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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jan 1905, p. 6

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'TEuRA IflEÂTS0FLF A~ 4.~ L CI i -w zu,1ng wnnteliss is secured, whicn 1 ,Mnwho are -always on te maelunwnat )-onCc" ,pay îng ttem for. true religion. -ll'ï,'g"ILIl'-:0x nUrnai ie you n'thy ou 301, wl oie nana, rot a single cs Imna one 071 tho- i iïý ïnïverïmke mac .h of anythfng. L a sien deî w oman nadiit -a-ulocistear-er-to=touchîngthi lo. strýIvYaao- cirrdaonnir firi face. An oiien-demzal -of God ------- dny r oo neL or ' in-r ps -Will f hlstia-nq. -There i vryrao beterthn i incydbIhtave JJJveri1AI JUlil- odds-ar-d ends -of diamocnds p'otce i heiiinat sin-hav ~5jAl-ter li-atai "'rjilJbe ha -ye.---ei ht l -Jw hv itiofer in heor naoena, manris c-Srall men do flot gain gret!- Irubies, erneralfis, and ter n aluabla: tiffress and dimruity lu moving will smon be ahie to lay th(- palms andistilil]ive in Eureacunie lin ro te aplens mrqisTREASURES FOUJND IN RUINED stones. that had fallon on the o floor about. They tauflht that it produr- of your hands flat up,-n the foot in nidcd by theo intensifcto fpe werýaring ail this season. The colors them DELINS the chiais hotu cen the boards. 1iy in hreathing. '11-ey iinstructefi TIE BEST KNOWN EXERCISEj is accouatable forotiopeaec ! arýe sigaificant, being rnostly b ois The ligit of oua 1f e shies I tw'artherlthttee eetei olnta o rae than theo brilliance of a century's Large Sumas of Money Found by ftosetmtdthttee ~ tr 3o'gtatn rae mis- ter the roducing of the hipa and ah- insanity lun this race i4hadea of green and hrown. Buyers aproximately fifty years' accumula-,fotulle could fall upon. them than domem.________ say that these two colors will rule loir j W r ion ene'th tesr'eucrdsreprson-that of on erweight.Thgilwovnttoae upeEA Y The rainbow of love always looksBuidins.tiong a vauths pes en~5- Iii theirgir ivhoth the Ehae ptian girls during the apring. Another word Bbestingainsng tvaluehackmclouds 0f $25,-1e111tanr out te yt ia deals limbs rau prartice the hip oxercise. TTND from these prophets is that shepherd etP-anttebakcoisoeetulttwla rtda.irn Acranfmls checa wll e tno ageas oonas nie A few îwees ago a firm of house- 000- She cin beufi over sideniaysfra Acetnfmosttsunhn thcg-v ehee rage asns on s hen eiini- mte !ha.breakers, vuhehLad coutractefi te de- 'A rurious disroi'7ery Was mado a 1As'tinorliîuate uns warni they wetO the unistI lino until her armade- a 3 oang man, wa.- fosoetioa nes. usnes i nve a aterofmolish theo houses upon a plot of, short trne ago lu the rournm faiaet i ate opefai.an scrib e a perfect circle oflicial reporter foroeo!tocut whtear pomse. ommntinwt guls f heEgptangilswee She should do ibis fiast to the 1of justice. Ilu mose asbstpr Thiteoare pualrs-sinpokebokreli uringinona.al ne Who bad prepared plans foi' new in the East End of Ioiioti. Th ino t oiea, mucin resemlbling our right and tlen to the lit. And she lsornoimîes got ti e beto !ha u The nw. warus-sin poketboks Te chuch isnot a allproperty, made àn unex½ected-.haul. I ho use had bocil condemnofi,anth;'.'eso ihadts , urhulkepnpatsigtutlýonnecaint and .inanfbags usualiypesue in when ht thinks that the street is h oe nf en aeiasfra housobreakers were carrying outý ring gaines. Tbey played hall, and shlo can do h jein avocv graceful s ,aved hlm from disgrc.'ii a niole color or elephanf grey, are not whoily secular -i th e first floor , anfithe workmean was their w ork w itin great cest. ThyOn!ee of their games was similar to miaînor. This ila the openiîig figure! when, questioning auioatn so lux;rîous inu aplpearance as tino1 To take it 1te the right place In iaboriously eîidean oring to disledge had only jusi removed the roof, ho W- laAq tennis. of oie of the prettiest dances 'l the latter made an nînlrtttrt suull more nevv silver-gilt cases, wilî the batik te got the mouey. theo large, firmly ombedded stones lever, when they came acroas a num- liai mole thon playing hall, more wnrld, and no girl who usants tehocwinroupoa theo repotrecîioi lihreo comrparimeuis inside, one le To malie neat andi correct entries îrù h bme.\îi su-bro iclrdson.A uieta e ais oeto aknIsupple ahoulfineglers to practice it, angrlly:- carry visiting cards, tino second te in day-book or cash-book. i den wrouch, some iunudredweight of rubbing sinowod that ýthe w#ýre cmade oetana vn est eetedi. But wxhile she la taking dali "If yîou are not moeiaeiu ,ontain oies money and the tiird Te ttelthe number of yards Of' bricks I cl with a crash, and the o! soiid ilveî'. Forter xvoaion ceval-1 figure sien dc', did theo Egyptian exorcises, tine woinn xuo itr alittle sinail kick you out ftn om' erdpfother articles19 arpenreutree fosth peror.nith'sgirls practire dancing. f oo heauzy shoulfi diet. Tine best f "Young mani,". saith ugela a littie ponider-puifmThoraassaalonoIcarptirequie sforae parle.hworaraticlaessofntheerl e sce Ciain te the reticulo and a ring, 50 To tell sonîetiing about thei numrber o! wiat ho thougint -were 1cmli, sncb as cupa, vases, caie-1Dicig sitnte o nyf lc'r fali h eenin btturpig tn rceîg, ' int it can be worn on theoutlegreat autinors, ,statesînen and lianu- bîfgit brasa (liscs distributefi anong i sticks, bath l or ni svercmcon- an acoxplisiment, btafn rt rcic ucsflyoesoalfi woul ae3O îdrin a iiger and claspef iniathe baud frtesc iopaetn.tefobr.Coerea iatoio-cealed in fire-flues andi otier places.i rfIman îy e! tiem surceeded in know how nd fuat toe ai. Aud! this la a dignifli cutodjsie luitiner safety. If,sanys the successful business ever, revealefi tinefart, tmai tioyNetrace coulfi ho foun ftinof ia ini a pofossîoîdaTceng irl n iol a ftnAfwtbeadmti ir aaykigt Afew new spring fabries have man, a boy ean 0e almiis ihi laspro- were, gold coins.Win eîîtiocavîty' ewnera, aqnd fiuas aurarisof a0fatt netoku1dnig a fvegetables, taken allono, will net; be idounetine Court x 1 ei. (irft.çj.ino te des-gods epat-babe tathe iasenoghellcatonfrein whIncin iiey ihadlbeen f isplacedthe inouse ras the haunt of expert PREFEJIENCE TO SINGINO. support tesoahtruhteo-1"h lsc drfe ate tin d roa ldepat-hebiemaeho asanog' edaaton ass o tio ayari tio matur tatsmn t tio wtn,'ifyo mona.Amog hemîaa ~ueof temnaire his way l in hewerîd. wj searched, tue amer large baga. I burgînra. Appareoîtinlo edniite lf t~qfley tîtdeals iotomaind theroumheuor I "Ah, s a 5 t theuv Liaucy eolieunea, Niltin abat figures la To rItta Jderispontsertinthoeiadangcitnggl girlssvercons et adan ppetuntyte ispsetin dacîîg irl rake abne inse 'egtarau beame vry eakan ar lit mreresertelte ue in ile new peacin siade aud etiner fasn- nwspaper. 1te the value o! oner $1 5,000, wece o! their iîl-gotten gains, and hat wino acterl. Inricf, they w oie tino nerovus. Court will kirk ye onefm iionable colora. To write an 'ordiuatry premnissery I found. Tine caviiy hall evidently coacealef tinam until a favorable, artressea ef that time. 1I h is a goofi thing for'tine begir-mer -r0om. Se bo very crfl i. Zcne-na robe(s i l dlicate colora ntebeau me hiuingiplere 0 f a .form'er imomenît. Tl thin ieaatfmo, tine -ea S0 it wiîî ho eseeumat dancing lun egetarianisî ta limit iis diet te bm? areemrodXe cle-a fTo reckU iithe interest or tn i-ftfnt uo i dn am tin» a pobby enisarfrea enf f e- tmn a ely igin i tinoqesiinvoealaf'iiraffiiwThtinoP - whltç ad oets ave trimg o tut ntinenote for years3, onitha secîîrt ily e Ul O of !be-iins, and hâd (diofed li(-te olong termi fpnlarv-o ioarilt.Nwoigî aa ~hito eat icone-de.id -IT'S CHEi? OBEHrP hev ae iovivîf roda are o- iof hoij ii I,1h fiiganý1i i 2 , ,ý,il is jsiascheap t aiap ii cuil i isTo dre-w up Ran oiliaary benk'inii iea.i lestae o tuare brefintt V'Otieb' tawoîn a re hmbatIPoaos bc wm nesp s h la as i ato e ad etlrly i~Aoi"r tutng me ulsullplace's for t1iouttre-cmi\U e. dncéslon u inol e i cossr ni -ahl gl o buteadbIged 1-marl ie reduced te-,vcry îow prie-auabe iafdi as madaccomoato 1tieir maigTine ere nesma iunenItren eily. in bst flina.Icis's fr esl -I vn fatino hesi sinepa beaui- DO BIFIDS SINO? -ring tIle deeulltioliife!a lrehv aiieOlS acning d y.bu I ce iaatrze ybieffsn akfpito ai il is tifu modla ie .i iletinostoin tr-liila eetl îe au!acturifng jowelleim's fatervcsfrtn cielete re.,ioamiiwieao e~ei aîai.Lttn fse'otalaneI afs e be- eb lnea er's pî'icde Fore $10Lratinoas einaîy wrdaomIlost t 8 ; ha'is rce. puri$aab0etFhe adeilas te rv a ida r o igi Two floots of the building hafiibeen, treasure wiibin tineir owu îuoorn,. Ail sinoved mat certainu swing wý mhich! Wats, but drink inoting i ,ailIA iheaf at ocos but wbisarecpu;ciluatlla te sayollars devtef rcspectinely t iomnfr YTR FASOV. use ato ioac ftinoantihno s iuich wusin I uilt4as A"id th*'s botter t re1 b andA evan tmmcc baya pttiytoques bto nis aeroduct ominreughntaturc of the artiles, anfi3eu-lut- One o! tino moat romantir f iscov- derts, but is 'litttle seen to-day. winnt you fdrlnk in ibis race forÉ- fuitr and turbans for -wiich $18 and $20 tube-to ho terbaicai, mirouginthtintog polisining, andi setting. e-ies ef ibis kind ans made la a lu tin olad dancea tino body move-J leanns.Tiawep'rtnopianli wcmoe formeriy asked. ail1 t kaewn as tine glottis-net by 1-Winnthe floor-hoarfa weme raisef, j orth o! Englauf seapomt, near the Imonta s wccctine nostiminportant. Tino1 +- loss. l'mllow revers o! coloeaf siorecco tino elp o! vercrfs. But thein iitinespare beiween theo benîns ead!fdocks. For senue biy years tine stops o! thefingur'e wei-oleariief ead' TREY KNOWTT. Ihislajust as cbeaptehjoul decoatef wih Mxmntoolefi and wee Itnct ion is haside ineo pint. tine ce ln fterooma helow usere snpb- en eatf U un-1 thon canme tin, omîeOrent of theaiips, fTinoar-ids of people tinroughiot As ila, as it la h bne hling o! tino couatry knoux' thht unP-' ordinaryeThen mlle ns ye joumuyf reij, ula anovigi e trear dpert - il b-v senbOthth vbrtinsand- simpty -aupp lied -lia aeighbringj n ftabî in nltoaxn- rmde c Le lctits sup- u iouoliwl iuebc - monts. In oee iaplay mcd, green or lafia)lneataiemnevaraton ii OoLje sofnn ttnntenifisaloa sitn heîlsmîî ig I ineara. Od o tl.epmî Poitria -nl aîîiacc-uxlfueF on blb umn 'ýisiefi bed -mer fa aprinkîciihà etIf t anicn o pan eadr is neosf ic. citeha a xey 1icto! mile dances inafitic wnfst f~ Eum~the ogas Tc c, hirSwhicin )o oi f'eus anr"il ets{LefATad a vBOUSE gme a~cd wTh honîu i mne inls~ iv, iI îîr'~ uuslec. ead W~a' anvooutu'1~ci ia Frctrf teday Tin I,5t if inC e-iy rin lU u'1u UU)lIVl aoreH x-nipeei ini &eindmen0K, ogyun-saI.1 1img ele. jTh ttoongo!tioboseissmi tbolig7,P t, thénfienrs ie ieeacepnmns.oei -- - ottmi' h..n c-fot o-- r -r-ni-tmn am oierbu n, e-uh-di 5"to ie forfr.wao atrs lù~k asî0 ~ie~iaraedTLy uleto nnguag, wistinge-a sgc-t A a r' i, inctvelieg au ;V In frtneussrotironmg.at-J c1!i- -o, e-s- m(e, ab;Ilke tte1nlyIellmee imîtaionr1r011 Yird pi.Mu U%, n- ee-euu l-a.- .innînh !elstoined, tll, tinw - ously anm -nr 1,api4. fhfit t euE e-t-es o.4 ____ _ ,t Lroanîoiî tri aîrun-acIcae-.- ,vri-jsuta o itiee-d touprc-nL the-nirdrlei --en an -nnuus'l'~-i luer mi'-, Ta Pi'-t l' r car.u LLCeZ ,ý-= _--,. ..------ -____-1___cal_ ")f mtiouinoled n iluane, o! mon e gagefi,-an Iotinef ______ ________ _____ Tra- ' I for a bl or gais bal anDoI you b liaube: lcdînss a! bto-ynsepplo--ILate.oiae. Lson'neli aod' isiBv iii irs --e, se - ereely 1 pros grcaestust msc iraolcîngt Ufesnbbenf _____ _______ ____ ________ ______ ~4C~}, 4tttth ~' .9~f e-e- W' irai- unir-lient litait>" ~tl.e-ni- t have a fulI~ bealmy passage daliy. Ta 1~n~thei~ your lirnbs, if ~ ~O(~~dfl................~ *~Vz~J -s~z~tg I ~ ~ ItU ~ I*UttII Ct ________________________ ~ ~ I~aca~. ~ iinaIm~ 1avriL _ The best.Coegh z dcn upon when bu-Yint rmedicine. for 'upon thet depends one's Ilfe. ALLENS LUNG B AL- SAM contafne No opIUjM In e.nY ,Yfori na ind le se, scre.l and prompt li zascs of IOUP. ý COLDS, opsetdCOUGHS.î Lrr-,,gI OW. oend b. canvir~.o. - -r-nv-F0 a rrte u lto IL> U f tho gas î'usined ni- tine dmill at tin, fiaec stoofi 15 haches ahoeatine surface pipe andl rose sovomal fot ji l tine ai,, prosontinig an exirnordin-' 'amy spectacl. IPat-.-' 'Suppose e-l h' niwcaltin wor equelly, dividonl? 'Pinot would ho' Alni' SOcaitSh3wud Pirink tIinImÀ s L-s edeatin Id mbir sina- an thpe'd lue noihi' le! t but capitl- ~mlthSs~ Fte-aa-ppia-- an& ~it e-at» 4.-hnxi-ourtiva genLuoz wgs iliereniltary -~ PUIe- usd11 suinte inuwel ~pQise-ii ont of1441e-n o-truparIr" liTii-tret0- ero-src---dntIu-,nhc'tadTlir ' -- '~'---""- l-)' -'-i Joli t - ~ I L pJ~¾1ltu £.ittLUCti ~ue e one nigint. NVýiul send you a g'uî- erous seaMple Of thlese pilla AI)SOII;tLîy Free, selad andi poîtpaid, iluat wil convîtuce youm inayonfi donut of tinir wonderf nI curative propertiis. Ad- dresa,,W. F. Samithn Ce., 185 St. James Street, Mlonti'eai, Canada. Smth' s Pîineapple and Butternut P1115 curec Ptpal i liiousues and sl- ck adàehe Iliuoe e nght. AUl dealer, 25 eu A Cure at iefi h usefi to say late, at the club. -ead loy vus îlecrnîss-quc-stiîof m sme- verely wbenevor IT came home laeo Th 'fnecessimy o! Invn ting f resh cex- cuaca Saxed une ote nlimoat, eafd ibis !aculty hocame o see-normally f eveleped tmat as sooii as 1 iuîmned te business areunt 1 me-de a for- jucwith cs. [me amodalo!f leae'Nett-1 e-Roi, Si. Petersur , s-d to have tn ietChàoir in e world. uuiglt tlîla exorcise uWlîl aSit:- -Koigmt...... ....510,000 53,000 guld if cer creatures Il dort't ireni Stand ereci %vithnthe clotining oas-, lh iver ..496,000 60,000 1none-" inToDays. atie Tbleson everýY Sevai oxe sod ii astI 2monhe. '3hi-ý%signatureCo.'L OX 2v 0, fr. ýr ir

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