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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1905, p. 7

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UST ~TU HCTI OLU ABig Battie is Expected Before Thaw Sets ln. IMPENDINO- BATTLE. cry to stop tic war nmccg thir- A despatch frein Tokie suys:-The foremeet demande, but educnted per- LVEDIIES. impression prevuils here tint tic im- socs ecywhecc arc discussing tic Mrs. Eila Whealer Wiicox says there pening battie betîveen the arînlrs of prospects foc pence, and ioping tiat cornes a time in the course of inarried love Fieldi Macshal Oyana and Gen. it wiii be nttnined. The gloemniest when "tie thrili goas out of the isud. Kouropatkin ciiloccur before tic view 15 taken of tic exîsting posi cla.sp sud lia kiss aI times, sud it is týsan muterini thaw takes place, which te i Mnhrasdtc t rse that iusband and wife mas' be susceptible woul cover th coutryilio ainarabl ruorsregadin it arete ether niaguetic persoualities" 1Tic rea- u'cud ciiiectticcouary nto n îarkbierumos rgardin it aresou for tils condition of affiaire is ctan the slusih, hog, and render theic me- eagerly repenteti. fault of lie iusband, but how oftcu is it ment of gens, ammiunition, aud liere is, hoecver, cet tic eimalleet net due to the wife's uarvousnesesud irri- stores impessible until tic ronde evidence that tie burenucracy is tability duc te somne troubla with tie or. barden. weakening in ite attitude that pence gan' pacaliarîs' faninine-tha wife under A report frea Manchurian icad- is net te bc thouglit cf until at suci circurnstances fae languid sud spir. .,illes-sia suffers periaps iromn headache quarter., say s tint ticeRssians have lenst one docided victory is gained and sleaplessuess. cent inued their bombardaient in tic iv thie Russian nrmy. Tic desire Backed up by over a tiird of a century d irection et tic Sia Riv er since tice ofeîi"r pou-crs te lise their gea e f ramarkable aud uniformi curas, a record nigit of Fets. 7. Ticy continue en- offices to bring tic wnr to an cend*iici as no allier ramedy for lie diseasas trcciuîg n fontet iuceepe nd j weî kona bu iîtcrosiijn and weaknesses peculiar te womau aver ltre i iifty cfiliouthjat. a s unelc komeabut iner oiionq -_'attained, tic proprielors of Dr. Pierce's in te vcinty f leikauti. s uwelomeasýeve. Tý,aqua- 1Favorite Prescription now feel fulîs' war- ters of boti armiies report more i-ated lu offering te psy $500 lu legal FOR DOMESTIC LOAN. -ups cinnli r paet mnyo the United States, fer any casa A desptch freai Tokile *ys-ice- uiotnaiofeucorrica, FarosaeWeakuess, Prolap- says.-Vîcc-aasi,1 vunînpraisus, or Falliug af Womnb, which liey eau- Freidnt aklioifitic l3nk of -i nt cure. Ail tiey ask le a fair sud ras- JnPan, u 111 leave ler Amnerica and EUSSIANS CONCENTRATING. I sonable trial ef tiair mnas of cure. England via Vancouver onx Fcb. 17, A great desi of sickness nay ha savad by te iîold preiinnr3 ceeferences uith A despatch freai Toile say s: In- keeping on iaud a copy ef Dr. Pierca's financiers cf tiese countries regard- formnation freai tic Sh River indi- thousand-pagc illustrated bock, l'Tic Cn- ing erm cf fortidorosti ba. daas iat ic ussans re enc n ton Sense Medical Advisar." Saut frac, ing erm ofa furt domsti lon. ate tht th Rusias ae cnce- papar-bouuld, for tiirty-o-ne oua-cent stampe, iinister of Finance Ycshico le ar- tratiag ut Ciitaîtse and Tselinsin, tc psy ceet cf customas and uîailing only; or raaging te meet Japanese bunkers' wet cf the flua River, apparently cloti -bound for fils' strnps. Addrass, and capitaliste on tie l3th et Feb- in anticipation of a iovement on, Worid'e Dispecsary Madîcal Association, ru.ý,,tyte discuss tic rate cf iinter- tie part ef tic Ja aeso tireaten- 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. est antd tirnefor 'alich tfils lu crTorlcs fspl Ohrie Constipation and abilious attack go band- ivil rui. lon in ther lies o suply. the ju-einad. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are wihiruatic situation is unciangeti. A gen- a sure sud specdy cure for both. Tins', erul buttie is net imminent. . sugar-coalad granules. One litîle "Pellet" A LAU FUL CAPTURE. Muiden is ccowded witi tic Rus- lsa gentle laxative and lwo a iid catiar- - sin wnadd, nti ic osptaiac-tic. Tics'neyer grîpa. Notiing es l A deptdi frein Nagasaki sna s:- scemîrodutio, n d hehopiala «just as good.11 Tic Britisht steaînsblp Wycflld,Tcre is daiis mui cfuindlqa tic which wus seîzed iy a Japanese- war- erisaomuhcnsonnte siî of tc ous o Hoiade a-Russian camp. iS.ýaturaliy, deserlions net yet begun te lay. ObvieusIy, shtienfffthe want eogs te sdi whe- lad, Jan. 30, uhile on lier way to are cin thc luccease. tei ewn gst elwe Viatilvosteci u ti n cargo cf Cardiff 3/ilitary critics in Tokie consider prices are high, we should haIn coul, was coctiemneti on Thursday by tint tic centre et oaci army is 50 cur chickens of tic Amùerican vaie- ,a prizecocurt ns a lawf ni tapturc. st rngiy foîtificd an te defy assanit. tics iii April or Muy and efthti -Tic nen-succese tof tic Russiaîîs in Mediterranean a vneties lu May; tien .IAPS IJESTIIOY LNE. mountain figiting renders it lmi- bcd tic puilets for growti se ticy probable tint tiey ilii attecipt te wil ho mature and The St. Peter-sburg corespondent -turn tise fiank 10f .tien. Kuroki, whe LYIGo NVME of tic London Express says tiat commande tic riglit wlng et, tie Ja- A NGB NO MER striiers and mutinous Folisi rcserv- penese arsuy. Accordiugly, deepite Tic samne thiag hoide geod with isîs have tori up n thousund yards the defeut cf tic Russians recentîy ciickes for market. Tire gîcateet ef thceSiberian Railway twenty miles sustained, it Is considered i iieiy tint profits are tnde by putting our est et Irkutsk. Tic strike husecx- tic ina Vlley u'il be the scene cf eggs, our broilers ulîi our fattcd tended te tie, rnilway guards, witi tic crtucial struggie. chilcies for tic homne or expert tic rceuilt tiat sixty aille< ttc _ trade upon tic uxarief wiea sup- track ayl~ ntun is wioiiy un- pretectoti. It is ceperte t tit there is littie doubt tint tic Jupanese have Iblcwn up tic uine betweca MNuk- den and Hain. Tic despalcios of LEnglisi cerîe- spondents inicreu.singly insist uîîcn tic gi-eti tireugieuf Russia et tiat recognition et tic neccssitv fer pec int xas remnried uipon by tih espîc. Net oniy tic strik- t ors -rid agitaters are putting the BUYING AN -INCUBATOR SOME H-INTS ON ITS US8E AND MANAGEMWENT. The lVanufacturer's Directions Should be Ciosely Fol- lowed. At this season of the year the in- cubator, question ie an important one to the poultryrnan, says Mr. P. IC. Elford, Acting Chief of the Foui- 'ee experienced farmer bas learned that some grains require far differ- ent soit than others; somne crops need differ- entýhandling than others, f e knows that a great deal depends upon right planting at the right time, and that the soit mnust be kept enriched. No use of complaîning in summer about a mis-. take made in the spring. D-cide before the seed isaýk - - V, ~best time to reme- dy wasting conditions in the, human body is be- fore the evil is too deep rooted. At the first evi- dence of loss of flesh Scott's Emulsion should be talen imme- diately. There is noth- ing that wiil repair wasted t i ss ue more quickly or replace lost flesh more abunda-ntly than Scott's Emulsion, It nourishes and builds up the body when ordi- nary f o o d s absolutely fait. We WUII send you s ssimple frac. Be sure that this picture in the form of a label je on the wrapper cf every bottiecof Erision, 0 TroT ,OT aIl d0 gNE FORT ARTHUR REFUGEES. A dspatci trom Shanghai Says: Thi~s cîty is crowdcd witi Fort Ar- thuir rcfug-ecs. Most of tim are erderiy, andi neariy nil have plenty of mencey, but muny are sleeping la tic streets. Every effort je now belng ronde te provide tic refugeecs with siciter pendiaig the readineset steuiiiers te taie them toteir vaîl- ous destinations. tîy Divisien, Ottawa. An inexperi- euced person or beginuer la tic povl- try business eliomlt exorcise tic sanie cure andi judgaient la buying anui 'a- cubator tint n fariner would use in seiccting an expenelve farni impie- nient, Ia otier words, lhc should taie care te iîiy tie best. It le simply wnsting rooney te buy n poor mac-hine, as it cari neyer Uc depenti- cd upon. Witi a flrst-ciase machine, ail tint tic beginner lias te do je te icara te suahils machine accordingl te tic manufacturcers directions. Five or tee minutes, imorulng and te tare for tic machnine, anti it dan be depcnded uîpon te muaintuin tic preper dcgrte of icat aed bring tic eggs te n sut cessful tiireinnf ion of the intci if tihe peru;tor slnrpiv foi- lows tise instr-uctitons andi dees net intericre uiti tic mnachine or ut- tempt experinents on uis ouza bc- hýlai. U e net liîcly te kîseuz more about fie imachinet tien tiecîariufuc- turer. To be ceneidereri irst-ducss anirl- cubator miett cet only h«tch a large perecentagu ofcf iicis, but tiese iutcied muet be large, strong and liveiy. Tic test et incubation ie net aionein latieitumnber hatcicd, but aise in tic iclti, vigor anad iaîdinces of tic chicis and ticir abilitv te LIVE AND TI-t>ÇVE. Faulty inccubators arc responsible for lie doti etfînany sinnil chicis. Be-. irg pooriJy intet, tiat is, hatchmud uiti tea or twenty or tiirty per cent. lese vltality than ticy siould hnve, they etrugglc agansnt heavy edds and tie off in large nuiniers ta. i e breoders. If, bv buying an 10w- priceti anti poeiiy-coýnstriictod iecu- butor, nma gels a tu'enty per cent. loerc hatch or gels twoîîty per cent. louzer vigor in tiechcicks tint do iatc, lic lias bougiýt ic proba- biity etfeilure lu buying thaI rm- chine. A large hatcli of streng chicis caîxiot Uc expecteti utlese rihe eggs are froixi n 90e et thi-ty, viger(ius fowlkq If tic brecding stock is lackir g in vitality tic chicies are sure tole"U ucai. Tirfrcsher flic eggs are, Ici-enter he tcvitalitv cf tU, godets aiii c wscoreciikshiey Nvlii etci. Il je lol tîvilt t Use fîtchtling eggs intar riec i han ton days obti, andti tose sxut beic tecd tMice dilng ýti-,iincubu- h ten ,,cîod. Tie use e'of'a simple cg (ect cide ileniae a seau te kuiow nia t peccentage efthti eggs are tertile. andti tis oreventit huru blaadog tle îeachiie c ion il îs net aI fatîit. Tic advantagcs et n rcalîr goti ;lcubater arc ilot ail siummeti up la telcrhatehes ý3andtihle grintr stonrs i d igor et the chidi>s. eutethi iugi-esetic bickd uOx ai. ' crot i> no tat ueh I fc.i eeli gan i phbtsbaed plies arc scarceet' anti prices ilgiet. If an incubutor le te be purchaseti, it slsould be orderoti early, us there are apt te Uc vexatieuis deinys la siipmcîit and delivecy aed t is ni- way s adisabie tint tic operator have an opportunity te rua the ma- chine for a fcw tindys before tic eggs arc pluced la it, or until tie regula- tiion ilemundecetýo 'orianti tichetempera- turcetflie- egg cambcî canuc mcmai- tained at 102'2 d-grees F. Tic in- cubutor sbeuld bc placet i ina well- ventilnled roo, preferahiy oee unheateti. Tiec cicks deveioping ta tic siclis require an abundance ot fresi air. A briglit aicy celar, or a -wei-ventîlated roin -iaving au even temiperature is tic beet place. Tic ventilationi shouiti licse ar- rnngcd tint thnre xiii ho outsitic air entrile' the rooia at ail tietes, but withoit a direct dînugi.t îlewing on tie machine. Fiuully, let nie r 'pont tic, atice te follow ireplicitly the directions tint uccoinpnny tiheniachine. Study curcfuliy the instrucîtionis îogurding tic cure cf tlic iaip andtiticcon- cooling'and testirig of the eggs, and al other details. Then, when hatch- ing commences leIt the machine alone. It is tee late te rectifY mils- take la ~ma.,nînt and interfer- ence can oniy injure, the hateli. The chieks should be leit in the te ichine until they are thoroughly driy and should not ho fed the first day. Whea feeding commences bc careful to feed spar!n rît. , More chjcks are kilied by ovc'r-feeicg than by 1coder- feeding. The Frssian CGoverumenit je con- sidering the feasib ility of takçiog over the ceai mines of the country The arbitrat or- have awarded the ijd (Company $1,561_244 coropen- sallon for the taking over of their teiegrnph lines by the Newfeundlacd Governient. An insurrection lias broken out in Argentinaod a state of- siege for thicty 'days lias been declared throughout the cntire republie. ARE VOUR KIDNEYS SIGK? L.et your imorning urinestand for 24 hours ini a glass or vessel, and then if it is iiiky or cioudy, or contains a red- dish biick-dust sediniîent, or if parti- cles or gernis float about in it, your kidneys are diseased. If the kidneys ara well they fil ter just so mucli blood. but if they are sick or weak froîo any cause, they leave the poison in the blood, and this poison affects Uiocuetire systern. It is natural te paeis urine, three timies a, dayut uîany who regard theinseivesi as iealthy are obiiged te pass water six to ten dînes daily and are obliged to 1get up frequenitly duriug the night. They-bave sidit kiducys and blacider and dont k-uow it, Smith's Buchu ILitbia Pills cure Rheumatisn and al Kidney and ladder diseases, and iuake new, ricli blood. We xiI sed you a generous sampie post paid Free, togetber withour large book on the above iiieutioued diseases. Address, W. F. Smith Co, 85 St James Street, MontreAl, Canad4a. AND AL0-L FOR17MS 0F KIDMEYAN niL'ADDER LLS. 'I under'tie ctdoet1903. Il mad net, beuzever, recoix cd a certificate, anti iras net deing businiess. WORN SILVER COINS. Mr. Fonler wns'informeti by Sic Wilfrid Laurier tint tic Goer-nnent iad untirco cesîderation la tic muar futur-e tiecacning la anti redeceing ut ticir face value cf wnslver ceins. HAY EXPORTED. Mr., Lefurgey c-as rfinemoti by Mr. Faterson tint tie aneeuat et iay cx- perteti frein Quebec Freovlace te tic 9Uniteti States during Octeber, No- *vosibî ,caîsd ecenîber lasI c-ne as foliows:-October, 3,975 tons; No- uciber, 2,580 tone, Deceniier 4,327 tons, RESIGNATION OF AIR BLAIR. Sic Wilfrid Luci i".r prescînt cd tq -tihelBeus e tie cerrespoadence re- Clating te Mi-, Blair' esignatien of his, position ns Cief JIaiiuývay Com~- îîssieucr. If viii bc rainebereti tiat Mr. Blair tendeceti hie resigîtu- tloîî direct te tichevenîGnc on tic 181h etoc (,tber lest. At thc saine titic ic t2'legrapied to Sir tWiifrld Laurier, whe cas speaking "I have deddt t retire frein tic- conmmission, antd ani soîîdieg ceigna- tien te île, Excclency titis aflor- ceea. An oppertminitv offere.t cf gieutîr tctteciag îiy position, wici hai te ce, accepteti or rcjedî'd at once, anti I titinetbepl rmy position luatibeca se nttractive that [ sieulti refuse tie epportiity. T1amy nîlti tint icyceti pessibly reafiirmiîig liy objecction tte cG-TFP. eceme'il les l'o 5tMy ro-seat pui-poséita ri--enîci- er ai part lu puiblic lite or SicrWlfLdaurir ckledgcdA ibs H- iiaciinlaitithefoiiewing Ier ms len a telegram freni xbcidge. "Yeur resigectix on'es te s.,ac s n sus-prise, but et course I canbot ut preseat cITer asîy observations on the came." Mn. Blalr's resigeatio n cas accept- ed by the Governor-ini-Couel on Oct. 31. SVEG ETABLES TMP ORI El>. A return hi ougiltiedwn at tic lu- etance etfMc 1-beishows that tise ofliee vceoiis imported aItich ports et Moatreai anti Toronto froro J ly le. 1903, te -lune 30, 1901. le as- oli ws-Mûtreulvalue, $117, 9 dîy colctd,58. o. e roeýn,>vaýlue. $3.15 tuty chc 1 AJL1 WA' ,S JIL A fout wbis, as foi'lce': Rscris i DOMINION 'PARLIAMENT NOTES 0FP PlOCEEDINGS IN THE IHO-US1ý 0F COlVHVONS. AUIDITOR-GHERAL'S CASE. Mn. Lcnaex uzus inforracti by Sic Wlltrld tint -ne steps had beau taies le retain tic services et Mr. MdDou- gali as Auditor-Genecal. The mat- 1cr uzas aow un the aume position ns il lad ainnys becuîsilice lie np- pointinent. TiecGovenimont tii net propose te latroduce legilatien uiIi n vieuz te sccurungag numre hnr- menieus anti efficient woriug of the Audit OffIce, andtihti Trcauey Board until tic Minister cf Finance huti retîrneti fronu Europe. LAKE ST. CLAIR. Mr. Cîcuacats cwas informcd by Mn. Emaneon t1mbt te sucveys foc tic River 'liames freon Lake St. Clair a 15-foot chunniel, Thc non lhad Ucen doue iîy lie regular stail of tic departirient andthetiGoverara-et a md tinder coneiulratien ftle comepletion cf flhc vorkinlauccerdance cithithe' lanes ubrailteti. WIFE BEATE -i. Mr. Auiesuvues iformiet by 1Mx-. Fitzpntrick that fie question et anaindiag ie Criainuai Code se tint 1lesistent nite ioulera ýmugit bc wiipped, andt constables mugit enter cithut waanat a busc uvhecc n woca ema us being assaulteti noulti bc consiteceti f letroduceti by acyouic c-ion tie ameudmnîs toe cCrilmusi- ni Code weuc under coasideration tuigtic prescrit session. IMM1IGIGRATION OFFICE. Mc. Monii vue liformetiiy Sir W'ilfrid Laurier tinat the ceet oiflice immigrationoefice l i snnal.unden ,M. i- estore, foi- 1901, anti 1902, urne $1 0,582; foir 1902-03, $31 ,688, and Ioi- 19013-01-, 31,02't1. ,Ticee wre f,îurtecn assistants la tlie office uadcc Itominion puy, anti Mr. Fres- toa's lest report nas mate -ut Junie ;:Oti, 1904. TA 1-, 1NG-THE1E C E -NSUJS. Mr. 'Taylor cas labormeti by Mr. Fisher It lic te on lat ceneection dlii .tang lie ceasue for 1901 hati Uten coiepleteti; tiat six mcn ccrc at prosenil cagagec iun tabulating statemen15, undîthtit tic total cx- peuîditireupon the non te ian. 1 1905, cas Sj1,192,3196. APFLE EXPORT1Nd. The 1lIeuse cent into comaîîttcee ou Mcfr Fls'ier'e resolution uegardicg tic size of boxefor package expert up-- plie. Mc. Fisher explinnctheti objecl te bc toee thelie 'sies et expert-- crs iy etubiisluina box for ail ex- port uppies. Tic box muet lbe of good eeusoaed wood, uith a mini-- muai leelde nensurcmcnt eftetn indcetdeep,cevn ucesîît, anrd hwenity ladites long, repreeeri1-tiiig ns acur as -iý;possble ue toueît wo hictIceti cubin ladie, Wicaboxes ou banî'els have trys r tille-ce te give sepurate ceoi,,tneiit-s forerchc apple lie new regintieus wili net nppiy. Mn. Fiser saidthtese di- amunsions uzere tiese ofthti standard Britsh Colunîbin box, anti md been recoînmeadeti by li1' Fruil-greners Associntions et Ontario, Nova Scotia anti Prince EtinuctiIsland. FENCE WIRE. Sir Wilfrid Laurier infoxaietiMn. Lefucgey tint if nus net ticelinten- tien et tie Governnnulte oinstitute eiy iîtspecticiiof et cde nlre, PENNY 1IANK. Mr..1H(clidrson wus infocaieti by Sir Wifrid Laurier Ihut, eue charter lad hocj r, ,1-rif-r znen 0i hli- wAl a rtour ae s omt.aip LIFE ON THE, RAIL IS A [TARD ONE O.P R. Engineer's Experiene with Dodd's Klidney PRIS. Tiev Brougit Be.ek bis Streagli Wheu He Coulti Neilior rest nor Sleop, WIN' NPEG, Man., Fcb. 13- (Specia)- Mr Ben Raffrtytie well known C.P.R, englacer, wiese hanse is at 175 Mapio Street, is oue Winnipeg man whe swears by Dodd's Kidney Pills. "Long heurs on the englue sud tic mental straInbroke down mv coastilu- tien," Mr. Rafferty sys. "My' back gave eut ontiruly. Terrible, sbstp, cutti- pvains followod eue anolier, tili' i belIt fw-as being sliced away piecemeal. 1 weisld cerne iu thred le doth frein a rua My srle desiro would bu te gel resl and sieep. and lies' were fie vers' lhings 1 eould net get. Finants' I ad te iay off work. ';Thon I started te labo Dedd'8 Kid. nay Pills, and lie fit-st night aimer uîing them. I siept soundis'. lu i ree days I tbrew away lie bell' I had weru for s'ears Dodd's Kiduey Pillscured me," JUijuEs FoRt FALL FAîa's-Scperhn tendeiit Cowan, of tie FPeu Faits de. parinunt said that the moeurent f ir eunpîcymnent cf expert juige bad galned greatly lu et engti dutiag lie pasît year. lu 1903 ihure wure 118 faire whicis ased exprsr lset yuar thue numnber iad lucreaeud te 1.52, Harsa jeudgus, 28; beef, cattiu and sheep judgee 19; dmlry, catîhu sud ewluu judgea, 20; peulîry ju'dges, 20; judges cf dairy producîs, 3; lady dernonsitralers, 6; a total cf 90, Cliambelaln's Stonsach and Liver Tablets, For weak digestion, blciing or seur -otomach use Ciamburiain'e Stomach ad Liver Tablets sud s'eu wilî gel quiek relief. For sale bv aIl drug.Jsués, ALL FOR AFFEARANÇ'ýES. Ie'vryfouti et hec, sui' i asq fen1d et 1ber a-à,ho le fend cf o v- Columbia and1 Western Raiiway Coin- pany--ýMr. G alliher, respecting the Atlantic, Quebec and Western Rail- uay Conp nay-Mc. Gauvreau; lacer- porating thc St. Mary's and Western Ontario, Raii-way Crompany-.Mr. Mc- IntYre; repecting tie Ottawa, North- cru and Western Railwny Company- Mi-, .Belcourt. The bill to incorpor- ate the St. Mnry's and Western On- tario Comnpany provides for ai Une froin tic C.P.R. hctwcon Woodstock and London to Sarnia, via St. Mai y's anti Exeter. It is providcd that thc C.P.R. iaay take over the CARTWRIGHT COOKNOIL. BLAUKSTrccK, Feb. 6th, 1905. Regular meeting held on Monday Fub. 6th; Members preseut: Reeve G. L. McLaughlin, presidlng, and Conn- cillora R. Jobb, J. Byerre, T. F. Bruce aud J. G. llooey. Minimues of Isat meeting read, sud ou motion con- firmed. A communication was recelved frein the Cuunty Clerk, gîlng a descrIption of land te bu soid for taxea: the north of lot 6 lu con 6. Frein the C. P. R Co, lu reforence to a fl&z station bet ieen concessions 4-- and 5, OartwrIght, etatIng that further communication would be sunt. Counties Coonucillor A. Taylor, ap- puared buforu the Council ab the ru- qacat of Mr. M. D. Willams, of Bow- manvillu, iu refurencu te the weigh mcales nt Nestieton. At preseut, khels ,;Ps a difficulty about outaide bayera beiug allowed te welgh ou the teaies, which was a great inoonvunience te the farinera lu that vicinity. Ou motion tie Clerk was Instractel to write te, Mr. Kennedy, th'e preseut owner cf the ,sosies, and te the Q. P. R., Isying the matter before therm sud sttîng that unuiuse aatisfactory arrapîgeý meute eau bu made, that step wil bsi tyâkeu to put anothur set thora. SJames MeKe spçded te have a new' Road Beat estsbliahued on the quarte.. line east ou con. 4, Including the prop arttisecf Robert Parr, John M. John ston sud Thoý. Stineon. Mr. Job Graham ased permission te ont dowu soea amall pinu Ares on con. 1, sud c'ffred te draw soins gravel in exchange for the saine. The entter wss loftInl the bauds of Cotin. Byers te arrange, providing there was no objec, tdons by parties whoze prcpri a plues were opposite. A By-law te shlow the Resys sund Tretsanrur te borrow frein tima to tiinu. sucl monie as masy ba requîrel te maeet carrent uxpenses wss introduced by Coun Byars aud passsd. The Auditoi a. Mesers. Fred Hyland sud W. A. VanCamp, preaented their Report wblob was received sud adop. ted The Auditors in presentiug thuir Re- pnrt, paid a compliment te tie Clerk, r.W. Jý Beacock, sud the Treaere-r, Me. J. McLaugbllu, for the verýy affi- aient manner lu wbleh the books bad bEeau kept. Both gentlemen weru wor- thy of gruet creîý. Mr. Beacock re- plied, thankIog thin for chuhr compli- mentary remarks, Ordure were drawa ou the Treasnrer aîs fo iows: W. fleeken-Indigeut 82 50; Mri. J. Irwln, $4; Municipal World, $;H Poole, for use of bouse for election, Jan. 25tb, $4; Jmas W. Bradburn, twe-thirds vaine of oe mhep kilud by dogs ou Jan. 26mb, $5,- 34; A . uariburt, $1,50 for work eoue on road at CSaesar's creak; W. Barton, bill of abatament for ancolleted taxes, .83.3.4; Jamesi Gale, eider blauka, $1 50. W. A. VanCamp enai F Hylaud, comvices se Auditors, Q6 raci; kMr. Mar- lowe, $2 for upe cf Hall fur au At LEVER BRÔTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO. at om WTHUTPain, Daniger, or Timne Prom WOrkby the WONDERFUL DISCOVERY of an emineint Toronto Speile J.R.KECHSO, s~,justice of Peae aoR sY.ge00 ,~~ # Ont . s otrait hereapas j ue t 88 yarsb h great Discovery of the Rupture Specialist, Dr. W. S. RiCe, 2j East Queen'St. (Block .5.-5 , Troronto, Ont. -To ail Rup4ured suifer- eýrs, who it at once, Dr. Rice will eend FEE, bis BOOK, '4Can Rupture be * Every Day is Bargain Day At the *People's Fuel and * Lumber Depot. * We are stili handling Best Brando Canadian v ements, British Columnbia Ried Cedar and other igood * * Brands Cedar and Pine Shingles, Pîne and Hemliock D * Lumber, Dressed andi Undressed, Doors, Sash. Bid * and Mouldings. Fresh Mined Scranton goal, Cannel Coal, Steam e Goal, Charcoal, ilard and Sof t Wood, Long, Saked. ande Split, Slabs, Edgings,- Land Plarter, Fine and Coarse 4 Sait in barrels and saeks. We always aim to give the best value, at reasonable prices. Highest Cash Price 5 paid for Grain and Seeds. * King St East, Bowmanville. 00 8--0 u 1 The Canadian SOiver Typewriterg The Standard Writer SAgents Wanted. a .0 Write for our special off er, 5s 0 CANADIAN OLIVER TYPEWRITEIR CO., g* 184a St. James St., Montreal, KAISER A1ND TmmPERA1NCE Pavera 'Gcman Ofricers Drîn.king Toasts in Watar. A Berlin, despatch saýrs:-Empe)rorý William wiIi give his support to offi- cers drinking toasts in water or non- alcoholic beýîeruges_. ,Llis Majesty's decision came about througha Dr. Adoipli Banzer, of Munichi, a member of the Society Againet ice Misuse of Spiritueus Liquors, asking if officers miglit net drink toasts in water. The Prussian Ministcy of War lias rcplicd that upon bis Majesty's coul- nand the departrnent accu-rs:- "Neo compulsion exists to partake of toasis iu alcoholie drlinks, and thot it mnay be lef t to the move- mnent now in pi-ogress to advanca this idea in aIl circles"- SALE 0F FAT CATTLE. AnnuaI Provincial AuctiLon Sale to be Haid at ttawan. rangements have been compieted f oi the provinciail salesof fat beef cnt- tic. They wiîJýl b aautitoned at Of.4 ta\ua nnMach10, at IPo-rt Ferryý on !Mardi 141, at aelrft on Mard 16,ami t Guiphon rc 22. For t he flirst time pries 'iP be given fur the best an)*imais. Thierol wili be thrcc nuards for bulle, anti tîvo for, cows 'Asparagus is the oldea3t plant uscd tor foýod. Nearly 1,000,00C tclegrnms are sent over tic worlid's wires daily. There is aomething convîncingi3m neabout a îvido w's igniorance. Chas's OlntMont is a certain % MÈ ud absoncUe for eaob and very, form of itchinr, biedfligand ipretrudlng piles, île, ufcuer a~ urnte t ue6tes. mOnrsl h ai rsssdai ornlh TIcote esacisya-A-" J' VhI5~ N K II@f j y' We have used «ISunlight Soap," and we want te 'tell you that il is lie best soap made, that's why we are writing. We found eut that lie Sunlight way is tic best way tq wash wîth " Sunlight Soap." At first we used to wash with Sunlight tSoap in lie old wny as we did withs common soap, but afler we wasied nccording te directions printed ou the package, we would neyer wash lie old way again. We first soap the articles, 1l'enve tiernte seak and tien rub out lightly on lie wash board. Net mach te do and il makes the clothes white as snow. ASK FOR-THE OCTAGON -BAR Sunlighzt Soap washes tkýe cZothes white and won't inju-e ithe kands. niglit, wili be t i n-- ed 1 t r o 1 f th, 'l "" ý a.- - . - -. i U for ex'entifon of .9a.- ! ýn -P --L -4-

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