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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1905, p. 6

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Litie ive Pus. Soee lacmSi mlle Wrapper Below. Eoec a uellà p L E m 0 m CRE S17K FADACHE. ADVERTIING RAES. The v rndia SatemanspWublEIshe PI LL8ednesay mon TIng at e ffc 26hr Canadian BltatesKng puSret Bowmanville, Ont., by M. A. James, Editor and Proprietor. Subscription $1.50 per annusa, or $1.00 if paid etritly in advance. Advertising rates, transint advertissng, tee cents per fine, first insertion; five cents per line each subsequent insertion. Contract rates on applicat>ion. DENTISTRY. G. 0. EONNYCASTLE, LDS., m. S., Ilono. Graduate in Dentistry af Toonto University. Office-j e Cen- trali Millinery. Entrance first door West ai Big 20, 1ownianville. 1A. E. McLAUJGHLIN. flarrister, Solicitor and Conveyaacer. Offce:-JlleakleY Block, King Street, flownanville. MoneY ta joan at reason- able rates, 48-lyr. ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. 'FEICE IN HORSEV'S B3LOCK, -0. opposte Towe Hall Entrance, w.here leie wll bc found froin 8 a.rn, ta 9 p.ns. Night calls at resideace, direct- lY opposite Drill Shed. 17-ly. M ArIRIAGE LICrNsEs-m, A. James, Issuer of Marriage Lic.. enses. Residence. Centre street. SIMNPSON & BLAIR. D. 13. SIIJPSON, 11. o., CHAS p. BLAIR, liarristers, Solicitors, Notaries, etc., Mforris Block, up-stairs, King atreet, Ilowqmanville. Solicitors for th e 0ntrio Bank. Privato rnaneys jean- ed at lowest rates. DENTISTS. WilI heatniBhackstock an the first Monday of encis monti, et Orono 2ati Maatiay, ail day, anti nt New- cactle ici Wednesdny lur 2 p.m. Office:-Tampcu-nnoe St., ]30w-man, ville, rear af Higginbotians's drug store. DN TISTY 0. HARNDEN , LD.S., Guaduate of tle Royanl Collage of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. Offic:-Opposite T. hIinglîam's office. VITALIZED AIR. 'Do 'it1Now COAL Of ail Sizes, tise best mined in A merica, FLOU R. Made by the Beet Known Millers in Manitoba and Ontario FEED Of every Ikind and description British Columbia Cedar S - Shingles Try thse Old Reliable Fiu-m o! JouN GILIBERT & SON, whliseale and retail dealers in Grain, Beede. Flour. Coal and BriiihColumbla Siingles. Second te None. Goods delivered promptly in al parts o! the town. Largest Stock Prices tise Lowest JUno. Gil b e rt & ESo n King St. West. 1jowmanvile -.= 5TM E YoungMalérWomna mia invests je a Businss, Siortlenci, I Telegu-apiiy ou- Englisis course ni f CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE î j p ~ ON 111 FARI.~MO ny I did itI 110OW TO MArýE CEEESE ON TBE FAEM. 1 baievc tint tiare is a place fer bigis grade cheasa at goot puicas, ats w-ail as for bigli grade dniu-y butter, anti îsany a fariner cana w-eu-krp a spacial tu-ada for ut special grade cheesa, says Prof, John W. Decker. Thare ara tire genou-ai classes cf chese-the aciti durd anti the sweeat curd. To maka the chedariin-ou-aciti cbeesi. tsve-tenths per cent. cf aciti sheulti ha puesent la the milk w-ban rentiy feu- the reneat. Sudh a milk wili coagulai c in -10 seconds w-ban Hanen's raneet extract is uset witli the Menu-ad ratînet test, la the Menu-ad t est, five cublo cantimeteis of the rentist s diutedti t 50 cubic cantimeters, anti thu'n five cubic con- tîmneters of this tiluta rene4 us ad- Led to 160 cuiîic centimetors of miik et 86 degrees F. A five ai a half par cent. soution of Arnieur's scale papsin lias tisa sanie lesîgîl as Han- sen's extinot. If desreti, hall ais ounce te an ouncaeof. annate coler, llansea's eth er standard buanti, -par 1,000 poutissla atidedti t the milk. The murk shoulti hava a tamperature of 86 degreas wlien set, "set" beiîug the tarai s rîa for adtiing the reinet. Use at the î-ate cf 4 ounces of IHaec's rannet te tic thousanti pountis of miik. An ounce 15 appu-oximiatclY 30 cubîc ceatisrieiers, se that fou- aveu-y 100 peuntis 12 c. c. of' rennet wil haeu-quiîeti. Scale pepsin that can hae bonglit at the tirng store can ha substitutoti for the rennai. Arîusour's scale pepsie, stuengtb, 1.3000 when matie up into a fuva anti a hall par cent. solutions 15 equal iii stîeagtli te flaîîsen's u-aanet cx tract,. Oaa hall' grnm or asie-sixisetis of an ounce cf this scane pepsin peu- 100 pountis of milk is approximately of The Mooney b:akery has doubied in1 size in the first year.' The bakers are workirug ight anud day, the railroads are running extra trains, the grocery stores are busy as becs, and the whole nation is cracker-hungry- ail because of Perfection ICream Sodas Gro- Cfrl eveuy- where have tbem.. sponding reduction in the grain por- tion of the ration, iniglit have upon the production of mnilk. butter fat, gain je live ixeiglit, cost of the ra- tion and colisaqietly profit. In other wor(Ls, can silage Obe inade to takçe the place of a cens i erable por- tioni of the grain usually led te dairy cows? The silage used inl this test svns a mixture of one ton of sey heans anda com7peas te tire and one-half tons af silage corn. There was nearly twice ns niannvsey beancs je the mixture ns cewpas. The silag_,e cern iraqs very e loue sanieproportion as 4 oeuces a l01 a uvintar i1n eai i- you mut taxe internai remedii. 515.1,0 Fanse's axtu-act peu- 1,000 peunlîtisifav rable r oig oanu-Catarrli Cure te laken lnternally, anti ets di- fvrbeseason. Tt is net inuscom- sectly on tlie Ilooti anta andaus surfaces. Ftall's of mîlk. Tc papsin soluition dater- o htslgcrnanewltstCataruli Cure le not e quack rmediqine. It w-es lerates rapidly anti shoulti ha matie iostn iaecinaoe etprescrilsed hy ane of thse est plsyiicianu luu ihis as higi, antd even higlier, in dry country for yeers, ant i ea reguilau-prescription. Up freshs oaci day. nîntter, andsicruti' pretein, ns -, h isecamposed aI he le.t teniem kaown, ecan- WMon thaeni-ti bas becomne firian t idti iis tai vtti sîilage. binedi wthithe besi hlood periflers. aating di- everticfin- Tc cera imdiree ist iîca tiiryrectly on tIc mucaus surfacel. The î,erfect cîsougli te break clean vrte ig h osssdwr e da ar combination of tie two ingu-edicuits je whlat pro- au-, h i rcady te eut. 'Ple cuttiîîg is coîrs by atîy clones. See f dîsces such isondarfel resulte in eurlsg Catarrh. donc flusi iiti theahri hnallie te aevr ol ns tesSentI for testimouiasfe -e. lienmil ic orirata ties n-e vry o-A nes othîs P J. CIIENEY & CO, Prope., Toledo. O. andte hte paipeedicutar ona. coult ihardly b l ehaseti as dtiry Solti hy druggisls. pnieu 75c. Tic cubes shouhd lha about cele-hall ComaW . One tibjoct (<f the experimient Take Rals Family PilUs fer Constipation. of an iînchinl diamaetar. Tic cui'd was te test tic affect of tic rations particles shoulti ba set in motion Iused i pon tiffet'cui types of cowg.1 carcfully anti thon tlue Icat starsted Atu thc tinie tic. selc-l las w-eu-e sade SURE EPJOIGH. anti raiseti gt'dunhhy te 98 degrees At ias tîsou1 liht thaItishe groupa w-re F. La -an heur anti a hall' lîoai the - mil qa s oliwaih Henu- yosîi'ohd iuinister S gona la lima reenet w-es atidet tihe urtinas ad. lala oudwllb oir itsialismi.- ahouldi ho firîn andt showv finle iiky Twan-edaics we- ldcruyig "Vos, he's gene mu-eeg cota- tliraads cet teaxaeionsennu-cgiti of pheteh thradsne teexeedoneigithofpîacticnlly the sanme amunat cf dry plte- an inclin leengtli on the lot lu-on i matter. ha oeratioti over 50 peu -Why, boir an a yu sny tint? Ee's Thle îrhey shouldti ten hea unîtir-ci-ttof tis tiry tuatter w-as duruiveti ail rite niom." mediately. Lactie aciti ticslopet inlafuom ilage anti hem tIen 18 par the whay anti this uniteti mils curd Icdnt. iras diriveti from grain.FO OVRS TY EA . chnnging it inte a gisiey subs-tancc In the other ratiosn ovar 57 peu- O VE ITYYAS miti strings on the lot luor. If ceint. of tise dry snantet- ias derivet Mu-S. Wiaslew's Sooihing Syu-up lac ibis tes chopa, tee l'au-, hfore tisai fs-oas grain, nce ane eng lad. Ican uneeti y esiiions eofnuethere for ieg tic, mhey, it ilîl speil tiec cieese. Ton cowîV, repu-esc îticg five dîflat- thalu- dhiltire w-hile taethieg. ,Il dis- The w-hay is tura off anti thie uîrteuitlir'eeds, w-re ladl these ratiens turbcti at nîght asîtibu-eken aI y-sur phaced upen a rack te drain.- The Item tire te four meontis, ire ceira1 rest by a siclk chilti suffcring ai -y- giuey substance ientioned i aakes thie-tnking tie test the full fobu- nontis. jing wili pain ofl Cutting 'racti, sent curd particles rua tegether aui-iclose The.caîrs fedthti- silage ration pro- et once- anti get a bottla cf 'Mus. up tic spaces, batieen tlim. *-T-lhe die-d 96,7 îiountis of ciîl anti5.08osi Wslom's Soetliing Syrup fer Chl-- mass ef curd- shoulti ha cut ,lato jpeits 1ef butter fat peu- huetretidu-ca ,Tcetliiiig. t miiirellera Lia blocksý anti le turau'd over ciii n te pouiis cf dry iîtier. poorl- ittha suffercu- immadiataiy. Da- let the w-bey tiinaout, le tic Thse doms lad the grain-ratio n pro- pend upen it, mothers, tlIare je ao course cf an leur ou- an lieus- atInd tiocet 81.3 pounssof mik anti 3.9 asîstake about it. t cures Daroa hall' frointhti ticie thce wley w as pountis of butter fat peu- huetireti reguletes thc stoînach anti bomels, drame off the curd wili bave nat titi poluids of dry inatter. curas Winti-Calie, selteas then Guma, tegether se tint it mili tenu-isula The ceai of' leeti per u- udreti retindas haflammîation, anti gises tone distinct grain like ment bisn atlhiu- auns ~of îîîjlk mas $0.687 xii tie anti ane-gy te île w-hole sysiem. a's bu-asi,ati h mwilaihew lf ne slg aio ad$.55wt h Mu-s.Winsloi's Soethiag Syu-up for siiky tircads etsincli long on thse hot grains ration. Thle cosi of Ituti peu- chiltiren teethsing le piensant te tIc lu-on. t is liais put thu-cugi -hidpeau-' of butter fat mas 13.1 censts teste andi us tle prescription of one snilhl te eut it up ilite saîl, cvrî- isîthuilsa ge rations anti 22.1 cents oI the oldast anti hast femala physi- clu-ad pinces Ior salting. Bhi e -dy witi the grain ration. clans anti aurses la thbe Uniteti te saitý, île curd, is ceolcti toeigity 'Tieaerage net pîrofit peu -rcei peu- States. Price tw-enty-flve cents n degreas, at whlîci tomrpcu-atuî-e the month i(oe a s-ot (if tfeod) w-ns $5- hottle. Solti hy ali ruggisia tîrougi- fat milnet rua. Tireand a hall 864 xmitis th(c ainge ration anti $2.- out tle w-ou-id. Be sue anti ask fou- pouatis toe e unstreti cf custi is cd- 465 witicth grains ration. ",Mu-s Wieslow's Soothieg Syrup.". dat anti stirrtierautely. WheCtheti Coîspariag île, areraeo aily pro- 1-_ curti bacoîsses mielloir agails it 1h1 duet cf ead ca-w fiu- tihecîtiro test FLVE H-UIBREII'"V. C., uendy for the press. It shalislt . ha mtliier aveu-agc daily preduct fou- presseti firinly for ai leat 20 hious. theiisîoîth proviens to île change ini Thero as-e fit-e huntinot heuo- Whan talion frein tliseics it is pîne- ration (el- the ilirai asionti of thuelu of ail ranka han tic British neguinu- cd in the cusiag rousis, w-il h h etcci ts ltise case of tire doms), île armoy alie lave attainoti the distiinc- net excet 65 dcgîees in, tîmrpes' ture. con-s lad tic slagc ration slirank. 2.- tien of tic Victoria Cross, that sira- The dhesi onît iehoturneti acni rîîb- 84peu-ceint. in iik ndstiga i neti 1.89 ple deconatien "fou- valor" mhiel is bcd encb day. Wies tiro machs olti pet cent la lutter fat productions. uehvensnily regarfied as of iicîn tliey ny, hcpaicietid _aFen liltcoi iti ri ato hakparabie value andsi sgîsificanca. t ile oI bot paraffine. Thtis ii clou-k 9.11 prceatin ii ade418i laimet ilfor tie 24t1 Ragiment, evaponaticnanadtiprevénttmoldlîîg. butter fi i production.crs, tnt ias teSth et leet cf tic_ Tic checea mlilecnendy toe ut is upon tise ccclusice of île exPet'i-erstatBuitisasi etitc umbfarh moru e mrtey ntIsber iftong îfsmn ai ote e- -fut er.cf iinners of the Victoria Cross, mor haon leymii halaI leige-.have geati in lite w-ig. Thils- n ilchithias produscet. t las six- auge laid cons ais aveu-age of 17~te taa ntcgîr ola SILGE S.GRAN.pounsts per heaul, tie grain ieti doms agninst, te take the ccxi bîghasti During ticeulîiterccd sprnîg ci aisns veu-cgcof57 hcuntis peu- henti. imlsuesfontteen of ilie Rifle Brigade 1904 île Ohio Agctutîal Expesi- Ticl' au-sh lie-icreporteti secta to jat hrte ttc.ig oa ment Station cotîducteti an xperil- juatily the conclusnion tiret silage Rifles, nient te datelisice shsat eliecc i te cans le maide te tako île pince of n feeduîsg ef more silice thietfs isad-coiisiden-,rle oportions cf tie grain te Caeolieu tsnCrd hy lad ib tiairyneii. mils a dom-m-- ra i 0e11.- t is belieredthtit by grem- -Anahr as flieaneî Crt ____________________________ing moe of tic fectis ridl inl pro- b imcli' anBli taiîs-dlovr, allalfa, s0y heaîus, cois- peas, fieit peas, seiches anti ensile- Toefec !CahreaePi ýà â LW ig tliem, ou- feeding tlcm nas hny, Bnîm ini the relief o!fnieumatism is bo- it wiihibh possible te fuenlier reduce ing temonstrRted tieily. Pau-ber Triplet alUnaïe s tic anieunt cf grain lad, of Grisbv, Va., seve tbnt Chernberlnin's I is the axpectatice of île sta- Pain Baim gae e him permanent relief tien tte continue tIc expaimant tic from rieu'matisr n atise back w-hon OIdsocres whic'h refuge to îoloîîw-ng winter. everythin-melse ailed. and ho would not yieIcI to any other tu'entmentj are cured by Dr. Ohanea Ointmnent Many ortie cures irougit ant tirougi thse extraou-tinau-y antiseptie heahîng powers af Dr. Claies Ointmet are truhy marvehieus. Ecîcina, sait rleumn anti itdling ikin dit-eames isildi seemn to dcfy tic ckili of physiciani are leing tîarouglhy anti permanaently cereti lyDr Chases Oliment. MR. JOHN POLLARD, Ehe Bay, Algonua C..j Ont, writes ;- " Lait spieg I iaid a rennîng eau-, rigît on tie knee cap anti coulti scurcehy gat auoued îvluh it. It was tic tereit thiug 1 ever lad anti woulti ieep censtanthy gatiening anti lrealuieg. Thougi I1tu-ed maey salves anti liniments tatthe inet tees te te me aiylgatd curetia7box anti can frecly iayit cureti my eg aed I cannet ipeais tae iigihy of ii woneirlul heaing powrer."' Dr. Ciates Oliniment, 60 cents a box, nI cli dealers, or Edmanson, listes & Ce., Toronto. Te proteci yen againt imuitaions thc poutrait aeu4 igeratisre of Dr. A. W. Clase, tise fanions veceipt book autior, au-e on every bou. FEEDINO 'PiE bIRSES. ha caî'ing fou-tihe hersa thequestion cf proper fecding is ail importaînt. Tise cane givemi île hou-se aloag other uines ny ha donc exndtiyrigît, but tIc feeding esay not ha givea propen .iudgicieist. Tee nîaey lau-mars do net fecd tiair lisess sctfficiently lionsy, mille on ticemiller landti tIre ara those w-li overde île matter. Tic raisiake is tie light feadiag of lieu-cs applias especially te the hers- as tînt ara expectedti tede heavy lau-m trou-k nly, aitheugli many of tiensectane herses ai-ae bligadtitede net eîly farci w-etk, but rond w-ou-k besides. If von ceasuit tle sinuis-- tics of abuse of tic lange cities in relerence te tuis maties', w-c miilflati thlsat lieuses tiare ai-c much bettes- led ns a ruin than tiose on the lau-m. To illustrate ibis point, tic average rend herse lanithe clty, ou- the sireat bu-ses tîni arc duawîeg cabs anti loatis of about siiailar meight. au-e' led lu-cm 14 te 15 pouatis of ente be w-inent it. iFou- sale boy au arit-g'ets. BlIaTTER ASR HLM. A Lairu tells hem ondce'a smail bey got thc bettes' cf hlm is cros s- exemissatien. Part cf -tle questions- ing andtihticreplias ibereto er-at-sn fllows-s "Have yenuaîuy occupation?" -No." "Bo'i yol.ido acy w-ou-k ai ail?". ,,No." "Jusi bonI nuoucti home?" "'Phslt's nient ail." "iWbai dees youu- fathar de?" "Nothii anmch." "Docesn'i hae do nnytbing te rap- "Ha dees otitijobs once la a w-hile whec he aena gaiiheci." ','As a miaties' of faci, îs'i your f nibar a pu-tty woutbess flloir, cnrly nîmnys flghting,-anti a bal- au?-" "I don't kène-, sir; -yudbetler aslc him. ne' s sitta' aveu-tisera la t.hedjur-box't e Now Use Liquozo"e. WntYGu Try It Fre 1 an& 10 to 12 peuntîs of hay daily, anti irere cou-n la a part of the ra- tion.,Vhe lrepotLions, are about la, pouis of coic, 10 pjounds of cats anti 19;pouatis naI ay. In feetiicg of tlya xlray herse,, wbosa work is more sîeauly like that of the fari heu-se, the rationi is et lenst oaa-hall more fhan w-at tit s for herses do- ieg lighter w-ork. Let us stop. anti compara fer a metent thesa rations with thosa led b7, the average lau-m- er, Wjthti,. se fermers, in tee nrany casas, the ration for grain is cou-n stover for rougbage, and if cern stever is not usael fer rotiglhaga, a peer quality of 'suy is cf tan ans- ployed. t je net te be wondared at, tlieî, that mnny feu-m herses quickly wear eut w-han spring wet'k begins. The l'armner shoult ha pt-e- paroti te fecti ents ns a part oý the regular ration througheut the year, il at ail possible; especially is this truc w-hon liavy w-ork is being car- rieLi on. He sbould nim te feed fou- the woîk whicb the animais are expactedti t do, anti beau- in maitd tbat w-lera herses are employed te do farm-woî-k anti go on tlie rond besides, grant care shoulti ha exarcised inlafeeding preperly. e RIIALWAYS BILLS PASS. The flnilw-ay Coimittee lînsseti four bis, as flloirs: Respectiig the Columbia anti Western BRailwtsy Coin- prny-,ýMjr. Callihar, raspacting tise Atlantic, Qnehec anti Wetern Rail-- w-ny Coîîîpnny-Mu-. Gurni lcer- porating the S. Mry' ani Wstern Octarie Railw-ny Coinpaay--Mr. Me- Iyr;respectiag tic Ottawra, North- cris and Western Railway Cemipany- Mi. Eelcceuu-t. The bill te incerpor- ae the St. Mnry's anti Westerns On- taqrie Coîaipaîîy prevîdas foi, n lina frein the C.T'.R. betiraca W'odsteck andt London to Sarnia, vin St. Ma's acd Exeter. It is lîrovideti ilint tise C.P.R. inay take oer the line. Catarris Canftot be Cured. iiti LOCAL APPLICATIONS. as ihey cannai reecli the seat of thse diseese. taeri lue alood or coastitutional disease, anti je arter ta cure It dector la there, anti I lave reniiy neglecteti lier for a w-lbw-eek." be little Mariotta w-as weh buatil- ed, anti taken for a ride. Mary Jane ,kapt a iraicl on tie rond, antI iisai she saw lhe-inetîser disappau-inte Mu-s. lLLunt's sida ticer sic stertati feu- tic bil back cf tisa bau-e, feel- ing tînt the time lad nctunlly au- rivet w-hec sIec ca-ad tu-y lier skll ai stearing n slnd. Reachiag tle brow cf thse hill,.she pushed AMariat- ta te thc front, tien takieg- tho rear ns bau- brother titi. she gave a stout pusi, and nmay they w-cnt. Aftar the fis-st instant ail sanse left bai', andtihtIc cxi thiîig she. rea- lizeti aie lay la lie- moetc's bcd, anti boi heavy nd izzy liai' lient faht! Heri right cbeek bone w-as iruisei; thare w-es a long gash over hie- right aye, antd iheu- w-uists anti lande w-ara skinaed. "A cnu-rew scape," haew-es say- ing; "a w-ende- she an't killeti." About quarter w-ny town the bill the slati bati siervld,-anti lad run icto a pend htrac iriti sud feu-caas te thu-ci Marielta sevaral feet te, ccce sida, smash eut thc big sýtoutj rendtinl frotît and senti Mary Jane full ngalîîst thc tu-ce, knocking licr scnseless. FarerniuButler- anti bis hireti men w-ara lotderîng the cattie at tlie 10w- au- bau-a anti sair tcshetle as it startei. >Tley i-an te the rescue, but only inl tii' te pick, Mary Jane up, 'carry lieu- te thea buseý, anti snm- mec tic deeror lu-osatic neigliber's. Lt mes n long tima baera Mary Jane ceultisst up, anti she lad atueb tiqnia feu- serious reflactien. Oaa day w-hile iin a rcuslly penitent iinooti, she, had a long conversation w-îthliber parents, w-len she cenlcssýed bier f acît and promiset inlathe future te ni whlat tliey saiti anti neve- tisobey thein. -1 bave suliereti se mach la mind anti body siece that day," she adi- tiet. "Whlle T1 kacirtint it.,w-as mu-ecg te ignorp your ativice, I fait nxieus te show George thet girls ceulti do exnctly as much ns, boys, andti ttobecoulti rot, put esu airs ave-nieanaîy longer. But 1 arn scu-ny, anti shah neve- ha self-millet aga le." PERFECT CONFIDENCE. Wiere thora useti to be e feeling of uneesiness anti worry in tise honsehulti w-len e cisilti showad symptams of croup, Lieu-e la noir perfect confidence. Tîîus le oiving te tise uniform success of Chamherlans's Ceagis Rematin lathe treniment ef tînt diseese. Mu-s. M. 1 Bnsforti, of Poolesville, Md., ln speek- ing of ber ex peu-lance ln thse use of tiet u-amedy cave: "I have a world of confi- dence in Chamberlain'% Cougli Remedy for I hsave used it wits perfect success My chilti Garland is suhject to caeue ettecks of croup ant i t alwavs gives hlm prompt relief." For sale by aIl drugglsts. THE KING AND CANADA. It is, Impossible for His lYajesty ta Corne te Sac lic. Tic rmor that tic Ring anti Qucea inteniedtu tePay a visit te Canada la tic course of this ycnr mas premptly coatu-adicteci, anti oni the face of it ir as liighly impre-I hable. Lt menîti be difficuhi Ifur t'a Ring ta hieaay rons Great Buitaîn ce long ns a riait te, Canadamut Fnecesaita. Ih is truc tîn tc el egraph hlas donc nînuclite, facihitate! the asevements of Sovarcigas, andti t diminisl thc incoavanience of theirl absence lu-on the place ofthe centrali Goeuainent. To cross the Atlantic'I anti speeti neaw-eks la Amnerica woecit, hoeu-ve-, bha n emus under-ý tnking,. anti it coîlti hau-tly be adop- ted ixitliout appointisg a tempeu-ary Regeont. Belicate questions meuiti arisa, also, w-ith referenca te the Uniteti States. The Kinug andt Quen cenîti bau-Lly visit Canada mitieuL going te ticeItaitati States ; anti yet, 1 MLllîôons of people, of nine different nations, au-e constant users of Liquo- zone. Borne are using h to get weh; some to keep -well. - Borne ta cure gerni diseass; some as a tonic. No medicine was ever sowitiely esaployeti. These usera are everywhere; your neighbors and friends are among them. And half the people you meet-wher- ever you are-know some-one ,whom Liquozono las eured. If you aeed help, pionce ack some of tbeffe usera 'whlst Liquezone doec. Don't blindly talte medîcine for w-bat' medicine cannot do. Drugs neveu MIl germe. 'For your own cake, acs about LiquoZone; tien let us buy Yeu a fulil- eise bottle ta try, We Paid $100,O0O For tise American rigs ta t Liquo- zone. We did this after tesiing the product for tira years, tîrough plysi- sians and hospitals, efier proviag, la thousands of dlffercn.i cases, tînt Liquozýone destroye thse cause of eny germ. disease., ILquozone lias, for more thana 20 years, been the constant subjeet of scientific and chemical research. It fis rot matie by compountiing drugs, for with autcoisol. Its virtues'are tiariveti solely froni gae-71nrgeiy oxygen gas- by a procees requiring Immense appa- raine anti 14 tinys' time. The resuit la a liuiuid tint does wmat oxygen does. Itla1 a nerve foodi anti blocti foodi-the FOLKS MARY JANE'S DISOBEDIENCE. Tt was prime wether for ceasting; the laast tang w-ns la the air anti a thick crust on the sneir, The sida 1111 back of elti Farater Butleu's bau-a was the place toirard whlc'b aveu-y bey w-ho ow-neti a sled made bis w-ny. Tt w-as feaufuLly steep at the top, but later on struck a geatle incline anti w-ban the gap la the fonce wsn safeiy pnssed a quick tura te the 1 riglit toek one demn anothýer bill fou- a goerd quarter of a mile. But the route w-as a trille dangereus for novices, as the'first li w-as set eut te peacb trees. Tliey steeti at regu- lau- distances npnrt, large, tlirifty treas anti it uequiu-ed a cool beant and mucb experience te keep front running ceuntes te tIhe chseearouett, and striking obstacles. Mary Jane, the l'armer s tau'3ster, iras especialiy fond cf tlie sport, and w-as nîmnys rendy w-honlier eIder brotber, George, asked ber -te const with hii. Seated ie front of hlm on the big green sleLi, witli ler lent est the stout round, she breathlessly enjoyed the sw-ift rues matie anti caver feît the least bit afrait of ha- ing ovaiturnat inl the seoir, for lie understood staauiag a sled te perfec- tion. Timaes irithout nunîber lad Mary Jane coaxed George te alloir ler te try it alene, but- ha invariably saiti "neo," for bei parentslisat expressly forbititen it. Slie nas isiclinedti t lie sjl'Iwilled and aluI,%as aimeti te carry lier point la one a my ciran- other. "Wliy, iny dear dhlt." said lier father, while expestulaling -çritIli er "sou couldl neveu- ranch the foot of the' li lisafety. After yen lad lef t the irow of tlie bilI yen w-ould lese yous- lied-be blinded; anti ne know-ing whlera youî iroulti fatcb up. So do îlot lie se feclislias te untier take it somatime whlen alone, for it will make you mucclinmisery, i n sure." But Yneetin,-., ith so muchcl ppesi- tien enly seî-ved te nanke Mary JTane nie an-ions te know- by actual ex- perience ani dia h determfineti etthte fsust opportL unity te ied eut il' it ra- quireti ae meuch akili te steer a sîcti as George pretenul-d. "Boysa'w-ays fcel se smart," sire muî-mured. 'Tbey w-,net te stand su- parier ta us girls. 1 shahl try fi just te show hum w-bat 1 cen do." Oae plensant aftorneon le Fabru- au-y Mary Jane fouati the opportun- iiy she lied so long waiteti for. Site bad lelpati bat-motiiet - tilti te Sat- uu-uily's w-euk, had baked cookias, pari apples anti cl'3,anç-id the lamps; anti w-len it lînt goiten. arouadti t 4 o'clock the usother lad said, "Now- Mary Jane, yen have helpetimenaa guent deal. Tt is pleasart oui, andi yen can take -Marietta for a ride oit the sled. T will wrap lier ulc w-aIl, ati yen car. keep lier cuit for an heur, as 1 mant le step into M~rs. TTuurt's fou- a little cal1 T set-, the' DR. WEAVER'S TREATMENT. WEAVER'S SYRUP For Humors Salt Rheum Scrofulous Swelfings, etc. WEAVER'S CE RATE Cleanses the Skin Beautifies the Complexion. Cmiethese preparatians att pewer.. flly upen thse system, cempletely eradicet-. ing the Paison je thse llooi.W De-ie & Lawrence Ca,, Ltd., Montreai, Cures Crip c~~i TwoCue a Cys.t 'Toke L ýeaxa t'ive roo n ine Tab L et '?à ee Seven eMfllion boxes SON ipast1i2 months. Ti igau e l le - 2Beaufjfy Y-our'.Home" mont helpful thiag la thre iorldti tayen. Its affecte au-e exhiauaing, vitaliziag, purifyinZ. Yet ht is a germicitie so certain tint we pubish on eveu-y boi- tle an offer oif $1,000 for a disease garni tint it cannot kill, Tise reasion le tînt germs are vegetebles; and Liquozoxe-like 'an excess ef oliygen- la daadly ta vegetal matter. Tiere lies thse great value of Lique-. zona. IL le tthe onhy w-ny knowa te bill germe la' tise bodiy withoutkillIng tie tissue, too. Any tirug tînt buIs germa is a poison, anti it cannot ha takan in-i teu-nally. Every physicien bnow-c tînt medicîne lea Imjost helphess ln any garni disease. Germ Diseasese These nue tise moira garm tilceases. Ail that inadicine can do feu- thece troublas le to heîp Nature overceme tic germe, and sncb recuits nu-e indi- rect anti uncertain. Liquozona attgcks the germe, w-bau-veu-tbey eu-e. .Andl ,when thse germe mmi cause a disease are tiaciroyedtihLe diseae muat anti, [andi forever. Tint le inevitabla. AsthmaaBey F u-nlcn atusess-Ânoemia hlduse?- Iaeasees groncLttie 1 a eiGse ltoodi Poison Leneorîbea »'lgbt's Diseasle Liver Trosubles Boweai 'ronbiee malarla-Neua-alg1% Congls-Colde biany Bec'Troubico Conenumppeonu 'les-Puueîunnla ColecCroup ]Fleuri4, Qutnsi CoutIpation Bbeuun cOus, Catarrîi-Caneus' 8ercfal u-eiphUiii Dysetery-Diarrbea tSkie Bissa ses Dandruff-Drapsy Stemaclu Trzu'ulss) lIys'pupsla TlirotTztuiules ILdceua-trsliuelac ITîurculss. Conceded ta iseil deserve its populat titie, "thse Most beautiful magazine in the world.'" From 45 ta 75 fine pictures ecdiMonili, mauuy of theim un culors, and al of them for framing. Portraits of Celeirities Reproductions of Scenos anti Incidents The very perfection of l'une phuotographie ,go'> reproduction. Bound isith silk cord tri a hansuonize with thecocler schcuse of the caver. The Only Nedazine cf flic Kiid la thse Werld 15- 5 Subeuiption price, $3.oo a ye.2r, ineliîdhuug the SPECIAL CH-1RISTMAS NIJMBER. Âui l-s , uusttou um"V- - ii'l' Bure Puis. Ce., 4 West 22d St., New Ter,% if they ivent te the States, tItis would diminish te soi-e extent the compliment pnid te Canada, andi possibly excite some jealousy in the Dominion. Lt is unhikely that je this or any future year the King wfil. cross the Atlantic, says The Liver- pool Post and Mercury. GUAIIDING TREES. Tisera are preinbly leir inanjînate objacts wbicli have net an occuit sig- nification attachad te thom la semae part of tihe irlrd, and for a long time iron bias been held la veacra- tien by the ciegrees ini the seutli of the United States. Tley have a su- perstition te the affect that î if uon lie hung u ýpon the' branches ofY a tree, it ivili kl'ep off cvii spirits and lain- sure a good crep of fruit. Ia Mary-. mai there is a peacli-trea pI-otecteti la this strange w-ny. Suspendedifrom the trunk and branches are chains, stove-lids, grates, aad !iro)n anus,* andi it is a rcmnrkabi-e Aacit htbnV sinca it bas been se done its crop of penches hias hecome larger ecdiyear. "'Phare goes a mac with a very interasting hlstery," saiti theans- sistant la the bookseller' s. "'You don't-say se? llow de yen know?"' 'II just selti it te hla!" AFTER TEN YEARS. Mr. G-. L. Steiphenson, of Peter- borough, sayst: "Fer over tee ycars 1 sufferati constantly witli Pileýs, lirst Itcbing, then Bleedirsg; pain aimest unbearable; if e a btudcn. Tu-lad everythmng la vain tillI i mcd tPr. LýeGnrrdt' s Hem-ibid. "I la-d taken but ,n feir dos,-,:-wh,,n 1 began te notice an i rvcîiîeat. il -decidetid to keep on, and nîow- aiter usic1, three boxes 1 na gladti te , r I anm com.piLtely cuî'ed. My gcneý healtli bas aise greatl-, ,improveti. l givcs nme grant pleasure te nu-CCià ment iEHcm-Iioid to ail sufferers iir Pilon, andtI if cl convinccd that ivhat it bas doue fer me it w 111 surely de fov tbein.- A $1,000 guau-antece gees iritir everv box of Hr--ti.Price $1.00, ail Truggists, or Thle Wlsoi--Fyle _ Ce., Limited, Niagara Falls, Onit. W.W Pevrers-Geli Stane TuMOTnerllm Gotre--Gout Varicocèle Genzorrisee-Gleet Womtn'B Dibeas Anî diseases that begin wlth fever-alil nfliam. mation-al eatarrh-a.l contaglouas iease-a4 tIse resolts of impure or poisonedi blood. la nervous debillty L1qno7one acts aa . italiffli acompltelgng isbat no drugfàea ndo. 50c. Bottie Free. If you. need Liquozone, and, havq never tried it, pleane send us thig coupon. We willI thea mail you an or- der on a local druggist for a full. size bottie, and we will pay the drug- gist ourselves for It. This is our freb glît, made to convince yen; to sbow you what Liquozone is, andi what i~ can do. In Justice to yonrself, please, accapt it te-day, for Il, rplaces you u&. dier ne obligation ahtever. Liquozone costs 50c. and $1. CUT OUT THTIS COUPON for tluis aller rnsy not appear agaix.. PiII out the blanks au d mail ut ta rhe I.squezone ComPanY, 558-à64 Wabash Ave., Chicago. My disease is................ ........... I have, seVe2r tried ]ýieuzozue'e but if yen vill esupply me a 5oc. bottie free 1 wiil take it. .. ...................... 2............................... Give fu address--write plainly, An y physician or hospital not using IIbqnozonP wili be giadly supplied fer e test. rOn SA.LE Ten acres knownas ntise aid Deacen place aituateti on Lot No 10. ()on 3 Darlington, Tisere je on tise premises e two otory rough onst hanse, eantaining 8 roois anti pantry with wioodshsd udj-ulnlnir. Geai isaler on tisa premie, aiea framec barn, 18 lýy 3.16 Gaod gardon ced an orrherd üf between 300 and 400 epple treo. Teuders wfil e receive cd for tise purcise o f tise cave up tu Mar, 101h. No tender nece3iarlly ecaepted. Te-ns@819Y. For paiticulen.PPIY an tise premidea or 10 W. B. Pincis, ]owmcanville, Tender% ti b. addrcnced 80 D. G. M. Gal. Jbreitis, Barrîzter, Bewmanville. 6 1

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