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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jan 1905, p. 8

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-il V4- - 1 ng eapecia.ly. JMvy eyes n, nY ys the -1s11,1 jc- tmsemed to be gene!rall vc10gged UP. ad d by ft c I , h .1 end to try Fe- Sand lungs. I havo used it with mnuch benefit and several of mny frIends have bèpan cnrëod of catarrh entirely where Meeting held tis day ln purouance coolring andi bire my own bre-ad. She saw some eggs. jOn motion of (Jounilors zvcLaugta- moniey on eggs, DbIner ana tiloUr," lin and Wight, the Oum 1of $5 wae "Those are three things yuwan.-t g granted to the eiok -Children's Hospital, and you can't have themi too good. Toronto, and an equal aum to the Free V-- - ' . Iff--If 014rie S -O K -L, --4 r _ pay you to.visit our store during the coming week. We are almost sure to have something among our specials 4 ~ ~t~j ~ k-k-n - - t rJw- 4 4 ~ ~ ~ ~pt~.n ~ ~~ , Peunakept Ls ie bue adprop. I &4i o u D4Ct reauwrr s) n -- --or--'1 .. ', ' -- erlo A ustrna&Lvy-ite,: ' /JyLI ______ 14 ofaliments.. Jrderon the Treau u flio s:-W.rIC,"l i...----------. li -1 d~WT' _ We have one that, wilI cure any Bad Cold or Giip. Mone y back if it fails, It does nut Nauseate, Gr;Iipe or Deafen. IT CTJRES-that's ail. It just rauR Ince j f.ELwl L. .5K, 1Houisd.r-r2' then: aud l'il hiavre sorn 'o;}I iret meeting of Councl January nîght Ur. Davîdisou, Oshawa, sang On Frd veý Jam. r3t, &very -T ownahip blerk. those î enggtoc. I t, 905. George 4MeLau-bln Reeve ,cOific sOngs. Home talent supplied the i n ,x1mo n.-.-.Bvr Weil to Miss.'Mutton,tli e hurch organist, 'L 11LAtÀOZ41S 01 INIGTION UA iuvage across the Atlantic, but looks 'andto resnt er ithtokns f r- O~.s BrDu.WILXAM N~VASLEOmembers ail made and .nbteribed the well after his trip.... Wrn. Mutton an address. llpon their arrivai at the fore taklng thefr seite. Oommunicatton have been good ciien.Thos. Stain- house, the pastor, Rev. F J. Anderson, Ail over the land there are people Miss Pheobe Moyse is recOvOring from arecelved from N. F. MoNaahtan, Eeq ; ton lias purchased John Stainton'sfarm wPs elected chairmau, aud after expiain- whoue lives have been made naiserable tonsilitis. Hospital for siok chlidren; Report from near Taunton .... Jas. Hogarth rnashed ing the unceremnnous visit calied upon through the pange of indigestloo, who If your system needs touing up. take Board of Heatth for 1904; froni Muni- his finger in a turnip pulDer.,. . John MissGerie angaidtn rtad ti efl- have been reFitored 'to heaith throueh Miller'sCorgipound Iron Pills, Sold by clpal World, etc. Mr. Jobb IntroduoedRenls er n Vice -,nd Ch, ".o*.drry $300 $2 5. $5 0, London $2 50 extra, i h1'l Clase, supéerior acc-ýommodationi, 21, to 1)I Dvrol erny, fs, Glasgow, Lo9ndon. NEW VOîIt K VOGLASGOW Mon4olan.......Thrsd .y, Feb, 4 m0a t For Tîi-k'ýti .ar.IEvery Informnation IE monte are ou sale Oaity. Those who caunot taka advantage ot the above rceorte, ehouid spend a. few days or wteks at -Near by Winter Resortp," W~. ('atha, r. Minerai Springr, Mount Cler- tni Mirer i h.. and Jreton Spningp. '1 O n u t'.don Grand Trunk. liar ti ume ad information cali on Agent ýý4 t & Jury Town Agent@. MWo Wod, D.ppDt Ticket Agb. îug w IaShsIpenttin playing gamea. All ^hro byenujOyed die event. Mr. and Nlr" Mutton and family are leaviu to reside in Bowniauvilie. We kncw of a number or cases of supposedCi omumoion lhat have been cured by Miler'@ Com ound rou Pulis1 SONd by Stott & Jury, druggluts., is alld çofficers for th.e crent" year, 1I AsA COVAIESCENT FOD -Mr. I fr ibr uni"ber, $32 64; O started on the righ- road to Iheaith> t. C .-T. B. HigR.obotba.-n. Q. 0.-N. i yman N. Thomas Ompah, Addington j1 'pearce, for insnranoe on hall a.,d Ninety-thri e per cent -of cbronic dis. A.' Cowan. Ad~v. Lieu.-W. J. Dnne,; jco., Ont., wnites :-"My wife had con- 2,5 lr o eital Batker-R. Mloyse; Clr-J. Ilyar; 'gestion of the lnugs aiong with other Rhed, $2n5 lr o eltain, ease s begin wita dy,3pepsia. Cure the, Esoorê-C. Richards; 4enry-., ughee; troubles, and became very weak and expresà, tatîonoîy, postage. etc., !( 9 dysp6ptic troubli's, regulate the dizes- Watnhman-F. Burden; O)ý,anitj-A Su runü-down. Byv the use cf Dr. Chase's INIr. Parr, rebate for etatute hibor p r tion and avoid the f ste of ehronic. ton; Mda. Exam-A. Bithl; Rap.toGndNer ve Food sh ewas made as strong and frrmed, $2; Mr. Parr, for ooal ac!i'aiivaiidisma. Camp, T. E. H[iggmnbosbiar; Ai. Dr Weil os ever. 0f cuourse 1 had a doctor larlp repair&a 60,. Remembsr xou mun '.o risk in usinag Devif; Mgrn. W, Trwita, à, Mitoiqell,1 but she wus weak, and it was Dr. Conil adjourned tCI Fabreulr Otb ýNIi-a-na, Sto.t & Jury warrant it, andi, A. oCell,,Chase's Nerve Food whioh balit ber up. ati1 ooic p. mc rCiis.tks YOQ ri<nthing un eso It cures, Araiu'st 1' }I ~ ~'. Twept Qoxasul Gen 77 gums7low",

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