Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1905, p. 2

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A '~A à% w V usuaÎly catches youR in your Weakest spot. No matter where it Is, Shi- loh's Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, wfI 1 reach the seat of the trouble and cure YOUj. Your money hack, if it doesn't. 406 25C., SOC n_$.0 THE FOctmr'sa1889 BELLEVI LLE Business Collegé, Llinted., Trilniug-UNEXCELLED Beo-kecepng; Sho, tisnti; Tvpewrnting; Office , Verk; Telegraplin anti Hait- way Work; FeuChanti Germaii Evet'y Depsrient a Spelaity. J. A. Tentsais' Belleville, f J. Frith Jtllers. Seretary f Ont, t IzresidenLt Winter les Comfrîg. To people who want the BEST Cutters to drive or their own Cutters an d Sleighs p-inted and repair- ad, I arn ready to attend to their wants any time, Speciai attention given to Painting. Wm. Edger, Bowmanvile, Is tise titi: of an interesting Book- let which explains our systemn by wishich deposits nsay lie made and withdrawn by mail as conveni- ently as if your own post office irere'our office. Send for it. You wili find t interesting. Canada (tronery The Caniada Pesmnanent and etenCaniada M'oïtgage Corporatiorn> ITOO'TOSTREET, TORONTO must win upon their'ý merits. The International Dictionary bas won a' greater distinction upon its merits and is in more 1general us e than any other work of its kind in the Engiish language. A. M. Sayce, LL.D., D.D., of Oxford University, England, lias recently said of it - It la indeed a marvelous work; it is difficuit to concelve of a dictioaary more exhaustive and complete. Everything hs in it -not only what we might expeet te find in such a work, but aise irlat few of u7. wouid ever have thought of leoking for. - A supplement te the uew edition lias brouglit it fully Up te date. I have been leeki ng xhrough the latter with a feeling of asLonishmnt tlits eompl eteness, and the amunut of labor that lias been put ito t. F RuetE -'A Test lu ]Pronuneiation," in- srcive and entertaining for the wliole family. Aise lllustrated pamphlet. G. &C. MERRIAM 00., ssos SRNQFIELD, MASS. < s -1.alloa, Bill, eld ma! Well, well! 1 isaven't seen yeu since the old days when we usedti t run around te- getiser!" -NO, Jack. Ah, tisee old days! What a feol 1 used te) lie tisen!"- "I tell yeu, I'm glad to, see yeu. You have't changeti a bit, old man." Es,'ablshed r879. % Whoophug Cough, Croup, Bronohitis Cough, Crîp, Asthma, fiphiheria Crosolane la a boon to Athmation Cesrin l a lone stablîshed and standarmseis- for tediseamn, hdlcated. In cures hobee i reu- 1lrdtoîlyatsptie ltacirrisi uo-r the dt-sadss- ft, f Stenht:5 ttus wibievery breaih, gis lu - ProI1 gd ad cntan toatosct. Thcrne of a cnus bi 1 Uted f.re r s rî,trios chuitebnnchtis, f. .. resodlitef rom tiS tuais:or inflamsd etediti C tise throt. apov resc ns.,isl r lsy drsîeeîsseor sent pre. -~~ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, e. *1' Fashion ~ Hints. e se ~ ~ wAax"ra' ~r"r'as r":: THLEl INNBLOUSE. Tiay turnover coliars et seof ipqjte and !Ln are rAiade te burton itiside stocke anti collars. They tuie-h ai white cOge anti protection ha eue. Tise uiliners aie niakisîg up ua- Iine hats anti toques lan iumbers. Notising boiter ca liecisosen for dressy occasions, visitlug, the nu'i- mncc on theatre,' or restaurant di- mag. The colons aseteistise Ones, as a ule. Atati pi-e-saient wjtis yeutg girls te tise dangliag et jewels, freai sien-- tien gel-O tîcciaces. Tise jiegcarne front Parle. For a girl namneti Tiscresý,e, a turquoise, a hyncmatis, iliree erneraltis, a ruby anti a sap- phire, arnangeti in propen entier, weuld lie sleciti., 'Tiscembroidereti inemiblouse and tise siim waiets etliluen, choviot, madOies, etc., show ne strikingly uew phsases. Mencerizeti cotions are etill tancieti, but tisene le lese tic- unanti otohile veny lienvy mercerizeti shirt-weisti materiels than tisere iraq a scasoti or two ag.-o Double hlks is wiich te festea higis Inea collan's are te lic emostg tise sping aov'-ltiee, it us ai-O, whmcl mill arrive in a profusion ot smart designîs. Scart anti sticIcpins with mijniature heatis iin miicis favorite pets are un- mortaiiu'eO are ninong t-holatesi crazes. Tise besi miniature paint-- ens, te satisty tise tiaiidt, ane dc-- voiing heurs te doge' anti herses' Il"sittings." Tise mork le demie on poncelain liy tise aid of a micro-- scope. One feature notet ni thte beginung of t(his seasnsttbide tain te romain in igisesi laver, au-O that is tisetratis- paeneît guimpe or yolte. At leaci a tiid et a!tte gowx s ceen laiely have been smade witis a tim gunope andt coller, anti ineet oet tisse sati1 coecsp ondi ujg un dersiteves 'hle fasiin le extreîaely pntiy anti f er- inimie, and ti h ossultiblie econragetl te stay a long as possible. Aing tise noir teckxxeam je a col- ler mande et natunal colorcti 'îi " accoinpauied liy a ndouble tnîttali et wimtopique anti tise lioo. thse lattcergîte-te. Tise turînover cellan ant ilimîca taliarc emhtoiticred xitlx reti, bloc or I voixn donc.é Brodore nlat or eglet eai- liroidcny, ha siill venv mît h e t tisiîî, ,ant i înet of ail tise ail-ever emibromdcnies ctiand ttigsare et tisis ortien Tise robe patteras. toc, lioth ilaIlinen anotdbtstane ii ce elct Oeigns. Tise leavy raiseti eîabno,'Itie-s are aIse popula,-. Veti n saraiae anc tise eabnoitleî-- cd bauods inla lut, cr-ashs anti tbatiste, mnicis are te he useti for trnirning linen and ti oion acl dressets. Tise, ha pbetty ef reeni bAft on eltisen cdge te elloir for attaciig te tise plein fgbric. Tisese i-sa-i-s w'll bce rseti for panels, nîniosi ail the nîew siLIrts requiring senet-hiîîg oet tis soit. A pretty way te give a ieceu toii-'et ofcolon te ami ex eaiîg ftrock is toi intru-duce uaîten a lace beriha a rutIle ef white net, etigetl iitis a unarnow ribbliea 'liesIiben sisulti jiiet gJiittnm4ýr -Jbelo the ac over i. Tise lot-jets s-erc, igdwianfl h- lac mrecs in fulilbloom, anti ang numa-ler et Japaese plum autd apple mcccs. Tisese rnale lovely decora- tiens, cesiing ne more tisan cui flowere, anti basting unuci losnger. Tlicy arc cisermng for corners, for piano decorations, or te fMIl ag apacewherea 1,911jar etfloeej nppr"opriaLtc. A ueflmssfsghlgch-aflng tis comfli](emia fluteticteerci tuis ef German li-ivwn ati wise waýre ini a niGcl ra-me, itis accoatýpasiitiby six rarnekios et tieseanme ptîtt.ery, setilaiinickel franîca. - Entibroiiereti surplce bantis, ' is iV-esarietl vokes, are plentiful among tise new shini waiet f urnishiage. A dainty muehin -blouse Saq. thvse-lianIis croseiug the front. Tise V. andthie deep cuiTs are et tuciss ai dVelen- chames insertion. bie turnoever collars a-id cuiTs [cmhroidcred in jisadied silks et one colon are arnong recceni evelop- monts. One soiet ftis enter la wonked ia paie blue arfti navy blue toues in an crcîit tesign. Mesiy et tisesinttest nom blouses la liien, silis or w'eol are cut demn slgistîx' ai tis e mccianti mena with a shlnlow îrhiililtppoaidcolar et lace or optaimork eittbroidery, or wutS a plaits-d littie dickeyi anti turnotver cellar eof-suýe laîxn. Int some cases tisese blouses have short sîceves wth iumn'bnci cuffa over ilader- cleeves niatciig tise gimrpe, but1 more et tan tiese leeves are outirely et tise blttuse matenial witis oaly tise relief et adjustalile tîmrrrimclt cutis snatching the guinîpe anti col- ler. MY BEST PRIEND. Cominneati ae to tise triendthuai Whcn h1a sat alO lne, Atd tuakes tise ngntislîofetmy heart Tise s'ffcrng et hic ema; Whto col-ly sisuas tise gliiternag thireoag At pleasure'c gag levee, Anti coine te gilti a somblre heur Ai-s- gi-te lits lcant to me. 1-e hecars me ceuni my serreuxs e'er Andti iea tise tasis is donc He freely givet5 le al hlasi- A sigis for every eue. i -Ie canmîoi meni- n ssn-iling face Wficn -nine is toucheti iiti gleoin; But, like tise violet. secoL to cheer Tisermitînigisi witlî ponîsme. A JIFASONABLE C1IAIM. -We'Ill dispentse witis yoii secrv'ices, ir," saiti Mn. Metchant sterniy. "I saix' g oruistg enut et a saloon to- tay. I11010 youa l'd tiicharge you for tisai, titn't I?' "Wisy. noseir," replicti (alley, "yusaiti yeu'tl tiscisargo -nie if you cari' meoc o îîg mie0ene. hillus teserve cointe crîtiui fer coinilg ui" IESSD ~_0fTUL11h OWh Difficulties Are Opportunities Iniviting Us to Master Thon- Endure isaidness as a good soidier as 'vcll s thsewai s of doîng. h las of Jeans Christ-Il. Iimothy, ii., 3. ta do ,iths good,-,, as well as with To cr sl ete epetence lieis negoode. 11te is e greatness of charac les ind tisan in our gentî oos. tr aswell as of career. Oui ef îs harcnes endun-cd thatrmaLts ien ocsati fine thse gold cones-the 1jj ifliculty ovencome tisai'r-oil goodness as the golil of cou-- achSiex es succese. 01-1 1 ,thle lielpî merce. Temptations are cails te vic- etreitanc-e can ma icet.~ 0tory. Cont it joy uheni o sa hame gaboiiron ie usef iii theai. for yoo ea compel thiet t I ri lease cf tis encdoiing isard , îeld yeu tise grnce cf a noble N riess witli nishici tise it-oa opposes tise strengtls. As from this md.ettise hamnlci- Only by tise friction of the pontd tise w nier liii w me lieauty lie- rails cga a traîi cii the air like a cause its heai-t is pure, eo ou cau colossal nrrow. %via frorn temptations tise beauty off Tise resistance of tise soil as inocis lolitiess. helps tise flower clmb jute its blos- An ex ster ox-cicotae aa irritation soi as tise tender uplifi of tise sua. and lieconies iaînxrtai tantise peani's Tise clou-de opposing ligist mat e sua- beauty. Maity a miac ias compeiled setsIla tiso opposition'of tisestrings tise ditressiujg thîags Of hf0e yield te tise bow music je liera. Bow and hita string niaise a cross oui of wisose. A JIEALTY 0F CIIARACTER pain coînes tise mercy of mnusic.i Tise greaitishings of ait are not tise beyond tise prico of pearis. What happy inspirations of idileness., Tise irsusenedinred iselps tell ielis eauty ache of difl'cult toil beautifies tisere ite tise centuries. Xhat martyrs in tise Madonnas face. Beaxty i have snifored msakem tise cloude on tise glorifcntion, of drudgery, By %vicis iheir glory sisines acrose tise tivo curreots la opposition tise eec- years. Tiserefore tisinis oui confident- trjc ligist siints. No tana cati bal ly tise kiad of ma yon waat to bo. into on aniiexement. Clay cannot Fix lirmly in -,your mmird thise Oal to inansial itsel! ito ceramic beatty. whiicis you aspire. Noting ca pro- It stt'ives into beauty 'by tise isard veteu eafî'om becemutîg tise tings way tof tise potter's whisrring wheel ý ou yeara te lie. Encis oppositionT and represeing isand. ht is in realityt-eacises forth a helpiagfo FIXED IN'- BEAUTY BY FLRE. hastd. Ce operate withiis 1and youfo wia a iscautiful nature, a noble 1 DiMfcuitie are opportuities invii- cai'or, a Clrisilike cisaracter. ntcr ing us to master thie. Tisey are but gix os tise aeceseary friction by r tise aeceseaî-y friction by w1hicis we wisicis you mol-e forw'artl ti ,pe.Žîl Io our goal. Tise hardoes of achievement. R ,ïnarblti akes it worti wite toe ut Every hiardn-ess eadurLd niakes tise Mal lieauty ie oits faitistul keeping. atarlile et cisracter ta wisch only &IC Every great career lias biea ceut tise beauty of holinees outiasis tiseSi it tise resietîng marble of difficul- centuriets. Ileaven te atxive te lie Rat tics. Whca ixe leara tii truitis dis- tenciscd, but tise oppoeing heiglisM 01 ceuragement is detisroned. Courage will iselp you climb. Tise crcwa cf L taites tise sceptre andO creates a king- saintisood le w caviug fo<r ou in (oha dont, Tiero is ne more energy givei4 exery lhardnes endured, if tiese pirit rêIl ta cempla!ningi, neormore time wast- ef Christ dix-cl witii yoo, if fol- R ed ta wisiing for casier tasks. Every lowiag 111e banner v ou mardis. ( opposition is an invitation to isero- 111 is a croix aoettiseras whics Dev aem. What opposes is our workfel- Christ weans as tise king of tise fraj low. Tise iardness w e mi endure world. Wisat y ou setIer wvill crown 0 is cur frien-O. yoo, if you makge yourself worth tise% Tisis truts holds tise xvays of being1 crowaing. an In dued tiol lawa wih a tiam tieo itE me Oaa5 P-e for i ad for di a on tisa Dru fo pair ac oer and inci a di tbl verr cr fat Tai ;ind ger t et THEY DIELAN IT. No one suoud i1cr a îaornent longer w itis plies for Dr. Leon-~ hardt's ILeni- Rol ill vii urc cior Case A guarantre fo r $1000,00 goe with ex (ry Peclýage of the Heini-Roici. No inatter xýlhJ i inn Iooihavec, Itching, or "uuai',Dr. 1. oa- liardlt'e I e i]wjIl ure' iou. Tbis i.- a strong ,,tateiiieit, but it t-, suppe(ite' by a tltotî5oiltet!A- ,io-niitls Iroax t tose ivo have tv'eu o'rm ? it, !)yl t it-u -'wf-tRoîid. If -.ou ir, not crnd you get I oýUil moex int '1 1)ai i-îg )rteo ul.eu isn1ycC.,LnioNa~ ENGCLAND IN SOTI-H AFRIC. I A Fmecisna's gallanttr, te ladis se saiO tu b l lunys equal te an c-tîtrgeucy. At a pm'ty a geiiieinan of tisat rare steppe i hxoa- vy <noi ls icie et a lady, xi l bene(I ut xx itin an angry fi-oxi . 'aos,îta'- lie said, lio.xin ,, bt - i lu i'otîrtiirocoe>' Bt, xe.lo' to t sve ,I -t-tlof et utl i îne REASON NO M.. youl naust gjetyour lvr Stornacl and boweils riglit. Beechain's fîj-'s act like a charni in setting yout right. The appetite of youtlicornes with al its old relish after using Beecharn's Pîlis. Nat- ural sieep -is the resuit of a short course of this farnous rernedy. use Beecharn's Pis. You wiil find a. vigor and life which adds zest to both work and play after using Beecharn's Pis. Yon wii feel like a new person with a ckaýr eye, sweet breath and a keenbraiu. Toenjoylifetake PrePared onIY by Thomas Be.,ham. St. lidevrwera In Canada ani U. 5. Eieia n boxes. z5 conte. 0OUNTIES' OIUNCIL. The Strlkiig Oommitteee reportud as Ilowè:- inance-Conns. Bragg (ohuirman), i w:, Baker, Maýth ewo, McLean,Tay. rWolfralm, Trtbilcock, Welr. iounty Property-Ooune. R. D. utherford (chairman), A. A. Powers, atthewa, Dannett, Leith, Spence, iMllan and Walkor. School-P. Trebilcoek (chairman) therford, Preston, Orews, Arnold, OM'Ilan, W. Hi. PowerB, MoLean. Lg s1aton-Oouos. T. B. Tweed!:, airmai), Donaldeon, Taylor, Lelth, ller, Powers, Welr, Masterson, Roade and Bridza-ThoB. Baker, ýa1rnian), Dsonldaou, Arnold, Br&gg, àideon, Preat<,a, Tweedle, Wol. 3ontingenclea-Ed. We'r (chairman), ilker, Maaterson. Dunnett, MoMil- aDayldiîon, Speno:. NOtloos8 were aimo given of the Intro- ýtlGn of a nuruber of By-laws. wednesday evening seenion iral occu- ci In the reception of communia- me and, reporba. Thureda' y moralng a number of By- WB were given their firob reading,after ileb Coun. Tlrcibllcock arose to a ques- in of prîvilege as to thecoasofthe n1Pbellf,1rd Bridge. A longthy dis-, sie fliw~, f eewhich he moved t the lea~ aoa l the pýossession or <Joncilailpap In bconnection h the Ce iphford Bridge, the mat to be rep.orte ýd on et the ovening iploi. The ýWatden named conne. ýbiI éock, NIcLean, Arnold and Crows, a CJomrlttee te investîgate the inpbelford Bridge contract. roteot Yoniself- Against Gernis ,pIe With Weak Stoniachs Most Liable to Catch Disease, Vheu tihe stomach and digestive gatisarevweak, the food doe nos gest, aud there is a seur, slimy, fer- nti'ng Mas9, MakIng it an Ideai spot the disease germe to muitiply. The y way to protect yourself -against sase germe je to strengthon the mnach and digestive organs, and Mi- a le the onlv agent, so tar as ls known t wiii accompiish tiiisi. The ordinary miedicine that is taken indigeston andi stoinach troubles le rertised te act upon the food aloine, i hence can give ne more than temp- ary relief. Mi o-na is a certain cure ail cases of stomach troubles, except- gcancer, because it enables the stem- hand digestive organs to act in the %y Nature intended they shnulti. ags cannot 'digest the food; they upiv deconipose it. f you suifer with distress after eatiriz, ns lu the head, chest, aides and back Iching of gases nnd undigested food, I taste In the mouth, dizziness, or rtige, heart-humn, variable appetitýe, chead-aches, spots before the oves, Cony Setleentns Plannedtc Loolx I.ike Homei. A novol, but esseutialiy practîcalý s-home lias ieca devised by the~ Souths Afiican Association te en- courage settiere 'ia Orange River Colony. Its distinctive feature jtisai hoe county associationq will lie preeerv- cd, and tisaitishe seitiers xviii aci lie altogetiser strangers ina nstrange land. Tise Orange River couattes wili correspond te Britishs counnues. Tise celony will, in f aci, become a miniature Emglanti. Wiitistis end ia view, tise associa- tion, with ne ani te pecuiary liane- fit itseif, is acquiriag arcas ef agi-- cultural land in diltercat portions of tise Coleny fren tise Colonial C overanuent. Eauclisetiler must 5ave about £500 capital, and has'fng traiaed hlm aad feund a tarimfor hlm, tise association will net oaly lielp hia to worl, h, but to make it pay. lie will live for one year lnaa great training fanm, tise profite of Wi hl, after tise cet of mainten- a nte lias been defnnycd, will bce dl- x ided aitishe ettd cf cacis training ycar among tise settlers wiso have gaincd ilicir expenicîxce on it. Tise seuilers will thoenlie invitedt t enter lit) agreemnts witl tise ov- crament of tise Land Settlement Or- dinance, te purch-ase_ a portion of tise great fanai oit ich tisey have gained their expenience nitishe raie of about £1 per acre, and cacis will imamdiately taise possession of 1,- 500 acres, or tiereabouta, alloticd te hiiti, sorne portion of wiich will bic irrigable. Afier anetiser year bas passed, bc will pay hie irst instalaient of tise pxrchnse meney, whlch will bie pay- able hlaf yearly over a perloti of thirty yeara. PERFECT CONFIDENCE. Wisere tisere usedto tble a feeling ef Iuneasineas anti worry in tise househtsld [wlen a chilt sisowed sympioms ef croup, tisere ia now perfect couifilence, Tbis ha owing te tise uniforni succesef Onamberlain's Cougis Remedy ln tise troqstment ef that disease. MrseýM. 1 l3aaferd, et Poolesville, Md., in speak- ing et ber experience in the use ef that rssmedv says: "I have a werld et confi. dence in Chamberlain's CouSh Remedv for I have useti it with perfect suocesa, My obilti Garland, is subjeot te severe attacke of croup ant i t alvavs giyes him prompt relief." For sale by ail druggists. CATHEbRAL CONSECRATION King Edward Accepta Kaiser's I- vitation.- A. Berlia despatchs says:-Empet-er William soine days ago a-s1seti Kingi Edwarti t o e md a teeaefrom .tise Cisurcis of 1Englant te aittend tisel coasecratitn of tise ncw Lxthraaî catserai hene onFeb. 27. King tId- ward lias eaquired if tise Iilihop ef Ripea woulti lie acceptable, andtisai prelate doubtîea will lietise dele- gaie. Catarris Caniet lie Cureti. wltliLOC APPLICAT.IONS.astlieyceanot reacli the ,tatote isease. Catarnli is a hlooti or contitutional disease, and An entier te cure t Mo muet tae:internai remetiies. Hall'-, Catarris Cure je taken iaternally, and aet* di- rectly on ttCe blood anai 'nuceus surfaces. Hall': Catareli Cure ienet a quaek mediwine, Lt was prescrhbed liy on:et the hest physiiens in titis country foi, years, ant i% as regeler ipreseription. It s etmpesed of the hast tontes kaewn, cmr- bineti with the best blond purifie.:, acting dl- rectly on tise sucous surface . Thse perfect combinatien of the twe ingretiients le wisat tpro- duces sucli wonderftil resuîte la corlîig Catarrh, Senti for testime,îlals free. F- J. CHNEY & CO, Preps., Toledo, 0, Sold ly drugglsts, prie: 75C. TaIre Hall': Fainillv P!11lsfer Constipation. x EW CLUBBI N CwRATES. 'Tmm STAT.EsIAN wiii lie fumnisheti for 1905 in cennection with thse undernameti publications at the price stateti t ToronteDîiiyWorld, bal 1904 f ree $3.50 Toronto Dstlly Star, do do 2.00 Toronto Daily Globe 1 75 ý4-.9 5 e'clook edition 3,--) WeeklvGlobe, wi th i 11ustr ated parts 1 90 Dailv Mail anti Empire 4.75 Weekly »Mail anti Empire 1.901 Toronto Dailv News 2O Weeklv Witness 1,75 Tise Neekly Sun 1.90 Farming World 1,50 Farmer's Advocate 2.50 Christian Guardian, bai 190-4 tree 2 00 Famiy Heralti anti Weekiy Star 2.00 WHEN Yeu HAVE A COLO. 1 T he"rR ST"GALVANIZED 9 is one of thee ew features of the Fromat Wire 4> Fence for ibis year. Thse locks are coa,,eçi wiiis zinc by au electrical process which absolutelye.7 prevents rust. TiseFrost Wire Fence i.usade 0f:* fa ~~coird spring mire tested te 2000 ibs, tnie~ (Dciris o efcsdl- ( laera rw rkiias ip. aryfetc, vre Wî t k, fr Ifee- o Pht.lorsaile by- V ~ 24 NI-- , , T ,..PO v'. s s' WHY YO U SHOULD USE Because it is put up in seaied packages. These packages protect the flavor of the tea 'andi proteet you in weight and guarantee of quaiity. -No article of food is so easlly tainted as tea-it absorbs the Rlavor of everything àt cornes in contact'lvith. Place an orange beside some tea for an hour, and then taste or smeli the tea-orange too. Very few tea bins are tight enough te prevent tea from absorbing the odors of fruit, veg-etabies, cheese, etc., etc., usually rnixed togethér in a grocery-and the ordinary tea chest is very littie protection. The Red Rose Tea sealed iead package preserves ail the original flavor and freshness of the tea.--open a' package ai-d smell its freshfragrant aroma. Packages of Red Rose Tea are aiways full weight and uniform in quality. T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N. B. BRANCHIES: TORONTO, WINNIPEG. THE PAST AND FUTURE A COMVPARISON 0OF THE TWO CENTURIES. W: Wonder If tise Tweniieth Will Keep tlp Witi the Nineteenili. Fort SALE Ten acrFu known à@ the cld DeF col-place dttsated on Lot No- 10. Con, 3 Dt tn There je on the premises a two story rouýgh caat hous, ontaÎing 8 roomeand pmutry with woedsihed a8j ainng Goed water on the premis, also frame barn, 18ý by 36, Good Rardan and au orcheird, of botween 300 and 400 apple tree. Teaders wiill h recelv. ed for the purchase of the aboya np te Mar. I -- 1 r 1 . . jý . x Thse niactecnt century receiveti tise ati, No tentder necessartly -acceptea. TermS eaBY. For pas ticulars apply on tise herse andi lequeathed thte automo- Promises or ta W. B. Fincb Bowmane,ihê bile. Tenders tgi b: addressed te ilG, M. Gai- h I reccivedth ie diri road andi le- braitis, Barriotgr, Bowmauville. a qucathedth ie raiiread. It received tise sailbeai anti li- . queatised tise occan liner. It receivedth ie firepiace anti bc- qucatheti ateani andtihîe gas range. It reccivedth ie staîrcase anti bc- qucatis d tise elevator anti escalator, It receivedtihue hanti prlatiag pres anti liecpaathed tise hfoe cyliader. It recciveti hati-acitype and bcli- P*' roa ?erfecti'on- qucathedth ie liniotyple. Concedeti te meti deserve 1sb popular i recivedth ie goe-sequill anti le- titie, "the suost beautifui magazine in tise qua dtise typewrltcr. irorît." qucathetiFront 4. te 75 fine pictures each monlis, It receivedtihue paiater'a brusis anti sanyý of t ent in celer, anti ail of tisentfor hequcaihet iilthography, tise camera framing. anti colon photogîaphy. Ë6rtraits of Celebrîtiesà i receiveti or-tinany ight and ble- Reproductions of Scenes queathcti tise Rocigon rmg. and Incidenîs i receiveti gmnpowdet anti li- Thse very perfection et fine pisotograpii qucatheti niiro-glycerlae. reprodcin onti with sîlk- cord te harmoiC icths11e elr hmeettu fi reccivedth ie fluttlock anti le- cor. ît d clrsce o h queatiseti'tiseautinatic -Maximi. ,Tise Oly wNaý&Zin, of-'-'. i received the tl!ow dip andti ie 11l tisa World > , quecathedth ie arc ligist. tS b p thonpnire, $3-0o a yearinluding th CÉIAL CHRISTMAS NU MBER. i receivedth ie beacen light signalAgVr»w.rf.e-vua" anti lcqucatisedth ie telephone andti urr Pub. Co.. 4 West 22d St., New Ver& Wireleee tclegnapisy. i reccîveti wood anti atone haild- ings ana liequcaihedti wenîy-sîory ITh lil G t Jntc steel strt-ures. l e lol i reccîveti letiens sent liy a per-> sonal messenger aiibequcatiset a 7,17 - ivorld's postal union. It receiveni tisedcijeval city, a tot number one ia VMe first concession collectioni of buildings hutitleti wis- of the Towssip cf Darlinqton in iii waîis for safeLy anti lequcatiseti thse Ceuni y of Durhîam Iyîmtg north. use modemn city, ligisteti. paveti, 5aw- of the Kingston or' Gravel Road ereti anti providoti wiis fine-ceai except the north eigltty acres thereef. tranîsportation. % TIEs eevgvntafobr i neceiveti a wosldiw'ishou free 'TO CEliseiginthtR er public scisools anti lefi no civilizeti MeInt«sis ethie villageetNwalel tise County of Durhiam, Physielaîs, lias mie !ýau country withoui thini. application te tise Higis Coutntoe Justice for It eccve a ord i w. hmen0atanio for e certitîcate oettle tteseabove iii -ccevetia weld t wiscis ieamentieneti preperîy anti:, "Tise Quiebing Ttes voteti oalin esAiteiCticand efît t iea Actt 'anti Iase urodueti evideoce lwbieeb.vlie voting in every civilizeti country. pp liet b the owsîer tiiereot In ftee fre3e frcmi It receiveti a wmsnld witlioui a vet- liavAng or pretentiing te have any titi: te or ing wosn, anti lef t it with corne nterest An th: seiti landtior any part thereof, la measure et woraa sufferage in itear- requlireti on or hefoî e îy exery civilizei country anti ful.l Saturday, thse PouÉth tiny of Mtareh, aullrag sua lrgesecionet isenow uext ensuingth file a statement et hits earih'a surface.-- deaim verifieti liy atlldavit, et my Chambers, Au Ia tise tweVntietil ceatus'y gig aOsgotie liait, in tise ciîy et Teronto, aund te for brcaising atter iis style? If se - Serve a uoPY On MiESRS. SIuMPeoN & BLîA at it -illhav tohusle.their office in tise iewn etfhlowmmnvllle as solle- hi wil isav te hsile.itors fr tise salti Robent Sîclntosis andin defenît But, aealy, ai ilînes ih ceornaas every sucis daim mil b:cisrreti, audti h: tIti: ifthe tweaîîis century would use f tise saiti Robert McIaîteeliet i libceme ab- if sotete anti intiefeasible et Lew anti la, Eqqity, f ully empboy itef tn jusi uiilizing suiject only te tise reservation: s ionetilan tise discovenies of tise nineteentis. tise SSii section efthtie seiti Att. Steai Seat, gas ranges, elex'ators, Datedti ss twenty seveitis day et Jenuary, i901 bath tube anti otlier nico ihinga are "IGEO. S. HOLILESTED,"1 in tise wonlti. Wlîv sot malte tisentir. leteree ef Titi::. availabît for everyliety?- Tiscîs riere ha tise landi. Thttbhe alwags licoula tise world. Wisg how te inake peeple ive la perpendi-. nct make tisai available fer every- ciar layera incteati of lieicideecc liody? oiSeronoutise greunti, as 111-ei useti Tise nincteenthis tstumy disceovereti to, andti equcatiseti the prolileai etf tise kinélergantea. congcsteti popuilatioms. Tise t-euinietis coulti usefîîily niaiseit disceve-cO tise oc-an liner anti it avallabie for al ciiltirea. bequeatlicd the stcernge - i dincn t he 1Reenigen ray. Ih tooktise weaving eut of thet But lots ot people cen't attenoid to lands et womaa nud sent se' te tise pay ton jîlsi plain, o-dnOi-arv snlighti faciorg. la .their ihouees. R tîmcovereti isw to niaise hiags Tise inventons arc a vcry w entier- hy uttam anti iequentseti trusts, fui. clas etgenttyere-ývoaieii, tuo, tmades unions, stnikes, locisouis, nowx'a-tiays-tbut 111 seallv sceins ns if rhiltilabor. tise tw'oîiieiis ceîtury iOs't sîcm I t iti sway ixith tise slave anti timasr) nncis as ,onte plain. prac- tise serf anti lequcatisedth ie proie- tical people te ittit7O xvisat tiev'O tannan. donc aincady. It~ discox credth ie nîtomatic Max- SAndtihtlin îng'ni n, it sore5ines - iu anti iequieatiscd iteils ùeorne as if tise utile y>oung îxietiti- j1IThe ninc-tecutîx ccxtiY e1pss eu-s ccnuinsîy sar ail it coulti to to i gîtefully over tise ataofete po, thae le preliils whiris 11lelitical rigis. uiacttxet'tuibeqîmealiscd alomî,- nis Tise uîentictiscîit ee vai- is5ý biessitige. tisat political nigtes iistare !ny astop Tise nineteentis -nttury d soeeionî tise oati toe cenern;ic",riglits.

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