink Pi la hava doue nme. tam now 25 years of aea'but from the tlia.1Iwas fourteen 1 did net anjoy good haaelth. A couple ai yo reaa owil tjaitenclng sohlool I groar wose,and lte Sistar InCharge cal- led lu a dootor. After meeating mie for sema lima», wlfthout any impnovemnt, site tld me chat 1 muet dîscoutînue my dtes. When 1 gel home 1 wss senl le Caiedonie Springs. The firei meull I was there Il seamed to halp me, but lika al lte mediolue I had laireulte, help was ouly tempemar>', sud I relapeed loto in) former condition. T grew se pl le sud waxlike ltai strangees ailed me thte wax figura. My heamt would hast se violautiy titat I oould-itear the naise il made. I was se eask I couid net wslk e block without support or wlthent rasiting two or titrec limas. My itead wculd oometimos ache se vio- lently as to sîmoi driva me wild, sud ai aliter 4îmes 1 would grow se diz- zy tat 1 could net stand. Ail tii tima 1 was lskiug troalmaut but aIl the time was getliug womse sud wonse, sud T hardly huped aven te ha botter agaîn. Ar tit lia1i mad In a nawspapen cf s somewhal simîler casa, cured by the use of Dr. Wllîsm'e Pinkr Pilla, sud I determlued te ry t hem. -B>' ltaetim ) 1 ted uaed s bal s dozen boxes I itad improved e great des!, From tat on week b>' weak, T gslued lu healtit sud straugth,uill b>' te lima I bad used aloyau boxes I was oujeying botter hesîti tihan 1 bad doua for yaars. I m now weil sud setg sud thauk Qed for ltae biossle'g of good bealt your wonderf ni Dr. William's Pmuk Pilla have couferred on me, I woalld asrong- ly advise aver>' weak sud siliug girl who eada tit etose ne lime lu îsking Dm. William.' Piuk PIlla." Dr. Wiliaims' PliK Pilla ouired Miesa Bumrows itoueuse the>' made lte riait rad blood uneoessary le, drive diseas from the aysiem. These pilla go straliti down toe tc of tbe malter in tae blood sud cure lb et. Witst lt why cura ail troublas due tebad hlood. Ana'miea palenesa, eupîlons-cf the akin, palpi- tation, iteadachas, kiduey troubla riteu- mattsm, neurelzia, sud a bcd e!fcter troubles, ail dus te bad blood, sana epeedil>' muted frot lte systen hy lte iot ced blood made b> lte use cf Dr. W liliams' Pink Pille, Lieut take asub- stituts; ses ltai lite full, "Dr. Wîliime' Pink Pilîs for Pale People," la pinled on lte wrappem amcud ascit box. If lu dmebt, Veu eau gai the pille b>' mail at 50o a box or six boxes for $2. 50 b>' wmtiug lite Dr. Williams' Moedclue Co Breakyilae, Ont. Comncil Room, Jan. f6, 1905. Speial meeting of (Jouncil held on above date for the purpoee of rat eeiv. lng reports and general buseiness. Mem- bers proseut; Mason, Lattrail, Morris, Ciamen&a nd Cornlsh. Mayor James, presiding. Members of isat ragultr meeting and 3speoisis Pere rend, ?ad on motion ou- firwed. Mr. Masoii. Chairmem of Finance 0 omittea, reportiad sad snbmitted some accounts, recommending that or- ders be grantad for paymant,as foilows: Joseph Fletcher, labor ....... $24 76 W. ýH. Dustan, supplies, etc..... 26 78 S. Affin, gravel, .............. 12 Rice & 00., supplie,', etc ...37 45 Eieotric L O(o., 3 mos light,hall. 28 50 Pennington & Son, work ...... 6 15 P. Trabiicock, supplies........ 10 go MoCiellan & (Jo , cosi and wood. 58 03 Hamilton Engins Co,sauppies . 187 W. Saxtonlabor. ............i100 Dr. Putter, attandance......... 10 75 Dr. Tilley, 4 , 1 ..... 800 Municipal Werld, supplies ...13 54 Fred Loscombe, posting..... ... 1 00 James Publishiug flouse, advav, il 85 $241 83 Ocun. (ilanens, Ohairman of Roade and Street& reported varbally, stating that Mr. Shaw stipula!ed that the drain be loft oen, and that ho bo aliowefi te have connection with eaid drain run- ning through bis proparty. On motion ha wps granted, the privilege ùf con- secting with said drain. Meved by Coun. Corn!sh, ceoonded by Coun. Masou, that the Olerk be in- structad te Iask the arc hiteet for ai tenders and papers In connection with tbe Town Hall huildin2. Carriad. Moved by Coun. -Maeon, seconded by Coun. Oornhah, that the minutes of this meeting ha nowre.ad and coufirmed. (Jounell did then Qdjouru. Statntory mee&Ing ahol on Monday moirning st. The foiiowing memnbers wera present sud made the-nsuel dadla- ration of office. Mayor,A. Tait; Con. cIliers: F. Hl. Mason, W. 0. Kiniz, M. A. James, W. Brook, W. R Cîsmens and L. Cornish, Tfra Mayor on taking the chair con- gratulated the mambars on their alec tien. He thought that the Couneou was as erong one, sud hopad that thare wold be but ene end lu view: the ad- vancemaut of the Interesas of the town. Rte wouid fnot taire any further tima at praseut, but wouid praent hIs addresa at auothar meeting. On motion of Mesoa. Mason ard King, the foilowing were appoiutad th e S'andlng ComnIttees for tha year- Fluance-Counciliors Mason, James, Kiniz, Reads and Streets-Couns. Ciemens, King, Brook. THE MASON Gou BOWMANVI LLE Stne Mfter one of the laî-gest season'ýs traej have ever had, we have decided to cero' the balance of ail winter goods. at sacrifice prices. mt,"s Ladies'- Coats at Rllaf-price Although we have had a big, trade, we have a number of nice ones left at hall price.they are wondeiful bargains. WTe do not intend to,. carry over a single coat. Now is your opportunIty.ý Oent's. Fur and Fur-Iiued Coat We' have soid nearly double the mnmber of these this season than ever before but have a few lefi- and wiIl not hesitate to sacrifice on ihem. We wanit to make a clean sweep like -we dic Lastyar Ladies' Furs Inclading- Coats, Caperines, Muffs,Sars Gauntiets, Caps, etc., etc. These must go pries to suit you Ladies' Ready-to-wear Sk4irts We have the best quality and best fittùng skirts made, we will clear them as foliows : t $6.00 ta,$7,.50 Skirts for $.5.00; $4.00 to $5.00 Skirts for $3.75,. Lower priced skirts for $1.(0 each. I4en's Wool and Fyleoe-lined Underwear Flannel' Blankets, Sheetings, Hosiery, Mîtts, Gloves, etC., etc., al reduced. No matter ho-ir low others cut we give the' best valuies. It wili pay' von to see our bargaiins before you buy. RUPTURE AB CURED a-,1)t home ITHO T la nDaneror Ti me FrOl Work by 1. WNDELDR ISCOVE,1R'0 oe an em nhent'ToronuSeiait ; ½~~~J.? Kýr,THEsON - Jus 1 ce of Peae doHatg C. Ont, hoe orrait1tlir1apefsi l <Sedet88 years by the great "i o E lic teRptueSpcal' rW Rie2ý, East Queen St. <lock I Toronto, Ont, To, al Ruptured suifer- erwho Witma ce R, DrlRce wlIs nVREE, hie BOOR,"CnRutuebe Ouried," and a oRETRA f his DIS1O1Es( Do not watt, vvrite to-day. 7-J What le Elecetricity? nobody knows, not even Edison. What does it do? everybody knows. [t rume street care-telephones-auto- mobiles, furnishes light-heat--power -detects and defeats disease -enabies the doctors to seea dean through a man. Pet-forms ail sorts of wondlers -flot least of which le acting as Nature's Great PurWiie because when the word's dust, dint aud disease germs have been taken up by the air, and bang over the earth in clonds- electricity shoots llghtning through the clouds be -flash r-boom !-rumbe --down cornes the raim, the atmos- phere îs purified and we exciaim -"how nice and fresh the air le since that thunder storm 1"> Electri ci-ty in the Fleur, Miii. Something like that but minus the thunder and iightning, ---siently-ifty--sureiy electrlcity performe ie miracle iu the "Royal Household" mili-the oniy miii lu the Dominion of Canada where elec-j tnicity ie used for purifyiug purposes. When the grinders - separators - j sftoe-ai-filters, have ground and re- ground - purifled and ropurlfied the fleur again and again, ail dcwn through the seven floons ofi th)e big "IRoyal Houas- holdý*' mili until it je nearer, perfectio than fleure-ver was bfr-lcnct says-- "T1 can do more than that " aud eend- Îng its mysterieus charge cf Eieotrified Air through the flour, - e -1 iast, eý trace of impurity-giv(es it niew, life ..- greater energy-makes a fleuir that le pure enough, sweet enough, white enough, te bo worthy the mneoand! lame of " Royal Househeld "-the fleu>tr that ; more delicieus-more hatfimr satisfying than any ether fleur lu thé world. --the fleur that makesthe b lread sudà pastry usedon the tLables of 'Royaity- the fleur that thousands cof fCanadlian wemen are now uigte ma e beter bread -better 1pastry -thiinthey v eer made befere.. ~Every day hundrede f 'som; jl are cemning te the Ogilvie Fleur M1ilis Ce. Ltd., Mentreal, freinwo'iwhae using Royal HIousehidi Fleur-, ammonl- ing te the "Royal IHeusehold "- reipee audsay they are delighted with it. The recipes wiil be sent free for the asking -aek for thom - "FLOURF&X," t ) 1 1

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