Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jan 1905, p. 7

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~~~ ~~~ ~aid fexly endern hîs, niand to _________ eth proliptly. "ToI teli then truth,1 ~,Jited--After Ali have'onily beeni back, 'i Anbon tJ u t the, LLi1few days.- - And your bu ,e v ith mel iowA I.f~ on interrulptedc; and thie Hlon. I, l tAý Wbea~~~~ thWo.Fi ead hi. rald gave a sharp iokof surpri~ ________ ____ mers camke clown tho long flghtl ofl *1f1.Th visIter -Ttiud:" have seen stcps from Goverameat House, ho ~ :5wJ ~lit anniounce'd îla th vnn ppr, TUJ N IEDB PS g~ feýit th1e hapla na ai. i hadl and beiieve the cvn akes Plac pu)lt bis fate Le thé test, a-ti the re- ~ti.. to morrow." There is a kna.ck la doing thiags sut dbe01n encouraging. Mfaisie ~" Icannot sec thiat titis can Con- Whic-h ail de nlot pos.sess, and 110- Woal prabl ebs le How muèih the efljoy- cer a srn er, bsorveèd.the Hon.; wb1ere is this fact more evident than hors Fitacezgeneranlvengsd irriCably. inan rssd the colicoction of wholesome anti Litle verPu ls.f n fw I epns ili assi îasm ad ntrimetn, frteeprhps vou wiIi corne toethsome edibles. Thé "sxth Likror e oa bis frin.d Leu end at ao ciigette 5OCOS orit pprte owd ten a et aii palino, for ich h, Anad htcantfa was efloivelvto thae whist- th qatyo our "ieutx'ilai," he rpiii cyalvh"ie nre te, reut ta~trle achieveas 9,* s pecial peari me rntedi No. ïact is, you wiiî bo rnlarrying My by different persens, using the samne Whtspu yu a uc godli-'004 at $8~e wie denticai recipes! A litle'rmore ef Se.Fi-Smia raperBay. acuomert eig hr-pi t i store', "Iftaie oiu %sr "Yeur wife!" ahaoicst shrleked Fitz- titis, or a trille loss of that, or a __ shouiti imaorine oubi hard -p on%,o'~ fYyarsue satisfaction *.. gerald. 'Yen Iying scouadrol, wisat ittle disregard te what rnay appear sToul imagine SISiS had Berne cash. ùt iurassur. ed foio-k doynma ai, insignificaal. detait ia the "how' Th fee Ptzerlddrw cai ~~ atalogue. 1 "The Ilon. 'Maisie Mesiimero is nïiy ývhon ompounding thé ements, Th Do. izgradcilwachi inakes ail the -différence ia the FmiH~AAC~~, to bis frjend's sicle nearv'r theé ie - "Seemingiy, oui' unarriage has heen wri.s'tcen,. WFERS~~~~~~~~~ FORrzzns adlRI iarE" BROS. iLkept a secret front yen. Sho bc- ghusOn u t-continu*xl 1llaii, "yeu're '~'cup granuiated .sugar, 2 Oggs, :1- ITILE ~on" OflO those lucky boggars, witb ail 1i 1 D1AMOfND HALL*' ,j m Mrs. Maxton during l'ea tablespoon rneltcd lard. nutîneg. 3 IV FRTOPD IER. the tin, and ntost of the girls!" comshrnr'shp tFoirer0ftio reaon teaspeons bakirig powdcr, sait andi P ~TPTO, "Weil, I've got the best of thom at to co1ade'i.2o4eranres fleur eliougb te make a sotit deugh. Fmi ÂU.W SKN, ast!" exciaime(' Chainiers. "Truth Yo~Sre e~ that niarriago wns kept a secret; Add sugar and a smali toaspoon sait FORTHEGM~UIO is, ltimanonv kop t drki tli O~O¶T ~ ut"-ad ore hoe handed a thin roll te the creani and stir n'eu. Adti O~U5 êua,' eeAve. you--I.'ve, propostil te Masio, Mvesh- .~ tppr eVtgri- teeaceaeugh fleur te make a thin batter a" .preetal" an thon ndd meitod lard, 'eggs Ve~~'rta~~i!e. - I ~~~~~l" il h young ofîlcer, hait dazed, toek wi etnat afgaeintng rýURý MADAHE. ed lalam.thé prellereti roll, but did net oen The baklng pewder may aew hc atit- "-N-neo, net exnî'tly; but 1 ana coni- it. lcstioad, hie gazed long and silent- cd andi lastiy onough fleur te miakeý ADVERTISING RATES. fienut I shail bc. Shi, noarît promn- - l____________ y into the fire. Ris face was ashoen a seit deugfi. Have fat bot and frty wen, arise ol liz oa bvw IPao. * ntil n ricb golden hrewn. Goodi lsed Saii se weid won to by t'aud. 1 was tioceivcdti "1 tort lier," 1 centilluet Maxtori. resuits inayb otidbysig ec aaiien Statesmnan la published heurs la which te tkink, it OveS'V n'e i nl lus proteiîsions te wealth ani-i -Why, is ne mnattor cf yours; but senur creamr or mik, if eaot*gh bak- evryWçledzy ntorniing ait the office mon-iiko, yen kaeow. But 1 haveii't bir-th. anti lie jiroi, te 5,- rOtluitcgthioWeesfcotrae. Ianin soasueitosetnl-o 26 Stateaiant.o, U n M t.eet an atoin cf1 lmUt. A a tact, the but a iow-borii rone Hodsreint on e t'ubo br u mra aiig we e h lier n rpitr usrpingnî in i ii,îv tavr! within threio its al tocer hotO t lweoi(i wara , u. rest. Wbhen rtilk is useti onte fe $1ri.0l In advance Therisn rotesnc leitapai $150 , <'r lit in odrtqg r10 o fi h cniec btes Yra pii at get ail ho coulti eu1t 'If me anti The Itou. F itzgerald hat become _raa an extra tabiespecai et ietii trasuet aveîîsugton cents per )Ie oexpressc'd ln bis ttrruanti, as lie you. 1 toll ycu lie -as killeti leqitebvese is9'ou ng.ldnusheue. frtisrin ie et e iacci-lshedi speaking, lie teck thé cigar Atrica. 1 sav lits raane ia thoIetoe with the tapec arounti the îVine el7Sa afbxo w SubequntInsrtin.Contract rates on fri bsinoutît, anti iaughed mot'- îist!" -ety(-el-oL atbxo w appýl Iat'ion. friy Hile sho in eîtiy b 'Aeyn ue- bgnte i- anti, atter semec seconds, burieti hoaping tablespoons golatino ia hait they b.aa bho iihatl y -rt o o-nteds is fae in bis bauds. TFle wbcole Pt. coiti wator for ton miue. tt DENTISTRY.1 trseIMaseabric, et bis loi e's droam hllt top- hait pt. bciling waterc, ani; stir kin- G. C BONYCASrLE .DS. ~ .~ a Y Jove!" ho exciaimeti. "Sems "Absoiutely!" interruptodi Ludpe iwn aotbscr.T-titegltn isle. Adl . l'ln. ,,-TE Lorudt te th surein boartiestý Aosha1,r aentlstry thing. Nry hate congra- 'ehioe--There lire net a lien- cIrow'b wbt oosle a i îut cups granulatedti sugarz helroat trerono ilnis'riy. tance:-Over Ce-tlatoi.Yo'otioibr eoi dreti, or a dozon, Lieutenant Liogin- Ion -that! Te-mo'row--- grat ild et one lemoti ani hi trl Mliey ntar iî orgoedness knows, for a long tinte! i aid Waxtons ta the ry Anti if pt shhrr hone roeet oirtseilireiahdan Lighteen ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ho hoils Ioie hnlî.,9" hoL an rnhrx zti.Sto h ieat etofig20, flowiliaavilie. Liltclmnh,1bla?, iL.a net, ho ceuiti't coe lack fortreanct'oetbsht-stîr cntil it bouls. rako off anti lot 'l'ho~~~~~~~stn for. aizerl coupled ast miîees thefrtonreancot Sh Ah LEon Flirgoralti- ooieu s t e agaus; ho knows botter, 8e tereti nervos, his visiter bati gene. - stratefo ant pouplne nf miti., thont A.E cAUHI. sent, anti l1allani added: y our inaîriage rannot ho disrover- Ilo wa, aJone wltb bis miserydpur.toamod We IirutrSolicitor and Cor-eyanr,,, "She's a bonutie woiînan, anti yen eti."I cool, soit on fc. Lemion îejly is j ffice- -WlakIey Block, King S,_treet, ought te ho prend!""Rsndîadudcete pr- Mon "I is a drafli.ett rc made the saine as above, usiiog ia Bewnanîîe ~ne teba atres an"agreoti tihe otet.r. "Frticel" urged Maisie. "Yet. 0i1, ~O 48arte.t-lyr. On Fo the following inerninfi fashioni- place ot the sherry, the jîtice e ft 1. fotc] sure she ivili Consent. S ho jtist dto lova, hirffl able seciety wore stnî'tIet te rend ie three binons, andt cough water te 1 T'OBRT lo-UG, V S. wanted te have a tnik with the g,'ti "There are white and black~ lies. the daiiy papers, sot ia the largest mnake up the hait pint. OI'VV'N OSEC IDtanc, rl and(, SbtCo ho bas shcwn taecid c;ntu stierc arc hzierrnless andc type withibold headings, tho ,hal Chariotte ÀnuteOn plut O)0ii Toi lil IriLOUK, bisits appwre dhe genot ctili -Th m aet of nilk, 1, plat icbI curm, l cup 'hr leiili b fcuand ïrcrn8 a.mn te Coutiti tho lon, Fitzger'ald Chai- ai. "T-bis secr'et lis Yeui's ant iane the Lion. Maisie M~eshmoro, oniy suigar, 1 toaspoon vaIlhait lb. 9p.m igh ra0ý ils at residenre, directi- aekonwatwspsîgaoo ewl ts;atiynt, o o omkeep't,ý Drlda-J irshv nw ht a as l ugliter ef Geoeiat Lord Meslîmore, lady fiugera, haitbo golaltine. Scak 1 i 'ut 1 __________________________ t tatmoentintheinervi o-wiiî accept Fitzgerid). That tioroit te the lion. 1'itzgleraiti Chl s, r G b L1r.~sE...M A. wen athr îîi dugto', o outican ti) ne haret, and wii iake yo rangoiI te he bcebrt teo'day atS i oera low Lire utîilk ot 1 'JnIssuer Ji Ma1ýrriiago Lic- 1have dentisagrooabIy uprstia both happv. 1 %want ye t (10 ut, St.oa syrnpaihy xviii *nbi. iesdaîc Cetre Street. iik atur St. thrgés Risv car.r xvii is aisld gave th, mskiot natreetth covesaio. icidar t areo' to w.nste net tako, place. era:3m tîy but dO net -lot \l.Ail(l sugaS' antiS 1 proposai iras beiuîg d:ibscussoti, butyureutani erou'le bu ho tot for the yeuug lady, wîuoi, stir untîl dissolti Tako off steve SIMPSON & BLAIR. 1tren quite anet ber, anti smoreo tira- mepiug ove.r the gîon at1ypetrateti with griot. Ne reason"adltsan ni ed.AiiVn D. Il. SIMpSON K. C.. CIIAS miatir, stantipeint to tisai wbicb, le thore, is a briliint futkire betoro yo forthroîning for thé abandttintt of le or any flavorîng prof erred. Aa »LAMiSarsesSliîos oais imtagliet. Seotu et er lie bati lOt-if ycu wilh oniy seize the opportun- the marringo --London Answers. few bia'ncheti and shrodtied almontilv etc., Miorris 131ock, up1-starK ebue, Iii ott irfte nay ho added if deslreti. Whip djream t itreetilý Bsank'î. olicîoers ing the bo , ausent te bor tehil tt uttil it is as stiti as ut can 'i ie t le Otaue lan. 'niat uuney bn- ii th lsra'yani aquaetti ua Maisie kilsoti ber fathot' ce the ltps FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. matie. ('rean se tlick that it u li t1, a, 10OÏ 'est rates [wiltb the effer cf nuqrr a_-e wlulcii sho landt gave lits armn a gontin pressure. Ms lso' etîn yu a tn siJatrwipugogtt ) -- ~heti just recelveui, "Yen do chîcer i-y spirits. tather," 9 1enueih ulhese ntsr erb st.Aiitecrr otomx fl'~rmnmn~lnî lFor sou-c uoaeue the pair steeti&she saiti, witiî a pretty sanile. "S ibe .se by tilositiot sf r, ls ch shoth ca ohe mîix-e UIIW IIUtYIILÔfaciuîg cacb cther wîiîiîeut uittoritn a jol their chîltire while teeithsng. If dis. irwil hul cclbtfo L3 .01a-8e now as tlouglt 1 nis ce) tsrbedi -at nu'u st rkne ~~ set. ,LI the mixture in the laast D TIT.word, tîntil Maisio, iiaupatieîît at bier hlm!"I gi n rkno -)rbtwrri il-ýiil h rau fathei"s. siec,1oeaau Tîtsrgî,ten"rsodt rest by a slck chilti sufferiug -anti cry- biFnm hxiitti h rau Will be ai. ]lackstock on the rtst f"Tell me, wiuat cati 1 do, fetiien? ber fathor. -I want te iielp yomî. i. witb pain et Cmtting 'Ieeth, sent iapti th fluiae ss of osbi xiti1 Moaday e1 each 'meath, et 0rn Fitz lins PiOposeti to stu0, as 1 ex- The blunder urbiclu huas hrought ait lad oneatfe etee is dspor.e 'neavidos te mogur wlt 2nd Moneday, ail day, ant iet, Onew potei le! would, 'toeing that I bave this trouble pn e 1 mine anins sScothing Syrup' fer Cbi- layVgr,1min h iuea catho ist wednesday from 2 P.111. accepteti aIl is - attentions. 1 1 arn geiig te do wbat T cati te re- dr-en Teethiag. Lt wiii relievo theo er the botor ucrtiTe, ladys ofin- Offico:-Tenipenance St., Bowme. titought at first it was te ho just a pair tho iujury .5 ir e viii f ergot tîoor 1littie0 suii'erer iauietiiatcly. D er hettl it h t ofuc teg the y V t stre ntiaan' butr hue iintwmu te 1ns" yaicursnde ha ti leyu u lstake about it. Lt cures Diarrheea, sîîay 'bo linot i ith thie siceof e anyi _____________________________ atsle's cyes wcre neti andt vot Anti thtus it came abouît that regulates the stoînacli anti boireis, nire hight caike insteai-spong cakel L~~] .C-- 1 wjth leats. (Loterni Lord Meshitoro Mnisie consente(] te becoern the Hon. coures tinîntin, anste Guvos, ils het onie, or in oo ae. hurena D T ~ ~ ~ ~X paceti the rooni, tomn beiireeti cciu- Fitzugerald Cbaimor's ife. snieog eto hl ytm eate seve, r lp th co o le bot I E N "Ir "' 1 S f~liirting enioiious. Thse coiti, stoî'n n'erytth hl ssem radtoev, itenodinoti soidieýr- "Mudetýi'os Miesbmore," as hoe IL-Mns. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for ivator for eue or twc seconds, net C. HARNU N, L.D.S, hati botu cahiti in n atîmnua nr bis- The mairiago of Lord Moshinore's chidren teething is pionsant te tho ere nitm eto l oc tory-'îvas Slw wei maetncrc ouiy tiaugbi'ter tute Hon. t- tge'tste anti is the prescripution et o loua servemi wltb wiue or ici-on jeo'yy. '~rdune c t ItyalColegeet ati feas's. lus only dnughtor cîung nid Chajumers wcuid ho the ncat of the oldest anti bosi famnilie physi- t1 ýGrftJýinf-(- ~~t afteRylCll ftians as ho iront lus short brillant oveut cf an oxreptionahy cf ans anti nurses ia the Unitedi IIOISEIIOLD) HLNTS. Dental Surgeons, Ontario. patrel. bnilliant seson. The yeuug Unitir- States. Price tirenty-fuve cents a ciaî euee Ofico:-po-site T. Blngbam's office.! "1 cautuset tonI inu tise truîllu, fa-1 Serro(,tary wsus exceodinghy popiiiar bettle. Soiti by ail druggists tbrcugh- Mayhueepers bave liid the ti VITALZEDAM. I hr"saiti the youîîg ireman. unside the Hlouso ant inl seciety, out thé worid. lie sure anti ask for exîuerionre of fiaduuug anu orange pull- j "'ruh-t ruu'o ett ciriinitiwhile, General Meshamore anti lis -Mr- Winslow's Soiothing Synup," dn isabtertse owt-t tbe g.,în.raI, sudd0îîly ru ,îd. "0f 1deughter, during bis cemînandi cf the stnin lie rae iireoviug t 1- course suot! Vou uuîust acrept buts! fastera Division, badi surpasseci aul FELL DOWN MINE SHELAFT. ihio ih ktAcropnia à, N ow irecords for entertaininig at Gver n- et gocti Housokoeplug lus discove-ret i C ~ ~ ~ ~ i ,A- "Oýaot hr! htsidisap etLei'e Four Men Killed by Brenkimg ef a htiYodn' te ly."Yos Iav teti itetht ~ Fer',îeos tje apes atibcdciC' able. ustart-ii fov ihno ta t e'i Four îîîeî bavod botPutn i . pltatdho etysip jt Alieriez, no ita h lis etym its uo vst e le inscit inis kiile auuul tw on iurt a a theIdliu.anitieexii on spol ýontn liie by7 dyi)g a tilh teo h fah'ia shait h :si i) bcblg s;li et-ol--dflciy j elit bun anti le hauppy, pesie a uuh tobat'ns- ehv i l fau on a blytinnulir pwe pleu-it. the waieo b'enco tie"ab CI uadbYO Yh BestL KnoWn 3illers in 1kuer veu xvii ho îitb luinu" prkacets, esuid tho crcweing lionor Tho fdeeti:-Wuhiit Penrese andti tieos eut," buit [lrboydestot g - JMItoa and Ontarijo ISuppoe 1-itz shouli di.s'- wr"ias uxhen thiore rame a kindît poen- ýAustu fais ant i in llner; suantes knoir thatrflsiu, streligIibt noir w ask-edt Maisie, bier voice alînoat click- senai lotteî' frocm the Kiug, ii-uai- romulti net beo bernnt. Tiso accident et naachhsitrbiu etac th onde tio'ti Ohb, ut us lispessible-isnpossi- eteti at the wedih,îîiîo SIX mon Wero ceniiîg te t'le ' '" ' gý (> vîy kiind and deseription ibic! The i notbiug ton une huit Andi noir, eit th' ay lct">t' th. surface ici a skip ut tIse neoi imoun. WHÂT ONE MAý)N lI!AS DONEC.s toIxei rthfns4 wedclung, the yousng roupie bail lit r'c Goodls delivered prompbly fin ail parts of the town, Laîgest Stock Price- b Lw Jno. Gilbert & Son lKing St. West, ilowmanvilIe S lel tu-s "ui a Buusiuu'-ss,Slotnt, Tem.',gua1 by or Englisb lu-ea CAAASIIGNEST GRADE f i m ~vu~ f~dU~~fl lue!"she îrhispoeti. "Oit. 1 ili Mrs. adwarde, as pale, fl..rvoua, I ied-u use ei irritable, and redueed te a mas.e Wl ru atie lion sny that sue cousit ti skoleton of skin andi bonc. uot tel]; but lte wurns brenuglit a jMas. R.W. EnirARse, 33 Mefrnay Su., Brant. itok et intense pain into lion loi er's 1 fond, Oct., mr;tat :-" For five zears 1 suf. <face. Lic trt'n ler nuere n'Iosely te fered mono than ivords can tell frein cervons bis breasl. nead v Ths poisinanti xhai , 'Wh, him au-enue alroadly," ho The padut ins m bad navir'cl ith aneffoitntfegaiety. drive me crazy,. tcul LurnyusIivitis-îu! We no seltiani hsbut oletdr aouso sad, sireetieart? oeires I c o i ttihoqueen of the amartest evosît et taentodfor four d as the len-anti my wuft" at a ime. u's ao nerVoos, Irritable, oatuîy Mut asic sever reveaieti irat hati elasdwas reduced beentu ii er heas't irbea she uttoreti - . - ea ere îkeleon ofskinlber bf-r, anti Fitzgemal i iront te bis anibene, and my beari chenibors wcades'ing iroatly. ulti palpitateans thougb A shioal et toiegs'rns et ceagratu- il as about te stop hast. latiotîs aaiaihm anubr t MMS. BDWÂED1 f a. Foaie9moîti I ug crda u5cad, 7Dr. Chaseý 1'" 1arre Footi nti fora con. vsitin-ad, anti finunexpectedt siderableP lieIhv lt uprect heati. viter. Ha atent olethe latter acheC, or.manyoetrlimesmm e ndeiinetaboya. dLrt. From a nie skeltiïi med'iinebas bufît ime Tegnlmnia ett o sp a lah nt wigt 1unilocw 1 Bm strong torlabhy je horretenrmirin endi watt, do sy ec ouieok owl ut for tise heurs vi1houÈt eeingtre-Idat Fterîinern. Lege Ib thorongbhly iroamrejt o nl~. anueof Li1jeuat ioginiaiti Maxý- Note yurincres a vili uhle uing Dr- ton, iantiiraisrartiy trse CsesNanievced. ý,Poýrtrait and sgeueof bv ettohoe tyeair tc- ofD.A. W.% hatscn e vrybr.qsînnc"satteHc. lzgr kidneys are diseaseti. If tise kidneya s ise andtîatou er usi-uly anti mu'ch w are weil they filter justsi aucis biodcXperiicut holie cias'c t iat: SE but if tbey are sick on weak froni an; I -T-ne p iîOs-nOuspi'ouucls os.ýh cause, they lbaie the poison je the e'îmcuktocatt teonpsitui e uttlîest Iîoolsabsorboti by the bloodu and ibis poison aff ecta the enire 's',si"n au-o tholeirumi cause E)falns syatemn. every tlisea'-. It is natunai te pass urine lirecetumes 'le!,3 kwcir iat alI he m ici, e d a y , b u t u a n y w h o re g a îti î o x v s c o u tain crfo r t e si n i s p o o t n as lueatby are ohsiged te pasa water si îvir-b lott b"ýhinnl thoni ntaet t te tee urnes daily anti are obiiged te o nii'i ttonnot ueuba get up frequently during the nigbt. thige h otal 'dbwl Tbeybave sîica kitiaeys auti biad'der oitesouIi ni tie't knew il. Stuit's fBiluih bsatnolc auuiii sît Lithia Pilla cure Rbeumatîsnt nd ailla houromintsIb Kideey anti Biatder diseases, antid .Loln'i iscoctce'iiuu uiiake noir, nicis bloo& .j tha;t Étn corect tiisorulcus tsf the 1 We wiihisenti yen a generous sample souhandbo lie uuustPr'o- pst paiti ree, tegether with our large, 1 duce an effeoctive nducino t'eîitaLiiuug,, cir bok on tise aboya inentioedt diseases. j nbsointelv ne-t culujous substances1 Addneas, W. P. Smnith Ce., 185 St. IsUch utae-e fenuni i the ordnary i 'lames Street, Montreal, Caniada. - rili.J- .llesuscn'oi 'i ai the tesuit lie lu Mac iiiàAtîti1Phîl.gi p101eiiyay ae tDyppsai ADALL Porms C INYAD SO.abtl.AHId'git. o BLADDR ILS. To W ls oa-yeCEllsied i A CuREPAT-TN d eOPLB.SM --tag araFuOt oeaun. Canad REASO0N WHY YOU SHOULD UJSE B3ecause It Is EconomàIcal. Red Rose Tea is composed of whet are knowsî in t01u trade'as l'high..grown"v Ceylon and Indien tees, Th3o tees are grown at high altitudes on te mountain slopes., where the tee bushes grow miore slowly and are morc- carefully cultivated titan in the valleys, where the climate is warm eand humid. I-igh-grown tea is Inet only a finer quality, but con.' tains mucli more tea juice or extract than valley-growa tea. This can lia easily proved by comparing a draw- ing of Red Rose wibh e ny other tee. By doing se you will find, thet a pound of Red Rose Tee will spend as far as i ý4 te i Y2l bs. eof other tees. The savie' ila most, apparent in th e Blue Label acd better grades-buy a potund and make the test. T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N. B. BRtANREifS: TORONTO, WINNIPEG. tescahlopa -"ou' poinuîa viii per-ceu-! snys:--Thbboler et a iemtv t tibly iagtboa uk îs days antivd' itahdte the oabouti fast Oat" net ho noticeti atter iauadorlitg. U,-e preass train on 'the Erin renýd bleir NeT. 50 threat fer lueavy eimbroide1-- ap i)wilc ntaniing at the (Jreston, les anti Linon for tiner onos.Ohe station on Wodncatiny, iln Coilce rontinet iniitight cana lias theongisteer anti irenuan isaty -a tentioncy te gathor ulamnas, af-, ani bndly injuring eehrmaib ter irbiris ne skli ca mrake geeti iras ,riding le thec engine cab, Tihe rofif'e rniit. Te make a prImoded"-roick Kollen, tenglaceor, article theouînd cofiee ahoîuitihoGalo, .,anti Pinoman Lialfick, se bnittle that it l iissalp betweenj Galion. Thec cause ot the expioruion" the teeth. is net Jkown. The train carnieti The se'et et having plump cuusb- cpu'eaa cars oniy. Aside troui tue ionis cotîsists in baving the outer engne, îrhicb vues cernploteiy dml rover nbout 'tireinchea anualior thas 'ishoti. none et the oquipmneotia tho illxi' Ltwli tien utitmpdaunagoicl. Traffir vu-asblockoti for prottily. tfour heurs fioit the acc.idontu. WbltQ geetis timat lias yeiloired by.- beiusg laid esido nîay ho benmstimsiiy Bought Chambe-rlin'S- Cough Heim- bioached by îîuerngta a Jar of! 1Fins buttcnmilk for a couple of tinys. il edy and Sent ilt to Fins veny yeiiow, kIeep them nilonugor anti chbange tho 1 u ttcs'mll once or In ire. Mr. P. W. j. Fleteher, a drugst in This is eu xry oet iraniîuig h1- Victoria, Astai avs :s«,A ecustomer kech ifs: Dip thori a vanm ti-iirav, et ',-raine, wa'S se) pleaseà i wtbhabr ,cap oacb ote on both baies, tiiIan Cougit 'vemedr, whieb Arhe d looseiy, anti put thoni in a pile in a useti for lir chciltiren wben suffering basin, %'ltbout water, te soek fur front colds anti croup, that during a an heur or longer. Rnb thorm on a fertnight's tîne site obtained at i ' shop 'Washboard wltb a large suaiibnush aine botîlos. whiclu she sont te ber ilippct inla ot wtubel for a ton' fnienda lu different parts ef the state, minutes, r'inse ie cloar n'ater, ndit telling tbem bow mucit gooti it bad dry. Bogie the irouiug ia the con- clone ýanti advising them to give It a tre, anti not on the border, trial." For sale by ail tiruggîst. ART 0F COOKING fIGE. NE W c1'UBBIýNG RATES. It more lueusokeepers knoxr heur 1 proporIy ceok rnec il vuutimore fre- RSTEMA quentiy ,ho founti upon our tablesTaSÂSSA will be furnisheti for and ire iouiti enjey oeefethe meat 1905 ln connection witb the undernameul .rholeore- et fooda. Il is especiaiiyî publications at the prîce stateti: utiapte o yte o ung rhiidrea ant inl- ITeiorotoDS.uyWorld, bai 1901 f ree $3.53) alitis, l'ronto Daily Star, do do 2.00 The faparreseonuthoti of prepnt'lng Toron t o Da i ly Globe- 475 t la te ira.i-b il tbonesFgby, put la-n 5 o'clock edition 3 50 te colti nater anti bring Iltet a houl WeekivGlobe,with illuîtra$gd parts 1 90 thon heu s'apitiiy fer 20 minutes, Daily Mail anti Empire . 4.75 withueut atinniug, atitisait anti dralin.Weekly iuMait antiEmpire 1.9ô If saltit la adeti ie ceekiug ilÉ,Peronto Daily Noews 2 0) -cmons the rire tank. Aller tira iîing, Weekly Witnesa i175 tour unoltoti butter over il anti stand The Nfeekly Sua 1.90 n the ovon n couple et aulne-tes to Farrning World 1 50 dry. Lt makes appetizing croquettes, Farmutr'g Advcate 2,50 utideti te cbicken or iamb bnotb is Christian Guardian, bal 1904 free 2 OUâ delicieus, anti atits gneatîy le veg-' Fa mif y Herald anti Weokiy Star 2.0o able aonp. 3aket i Rco-Sii' siiali rup e IPINfAM unrooketi rire leto 2 qts. of noiANx'LM ;nlIk, atit one tablespoon uga .r, M ,incb. oft sait anti piece of butter Mr. m. S. Crane. of California, Md,. ize of an 'egg. Gratoie aIe Ibis, hait suffered for years frem riteumatism and suutrnleg. Bako tire heurýs. Serve bot, lumbago. Ho was finally adiseto etry u'itb raraniol saure, -or celti wStli hamberlain's Pain Balsn, vwnicthhe 4dld( u'ipt ran whirh bfas benand it effeeted Éa cowpl!ïe ecure. Titis ietatanfavoreti.inment is foir sàaeby aildruggiits. Rie rib ig-Bi2 cptsuice ro 20 minute(s in onecup wtor WHIEAT INPECED oliade. Wendry, stir ltL 1lb. 25,'50000 Busheis Pse h ! choppet iLig,,a nt 2tblsooa su-ficiala Lest year. azr; steanu 20) mutiaut os. ,Serve whtib t hiý'ýppoti cronîn. A dospatciî froue W inîipeý(g ay: y million iveu ari 'ar, 3 eog'gs, i4 tabiespoon cent j sper,-teti at Winnipeg during fle strcb. Stone anti cool a large ton- perioti beginnisîg Sept. 1 anti clesing up raisinus, thon atiticeî'nî atarch, Dec. a1s1 et mat yoan. The, preri- ugar, s'lce nditiyeks et eggs. Flav- eus uear Iho figures suoee23,51)0,000: -r, anti peur teteo buittereti puddingbushols, or au incroaso iti faver et lisb te, bakp., Mýake mueingue ofltbe preseat year et 2,O,000 bush- i-bit.es et 2 eggs andI 4 taboapoeîîa ols. sugen. Fievor îrltl lemon. Rlico MernngýuG-Steam sotb6ale TO CHECK CONSUMSPTION. spoons rire, te vuhirb thon aiti-ne> t. miilk, pinch et sali, one cup1 Reporta te American Heahth Asso- sugen, yoika eft Ilree oggs. Pour ciation Setisfarbory. etoe rstard cuua, suot quile full, hle iuîpar et boiisg vuaior 201 i1IX tespatch troas Ilavana anys: siut,s -thon mako meringue __-ff:fRports te the 'Dubercuiosis Cm - biles et cgga ant imt-ke lron-n. 1 mittee et ihe Anin iiien ulc, Heelat Serve colti. Associaionm nowir e snsui ,showt ýthat censuijtuplioui la cugpiaccil. DO N'Oi ULVE CIIILDIIEN. unbet'nniia control fe tho Ton. menu-mer etfsaumehpox. Plansa fora Coffoe. worlIuu'ido renîpaign i against tf i,. - Alebol. case ireoduscusseti. Pickles,- Gronsy foonl. Snappe-"Yes; I bolieve 1I titisn LccceltIddrunks. yen neoalways iying ab)o yur [l1ily sesne, otitelt." lag-Sr Imntacs [Lich fnucti dishes. tomi le ht k int e tlk Ii Moals at inregular heurs. gnlmn i! npe"hr Bits to suilbble belwcn i sîeals. j~o r gî. A substarutial nucai juat betorei______ Tonuatoes, tsîtii thciy ar'e 4 as et' p eomnvripe fs-uit unnios'aey 'Blood Pio ncuumsLancos, The siaoe ponîitny, fruits or veg- Buýing9 Bo3,SatR um ,tables.zanaaàSeoua Onte freqtueuîtly secs fine, hearty'i oe a niScoua eo pu'ncoc'ous ritiltiren, irbe are ali nred auil these thuiegs. Thse p oe 'ins wxiiiinerpay d rearly Uton lbi, ,fue3rnarcofetIheir parenit's.' BOI0LER EXPLODED.' ng'nee an Fioma ~cures theýrM permanently. Station Yard,. Devte &LarneC, dMoral A estlufen(J-leî'elarafi, M-ie c. - 'i. --Y

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