ý,emrraanP, cause.i West EnidHfluse. West End 11ouse.f bhen l btBya PEASE- Pie nirmv FPirri- aes pl i uite. out of tire Ever' 17errace la aoid u'reir ro'tepthatitwill do 11.e work caimed for it, If ou n hve rn-.of tin old fassined kind-one of tire ki, d that fajîs when , u necd it mos-remnem- ber that it would onlv be a matter of a fewboni-s wark to bave it ropiaced -with a Modern Economv Warm Air Furnmce tirat will settle tbe heablnz problern for aIl time. Rice o&-Co. Soie Agent,;. Bowmanvilie, The Ualladian StatfW mII BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 1, 1904. Hon Edward Blake became Premier of Ontario jin December 1871. A big reception to Whitney la mooted but some- cautious Conservatives se that for them to gloat over so great a vrctory made prssibie oniv bv Liberal hieîp and votes! wonid flot be wise. Ilaeurrently reported says the, Globe that anu enormous fnnd was cx- pended by the vsriojus iqor injteresta ani that it wws ithroughI ilýqu1or in- fluence Ucnrhr 2~ianiswr won, - One~ ý ef~the Ui ntario elections not anthi,at(ed is; the establishment b'- Amerîcah c, pitraiists of au independent brewery la Hamilton. NIr. Seagram ls with the party This implies no advanced texuperar ce in the near future from their viewpoint. Mr James Haverso , solicitor of the Llcenscd V.-ctuallers' Aýssciation, in Interview, is repor te I tu bave said "The liquor interests ïas a w hoe voted again- ait the Roqs Governtment because of the attitude nf Mr. Rloss and his partv."1 M.G. F. Marter, P. cardent of the Ontario branich of the Dominion Alliance Faye that 'the tempergnce pe'rpie, so far as I e knew, right through the Pros ine. voted solidly so far as a vote can soiidifv.", Wh-'n leaders on both aidces agice. who wili question the truth of their statements ? Appies ai-e rather better food, especi- &Ili'y for chldïeu,ttian milk the 'perfect foodà.", as wnter arples contain 85S88 andi milk 86.1,1) per cent water; or per contra. apples contain 14 693 soiids and milk 13 60, per cent. Lt the children ot al ages-from i vear to !00 -ea.s-1 intied bthe maNor and rend 10 the Boýard 'b1 the clerk, but action was dle ftc.red anýd Council adjourned. Bis wetre aroýuid îown inside cf an hour annuncngnomination on Feb. 4 to li one ý ananirc ansed by Air» Brock's nomnination. Ilad Conn. James' resiîg. nton bcen accepted-at that meeting,ý uLninatioLs for both vacancies wotdd hao been made, aI the sa me time anid the town been saý ed thre double expense of two cleetions If thre Council could not accept thre resigtration of both at tiraI session the nominations mig hit have oeen deferred uûtil botir were deait with and thre expense of an extra election tirerebi sa ved. Ancîber strange act was this. C'oun. James is chairînan of the Prir.tiir C ,mmittee and ail orders for printing and advertising should be given or authorized by him This was uot donc The order for the election bill was piacec by some one before that sesbion of Council and thre Chair ma-n was not consuitcd, but was ignor8d en- tirely. Wh4t do etiz8ns thmnk of sncb proceedings as these? Thre second act in this political draina was enacted Monday nighb when Coun. Jaines wag served with a copy of pro- ceedinga being taken in thre Hîgh Court of Justice in Toronto to unlseat him in course of iaw. Why sncb legai- action should be taken to unseal Coun . James after bis resiaznation (4 the' seat had been received and rcad in Council is puzzing some people. Thre case will likely be argued at Osgoode Hall, To- ronto, next N1onday. Messrs. Simpson &Blair bave thre case for the defendant. - Thre ground for action as set f ortb above is because tiraI at the lasI mccl- A Tony wag memarlzs Ibat Whitney hs spe,:din2g apprenticeship in a cabinet- rnaker's sirop in Mtoirisbtrrg, Tire globe understarnds tirat Hon, Geo W. [oas weli romainrii tire Legis- lature ns leacder o! tire Lîberal Opposit- ion. Liberal electoma in W est Durhram who voted againat thir partv voted 10 de feat lire Rosar Goverument ratier tian 10 elect Mn. Devitt. They are sîill Liberal, Liberals o! Weat Durhram, don't feel sad over tir e baceeo! Wecdnesdav last.j We a8 hobeaten once more, but ilut usi ta!e u c.r whipnîj il,-îIc men and begIn uat oncr bu prep.a.e jfor tire next roundi. A bigi Congervative autirorty offers lire opinion tirat Whritney will nol change tire cxiating license law and "tire liquorIrsifie will be pub upon a good b~iness basis and .will be kept Good lucil favored Mr. Devitt's candi- dature and we congratulate hlm ouniris subsatial majority. He iras great reason tb feel proud-o! bis, auccess We shall watcir iis paniiamcntamy course with intere3b.- Tire Lîberal party owea notiig to thre extrema proiribitionrata, Baya tire Globe,and cul fonever fmom aIl entangle- meula with tire one and, bv Wedncsday's vote, relieved [rom ail "plcdges" 10 lire other, tire way is now open for lire posi- tive and unirampencd advocacv cf an enliitcned and progressive temper- auce policy sucir as wil1, lu tire long mun, best serve thc trucat nigits o! lire mdiv- idual aud tice igircs intercats o! tire Stabe. «Wirat's tire use o' fassiîn' if tiringa go wrong ? Wbat'8 tire use o' fussin'? Jual aing a gong. iWiat's ticuse o'fusain'? We ail an't i accounts in favor of Couns. Brock sud James wcre passcd by resolution of council and paid on Dec 31 afler botir n.en had been nominated for the 1905 council. Municipal nominations Saturday Feb. 4 at 12 o'ciock noon at Council Room to fil vacancy at Council Board Election returns for whole.Province on another page are those issued tire morning after election, hence some figures wiil be cbanged by officiaI returna. Miss Willis, Wiritirv, Mrs. J.- Arnold, Toronto, and son, Mn. Thomas Arnold, Toronto, Mn Thos Mller, Oshawa, nI. ami Mrs. Wm Armstrong and Mr John Mil er, Orono, attended the funeral of the !ate Mr. Frank M. Souci, hardware merchant, wbicir took place on Monday Deceased bas been suf- fernug for some time with cancer and thougir tire best that medical skili could devise was donc getlie graduallv- became worse aîid passed away Saiur- das morningHle iaves a wife and one little bov to imoura bis bass The fanerai service was conducted by 11ev. W. -E. Carroll. Thre pali bearers were Messrs, S. S. Edsall, Chas. Brown, J. T. Hooper and N. H. Osborne. WHEN ,YeuJ HÂVE A COm». The flraI action when you have a cold should be to reicve tire lungs This ha beat acompiished by thre free use of Chamberlainj's Cougi Remedy. Tis Remedlv liquefles tie tough mucus and ceausezs its expjulsion from the air oeils of tire lunga, produces a free expectoration and opens thre secretions A tomplete cure soon f illowR. Sold by ail druggiFts. JANUARY WEDDING. OKE-P AYNE. A quiet but pretty wedding waa sol- emnized at tire residence of the bide's grandmother, Mrs. W. L Payne, Col- leg SretCobourg, on Wedncsday atroon, wben Miss Violet Payne, daugirter of Mçs. James Payne, late of Toronto, was united in maniage with Mn. Cccii T. Ohe, Cobourg. Rev. H. T. Lewis, B A., pastor of the Mietiodiat Churcir, performed tire cerebmony. Tire1 bride, win was attlred in a gown of chiffon taffeta and carnicd white carna- tions, was assisted by bier cousin, Miss Mabel Dickey of Toronto, wbo also wore chiffon taffeta and carried carnations Only tire immediate relatives o! thre contracting parties wcre present at tire ceremony. Mr. Eaui Oke, Dalington, brother of tire groom, was groomsman Tire young couple le! t on tire evening train on a trip 10 Toronto and other A reception was ireld at Soutir ViewÉ Villa" Dalington, tire residence of Mn and Mrs. Geo. A. Pearce, (sister oet tc Peonle iill eoirmmand generai res:pect, and show tire public tiraIt hey ;are ready to put,,prhîncipie above priasiand stand for the pný)inCipies ithey lblieve, readeaoi mere olîicprej,ïudice." GF.Maer presiIe&nt of thre O t- aric, brancir cùf tireAlliance. declares that thre temrerance party had almost solidly oppc.sed thre Goverument. -1 amn plcased with the unanimitv with which tire temperance peopie acted I believe the day has arnived when lire temperance people of this province wiii no longer be dividcd b.Y partY, and when it shall no longer be said of them that tirev were on good because thev werc partisans final. last, and aiwa3 s" Tire general opinion was, isa, a the Mail and Empire that the moral te be- drawn from Wednesday's vote was that public opinion itins province, wiren given a free chran ce t0 express itseif, will flot condone low standards of honor in public life, and that thre new Govern- ment must draw.tire obvions lesson that ironestv and fair deaiing is in tire long run tire best policy for any politicai party.* Hon J. R Stratton saîd he regrettcd exceedingly the defeat of Mr. Ross, but as tire Liberals had been governing the provhîcd for several yeara, il was por- iraps flot surprising that there shouid be a change. It was as weil, since thre governmcnt had been dc!eated, that thre incoming ruiens should bave a good working, majorîtî, and they wouid then be fullv responsible to thre people for tire measures adopted. Rie ioped lite [spor-tsmanhike manner. NEWCASTLE@ Mra Fred Marka, Haydon, visited ber sisten bIna. Grieve. Misa Ada Aluin, Bowmauville, lsara- ranging a clasa in music. New life for aquarter NMillier's Com- pound Iron Pis. Soid by Stott & Jury, druggists. Miises Jesaie and Olga Atkinson apent Sunday week at Bowmanville. To be free lmom sick hieadache, bili ousnes, cor S'ipation. etc,, use Carter'a Little Liver Pillas tnictly vegetabie They gently stimulate the liver and free tire stgmach from bile Mn Herbert Cameron, Teeswater, visited iris aunt, Mrs A Dixon mron in tire blood is necessary. Miller'a Compound Imon Pilla contain liaI cie- ment in tire moat assimilable forma. Sold by Stobt & Jury, druggists 1 Mr. Robent W iimot, M P., New Bruns- wick, visiten tire Misses Wilmob. A dose of Miilen's Worm Powdens occasionallv wilh keep thc chldren iealtry. For sale by Stott & Jury, druggists. Mra. Robson, Bond Head, entertained a few fiends at a dinnen panty hlast week. You hardIy I7realize liraI tia nisedicine, they FAre Very asmail; no ba.d effeeta; al troub>esfrox torpid liver anc, relicved by tcir us,, MN. -J. MN. Cobbledick soid a team o! becavy irorses - ta be shipped ta Indian Act ive, bigirî iutling agents wanted ta Bell teas, coffees, spices etc Over $2000 a ycar la being made by agents. G. Marshall & Co., London Ontania. Misa Sargent, Cobourg, was necent -ueaî of irer ciasa-mate Miss Olive Cobbledick To be trong you muat have good appetile, good digestion and good assimilation, Millcr's Compound Iron Pills hing al lirese. Sold by Stott & Jury, druzgists. Congratulations t0 Mr. and Mrs W. H1 Gibson o! 11Wiiliam's Grove, " upon tire brtir o! a son. Millem's Worm Powders correct al a, ci troubles as lack o! appetite,biilioua- ness, drowsinesa, aaliow complexion, etc.; nice ta lake. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists Messrs Ciras Penfound and F. Bowen have returried from a trip ta Brooitlin and Whiitby townshrip. Montir atfter monh a cold sticks. and acems to tean hoies lu your liroat, Arc von aware tirat even a btubborn and long-negleeted coid la cured with Allen'a Lung B al@am? Cougi and worry no longer. Not Too Late Ail sizes, regular 68.59, Sale prici Al isregtilar $7.50, Sale prie( Mlen's and Youth's at same Ueduct. Men's Frieze Ulsters Rogular $6.56 to 29.00. Odd Lines 110W BOYS' CLOTHINO BAROAINS Boy s' Suits as low as ... ..15 Boys' Reefers as iow as Every Boy's Suit, uivercoat or Reefer Redueed in Prie 20 pe- cent Discount off Every Fur Gar ment Now in Sto Lo0%ts o f BaC- %r gainsE $3.00 Biankets, a pair .............. $2 35 Don't Put Off Until S 40o Black or Green Tea, a pound. ... 25e S 12'-e Linenette Lining, per yd........ 9c Ing the wifé a M i2Tc Park Shaker, per yard.......... 9c $10.00 Raincoats $6.00 $8 12ýc Light Shaker, per yd . .....9o $7,50 Raincoats 84.50 26. Ig M3 ~ine White Cambrie, per yard 10c $1.00. Underwear 75c. 60c Table Linens, per yd...... .... 48e 50e Underwear 38e 8e anid 7e Glass Toweling, per yd ..5le Mnso oe' t S 50e Sulting Cloths, per yd........... 38e 2$1.00 Men's Sof t Boso 35e Suiting Clotlis, per yd ., . .20e Bosom, ail sizes, sl price S 7 cakes Cas tue Soap for............. 25e $4.75. Blankets, a pair . S 30e Large Bottie Pickles for.......... 20e Al Felt Boots Redueed in Pi 3 lbs Choieest Prunes for ........... 25e Remnant Sale-fIlosierv Sale 4 4 bs of Cut Loaf Sugar for........... 25e Keep warm buy a Cardig, S 7 lb Tin Marmaiade, reg. 80e for.. 55e 20 per cent off -ail Black Drei .Stock Sheets close Feb. l5th and up tili that date iiJargain.Features will be put out on Counters for Quick-selli Swith the crowds to the West End Ibuse. Itm Hkotpiepaid lor Produce. BOW1!V Notice. e...... r c ......~ Suits ions. 5 90 5 00 2 5.00. oek. Spring Buy- taincoat. 8.50 Kinds $5.00 .00 Kinds $3.90 75e kinds 58e 40e kinds 28e Lhese prices. om or Stiff ... .. ... 75e ....... $375 -an Jacke ess Goods' Many Other ing. Corne 9AN VI LUL MISS MABEL A. TAIT, WooI antedBOWMANVILLE. ACCOM PANIS i. AND PIANO SOLOIST Concert Engagements Accepted. !Tr HE Undersig-ned is pnepared to pay- -1- i2c per pound for urwashed wool fr-ee from B.JTIa lwo.da MD.," týag. Aiso tO ighjý,est price for washeo leece A special ir iled for 4 u. setspg ,.-.-., c. Te-a Quality Io quickly detected in KINCORA CEYLON TEA Sold in A ir-tight Lead Packages- 25c, 30c, 4Oc and 50c per lb Archie Tait,BoilnII 1901, couneil, Dev. 50M, 1 L-1 -L Two months o[ cold weathier facing you and besides take into account the money You wilI save on your purchase You can choose from our entire stock at following reduced prices and you depend upon it there is no0 bety,, clothaing made in Canada, Overcoat S3ale Men's or Youths' Overcoats: Sizes .34 to 44, regular 816.50 Sale price. $12 50 Ail sizes, regular $15.00, Sale price....,11il50 Ail sizes, regular $ 13.50, Sale price......10 00 Ail sizes, regular $ 12.00, Sale price.....9 00 Ali szesr 1390~