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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1905, p. 1

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a1 il ..ttte4lair+ OuR TowVN AND COUNTY FIRS;11 OL FEWRS TERMS: $1.00Per Annum, EDTD.10 In Advance. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, vvnuNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 10.V I5IXII~/ - '-~ ~kY Y UT r HLE PRIC Et. 4 4 c 00ueh, Jobnston & Grydîeîitnà Are Selling Al i La die'Cat s -AT HALF PRICE. Me n's andBoy * OVER-COATS5 A T IDIS cOUN T. * A11 kinds of Furs at reduce pices5 The Corner Shoe Store February î'E!eea rin îg Prices A GREAT CHANCE In Men's Heavy -Rubbers Best two buckia, snag proot, roulet or close etiges, ragular $2.50 all sîzes,.. ...............81.951 Felt and Felt Lilled Boots. Next Pllthese Unes iýlb muet dearar. You hava now qla chance te cap-,ture a pair o! the 4best at ta reduceti prica. Haavy or ight waight. We arakeaping up thea szas of our popular hunes rit Grand Wearing Boots, LOWEST PRICES IN OSHAWA. And Stili We Sing Our Cheertful ) Rubber Song. ..............869 Women's .................. 50 Misses 11to 2.............. 40 Child's ................. 3 Boys' 1to 5... ..............60 Youths' il tel13...50 Men's Rubbar Boots......... 3 25 Lght WeighIt Rubbar Boots,. 1 98 Ma's Cloth Top Rubbers .... 1 15 JOHNMAYWOMISSJ5 MABEL A. TAIT,1 John Maywooti o! Toronto, Vocal Teuher bs secureti the Assemhly COLD MLýEDALIST-4unl Fallow of Room rif tha High Schiorl, Bowmanlville, G Toronto (alg of Music and late Organ. lu which ttotieh Singing anti will ha ist and Choir Director of Yonge S. Uethodist Cluh. 'loronto, i8 i)repriaedt take a ltmiltet haie every Satnrtay. Votces tetet nmber of pupols lu voice (Soprano onflyl Piano free, 4-t!. aud Theoiry. Pupits prepanot for Musical ex __________________________________amnations aI Toronto L'ntversity, -Toronto Coasrvaoryof MVuie and Toronto Coliege of iuls . pl etwee'î 9 acm.anti 5 p.on aI nIIA g 'dTai Col Sdi. E',einus at The Oetagori' core,ývetiiton aand Division bts., Bowmnar- V w1iv i ille Teramoderate. Feeb., 18 to 28 About Mareh lst we expeet to nove int,!o our llew store, foraerly oecupied by the Post Office, and ini the mean time we are making some big reductions in our stoew. of boots, shocs and rubbers. Don't miss this opportunity. -Fred. wR.îFoley, Pariar Shoe, Store. J'owmanville. In the Higli Coulrt of Justice,f IN THE NATTER of the north eighty acres of lot one in the flrst con- cession of the township of' Darling- ton in the County of' Durham. N OTJCE is herebv gitan tbat Herb- 1 i. ert Watts Jeweli of the Township of Dar-j Uîn ron in the County of Durhain 153 matie an app1t1iîatio to te High Court of Justice for 01ntîb-o fr a certificate of title bt) le above metoneti property nder "The Quietîng Tilles Act," anti bas proïlueed evidence sîhereby ho appearste le owner therrof in f ne free from1 ai -nmrrnes except a mortgage made by the sald H.rbert Watts Jewelt to gWilliam Bray Pjneb endi Thomas Charles Jewell anti Jane S. Pin eh executors of the will of John Pinel tiateti the 151h J000, 1903, wherefore any other person havtng or petendng 10 lave any titie to or in- tee thuîe sai landi or any part thereofis re- qiron or Defore Saturday, the Fourth Day of' Mareh, Lady's Cloth Top Rabbers - . 90 now llext cnsuing, 10 file asii crjý f lis Men's Waterproof Ovei'shoas. . 3ià surgyode Hall. intbe City nr T,'nortii serve a eopy on MEs.SSR, 'SON & BLAIR at tîcîr officebli te town olf Buwlnnnville as fl solicitors for île satti Herlert Watts Jewell Mu V1% andiÎn default every sud o îa!iwitl e lammeti, u s &î andtithle 0fîle saiti Herbert Watts Jeweil wîl lecoine absointe andi indlefeasible at Law !cgd in Equituy. suîject oniy 10 the reseevations B u rn - etbnýled n h ;sllsection of the sali Act "shawa i andLie s iotgage, Di( llntent i-venth dayofuauy,10 ~. HLETD - 5-2w Rs ~~fe il A Job. in common parlance. 13 the desire, of eeery young person looktng forwrard to succese. We are placing atudants now at $4 to $50 a month as intial salary, andi we caniiot keep o with the demani. Jla what (t'ier un c 1,an you do s,, weII ? Thare i a great tiearth of male st eno- graher. ~e wntmore boys-boys froîn the ýrý*couinîtry. nThey are the best. Dîecide ýNow To taite a course in our college ar d andi prpare to MIi a responsible an d rEmaanerative positi)n, Our catis for s!Llted offlce help are greaer tban we eau suppiy. J 8RIt .9H A M E Toyonto Ontario. llasthe reputaton for g vio the BEST in bot Commercial anti Shorthanti eductîn. Our courses are conipleteti, anti are arran2oti to ment the require- ments of a modern business office. Boo.kepigCommercial Ar!th- merlec1 Business Law. Penmanship, Correspoideic-e. Spelling, Gregg Short. hand and Iowch Typewritingtborough- ly taiight by experien ceti teachers. ETRANY TflJE. Hou pdsome Catalogue Free. 84-6mn. W. BROOKS, Catarrh Es a constitutional disse on atinm impure blood = re MgConsitijtional tretmentacti*ing througb and purifying the lood foi its radical and permaneni cure. Be Sgrn- e otake Nasa and other local forrwis oe catarri are quickly relievad by CataMrets wihaayinflammation and deadoriz< Hood's Sarsaparila. aU edruggistâ6 $1. Catarrlets, mail ordw r fly, 513 cts. For testimonials of rearalmores seai for our Book on Qeier-, No. 4. C. L Hbod Co,.LoeE.NUL Do Your [lands Chafe ? Do Your Lips Chap? Does Your Face get Rýo ugli? Makes Red, RugtSkin 8011, SwOOM II J, Ilis- -noie-e-- Sticky - ncr i}raasy Large flottie fr 250 Praparati anti sold oiyby The Druggsîat Otcin Successor tri j,. W. AM5.D F eR ID, Mev. A. C. Craws, Titrl ,3eneral auspices of lte Ceagite o brda Fat', 16th au 8 p m. ou 'TOeMa ot Cave"' Masic wiîll hafurnisheti 0v local talant, Adml3s4on 15c; twri for 251; chiltran tOc. Everybody cî,rdialI5e1 irivitati. Free crinveyauce !paves Frd R. Foley's Store, Bowmuyîhle,aI.0 P. m. ......MissItia M, Wilkis is visitIng friands lu Oshawa, Neumiv every disease origiuuates from impaimeti tissue, that 18 wby VlieTonie rarely faits tri affect a permanent cure,1 ils acta as a bot for the csystain. Pat- ent medicirias, on the other hanti, pro- duce mnly temporaný, retief Vite Toniuc is composetilrif herba, barks anti fruit Mr. R. M. Mitchell, timu.gist, keeps 11. in stock. The CNld Morning Is offe.-Nouse talking it doas seai te atart oua going rightly for the tiay's work. You've heard it said Coffea is n et a griod thiug tri drink but that's only a haiftrtuth. For evary oue whom Coffee j harms there are a hundreti who banetitl byIts use, Tbare is this about il, tho'gbi, the better the Coffea the greater the benefit. This store has always racegniz- ed this fact a.nd hmus toma ils levai beat tri gel the highast grades that coulti ha bought. Consequently an excellent place to get good Cofféee s at 9i H.K ih9 ThMdlGrcr oKavle 'ul, Ul, 'l'il, .%ijý .%lrý ý%fj- -1,11- -Iàl. u, ý%àl- -loi. -il£- -.9, - . . . . a , 1 MR. RICKARD'S TIIANKS. 1 amn forcati toa -onclude, by a combin-' EEAD THE BY-LAWS. lation of these forces,-a fact which cati- Il EDkeRST TE fN lot h; deneilbut good andi consitent î ze s ro d v rca fu yth tw DEAR Spt- Herewith. through V reasons for whieh 1 have failedtiat dis- by-laws in ttis issue so that Soiu may on the21h l.1hv ere oe ness 01 a persistent policy offa eodto the tawn, a total o1 $23,030,00. ful han ever before, that I have many titi risrepresentationz mud-throwing warm and true friands, in what 1 may anti slander,-a fact which Mr. Whitney IWNTR ED NG almost Cali My native Riding of West andti bs followers m&v nossibly be ax I-ITRWDIG Durham,. andi i Prioe andi appreciata c aifor beirig prouti of,-a fact tr tverv much irdeati theîr genuine friand- which I anti many others must and wiil JAhMES-MASON, ship and gooti-will. I maY also atid cheerfully bow. that 1 have learneti some thinoes which Again thanking my mariy friands inl A prettv bouse wedding-, which In. 1 coulti have wished 1 hati neyer known. West Durham for theur very bearty clutietia bout eighty guesrs, was cele. Now after the battie, when the smoke ýîpprt, anti for their gallant struggle crated on Wednasday afternoon Feb, bas cleared off, anti when we can more in tha face of such fearful otits as I have 8 ttebatflrsdneo r n Icalmlv anti tispassionately review the but briefly referred tri, in behaif f M8 u rie beautiJ.lside Cncesson Mrand esituation anti the outeome of the crintest Jjberalisin 1 remnain, Ms onJ Vaon ocsinat trnîs tru Elgin Streets, when t h e i r second. there are saveral facts forcetihomne upon yo MRCÂ d Itaughter, Miss Gertrude Elena Mason us; antioe rif0 thace is that beyonti the wM IKAZ.Ças Unitediluin arriage with Mr. question of a tionbt a goodiy number Newcastle, Feb. 7thi, 1905 Norman S. B. James, son of Mr-. M. A. s of Liberals not only lu Watt Durham aedioofTETTSIA Rv but throîîghout the Province voteti THE EDITOR'S REQIJEST, DJameosiri to ofStÂTEM.evis 4Crinservative, but throir reasons lor 8a0 church, officiatad. Miss Geruruie Caw- I toing will not reatiuly anti without con- To onabla present subseribars tri senti ler pla«yati Marielssobn'd Wetiting siderahia tiiffiieulty ha untiarstood hv ruaF STA'iEsmARitri absent members of March as the bridai party entereti the their fellow Liberals. tire famiiy, wa will accopt $1.50 for rime trawing room anti took thair places Let us take by way of illustration the renawal anti one new subscription. hefora a hank of green foliaga whila grand olti township of Libaral lamper. We raquast every person tai senti at aboya thein hung a drapery oft white ance Darlington, having a. eitizensbîp least rine naw namne for 1905. Adtiress rihbon andi a horse-shrie of white Car- second tri noue lu this or anc other ail ordara tri JAME S' PtTBLISHENG HOUSEý nations anti smilax. The bride was ? Province, anti having on straight party BoWManvilla, Ont. given away hy ber father anti lookeci lines a Liheral majority of Over 300, iut THE DESIRE TO REFORM IS RE-. charming in a gown of white Japan in this instancetiwintiing tri a majority QUIRED. taffeta wltiî Pearl anti pleateti chiffon of only 207-something utiprecridenteti, trimtfnitgs anti caîrieti a Cluster of ln its history, anti furnlshing conclusive bride's roses. Miss Iriez Masou attend. evience that a considerable number rif Dr. Mca' Specîfle for Alcoholism eti br sister as bridesnaiti anti wore a "Atr aeuly cosdrîg aniwiircai hewrt ae fdiukn hecoining tiress rif white India silk with Libealsvotd Wth hei op one ts. wil relai th wost ase of run en-ali-ver lace anti applique trimmings 1suimMinZ up iu briaf the rasuits of tner sDrcin aasmlI ste anti carriati a bouquet oï piuk carna- electionhoth iu West Ritiîng andi many well-kïiown remetiy o! the madical pro- tdons. Little Miss Flrrnce Atiah other Ridings, there is no other le- fession. It requiras only the desîre anti Waikar, Toronto, coina of the brida, gitimata conclusion tri ha arrîvedati u eterminatioîu tri hacureti tari î,ke-an matie a pretti'tle flower girl.' Shfi than that there were thrae forces or uuhappv home happy. Write tri the wa dressetinluPinkt silk trimmetil witli eulses otside-eLpatty -288ehifl ernn~Mls-oLd -be- Janeslace aui-pearis--anti caTried-saL-biýeketi responsibla for our dteeat Iocaly anti streat, Montreal, for fuit particulars. sweat peas. Mr. Ga, W- S. James, througtuout the Province Ail communications prîvate. brother of the groom, was hast man. lu the first place we are forcea tibe.Aftrcnauaioshebdipry Ilava that the-maey-priwer was power- A TONIC FOR THE WINTER-WEARIED repairedta r the tiining room wbareaa fuliy and lavishiy up against us, antifrtemtabl eticrtiiug dinuer ikas ndr inasmuch as wa have hearti it saiti by To ha among tha fruit anti flowers off wiromtbles andcoraeti with Pink t some who ought tri know, we may ha the beautif al southea resorta for a fewan white cahrnatiofraantmitx.Tne excuseti for boliaving that thaelquor waeks is a sure cure for those un tiown hat of te araidens nti amlax. T interests of the Province raisati the snug lu health or who cannot stand the coîti halt o! tha ridseadspeeopos e rc littie surir ffrime quarter o! a million wintar waather, Full information antimae. D O .osA, Jantmsehs rvl;J dollars for tire henetit antiuse of Mr* tickets may ha obtainet on-appication J.maatie by r . Jsuayr5nt r. J, Winyanti the party ofQL'purity tai triGrand Truuk Agents. Stott & Jury t asheononTihae rieiyrespondeta, anabie them ta defeetý Mr. Ross andtinte ~'nsverv hantisome anti valuiabla, caýllction Party of corruption,»anti tlius bDythisritgifts, (srime comIng fonEnglind,, ver lbarl abic~io a!th cnstt.EFUlIFUL SCENýERY AT NI1AGARA the Uniteti States, MamItý1oba a 'a d landesraganeata elatirin eibotisFALLS.Quebec) whi-eh tastify vr togyc antipurf yaletios! trage ogi!dte popularity orit the ýyoung co,ýuple, but u.it in aepig vet ai thar rihar he ahubl Pemni ç ï, ly tri deal very lbrll ibail coerit f twli h ea a oliday eisai' o h oomsgittihsrd a ing8 tI the end that the-,rniZ.hidmakP tickets antifull informnatllîn 59 ',11N tribrdemad _ý sure worklo! ctfeatinu> Rossatipriyany Grand Trunk ,Aget, trtt&auy et E gli Cwac titebiemiih ing elections bt' the saie meuLE anti'e iAgentsea.ear cesî ntant ri h fo thesam si-oa. eîts. ________ 'irl a golti rae!t. Thahappy co)upla the ain Etrke.le! t on tirae eaning trpa i mitst a arurigtnsodace, ea beaVe "ciENNISKILLEN. serwerofrimca ati griritiwisbes for a ar igtlusying that we foundthetua onaymoon trip tri New York City. The hoqtel influence s0110 against us, togethar Mev. anti Mrs, T. Snowdoin encarri tri- brie's travelling dress was gray granite with a very Caneidemable numbes-riOt at the Leagua k'riday evening.... Vis- de charie wjth nultrio match A large aectors of bath parties, wbr ionsl itors: -Miss Davis, Bobcay geo a, aI Mev. numbar o! thaîir crimpanions anti friands anti sincaraiy balleve k t t be thaur rlgbî T. Suowdnn's; Miss Muriel SietLtaoin' war aut the depot anti cave threraa anti privilege tri ha able tri obtain auti Omono- Mr u L. Byaer8, Port erigtnhuasesndof Teywl use a glass rit liqurir whe-never they atý with friands; Mr. A. Tamblyn, Orono: rîght entbLnsisi etioaTAy willth bcedisposeti tri doûri, andi who regard at Mr. W. Stainton's- Mr. 11.-B. Baacock grast [tror in ee. Missog ta any egislatiou agaicst the liquor tr affic'Suudaýed inlu ' .. Aoh i gustson, oma dtae wMiseraMssPDavi asadirect intarfarence with their ib- îy respectedtizni wsAoter hig- son, e -W.ai;Ms uriPr as acitzenbasPatsd aay-J Iop; Mmr. W., Durham, Miss Miles, I rty. their regards ant priviie_-e3 Ail Mrs. John Virtue, sr., who w3V5 a great Mrs, WN, H. Walker anti taugbtev Ada, lu this elass can at least fairly claim suffarer for mauy yaurs but always a; andi Mr. S. NI. Scoît, Toronto. tri bavig beau consistent. brigbt ch2ertul Christian. __________________ Iu third place, wa are forcota ticon Cluda that a very crinsitierable numbarTYOE o! strong tamperance e'ectrirs of both -- N IG S I N pateeiclung achers and ti r n Racant visitîr're: Mr. Wesiey BrownAC E I I ES ON promnen citzonieatiirg church anti Miss Bertha Brock, Millbrook. ut membors and ti ra active temperance the Parsonaze; MisI. Lawson with A Troubla That Causes Untolti Suifer- workars, wera aisoa ara-;ati agains ttre liar sister Mrs. A. J. Souch .... Vemy eau ing tri Thousantis Throughout Libmalparv. omao! wem awrg jovabla avening ut Sons rit Ta'peranca Canada. as their reason, a detemrmimatirin tri pasket social Tb'îrsday avaning, Pro-- punish Mr, MRss for bis failura in gî'.ing grain rentiareti: Instrumental music hy~ prohibition Or Sufficiant tamperance Týrriue Orchestra; tamperance atitressi "I suffereti 'o ranch with acute lu- legislatlin. But upon wbat grOulti or by Mev. L S. Wight; recitation h.v 1B.dugastio;i that I ffrequantit wounlt walIl hy wbat methoti of reaaonimg that' cati G Stevens, Solina; Fhonograph 8elac- the floor tbi-oughl the long ngts'saui crinvince theinstîves rif consibte ucy, I tion;s hy John Collacott, Bowmanvilie; Mis. Thomas Vin-cant, residing at 98 St. arn unubla tri comprebreut.I, owever, dialogue, ineubers o! Enuiskillen Dit'- Pater atret)*i.Qîuebec. 1 1 hati beeu il is a tact, that Mr. Whitney standing ision anti recitatioris hy Theri. Slemon afflicteti with the trouble,"Ilshae contimueti flrmly on fiis pronouneti prlicy rit ri Haytion. Harh Fin lav, Laskard, dis. ' for uPwards of tvtentv Years, but it was 1Iiceming the liquor business, tieclaring plaveti bis riratorical powers t0 gooti adi- omly uring the past year ihat il assumed rit prohibition thut we want noure ri it, vantaga lu disposirig of the ladies' fancy Ian acuta forn. Thare ware tines wben anti as leader rif the Consarv ativa pamtY, baskets, realizing river 821. l was almost distractati; eveything 1 ever anti anon tiaclarîng bis tri ha thae______ ate tiisagreed with me anti the pains in party rit purity, anti together wîth his FEBRUARY WEDDING. th eii f h tiah aeams assçciates anti supporters assamtimg and umearabla. When the attueks were at vowîng in the most amphatic manner, their worst my heati woulnd grow tiuzzy -as ut the Black stock meeting, at Bow- anti woulti throb violently. anti srime mnville,-that not ona dollar rifMorley ALLEŽN-ELLIOTT. timas 1 would expeiance gavera attacita was spant corruptly Dy the Consarvative ofri nausea. As lime want on 1 was al- party,-bas been sustaineti anti mtumu- In Broioklyn, N. Y., Fabruaty 4îh, mrist worm out laither tbrough abstinence eti by an overwhelming majority rif the 1905, Miss Kate M. JElliott rif Bowman. frrim food or the huvrie it wrougbt when provincial electrirata, brriughît about as villa, Ontamri, was marrieti ta Mr. J. I titi take il, I trieti many much lanti. Francis Allen of the American Tala. cd dyspepsia cures, but they titi me no phone Company of New York city. gooi. lu tacttu otbiug that beipad A vary pmtty recaption was teuderati me until my nephew urgeti me to take tebridaet'y the Y. W. C. A. in Brook- Dr. WiIIims' Piiik Pis. Ha hati used lnon the ave oft ber wetiting. Thre them bimsalt wilh the greatest hanelit, Smusic room was charmingly tiecoratadin anti assurati me that thay would help pink, with rosas in profusion anti the me. At ter I hati takan three or tour cheery glow rit Pink candias cast a boxes cf the pis there was someimi- e r à; warm light river the scane. The bride provement, anti I cointinuait ta take the was conductedti mb the dmawimg rriom pills reg-ulanly for about threa months, tenderv oLunusgladies Any me anti at i wth ndrftalshdursept sountiiy-a

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