rht anabian ()UR TOWN ANI) COMNTY FIRST; THE WoRLD A.FTERWÀRDS. Per a.m. me A. jA'wS & SON-, Propr1tots. BOWMkNVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNFISDAY, JANUJARY 25, 1905., Somethîng New. Third Off Fromn7 this date Couch, Johnston & Cryderman wil For REDq ROUGIT, CHAFFED, SICIN.' ~~Is Neither Sticky nor s,Greasy. Drys in quickly. SWe guarantee it., PEOPLE VOLUME, LI No. 4 J TORY VS. GRIT SPEECHES. What a conitrast was noticoable in the character of tLho polîtical speeches of Gao. Tate Blackstocek, a n d W, E. Wrightman ait john 1, Dovtt's mu ting Fridaiv night in the Opera Hlouse otnd those of R, C. Clute, K. C., and Dr. Macdonald ait William 1 ickard's meet- ing Saturdav night' The Tory speakers regaled t heir heairers with scandais sianders, alleged corruption, petty, and otherwiFe, such ns the Mail and Empire hais been serv'- ing upevery lawful morning for m( n ths and neither speaker discussed i ty fim- portant public issue. not even telliing tha electors of Kr. Whituey's quali. cations for the high office ho so mach d~rs The onl3- instruction thov gave wsin- -. ~ 4W tt4e T~ y ~p~y.~d7 i ance, nie zm: