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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1905, p. 6

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-- - - - - - - - - - -- - 44E;4E4EE4Eém ej Aw Ab out the ...Iiouse ~ SE1"LECTE D TECIPES. sours. Tt v illbe understood that the 'liondation of each of these seup rc- pe),s is a quart can of the best .oup of which you have any knexv- Iedge. These vary ia excellence. Chlicken Soup-This maltes a deli- cieus bisque, when a cupfui of colri Venl or a can of chickeu, chopped, is stirreri in, with a hall cupful of dry, seesoned crumbs. A liner soup cen be baseri upon chickeu broth by mak- ring egg halls, such as are describeri in the next recipe, andri putting thema ïnto the beiling broth. Have ready a cupful of2 scaliîg milk, stir in a tiblespoonful of butter rolleri in one 14 fleur, cook one minute, andi pour, a littie et a time, upen two beaten cggs. Turn into the tureen and adri the soup andi belîs. Mock Turtle Soup.-Add four bard- boiled eggs eut into eighths, a glass Af cleret, the juice of hall a lemon, 1)r a lemon peeleti, then slceri thiný 'this lest to be laid on the surface alter the soup is dishevi), a teecup- uiof beiling water anad such addn- ienal sait and pepper as your teste -djudges to bc needful. If yeu care~ oe take the trouble,- omit the whites ni t1ho eggs, peunti the yolks loto a atw oct, in meit er butter, a piiach of mustard, peppor and sait, anti bind i wtb tho yolk of a raw egg. Filour your hends, malte the peste luto small balîs ari drop intothe boiling soup. Sinsmer three minu- tes- alter tbey go iu. Piquanîte Toinate So6p.-The base ,if this is mulligetewny soup. Drain iý c,,pfu1 of jhlce froma a cen 0f te- pitestrain thre-ugh cheesecloth, putovr the fire andi bail lest ten miue.Slim, adri a tablespoonlul Df butter reller inl browue-d fleur, and when the soup bas boileri stir ïhis fate it. After this drop in a harri-boileri egg or egg bells anri blicecrileitien. Consomme lisque.-Heat the con- Fotmme te boiling, mince a cen of bouri chiclten very fine, adri a smeall ruplul of breaclrmbs, seasea îith F aprita andi saît, a littl e nion uice anri finely mninceri persley. Stirý Le a bell before ariig hall a cup- lui o)f creami heeteti (witb a pinch of eoda) anri a big spoonful of butter rîllri in fleur. Bll eue minute anri - torve-. An egg weil benten, stirreriin iit ite lest, is an improvement. For Useful co) somrme.-C onromme, Linie.ss unusually streng anri severy, Is a poor thing wben servori cloue. It biey bc marie tbe base of several ilicfrent seups, such as tomate. jul- benae, rice brotb, tapioca, sage, ýerle-y, peteto, turalp, etc., eech of ic>h wlll repay y.ýeu for the adni !louai trouble lb ces-ts you. Pea Putree,.-Canm ( pees sheuiri ai- wvs ibe ,drained ari !left te lie in very coîri water, siightly sait, for n hil a our belore they are cooteri. Tis , takes away the smelty flavor w'ihpeople are apt- te consider lu- ,eprabe fomAmeý(rican peas. These, by hexvY, are ats geeri for seup us the Froii, wich are double the prce ut' the draineri pees tbrough oui egetblepress, týhon proceeti as with the ceýrn puree. Cenneri Cern lruree-Chýop the cern1 Very fine,. add a scant quart nI hou- lng xater ari a teaspo enfui of minceri oulen. Stew steediy for tbrcee-quarters of an heur alter it reaches the beill Rub through a tcel- auder luto a seucepani, adri sait, pepper, three teblospoonfuls of buitter roiler inl as much-fleur anri a table- s poonfui of chopperi parsley. fient in enother vessel a plut er mik, anri wheu the cern mixture bas simmereri five minutes longer, turu first one, thon the other, into the buroon; stir well anri serve. This soup is espec- ially nice if veal or chieken stock be substý,ituteti fer boiliag wnter. Creeomeri Tomate Soup.-Put a cup- fui of (aireri) tomatoes into a sauce- pan wlth hall a smxii onlon chopped fine andi ceeo bal an heur cIter thc, hoil hegins. Strain anti rub bhrough a coiender andi return te the fire, Sason wlth pepper, sait anri a tee- spô('oitful of white sugar. Stir in by degrees two tablespouuls of but- te_ r, cut up anri rubbed jute two tabiespoonfuls of fleur. Frave readyl lu anether seucepan a pint of b)oiling millt, in whicb bas been dis- solveri a bit of soda net lergor than a pets. Let the eoup simmer for three minutes alter, bubtet ari fleur go in stîrring well andi olten; pour A -Black, Mixeti, anti Green (for mixori. Place bal of the meet 0f the jj Japn eausea) 2c. 30.,40., bobtorn of the dinh, thon aelayeror f D FsC Japn ta uers, 5c. 30., 0c. tlicet i yosaanti abeut oise pesîtîiof 5Oc., 60c. or 80c. per M. pebatoes, slceri anti parboiloti Fie- poat bbe lai ors, peur oe r hall n A gîcat hush fbib upou bbc court LyB inwithi groaseri papet-. Balte lu a slow lu bbc dock çih which ho 'bcd boots Iovon for tu-e heurs, thon romneve bbc ac-colshuîedeuodîat pic i i 71le butteîri papcî' seas te ebiew tefonce. çtop laver of potaboos te browav. Cclii H vsebh lttuawt eneat mey be usedtinhsteeti cf freshpifabchksadlees sn andrimalos a reebly ico rush - 'plfab -eksas iecs uo A henmîfim cf salitlu the lest rns- ken eycs. It lied coios- out i heb Is for-sale by ah Leading ig wtr gef ipiisteeviriuce that leho bstionce beiri hoby Goeshangiug eut of clotbcs lu freezlugoroslithib-etims- ,hs weafher. As sait preveuts watcr lvn wa esum lro ci froua fî'eeziîsg et tise usual tempera-'dal; anti certninly bis attitude dus- buire, clothes thtis trectet cen' notin flcxerug ta.prfctl -___________________________ouly bhu ng ou bbc, lino belore tlîey airedy tof0 Lve whle days, nfrir fre070, but if the Sun is shiaging ou ample evidence of bis high mîsotai bing the etiges wi th socp, Il the thora they wilil perfielly dry belere abiliby anti sndoiuteri eticafion. woet isl green wbeu bhey are miade, dolug se, e circunîstace îrbich pro- itti hic il iras a ttinftteo feie tbey may hiave te bc platuet down, veufs nsuch woar anti tear. Thse or dcmtb. and~, as. point uftcr pointt but ordioarily the fermer treatebmcub bumxteiro oughb to e int white wooi- of cvidcnm-e tolti beavily -xaiiist blîuu willi malt thern all right. bon gboves vbhetn baugiog eut clothes thore was net eue ini tbc cous-t ibo When peper canuet bc, robaineti on inl wiuter. ceulti net foi-soc bbtheIl-cati -rdict. a ivebi by roason of deuîpaessrmalte Websh ras oii is marie as foiiows Ho bc hd rofusoti legel uscistaiice, pet' e coatIng of tise foilowiug ingret Fi'r ilve persons one pounri of cheese fatring te fate is owni Case, x.hicb,' lents: A quarter of a geunti of shel- is geuerally allen er;i; lb oulti hoc ahaving regaird te ifs stter boe- lac, cuti e quart of napbtba. Brusix milti cheese, as the flavor seenis lessness, smade not the q 1, fes-tfi - the n'eu bborougbry awith the imix- strouger nbcu beatori. Grate anti fereisce lunftbe woî'lt ee way or the tut-,enti allow if to rty pes'fecf lx, plaeo if lu a porcelein saucopan; etiti îîbbcr. Jiudgc, jur'y, proecutingf anti you xiii finti this process will stîffloient beer te moiston if, anti coumsei, spectafors, officiais ef bbc I routier the wabl im-pervieus te mois-,i stir constaîsfly over a slow firet-of1 ort b or fwg isigds bure anti the peper lane danger of the cheese is nîcibti. Have ready passionuateîy te bbc tvidtenýce--by boiug looseneti, fivo slicen 0of toast, each ou a bot tbem nîl iwes le aircari' coodemîseti Bamboo fut-affure, as noit as xii- plate, anti ever eacb sitb cheese. te a painful anti igacssims5cuts deat b; low and ratten, sheulti ho cleaucti by This shoulti ho senît te table as soots enri netbiîg that ho c -ld urge iii scrubbhng xvth sait anti weter. Use as it is doue, bis ewn tiefetîce coulti new possibly c smali brush for bbc put-pose. hv n egt If the bauds ct-e ivelpowdercribav"My lode-ngenlmetf.h wifh htaicum before puftlng ou titi OURI FOREIGN FRUITS. jury-lr' atgnlee f b gioves is sutumer, there xxilholtf le tuy- danger of bbe gloves being ruineti by Diti you ovet- stop te thiuut bew The bush upon the court deeponcdti perspiratien. u'ch ie et-e lîxtebteti, turing the ns the fîrts notes of bis voice Choice flgs are solti in liff le roundi wiuter mossbhs parficularly, te irîat stt-uclt upea the listening camrs of the baltets of coibeti straîr, the ctten we may Oel "-foheiges fruits," silice spectators, anti every eye was witb coi or beiug stitchet ou.-The flgs suey do net groîv ni eut- neetheru eue accord dit-octeti uges the piti j are îvertiî beiing, anti the basket is c-lienate? jache figure lu bbc dock, xîhose everyf srorth saving. Lineti îith sillt cut There is the emotu, c bou.nehoIti et tiiie bespolto djection and de- with a loose silt, bag abtacheti, buey neccssiify. fiaiti cd impatient Yeung spair. mnaltenet-ltor ombroldery baskets iVeman, whe ivîtted i, a ionn whess espite bbc horriblIe ntture of the quite eut of the conion. there nuas noue, 'I'ti as soosibhoeut crime, anti the utfei' caliousncss hie CobIce extract, fer use in cake, job- cf soap as eut of eems!" As an' bat exhibiteri thî-ougb,-ouit bbc long lies, etc., isimarie as follexîs: IlCat article of lfood, as a doudcous bey- trial, c t bribi of synsgo Lptby permeatoui eue egg in onsc cup of colti iafer. orage, as a medicino anti for it the clcscly pocet trong cf buan Atitie uUp of groutsi coffee adîtillet possiblities bbe lomon bas bieitigq, anti there vras scat-cOî'oe mix iveil. Put jute fout- eups of uses recogni-reclby ail of us, If-s irbe iti no dreaf tise fcrthcoîîutog' bieling wabeî', bell flve minutes anti rinti givos us a favorite flnvering. ex- pî-eîuuîîceuîsent of sentence by bbe let drip through e joiiy bag. tract; lb ils the lisis of a boscoieusîs A puddinug, whether stenusetinl a pie: how coulti îie bave piis or It was noir11111f-pasqf fout- lu tbc nunît or bolcr inb a bag, inss net ciimoy a circus witbo2ut iî iacuado? The fenoa-o;il, 2uthdbe ceese hoiliug, nef evon for a mn- juice of c lemoîs, f aten ovory nio- ittnwî- rifitr o ntc, or Ifit iii certaituly ho sticky. iiug, is a geer spting Ionic; stirri . lnheni, witb c btvf nt ai lot Keep the wcter bofiiog anti if more tbick îrith .sugar, tc 'isa cougîs; Thuniboonsne alerten 'cloclc, oo is needeti as ltbobehs cway, seo that. in bot waber, sootbes c sick stoîn- ande prisoer le hap seakecI Offl whct is usedti tere pieîîi sb it hs boil- ach, wiîile tbere's îîofbing letter te and coibocteti. fid ej bcdsatn off iug. -keep fiee bauds smooth andi ihite i e- uîesanitectfu ai A correspondent saiýs thet nwbite thesi bemon jul ari glycorine ort-wfh hear tbiowu welI back anti lig-i fut-senu ho beautifuliy clcaii&t by t-ose waf et-. -t-ret-oect, hoe rollet off the nîost ccrcfubly rubbine' dry plasfcr -*ef Thon couses tiseet-age, dlicicus bcauitilubly reunderd pet-lods, coe.aI-t paris inte the lut- with the bauds anti rcresising, saiisfyfng eut- ct-ai-fei'tbbc t ber, ilu enclioss succesionu, util overy part bas licou cioannot. iugs for f reslî fruit acOue. ad tioing scarcoîy tating finie, te bretbc. Sqhako bbc but- uîîtilail the pleste- yeoman service in the cpllnaty fildt At ct-st tbe Ccittt listoneri in pity-c wbich is greunti flue lite fleur-fs us bbc basis of tilicto puddings anti ing astoîtishuceat. Mèlre was anitaisï shaken eut. Wipeoveer fbe lut- ltb mest appeti7ing bortcakcs. If yen tof educafien, inter, throxxix v ar ac dean white dryclebh ant i itill jnover trie-CI au or-ange shertcalte, if e cf sbacîoeloss crime itbo tbe iow- look ite noir.Cet-n nîcal beatet inIsutic't liVe anY longer nfthout expor- est vertex of huniarity, eut ncw-1 the oven i5sefaisfectorily useti for lOflctOg ifs perfectfins. -Cnt your If was severx o'clocbc, andtihbb pris-1 tbe saine put-pose. lt-uit iste dico, rcmeving ail the osier wcs goluf rceuat-]ably sfrong,e If fa sali-a leaf o ef roihîg calte white, pitb-like substanîce, anti pro- witbeîît a sigu cf fatigue or inuai iras once kcpt six years iitheut aayceti as il yeu wore ocoecfing a ýexhaustiOsi. appreciebie diinîution of ff s fini or. stî'exî'erî-v shortealto. The et-auge is No, thoro hs no ehllp for it, gonfIe-F If n-aspectet inl a tfn bex with aunfthe groat breakfast fruit, anti is us- mncfofIsce ji'sý, tbbc islsncr bas iiich of granuicteti sugar ail arounti uslly set-ri cst acrc.s ifs peripbory mcny peints i-ct te nrge lin lus de-1 lb. The box was thon wrapped ifan cudte flic lp caten eut nitb a spoon.Ifoncoe,îai-ite lait cannof lisuit bis stroug pagier cuti lept lu tbc abblc. The baîîaeîc stands aethebbc bondelspeech so long as be confines ihi-1 A use for bbe tops; of od golf ail fruits su fat- as foodi value is self to eevant issue. sfoclings is toeuct thcm over fate cencerîsec. bts vol-y bertiîsess 15 AtiJeuructi until ciee'n, o'cloclt onî roenîy mitteus, whfch ct-c vory con- agcinst if, for f0oct oee t break- bbe moî'row. The jury, ia chou-geocf j veulent te slip ou wheu mnakiug fites, fast is te ote awcy fisce ppotif eacopefofciIrclgossl cleaning ivaîts, etc. for ethet- foid. If is se licnrty asý anti discenteuteti, witb snacbaie-1 fo tiîstî'ess many debcate stomechs. lfii glamuco e t bbe prisener, te their1 A benaîîn shoulti neyer bcecafea but-- botel; wbilsf tbe prhsener, just bbec IIIINTS FOR HOME LIFE. iedlyIf "slips doivu easy," but goto rieipnbsfab To Cure a Wart--Screpe a cet-t-t tialess non inasîlcaîcr is cgt te t-e- fac. cf sile inpohebirectioy flueby, anti apply a poubffce Of Itfofr suituti uea. loess; moreoves' irenlcewisbtsk ubbdicio sCvou or ight uights. basbily swallcuxîetionîe misses tbe Of the coIls. Ffrepî'oof pager nîay ho marie by flavet-, Dou'b bool wfth an unterripe * * 5 * 5 saturatiuig pager iu a stromsg solu- banane- if null gef bbc botter ofl bu. Melreiîîig breaks, Chili, gloouîy, tien of aîum. Iîeng up tuilrit-y. Wbeîs buyiog, leok for fise plump ovcrcast, anti oppressivec, athebb A pleasant bousebebi tctot-oize is fruit; sievex' tiieth b e sgtb. A long' court bas bbe bemperature of an made by pouriag spirfits of lai entier f bfn banareix bas beca pictei e o1.0 e lonsg before bbe cnfry of bbe oi'er lumips of bi-cariionaf e of soda. greenu, andt no îuatcr bos' If bas Iud.-e. A few drt-ps of aicebol rubiset on ycellOu'ot as fo skies nuvil ho "guCet- * Th,* grisoner 15 led inu. île boîrs the inside of lamp chimucys-wiii ro- et-y'- a-,-te faste. Imi grenat-inn ac curt-eously toe be hncb andti bbc meve cli trace of gt-esy sîssete whea baîsana f0 oct ravi, pull off -ail bbc ýjury-box, c'asfs a distiainfuiloboI te water aloîîe is of ne aveul. 11strings et- fibers, ati cnt ouf ail bt- ow cl wigs, sîsîies> pibyisigby ou Whcen shoos et-e wëlt rienet put discoloroti glaces. Vecty bon' peopletebro is'pcatran ae thons tee ucar the heet t- theyýilfh1ever ooot bananes, but thcy com j bbctheatbicss sioctates, cat-igat stfie lInanti crack. Turnt-ahomarather iblineveil nibh tapioca anti nibh n bc. r'de isoc-i oui oe esid ina arty but net warnî custards. anti are goori baltetif Aspeehafpson hr asot place. 1 i c-i scoîti. A alps u hr sa'lc- For Wheoiiig Cougb-Bet to-! adjossrcienobr luîîcheoou. ci -n g 1 ____________________wbicls ho tctcs igbf rcbresiîscît ho- gether oeu nceo0f houoy, etie ounce' "'m 1w, te fut-n up quite brislt anti1 of casbcr-oil. andthbbcjufceOf a loin- mln wh tecutr-pi -on. The dose es a tenspeesîful exet-y T H E I LL S 0 F mTH F AGED. sTnheiury oliafhe cort ceogomstýI four heuîrs. v umcey ait aumiens glcnc e tthbbcldout Whou cootiag c bat-c fitst baste l rs. Stacy, of 1-lanmilton, tolls hoivi bbtbcjuglxc-gat lc tbereughby n ibh sait heancic loeiatanoblak j prciisg th huds cict a ati I They Mu!ay ho Lessenei. lt-owns bis tiisaîsgrcx'elt-roui thel legs,îîith a lot-k te remeve bthe s lmact 1ay,0f12 u - becb hiori; pour cway the li-la aisi tir Street West, lîcenibtonsy: lbi fuepcotacbcjig bast whh digpngn, says: wtiîriscs steenbyflt -i bis seat. basteevr ta rpin m-Iay ho t-cînevcrile "ith Silence," fre articesinssia bfn'ii olu- H1ec tiche, 1 izzimîesniiCoîîstipa- 'Tbe îrisoner coases sgeking. thon e of oir quarts of coîri naber at lo ad!nyogbylm-fy 'r I have,,no e isire te prejudice yeue' coeteblespoenfml of chiot-ile î aunedcut1Igrew wirn aiwsee i tbih l caetshsebcjeirge, in soemu Wcsb n cil in ecear n ctc aticuatris wcs s eaeeand itiInit that I coubti touies, "but bbheblase of bbe Count ant Aýi b n iific. suc ite dry,,hartily tccp flt-usalling. must net ho brifleti with." I lover Canada there are people who have solveti the question cf what tea t0 use in their homes. E<yBlo Ceylon tea lias thousands of frients-the frientis of years. It neyer varies i quIiaty. Ja f ew minutes, te strain and L. When tes, has büeen put into the'yu rirs. teapot it shouiri at once be filled upyoc.iîae with boiling water. I sa grea teOpaîyt, ,u imristake to put only a littie dr2p of water on the leaves flrst, fillingý the 1 pot up afterviards. People are more likcly to catch cold in the bndk, than they are gen- erally aware of, andi if neglocted it -h inir fe 9yaa mey prove a serious matter. 1The ts.'byawy rdc back, especially betxxeen the shouiri- It5lrueCdcr ors, should alway s be kept well,î~.OrtC covered, ari nover lean with your back agaiust enything that is coiri. Neyer sit 'with the back in a direct ê. . rEs, Fiv E&o0, draught, aud when werming it by the tire do not continue te kçeep the '- _ --~- -- back exposed te the lient alter I has become comnfortnbly warmn. Toj do se is debilitetino-. Lancashire Hlot rPot shouiri bec of beef anr imutton juto ucat niee, Anether n-oct passeti, anti stll the prisoeît-sgoec. "So 1cr, nsy lordc," ho seul, lusre- Pli; te c respebful interrupîtion flio bbe judge, "se lei I bave counfinier ni, self te bbc evideaco I1 propose te bcing conccriiing the tniî. lousîti y-ý ing hsosiide bbebody. I bave yct te say a feu' ivortis" (thore iras an audible shucicer fbroeglsut bbc court) "nguî lthe.bbody itsoîl. Anti thon there art-ceb brotoîs glass, the wirbte poxdcc, the sovoateon enalysis lîy as îsauey cbcmists, bise rime of bbc comssion ofca clhbbccrime, bbc pertcula' phaseo f bbe mdcii, bbe condition of the neaets h, serelia- bility cf bbc police ovidesîco antitho, Hloose Offsce experts, tise question cf suicideadmnay othor niett'rs, "Ilai<ng heen cf a semi-gulîlicr meetingt ons bhe tight of tise crime,, 1 bave obtausori a lisf of these pre- sent, anti I put-pose calling eighf buarrcî anuti ccvcix ituossos te proeoacixalibi. f'ach'of these wib- acssI1shahlusitrotin e ivits, a loir prcliiuinnt-y roîsuorta in,,nsy spe'ch. Andi tiscî-- Fisc jurice hcliri up a nerning hianît. "Prorcîl.i" ho, cied, bIs face whifte witb pitsalun 'rîocccd, fou'r n yen'ss-! jTîso prîsoner pro"ceteti. ceufmeitmgi She-"iiiglati ire n'eut. Iftiras r ani eýXtbco prfrmnance - cati for ssich a charitable purpose.' Fier Aa-istrate (toe iiioqiont chargoà IIiao-Y , iecr! iVe ail feoci x5fth begging)- "Three rieys' im- a ths'il cf satisfactioni Wbomi x-eOdo) prisonmcot oms brîatiandc water. Taltc sointhiiý, for cliaîity anidget tho hlm am," ].- 3eggr-' Malte thei xvorth of ouir îoney ut the samie l1h1' a' brO ifièber-, or xveshup, anti tie- FILA LE IIL A stops faIInl harMs. Ol oifyerst B-lood 0Po con Drings BOUiS, Sait Rheum, Eczema antiScrofu la, Cues them permanently. DaviB a Lawrenice C., Ltd., Mouts-efl. fu or he," men' -he wavp d bis hacri in th,-. direction of the jmry--aud il deopiy regret aiiy luconvonience 1 may cause-your Jerdship, but I have a diity to nîysclf, a fer higher duty, the preservation of my life, and that must stand before all thînos. With your lordship's permission I wifll now continiu----' The judge rose engi'ily from bis seat. j AdJourii the Court until to-mer- roW n t cleven o'cloclç," ho roareri ari bounced furiously froia the bench. With bthe ueruiug of the soveclnti day coame a petition frein the juiry te the judge. As mein Who bcd busi- ness te atitend te and ivvs andi chibrrcute supp ort, they huîîsibly prayeri for sorte relief fi'exn the stein anid \tmrry of a no-cdlessiy Protmrbtid ca se. - Hong the pi-isonier," ws tho gist of thoir icquest; aod, ioyiully as the jerige avouiri have ctcreri te it, ho feib compebleri te possess his seul yet longes' lu patience. Tie prisoon'r, fresher anti more alort -than ever, eteppeti int e tbe dock with ais air that was almost jauiuty; ari e bitter rau cî'eund the court as ho plungoci withouf pro- limincry labo bus tiofence. "Silence!" reereri the jurige, andi "Silnce' echerithe officiais. The spoctefors, with isot a few of the bai-risteis, hadcibogues te, see the huaier of the situîation. Lunch ivas os or. -I nmust î'ealby aslt vou te curtail your remai-ks," the jutive reuxnn strateci on takiug bis seat. "Yen have now bocîs spe-sking two wliole days, and-î subii t tbe point with bbe utiîuost regardtI le y Position- cxciv woî d you utter sertvos but te render the case more derming ageiusf yen.- The prismencr bowed. -31y lo'd" he replieI, .-I nmsst beg yeur patient hearing. As yot I bave ait tosîcher i spon my defence proper, liaving confine i mysoîf to a few prelirmincr ' vommit-ls. 1-" The Jurige fell act heîplessîy su bis chai'. "There imay bhonly oeereason," ceatinueti the prisouer, iwby I shouiri be henged; but, et the samne time, there are a thousanri antioe uvhy I shouill net, anti these I pro- Pose to ta'mo anti dccl with sercthm. I must tbrefore cslt yonr pardon foi' trespe siog upon your vuluable tiisu anti that of the gentlemen of bbe jury. 1 will now resume-"I "I cane et ailow this"- criedtihbb jurige, aecoii. "The bime of the Cous-tmust isot ho waster inluthis fîlvolous s iauer." -My lordi!" The i oice cf the prisener asssimed an itîjureti tone, anti ho sat riewn lu the dci. "Yentoust bang me thon," hoi saidi, celîoly- "but romember thet l -,ves mx or hoas'dlis my defeuce"- 1A deep silence fol! upon the court, brokon only by the rùstling of book sînd pagera as the jurige asnd basrisme-s comîsuitoti atthorities up- ou the poinit. At lest flhc jurige rose te bis foot. "The Court is adjourooi untilthe morninîg," ho thutîtereri, antI swepb eut iii as dîignifietia, manuer as ires possible unJor tbbcicrcumstenccs. Thcre îvos egain c gi-en frem the aug'oisbcd jury, anti et the sou.dthebb sanie inscrmbeble smilo pesseti crs the face of the prisener. -l have cc'usîmteri the Law Offi- cers of the Crown," seiti the jurige, as ho tocît bis seab ýon tbe eigbtb mornig of thse trial. "anti have ne alternative but te hear the prisoner. e must, Ixciver, as I have ivarneti hlm beoe, tecp te direct issues, ani ho must hoc mor~e guarieti and succincb ln bis delivery."' Tbus cdjuîa'd, the prisouer pîsungor straighbway ino bis iuberrupted1 spec'h; but oow hoebangeti bis bac- tics, anti bis dclivery was as slow, solemu, ari precîse ns it bcd before been flcî'y andrinitcisive. fIe vuchobeji very point cerefully anti poutirously, nt-Éd fremecnbiy begged bbe lensof some authority, rending lu au uncbueus voice long passages sinon cimiiuai precedure, the laws of cx idetîce, andtihbbcuncor- teaty of circuistantiai testiinony.ý Sevoral tJinies ho iras calledtu t order; but as fuis cnly mneant lin evcry case a prolotigoti etgamnent cuti tbe consultatioun cf more autheribios, tbc jurige soou ccaseti fs-cm treubling anti induîgcd ini short uaps through- out th&- slay's procedusgs. The jury, gînîn anti seur, set frowvieg aggressively et bthe stîieig prisouer, andi et lest bbe long, me- uctoseu-s dcawl gof upen the, nervos cf the spectators evon, anti bail the court was lu a conditien et lisfless cpcthy. Se the dayV passeti, until et soeo o'cioclt came the inevitable udjovirn- ment, THE MONTREAL WITNESS A. truiy Great Newspaper. Thes 'Wltuess' (Daiiy anmivaWeivry' give8 ail thenewî tiat ls w ortlsy the attentionofthtie average reader. fiý keeps ito readers w el] isiformed on aiu subjectas of inierest. Tise eshie, tihe teiegrapiSuasics telepisone, toeirw th an evrleireasing staff 0f cOapetet editors aud reporters ail unite te malce lis aews coiumns secon tFous. Tise Wiîssrss' editorial pages are achilovledged isy its readers on ail sidate 0ecOhls fair and forciSse. Reaia commiercial news anti quotisOons of tise motiey, stock antd ilceduot e aikeis are feutur.5 tisai malte a of great value iJe sawpruisî e commerce, fiancase anci agriculture. Tise iVitness' sp 'iti depaiisaents, sucis as 'Tise Houre,' 'Llterary tieview,1' *Letars frein tderb,,'t * Boys Page,"Ciidceu's Corner,' 'Qiseries,' 'Agrieutisi'mi.' 'roics eat,' ' Vetericiasy,' 'Pouliry,' 'Pets,' 'Madicat, ' 'iegal,' ' NomaIsmatie,' ' Chois,' etc.,etc., are aisly ceniducieti lie speciatists i a large tapanse, off ariag a most Taillabte pri-siiege f0 'Wltness' readers. In 1846 the 'Wiioess' ives srted by tise laie John nongati, and lits atm was te suppir tisenouinIosi ef Caneada it th ie besi possilile eews- pailsr. Ona eisis wuuld atwvays mrep lu asissd bisi Ideais andi ise'fer 0 odand anme andNRatilse Land. 'bise 'W, flless ¶i as grown inctent. Modern ilachinery cati %rasent p'l)siiies tiave made gros i inprove- monta InesItaisie. îlot h stlever outgrowu"i159 principles tisaiare, Seote Bay, Lngraved on lis corner stoîse. 5m'tivpape save Isat a continuons existence for sa long a perIoti. Feiver smlli have ald et te ssanie privicip lot cnd lisare benu coitro litti y tiseosais tamis' for anyisig fillte se tong a timie. 1,e resuit Is tisai tise %Wliness' eicy's a loyal eonstiiineney tisai cannot lie tesoiptedtiea cýva It la1 faveureofay uises-pubiîca tiens. Asscsipsper uisea on tise WItne"s' Unes needs vise support of ti 6Wo are ililîg te pay lis subscription prIee for tise tesson tisati veluitearily f iregoot tafis le inter est of lis suiscribers inuei revenue fromn parnlOUS adiverîisesncuîe, etc., tisat etier pubiications sceepi "egas'dlesS oft tieir cea-t ce. W" usîdersia md le t a caiy or tivo setore Christms tise 'Wltness' retnsed oies- iwo thousnssoifour isnsdrnd dollsrs for tiss, Insertion of an ad'.eciisemeat cai culsted te Injure lis subscîlisers. Tise 'Viti-'st' la ertailliy unique among tis e at metropeiltan flewsPaPert ef tise wecid. Taiis DALY WiTNSS IS l$3X ~anti TaE W5.IOtLTWITNESS is $1,00 ayear Publised by Joui Donnait. & SON, fiOisireal. WORLD WIDE ARTICLES A Wîtzkly Rprint of Articles frei Leading Jornals and Revkew8 Reilecting the Current Thought of Both Iellmspheres. tVou-id Wide 19 a mnars-el of interesi andi chissesa as a isishciasi eciertic- îh wiii compare favoraisy ith stis tttnk lit scierai vMes Itsa p rite. tor tise sasi ofnetnadollar ati s halfit h rings oves-y weelr for a year tise hast articles tisai appear durn tise week la tise teati- IlagBritiis, imei-cis, and Foreign publications. 0f ceacte t appeais te tisa tiilklngelieessvn esais coin îsniîy. those teiswaiit te kaow wata tise werlidtisiniters ara tllniiait;sbut tisese w'titfinitdIl astfulliof rare enter'- Mannsso f wisdoîî. Ixisla bsolutely w orli-avide IlaIls Interestl anti hat no axe te grino. Tise aniaai shcription àaaesiC CÂRICATOREo, a suesi entacttaiîîog revlew 0ftastiyesr. itvilli bcssit recofetcharge te ani, sddiesfoi, a short time. Tisé annai suscrtptien prias, la $i.50, anti tise pubiisi e Jolis IOuCÂLL& SON Oft Mentreai. "MESSENGER" STORIES' S-tosleS, Ililustrations anti anecdotes are perissps tise main ftatures at Ltti action tiiTisaNortiseru Siessanger. ]Bat tisestoriestare 90 c&refsstsY ,hsen tisai they exsrciis, a sweaet Influence in th~e lives eolI Ws usng. Vissa there are speciai departesents devotedta t Tetsperstuce, tise SundsY Selseol, tise LIttiý Peoe indtise Home. Tise paier iasos popular tisat a5 Vsii aser ef Snnday Scisools lai Canada ant Iltie tinited State.s are using hite o reai adi sciage, Insuring a more regalar atteedance, hes1det exieid Isg titeir influensce for geod lu tise homes of iheir schiolas. TiseNorthern Stassesugeri l proisaisy rami every week isy iveli on te a quarter of a million People, aut for tisai reason the price la extreniely low. Siamples fra on Tioese ienger is printeti on muaishaotes- psper tisa fermerly, antibs beau enlargeti and ti isrwise improveti. 12-i6 pagres weekly 40oe-s yesr. S. S. Clubs a speciliy. JOHN POUGILL ~SON, Pubishiers, Monireal. MODERN ENOCH ARDEN. Birmingham Story Hadl a Tragie- Ending. Witli tccgic risfercuces luntictail, the stot-y of Eaech At-don bas recurrot inl t-cal lufe et Birminfgham. Tue 5s- banris cbairmslg oee io, the n le isfra'îght, the cend poison-sncb ae bbe eutstautiug lectures of c peleuful drame, 1Mrs. Aumile Gucst, wiiloef a promn- lisent Birminîghsamu, .E ngiand, archl- tecf, diod ti f er resficunce its Haugh- ton t-oaci, Bsrcbflclds, recentby, frein the effecbs of au oe-tdose cf banda- num. She-mnat-ricd ovrs' weuety years Cge c mais nausidilsoni, with wiron sieresided inbu flriàcbbells. Af- fer a littievîhil Wilson leftbus irife anti danghber te tsi' bis fortune in Australie -Ilse commntcaf criregular- iy nith thons, anti nfter a fexv i-ars returnedti te Rigleur; but bbe Moth- et- couutry heri lest its chat-m for hM, andl ho retîruoti short ly te Australie, mre o li trace of bina vas Pt-eacutlb hîst, His n ife marie frulbless fuq'-iîrics,' eut flnaily gave hlm up as deati, She becane acquaintoti with Mc. Gucat aboutb feu ycars cge, anti a mbroferi riendsbip sgraag np botel' th ene. tAi-oct-s passei by, -Mc. Gucst toot legai adrice, ardiat or adlvcrfîsiug la Coisiianid foreigu papers foc. sonie flîne, be cudMrs. Wilsons iroe uuaer-ri. Thisvies tt-cc e ars cgeanti the steleton luflc fmiy cphat-i et beese alaîesb fergoitten mi thirhpp fauuily 111e, xvheu hto or fcun. menit bs cge r isnroepae te iuî'eixe thom uni,,utteh cnsera tion. S ITe diri notnar,tthbbc situtiioni,, anti iasaxios 1-te rclalmibis v lle. Mir. Gucs.t eppoScri this cýourse, amir isetwen eurbcc cSflictiug tics bbc mmdb cf peor -s. Gucst nas ' rosîgbt b entiIts stmength. She bcd t-e- course te dt-tgs tu enabîc ber teý sbcep. The theme el bher dilemmea e as usoanîrbile discussoti gcacrclly je bbc neigbbot-eoti. On Saturday ase orieri a cab fo risit semo shops, ari pî-rchasri a. qunîtity of ]nauuuin et a clîem- lsb's. At seve iniithbb evcîsing rhbn iras disco'eî'cinl beti, usceuscieus. She dioti on Sntay ,ýmcruslg. FORTUNE'S LATIBER. Wben si upFoi-fnc's i cddot-, Full of hIfe vîmu clinil, Sfcadiby ati sureiy, One ruog acf a timne, Moping titat yeu'bi soîno day Af bbc top appear. Lt-t meesofbly wibiper ,Jsst tbis in yonr car; Poe mut ivil'ily scraunble, Wilî expasîýCle lhIgs, O-n b cur friensd, anti faîcy They are iltdet- rungs. biniseif for tht' t-ct of tht- day te flue conclusioni ef litloiswrermcrts uponi the tuile. - TomsorroW, my lorti anti gonfle- inaf thfebjury," 'ho peoratOri, -I wliiconflue mysol tea ef0W ivortis upen bbc positieîî lu wbich bbc bo dy was aibegoti te have heem fous-I by bbc police. -There is muc- "lAtjoue'u bie Centt," t-oct-ri bis lordsbip. On bbe fitst day tuf the niath week, aIte bo h be prisoîxr bail speattbwo seit bout-s en iatîoducicg bbc evi- douce he proposedti t exte'ucf btosa bbe firtf cl is echt launid~rieand sevun alibfi wituesses, bbe jury, up- ou c hhn thtrown eut by ttc jutige, asteti foc beave te retire., If was, of cent-se, lmmcdiately gs'auteti, anud dus'ing their absence bbc jutige andxthIe coîusei for bbc Ct-own heita bt-icI consultation. "Anri thore is no other course, my lord?" askedthebbclatter. "Noue," sigbed bis ierdship. "Noue, uuiess yvt ct-e preperedti t lisfe ou t im fer ci'er." The jury fil 1ri sieivby in. -",Arc yosu agreoti upen your vrt-- tiict, gentlemen-?" r Ycs, eay lot-m," repliedtihbb fore- man, "cuti wc fiadthbcpt-isopet- Nid Gulby." A ct-y of amaenott-eu tiîougb the cu'cwdet ceutf. Not guiitym Wh-- "«A jury of your cenîstrymn rabe- îug feunti yeunone guilty of bbc btrible crime with n'hicb yen bave becu chargeti, John Joues, I bave ne alternative 1btte dlscbargo you. Yen have sbcîrcReisat-kabie talent" (bore the jud.g's inice brote) "in yeur debence, andi I ioulti eansstly est yen tos tut-sayeur undeuhtcti ebilifies f0 a botter put-pose than the pusib elofciue. John Joues, Yenuumay go. The grisoner stoil for oeemue- ment soleuîny regarriing tbc jurge. Thon be foot a stop lot-marri -I shoubt iket, my lord," lie saiti, 11temnalte a floirema'k-" There mes a gonoral exodes, anti !l bmo minutes bbe prisoîxer mas alouse iu bbc cosurt; bbc iiisce-steble sanieo bronticoctid ouf noir into a grin tf undisgniscti amusement. "Thou' bt nmy lt-w'reîsarta ircusit kuocct thonsi,hoiesittere,anti thon ho passet oeuft isothe, siusshine of bhb lîax'sbreft.-Londcuî TfBits. SUFFICIEN-\T. I pauscri. "'son loecnic, thon?" sairi she. -I lovc e usnowi I'seu I "Weil, if i-ou love eule nox'auîthtIon, Tîitof ugisb f0 setisfy." 1

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