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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1905, p. 4

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flave zmore Up-to-date improvements and give nuss better service and more satis- faction than the ordinary. One in1 your home would save you much t .ime, labor and worry. Churns, Factory Milk Cano, Creamer Can, Strainer Paîls and Dairy Supplies. We in- vite your careful inspection. Our prices are ]ow. Phone 66. RI~B& eo. Opposite New Porst Office. The Cvaladian Statesilan BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 15, 1905. An.esteerned former eillizgn now bold- [ng an important positiono in Tororito writes. 'Tisere seems bo bo some proett small men down in Bowmenvillo 1 hope you wilt, corne out on top as usuel. Of course, I know thie calibre o! Tbe News and do nul wonder at aav action of ils editor. Tise News sa vs we nover uadea more faise satement lisan It»il tise false rumors circuleted about us lise pî'ovious wCek wsro circuleteti frorn ltaIoffice lu repte, we have only lu sav the t Mr. Gale hirnsei! bold us hw -tise yarn wes tbld là bis office by a Mjr. Perey in tise presence of thre'h eitizins unnriendly t0 us, and we e!berwards traced tise falseisooti baek to tise News oiffice wisere il was told 10 ariother citizen. If tisenaines o! tise mon wiso circulated tise !aisehood frorn TiseI News office Pre wented we enu give tliom bau. A public men wio- sasvey higis i r tisa estimation of every citizun o! L;owmenviileq Who knows hlm, aîud almsierV citizen dons knOW lm, and t1ise nterest holias long 'taion in Iii5nwrites Edtor James as fol- lows: ý"j went lo sey tisaIbise actionuof Perey e t ali[n this councit malter is about,ý' tise Most contemptinle, insolentiv liiscnsltion-e man atways [fels win ie feils toise a minn and e man nover faits exeepi wlei e ofails 10 be a man lu, tiis case, tise succeoss is al yours, andthie failure, disgrace and sharne o! laiture must fait on tise malle. ious brooti guitty o! suehis ndecont tacdies.", Editor Gale has eonfessed lu us biset he wes requestet bv n'e member o! tise town Counil " to have lise bihl for liset election t0 fMI vacaney ceuseti hy Mr. i Brock~'s resignetion ont immedieîelyc a! ter bis rosîgnation wes aceepteti. Ho had ilontise way'before coitîneil met, having got eopy of an oltiblîlfrom bisei clerk. Ho tries to deceive bis readers d and -give the lie to our hîleemenî by tiseI specious statement tisaI"we reeeived t no order whetever unlil bise Clerk gave i [110o us as soon as tise Mayor bati i Issuedth ie writ." Wiset relien ce eau iti be pleced lu Tise News man afler bis CI confession la us o! datn;r in offeet whaî c we saiti ho did ? Ris poliical associates bl cen gel hlm tu 8ev enytiing about us, ýr It seems, no malter isow felse% 2=2__________9 Publisisers o! a leetiing Boston news- i papor wrote us lest we9k for our views t on dloser trede rolations belween Cane. 1Ib de and tise United States XVe were, q asked if we fevoreti reduction o! Cenad- j< !au dtles on rnanufactured gootis matie In tise U S.. sucis as carrnages, egricut- j1 tural, implernents, s h o e s. clotisos, d woolens and r n b b eor goots? Our answer was "Most emphaticelly NO." Whou we wanteti reciprocity o! tarifas lUncle Sami smîlenl and winked bis off 'b oye, anti taler lhrew tise McKinley ut tariff againsl our doors. Canada eau di effordtu1 do tise srnling act now tisat we O' bave found otiser customers for our I producbs When tise U. S. open Ibeir Pl markets 10 Canada on a tariff scisedule Pl similar tu ours bison we will give furtiser 's consideration to tiseir overlures. W Hon. G. W. Ross tenderod his resigna - w lion tu Lieutenant-Gnvernor Clark onW Tuesday week. Mr.J. P. Wiiney wasw notifiedth ie sane eflornoon anti formai aý iy signifleti hie acceptance o! tise îask of al formling a ministry. On Wednesday. di Mr Whtitney suismiliedth ie foliowing !0 namses, anti they were approveti o! by bi Ris Honor:M Premier and Attorney-General-Hon h J, P. Witney. e Provincial Treasurer- Hon. A. J b( Matbeson. cc Commissioner o! Crown Lents-Hon. tii J. J Foy. 11of Minister o! Education-Hon Dr ci IVyne..th Minister of Agriculture-Hon. Nelson a Monteith. In .Cnrnrisiîoner o! Public Works-Hn . th Dr. Rbeaume.,O.Fi Provincial Secretar- Hon. W. J re Renne. -1 e Mioisters without Portfolio-,tof. Dr. 1141 Wifloughbv. fHon. Adam Bet, hf l'ft J. S, Henise. 1 of MORE THOUGHTS FOR ELECTORS. Wero we disposed ta be critical. of the actions o!flise pro. eut îown couneit, there woutd1 be no lack o! opportunt- for instance, tise attempt c! Capt. King CO appoint Mr Alberî- Barbur 10 the Office of towu coîtisetor ini place o! MIr HarryCaun It was noised about lown for sorne days tisat sucis a cbangze was -C be made, but Capt. King~ got no seconder even andi we tisink lie really feols a-bit asisameti o! hlm ettempt now We regret the nocessit - for airing porsonal mattors lu tisese colutuns s0 mueis o! lete, but certain actions o! mon wiîi wisom we have boon ernsociated in pub]!-. office must be made elear to tise citizens tisai îiev may te able to julife fairty betvween us. We bave not and etinnot approve o! tise methods pursued bv tomne o! onr colleegues and we sall endeavor 10 show gooti reesItus for tise stand w-e Cake Tise Durhiam Rubber Comnpany is askîng tisetwn for aloan 0ftise sutu of $15 oOO,00 and 10 cancel thetelain tise tise town lias on a mortago for some $8,000 more, making eltogether over 82", 000ulleutieparîïcurarýs -wii ho givea elsewisere, but wisat we wisis 10 cali attention to is tise easy way lu ýwhiei tise proposed ag-reement beîwVeen tise Durhiam Hubirer Co anti this cor- poration wes put Ilirougis council at tise lest rgna meeting without discussion. lu, alh lise ',oars o!ftrur municipal ex- pre.ewe nover saw a measure o! seriouns financial importance pasýed [n council witisout diseus-.ion. Nota word o! explanation was offered by tise mayor sisowing tise neeessiiy for sueis a very large oxpendidature-the latgest boan ever madg by tise lown te any industrv so far as we enu remember---fifteen- tousent dDliars-so large tisai a special act o! Parliaîîeril is nocessery to ena hie tise town to do il. Citizens wiii ho surpriset o iseer iset nu quest- ons were asisetib.y anv member. Res- olution afler resotution wes eerriod isrouzh witisout diseusbion anthie cil- izens present lttisaI meeting ignorent if tise condition o! matters tChat led up to ibis action If tise malter lied beeii bofore council previnuslv [n sorne shape, iwould have given some excuse for -no iseussfon, but il surpasses bette!Chtisa i metter involving snch vast expendi- tre shoutti go tbrougli couneil at ilst itroduction witlîout even a few quest-Ë Ins being asked. Is It possilte tisat i te first draft o! an agreement o!su 1 ,ompreisensive nature wes made by t he 'ompanv so emituently setisfactory 10 Ie town tisat no aiteration, addition or rduction or change of! any cisaracter 'batever was necessaru% ? Truir , biset ompany must ho megnanimous andi r enerous beyund humen conception if ,makes a 828,030 proposition 10 tise ;wn thal cen ho accepteti hotus bolus If »y tise lown councit witlioul even a lueslion being askod by an -inMmber !0 )t course, Couneiltar F. H. Mason rho read tise agreemnulknBw ail about f tbut Il is doubîtfut if other counctîlors for the year 19o4 was 81,0.95,5.95 00. AND) WHEREAS lte exisliirg deitenture Ccitt of tesasiC Municlpaliîy la lte suni of 881,267.64 and no principal or lalerest lo ln arrears. THEREFOR E ltse Municipal Council of ltei Lown of Bowmanville enacts as foihows r,, ~The Durhram Itubber ompany Ltibd lthe suni of $15,000.00. Tise elitor o! tisis journal was e mem- 2-.11 shah sand may ha hawfnl for lte Corporation o!~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~O tslonouilu nafwmn ofthe town of Bowvîarville for te purpose of or oftetw oni pt i-being able 10 maire lte lan lunlte pracedlng tes before tbis propo sition was minro- paragrapit harein referred b 10o borrow lire Oum lucei wisen isis reoignation vas aceepî- of Ots,ooo 00 anC agrea lu psy intareat lteieon i. le wa majr o!1h.town test aI lite rate of four par ceuunip3r annuni anC 10 '(I.liewasMayo oftheissue lwenty deteulures oif the aIC Corpoyatioti ioar wisen tise DurismeRu b ber Comn- for $1,103.78 esci thire rt payable on htiretrs day ýany asketi counecil lu releese the comn- of Sepleniber A D 1906 whIrch sald Cebantures !rom ise i'l bligtion will represert lthe amount of Sard borrowing any frmtefnancial blg tistat withitlterasl adCed as sbown i l,,tIre Scireue10 ýnuw asiet 10be dune by law ant iIbis by-law. risen councîl passeti a resolttion aubis. 8. TiresaiCCeirenînres shall ha payable ai )rizing tise mavor and clork lu grant ltheofficeof lthe Treasurer of tire saldtd lauoo te request. Ho decetielu ocumply Bowmanviile in Bowrnanville. witis tiai resolùtion befOre eonsultation 4. Itî t hail anCdniay ire Iawfnl for lte Mayor ftésaid Corporaion anCdhaissirereity autiror- with Mr D B Simîpson, K C. He ized anC instrucled 10 aigu snd issue said Caban- ras twice asked bv tise company tu do tures taraity aulhorized to ha issued anC 10 s bie was instrîleteti by tisat reouution cause thre sanielo ba sigLd bie Tekre of si lte said Corporation sud ti re('rkcliead i respecbfull-y anti finIev decliziedti Corpý)rat!on isitereiry auiborized anC instracted In s0. He was in consultation et ver- 10 attqe thlie geai 0f lira said Corporation lthe, ous limes witis Mr. Simipson over tise asiC ehenlures. àusiness up bu lise elecliols o! another 5 Titere sraill b. ralaed anC ievied inu aci year by spettial rate on ail tlr rateable property îayor andi sbould tbereforo know more ofthie said Corporation a sum o! $1,103.73 lu be boul tise malter tisan env ooemeiu- nsad inii Ctai aKlug lthe several dehenînres ac- or o! iLouncil Ho ws.s also, as s'teted, eruing due on said deblc,'sated uuder tis by hsw couci. ws rnm-a" the sain e coine respeclivaiy payable ac- member o! 1905 f ler Wsamm co' ding 10 lite Sciteduie ta ltis by-law. oer of tise Finance Committes o1 tisa 6. Titis by-law saat take effeet lin tl irert counctiltishat ahIal to do with negotia- day of Septenibar A D 19(15. ans since tise now councit assumeti 7. Iltchrebvdeelared anC enacledtiraIttis )ffiee, andi yet (wouiti yuu believe ilý by-lais lapsasd aubjeet 10 lite folhowtng stipul- Îtizng ) le W& ilverconslte orallons and conditions sudon1lthe performance ilizns ) le wa noer onsubet orand fulilureulttareo I the referred to lban is lu ;ok.in lu about tise agreemnent 511100 be grsrrted 10 The Durhtami Ririter Comnpany se election <Jeu, 2) In anYway Or by Ltmited, sud îlot olhrerwise, iny couneillor. Tise councillor8 acting (~a) Tittiresai The Derham i»tbber Coni- i titis matier were lu ail prebabiiity Mnimrhith af-ter eflr aledofthbeonaw îeë mayor andtihie cliairman .-ofbis-3 purcirase trot legs titan tbrea acres a part o! loI Finante Commtniîee, but îhey for some 12 in tiretiret concession of thete ownship o! ,aso bet ~own 0 tsemelve igor-Darlinîgton lunlte Counuy of Durrham (îuow a Jamon es lisr ouhoul, ltsisogipart of liowmsrvilie) lving immediatoly sonlth W Coun.Jme houhut lho f lte eastcrly portion of land8 owned and ceeu- 14 had-as toucisrigisl 10 be COUSUlted triad by Tirs Bowmnauville Higi Setool &ad ex. ai as inucis aahority mn act 48 eiîlier wtesaine aomuiey toIts6 rsek iidtu rigt o d tben. ladoot,b.o ba< Mo eprolimi- . uetritsaid t îwn. vd u(ne Year 1906 s 19)7 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1928 1924 1925 SCHEDULE REFEii!) DTO IN FOltREGOING BY.LAW PrincIpal Iuteregt T eple mber t $5W- 73 $900.00 $1 1 523i88 579.85 r. 1 544.83 558.90 1 1 i 566M62 537.11 1 1 589.29 514 44 1 1 61Ï.86 490 87 1 1 631.37 466.86 1 " 1 662.87 490,86 1 1 689.38 414.85 1r " 1 71-r 96 386.77 r, 1 145.61 85809q 1 1 775M46 328.27 1 1 806. 18 297.25 i 1 888,74 261,99 1 " 1 872.29 231.44 1 1 907,18 196.55 1 ' 1 4.47 16026 1 1 981.21 122.52 1 i 1,020 6W 8,27 r 1- 1,061.28 4.45 1, $15,000,00 Total 1,103.78 1.10373 1,103.73 1,103,78 1,103.73 11,103 73 1,103.73, 1,103.73 1,103.73 1,108.73 1,103.73 1,103,73 i,163.73 1,103.73 1,103.73- 1,103.73 1.103,73 1.103,73 1,103 73 1,103.73 NOTICE rUAK NOTICE ithalise above is a JLtrua copy o! a roposed by.law wbicitwiii ha taken luto consldaration by tie Municipal Courîcil o!flte Corporation of ltae town o! Bow- mauville and wiih will hacîîially passeti iy tae Couneil [inuthe evcnt of te conent o!flte eleelors-being obtained ltereto] after aore moult fronithelir Ct1publication lu Trie CANÂDIÂN STATmN anemrspaper tire data ut the liraI pub- lication ireing Weduesday tire fifleenti Ca y of Fahruary, 1905, and the voles ofthflie qiraliftad ciaclors wial taken tirereon as follows.- For tire West Ward at tire CouncliCirambier in te' Municipal Buildings. For 1he Northr Wqrd aI litaDrill Shied, Foi- lteSoutht Wsrd aI lthe Fira Hall, snd eommencing ai lite hour of nine o'elock lu lira foranoon aud continuing unthi lite hour of five o'clock h inte efternooan of Fridsy lte tenir day of Marcit. 1905. Dazted at Bownîsnvfilt ebtmnîary 101h, 1905. JOHN LYLE, Trownu OLrrk aid noldg 0 b) 'That lb. 4î4 iciCompany wili !orthwi Slary nandtiaiLfls afe bpaFsing O! tbls 'bY4aw auzid Ille cotifirin. thse buýîlless anti mnore e pniiiyaLioï of smeb),iy he Legiiture ofthe Pro)%ineF for ;ilintroductiou tO pub1ic notice thaM o! OJniarlo if itaWi bit decemed neesýa1y by lt bithr eftliëii, Lil t 11 wfi tcý Coun !(>et forUe sJACorporatimýo sonsrIet oi citer tiemn an ~e li wa5 ttal~eald tiremiÀses 5go atcquired brick bilings ilI ig nored eý 1, 1 ~~abe for bh e . Oi rposesioïf th e G ompan y îanýd ki % i~nred *ing a ground (1floor aaeof not less Ihan 16.O(K square teet iaud a br iol'e elmnev for tt Tjriqi is not the first time the Wresent boliers; thai ihe ii Company will Instal iu said buîldings ahl the plaixt and macbirery now ma-,or liaBS imilar1y igisored eX-ooüUnoW in the buiins,,itgwnd afd'oeccpi d by il oi lor James in bis rofficiai capaCiti'. King street ia Hê,wmaille;ltat lite Coiany Last vear wheîî te latter was masoi will show te Ille satisfaction of lte (orporatios chairman that the present plant aui machiney5 and the present maý or was harm f staled ;y itli, good, usefui, Lnd r k ein thse Fire and Water Committee of whîch Macblnery and w4orthbat iuvoice prices insiaied the tbeu mav or was a membir, appoint- net legs thau $60j")U00t; that the said Company ed aful memer it hsý wii equbtwîlI instal new machinery at a (so0f nt ot Ic cd afuitmembr £1his wn rquerth ian 140,o00.00; Ihat the'said Company wiii makt the chaiirman of that committee liever, Snell arrangements in connectit n wiîh ils nen but once.near tse end of the3~ear, con- buildings tilat if wili procure for Itself ail water sultd wth o noifie. MyOr ame terequired for its Purpio8es and wlll flot look bt h suhe wih o noifie Maor ame toCorporation for sanne. meet with tisat commnitte. What 18 (e)TiraIthe sait)Comanytshallimmediately worse be was kept in ianorance o! the aftertheerectionofsaid buîdings andinstallitin ver'v large and posiitively 1uneossarý of said ilanl and machiner y enter hntloactivk operations te prosecute !le businaesin ils neu expenditure o1 that cotMi'ttee tillt ie premi8es empioying neot legs than 60 mechanît end O!fLthe Vear wben accounts for over or workmen of whom flot legs than 50 sabal i 1100 ncurrd b y tise committee tie, and such mechanica or workme,î shall lb UOO neured b Ydistingi.ished front officers of thc Company, were presented to council. A.nd 'worse managers or overseeri! thereof.- and saiil pay te btill, at thse Isat regular meeting of said mecbaulcs or workmri t legs than l'2, couucil (Fei 6) accouints incurred b lot) OOlneehtmout or atutal0f flot iessltan $25,200.0in ayeerd<uring lte terni of I .enly that conmittee in 1904 to amount o! $96 years mý re were presanted and passed and (d) The said premises snail be acquired, the still anti<tier bill for $50.60 additionalin- plant and machintry iaRtaUled, and the active eurre whie th preent ayorwas peî allons enteredt 0pofl ithIe firsl day o 1905be if, but lte sald Municipal Counnu chairman of the Fire cOmlitet9 was may ityity law frotta lime te time extcnd t struck ouIto enable tire present Pire limie for so doing. Oomxittee toinvGstlgate thse account (e) Thte sala Corporation on bcbng salisfied or for some otiter reason uuknown telitaI the sald Comipany bas hona àde perforied lte obligutions aud agreements mentioned in US' How manÇ More accountS COn- sections [a] aid [b]hereof, and bas as directed tracted by thte 1904 Fire Committte are lit section [c]litereofcommnencad operations. and Set ta corne in itlai impossible 1 te tl.. s enipoyiug the îumiter of mechanios or worl, Ihere may be severai more surprises. aid ehnisrwrke agst heaon spccifîed. shall ban te the said Company the 8asainof t145,0000M, irstltakiug adsecurity for Thse estimates for Pire and Water te repa et thec'eofthlie mortzg e and otite amoanted 10 8$1.550 and the expendi- securires.refeèrred te ln section [fih lereof. tures up to Dec. 15. 1904, was $1852.95 [f] Thte salid Company shahl give te the Cor. poralion a mortgage te secure t he repaymnlof Since tisez One 1901 accouint for $96 bas thre said su&m!a 4,0.0of n te premises 10 bi been paid and anotiser for $50 60 hias acquired bv Il, and referred te in section [a] been presented. The query naturalliteeoanC open the plantlandmachiriery to te saed in the buildings on the p emises, as arises, Whv was it neCeSSary te S0 far indlcalcd in section [b] hereof, a il pant and exceed the estîmates-by about 3450- niacbinery whieih may hae aflera arCs aequired iafter August wisen tisey were passed ? ard piaeed onnlte ]reniîses duriug lte curreney T 0 ofthe mortgage, and ahl suchiplant and machin Toex-councitior James the question ery which uîay bie cin)îaiued oit aus premises of rnes,88 Why did the present miayor as te Comipany during the currency of lte mort. cisairman o! tisaI cornrnîîee over-run gage.and siali include te engiue, boiers, lli oriar ngs.sliafting.,machinery pallerns,lools o! ail des thse estirnates s0einucis and thse odn criplions, plant and machinery te arrive on tite expenditure of this department 80 mucis premises or rshich wiibDe placet« on te premises f-usually abouit 8100-UnknoWn tOothser durlag the cnrrency of the mtrtgati. and Chali b le conditionad for repayiuet iiilawenty equai members of thse corniînitîee ? Tisese are sucjessive annualillstalrnents of $790o.ou caci fair questions and ai a servant oetihe wiitout minecal, the firsi of sntýh pavmeuts 1< * own lie sli ould answer tisem, We caiIliha made lin lwelve moulus aflter the date of tite advance of said soin of $15 090 0l; and shah lsi]g attention to titis now in ordur that lise pive as furlter security for said repaynient an mayor of tast year shah fnot be field asiguient of insurauçe polîcies 1telite value of responsible for tise excessive expendi- atleast$15,Ofi00uponttire proparly plant and tures in tise department coutrolted their aiiir ftr oipu nsc uac Coinpanies as lte Corpoi tiont nay direct theî bttie present mayor. Itxrnayor James preminis in respect of wltîch shaHir e paid by is quite willing te take responsibllity for te Comprany; and shah aiso give lire covenait bis wn atios bu flo fo envchai- f the Company mnade on ieiaîf ut itself, lis his wn ctins bt nt fr an chir-successors and assigns, for tite repayrnent of mnan o! a conrmittee Xviso ignored him said loan inuthemanner indicated for repay ment tiroughout tise yeî.r and kept isim in of sanire; aud sala seeurity t s to be conditimne d Ihal if a any lime lte said Canipany hecoîaes ignorance of expenditures being Madler iankrupl, bisolvent, or niakes au assignmnenl except for tise new celing of tire hall, for lte ienelit of ils credilors, or an order is made ity arry Court of Justice lu Ontario for the winding lifthe Comipany. cr causes or suffers At tise last regular meeting of 1904 an>' axtecutlon creditor linder an extontitn te counil wsen ise ayorexprssedsur-seize the ïtroirecly of lte Comprany or sufersaa coueilwhe th maor xprsse su.-finral iudganientagainsî lite saîd Comnany t0 re- prise that sucis large expenditure had main unsalrsied for a period of 60 days, or if been made in tise Fire Department un- sald Conipny !S flot performing ils obligations know te im, itholie as harebr efil, aîtd continueF te ba In Cetault know 10 lm, ith liewas mober fl Dunetion titerewvitit for a perloa of 120' 0f tisat commîtee, and wisen thie chair- 1working days or if lte said Comnpany alînnipts min, tise present mayor, was asked to tb reniove ils itusiness fron lte town of Bow- mniville or from tlitepreinises 50ob te eacquired explétin wiy tise mavor was 11ot coUsuit- ity il aid i afarred tetin section [ai hereof, titan eti about tise business of tise Fire Corn-and it auy uf sncit cases lte nortf'age seeuriîy mittee, lie Itated tiret ho lied 1nover shial immiedlately itaconia due artà owing as 10 known fevpeiu ao nefr tite witoic 915 00000o, les any soiniswhicitmay ii o an prvios maor ntefèr bave been paid ou sainie bithe Comipanty, aud ing in the woi k of tise committee andtheit Corînratio)n may proeeC as ifl n ieh ad beld tisa lie ibai un rigist to do so. Ho vised 10 realiza lita amounl so due andi owing bailpreiou1y oast -s -i 'durîdar ftire î ,wer of sale wiich h to be containcd isadpreiousy bastd -oitw&R In, îd u-i nýr tg-a-gavor rsîy other mans-avattable- tise mayor, that ho purposelv îgnored trinCer said norîgage, or niay foreccea lte tise mna or as a momber of tise Pire equity of redemptin ioflte said Company it Coniitte. I wil be supris to ur aid proîîeýrly cox-erefi by aaid mortgaza; and Commtte. I wii b a ui-ris teOursaid mortgagesecnrrîy shall ite furtirer coîtdi readers tu be bold thatt [n thre face of lioned ltat lit said Corporation shall bave sc- titis declaretion and action towards tiseocasq lte b prmi'es, books and papars of lte rnayor o! 1904, tise present mayor ac- CrQn tallms1 etsainie and de. te when l iter ltaesaidConrpany ih perforai ceptediappointment outise ver', samin ieîrSlosipeduati n otm Committee for 1905 JWisere is tise cou- c na~ trlae and a rtfumsal lu permit sifsalît? sina î' ion shah caniselte îaid niolîgaga 10 fortwh itecoe due and owing and procaed- îngKs niay"habutkeu to realizeupon sainie in ltae nianne-remiudicated. 8. The sud Crporation shall exempt tire byLa (exeepîtaxation for scitool purposes) for aiConayn lsrpryfoitao 7 period tof tweîry yaars. 9. The volûes of lte quaiified electors of lte said Corproration shall De taken on Itis ity iaw - pursuanl 10 litaprovisions of lte Statules in BYL4W of the Corporation ofth thatbIehtaifon Fridav tit ento Oay of Mareit 1905 fioniiîe o'clcnk!in lte fcfnoon te five Toîv ofowmavile auhorzingtheo'chock in tlire afîeruoon aItfire following 11$places - Corporation to Loan The Durham For lte West Ward at ite Counicil iloo n ulte Rubbe ComMunicipal fBuildings ubeCmpany Limited $15,000 o For lte Nortit Ward a i tae Drill SShed and to raise the sam e for thiepurposes For bbe Southt Ward ai tta Fire Hall, The folhowing persous shallibe ttc Returuing of' the said 1oafl. Officers fojr taking lte voles ailtae said polling places- vtV HEREASli pursuance o! "1THE For lte West WaiC, John Lyle, XV CONS0LIDATED MUNICIPAL ACT For lte N\ort Ward, John S. Mooî craf t, 1901" ltae Corporationi of tae towu 0f Bownian. For tbe Soult Ward, John MeConnaehiie. viiie have anlerad imb an agreement wilt The iurhtami Iuiter Cotmpany Limiled (subjeci te 10 Thal Weduesday te first day of Marcit tItis by-law bwelg approved of ty lte eeclors 1905 aI twelve o'ciock noon sial b lite day and duhy qualified to vote Ihereon of lte said îown tour and the CounciliCitanberr lita Municipal iu nianor prascriiredbiy law aird te said ity-îaw Buildinigs lu Bowmnie th ie place wltare lte bstîng ratilled by an Ac tlte Legilaaureof Mayor sahai attend le appoint persons te attend te Province of Ontario if Counsel for lte Cor- aI bite varli o olhng places and at the final poration deenis said ratification uecessary) tu sumning up of lite votes ir lte Clerit on hehaif oer 1 tirah said Thea Durhtam Itubiter Company of lte persons interesbedlu and proniotlng or Linited, te suiniof 115,000.00 for lte purposes opposinirg It passtug of Ibis by-iaw. and ou tire ternis beramn sel ont. 11. TiraI Monday lte thirleentit day of March AND WHEREÂS il will bie requisita to ralse 1905 at tan o'ciock lunlte forcuooa shallb liete ha savera sisn u aci year respectiveîy as day andliteur and tite Counicil Chamitarlunlte et forth lu thia schadule 1t tis by-law, Municipal Buildings in thete own of Bownian- AND WHIEREAS te whuîe rateabla property ville ltae place witere lte Clark shahl suni np of ltae Muulipaliîy o!flte own of Bowmanvialiethe nuniuar o! voles given for and againal ibis accordnuî, luthe tout ,..vised iAf,.n-,,..e I by-law. Al accounts duo Mrs. Dingrnan, Mutliner, are roquestedti lu hopeiti e once as lise business is going tu change bends anti everytising tue lise firm must ho setiti dbeforo Mardi lI. MRs DINOMAX. Bowmanville, Jan. 30, 19t>5. 5-3w. Rom% cm ebe r Tbv Ew nd Hardware Store -Carrnes A fuil ne o! Cross Cul Saws, Buck Saws, Saw Handles, Saw Blades, Saw Files, Axes, Axe Haudles, Axe Wetges and Spliîling Wetiges. Cal And See our Six-isoled Canada 'tSrEEL RANGE" and our Four- holed îCWELOOME RANGE" before you Sold only by NATIONAL buy a Range. Phone 26, Bowmanville. WooI Wanted Ion. D. TAÂYL8ORm 5--4m. Proprieltor. Valentines Valentines Special Bargains offered in al lunes o! Fancy Gootis. For satisfactory currespontience you want lou se tise proper thingj in note papor and envelopes. My varlety o! everytiîg in Ibis line Thse îew books obtained as P'. H. FROST, A. E MOLÂUU*LiN, thoy are puiblisised. A special Uinoe XXJIIT, W. J. M. BIUKÂRI,. et lOc. Elgistis onsecutiv., sea son 1904--5, Se yLeader Fa-ad Ol Engagements for CoueýsýCuc See m ame T as, Afnîversar!iosandti ner s, iur Chromo at $1.00. taifiments Wilt rl d ieelr prcgrom if desireti. ensoert p. Tr b oc . Adres ail oime, i. A.,j . L ROSete i. MISS' MABEL A. TAIT, BOWMANVILLE. -o- ACCOMPANisI' AND PIANO SOLOIST Concert Eng'agements Accepteti. BU WMN VILE, . ONT. (IOLD MEDAI2IST xfý Trtnity Un- ivtsiy Toronto; pour y eare Atlendlng physi clansud Surgeon ai i.carmaIi plîal, PifLbnrg, ICa. Offie sud Rasîdene mmxl Door la isX.Mayor M.iitcll'$. Elgin St. Tehephone Ne. 1118 %.C. J. HUGH8ON,"" Orono,,Auctioneeir, 4 For the Connty of Durham. Sales prornptly atended to and upon reesonable ternis. Direct leleplione communication on Dr. Tucker's Lino andti hro' lise Dr. witis Bell lUno. 87-6m., WANI JT EDrm# Aisike, Red Cloyer anti Timolisy Seeca I will pey lise higiseslimarket price for any quantity o! tise abuve , J. B. MATkf ýTEHARMONY M West End House. West End House, lyMANY e rDARAN ve 0eSik 40e. 3e Rks24e ý l dollars worth ofeleadiono.ghle 20 per cent Discount of aSl sod ntainray S~pie) oull sae20nents on every dolarinvef sed $100 Sikius 0.0e 75z.ks .50kid4e. 3eids2. y- 20 per cent Disco if llt of ailFllrns icegh t- ~ Eer Puirts ilarme nt in storIee arst mo e s out Markerightat irst ý Robsith a taindsceretf 2 e n.1 t iaseountoff20re tsonlar d ollar outthe entire stockh d oo 20ar ernceBarisontnbrfuilderBans, LinnSae BN e ht peSalees oosyo Whit po exctnraem. nai leMya rce)yurwl ae2 etr neeydla netd Iligheet peiceDpaidotor Produce. BO Notices 1 i

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